Renew America Round-Up

Alan Keyes must have spiked the water at Renew America with LSD, because his pundits are extra, extra kooky this week. Let’s take a look, starting with…

Nathan Tabor!


Nathan writes about the horrific practice of human trafficking, where people are kidnapped and made to work as sex slaves and/or forced laborers. This is a serious problem that demands a serious solution- a solution that won’t be found in Nathan’s column:

What fans the flames of this wildfire of sex slavery and child sex abuse? I personally think it’s the combined influence of the American entertainment and pornography industries.

Yes, it was only after Janet Jackson flashed her nipple to the world that some guy in Saudi Arabia said, “Hey, I think I’ll kidnap some children and pimp them out to perverted sheiks! Bless you, Janet! Nipple akbar!”

We judge drug traffickers, and especially so-called kingpins, deserving of more severe criminal punishment than casual drug users precisely because their personal greed produces so many human victims. We used to take the same approach toward pornographers, before some misguided “free speech” zealots distorted the original meaning of the First Amendment.

It’s time we come back to common sense before more irreversible damage is done to countless human lives. If that means “censorship” of Hollywood movies ? and stiff prison sentences and heavy fines for those who appear in, produce and distribute hard-core pornography ? so be it.

So instead of going after the people who are actually selling children into slavery, we should go after the real cuplrits: women who show their boobs on camera. It may not end human trafficking, but it does mean a bunch of sluts will be thrown in jail, which is almost as good.

Our next drug-addled pundit is none other than Renew America’s resident glue-huffer, Kaye Grogan!

This week, Kaye writes about… uhm… well, as usual, she’s got a lot on her mind. Let’s look at a choice excerpt:

On the one hand, Hillary Clinton is blasting President Bush for not taking securing our borders seriously, while husband Bill, who might (God forbid) – become the first-husband of the country, is singing the praises of keeping our borders lax. Are these two even on the same planet?

It is abundantly clear that the economy is more important to many people above securing our borders. How are you going to spend your money from bomb shelters or draw your money out of (leveled to the ground) banks?

Well, since most of us will be radioactive flesh-eating zombies, it won’t matter that there aren’t any banks because the official currency will be BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAINS!!!!! Really, Kaye, you gotta think outside the box sometimes.

Democrats and Republican alike ? YOU have allowed the security of this country to be compromised. You wanted the country to be diversified, saturated with foreigners, pretending it was for our best interest. How can you say it is in our best interest to be threatened on a daily basis to be blown to smithereens?

I love how Kaye lives in rural Virginia, but still feels threatened (on a daily basis, no less!) by shady foreigners who want to blown her to smithereens. If there’s a better example of Karl Rove’s dream voter, I haven’t seen it.

NO ? this is not a small price to pay for a booming economy. Unless you guys have found out a way for everybody to come back from the dead ? what good is a booming economy?

Again, I refer you to the flesh-eating zombie scenario.

Instead of programing your brains to attack one another in the chamber of congress ? you’d be better off to get serious (I’m talking dead serious here) ? and get on with protecting this country against terrorist attacks.

Yes, politicians are like cyborgs- you create them to make your life easier, but they eventually reprogram their brains and become evil:

Above: Senator T-800 (D, CA) sez: “I’ll make sure this anti-terror legislation doesn’t make it out of committee! Crush! Kill! Destroy!”

If there are (as reported) at least two smuggled nuclear weapons already in the United States built with the deadly compounds of Plutonium and Uranium ? somebody had better get on the ball and find them ASAP!

And if Kaye doesn’t stop reading crackpot reports in WorldNetDaily while huffing rubber cement, she’s gonna end up in a straightjacket… ASAP!

Next up, we have Selwyn Duke, who has a rather… interesting… view of our legal system:


In a nutshell, a law by definition is the removal of a freedom because it states that there’s something you must or must not do. Thus, the more laws we have the less free we are. And every year in our nation we enact a multitude more laws while rescinding hardly any. This means that as time marches forward we become progressively less free.

Of course, most laws are enacted to stop others from violating our rights, but whatever- I think Selwyn’s theory makes sense.

On a related note, I have been alive for roughly 788,400,000 seconds. In not one of those seconds have I ever died. Therefore, the chances that I’ll ever die are even less that 1 in 788,400,000- pretty damn good odds, if you ask me! And every extra year I live, my chances of dying become less and less- by the time I’m 40, my odds of dying will be less than 1 in 1.26 billion!

Our next writer is new to Sadly, No!, so make sure to be extra nice. Ladies, gentlemen and Yosef, making her S,N! debut… Judie Brown!


