PeoplePolitical — “When Your Right Your Right”
Our General Jeff “the Crusher” Perado pointed out those whooping errors at the People Political site to their Marie Jon’ (that’s how she spells it) through the magic of email. She replied thuswise:
Our Webmaster just updated the Website a few days ago. His wife just died. In fact the services were today. I pointed these mistakes to him already Democrat.
Thank you,
Why I’m A Republican [link deleted] Marie
And then we felt really bad. The poor guy had clearly made these mistakes out of grief, and Marie Jon’ had already pointed them out before Jeff emailed. Dag, yo.
And yet, here’s a new graphic, posted sometime in the past day or so. We find that all the errors that Jeff mentioned have been redacted — but what’s this?
Sure, Thomas and Scalia are rehnquey — no doubt. But William H. is truly the rehnquiest. [!?] Now hold on a second here!
It would be terrible if someone at the notable wingnut web design firm, Fiveshock Design has suffered a bereavement. But here’s a sample of Marie Jon’s (Jon”s? Jon’-‘s?) writing, from her column at the site. Does the detail-oriented style seem familiar?
“A Clarion Call–To Fight Back Evil–
Is Better Plan Than Just Praying For Deliverance From Evil!”
By Marie Jon’
“To the An angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:14-16 NIV)
I’m bold enough to give warning. Those among the Church in America who have backslidden and fallen away from the truth should start building spiritual muscles and putting on the whole armor of God, and then living it out in each individuals lives.
Woo! Now we’re really suspicious. Not that we don’t believe her, you understand.
I think it’s time to send her another error report. I wonder what she’ll give as an excuse this time? Her cat is sick??
Hey that wouldn’t be such a bad excuse, we could sure use some more pictures of scary cats in our kitty wars here.
Oh, and I appreciate being promoted to General. I just hope that General JC Christian, patriot, will not get jealous…
Well, Yosef is still Field Marshal. And, you know, we second lieutenants get to drink and chase the nurses while y’all guys are doing the hard work…
Functional illiteracy is not a family value.
Hey, wait, I just sent Marie Jon this in response to her email and her latest error…
“Greetings, Marie.
First I wish to offer my condolences to your webmaster. Any time someone loses a loved one it is hard. Perhaps he should take a few days off??
I just wanted to say that I am glad to see you fixed the problem with your news moniker. It makes us all look bad when we try to present a professional face, and make such gross mistakes. However, I was deeply hurt when you slandered me with the term “democrat”. I may not be like most conservatives in that I let slide all grievous errors and illegal activities of other conservatives. I truly believe in and hold, not just myself, but all other conservatives to the same high standard we apply to democrats (and profess for ourselves). Just like the Karl Rove issue, he damaged our national security. That is plain and simple. He must go. How the democrats treat him is irrelevant. He not only broke the law, but endangered God-fearing Americans by weakening our WMD intelligence program. He did that, not Joe Wilson, and not the Democrats. It is a fact he leaked this information to the press. His own lawyer admits this. He apparently lied to President Bush, Ari Fleischer, and Scott McClellan about his involvement. (The alternative is that he told them the truth and they, in turn, lied to us — which is not only worse, but wholly unbelievable; since they had been so upfront with the facts on Iraq’s WMDs prior to the war.)
Now, as I am a stickler about professionalism, I wish to point out another mistake on your website. (One which, I am now sure was not made by your webmaster, since I now understand from you, has been preoccupied with the death of his wife). It seems as though you have misspelled the name of one of our reverend Supreme Court Justices (as opposed to those activist justices), William Rehnquist. Also, I have it on the highest authority, Fox News, that he is not retiring, see:,2933,162577,00.html
I hope this helps in our quest to return this great nation from the heathens who think they are Americans but are, in fact, not.
Thank you, and keep the faith!”
I wonder how she will reply this time?
Man, I can’t wait to see if she does.
She might be in more trouble than she thinks. There’s that mangled quote from Revelations, while Revelations 22:18-19 clearly reads:
I find it strangely appropriate that Marie’s blog is hosted on a site called “” since her blog is one of the biggest loads of bull I’ve seen in quite some time.
