So Long And Thanks For All The Shoes

Shoe attack on Bush mars farewell Iraq visit

BAGHDAD (AFP) — A journalist hurled two shoes at President George W. Bush on his farewell visit to Iraq on Sunday, highlighting hostility still felt toward the outgoing US leader who acknowledged that the war is still not won.

Still not won!? Gosh, it’s a good thing we didn’t go all out on this:

The ding-ding-hooray prize goes to Jules Crittenden, for the contiguous series of two posts, Bush’s Victory Lap Never Happened To Saddam (comprising Victory Lap and This Never Happened To Saddam), in which our man at the Herald begins by gloating in the inimitable chin-first, smoldery fluster that is his signature style, smelling somehow as it does vaguely of burnt pork and hair; then reappears in an effortless new reality in which the occasion had reversed but the conclusions stayed the same.

If the public utterances of the Wingnuttius americanus mold naturally into the form, “Here is an outrage, and here is who is to blame,” the first outrage is insufficient appreciation of the stunning success of George W. Bush’s Mideast policy, as displayed in his last, leisurely saunter through Iraq; and the response a rote blamestorm encompassing the public and various named and collective media entities:

Though Iraq has slipped down the list of Americans’ concerns as the recession-hit U.S. economy has taken center stage, polls show most people think the war was a mistake.

Either that, or they bought the distortions, outright lies and pro-jihadi propaganda they were spoonfed over the past five years by Reuters and others. Can’t just let [Bush] have his victory.

Heh indeed. Then the shoes flew and another outrage was provided — specifically that Bush haters are amused and encouraged by the shoe-throwing, even though it only goes to show how free Iraq has become since the removal of Saddam Hussein. Here the culprits, besides Zaidi the shoe-thrower, include liberal blogs, Bill Ayers, Barack Obama, the Lancet report(s), and scoffers en masse.

Thus goes today’s ding-ding-hooray prize.

The Internet was won in comments by Smut Clyde, with the phrase, “The insurgency is in its last throws.”


Comments: 373


How did Bush get to Mars and then Iraq?


How long before the first Flash minigame of “Dodge The Shoe” or “Whack-A-Prez” appears?


This is like those guaranteed winner, just spend 1 squillion dollars to claim your guaranteed crappy piece of plastic things you get in the mail, innit.


Of course everyone honest with themselves knows the war was a mistake, which is why the cheerleaders couldn’t wait with their “V-I Day” cop out.


In time, the Iraqi press will learn to be compliant like their US counterparts. Consider this the “birth pangs,” if you will, of the young, corrupt media of Iraqi.


I just heard from the local news, playin gon the TeeVee in the next room, that George Bush’s response to the shoe-throwing guy was to say, “I guess he just wanted to get on the TeeVee. I don’t know what his beef is.”

“I don’t know what his beef is.”??????

Gosh, George, why don’t you ponder that just a little bit. Is there anything that you might have done to make an Iraqi citizen….er…I dunno…get a little annoyed?


I thought that sekrit supplies of deadly footwear had been spirited away into Syria in special sekrit spiriting trucks, at night. Now they are returning. It will be a dark day for democracy if the awesum power of unrestricted footwarfare breaks out.
It’s a footwear incident showing someone up in a very bad light usually because they are not doing their job properly. A sandal scandal.


I think we should all start throwing shoes at Geoge Bush.


Gosh, remember the times when one could only see such things at The Onion?


I hereby pass the internet on to rickygee for the joke about Bush’s ‘lame duck’.

Either that, or they bought the distortions, outright lies and pro-jihadi propaganda they were spoonfed over the past five years by Reuters and others.
Somehow the news agencies have managed to keep up their denial of GLORIOUS VICTORY IN IRAQ, for FIVE LONG YEARS!


I think we should all start throwing shoes at Geoge Bush.

Especially if a Clydesdale horse was still wearing them.


I think we should all start throwing shoes at Geoge Bush.

And ruin a pair of Nike Lodens? Fat chance.


That “V-I Day” thing is really very sad. And the design seriously sucks. I mean, the Statue of Liberty as the I in victory for Christ sake. These fuckers have absolutely no taste at all.


You DEMONcraps will never catch on, will you? That feller wasn’t throwing his shoes AT Mr. President George Willard Bush, he was throwing them TO him! In Iraq, that’s the equivalent of giving him the shirt off of your back, and it was done out of a spirit of enormous gratitude for all that he has done for that Muslamofascistic nation. Wake up and smell the coffee LIEbrals, you lost, so GET OVER IT!


Although our governments have chosen to not name any official day marking the end of this war, we the people have taken it upon ourselves to commemorate November 22, 2008 as the day of victory over the forces of tyranny, oppression and terror in Iraq.

Join fellow bloggers and other members of the public in this virtual ticker-tape parade for our brave troops, to celebrate their success, to remember the fallen, and yadda yadda yadda

Even your fucking ‘Tribute to the Troops” is a delusion.


I just heard from the local news, playing on the TeeVee in the next room, that George Bush’s response to the shoe-throwing guy was to say, “I guess he just wanted to get on the TeeVee. I don’t know what his beef is.”

G, for full emetic value, you had to see the gormless, shifty-eyed grin and who-liddle-me? shrug that accompanied this statement. If I hadn’t had two little dogs napping in my lap, I’d have thrown a shoe myownself.

Give the C-Plus Augustus this much, though: He ducks flying objects like a professional. You can tell he’s had lots of practice, which would kinda reinforce those stories about Mamma Bar’s temper.

Also, as the descendent of a long line of proud alcoholics and muckers, I’d bet a storebought cookie he’s drinking again. Or, more.


I’d bet a storebought cookie

That’s a turn of phrase I’ve not heard.


Oooh, I thought the banner was a special treat photoshopped for us by the ever-lovin’ Gavin. Ick, owlbear, you mean it’s really truly ruly true? Jesus Murphy! Victory in Iraq day? What’s the victory part consist of? Just being there?

I do love the shoe-throwing video, although I’d rather have seen Bush smacked on the nose by at least one shoe.

As for what I’d throw at Dubya, I’m with WereBear. Although tossing a sack of shit at the sack of shit was also good.


“I’d bet a storebought cookie… ”

That’s a turn of phrase I’ve not heard.

I do *not* bake. In fact, the closest I come to “cooking” is slow-roasting home-grown tomatoes to save sauce-starter for the winter. And throwing baggies of red glop at the C-Plus Augustus would absolutely draw the wrong kind of attention from the Secret Service, even if the dilatory response of the SS-Victory-Lap team seems to indicate that they are tired of defending the miserable fvck.


Why do liberals insist on being ignorant? Clearly, throwing shoes is the traditional Iraqi way of greeting liberators. I’m pretty sure – though I’ll have to get back to it at a later point – that the Iraqi word for “flower” is nearly the same as “shoe”. We’d know this if the army hadn’t been forced to fire all their translators for being gay, which I think proves conclusively that throwing shoes at President Bush in Iraq is an unfair attack by Castro liberals on the Church of Latter-Day Saints and Christmas.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

that the Iraqi word for “flower” is nearly the same as “shoe”

And the American word for “dickhole” is “Schackmatt”.

We got it from the Germans, I think, it’s hard to tell who we mugged and rifled the linguistic pockets of most of the time.


It was changing hands for weeks till someone left it by their fire
And it melted to a puddle on the floor:
For it was only a sandal, a Iraq scandal oh oh oh,
Now it’s a pool.
That’s what we’re paid for
That’s what we’re paid for
That’s what we’re paid for here.

Collective Wingnuttia

Darn it! I was just about to go down to the recruiting station this very afternoon and sign up for my place in the historic clash of civilizations, but I guess now that victory has been declared, there’s no need for me to.

Curse you, vaguaries of military fate! Must I forever be denied my chance to do battle against the evil-doers, which I’d totally be really great at and everything?

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

“Darn it! I was just about to go down to the recruiting station this very afternoon and sign up for my place in the historic clash of civilizations. Must I forever be denied my chance to do battle against the evil-doers?”

The 2010 Crusade to Take Back Congress for Teh Real America has already begun, per The Architect.

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

Meanwhile, at an Undisclosed Location beneath the Naval Observatory, the meaning of The Shoe is considered and Teh Coalition’s response is carefully weighed by Lord Cheney and his staff of dedicated, erstwhile young professionals:


Leave it to our friends from down under to put “Yakety Sax” to the heinous shoe incident


Can’t figure why they would pick the anniv. of the assassination of Pres. Kennedy for their “Victory” party. Unless it’s sheer disrespect, or the most pathetic of attempts to somehow overshadow whatever people project onto Kennedy.


hen the shoes flew and another outrage was provided — specifically that Bush haters are amused and encouraged by the shoe-throwing, even though it only goes to show how free Iraq has become since the removal of Saddam Hussein.

