Shorter Anchoress
Posted on December 12th, 2008 by Tintin
ABOVE: The Anchoress displays her own brand of diplomacy
- The diplomatic way to win the War on Terror is for us to tell all the Arabs that God can whip Allah’s ass.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Reason #2505 I’m glad my meteoric falling-out with the schismatics didn’t lead me back to Mother Church.
Reason #2506-2600: Benedict XVI (incl. slash fiction)
Best. Photograph. Ever.
Ten thousand quatloos on the Virgin Mary to kick Mohammad’s ass!
Ineffective and mute like an anchoress I suppose.
Also, jazz hands.
Or we could have the Anchoress and an Islamic blogger fling curses at each other at 20 paces, and see which one’s head explodes.
With any luck, it’ll be both.
Back to “my god is bigger than your god.” *sigh* Allah is the god of Abraham, who is the same god of christinanity.
How much you wanna bet that when the ‘east’ evolves the same way, her intellectual heirs will be the ones waxing the most nostalgic for the religious honor of the once-noble Islamists?
What’s all this ‘Abraham’ business? You really think a country as mighty as America owes anything to some hebe?
No, no, no. We’re positive Christians.
You know, since religious types were so in favor of the Enlightenment the first time.
Hey guy’s,
I know your busy, but your home page still shows Dec. 7
Might wanna fix that.
I wrote to the Anchoress once and she tried to hit on me (true story)….it made me feel dirty and embarrassed. I thought she was supposed to be asexual or sumthing?
Ahh, that’s good stupid. The Cosplay Nun never fails to amuse:
…she just fails
Go ahead and throw her overboard, but dollars to donuts she won’t keep the boat from drifting.
The comment thread is pretty amusing as everyone is trying to nail down what it is they believe in:
Um, therefore I as a responsible gun-totin’ American will not actually use my gun ever unless I can imagine people I know gettin’ killed by the guy who is stealing my TV…
I wrote to the Anchoress once and she tried to hit on me (true story)
I bet you included your picture, knowing no woman can resist your moustachioed charm. Varlet.
There is some serious pranking available to those with strong stomachs.
“on the battlefield of the supernatural.”
And suddenly, I’m re-sold on the War on Terror. I call dibs on the Ecto-1. Who you gonna call?
I wrote to the Anchoress once and she tried to hit on me (true story)….it made me feel dirty and embarrassed. I thought she was supposed to be asexual or sumthing?
RUGGED: You shouldn’t have signed off with “Jesus Christ.”
Wait, is she suggesting convincing terrorists? Doesn’t that involve talking to terrorists? And we all know that talking to terrorists is that same as APPEASEMENT!!!!!!!!!
Why does The Anchoress hate America?
Goody! I’m always up for reviving the Crusades.
Besides, I think Ahmadinejad is holding out on us and is actually using the Holy Grail in a “Biblical” manner, if you know what I mean.
RUGGED: You shouldn’t have signed off with “Jesus Christ.”
(ahem), You mean “J*sus Chr*st”, right?
I’ve always wondered why people who name their kid Christian don’t call them Christ for short. I mean if you’re gonna brag about your religion anyway, might as well go whole hog.
No, no. This makes COMPLETE sense to me.
All we have to do to defeat these islamic jihadist fanatics is to believe MORE, CRAZIER unprovable invisible imaginary shit.
They have Prophets and dozens of virgins?
We have angels and virgin BIRTH.
They have the Quran?
Dood, we have something weird and ambiguous called “The Holy Spirit”. The crap is that, anyway? Hell, WE don’t even know.
So it seems to me like, if we are to have ANY chance to be the dominant nutjobs in the clash of fantasies we are engaged in, we’re going to have to amend the bible. Add a chapter or two, anyway.
We need more crazy shit, more talking snakes and burning bushes and flying cars, zombie risen dead, multiple limbs, super powers, talking dumpsters, supersonic lawnmowers and invisible junior high teachers!
Let’s get crazy people! Western civilization depends on it…
I wrote to the Anchoress once and she tried to hit on me (true story)….it made me feel dirty and embarrassed.
She may have mistaken you for the Dark Knight of the Soul.
As the West evolves into a post-faith society — disdainful of religion and confident in the primacy of reason alone — it is rendering itself ineffective and mute.
Anchoress, dear, the West has been trying to do that for a few centuries now and people like you haven’t let it yet. What are you worried about?
They kinda miss the whole “love thy neighbor” thing.
Christianity probably wasn’t half bad until Rome turned it into a dick fight.
Let’s get crazy people! Western civilization depends on it…
The Church of Scientology is our secret weapon.
talking dumpsters
We have one of those behind the Blood Clot…I’ve gotten some pretty good advice from it over the years (it knows how to get just about any kind of stain out of carpets).
