Don’t Hold Back, Ben — Tell Us What You Really Think

Above: Twink of e-vil

Enough of Radical Islam

  • Enough with the not-exterminating. It is our job to eradicate the Muslims, and to eliminate every obstacle to their destruction.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

For a more thoughtful, or at least a more carefully laid-out rationalization toward the criminally insane murder of hundreds of millions of people (and truly, if much more of this stuff appears, we’ll start to suspect a trend), visit David Yerushalmi at his inaptly named site, SaneWorks.


Comments: 226


Iiiiiii dunno…
it just doesn’t really go with his look. Maybe he needs a power tie or something.


Shorter Ben:

“BOOM! Ka-POW! BRATATATATAT! EeeeeeeeeeeWWWBOOOOOOM!” (said while hovering over little green army men)


Holy shit this kid went to Harvard Law? Is he a legacy? I mean, he’s already on the wingnut welfare fast track. Goddamn!

Ummm… these guys seem fun.


Hmmmmm. Ve haf vays af dealing mit people like you. A final solution, you might say.


“He is the author of the new book “Project President: Bad Hair and Botox on the Road to the White House,” as well as the national bestseller “Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth”

I literally cannot describe how much I already hate this person.


I really wish I could brainwash my students, they all have absolutely filthy minds.

If irony had not already been killed and a stake driven through its heart by the last eight years, the idea of nice Jewish gentlemen embracing white power and a “final solution” would have it writhing in agony.


So when does bwave little bennie-boy enlist? He sure looks like he’s prime Kevlar wearin’ age, no?


He sure looks like he’s prime Kevlar wearin’ age, no?

I’d say he would look right fine in Marine green, preferably somewhere out on the front lines where he is so eager to send the poor and the brown.

Charles Giacometti

Is it me, or does he look like he hasn’t reached puberty yet? And if he hasn’t reached puberty yet, how does he manage to jerk off so much to the thought of dead dark people?


You will admit that it is believable that a billion people might want to kill Ben Shapiro.


“how does he manage to jerk off so much to the thought of dead dark people?”

He’s recently married. Seems like there is a lot of pent up energy that is just building and building and building with no release in sight. Should be entertaining.


You will admit that it is believable that a billion people might want to kill Ben Shapiro.

At least 2 billion, I would suspect.


I couldn’t agree with you more. So I asked ol’ Ben when he was going to join up. We’ll see what the response is.


There are more dead people today and ever before in history.


I wish Ben would stop sitting in the front row of my concerts and following me with his eyes.


From the “Mission Statement” of :

By national existence we mean what you normally mean when speaking of such matters.

I nominate this sentence for the 2009 Sadly, No ! “I Am Aware of All Internet Traditions Miss Teen South Carolina Invitational.”


“Western civilization is at war with militant Islam,”

Actually, Western civilization is in conflict with religious fundamentalism around the world and in the US.


I nominate this sentence for the 2009 Sadly, No ! “I Am Aware of All Internet Traditions Miss Teen South Carolina Invitational.”

Speaking as one who was in the original thread, I second the nomination.


Actually, Western civilization is in conflict with religious fundamentalism around the world and in the US.

The forces of stupid are everywhere and growing by the hour.


Am I mistaken or does Ben bear the swarthy dark complexion and skull shape of a secret Muslin? Methinks someone doth protest TOO MUCH!! Eh, Abu bin “Shapiro”??


Scoff all you want, but suave, debonair Ben is asking a really, crucially, superly important question: Why aren’t we blowing more sh*t up?

And you libruls don’t have an answer for that. Particularly an answer than can be expressed in the form of mono-syllabic harrumphs, which might not even exist in theory.


So enough. No more empty talk. No more idle promises. No more happy ignorance, half measures, or appeasement-minded platitudes. The time for hard-nosed, uncompromising action hasn’t merely come — it’s been overdue by seven years. The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.

Tack an “Allahu Akbar” on the end and that could be an excerpt from a Bin Laden video. Odd, that.


By national existence we mean what you normally mean when speaking of such matters.

‘However, by supranational inexistence, we mean what no one could abnormally mean when not mentioning such matters.’


Look, we can’t seperate the good Islams from the bad Islams, or the Good Christianists from the bad or the good Buddias from the strange, so why don’t we just kill ’em all and let G*d sort ’em out? It’d save an awful lotta trouble.


By national existence we mean what you normally mean when speaking of such matters.

YAY !!! We can go home now !!!


Well, considering how angry the boy is, I guess we can tell that Chez Shapiro is not the happiest of homes. My only guess is that Mrs. Shapiro has been spending a lot of time with a Valentino-esque Jordanian named Ahmed.


By national existence we mean what you normally mean when speaking of such matters.