Bush says, “Shoe fly? Don’t bother me. It confirms Iraqi sovereignty.”


And the American word for “dickhole” is “Schackmatt”
We got it from the Germans

Fascinating. From the Lower Hessian dialect, perhaps?


The fact is, SHUT UP. SHUT UP. Liberals, SHUT UP. We won, USA and Freedom, you defeatocrats with your biased media lyes lost. Sure, your boy the terrorist lyed to the US and got selected, but once the fullextent of his corruptions in the Illinois candal is revealed he will be impeached before he is seated and he will be put in GITMO.


I wonder if the Old Farmer’s Almanac predicted this for Crittenden?


Shorter Gary Ruppert: I miss the taste of sweet liquid shit on my tongue.


Although our governments have chosen to not name any official day marking the end of this war, we the people have taken it upon ourselves to commemorate November 22, 2008 as the day of victory over the forces of tyranny, oppression and terror in Iraq.

Wow. “We the people.” That makes it all official and shit, right? Too bad they didn’t think of this before so many people were killed and maimed but hey, war is just a big game. Boom, boom! Pow, pow! Right?

However, since Victory has occurred, this means if President Obama wants to start pulling the soldiers out of Iraq in February, Wee the People will cheer, rather than whine the place down, right?

Christ, if these jackholes ever suspected, even for a moment, what total wastes of skin they are, they’d slit their throats. No wonder they wage a constant war against reality.


Schackmatt said,

December 15, 2008 at 11:46

Why do liberals insist on being ignorant? Clearly, throwing shoes is the traditional Iraqi way of greeting liberators. I’m pretty sure – though I’ll have to get back to it at a later point – that the Iraqi word for “flower” is nearly the same as “shoe”.

I’d have gone with, “I have neither the time nor the inclination to research this myself, but…”


Smut Clyde, that’s what I’d call “the subtleties a spectrograph would miss.”

As for this rogue footwear incident, does anyone remember the time that the President of Iran said that Rumsfeld “ought to be hit with shoes”? Call it treason but that seemed just about right to me…


I’d have gone with, “I have neither the time nor the inclination to research this myself, but…”

That is indeed a better turn of phrase. I’m ashamed to say I’m still a novice when it comes to speaking Wingnut.


At least they weren’t Richard Reid’s shoes.


He just wanted to be on TV?

He just wanted to be on TV?



“Last throws” Oh, I get it now. Yes.


However, since Victory has occurred, this means if President Obama wants to start pulling the soldiers out of Iraq in February, Wee the People will cheer, rather than whine the place down, right?

No, it means when Obama withdraws, and chaos follows — as it was always going to do, as we fully well know — Obama will take the blame for allowing Bush’s flawless victory to slide into mayhem. Cuz it’s so peaceful and orderly now.


Were these, at last, the Weejuns of Mass Destruction?


Wow, I just read that VI website, all the way down to the helpful FAQ.

What if the violence flares up again next year or in the future? We’ll look foolish.

A: If violence flares up in the future, that will be part of a new conflict, a different war.

There are no words…


George Bush’s response to the shoe-throwing guy was to say, “I guess he just wanted to get on the TeeVee. I don’t know what his beef is.”

That about sums it up. For this alone W deserves a firing squad. Yes, I said it.


Can’t just let [Bush] have his victory.


That “V-I Day” thing is really very sad. And the design seriously sucks. I mean, the Statue of Liberty as the I in victory for Christ sake.

I suppose our only consolation there is that it wasn’t a picture of the Twin Towers. (You know damn well they want to.)

Although our governments have chosen to not name any official day marking the end of this war

Aren’t the chickenshits who’re floating this the same ones who whined for the last four-some-odd years that we couldn’t have a “timeline” for the end of the war ’cause it’d empower TEH TERRAISTS or some shit like that? And now they’re whining ’cause they never got their big victory ticker tape parade through Manhattan. Losers.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Join fellow bloggers and other members of the public in this virtual ticker-tape parade for our brave troops…

Virtual parade? Pfaugh. We’ll happily help you give them a real one – just bring ’em all to New York and we’ll get started.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I mean, the Statue of Liberty as the I in victory for Christ sake.

That is dumb in so many ways, all right – weren’t these jokers yelling that we needed to pull down the Statue of Liberty because it was French?


The fact is, there will come a time when you liberals truly regret not joining us in declaring Victory in Iraq, when Iraq is a free and open and safe society, and you’ll understand that you did nothing but hinder this progress. You should be ashamed of yourselves, liberals.


I think we should all start throwing shoes at George Bush.

I’ve got a pair of black patent-leather three-inch spike high heels that I’ve been saving for just the right occasion. Finally!


An estimated 125 people were shot and killed over the summer. That’s nearly double the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period.

I’m convinced. We won the war in Iraq. So when do we liberate Chicago???


The fact is, Gene Chizik is a great hire for Auburn, because he’s a proven winner as a defensive coordinator and you have to just ignore the last two years, because he’s my friend and is also a winner that’s been proven.


Herr Cretin-den demonstrates that there is no debacle that the wingnuts cannot save for the stupid.


And for the first time in Internet history a YouTube search for “shoes” brings up a video of the preznit before the video by Liam Kyle Sullivan.

Does anyone else see some hilarious potential here?


We are all shoe-throwers, now.


These fuckers have absolutely no taste at all.

You just noticed? I mean look at who they have been electing for the past 30 years.


I dunno, Gavin…Gateway Pundit, whom I linked to here, seemed to have this beat.


Shorter Gary

“The Iraqis arer now free to throw shoes at dear leader”


Aren’t the chickenshits who’re floating this the same ones who whined for the last four-some-odd years that we couldn’t have a “timeline” for the end of the war ’cause it’d empower TEH TERRAISTS or some shit like that?

There’s no dissonance here! They didn’t declare a date certain (in the future) to bring the troops home, they tried to sneak in a victory celebration under the radar!

The distinction, as fine as it is, is unnecessary in their eyes, however it makes a big difference to the Iraqis.


I think we should all start throwing shoes at George Bush

I think that from now until the day they die, every member of the entire Bushevik regime should be showered with liquid shit every time they venture out in public. Shit, and offal, and rotten eggs, and spoiled produce should attend their every step, their every trip, their every appearance. They should be forced to carry a minimum of three changes of clothes, since they are assured to be besmirched at every step.



I know, it’s not a surprise what a total douche Bush is, but read This Story about more of Bush’s reaction to the shoe-throwing incident.

On a more serious note, he said, “I mean, it was just a bizarre moment, but I’ve had other bizarre moments in the presidency. I remember when Hu Jintao was here. Remember? We had the big event? He’s speaking, and all of a sudden I hear this noise — had no earthly idea what was taking place, but it was the Falun Gong woman screaming at the top of her lungs (near the ceremony on the White House lawn). It was kind of an odd moment.”

It’s his “there was this one time, at band camp?” moment.

Except for the callousness of it. It’s like a teenager laughing at someone whose experiencing great distress.

Oh, dude, remember when that crazy chick in Texas was all like ‘don’t kill me’? an’ shit? Awesome.


I thought for sure you guys would be mocking Scott Johnson for wetting his pants in fear over the nefarious Commie subtext in the Billy Elliot musical production by now.


But what would have happened to this man under Saddam’s regime? Didn’t think about that, now did you?


I guess Bush gets the last laugh, because he killed a hell of a lot more people and so far is getting away with it. Perhaps one day he too will be begging for his life, but I doubt it.


Yes, because of the glorious and triumphant Iraq war launched by President Bush, Iraqis now have the freedom to protest and be mocked by Bush.


remember when Hu Jintao was here. Remember? We had the big event? He’s speaking, and all of a sudden I hear this noise — had no earthly idea what was taking place, but it was the Falun Gong woman screaming at the top of her lungs (near the ceremony on the White House lawn). It was kind of an odd moment.”

Addlepated boob. The last 8 years have not increased his mental faculties, I see.

I vote for the booze theory.


But what would have happened to this man under Saddam’s regime? Didn’t think about that, now did you?

What’s happening to him now?


