Quiet ’round here
Yeesh, it’s quiet around here.
I can’t speak for the rest of my co-bloggers, but there’s been a dearth of quality wingnuttery of late. Or maybe I’ve just lost my passion for critiquing them now that they’re politically irrelevant for the time being. Should I hope that the GOP takes back the House in 2010 just to get some fresh inspiration?
UPDATE: Oh, for some reason I didn’t see the bazillion new posts Gavin has put up the past few days. Please disregard.
UPDATE II: I guess I can still get my ya-ya’s out by trashing the Democrats:
Panel Overseeing Bailout Criticizes Treasury Department
The congressional panel overseeing the $700 billion economic rescue plan laced into the Treasury Department today for misleading Congress over how the money is being used.
“We’ve been lied to. We’ve been bamboozled. What we have here is one big mess,” said Rep. Davis Scott (D-Ga.), who like several others on the House Financial Services Committee focused on the fact that the hundreds of billions of dollars used to shore up the capital position of banks is not being felt in the form of easier credit for homeowners and businesses.
The committee convened today to review the progress to date of the Troubled Asset Relief Program and review a pair of critical reports from a congressionally appointed oversight panel and the General Accountabilty Office. The two groups questioned whether the Treasury has adequately diagnosed the economy’s ills, and understands whether its planned uses for TARP funds will help.
At some point, you have to stop blaming the Bush administration for massive policy failures. After all, the administration has delivered us eight years’ worth of them — why would they stop now with less than two months to go in office?
The blame for this pathetic debacle rests solely on the Democrats who are throwing up their hands and shouting that no one could have predicted that the Bush administration would screw them one last time. Or maybe they’re just bad people and they don’t care. Who can say?
Well you could try hanging out on the PUMA blogs… They’re even less relevant but full of FUBAR discussions on how Obama is both Malcolm X’s love child and works for the CIA which is why the Supreme Court dismissed the “Natural Born Citizen” case.
Is there a reason that I can’t see any of these posts on the front page?
Yeah, much as I love you guys and the whole S,N! experience, I would not be all that sad if the world supply of wingnuttium were to become totally depleted.
Not that I think it’s likely. This could just be the calm before the storm, a deep indrawing of breath in anticipation of a grand explosive spew. So we may have that to look forward to.
JCN just reminded me that I can see them now on the front page.
Same ‘puter and browser, etc, just 4 hours later.
What didja do in the intervening time?
Obviously. This post is TOO GOOD to allow on the front page.
There will, alas, never be an end to wingnuttery.
As long as people think sucking up to rich people will make them rich,
cling to their prejudices instead of evolving as human beings,
and prefer to project their fears and hangups rather than dealing with them as adults…
the wingnuts will be always with us.
agreed, @ the main URL, the first post I see is the GINGRICH Cushman “It’s a Wonderful Life” post.
Is there a reason that I can’t see any of these posts on the front page?
It’s a photoshop. Done by the world’s greatest photoshoppeur.
Brad you genius. Thank you J— for pointing out the obvious.
Has everyone who’s having issues with the homepage tried a force reload (Shift-Refresh)? For a while there S,N had some pretty aggressive Expires headers and I had to regularly shift-reload.
The Democrats are Claude Raines in Casablanca: “I’m shocked – SHOCKED – to find an unaccountable waste of hundreds of billions of dollars in this establishment!”
Yeah, much as I love you guys and the whole S,N! experience, I would not be all that sad if the world supply of wingnuttium were to become totally depleted.
It’s an organic resource, after all. Maybe it’s just a matter of waiting for the Great Birth Certificate Hubbub to blow over; maybe along about February or so when the wingnuts realize that President Hussein Obama isn’t going away any time soon.
Well, yeah.
That, and if the considered methodology of the “worlds greatest deliberative body” and all it’s deeply serious thinkers is some addle-brained version of that old child’s rhyme:
Then it’s entirely likely that the entire undertaking will forever be filed in that overstuffed bottom file drawer, the one marked “Embarassing Clusterfucks”
Talk to the folks that voted Yes on Proposition 8 in California, and ask them about the idea of calling in “gay” for work today. That’ll get things stirred up, while affording me an opportunity to pimp my latest tune, called I Called in Homophobic Today…
The song is set for release tomorrow, December 11 or Friday, December 12 at the latest.