It is becoming increasingly clear to me that I’m out of step with the rest of the world. And boy, am I glad! It’s not just me, either. Everyone who fully embraces a pro-life style of thinking, in fact, has absolutely nothing in common with those arbiters of popular culture who espouse a philosophy of personal pleasure above all else.

Yes, people who embrace the pro-life style of thinking hold a different philosophy: “Eat, drink and be merry, and God will kick your ass.”

How are pro-lifers out of step? Well, pro-life people welcome babies. We avoid all manner of birth control. We make a point of telling people, every chance we get, that many of the most commonly used methods of birth control occasionally result in the death of preborn children.

“We also tell them to stop listening to that darned ‘rock’n’roll’ they seem to be into. Oh, and we tell them to tuck in their shirts too. I can’t figure out why they don’t appreciate us more.”

Without the healthy birth rates of various immigrant populations, the United States would be shrinking. That’s because, as the other headline notes, business is booming at family planning clinics, where thousands of Americans are seeking ways to avoid bearing (or carrying) children.

Yes, it’d be much better to have extremely high birth rates, thus forcing mothers to stay at home while their husbands work. Of course, the loss of extra income from the wife makes it more likely that the family won’t be able to afford quality health care, leading to even higher American infant mortality rates. But it’s OK that more babies will die, since that’s God’s doing and not Planned Parenthood’s.

“Family planning clinics” are portrayed as noble ventures, but in reality they are professional establishments operated by people who buy into the Planned Parenthood mentality, which relies heavily on the theory that only “wanted” children are a blessing.

Yes, every woman should feel blessed to have thirteen children she can’t afford to feed.

And finally, here’s another newcomer to Sadly, No!, Deanna Spingola!


The ultimate destruction of the American family, the basic unit of our society, is the prevailing goal of the satanic socialist agenda.

Y’know, I’ve met a few Satanists in my day (I used to go sailing in Salem every now and then), and I don’t think any of them held a belief system remotely close to socialism- if anything, they were hyperactive Randians who put their own gratification above the good of others.

Anyway, Deanna goes on to blame Gloria Steinem (and feminism in general) for the destruction of the American family. She concludes that the world was better when women knew their place:

Gender equality isn’t probable nor is it desirable. In a friendly atmosphere, each gender has harmonious, desirable characteristics, values and purpose. When not coerced to face off against each other, gender compatibility is both proper and beneficial, personally and culturally. Both genders are necessary to provide balance and example in an ever increasing unbalanced society.

In other words, the world would be more harmonious if women did what they were told.

Well, that’s all the Renew America I can take for one evening. Right now, I feel like Homer Simpson’s helper monkey Mojo after he ate twelve boxes of donuts-in other words, I’m not doin’ so hot. Until we meet again… “Pray. For. Brad R.”


Comments: 29


‘Nathan Tabor.’ Yeah, like that isn’t a robot’s clever made-up name for itself so that it can pass among humankind.

“My name is Nahtan Rabot, and I am not a robot. Click, whirr.”


Yeah, I know. He’s poised to turn evil at any moment.


This is quite a harvest. I’m sort of in awe.


It was kinda like participating in that worldwide hotdog eating contest (you know, the one the little Japanese kid wins every year). Kinda fun at first, but after eating the final hotdog, I felt violently ill.

source formerly known as anon.

This pro-life commentary reminds me of the question posed in Anne Morse?s BreakPoint article on ?Snowflake Kids?: ?Would I kill my daughter so I could walk again? Now, having read Deanna Spingola?s take on gender equality, I would have to answer ?No?. I would not kill my daughter to walk again because I don?t need to walk. I just need to lay in bed and let God?s work be done?over and over and over again until the neighbors start to complain.


I want to see the cage match between Kaye Grogan and Michelle Malkin!
The survivor gets let out of the straightjacket for twenty minutes a week to type more crazy shit!
The loser gets buried in hers!

The winners are us, since I figure that’s more time than they usually spend on this crap and it’ll give them a chance to run spellcheck.