Muntazir Az-Zaydi has gained about a thousand fans on his Facebook page overnight ( Would have been more if his fellow citizens hadn’t had to eat the hamsters that were powering the generators for their laptops.


Folks, it was snark. I probably should have made myself sound more ridiculous.


Although our governments have chosen to not name any official day marking the end of this war, we the people have taken it upon ourselves to commemorate November 22, 2008 as the day of victory over the forces of tyranny, oppression and terror in Iraq.


Although our governments have chosen to not name any official day marking the end of this war, we the people have taken it upon ourselves to commemorate December 22, 2008 as the day of victory over the forces of logic, gravity and the artificial shortage of Cheetohs.


How about this:

“But what would have happened to this man under Saddam’s regime? Didn’t think about that, now did you, liberal motherfuckers???? Freedom!!!!!!one!!!!”

Not surprisingly, someone made this argument in all seriousness on another blog I read.

Well, they didn’t say “motherfuckers” or anything like that. That’s my added flourish.


Folks, it was snark.

I figured so. But what is happening to him? My guess is nothing, at least as long as he’s in the public eye, but he’s pissed a lot of people off.


Which only reveals you as a DFH Lie-beral!


Linn, I got the snark. I think most people did.

But under Saddam’s regime, if this man had thrown a shoe at Bush, he would have been given his own palace.


Jeezus. Just exactly how dense ARE these idiots?

Right, wrong or anywhere in between, the “War” in iraq was won decisively in April of 2003 when the United States Military took Iraq’s capital and deposed it’s government. There is simply no other definition for it. At that moment, the “war” ended and the occupation began.

So if you don’t have a problem with celebrating an illegal aggressive invasion of a sovereign nation, then perhaps you should designate April 30th as VI Day.

Personally, I find it a source of considerable shame…



Ahh, my liberal droogs, still desperately clinging to what you think is The Funny. It is to laugh. It’s a shame you’re unable to comprehend just how good my sizzling seared steaks are.


How long before the first Flash minigame of “Dodge The Shoe” or “Whack-A-Prez” appears?

Why, not long at all!


CHICAGO (CBS) — An estimated 125 people were shot and killed over the summer. That’s nearly double the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period..

Let’s see:
Chicago metro area – roughly 9.7 million people.
US troops in Iraq roughly – 130,000.

I sure as heck wouldn’t want to live in a town of 130,000 people that had 125 murders.


Someone on another blog suggested we all take photos of the soles of our own shoes, print them on a postcard, and mail them to the White House.

I kinda like that idea. Only which pair of shoes will I wear?


Only which pair of shoes will I wear?

Whichever ones show dog shit the best, silly!


If I had golf shoes, I’d use golf shoes.

So appropriate on so many levels.


Apparently, the Yankees have decided to sign al-Zeidi to a major league contract.

Personally, I think they need a lefty…


Were these, at last, the Weejuns of Mass Destruction?

Beautiful! I think I pulled a muscle in my side giggling at this one.

I’ve got a pair of black patent-leather three-inch spike high heels that I’ve been saving for just the right occasion. Finally!

I dated a guy for a while who, the night I met him, was sporting a strange demilune shaped bruise right smack in the middle of his forehead. Turned out the ex-wife had hurled a high-heeled shoe at him a couple days earlier as she was giving him the, er, boot.


Where, I wonder, does Shoelimpy stand on this?


Hmmmmm, Mars, I haven’t thought about Mars since, well, the last time Artios posted “Mars, bitches…” So, is the Bush going to take a Mars victory lap? Is that the problem NASA is having with the Obama transition team? They are planning a secret Mars Victory Tour for Dear Leader and they don’t want any leaks? Do Martians wear shoes?


Although our governments have chosen to not name any official day marking the end of this war, we the people have taken it upon ourselves to commemorate November 22, 2008 as the day of victory over the forces of ANINMAL- HUMAN HYBRIDS.


The truth is most Iraqis love Americans. After all, we freed 25 million of them.


Linn, I got the snark. I think most people did.

But under Saddam’s regime, if this man had thrown a shoe at Bush, he would have been given his own palace.

Okay, that’s funny!


Candy: Wow. Good thing that guy you dated never ran into Rhoda Penmark when he was a kid.


Like Mr. Gilchrist, I too wonder what has become of that brave journalist. In the clip he was yelping with pain after having been wrestled to the ground and then dragged away.

Some correspondent on CNN this morning was saying Iraqis are more aghast at the journo’s etiquette breach than his literally hurled insult. Huh.

I’m also shaking my head for the millionth time at the fatuousness of our MSM. Praising the douche in chief for being so quick, for having such “catlike reflexes” (yes they did too say it) when he dodged the flying shoes! Our prez ROCKS!!!1!! So what if it’s the worst insult in the world he could have received, and he shrugged it off like the drunken overgrown frat boy he always has been and always will be! That Irack guy didn’t TOUCH him, so neener neener! In other news, Barack Obama or perhaps someone he knows appears to have had conversations with politicians in Illinois at some point.


MzNicky, that book brings back memories of my childhood! I read that when I was about 8, totally freaked me out.

Dear FSM, is that really Jose Chung in the comments? Now there’s a troll worthy of the name. I can only give him an 8.5 for that comment, though. It lacks the condescending smarminess I used to associate with his little turdlets.

That’s an odd thing to link to your nym, JChunk.


The truth is most Iraqis love Americans. After all, we freed 25 million of them.

Lemme see…under Hussein, they had 24 hours a day electricity, running water and heat.

Under Bush, three maybe four hours.

Under Hussein, the Iraqi mortality rate was 8.1 per 100,000. Under Bush, 20.25.

I’m not so sure your point is…operative, Jose.


At least Dubya’s National Guard ‘experience’ taught him how to do one thing.

How long you think it will take for Teh Bush Tongue-jackers to demand a medal for Georgie?


The truth is most Iraqis love Americans. After all, we freed 25 million of them.

Well, we freed about 100,000 of them from their lives.
We freed the rest from electricity and drinking water.
We freed the Sunnis and Shiites to ethnically cleanse each other.
We freed the Iraqi Christian minority to flee the country.
We freed Iraqi women from being able to go out with their heads uncovered or unaccompanied by a male relative.
We freed Iran to become a major power in the region.
We freed about a trillion dollars from the US treasury.

Heckuva job!


Would it surprise anyone if the show thrower was hired by Reuters, Al Jazeera, or MSNBC?


Boring troll is boring.


Jose, can you contemplate that George deserved to get smacked right in the face with BOTH shoes?


There’s a big bird in Iraq, kind of like a heron.

It’s called a “foo-bird,” and it often drops big, wet shits while in flight.

Legend has it that when the bird shits on your head, you must not wash it off. If you do so, you could drop dead on the spot.

Or, as they say in Iraq, “If the foo shits, wear it.”


Thanks you. Thank you very much. I’ll be here all week.


I’m concerned that no one in the Secret Service was willing to step up and take a shoe for the President.


Would it surprise anyone if the show thrower was hired by Reuters, Al Jazeera, or MSNBC?

It WAS a slow news day…


Would it surprise anyone if the show thrower was hired by Reuters, Al Jazeera, or MSNBC?

From AJE:

Al-Baghdadiya television, his employer, has demanded his release after Yasin Majeed, the prime minister’s media adviser, said al-Zeidi would be tried on charges of insulting the state.

On Monday, al-Baghdadiya suspended its normal programming and played messages of support from across the Arab world.

Have some pie, Mr. Chung.


Flying shoes become commonplace once we develop telekinneysis.


Do Martians wear shoes?

No. Their greatest insult is to rip the antennae off of their heads and ram them up your nose.


Their greatest insult is to rip the antennae off of their heads and ram them up your nose.


See, I thought it was they ran around with their little brush-covered helmets going “Oh, I’m getting very very angry” before they zap you with their Acme Kill-O-Ray pistol.


I thought it was they ran around with their little brush-covered helmets going “Oh, I’m getting very very angry” before they zap you with their Acme Kill-O-Ray pistol.

That’s their second biggest insult. They really have to be pissed to rip their antennae off.


Selfosophy is the way of the future.


charges of insulting the state

Hey, Bolivia. Nice beaches you got there. Pristine, even. I bet they’re a big tourist draw. Ha!


Jose Chung the full details of the Shoe thrower incident are on a video tape in which al-Zeidi calls GWB “that whitey big nose”. Send bank account details to me
c/o Nigerian Internet Scams A Real News outlet,
For your individually numbered copy.
(Note: Actual tape contents may differ from advertised material)


Attaturk said it best:

“Meanwhile, Bush shows cat-quick reflexes that will come in handy in the years ahead. Although some rotten vegetables are harder to dodge than others. I mean he dodged those things like they were “Vietnam”.”