I Called in Homophobic Today
words and music by Dr BLT copyright 2008
I called in homophobic today
my homophobia won’t go away
I never cry at movies
I’m chokin’ back the tears
I hope to God my sorrow
goes away
I called in homophobic today
I traded my pink shirt
for one that’s gray
I’ve sanded down my hands
so I shake hands just like a man
and you’ll never catch me
layin’ out to tan
I called in homophobic today
they’ll miss us homophobics
come what may
an economic downturn?
well, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
homophobics let’s stay home
collectin’ pay
employers don’t you cry a single tear
for tearsdrops are water drops I fear
now don’t get warm and fuzzy
or mushy when I say
I called in homophobic today
Man, that is some crappy lyrics.
I hope BLT knows more about sammiches than he does about meter and cadence.
What a drooling idiot…
Dr BLT, you call yourself a conservative? You’re either a fake, or a moderate, all real conservatives are opposed to homosexuality, on either religious or cultural grounds, or both.
As one who opposes homophobia, you are indeed a fraud. Now go back to singing that crap you call music, while leaving the culture war to real conservatives.
Thank you.
Yeah, this particular Congress never needs to worry about covering itself in too much glory, does it?
FSC: Going for the Gold in the Cry-Wolf Olympics.
“You could knock us over with a feather here, people! We’re just as shocked as we were the OTHER 917 times we got bamboozled & lied to! Why oh why does this keep happening to us? Whatever in the world are we doing wrong? Waaaaaah!”
Yeah, poor Congress … call me back when they start wearing too much eyeliner & cutting.
Well, it’s not like they could do something wild & wacky like, oh, putting actual meaningful conditions on the boatloads of cash they’re forking over (like easier credit?) or – dare I say it – actually re-regulating the fucking market now … because that would make the Baby Greenspan cry!
Re: Update II
It’s not just that the Bush administration screwed them again, but that the Dems handed them the vaseline with sand in it first!
You’re either a fake, or a moderate, all real conservatives are opposed to homosexuality, on either religious or cultural grounds, or both.
Yo, Commanderpanties….tell that to this guy…
Or maybe these folks, Commanderthong….
Oh, there will be plenty of freak-outs by the paranoid right in the near future. Don’t worry about that. Just watch when the White House announces Obama’s first sit-down with Raúl Castro, or when Obama instructs the U.S. ambassador to the UN to bring the issue of Darfur before the Security Council.
Anyone who uses the term “radical right”, or “far right’, or “extreme right”, in a negative context, is not a conservative.
Neither is anyone who opposes even one part of conservative orthodoxy.
“Big Deals keep on turning!
Big Money keeps on burning!
And we’re bailin’,
balin’ out the weatlhy!”
-This year’s hit from the “Tina Turner” 109th Congress
Sorry to disappoint you all with the I Called in Homophobic Today song. I’ll try to make it up to you with another song. Hopefully you’ll like this one better.
For those of you who claim to be in such intense pain over my songs, I’d recommend escapism. The movie, Twilight is a pretty good escapist film. And to prove that I’m not a musical opportunist, I waited until the movie had been released before I released this.
This is a Christmas present for sadly no visitors, because it is a special Christmas edition, that includes an introductory skit, starring yours truly:
Twilight Time (Unofficial movie theme: Christmas Edition)
words and music by Dr BLT © 2008 Frosty Rock Records
It’s from the CD Ice and Snow
for more info:
When Obama raises his hand, places his other hand on the Qu’ran and then shouts out Allu Akbar!!! That will be a near peak wingnut experience.
Are you experienced?
Well, he does seem to be experienced at “palling around with terrorists.” But, hey, everybody has their faults.
Twilight? Isn’t that the crappy “Young Adult” book made into a crappy “Young Adult” movie?
The fact is, with BLT making a triumphant return to SN!, I would like a Scott Stapp thread.
Nor shift/refresh nor manipulation of teh cookies will advance the main page beyond December 7, which day will live in infamy…
Dr BLT, I don’t know who you are, but you’re not a conservative, anymore than John McCain or Lincoln Chaffee is a conservative.
A true conservative is opposed to abortion, homosexuality, illegal immigration, gun control, free trade, and excessive government regulation.
A true conservative supports nationalism, western civilization, the Christian faith, individual liberty, tradition, and the family as the basic functioning unit of society.
You sir, are not a conservative, as is indicated by your support for gay rights. You are at best a moderate, and at worst a lefty fraud. People like you, are the ones who voted for John McCain in the Republican primary, when we had perfectly good conservative candidates such as Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter and Alan Keyes. You sir are a hijacker, a neo-liberal, country club elitist, who passes himself as a conservative, and yet opposes conservative principles in order to “reach across the aisle”, to seem “reasonable”, or “bi-partisan”.