Perhaps he just wants to let it be known that America exists?


It’s always relaxing to listeners to hear conservatives speaking angrily about blood crying out from soil.


Wow, Ben Shapiro’s been getting nastier over the past year, hasn’t he? He’s not exactly the lovably repressed anti-sex, anti-gay crusader he used to be.

Ben’s always acted like a crotchety old man, but it’s different now. It used to be that when those liberal kids ran across his lawn, he’d just shake his fist and launch into an Abe Simpson-esque rambling story about how things used to be.

Over the past few months, he’s gotten bitter. Now he’s like the old man who responds to those kids by firing a shotgun in the air and yelling, “Get going you little fuckers, or you’re next!”

And then this bit of thinly veiled genocidal rambling comes out. He’s become the old man charging across the lawn, screaming gibberish and swinging his fists wildly at the kids who aren’t even there. While the neighbors try to avoid eye contact.

What I’m saying is, maybe we should leave Ben alone for a while and wait for him to calm down. Hey, that new book sounds like it could be affably stupid, right?


If you go to the Creators dot com home page and scroll down you’re met with this:

Amy Alkon
Can’t Take A Choke

I don’t know, I bet she can.


And why the hell is he still using that old photo? He looks about 14. Trying to recapture that ol’ youthful vigor, eh Ben?


The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.

So, yeah, the Islamogaybortionazis are like Cain? And so we should kill them? And then God can somehow kill us seven times?


I remember the good old days when all you had to do was say “But, and this is central to my point,” as if everybody knows what I am talking about,
as if everybody would know exactly what I was talking about.


Your shoes are scratching up the floor something fierce.


“Ben Shapiro’s been getting nastier over the past year, hasn’t he”

He’s an hero.


Over the past few months, he’s gotten bitter.

I can’t believe it’s not bitter !!!

Guns or Bitter is one of my favorite Gang of Four songs … oh wait …


“Enough with the words” writes the columnist who spectacularly failed to join the armed forces.

has anyone else noticed that the right don’t even pretend to possess a sense of shame or even try to make sense? it seemed to me that even two years ago, you couldn’t just answer a question like “what do you think we should do about the unstable pakistani government?” with “abortion kills innocents”. But that’s the sense i get from reading wing nuts these days.



A humble request…

Do you, by any chance, happen to know who [request for identity of anonymous blogger redacted] is?



I just can’t keep away from this moron. Check out last week’s column, entitled (oh God) “Unions Fight to End American Capitalism.” A sample:

Today’s labor unions aren’t pushing for a voice. They’re pushing for better benefits; they’re pushing for higher wages; they’re pushing for more retirement pay.

The column is one long paeon to Ben’s ignorance. He repeats the “Autoworkers make $70/hour” nonsense, throws out some lies about card check, and (my personal favorite) basically tells the unions that they should allow management to freely back out of their negotiated contracts. I guarantee you that Ben (or anyone else suggesting this) has never had an employer violate his contract or else he wouldn’t be so flip about this.

I take back what I said. Follow this asshole – I want to know what he’s up to.


i’m sorry, i was away. i see that upon my return ben shapiro has continued to give both cunts and jews a bad name. how nice.


Nice unibrow there, Ben. Goes nicely with the third eyeball, you genocidal freak.


DrDick said,

I’d say he would look right fine in Marine green, preferably somewhere out on the front lines where he would almost certainly be shot by his fellow Marines.

Fixed this for you.


I take it Ben won’t be showing Aladdin to his kids?



Strange, we’re back to 0 comments under the Shapiro article. Wonder why that is?


Compare and contrast cultural hero Ben Shapiro with:

Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan, a 14 year-old Muslim kid from Jersey when 9-11 happened right across the river, joins the Army at 18 because he loves his country, and gets blown to pieces by an IED in Iraq two years later. The photo of his mother resting her head on his gravestone in Arlington was described by Gen. Colin Powell in his endorsement of Barack Obama.

The difference is that one of them is a courageous patriot, and the other is a waste of human protoplasm.


Seems like there is a lot of pent up energy that is just building and building and building with no release in sight.

As the punchline to the hillbilly joke goes, “Her little arm gets so tired!”.


To be fair there is no Wehrmacht left to join.

A Laid-off McCain Talking Point

In all due respect, at least Mr. Shapiro is not advocating for targeted strikes at known terrorist targets within Pakistan, as that crazed-out negro of a President was peddling.

What if, say, we had blown out the Lashkar-e-Toiba training grounds before they could send their people to Mumbai? As John McCain rightfully pointed out, that would have totally messed up our delicate relations with the Pakistani government. Blowing up all the mooslims is by far the better diplomatic solution to the sticky predicament that we find ourselves in…


My comment in response to Ben “Dover” Shapiro’s post:

“Ben Shapiro, 24, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School. He is the author of the new book ‘Project President: Bad Hair and Botox on the Road to the White House,” as well as the national bestseller “Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth.'”