I want to read “he dodged those thing like they were Vietnam” EVERYWHERE. You have your marching orders.


I thought it was they ran around with their little brush-covered helmets going “Oh, I’m getting very very angry” before they zap you with their Acme Kill-O-Ray pistol.

When they get really pissed off they use the Illudium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator.


Rude Pundit is starting up a shoe drive for the White House. What an especially touching idea during the holidays!

Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

What I don’t understand is why the pos who threw the shoes at our President, did not get two caps in his skull?

Every secret service agent who was in that room should be immediately fired for failing to protect the President of the United States. Any well trained secret service agent, if he was so inclined could have intercepted the first shoe. And before the second shoe was thrown, the ungrateful mohammedan pig should have been lying dead on the floor with two bullet holes in his skull.

Someone needs to pay big, for this being allowed to happen. My advice, fire the dumbass secret service agents for incompentence and get better ones.


Maybe everybody’s misjudging al-Zaidi’s intentions, maybe it was some sort of tribute. Shoes are, apparently, a highly prized commodity in the Middle East: Hassan Mohamed, a Saudi, has offered $10 million for the pair thrown at Bush.|en&u=


What I don’t understand is why the pos who threw the shoes at our President, did not get two caps in his skull?

Weak president, weak staff.


If you’re President Bush, you go to Iraq with the Secret Service detail you have, not the Secret Service detail Obama has.


Mcscotty laird of the scunners

What I don’t understand is


Commander of the Scottish Contingent during the First Crusade

And further more, if the mohammedans are going to show this kind of ungrateful attitude towards their liberators, than I say, never liberate another muslim country again.

No blood for mohammedans.


[crackle]You see that?[crackle]
[crackle]Yeah, pretty funny.[crackle]
[crackle]You’re gonna be in trouble once we get back.[crackle]
[crackle]You figger Mr. Lame Duck has any pull?[crackle]
[crackle]I dunno, maybe.[crackle]
[crackle]Guess we should grab that guy.[crackle]


And further more, if the mohammedans are going to show this kind of ungrateful attitude towards their liberators, than I say, never liberate another muslim country again.

By George, I think he’s got it!


I don’t know about y’all, but I’m enjoying the sweet, sweet shoedenfreude.


Could you imagine the wingnut reaction if a DEMOCRAT ducked shoes being thrown by a middle easterner like Bush ducked when those shoes were thrown? They’d be ready to tar and feather the Democrat as an appeaser of terrorists!


That’ll teach the ungrateful buggers. We’ll never invade, occupy and murder again!


Would you call the shoe-throwing sabotage?


Would you call the shoe-throwing sabotage?

Pardon your French! Watch your tongue, you loafer.


Real leaders—leaders with the toughness and resolve to fight the fight, stay the course, and get ‘er done—when faced with enemy shoe fire, catch the shoes between their buttocks and fire them back.

Just like Nanny of the Windward Maroons.


Given his profound dickishness, I bet W has had many things thrown at him over the years. He’s probably a practiced ducker.


He was a cheerleader…

Muntazir Az-Zaydi

My English not so well. I am not understood your idiom. I did thought the firm but being English polite way to telling to leave is “Shoo! Shoo!”


By the way, did anyone else catch Kristol making sense today? Something weird is afoot.


I’ll never live this down.


Wait a minute. Weren’t the wingers telling us a week or two ago that Barack shouldn’t go to Iraq – ever – because of hte enormous strain his security detail would cause? If Barack had ducked flying shoes articles of impeachment would have been written up by teh Wankee before the shoes hit the ground. Just like articles of impeachment are being written up because Barack communicated with the governor of the state in which he was a US senator. Just like articles of impeachment are being drawn up because Barack has ignored the calls of idiot bloggers to show them the birth certificate held by the state of Hawaii. Just like articles of impeachment will be drawn up every time Barack does anything when he is president. His choices: (a) kowtow to the loony right like Clinton did in a failing effort to make the loony right like him; or (b) tell the loony right to fuck off and die, while pressing his popular advantage.

I vote for (b). I believe the majority of Americans voted for (b) as well.


Kristol making sense is surely the true sign of the end (of the) Times.


I believe Obama has been running with (b) all along. His masterful way of dismissing the loons in short order and with few words is surely one of the things they hate most about him. Heh hehh heh.


Dear Writer of Today’s Bill Kristol Column,

Where is the real Mr. Kristol and what have you done with him? Not that I care, you understand; in fact your column was a definite improvement over the usual blatherings of the proverbial Mr. Wrong, but I do have a great deal of curiosity about what has become of him.




Things have gotten so bad, I heard that someone threw snowshoes at Gov. Palin…


Too bad there weren’t explosives in the shoe. Or at least dog shit.


the shoe heard ’round the world

Jebus, is the delicious schadenfreude every going to be exhausted? It’s so rich and so sweet it makes my teeth hurt.


Oh, don’t worry about bloody bill.

He’ll be back soon enough espousing death and horror on an industrial scale.

It is his nature…



This is the best birthday ever.


You might say that the other shoe has dropped. The Plan is revealed in it’s byzantine brilliance.
Remember, Obama said he was going to go around the world and “re-boot” the image of America!
Dubya- cain’t shame on him twice!


Moon boots something something something.


Those guys at zombietime should be glad that the word “Iraq” doesn’t start with a “d.” Because then they’d be declaring “VD Day.”


Go crazy?


Don’t mind if I do!


Something something Chucks All-stars something something.


As an Okie ex-pat, I would sincerely like to deliver the patented Okie Enema to Dubya. That is where I plant one on my pointy-toed Tony Lamas as far as it will go up where the sun don’t shine.


Also a joke about rubbers.


The clip of the incident will be a shoe-in for winner of best YouTube.

The Iraqi shoe tosser is a Very Brave Man. He would have hit Bush, too, if the dork hadn’t ducked. Coward!


Um, something something sole.


All this excitement about Bush’s “victory” lap won’t last

Can you tell I once worked in a shoe repair shop?


In fact, Bush needs to have himself re-souled.


He’s such a heel.


Fortunate they weren’t slingbacks and so forth.


He deserves a shank.


I’m sure they’ll pump the thrower for links to associates.


I wonder if the guy who threw the shoes went to Oxford?


Something about being gay?


Tread lightly on the shoe pun path.

Something something environmentalists . . . earth shoes . . . something.

Maybe the Rethugs will start calling us moonbats “moonboots” now.

Okay, stopping now. I need to get off my feet for a while.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Dear Writer of Today’s Bill Kristol Column,

There really is something weird going on. Ben “Creationist” Stein wrote an article backing Detroit at a few days ago.


Can you tell I once worked in a shoe repair shop?

Yes, so I’m surprised you didn’t call Bush a Cat’s Paw.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I would’ve thrown a Chrysler Cordoba at chimp. Like some shoes, they came equipped with Fine Corinthian Leather courtesy of Tattoo’s boss.


Not meaning to horn in, of course.


Puss in Boots? We’ll leave it to the reader to determine who the “puss” is. Chances are, all answers are correct!


It’s patent that if you canvass the Iraqis about the shoe throwing incident, you can’t shoehorn their opinions into a narrow box as if they’re all speaking through a sock puppet for payment on a shoestring and polish it all up like you know shit from shinola.

I’m sorry. Just wanted to see how many shoe-related words I could get into a sentence and have it still make (some) sense.


And before the second shoe was thrown, the ungrateful mohammedan pig should have been lying dead on the floor with two bullet holes in his skull.

Actually, they should’ve hosed the entire room with machine guns and then confiscated the tape. (sigh), He really IS a lame duck president now, isn’t he?


And before the second shoe was thrown, the ungrateful mohammedan pig should have been lying dead on the floor with two bullet holes in his skull.

Take off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


You Can’t Put Lipstick On A Repig said,

December 15, 2008 at 22:00

> Dear Writer of Today’s Bill Kristol Column,

There really is something weird going on. Ben “Creationist” Stein wrote an article backing Detroit at a few days ago.

Stein occupies some sort of weird, contrarian GOPism to which only he has access. I bounce back and forth between agreeing with him and wanting to strangle him. He is as often apostate to the GOP establishment as he is infuriating to me. Nothing he says or writes anymore surprises me, nor does it matter.

His game show was kinda cool though.


He’s such a heel.