People like you are why the Republican party is now in the minority. People like you are why Americans are losing their jobs to the Mexicans and the Chinese. You anti-American scum. You make me sick. Your worse than a liberal, you’re a huckster and a fraud. You and your globalist agenda are bringing the conservative movement to ruins. Conservative populists like Pat Buchanan and Tom Tancredo are the ones who should be leading the conservative movement. People like you should go into obscurity, as the globalist, free-trade, anti-nationalist traitors that you are.
Do us all a favor, and stop calling yourself a conservative, you globalist, country club fraud.
I wouldn’t be here without your support, Gary. And, speaking of Scott Stapp—he is one of the most under-rated artists of our time.
I’d put My Own Prison above anything whining liberal Eddie Veder
(the man I bitched about in this song
Merle Hasn’t Lost His Fightin’ Side
words and music by Dr BLT copyright 2008
…. and Pearl Jam ever came up with.)
God these trolls are boring. Moar better trolls pleez.
At some point, you have to stop blaming the Bush administration for massive policy failures.
Yup. No one could have predicted that a no-strings-attached $700B plus whatever other money they can shovel out would not be used the way it was supposed to.
I think the best we can hope for from an Obama administration is that the useless Congress goes spinelessly along with stuff that is non-evil. If Obama turns out to be evil, or if the Democratic Congress feels it has to act evil to appease the Republican minority, then it’s the same old shit.
Yeah, much as I love you guys and the whole S,N! experience, I would not be all that sad if the world supply of wingnuttium were to become totally depleted.
I wouldn’t be sad either and around here it wouldn’t be a problem. We could just spend all our time making fun of Yankee fans. Do you have any idea how many blogs are dedicated to the Yankees? They have a lot of very stupid commenters to ridicule too.
I can’t speak for the rest of my co-bloggers, but there’s been a dearth of quality wingnuttery of late.
Refractory period?
Tha fact is, you go to the blogosphere with the trolls you have, not the trolls you wish you had.
I can’t speak for the rest of my co-bloggers, but there’s been a dearth of quality wingnuttery of late.
Well, it seems there’s some discussion of Obama’s birth certificate. Google the term “vault copy” for starters.
God these trolls are boring.
To the extent that the site being unavailable is almost preferable.
Moar better trolls pleez.
Hey, I know! How about none. Except Rugged in Montana.
“Tha fact is, you go to the blogosphere with the trolls you have, not the trolls you wish you had.”
Gary Ruppert is right, and that also applies to recovering trolls, like myself. In fact, you have to be even more forgiving of the recovering ones, because while we’re struggling to open our minds and we’re getting treated just like the unrepentent trolls.
As for the boring allegation, boredom is in the eye of the beholder.
“unrepentant” not “unrepentent”. I thought I better catch that before the spelling gestapos come out for the kill.
Or ear.
The wingnuttery we will always have with us. Perhaps the lull between Obama’s kicking of McCain’s ass and his actually becoming president has created a void that forces most of the peanut gallery to clam up their pieholes already. I have no doubt the screeching will begin in earnest shortly after Jan. 20.
You’ve got to stop creating these natural segways for my music, Righteous Bubba. As a matter of fact, I’ve been treated just as bad after penning liberal jams like this one,
Children of December
words and music by Dr BLT copyright 2008
as when I wrote and released the nationally-aired, critically acclaimed song,
Right-wingers Need Love Too
words and music by Dr BLT copyright 2008
Sorry, I couldn’t find the original version, so you’ll have to settle for the 2008 remix.
PS: Don’t listen to my songs, and never, I repeat, never, feed the trolls 🙂
Did anyone point out that there’s a Republican stopping any direct oversight on the bailout, meaning that the complaints by the congress critters are prolly valid?
I came to this realization last night.
The chimepror may be the worst president ever but there’s not arguing that his administration has been nothing less than wildly successful relative to the goals of the criminals in the republican party.
He’s demonstrated government doesn’t work by blowing it up to enormous proportions and stuffing it with cronies and jesus freaks and other ignorant asshats that couldn’t possibly be employed elsewhere.
He’s waged a pointless war for almost his entire term in office. He’s fucked it up at every opportunity killing tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of evil brown people and lining the pockets of his friends with billions of dollars.
He’s “privatized” just about everything that could be. He’s sold the rest off or it will be stolen because his injustice department won’t prosecute anyone who steals it.