“Noticeably absent from Ben’s resume: current member of the armed forces he’s proposing to throw into the meat grinder. Hey punk, sign up for active duty and I’ll take your call to action seriously. Until then, you’re just another privileged chickenhawk whining for somebody else to compensate for your small penis size.”

Let’s see if it makes it through the comment moderator.


And why the hell is he still using that old photo? He looks about 14.

Most importantly, what the fuck is up with the background of that picture. That’s the same background from my middle school class photos.


There’s something very Omen-ish about that boy.


I had assumed that class photo background was an unusually subtle S,N! photoshop.


Why does that photo of Ben remind me of Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull admonishing me for not buying his 97th anniversary boxed set ?

Francisco The Man

“The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.”

What the fuck is THAT all about? I think that’s literally a line from Mussolini.


That ‘request the identity of an anonymous blogger’ fucker’s been spamming left and right tonight… I’ve been seeing their spam in tandem with spam from some colostomy bag of an outfit calling itself PurpleFuckingYouthDotCom – minus the Fucking, of course. Don’t want to give them any more Google mojo than they’ve already accumulated.


“Western civilization is at war with militant Islam,”
Western civilisation has always been at war with militant Islam.

Why does that photo of Ben remind me of Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull
No fair. Ian Anderson likes cats.

“The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.”
For me, it’s more like the voice of my brother’s vomit crying out from the ground, warning me to stay away from the Lamb Korma, but you don’t know my brother.


If my brother’s blood starts talking to me, I’m out of there, you know. Much as I love him, and all, talking blood is just creepy.


I stopped reading at “Enough with the words.”

Does this mean he’s going to enlist?


we can’t seperate […] the good Buddias from the strange
I hate to argue with you, RIM, but here in NZ there are no good buddleias.

Right now the voice of my brother’s piss is crying out from the wall. He can be a real pig sometimes.


By national existence we mean what you normally mean when speaking of such matters.

…but we dare not speak its name.

I opened a budget flooring warehouse outlet. Called it Vinyl Solutions. Lost a bloody fortune.


Yeah fecking buddleias.
See, talking bodily fluids are just bad. Hence the aversion to “Ralph”


Ben Stein has found a roller blading partner.


(and truly, if much more of this stuff appears, we’ll start to suspect a trend)

Start suspecting away:

a sustained military and intelligence effort to destroy any of the millions of Indian Muslims who are part of or support Islamist extremists; the resources exist for India to energize the lagging international fight against the international scourge of Islamist terrorism.

[Dr. Benkin is a noted expert on South Asia and is available for speeches, commentary, or consultation through this paper.]

The awful crap in Mumbai seems to have extra-scared people of certain belief systems or faith traditions. That’s what superstition gets you. Scared.


I’m not sure, but this guy may be the one Stephanie Miller calls a “right-wing zygote.”

Add Google &: No, it isn’t, that would be Ben Ferguson, but the title applies to either Ben.


No fair. Ian Anderson likes cats.

‘Tis true, he’s a pen pal of mine and we talk cats and badgers. All of those rock star drugs must’ve twisted his mind though, he likes badgers (????????).


Over the past few months, he’s gotten bitter. Now he’s like the old man who responds to those kids by firing a shotgun in the air and yelling, “Get going you little fuckers, or you’re next!”

The engagement ring, the fancy wedding, the big house in the ‘burbs…and he still can’t get a decent blowjob.

Holy shit this kid went to Harvard Law? Is he a legacy? I mean, he’s already on the wingnut welfare fast track. Goddamn!

No one who writes as badly as the Virgin Ben got into Harvard Law without a little help. And I think the only reason he qualifies as Jewish is because he’s a legacy. Kein ein ora.


Enough with the niceties. We don’t lose our souls when we treat our enemies as enemies. We don’t undermine our principles when we post more police officers in vulnerable areas, or when we send Marines to kill bad guys, or when we torture terrorists for information. And we don’t redeem ourselves when we close Guantanamo Bay or try terrorists in civilian courts or censor anti-Islam comics. When it comes to war, extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.



Did anyone notice the banner:–a syndicate of talent

“Talent,” did he say? He’s kidding right? And has anyone ever seen a marketing pitch with the word “syndicate” in it? Sounds like a Mafia website promoting talented hitmen.

As for David Yerushalmi, I’ll take credit for originally outing this Jewish proto-fascist lunatic. Thanks for linking to my post about him.