This is becoming a real wedge issue.


Susan of Texas said,

Perhaps one day he too will be begging for his life, but I doubt it.

Like the inhabitants of most civilized nations, I am strongly opposed to capital punishment, but surely it wouldn’t do any harm to have Duhhh Fuhrer think his head was on the block. “Please don’t kill me,” is always a laff riot; just ask Georgie.

DAS said,

Could you imagine the wingnut reaction if a DEMOCRAT ducked shoes being thrown by a middle easterner like Bush ducked when those shoes were thrown? They’d be ready to tar and feather the Democrat as an appeaser of terrorists!

The question is moot. Obama’s already shown he’s still got his basketball skills. He’d snatch that flying fucker right out of the air and drop it into the cleaner’s bucket off-podium for three points.


What a loser Bush is. He doesn’t even rate a flying penis. Loser.


Garry Kasparov said,

December 15, 2008 at 22:40

What a loser Bush is. He doesn’t even rate a flying penis. Loser.

Extra points for obscure incident tie-in. I’m at work and can’t search for “flying penis attack,” but if you could link a video here for everyone else that would be great.

Thousands of Iraqis have demanded the release of a local TV reporter who threw his shoes at US President George W Bush at a Baghdad news conference.

The programming director for al-Baghdadiya, Muzhir al-Khafaji, described the journalist as a “proud Arab and an open-minded man”.

He said he was afraid for Mr Zaidi’s safety, adding that the reporter had been arrested by US officials twice before.


This attack by the Iraqi journalist represents a flip-flopping from public opinion immediately after the toppling of Saddam.


The terrorists have the upper hand now.


I’m at work and can’t search for “flying penis attack,”
Any reasonable employer would recognise this as a legitimate work-related topic of inquiry.


This thread is going to the clogs.


If the shoe doesn’t fit, um, throw it at President Bush.


Exterminate the Brutinis!


One peniscopter, coming right up.

Side note, it seems Gary the K’s security is bit more Johnny-on-the-spot than Teh Leedar Uv Teh Free Wurld’s.


He’s such a heel.

This is becoming a real wedge issue.

This is an important part of my platform.


The times when you have
seen only one set of shoeprints in the sand,
is when I was throwing my shoes at your god-damned head.


Also, you people and your wagging tongues should be ashamed. I mean, I’ve always been sort of strait-laced but this just takes the cobbler.


I wonder what the fella’s carbon footprint is like.


is when I was throwing my shoes at your god-damned head.

Shouldn’t that be “your Me-damned head”?


Right. Bass players are picky. Uh-huh.


O/T: This rap about Blago via Ackerman is the funniest thing since the shoe throwing video.


Right. Bass players are picky. Uh-huh.

Well, the good ones use their fingers.


“Well, the good ones use their fingers.”

…and thumbs.


I believe Matt T. is in favour of funky-metal-type bass playing. St. Peter will be looking into it.


St. Peter will be looking into it.

St. Peter rocks!

And on this rock His church was built.


But under Saddam’s regime, if this man had thrown a shoe at Bush, he would have been given his own palace.
No wonder Iraq under the rule of Saddam was known as a brogue state.


I think we should all start throwing shoes at Geoge Bush.

Is it too late to suggest an undersized pair of military sandals or caligae?


From the coverage in the Arabic press, it seems the shoe-thrower was right instep with regional sentiments. All it took was a little unexpected flying footwear, and they were off to the laces! Those crazy Arab keds.


Is it too late to suggest an undersized pair of military sandals or caligae?

Almost. Better hurrache.


Hey, Obama won the real election.

Cool! I figured that would happen, but it’s nice to have it confirmed.

Which is pretty much what I said when the results of the first election were announced.



Also, looking at that VI Day banner, I have to ask — when did the US and Iraqi armed forces begin recruiting Boobahs?


I heard the shoe-throwing Zaidi’s wife, mary jane, is an oxford graduate. Unfortunately, she’s also sneaker and a loafer, so when her career flip-flopped she took up herding mules for a living.

That’s all I got.


when did the US and Iraqi armed forces begin recruiting Boobahs?

They had to lower the recruiting standards further than we thought.

Oh, and Boobah has to be the most psychedelic show in the history of everything. I approve, I think, but I couldn’t stand to look at it for more than a few minutes.


Oh, and Boobah has to be the most psychedelic show in the history of everything.

In the Night Garden.


I believe Matt T. is in favour of funky-metal-type bass playing.

I’m not sure what that is. Like Limp Bizkit and Korn and whatnot, because if so, very much no.

“Omniscient”, huh.

And James Jamerson proved you only really need one finger.


And James Jamerson proved you only really need one finger.

William Murderface proved you don’t even need that.


Yore cheatin’ hearrrrrrrrrt
(gadunka bop-bop gaboom bow)


You laugh, I’ve heard it done.


CONFESS. You and your pedal-board will pay for your crimes.


“you only really need one finger.”

Well as a “bass owner” myself, that’s how I play.

It’s also how I… but that’s for another thread.


It’s also how I…

…salute the president?


Has anyone noticed that Ta-Nehisi Coates cannot write worth shit?

Principal Blackman

“But what would have happened to this man under Saddam’s regime? Didn’t think about that, now did you, liberal motherfuckers???? Freedom!!!!!!one!!!!”

Not surprisingly, someone made this argument in all seriousness on another blog I read.

Was it Blogs for Victory, by any chance? Because Mark Noonan was all over that argument.


Has anyone noticed that Ta-Nehisi Coates cannot write worth shit?

…this is the magazine that hired Megan McArdle, no? This surprises you?

(fwiw, I agree from what little I saw by clicking on your link. High school level at best.)


Not surprisingly, someone made this argument in all seriousness on another blog I read.

Sadly, that really isn’t surprising.

It reminds me a lot of the 2003 “Saddam = worse than Hitler!!!” hysteria, which lowered our own ethical bar to the point that, if we were only as bad as Hitler, we were still better than Saddam.


The man is oblivious.

He could have a sack of shit dumped on him, Carrie-style, as he’s walking to the helicopter on Inauguration Day, and he’d decide it was a passing airliner.


We need to get Gavin a job at The Atlantic.


The Supremes have refused to hear another case about how Hussein Osama X was really born in Socialist Muslamistan.

What a great day – first Hussein X wins the electors’ election, and now this. It’s like Nov. 4 all over again, only quieter.


The vapid observations and lightweight prose remind me of…someone. I wonder how she feels about a nice glass of Merlot?



Righteous Bubba said,

December 16, 2008 at 0:47 (kill)

Has anyone noticed that Ta-Nehisi Coates cannot write worth shit?

Yeah, but c’mon now, that is one stomp down ass kicker of a name, right? I mean, just as Antwaan Randle El doesn’t have to be a strong technical route runner because he’s got a great name, Ta-Nehisi starts off in the pole position.

It’s just the way it is…



The Supremes have refused to hear another case about how Hussein Osama X was really born in Socialist Muslamistan.

Perhaps the wingnuts can kick it over to the Four Tops.


Antwaan’s got the trick plays. Not sure what Coates has beyond being less politically aggravating.


Less politically aggravating than Antwaan, because that guy really burns me up.


We need to get Gavin a job at The Atlantic.

If he had one, he would have to periodically link to his cob loggers’ posts and pretend they were worth considering.


If he had one, he would have to periodically link to his cob loggers’ posts and pretend they were worth considering.

But they are! In that “ha-ha look at the dummy” sort of way.


If he had one, he would have to periodically link to his cob loggers’ posts and pretend they were worth considering.

And he’d have to learn how to anti-edit.


Yeah, but c’mon now, that is one stomp down ass kicker of a name, right?
The trouble with that argument, Mikey, is the corollary that RB is also worth publishing when he uses his JanusNode pseudonyms.

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

Matt T. said,

Perhaps the wingnuts can kick it over to the Four Tops.

Oh, don’t worry. We still have

Berg v. Obama
Lightfoot v. Bowen
Hunter v. Obama
Keyes v. Bowen
Corbett v. Bowen
Martin v. Lingle
Essek v. Obama
Schneller v. Cortes
Brockhausen v. Andrade
Broe v. Reed

This will continue to be litigated long after 2017.


The trouble with that argument, Mikey, is the corollary that RB is also worth publishing when he uses his JanusNode pseudonyms.