He’s supplied the coup de grace to a dying and ever more pointless media by forcing them to publicly sit and beg like dogs for the scraps of lies he and flacks have shit for them.
The economy he inherited is now nothing more than a distant memory as the government is likely broke, the provate economy is in a shambles as more money has successfully hidden away by fewer and fewer people. His trillion dollar giveaway was just final stroke of genius that no one but a gullible congress bought into.
bush and the republican party institutionalized voted practices that would make your average third world dictatorship blush. Once again, it’s enough to destroy the system, destroy public confidence in it, as it to fix it for your side. Same thing in a way.
He’s trampled the constitution, taken new powers that are not his and ignored any law he didn’t want to obey or enforce. Same for the injustice department and every other, well, what’s left of every other regulatory agency.
All in all bush has, unquestionably, been a very successful republican administrator. And in the end, is there anyone here who thinks he’ll pay a dime of restitution or do a moment in custody, much a day in jail? I don’t.
How can you not call that successful?
ice weasel, haven’t you heard?
Bashing Bush is so Last Year
copyright 2008 Right-wing Records
Except Rugged in Montana
Why Ms. MzNicky (blush) you’re sweeter than wild berry pemmican on a surplus MRE cookie!
“Don’t listen to my songs”
No problemo.
pirate doctor, so saying that he was wildly successful by his own standards is bashing bush, eh? Interesting point, care to elaborate?
You are now in IOZ territory, it appears.
The RW is understandably unsettled in America. When the McCain campaign (or slow motion train-wreck) seemed to have been saved by the pert, folksy, repressed librarian, Ms Palin they got some of the swagger back and could tuck their thumbs under their gunbelts and say “Well, what you got? But their shallowness betrayed their talk of change because even Blind Freddie could see that the change would go into the same ole pockets. And the public rejected the deep fried BS they were being offered by McCain and Palin and in doing so, cast a vote against the kind of politics that had held sway by eight years.
So, rudderless for a while, the trolls are casting about for something to get hating on. And it is so far pretty thin soup. After the savagely stupid attacks of the campaign trail trolldom is dying with a whimper not a bang.
They will regroup, there may be some blood spilt, maybe at a high level, but accountability has not been a major plank of this adminstration’s policies and it would be a late-in-the-day start.
Soon the decider guy will become an obscure footnote to history while his former foot soldiers beleaguered by the slapdown they have received from the voting public will revert to their former selves before they had the backing of this most divisive WH . It will be similar to the seagulls behind a fishing boat, acts of petty nastiness, brutal survival tactics and unreasoning aggression while chasing for scraps.
For now I think it is best to ignore their elephantine logic, schoolboy humour and mongoose morals. Responding will only increase the deep feelings of insecurity and rejection that they are expressing by their ranting.
It’s quiet ’round here because your site is fucked up. I’m accessing it on two different computers using two different operating systems and two different browsers. And it’s the only bookmark I have that’s fucked up.
We all appreciate you and this site, and I’m hardly the type to make demands, but it’s time to fix this shit.
O, I think Bush has screwed so many pooches that there is plenty of Bashing to be done for years to come.
I’m guessing we will be uncovering Republican Pooch-screwing until we’re all little old liberals.
Or maybe they’re just bad people and they don’t care. Who can say?
I’d vote for the latter. They don’t care about us, until a few months before election day, then they tell people what they want to hear and like fucking idiots, we vote them back in to fuck us over more.
Burn the whole goddamn thing down.
Trolls and spoofs and pimps! O my!
Well, it’s not like Democratic constituents didn’t try to say “hey, assholes, don’t fucking vote for this shit.” The Senate just gives even less of a shit about the voters than the House.
But can you blame them? All they need is a briefcase full of money to get re-elected.
ice weasel:
While I agree with the spirit of your post,
He’s demonstrated government doesn’t work by blowing it up to enormous proportions and stuffing it with cronies and jesus freaks and other ignorant asshats that couldn’t possibly be employed elsewhere.
You can fuck up a car by filling it with gravy instead of gasoline, but that doesn’t mean it can’t work when used as directed.
Me said,
December 11, 2008 at 6:02
That was fucking awesome. When it comes to bringing the aggrieved cranky, ain’t nobody that can zing like Me.
test test
Pie, you’re right and I phrased that badly. To quote one of their own, “Republicans don’t think government works, then get elected and prove it.” My point wasn’t that government itself does not work, we know it does (as do the fucking rethugs). To whatever extent our military, postal system and other agencies work is proof.