Enough with the niceties. We don’t lose our souls when we treat our enemies as enemies.

yeah, actually, we kind of do. Dehumanizing your enemies doesn’t just reduce them. You’re less human for having done it. We kind of have a long history of this. showing compassion makes it that much harder to be a sociopath.

We don’t undermine our principles when we post more police officers in vulnerable areas, or when we send Marines to kill bad guys, or when we torture terrorists for information.

This follows the same pattern of “We successfully make a cake when we sift flour, preheat our ovens to 6000 degrees, and rape a sheep.”

And we don’t redeem ourselves when we close Guantanamo Bay or try terrorists in civilian courts or censor anti-Islam comics.

no, we don’t. we have to actually take steps at redemption. you don’t stop being a murderer just because you finished stabbing a guy.

When it comes to war, extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.



“The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.”


Enraged Bull Limpet

I was in Zanzibar for several early-November days surrounding the momentous 4th. Zanzibar’s population is more than 99% Muslim, and being a stranger in a strange land, my usual antipathy for monotheistic BS got relegated to a way-back burner. It was considerably more useful to adopt a friendly and open-minded attitude, and surprise: virtually everyone was warm and welcoming, despite our status as infidel Americans.

Our political discussions with numerous residents tended heavily toward Bush = endless war mentality, very bad, and the wave of relief and hopefulness in the wake of Obama’s victory — and the warm glow of approval we wandering Americans garnered as a result — was a memorable sociological experience.

It’s difficult to be amused by the young psychotic Shapiro’s rants in that light. But snark on, brothers and sisters! Let’s get together and ‘eel all right…

dim-witted badger

he likes badgers

and the problem there is…

just so long as he doesn’t like fucking pelicans.


a sustained military and intelligence effort to destroy any of the millions of Indian Muslims who are part of or support Islamist extremists; the resources exist for India to energize the lagging international fight against the international scourge of Islamist terrorism.

The brilliance of this claim is that it also works if you substitute ‘millions of Indian Sikhs’, or ‘Tamils’, or Catholics, or Chechnyans, or whatever.
The slaughter of disaffected minorities will continue until they learn love and loyalty to the Nation.


We don’t undermine our principles when we […] torture…
Which principles are these?
Ben seems to be competing with Adam Yoshida for some sort of Highlander title. He’s even adopting the same expression of stern steely resolution. I look forward to the inevitable face-off.


I’d say he would look right fine in Marine green, preferably somewhere out on the front lines where he would almost certainly be shot by his fellow Marines.

I am reminded of Sergeant Seymour Skinner at the USO show, trying to get Joey Heatherton to put some clothes on.


Oh my, liberals in a tizzy over truthtelling! You can’t stand it when someone attacks your precious Religion Of Peace ™ and exposes it as the hate cult it is.

With a mask muslim as president, mandatory Sharia for all (or death) is coming to your neighborhood, if it isn’t here already.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a defense of liberty to start with. It just replaces one type of extremist with another one. I mean, I don’t know why I have to be the one to say this, I was advocating a permanent revolution, for God’s sake, but man, they’re just insistent on proving there’s no real difference between their rhetoric and Al-Qaeda.


The fact is, Islam is like Hitler, but worse.


Mandatory Sharia for all (or death) is coming to your neighborhood, if it isn’t here already.

It’s true, y’know. Mask Muslims have already killed everyone in my neighbourhood, including me.


there’s no real difference between their rhetoric and Al-Qaeda.

There’s the rub! When it comes to intolerant religious practices,

There can be only one!

Now, what to do with all those heads a’rollin’


The photo on the linked page of creepy smiling Ben (with the same middle school class photo background) is far more disturbing. And despite that hair and those eyebrows, he has taken it upon himself to write a book about Presidential looks.


Enough with the pseudonyms. Western civilization isn’t at war with terrorism any more than it is at war with grenades.

He went to Harvard Law and doesn’t know what a pseudonym is?


Enough with the niceties. We don’t lose our souls when we treat our enemies as enemies.

There’s an excellent book by Art Spiegelman on the dehumanization of “the enemy.” It’s called “Maus.” Ben should be able to understand it–it even has pictures!

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico


Y’know, you could’ve just asked for cake.


The fact is, what is going on in Canada is just like Hitler too.

Morris Day and The Time

Ben seems to be competing with Adam Yoshida for some sort of Highlander title.

Ben and Adam would get along just fine, if Adam didn’t look so…Japanesey…anything darker than albino makes Ben twitchy.

another pseudonym

“Western civilization isn’t at war with terrorism any more than it is at war with grenades.”

Wow! Are we now allowed to say this? What about the “war on drugs”, do we still keep up with that pseudonym, or we now call it with its real name, “the war on negroes”?


