Wingnut Welfare And The Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations


ABOVE: Welcome to the Monkey House. Beware
of wanking!

The word has come down to all wingnut welfare recipients that their job for this month is to try to figure out how to drag Obama into the Rod Blagojevich scandal. Andy McCarthy steps up to the plate at America’s Shittiest Website™ and completely whiffs it.

“I Have Never Spoken To The Governor On This Subject” — OK, Why Not?

ME: This seems passing strange. Until January 20 gets here, Obama is still the sitting U.S. senator occupying that seat. Obviously, it would be wrong for Obama to get involved in a corrupt deal to trade his seat. But what would be wrong about speaking to Blagojevich about who would be replacing him? He says the people of Illinois “deserve the best possible representation.” OK, well don’t they deserve it now, while he is still in office?

Umm, Andy, I think your phone is ringing.

Hello? … Oh hi, Kathryn Jean. … Fine, thanks. … Did I know what? … No! Really? … He resigned on November 16? … Well, yes, I do know what Google is. … No, really, you don’t need to mention this to Cliff May. …. No, please, it’s not necessary. … Well, for one thing he’ll cut my stipend. … I’d do anything Kathryn. … Well, except that. … How about I just buy you lunch? … At the Cheesecake Factory. … Yes, you can order whatever you want. … Okay, I’ll fix the post. … Bye, now.

A few minutes later, Andy updates his post:

CORRECTION: I apologize for being unaware that Obama had resigned his senate seat on November 16. (On that, while I see what’s in it for Obama in terms of avoiding uncomfortable votes before he assumes the presidency, I don’t see what’s in it for the people he was elected to represent, who are left without a senator for two months.) It doesn’t change my mind about anything I said in the post.

Andy, there goes your phone again.

Yes, Kathryn Jean, what now? … Where did I get the bit about being left without a Senator for two months? Well, it’s two months between the day he resigned and the Inauguration. … Get out of town! Blagojevich could have just appointed someone before the Inauguration? He can do that? … Yes, Kathryn, I already told you I know about Google. … You’re not going to mention this to Cliff May, are you? … Thanks. … Double order for a doggy bag? … Sure, why not. … Okay, bye again. See you on Thursday.

Just in case you need a road-map to follow Andy’s meanderings on all this, here it is: Barack Obama had an interest in talking to Blagojevich because it was part of his job as Senator to discuss his replacement and, if even if he wasn’t Senator, he had an interest in talking to Blagojevich because, well, he just did, that’s all. Hey! Quick, look over there! There’s a terrorist driving a cab!!


Comments: 56


OMG LOLZ, you expect us to believe that K-Lo knows how to use Google?!


Just the best line:

>>It doesn’t change my mind about anything I said in the post.

That really sums it up, eh? Being wrong doesn’t change their minds about anything.

Trilateral Chairman

Damn. Legalize beat me to it. That’s quick work.


Normal blogging humans: Everything I just wrote is wrong so I’m sorry for that.
Conservative blogging humans: Everything I just wrote was wrong, which only goes to show how right I was all along!

So, do we speculate from the above that KLo was actually doing her job of editing or did she just see a prime opportunity to extort baked goods. Is it irresponsible to speculate based on a fictitious conversation? It would be irresponsible not to!

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

This post implies the K.J. Lopez takes her editorial duties seriously – a hypothesis that is not supported by the available data.


Glad to hear Andy is one of the “thinkers” over at NRO who will be doing movie reviews for Breitbart’s new Hollywood rag.

I can see it now, “”CORRECTION: I have now been told that movie was a parody but it still doesn’t change my mind about anything I wrote in the previous post – the plot WAS really silly.””


Look! Over there! The shiny war on Christmas destroyed the economy!

And you’ll probably get tortured too


… but he knows what love is.


Searching Google should be mandatory for anyone who posts at The Corner. How many ridiculously incorrect posts have these people made just this year?


Yeah, I’m not buying the K-Lo either. She’s never corrected anyone, no matter how egregious their lies and errors, unless they criticize conservatives or the Catholic Church. (But I’m biased. My K-Lo is a shy yet eager young miss, talking on the world with a NRO keyboard, a life-sizxed crucifix in her bedroom, and a winsome smile.)