Hmm…trolling strategery wheels turning…


Off topic, but why stop now,

Doot-doo-doo-ing over at calculatedrisk, I came across this lovely chart of the effective Fed Funds Rate since ’55. It just struck me as illustrative and sorta bizarre. Pre-2000, it looks like virtually any other reality-based chart of human phenomena, messy and obviously reactive to circumstance. Post-2000, er, not so much. Kinda creepy, in fact. I’m trying to figure out if it’s a function of ideology and denial, or just “God I hope it does what I think it will” writ large.


But they are! In that “ha-ha look at the dummy” sort of way.

True that, but important, serious Atlantique bloggers have to hide this truth from readers and insist (at least in writing) that their Atlantique colleagues are also serious and important. Trolling the readers, in a way.

And he’d have to learn how to anti-edit.

Ha. Or, if pressed for time, give drafts to certain cob loggers and ask them to “edit.” Anti-edit guaranteed.


Just an observation on shoe throwing………..NEVER shout out your insult BEFORE you throw the shoes, stealthily cold-cock the target and THEN insult him.


Yeah, TNC has got some writing problems, but I like his brain so I’ll put up with him.


But they are! In that “ha-ha look at the dummy” sort of way.

See, this is where I envision enormous snark potential. I never really figured these yuppie neoliberals to be terribly smart (after all, that doesn’t appear to be what they’re selecting for), so I think if he laid off of the scat imagery and swear words, he could be like the ultimate troll working undercover at Teh Altantic. Be subtle enough and they’ll think you’re being “edgy”, and really, isn’t empty cachet what these guys are ultimately after?

You’d have to lose your soul in the process, sure…


justme, I’m going with your last explanation/supposition. As to whether it will actually work or not, well…….


Yeah, TNC has got some writing problems, but I like his brain so I’ll put up with him.

He does seem like the kind of person it would be enjoyable to have a beer with.


My writing is fairly shitty on this thread also. Where’s my money?


Just an observation on shoe throwing………..NEVER shout out your insult BEFORE you throw the shoes, stealthily cold-cock the target and THEN insult him.

He needs to watch more stupid American action movies.

And I agree with the folks who mention how well the pResident dodges thrown objects. And grins afterwards.

I’m thinking LOTS of practice.

And, ya know, who wouldn’t be tempted?


My colleague Righteous Bubba reflects on quality and consistency of prose in the current market for online political commentary. Worth a read.


Last time I checked, this was a comedy blog.


The Truth bemoans the corruption of the current president-elect; my tendency is to agree with him although I have not yet been satisfied that we have all the details. Will have more after playing mailbox baseball with J—.

Which reminds me: do our readers have any advice on bats?


“This is where Sadly No is?”

Yup. You can find it again any time by re-typing what you see in your address bar.

Don’t hurry back on our account, though.


“do our readers have any advice on bats?”

Yeah, keep a wary eye out for ’em.



Just wanted to drop by and say hello. I know you’ve all missed me!!

Well, gotta get to work; those Happy Meals aren’t gonna assemble themselves, eh?


$1 million dollars

You’re stupid.


Which reminds me: do our readers have any advice on bats?

Catch them with a tennis racket (they will cling to it) or in a bath towel to be escorted outdoors, unless you have a trained cat.

And don’t get bit. Ever. Or the poor thing has to be killed and autopsied.


“Although our governments have chosen to not name any official day marking the end of this war”

Funny, I thought they had

Now that we’ve won the war twice maybe we can bring the troops home


Which reminds me: do our readers have any advice on bats?

I’ve always been a bit conflicted. I like a good, heavy bat, sawed down to about thirty inches. The knob makes the grip a bit easier, and you’ve got enough heft to do some serious damage. It’s amazing how few teeth have to fly across the room before people remember their manners.

Ultimately, however, I like a heavy pool cue, cut off at about 32″, drilled, loaded with lead shot or powder and capped. You get more mass in an easier to use package, albeit at the loss of the knob at the bottom. But you nearly double your effectiveness. I once cleared an entire bar in Raton with one of those fellahs (they had been mean to me the night before – um, I THINK), and the vast human carnage was something to behold…



would’ve shot Bush dead. After all, one refused to clean the boots of a British officer, the other laughed when he had shoes thrown at him without realizing what a massive burn that is in the Arab world.


Ultimately, however, I like a heavy pool cue, cut off at about 32?, drilled, loaded with lead shot or powder and capped.

What’s your opinion on pine tar?


$1 million dollars

One or the other, but not both. I see this sort of thing repeatedly with freshman journalism students. They’re mostly a rather stupid lot as well.


What’s your opinion on pine tar?

Gad, I haven’t climbed a tree, pine or otherwise, in damn close to fifty years.

If I remember right it was damn sticky but it smelled pretty…



Which reminds me: do our readers have any advice on bats?

Well, I prefer bowls or joints, though I can’t roll ’em for shit.


What’s your opinion on pine tar?

The view from your window dugout.


But the show had just begun. Brett bounced off the dugout bench as if shot from a cannon, a ball of bug-eyed fury aimed directly at McClelland.

In those days there were no shoes.



This is where Sadly No is?

Well, it will pass the time until the real fun begins and the full extent of Illinois corruption gets exposed to the air. I see Jesse Jackson Junior was offering $1 million dollars to Governor Blago for the Senate seat; the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it? And when will Rahm be forced to resign?

Ah, the squeaky clean smell of Obama politics.

Nobody gives a shit what you think, micropenis-boy. How’s the McCain Presidency doing? Fuck you, asswhipe.


Bats are best after a 2-4 day marination. I don’t think pine tar would be good in that respect though it may be that the dinner party has a Greek theme.
I would suggest gin with added juniper berries.
Serve with a side dish of dippin’ moles.


Hmm, could this be RB’s long-awaited mammal pun thread?


Nobody gives a shit what you think, micropenis-boy. How’s the McCain Presidency doing? Fuck you, asswhipe.



Hmm, could this be RB’s long-awaited mammal pun thread?



No mamm(,)al the thread here is made from cotton


No mamm(,)al the thread here is made from cotton kitten.



Thanks RB, I knew cotton wasn’t quite the right word but I’m new this punditry.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Woe, just when it seemed the puns would tapir off…


Christ, you’re dense. And boring.


Troofie, it seems you had no trouble accepting the corruption trailing behind and piled on top of Shoe Boy. Can you say Kenny Boy?

All the details of the current investigation are not availlable yet, but so far Obama looks good. Especially when compared to the current occupant.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Nobody gives a shit what you think, micropenis-boy. How’s the McCain Presidency doing? Fuck you, asswhipe.

Just in case you missed it the first time, Troofie.


Gad, I haven’t climbed a tree, pine or otherwise, in damn close to fifty years.

If I remember right it was damn sticky but it smelled pretty…

climbed a tree

So that’s what the cool kids are calling it these days.


December 16, 2008 at 3:31

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Hey, it’s Beethoven’s birthday in Germany now!


Yes yes, another country, blah blah…


Yes yes, another country, blah blah…

Referring of course to my own post and not to celebration of Schroeder’s hero.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I just mean we can start celebrating now.




Troofie, don’t you know that you’ll never touch the “New Messiah”. I mean according to all that I’ve read this guy was born in five different countries and had three different fathers! That’s a much bigger miracle than a virgin birth in a manger. Obviously there are forces at work here that are much bigger than you or me.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

There’s nothing more enjoyable than watching dimwitted Troofie predictifying his enjoyment.

Hey, maybe we can start stacking them up like teh Sadlies do with all the little links after every Shorter.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

So, is pie-boy arguing that civil rights for black people should be rescinded? I saw one of its posts flash up for a second before the piefilter fized it.


Crime videos from the Russian Interior Ministry. I recommend the illegal cheese production video.


I see that our resident stale cockroach turd is back in force. You guys do know that you are killing brain cells every time you read his inchoate rantings don’t you? Life is so much more pleasant with killfile.


There was once a mammal pun thread, featuring mustelids. Fisher around some, you’ll find it.

If he had one, he would have to periodically link to his cob loggers’ posts and pretend they were worth considering.

He already links McMegan, he would just need to spread the wealth. I picture it with custom photoshops and witty turns of phrase… they could call it “Sadlantic, Nonthly!”


You liberals might want to enjoy reading this article as you contemplate your answer.

Um. If this is the real The Truth, I would encourage everyone to look at the article, then file this post away along with the “McCain will win! Whooo!!!” one.

“Black people are evil” is the literal argument that is being made here. Time to reinstall the piefilter script.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Crime videos from the Russian Interior Ministry.

I like the title “Cattle Thieves Caught Red Handed in the Orel Region”.