It’s true, y’know. Mask Muslims have already killed everyone in my neighbourhood, including me.

Yeah…sorry about that…practicing to be the world’s most famous Islamic luchador is so hard.


Ben makes a good point. There are only 130 million Muslims in India alone. If we ask all the militant ones to go stand in one area, then we could blow them up.


And when Ben says “We,” he means “Anyone but me. Look, I’ve got a note from my mom.”

I think Ben’s upset because the rate of U.S. casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan have fallen off of late and now there’s the very real threat that they’ll start coming home before the year 3000. The thought of guys who’ve been in combat and have to shave daily and don’t have a trouble maintaining an erection striding around near his wife makes him nervous. By calling for endless war and bloodshed he’s just trying to uphold family values, really.


The fact is, we’ve missed Gary around here.


Ben said,

Enough with the niceties. We don’t lose our souls when we treat our enemies as enemies. We don’t undermine our principles when we post more police officers in vulnerable areas, or when we send Marines to kill bad guys, or when we torture terrorists for information…

Is there a part of the phrase ‘lose our souls’ that you don’t understand, Mr. Shapiro?

Killing + torturing = losing your soul. Read Harry Potter.

If only Ben Shapiro would enlist in the noble forces of Blackwater and be shot by angry Iraqi orphans, the world would be a better place.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Enough with the pseudonyms. Western civilization isn’t at war with terrorism any more than it is at war with grenades. Western civilization is at war with militant Islam, which dominates Muslim communities all over the world. Militant Islam isn’t a tiny minority of otherwise goodhearted Muslims. It’s a dominant strain of evil that runs rampant in a population of well over 1 billion.

To paraphrase that insightful genius, Michelle Malkin, is it okay if we call Ben a RAAACCCCIIISSSTTT yet?

Enough with the faux allies. We don’t gain anything by pretending that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are true allies. They aren’t.

If he really believed this, you would think he’d be more supportive of the political party who’s leader doesn’t hold hands with Saudi princes.

They will not quit just because we ensure that they have Korans in their Guantanamo cells…

WTF?!?! Holy figgity fuck – if he actually believes that it’s a concession to give Korans to people you are holding effectively in solitary confinement for OVER FIVE YEARS WITH NO CHARGES WHATSOEVER Arrghhhhh – teh stoopid – it fucking burns!


Well, in Ben’s defense, if we put all Muslims in Guantanamo, and gave them Korans, they could not do America harm, unless they formed a human bridge like army ants do all the way to Florida and then a billion Muslims invaded, installing their Muslim queen in Orlando to turn DisneyWorld into their subterranean breeding chamber.


The fact is, the recession cannot be blamed on the wealthy. They are doing their part, creating wealth and opportunity. Since 2/3 of our economic activity is consumer spending, and consumers are not spending, whos fault? Look in a mirror liberals before you castigate those who deserve their rewards. Maybe you should do your part instead of waiting for a handout.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Or perhaps, all those Muslims with their deadly Korans of Hate will focus their Mecca-facing Heathen Prayer Powers of Islamofascist Destruction and summon Mecha-Mohammed to rise from his watery grave, burninanting the thatch roof cottages with the fricking lasers on his head. Go Go Mighty Muslim Power Rangers!


Over the past few months, he’s gotten bitter.

Either the deflowering did not go as expected, probably because it was trumped up in his mind, as it tends to be with that “wait until marriage” type. Usually these guys find out that sex isn’t just masturbating into a woman; she’s got those pesky ideas about pleasure for herself, too. Or him and Mrs. are trying to get pregnant or she is pregnant, ratcheting up the rhetoric because there’s little Shapiro spawn on the way, and he wants a world devoid of Mooselums so that his little seedling precious can live the sparkling white Christian life and become another Harvard Legacy.

The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.


How come they’re the only people who hear blood calling out them? I never do. Perhaps they should get that checked out by a doctor.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Incidentally, the number of people who were killed in the Mumbai attacks is close to 200 – that was on November 26. The number of Iraqi civilians reported killed since then – 190. Hooray for Teh Surge™! Only a Fool or a Frenchman can deny the success of Teh Surge™. Obviously more military action is the only route to fewer casualties!


Ben seems to be competing with Adam Yoshida for some sort of Highlander title. He’s even adopting the same expression of stern steely resolution. I look forward to the inevitable face-off.

Heads will roll, hopefully. What’s Adam’s address? Maybe we should take up a fund to send him a big samurai sword – just in case.

And did (Not-So) Gentle Ben ever think about the possibility that we’re actually at war with MUTANT Islam? Is he going to be so smug and defiant when Usama al-Magneto teleports into his room and demands that he accept dhimmitude?