I suspect the Old Guard sees the internet as a hobby to keep their idiot children employed and busy. Let the 30something kids deal with that newfangled tubes thing, while they run the think tanks and pine for those monthly dinners at the Buckleys’ expensive apartment.


Hm, I have an idea. Could someone suffering the Groundhog Day issue try this link? It should show the current, up-to-date homepage. That will narrow it down some.


The fact is, I came to this thread hoping to see and hear more from Dr. BLT.


I’m sorry, he and Sir. Root Beer Float were attacked and eaten at a lunch counter. We’re sorry for your loss.


I’m not sorry for anything I may have eaten.


“CORRECTION: I have been told that the moon is not in fact made of delicious green cheese. I apologize for the error. This does not in any way change my call to send missions out to mine for this valuable resource.”


CORRECTION: “I have now been told Saddam Hussein was hated by bin Laden and that Iraq didn’t have WMD. But this, in no way, means I wouldn’t still have invaded Iraq because of their massive supplies of WMD and because of Saddam’s cozy relationship with Al Qaeda.”


Poop! Oh, never mind.


Nothing that has happened has changed my opinion that “Blagojevitch” looks and sounds like a phonetic trascription for the sound of someone vomiting.

The Goddamn Batman Is Willing To Serve As Senator, Because They Meet During The Day

The presumption is that Obama didn’t have anything better to do, like, I dunno, prepare to hit the ground running on 1/20/09 because of this big shitty mess that W is leaving him. Besides, he’s dealt with Blago before and probably knows that he just has to hope that Governor Haircut doesn’t just appoint his wife or a horse or a pile of old Chicago Readers or something.


It seems that pretty much everyone is desperate for this to be a scandal. On last night’s CBS Evening News, it was breathlessly reported that Obama and Blagojevich “were seen together” just last week at the National Governor’s Meeting. You know, the meeting that all the, um, governors attended. Being that it was the National Governor’s Meeting.


“Hm, I have an idea. Could someone suffering the Groundhog Day issue try this link? It should show the current, up-to-date homepage. That will narrow it down some.”

Worked fine for me but I’m not having that problem now. I’m pretty sure it was the human sacrifice. Thanks anonymous homeless person!


Hmmm. I see this thread’s snark capacity has already been exceeded by 150%. Never mind.

But really, K-Load standing athwart a fellow fRighty who can’t write for shit and yelling stop?



O gods of teh intertubes please rid me of the face of Jackie G. Cushman .


Djur said,

December 12, 2008 at 18:35

Link got me here on IE – which otherwise inevitably gets warped back to Groundhog Day … just yet more proof of Internet Explorer’s vile origins deep within the putrescent, corroded tube of pure evil that is Lucifer’s urethra, IMHO … & I’ve never had any problem with Firefox which is what I regularly use.



Djur said,

December 12, 2008 at 18:35

Hm, I have an idea. Could someone suffering the Groundhog Day issue try this link? It should show the current, up-to-date homepage. That will narrow it down some.

While it did take me to the correct page, which of course I was already on, also, it astonishingly made asbofuckinglutely no difference to my attempt via the usual bookmark/home page, resulting in fresh bleeding from my abused eyeballs. The only way to get here is from there via the pages with comments open, one endlessly fucking post/page at a time, and all starting with GINGRICH!!



I’m not trying to add to Gavin’s troubles, really I’m not. But I coulda swore I just saw a new post about Groundhog Day up top. Now it’s gone. So okay, now you guys are just messin’ with us, right? Or else the acid flashbacks are starting again.


Hey, it’s better than acid flashDANCEs.


How about this? If the problem is a stale upstream caching proxy, that URL should work.


It doth seem passing strange
— and yet —
Gladly will I pay thee Tuesday
For a Huhmburger today
For sooth , god , and country
All flash
No back


Posting worthless comment to remove Gingrich woman blockage.


It’s a conspiracy, I tell you!

Whatever it is.