He already links McMegan, he would just need to spread the wealth.

Come on, Gavin. Douthat dance!


From ITTDGY’s link: I’d much rather you liberals go into Tuesday overconfident, though. It will make what is coming next that much more enjoyable.

Credit where it’s due, it was in fact more enjoyable.


Car Thief Detained in the Orel Region is a sad portrait of a guy who steals garbage in hell.

That Orel region is pretty action-packed though.


Misplaced modifier, misplaced modifier! Maybe the anti-edit filter is on.


I’m so bored tonight I’m playing with this:


Enough about troofie.

Let’s talk about me!

I won an award at 3 Bulls!

The “Most Honoured Sir or Madam” award for name most likely to get caught in the spam filters: recent new meteorological commenting phenomenon ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©

I feel so shiny right now.


In light of Jesse Jackson Jr being named in Blago’s criminal complaint, is there a civil rights leader in America who isn’t involved in some sort of con, shakedown, or bribe?

I believe the correct answer to that question is “David Duke”, am I right?


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist, it is cry for help from Troot. Bereft, as the columns of his conservative temple turn out to be not New England granite but highly compacted cow dung, he attempts to gain attention by asking Trivial Pursuit questions.
Confused by the crashing to earth of those he considers gods but who turn out to be concert level farters, he gives full rein to his Tourettes like spurts of finely minced English.
Heartbroken by the vista of fire ravaged earth revealed as the full legacy of the most infantilely brutal of administrations, he seeks comfort in hanging around the adults table offering to belch the tune of “Stayin’ Alive
As his ideological masters leave Troot out in the rain like a Tin Soldier who was fun for just one day we should ignore his St. Vitus dance of deflection and try to focus on the future.


Congratulations ittdgy.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Big congrats, ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©! Much better than that commie Nobel thing that Al Gore and Paul Krugman pooped all over.


Ugh, I think the dull crew is in here.

That explains why you’re continually getting your ass handed to you.

While you’re here, why don’t you enlighten us on the benefits of holding down wages on poor people and taxes on rich people. I seem to recall you didn’t fare too well the last time we had that discussion.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

we should ignore his St. Vitus dance of deflection and try to focus on the future.

Fair enough, works for me.


Thank you MzNicky and Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist.

My family is going to be so proud…


According to the transcript from Fitzgerald’s press conference on Blagojevich:

Quote, “They’re not willing to give me anything but appreciation. Bleep them,” close quote.


Here in Reality-Town, this is known as proof the President-elect had nothing to do with selling his seat.

For those who do not want to live in Reality-Town, bleep you.


Thunder, that’s stone cool.

I Like to visit 3 Bulls every now and then, but it’s near impenetrable. But they are always really nice to me, and I get a very pleasant sense of empathy and humanity underneath the verbiage.

I know I’d be damn honored to earn their recognition.

Even if I couldn’t tell what it was for…



By the way, Jennifer, I read this comment today (Swampland is not banned by teh Man, unlike so many others, for some dumb reason).

jennofark Says:

Sunday, December 14, 2008 at 9:30 pm

You know, I just gotta say, on the whole “civility” thing, anything that anyone does to Bush that doesn’t involve his A) death, B) permanent maiming or C) complete destruction of his every article of wealth and personal property is a damn sight more civil than what he’s done to millions of people the world over.

That was right on target, thought meself.


Congrats, ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©!! A rare and truly appropriate award fro a rare and truly appropriate person.


Do we have to call you:

commenting phenomenon ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©

from now on? Or can we abbreviate it?

Seriously, kudos. You deserve to feel shiny.


That’s pretty cool, ITTDGY. The after awards party was good?


BTW, you want to be careful clicking through on Troofie’s links. You never know when you will end up at Stormfront or the Aryan Brotherhood. You don’t want to give them the traffic and you sure as hell don’t want your IP showing up in their logs. Remember that killfile (or piefile for the nonviolent) is your friend.



the thought of Jesse Jackson “going down”… is “sweet”…

explains a lot.


Another Kiwi said,

December 16, 2008 at 4:27

That’s pretty cool, ITTDGY. The after awards party was good?
All I recall is a big headache the day after.



The criminal complaint against the governor of Illinois specifically names Jesse Jackson Jr, stating that through an emissary the good Jackson promised $1 million in return for the appointment to the US Senate.

Here’s the criminal complaint (pdf). Show us where Jackson is mentioned by name.

Pies of the World

Hmmm, Troofy’s back. What was it he once said to us? Ohhhhh, yeah…

Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.


Mikey, the funny thing is I did have lots of trouble with the spam filter™.

It was sure I was selling bad produce.

But a few dozen emails to Pinko, Punko, Esquire, (or so), and finally I was in like Flint.

Pies of the World

So saith The Truth:

Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.

Pies of the World

Oh, and FYWP!


We know all about troofie, world pies.

Set your feet down, and have some fun!


I queued for three days in f-cking sweltering heat to get Tickets for the Great Liberal Freakout as promised by teh Root and all I got was sunburn and pressganged onto a floating brothel. I can never wear fishnet stockings again.
P.S. I knew Jerry Garcia was dead, who doesn’t know that.

Pies of the World

Sorry, ittdgy™³²®©! I bear sole responsibility for that. I feel like a mule now, or at least a heel. Still, my double post made me sneaker, a little. As the Canadians say, though, I’m all aboot having a good time. I should have looked before I spat. It’s all loafer now….

OK, I’ll stop.


Hey guys,

Since we seem to be having trouble with trolls of late, I decided to update the killfile script that’s already out there to add one important feature—instead of killing the comment body the parent node is deleted, thus removing the bodyless comment header letting you know Troofie was even here. Were it not for people feeding the trolls you’d have no clue that The Truth even existed.

With props to whoever created the original script—my modification was simply on the order of a couple of characters on one line—I present you with Sadly, No! Total Commenter Death. Be careful using it because there is no easy way to un-kill people. It’s possible but not straightforward.


ITTDGY – congrats on the great honor. When do you go to Sweden to collect?

And thanks for the props on the swampland comment.


Let’s talk about me!

I won an award at 3 Bulls!

I feel so shiny right now.

Congratulations! I feel so honored to know you, and if you’ll let me learn from you, I’ll take care of your wardrobe and organize your schedule and maybe one day I can be your understudy. There are stars in my eyes and a stiletto in my heels!

Okay, so I watched All About Eve tonight. I’m just working on my Ann Baxter impersonation. Although it really is an honor to know commenting phenom ittdgy, fer reals.


Thanks Simba. The about:config edit doesn’t look hard at all. Original writer was Fred Ludd.


Thanks, Simba, but I think I will stick with the old version for now. At least that way the comments of the other posters make some sort of sense. that is in stark contrast to Troofie, who never makes any sense and is much easier to deal with now that I don’t even see his posts.


Wait, wait! I just read that the Shoe Tosser hates America and Iran.

I’m so confused!


..and a stiletto in my heels!

I’ve often wondered how many weapons I could conceal on a participatory woman. One of the thoughts was, a layer of obvious, a layer of what appeared serious but were snowflakes, a layer that might buy time ’cause they don’t look like what they are and a layer that takes lives in a large scale manner.

Oh no. Not a suicide mission. We don’t do that shit.

But how do you break the barrier and get the mission done?

I’m thinking there are women you don’t wanna fuck around with.

One of ’em’s named Sandy..



I’m so confused!

That’s what happens when you try to make sense out of Troofie’s posts.


I’m thinking there are women you don’t wanna fuck around with.

I would offer a couple of my ex-wives for that.


I’ve often wondered how many weapons I could conceal on a participatory woman.

Creativity is important.


Mentis Fugit said,
How long before the first Flash minigame of “Dodge The Shoe” or “Whack-A-Prez” appears?

Ask, and ye shall receive.


I decided to update the killfile script that’s already out there to add one important feature—instead of killing the comment body the parent node is deleted, thus removing the bodyless comment header
But it does not add dancing badgers!


But it does not add dancing badgers!

Well that certainly settles it. What good is it if it doesn’t have badgers?


Thank you so g-damn much, Owlbear. Just got really hep to hulu, I hadn’t even stumbled on these. I’ll be up ’til all hrs. again, & sleeping through prime commenting time here.


I’m thinking there are women you don’t wanna fuck around with.

The trick is to recognize weapons in the common objects around you. I once took a meat tenderizing pounder to school with me because there were mean and very large girls who sincerely wanted to kill me. I would certainly have tenderized them, given any provocation.