Congratulations on that marathon effort. Much appreciated. Now, let me say, regarding Judie Brown’s accusation that Americans are “seeking ways to avoid bearing (or carrying) children,” er, aren’t they the same thing? And her take on “the Planned Parenthood mentality, which relies heavily on the theory that only ‘wanted’ children are a blessing”: Yes, I defy you to find anyone who won’t agree that “wanted” and “unwanted” children are equally welcomed and cherished by their parents.This Deanna Spingola–did she drop out of a wrinkle in time from 1975 (that wash-n-wear hairstyle is suspicious)? because she is regurgitating every bland, vague anti-ERA talking point from the time before there was such a term as “talking point.” Okay, yes, Deanna, the point of feminism is and always has been to create one Stalin-approved prototype gender. No individuality, no high heels, no hubbies on manly hunting trips, no cookies baking in the oven. Just unisex bathrooms and slate-grey jumpsuits as far as the eye can see. Geez, why don’t these people ever realize that the great social movements like the labor movement and feminism grew out of a real need to correct the wrongs the majority inflicted on the minority? See, gals, people were really unhappy at being exploited and oppressed, and so they worked very very hard and started asking for what they needed to live happy lives. They’re not just a bunch of whining spoilsports trying to ruin things for you. Lots of other folks don’t like it, I know. Try to understand, though, Deanna–these things are not part of a socially engineered plot to take away your vagina.


Now, let me say, regarding Judie Brown’s accusation that Americans are “seeking ways to avoid bearing (or carrying) children,” er, aren’t they the same thing?

You can simply never tell with these people. Maybe she means pregnancy and also those liberal-moonbat so-called “strollers.”


I was pondering how to possibly explain the superior reasoning powers of Nathan Tabor. Then it occurred to me. Tabor, Tobor. Coincidence? I think not!


Why are we hearing from Deanna and not from her husband instead? Shouldn’t he be speaking for her? Or at least explaining the definition of “equality” before she makes a fool of herself on the Internets?

Don’t even get me started on the other stupid shit.


I just hope I never wind up next to Judie in line at the movies or grocery store, since she probaly uses the time to explain the evils of birth control.


I think all my bullshit detectors broke reading this RA garbage. They must love giving sane Christians a bad name.


“What fans the flames of this wildfire of sex slavery and child sex abuse?”

Is it just me, or is Nathan a little too…excited, about sex slavery and child sex abuse? “Moral abomination,” I can see – “wildfire” just makes me think of, well…I’m sure Tobor didn’t know that WildFire is the name of a major sex toy manufacturer, right?


“the great social movements like the labor movement and feminism grew out of a real need to correct the wrongs the majority inflicted on the minority”

Um, no — in both cases the wrongs are inflicted by priveleged minorities. Particularly in the case of labor.


Isn’t Judie’s husband practicing birth control by having sex with someone who very obviously can no longer bear children? How many does she have, anyway?


I looked it up — Judie only has THREE children. Hypocrite!!!


Wow, you done picked up a big rock to look under!


Why does Nathan Tabor put the word “censorship” in qoutes like that?

When you have the government arresting you if you say certain things, that’s pretty much the definition of censorship. It’s not some kind of fake censorship.


“…many of the most commonly used methods of birth control occasionally result in the death of preborn children.”

After carefully deciding what erroneous part of this statement to make fun of, I’ve decided to go with the fact that the Rhythm Method, arguably the most commonly used method of birth control, probably isn’t killing any pre-born children (or womb-babies as a friend likes to call them.)


stiff prison sentences and heavy fines for those who appear in, produce and distribute hard-core pornography

Huh-huh, huh-huh, “stiff prison sentences”.


Is it just me or does Judie Brown look suspiciously like a Dana Carvey character? Perhaps an older, wrinkley-er sister of the Church Lady.

Hysterical Woman

Condoms kill babies? Well, maybe if they swallow them. Oh, and someone should ask her why she has only three children, or why she hasn’t offered her husband a fertile mistress so he won’t waste his prescious seed.


“the great social movements like the labor movement and feminism grew out of a real need to correct the wrongs the majority inflicted on the minority”

Um, no — in both cases the wrongs are inflicted by priveleged minorities. Particularly in the case of labor.

Um, yeah, I misspoke, but the sense of what I meant is obvious. Powerful vs weak, whether it’s a powerful majority or a powerful minority. Whatever, I’m not writing a paper here.


and stiff prison sentences and heavy fines for those who appear in, produce and distribute hard-core pornography

But I can still *watch* hard-core pornography without fear of prison time or fines, right?



“No, what animates my pen this fine evening was spawned by 9/11 and has finally assaulted my neurons to a point of critical mass.”

Anybody who would write a sentence like this should really drop the commentary sideline and go back to being a full-time tennis pro.

I’m looking at you, Selwyn . . .


Hey Yosef… Are You Ready for Senator Nathan Tabor???

Nathan Tabor is one of my all-time favorite wingnuts. In the past, he has advocated for outlawing divorce; he has blamed abortion for illegal immigration; he has attacked Abe Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson while standing up for segregation; and he…


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