Djur: yes, linky workee for me now. Otherwise lost in goddam Jackie Gingrich Groundhog Day hell…


Once again, commenters funnier than the post, its very self! Thank you, Sadly, No! sters!


Hey, this is weird. Now when I go to the home page it’s fixed – No more Groundhog Day. How did u do that Djur? Or iz it becuz I can haz comment?


jim, I have IE and I haven’t had a bit of trouble this week. I usually don’t have any trouble with WordPress, either, just a few laggard comments now and then. I must be holding my mouth right or something. 😉

Yeah, I can’t even imagine K-Lo caring about the idiocy of one of her writers. Of course, if she could use it as a bludgeon to acquire cheesecake, that might be a whole ‘nother thing.


I blame Obama. He has cast his magic witchcraftery witchy poo spells on teh internets. The reality is that today is December 7th! It will always be Dec. 7th. You are under Obama’s spell that makes you believe it’s Fri. Dec. 12th. Your PC is connected to the internet right? All your clocks are under Obama’s witchy control.

Go back to sleep sheeple.


Obama can only fix the internets when he is president and not before. Duh.


Sadly No works fine for me.

But my shoelace is broken, can anyone help with that?



But my shoelace is broken, can anyone help with that?

I recommend that the shoelace be executed.


oh, SN? screw your stupid spam filter.


I keep getting the problem regardless of djur’s url. In fact, it directed me to the ‘grich.


If / is Groundhogg’d and /?orz is not, that indicates an upstream caching issue. Somewhere between your machine and Sadly, there’s a caching proxy. My suspicion is that in their endless quest to keep the site scraping by, someone twiddled with the Expires headers.

The fact that people are noticing this so much on mobile devices helps this hypothesis, since most mobile Internet providers have fairly aggressive caching proxies.

I might be able to help. For now, folks, sticking ?blabhlah or whatever at the end of the Sadly homepage URL should work. Just change your bookmarks.

I need to collect some more data to be sure. For my next trick, I need someone who’s noticing the stale content in Firefox.

1. Download the livehttpheaders addon:
2. Restart Firefox.
3. Go to Tools -> Live HTTP Headers.
4. Choose the ‘Config’ tab, check “Filter URLs with regexp”, and enter “/$” in the text box next to it.
5. Go back to the Headers tab and check “Capture.”
6. Visit
7. Uncheck ‘Capture’ in the Live HTTP Headers box, click “Save All”, and save the file as “sadlyno-headers.txt”
8. Email that file to mboeh at desperance dot net or post it here. No worries, it doesn’t contain any private or identifying info.

By the way, if anyone at S,N needs help figuring this out, I’m willing to pitch in.


Because I tend to follow RB’s recomendations without question, I have signed the death warrant for the shoelace in question.

He was executed by firing squad just moments ago.

A question does arise at this point, however.

Um. Was I supposed to take off my shoe first?




If you lived in Pureheart New Zealand you can look at Sadly No whenever you want between the hours of 8 and 8.30 am and again 11 – 11.30pm. But since you live in Big ChicagoMuslimland, no Sadly No for you.
This is unfortunate but wholly deserved since the interwebs are not for the likes of you baby eating folks.


Oh. Oh, I see. There never WAS a “Groundhog Day” post. It’s all my imagination. Is that the way we’re going to play this game? Okay, FINE. If that’s the way you want it.


MzNicky — the *GINGRICH* post was retitled “Groundhog Day.” Presumably that is what you saw.


Damn it!! That shoelace could’ve been saved!! Is life so cheap to you people that you throw it away with so little emotion, so little attachment? Oh, the shoe-manity!


Djur: Oh. Well, that’s different then, isn’t it? Never mind. And thank you!


Have you ever noticed that, whenever wingnuts think they have some telling point to make, they get all over pseudo-Shakespeare? What’s with “passing strange” and “methinks?” Do they think that this makes them sound smart? Credible?


What’s with “passing strange”
I wondered about that. Perhaps he had The Sisters of Mercy singing ‘Nine While Nine” on his ipod.


Do they think that this makes them sound smart? Credible?

I guess. Maybe they just think it makes them sound like the Marvel Comics version of Thor.


(comments are closed)