I noticed this line
“The best lack all conviction and the worst are full of passionate intensity.” W B Yeats
being used by a poster who APPARENTLY agreed with the Anchoress.
My apologies if I misread that, but it struck me as painfully amusing, given how passionately intense the Anchoress and her cohorts were/are on this subject.
As for the whole ‘supernatural warfare’ element – maybe we should round up all the Wiccans we can find and send them to the coasts, so they can raise Cones of Power to keep the jihadis at bay. Or is that not the kind of supernatural assistance she has in mind?
These groups are stymied by their own enlightenment. As the West evolves into a post-faith society — disdainful of religion and confident in the primacy of reason alone — it is rendering itself ineffective and mute. Mute against an enemy that, for better or worse, communicates solely in the language of the supernatural and belief.
OK, we’ll keep some of the quacks around. It’s exactly this kind of thing that saved the medical career of Dr. Nick Riviera.
“Someone get that nun a calmative!”
Christianity probably wasn’t half bad until Rome turned it into a dick fight.
LittlePig: Let’s give the apostles their due. Paul certainly did his part.
That picture makes me wonder – is she a woman-born woman? Cause, it looks she might have gone oversees as a man and come back abroad.
To be fair, God also has a severe groin injury.
Cause, it looks she might have gone oversees as a man and come back abroad.
Perhaps she is Eric Idle and/or Robbie Coltrane and she is hiding out from gangsters by pretending to be a nun.
Cause, it looks she might have gone oversees as a man and come back abroad
I mean…………heh.
Dear Anchoress:
A Muslim terrorist jumped in the lake.
A Concerned Citizen
God also has a severe groin injury
No, you’re thinking of King Amfortas.
so they can raise Cones of Power to keep the jihadis at bay
Madonna-style? I’m not a Wiccan, but I’m willing to try it if I get a kick-ass you’ll-poke-someone’s-eye-out pointy bra out of the deal.
Let’s give the apostles their due. Paul certainly did his part.
He wasn’t a certified apostle as he went rogue when hanging out with the Turks.
No, Madonna style would be to create an army of golems. Or is she over that shit now and moved on to some other bullshit?
OK, we’ll keep some of the quacks around. It’s exactly this kind of thing that saved the medical career of Dr. Nick Riviera.
Calm down sir, you’re going to give yourself skin failure!
Very nicely done, Fred. Well, except I almost choked.
The paramedics eventually decided that God’s rib injury was sufficiently serious to take him out of the game.
It looks like the ‘grich glitch is fixed. I can click home and come back to the proper spot. *grin* Makes me happy….
Sure looks like a buncha palestinians to me, Smut!
I thought we were at war with the swarthystinians.
We are at war with the People’s Front of Judea.
The paramedics eventually decided that God’s rib injury was sufficiently serious to take him out of the game.
No visible blood, which means he can play. Just put some athletic tape over the cut and put him back in there! He’s our best scorer!
Hey, what’d I do?
God can do some good on the sidelines by showing his back parts to the other team.
Fire is the perfect weapon against fire. That’s why you see firefighters going into burning buildings with matches and gasoline.
Like you’re one to talk.
Bloody splitters!
Shit, there’s two of us. I hereby form the Judean Front for Peoples!
God can do some good on the sidelines by showing his back parts to the other team.
“But as you have seen the Monkey’s Tail, we must pronounce the worst sentence, which is — Go Free.”
Action replay.
Our giant gaseous vertebrate is more powerful than yours, so nyaaaah!!!
Radical, fundamentalist Islam “knows” it has God on its side.
We, on the other hand, KNOW we have God on OUR side.
My god’s better than your god,
My god’s better than yours
My god’s better ’cause he eats dead souls
My god’s better than yours
and confident in the primacy of reason alone
I love it when the nuttards think that things like the above are insults.
What? No Ken’L’Ration?
and confident in the primacy of reason alone
And that’s not even the case. As PeeJ noted above, Yahweh and Allah are the same deity. That’s not bringing reason into play, that’s what the source material says on both sides.
The point is she’s decrying reason.
Well, so does have very little experience with it, so I can understand her level of suspicion.
This looks like a job for Harry Dresden!
The point is she’s decrying reason.
I get that, I was just noting that the decrying is gratuitous. No reasoning is involved, just reading. After Mohammad, the person most mentioned in the Koran is Moses. Moses was the one that jewed God down from 50 prayers a day to 5.
(I am so going to hell for that. It’s one of the hardest idiomatic sayings for me to let go).
I don’t think I get it then: she thinks it’s currently secular reason vs Muslims – as if the US isn’t currently a superstitious nation – and what she wants is unreason vs. Muslims.