I’m much less aggresive in my defenses these days, but then again, I don’t have any enemies now.


Badgers? Wha’hoppen to the pumas & bears that saved the surge?


then again, I don’t have any enemies now

But lots of friends among the morticians I would imagine. 😎


I once took a meat tenderizing pounder to school with me… I don’t have any enemies now.

Jesus, I guess not.


Wha’hoppen to the pumas & bears that saved the surge?

Tis the true hero’s lot to be forgotten whilst the trouble making badgers and rabid pellicans are rewarded with attention.


Matt T., I was 14, 5’2″ and weighed 95 pounds. I believe in skewing the odds.


I was 14, 5?2? and weighed 95 pounds.

Hell my first wife was smaller than that at 20 and still the meanest woman on the planet. She is definitely on mikey’s list.


A delightful commenter is ITTDGY etc. As are you all!


Oh, I dig. I’m a firm believer in discouraging violence as much as possible. If that involves scaring the sense into some folks via terrifying kitchen implements, then so be it.


DrDick, I used to know a tiny little stripper from Georgia who carried a butterfly knife. She’d have fileted anyone who messed with her. She once tried to shoot her ex-husband with a twelve gauge shotgun. If it hadn’t kicked her 85 pound ass over teakettle, she’d be a long timin’ woman today. I was at least only about self-defense.

Not your ex by any chance? 😉


Not your ex by any chance? 😉

Nope. She was 5’0′ and 90lbs of Cherokee fullblood on the warpath living in Oklahoma last time I saw her, which was 33 years ago.


Ah, memories. I get the feeling we could swap ex stories. I’ve had some crazee ones.

I’m going to pass out now. I hope I don’t dream of flying shoes. Or, rather, I hope I do dream of flying footwear if they’re flying at the chimperor and not at me;.


“A Dream of Flying Shoes.” Now opening off Broadway.


Ugh, I think the dull crew is in here.

Ugh, I think you’re a pathetic pencil-dicked piece of shit.

Look, dumbfuck, no one gives a shit what you think. Got it? We’d shit in your mouth, but you’re so fucking boring that we fall the fuck asleep before even dropping trou. You’re a pathetic nerd. Go back to making out with your asshole buddy Bob Racist Shithead Owens, fucktard.

The Truth's Hilariously Tiny Penis

Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.

Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I’m a fucking moron!


Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Liver Porridge

1 can bonito
1 tablespoon liver, clustered
1 nut
2 bags Siamese fighting fish stomach, uncourageously candied
1 bunch baking powder
4 tablespoons cinnamon

Pre-heat your George Foreman grill to 139 Kelvin. Hilariously begin praying. Place the bonito into a medium skillet. Use a food processor to mash the nut with the liver. Drizzle resulting mixture over the bonito. Marinate the Siamese fighting fish stomach, baking powder, and the cinnamon. Encrust the latter combination on to the former. Grill for 136 minutes. Serves 15 admirable individuals with evangelical stomachs.

Dear people who know what Kelvin is: shut up.


Wow. Hulu is pretty cool.

There goes my last hope of returning to productivity.

Also, poop.


Kelvin? Kelvin? Martha Stewart’s driver?


Some parasitic Limey “noble” or “peer of the realm.” Why did you ask?


justme, it’s now pretty much over for the telebision-addictive personality (if I can call this a “personality”).


As to ladies not to be messed with, my time in New Orleans acquainted me with a charming, squeaky-voiced, poodle-headed little bartend who was sweet as could be. Up to a point. After that point, all bets were off. She was known particularly for one evening when she came bounding over the bar with the spare cue ball and knocked some fool cold. Miss that gal.

Her boss, well, one of them, was known for waking her own husband up to shoot him. She got the bar in the divorce. My guess is, she got whatever the hell she wanted in that divorce with very little complaint.

Ah, good times. Good times.


I once took a meat tenderizing pounder to school with me

Good choice. Once upon a time they would have called that a war-hammer.


“1 nut”

Hokay, now look here young man.

I’m an open minded fellah, as much so as a fellah’s got a right to be and all, but just because this Connecticut Yankee is crazier than a dog humpin a whippoorwill don’t make him recipe bait. There’s thangs I just won’t eat, no sirree….



I’m concerned that no one in the Secret Service was willing to step up and take a shoe for the President.

If I could be assured they were just tired of putting up with Commander Codpiece, I’d contribute to their legal defense fund. But given the general tenor of the last eight years, the IN-security agents in question were probably just featherbedding ex-YAF interns, undercover Mormons on ‘mission’, or overpaid-on-our-tax-dollars Blackwater goons.

No, wait — if they were Blackwater, they’d have retaliated by gunning down the entire audience…

Or maybe this was same SS team that let Cheney shoot his “friend” in the face, still doing penance on those plum overseas assignments where the question is not whether the C-Plus Augustus will embarrass himself, but how he’ll find yet another way to do so.


Dear chef Great Grandpa Trinidadci Franchesca the Wood Stork, My supermarket only sells partially clustered Liver. Is this acceptable? they are lazy persons in that establishment and I don’t mind going down there to kick them around some if it has to be fully clustered.


Her boss, well, one of them, was known for waking her own husband up to shoot him.
How regularly did this occur?


Only has to happen to me twice, & I’m history.


Yep when the partner has two tries at shooting you in bed, it’s time to head out. Harsh but true.


It was a simple misunderstanding, really. Bush thought Chalabi said we’d be greeted with “Candy” when what he really said was “Candie’s”.


On behalf of Cid:

Yuck foo, Wordpee!


Explanation(s): I’m screwed up. WordPress is screwed up. The Idiot Exploder 8 beta I just downloaded is screwed up. Which seems most likely?


That’s what happens when you try to make sense out of Troofie’s posts.

You know, I may have read a grand total of two of her posts and now I just breeze right by. I admire the folks who can read and respond to that stuff because what I read was dull in the extreme and pathetic in its attempts to be provocative.

OMG! The Truth is Madonna!


Shorter Gary: “The Iraqis are now free to throw shoes at dear leader”

Sadly, no.

Troll disappears when J– helpfully provides link to pdf of the Blago criminal complaint. Perhaps that and the latest “OMG B. Hussein X is an alien Muslim” Supreme Court case tossing, as well as President-Elect Barrack Hussein Obama’s official certification by the electoral vote yesterday, finally made his teeny brain explode.


PS — Happy Birthday (yesterday?) chocolatepie.


Her boss, well, one of them, was known for waking her own husband up to shoot him.

There are better snoring cures.


How regularly did this occur?

Lol, just the once, I believe. Plenty, by my standards. I mean, c’mon. “Honey? Wake up… Boom!” is pretty fucking rude by any measure.

It wasn’t for snoring, either. It was for boinking the help. Not the barmaid in question, I don’t believe, though not for lack of trying.


But you bust just one little cap in your husband…


There are better snoring cures.

Few quite so permanent, though.


It is not going to happen, liberals. Your echo chamber is reverberating now with your shouts of victory before you’ve won a single state. I almost feel badly for you, because when McCain wins, your astonishment will be overwhelming. I say “almost” because your ideology is nasty, anti-free speech, and absolutist, and every decent person will sigh in relief when it goes down to defeat once more.

Here is how it will go down next week. First, the results from Virginia and North Carolina will come in, and they’ll be declared for McCain. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. Florida will go red, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the night drags on, Ohio, Colorado, and (much to your horror) Pennsylvania will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to a McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, liberals, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.


all the wingnut talk of victory brought to mind this news item from a couple of years ago….it just seems appropriate to mention it…..

(sorry…don’t know how to post it as a link…)
updated 3:27 p.m. CT, Wed., Oct. 4, 2006

WASHINGTON – The military’s top generals have warned Iraq is on the cusp of a civil war and that U.S. troops must remain in large numbers until at least next spring. But if the winds suddenly blow a different direction, Congress is ready to celebrate with a $20 million victory party……

President can designate victory day
Under the language, the president could “designate a day of celebration” to honor troops serving in the two wars. The president also could call on the nation “to observe that day with appropriate ceremonies and activities” and issue awards to troops who have served honorably.

and there is this:

The New York Times reports today that Republicans buried a provision in a recent military spending bill that devotes $20 million “to pay for a celebration in the nation’s capital ‘for commemoration of success’ in Iraq and Afghanistan.” Appropriators had put it in the 2006 spending bill, but with no sign of a letup in the violence in Iraq they extended the provision so the president can spend the money in 2007.


(comments are closed)