Not only can the design titans at FiveShock not spell, their “design” skills leave a great deal to be desired. The entire site is composed of images, including the “text”, so it loads at glacial speed. There are a lot of images that could be loaded into the browser cache, so the viewer doesn’t have to wait for the same image to load on another page — but sadly, no. And I won’t even start on the aesthetics…
This is not really surprising — the number of good graphic designers of a right-wing political persuasion can probably be counted on one hand.
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
I have a bible with a great many pages covered with algebra equations and cribbed notes about einstiens theory of relativity.
Where’s my plagues gawd? what’s the matter, chicken?
(for those wondering, I’ve just effectivly disproved biblical literalism)
anyway, who’s up for some grave robbing, after all if the webmaster has nothing to hide about his dead wife (I heard a rumour he killed her with an ice pick) he won’t mind us digging her up right?
What a minute, those 2 babies aren’t about to fight, they’re getting ready to make out! Call the Kansas and Indiana Attorneys General!
Field Marshall? Where does that fall in the hierarchy of military ranks? I seemed to have missed that one.
Gross, Yosef, making out babies.
I was going to say I LOVED the way she spit out the word Democrat. Its like she is really hoping it could somehow be a fun ethnic slur type word, like all the ones she has to say in her head because of the PC police. She probably has a toothpick or piece of grass hanging out of her mouth, and she let’s the word hiss out the other side, followed by a gob of dip, or plain old spittle, as she cleanses her mouth of such a dirty word. I would totally heart her even more if she throws us some more red meat.
Has Kaye Grogan been moonlighting?
This poll made me giggle.
Did Pastor Swank register their domain name or was “” already taken?
Well, I got a reply back from Marie Jon. Read it and see if you can make any sense of it:
“Dear Jeff,
It has been taken care of. Please do not be offended about what I write or what you read on People Political. You are not looking at a progressive Website. I see thing much different that you do. Probably there is much we also see in agreement. Glean what is good. I know of the man that you sent his Website. I would not think such an intelligent man as you would comply with such ideas that he espouses. As far as Mr. Karl Rove is concerned, let’s just wait before you judge a man being accused doing.
Is President Bush distancing himself from Karl Rove? – Free Video Player Karl Rove
Have a wonderful day.
Bless you,
So who do you think she’s hinting at as “the man that you sent his Website”[sic] is? I’m guessing That evil Webmaster himself, Satan
But does any of this reply make any sense? Maybe I need to get stoned to the bejeezas before I can interpret it.
By the way, in every response she has sent, she includes a sexy picture of herself, Rachel MArsden-style. Email me if you want to see them, stutz [at] unlv [dot] nevada [dot] edu.
Jeff, I think she’s writing in Swank-speak.
backslidden? I HATE when that happens!
Karl Rove is a free Video Player? I don’t know what that means, but it can’t be good!
“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out”.
Ah, yes. The parable of the McDLT. But for inspiration, I prefer the miracle of the loaves and filet’o fishes.
I think she runs her writings through Babelfish before publishing them.
Runs ’em through twice.
This will be sent to appropriate people. You have all stepped over the line. Your lascivious filthy web blog is in big trouble. You have made personal threats to me. I do not take my personal safety as joke from people that are emotionally unstable.
Marie and her family.
New Web Blog called (Sadly YES) to view on People Political
To Jeff who thinks he has the skinny on what constitutes God’s word. (Isa 8:20 )”To the law and to the testament, if they do not speak according to this word there is no truth in them.”
There is a gift of prophecy in the holy Bible There above is how one judges if the gift is of God. No one in the Seventh Day Adventist church added words to God’s word. We are born again Christians, not Mormons who adheres to the Book of Mormon as their Bible.
Once again, Marie Jon loves to use the word lascivious. Ask her how she knows so much about it! I know how, and that’s all that matters. I’m not the one who will have to answer or be judged. Also, find out who’s taken up doing her writing and editing for her; as some of us know she writes like a dyslexic.
Once again, Marie Jon loves to use the word lascivious. Ask her how she knows so much about it! I know how, and that’s all that matters. I’m not the one who will have to answer or be judged. Also, find out who’s taken up doing her writing and editing for her; as some of us know she writes like a dyslexic.
I really wonder if you are right…
The wife, she’s alive. It was a big fat stupid ugly lie- typical