We fought them with George W. Bush – how much unreason does she want us to use?
Well, that’s what I get for not reading the article. But if she means Christianity vs. Islam, it’s a fight over which has the better prophet, cause the head honcho is the same cat. Which is silly, because the majority of Christians have no use for what Jesus said anyway.
Christianity vs. Islam — it’s a fight over which
hasisthebetter.prophet, cause the head honcho is the same cat.Which is silly.because the majority of Christians have no use for what Jesus said anyway.Rationally fixed.
“on the battlefield of the supernatural.”
In her spare time, does the Anchoress write slash-fic using characters from War in Heaven? It would be irresponsible, etc.
“Reasonably” fixed. Damn I suck today. I blame God.
Invisible teachers: teh Joos did it frist!
Hey, reason is a whore who’ll sleep with anyone who’s, you know, reasonable. And we can’t have that.
Why won’t anyone sit next to me?
‘Cause they’re all back here!!
Hee hee…
I’ll sit next to you. Or anyone. Oh please, G*d, won’t someone sit next to me…
You know what? I think The Achor is just trying to scare everyone into Jesuspeak, so she doesn’t sound so fucking stupid all alone. We’re supposed to be a-prayin’ and a Lordin’ along with the Anchoress instead of a-laughin’ and a-mockin’.
The Anchoress reminds me of Peggers Noonan. Same snooty, stick-up-the-ass tone, same insufferably condescending perspective, same vapid irrelevancy. They can both t-j my s-b.
So, the wingnut strategy has devolved to slapping God/Allah’s face with his own hand saying, “Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself.”
Yeah, they’re like kids stuck in the back seat during a car trip. Any minute I expect Malkin to start complaining that the Middle East is touching her and won’t move over.
Can anybody explain to me what, specifically, the Anchoress is proposing?
Say I’m the President, and I really want to do this new spiritual warfare the Anchoress is talking about. What new policies should I be enacting?
I mean, I get how she’s upset that not everybody believes the exact same things she does, but I don’t understand what that has to do with terrorism, or what she wants us to do about it.
Can anybody explain to me what, specifically, the Anchoress is proposing?
She wants people to say “We’re kicking your ass in the name of Christ.” It would help because OOH LOOK OVER THERE.
Dearest Sister in Christ,
I rejoice to hear of the Good News (dare I call it gospel? *wink*) our Brothers in Christ are spreading in Iraq. I pray every morning as I eat my Pop Tarts (chocolate is my favorite!) that God will smite our enemies dead. Speaking of the dead, we are all smiles at God’s victory in California over Prop. 8. It just proves that this is really a Christian country if even those fruits and nuts hate gays too.
Love, The Prioress of Eglantine
But it’s Christian unreason, which is the only good kind!
And no asking why it’s the only good kind, because that would be asking for reasons, and that’s heathen talk.
It’s weird that a pajamas media article would mention that the majority of Muslims are not in fact the most horrible people possible. Are they relaxing their editorial standards, or are italics the new scare quotes/irony quotes?
God heard the embattled nations sing and shout
“Gott strafe England” and “God save the King!”
God this, God that, and God the other thing –
“Good God!” said God, “I’ve got my work cut out!”
— J.C Squire
on the battlefield of the supernatural.
Sounds like a Zeppelin tune.
Just want to point out that, as far as Mumbai goes, there are plenty of people there willing to invoke the language of faith.
Unfortunately for the Anchoress and her friends, most of them are BJP/Shiv Sena types, who, when not girding themselves in the Armour of Righteousness to battle Muslim Terrorists, are often to be found burning Christian churches, sometimes with the Christians still inside.
Tricky stuff, this faith business.
I really think they should do this supernatural warfare stuff; it would be great. I’ve got a shoulder-launched glory-seeking missile ready to go.
Hey photoshoppers:
Those red shoes Ratzi is wearing are lame! How about adjusting the pic to proper sparkley red ruby slippers?
Shorter shorter Mrs. Scalia (for that is the faux nun’s name):
Back in my home town, there was a woman who walked around town all day dressed in a home-made nun outfit shockingly like the one Ms Anchoress is adorned in in the picture.
Our neighborhood “person of interesting” was harmless until she got an accordion. After a few weeks she was aggressively chasing children while playing it. When people started to worry that she’d chase kids into a busy street, social services took the prolife approach and put her away in a confined space a lot like the virtual cloister that Pseudo-Sister Woman fancies herself in .
Wow, some of the best snark I’ve seen in awhile here on this thread!
Thanks kids…it’s pathetic that the right-wing trolls are so poor at snark…leftie sites are SO MUCH MORE FUN!