Ah, wingnut welfare, bringing crotchety old farts reading pleasure since 1994.

Too bad Julius Streicher is not still around to provide Ben a fitting forum, but I guess Creators Syndicate will have to do.


ach. friggin’ HTML. It’s all Obama’s fault donchankow.


Creators Syndicate

Don’t they usually do comic strips?

I see a pattern here.


El Cid: If you’ll be my bodyguard, I can be your long-lost pal. You can call me Betty; as Betty, when I call you I can call you “El.”



You fled in disgrace upon being called out in the previous thread. Why?


Ben Shapiro, 24, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School. He is the author of…the national bestseller “Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth.”

Bestseller, eh? Sales Rank: #1,166,045 in Books

Let’s compare that with an obscure book, like
“Hot Chicks With Douchebags” by Jay Louis Sales Rank: #4,331 in Books


You can call me Betty; as Betty, when I call you I can call you “El.”

Why am I soft in the middle now? When the rest of my life is so hard.


Ruthie: Ben’s mom heard that Maus was a graphic novel so, being afraid it’s full of pictures of naughty naked women, she won’t let him read it.


I bet Ben got beat up a lot in school. By girls. Like me.


El: I don’t find this stuff amusing anymore.


Ben Shapiro–youngest American to found this century’s first concentration camp….and damned proud of it.


MzNicky: You are the burden, of my generation; I sure do love you, but let’s get that straight.


Graceland: One of the best records EVER Sales Rank: #1,166,045 in Books

Let’s compare that with an obscure book, like
“Hot Chicks With Douchebags” by Jay Louis Sales Rank: #4,331 in Books

Well, I can see that happening, sure.

“Hot Chicks” vs. Not-So-Gentle Ben? No contest.


MzNicky: Yeah, but don’t ask Los Lobos.


We ought to be drilling now in order to break OPEC.

I’m amazed at two things here. One, conservative pundits’ ability to cram every single neocon talking point into one article, no matter what that article is actually about. Two, that he thinks America could possibly “break” OPEC by drilling our domestic reserves.


El Cid: Los Lobos dislike(s) “Graceland”?


With a mask muslim as president, mandatory Sharia for all (or death) is coming to your neighborhood, if it isn’t here already.

Race hatred is a dangerous drug.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

So this cranky anti-intellectual is only 24, with a top-flight education from UCLA and Harvard Law in hand?

No Styx fan I, but…

How can you be such an angry young man
When your future looks quite bright to me…


The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.

My brother was a blood donor, so you can imagine my confusion whenever I walked into a hospital and heard his blood crying out from other people’s bodies.

Trippy, to say the least.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

That idiot Ben is Pete Campbell from “Mad Men” personified 100%

Well, minus the few “I’m being nice” dialogue bits that Weiner occasionally allows Kartheiser to utter.


Why aren’t we at war with radical Christianity, which has killed more people than Islam, Buddhism and Judaism combined?

I think it’s about time for a Civil War here again, don’t you? Only this time, no Reconstruction. We leave the South a smoldering mess.


When your future looks quite bright to me…

Are we still talking about Benny?

(I mean, sure, that’s the original lyrics, but yeeeesh…)


“Why aren’t we at war with radical Christianity, which has killed more people than Islam, Buddhism and Judaism combined?”

What we should really be at war with are all those pro-abortion LIEbruls who have murdered billions and billions of fetuses.

That or all the people who have masturbated so much over the years and killed trillions and trillions of the pre-born.

I SWEAR I never masturbate.


Then again, Benny does indeed have it “all in the palm of his hand”, just not the way Styx meant it…


Two, that he thinks America could possibly “break” OPEC by drilling our domestic reserves.

Kind of like trying to destroy Marvel by drawing comics in the margins of your homework, something I’m sure Ben knows plenty about.

(I had a MUCH more vulgar analogy, but I decided to spare you.)


(I had a MUCH more vulgar analogy, but I decided to spare you.)

I hope it was better than the weak-ass shit you posted! ;-D


We leave the South a smoldering mess.

Excuse me?


I hope it was better than the weak-ass shit you posted! ;-D

Faugh. Okay.

It’s like trying to destroy the porn industry by squatting in your basement masturbating to the J.C. Penny’s catalogue women’s underwear pages – something else I’m sure Not-So-Gentle Ben knows well.


installing their Muslim queen in Orlando to turn DisneyWorld into their subterranean breeding chamber.

How do they select this Mooslem queen? Is it a beauty pageant? If so, I know of an excellent candidate. (Hint: It’s not Bible Spice!)


The Tr-oaf: mandatory Sharia for all (or death) is coming to your neighborhood, if it isn’t here already.

says the yutz who said McMansions would take Pennsylvania.


Now now, MzNicky, if the South had won, I have no doubt that’s what Lee and Davis would have done for us.



Now that there was funny, I don’ care who y’are….


installing their Muslim queen in Orlando to turn DisneyWorld into their subterranean breeding chamber

ABBA wrote a song about her…

You are the Muslim queen, wife number seventeen
Muslim queen, feel the beat from the eunuch’s cane
You can’t dance, you can’t jive, running just for your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Muslim queen

LA Confidential Pantload

Mask Muslims? The Truth is a Swankerite?


Shapiro advocates hunting down a religious group and killing every last one of them. I can’t get over that. I guess he saw the Holocaust as a righteous attempt to stop the Jews from taking over the world economy.

Ben might want to be more careful. Coulter’s jaw exploded due to the vile filth that poured from her mouth. Mrs. Shapiro might wake up some morning to find that Ben’s eyebrows have strangled him in his sleep.


Friday night and the lights are low,
Waiting just for the bombs to go,
Where they don’t play no music, nothing just to drink,
Your veil is blood-stained pink.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Graceland: One of the best records EVER

Mmmm, yeah. I listened to that CD until the little laser burned a hole through it.


Los Lobos dislike(s) “Graceland”?

They were none too happy when they didn’t get songwriting credit for “The Myth of Fingerprints” (which, according to Wikipedia, they had already written before they joined Mr. Simon in the studio).


I think it’s about time for a Civil War here again, don’t you? Only this time, no Reconstruction. We leave the South a smoldering mess.


(Sadlies, your new preview script is messing with the focus.)

I think it’s about time for a Civil War here again, don’t you? Only this time, no Reconstruction. We leave the South a smoldering mess.

Isn’t Presumably Former Virgin Ben in California? He’s the one who complained about scheduled maintenance on freeways at the dead of night, right?


He’s the one who complained about scheduled maintenance on freeways at the dead of night, right?

Yeah. Not as bad as Kaye Grogan’s epic rant on liberals making milk cost too much, but still…pretty bad.



I was mocking his call to fight religious extremism. I figure much of his readership has some roots in the South.


Has Ben Shapiro gotten laid yet?


There are plenty of people who are happy in their misery, believing that their suffering is part and parcel of a correct religious system. Those people direct their anger outward, targeting unbelievers.

This is an absolutely true statement, and would be very insightful in a completely different context.


Kaye Grogan’s epic rant on liberals making milk cost too much


I missed that one.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Everybody could ululate
Vest is on and the explosives are great
And to stop rock music, everything is fine
You’re in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance –

You are the Muslim queen, wife number seventeen
Muslim queen, martyr for the Islam scene
You can’t dance, you can’t jive, but you can sacrifice your life
See that girl, she’s the best, wearing a suicide vest.


Has Ben Shapiro gotten laid yet?

I would suggest that his case is a model for the Lysistrata Principle, but then again it’s kind of hard to get the other partner to refuse when she’s deflated 99% of the time.


I’m really wondering why he didn’t close with “Wolverines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Has Ben Shapiro gotten laid yet?

You mean actual sex with a living woman?

Sadly, no.


Wow. An entire ABBA song in forty minutes or less!


He’s the one who complained about scheduled maintenance on freeways at the dead of night, right?

Calgon, take me away! Caltrans got in my way!



I missed that one.

“Slavery in America very much alive. . .through taxation” by Kaye Grogan.

God gave us seven natural wonders in the world to enjoy for free. So what happens? Try going to Natural Bridge in Virginia, as an example, and you will see. You will have to purchase tickets before you can see the bridge.


Our enemies are determined. They will not quit just because we offer them Big Macs, Christina Aguilera CDs, or even the freedom to vote.

Christina Aguilera CDs?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Wow. An entire ABBA song in forty minutes or less!

I would totally listen to a remix of Dancing Queen that ran over forty minutes – but in a totally heterosexual way.


So what happens? Try going to Natural Bridge in Virginia, as an example, and you will see. You will have to purchase tickets before you can see the bridge.

Not that it would do any good, but did anyone point out to her that enclosures are an integral part of capitalism?

Why does Kaye hate Freedom? Is she a SOCIALIST or something?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

The fact is, what is going on in Canada is just like Hitler too.
OT Update:

Canadian conservatives get a thumbs up to stall into the new year. You’ve heard of a “do-nothing Congress” – well this session of Canadian parliament has been called without having a single vote.


God gave us seven natural wonders in the world to enjoy for free. So what happens? Try going to Natural Bridge in Virginia, as an example, and you will see. You will have to purchase tickets before you can see the bridge.

Oh god… I feel the shackles of slavery closing around my wrists as I hand $10 to the 17-year-old cashier at the National Park Center.


Ben sez: We should also be backing India to the hilt in its current conflict with Pakistan — unless Pakistan can destroy its terrorist element, India should be given full leeway to do what it needs to do.

What would that be, Ben? Capture Bin Laden? Or just go to the final solution and nuke all ~170,000,000 Pakistanis?

Of course there’s the small matter of the probable Pakistani nuclear response. And the remaining 1,000,000,000+ Muslims worldwide enraged and bent on revenge, who’ll respond to the call of their brother’s blood calling out from the glassified soil.

Ben, just because your “wife” laughed at your tiny dick when she first saw it doesn’t mean 20% of the humans on Earth need to die.


Heads will roll, hopefully. What’s Adam’s address? Maybe we should take up a fund to send him them both a big samurai sword Box of Depends – just in case.



God gave us seven natural wonders in the world to enjoy for free. So what happens? Try going to Natural Bridge in Virginia, as an example, and you will see. You will have to purchase tickets before you can see the bridge.

Well, gee, Kaye, maybe if Americans didn’t make such pigs of themselves, which requires hiring people to clean up after their piggish asses, then maybe you could save a few bucks for the next time you have to buy a 40 of 45?


Yeah, that was the column:

Let’s look at the price of milk. Almost five bucks for a gallon! Do you realize you are paying nearly one hour of minimum wages, so you and your children can get nourishing milk to drink? This says a lot when God created cows for us to have milk free.

I mean, what, she wishes a return to the barter system?

Not exactly how this rolls with Krazy Keyes’ views on capitalism, but I think it’s pretty obvious that he only surrounds himself with these people in order to feel loved. I understand the desire; we all do.


I, honest-to-god, think I have a copy of an Arabic version of “Dancing Queen” residing on my hard disk at home. Unfortunately I am not there. I believe it was from Ubuweb’s “365 Days Project”, so I’ll leave that as an exercise for the intrepid student.


that kid is literally begging for a swirlie.


Let’s look at the price of milk. Almost five bucks for a gallon! Do you realize you are paying nearly one hour of minimum wages, so you and your children can get nourishing milk to drink? This says a lot when God created cows for us to have milk free.

Is K-Grog arguing against milk price supports or is she railing against greedy corporate farmers who take enormous government grants in exchange for propping up the price of milk?

Either way, it sounded to me like Obama was going to take a close look at those.


Coulter’s jaw exploded due to the vile filth that poured from her mouth.

In Ben’s case, I was thinking a case of severe jaundice… that was only seen in a broad stripe across his entire spine.


You know, between George W. Bush and this little pipsqueak Shapiro, I no longer envy those who attended Harvard. If these kinds of emaciated intellects are the results, I’m glad I went to a land grant college.

Of course, Little Ben Ben won’t ever join the military. Like most of these doofuses screaming “Kill `em all, let God sort `em out,” he’d crap his pants if he had to fight. I guess he’ll be on the sidelines with camouflage pom-poms, cheering on the more manly men as they march off in his place.

I wonder, too, if this popcorn fart has ever considered what a nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan would mean to the rest of the globe. Even Republicans might balk at clouds of radioactive dust befouling the planet. A small price to pay, apparently, for the immolation of millions, both guilty and innocent.


Even Republicans might balk at clouds of radioactive dust befouling the planet.

Are you kidding? This is their penis enlargement scheme!


Dreamweasel: Yeah, thanks, I Googled it after El Cid’s comment and read the Wikipedia entry. Damn.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

You know, provoking a nuclear power with a hundred and seventy million citizens, that just happens to share a border and some less-than-friendly border disputes with India – well I wouldn’t call that backing India to the hilt – but most of the letters are the same.


Completely, totally, and entirely off-topic, but these guys (?this guy; this gal?) is to larf out loud and should be read daily, given our precarious economic situation.



Does anyone else find it odd that someone named Shapiro is advocating genocide?


It’s like trying to destroy the porn industry by squatting in your basement masturbating to the J.C. Penny’s catalogue women’s underwear pages the leash and collar section of the want ads in Dog Fancy – something else I’m sure Not-So-Gentle Ben knows well.

Fixed. He is a Republican, after all.


Does anyone else find it odd that someone named Shapiro is advocating genocide?

You mean since Goldberg’s book “Liberal Fascism and the Fascists Who Believe I’m A Writer” came out?


That photo-portrait says it all, doesn’t it? I can visualize the look of pleasure on his pimply (airbrushed or photoshopped out) face when he first saw it.

“I look SO, like totally, like cool, man. I ROCK!”

Instead he looks like a homicidal teen planning a rampage. Only he’ll use a bb-gun. That’ll show ’em.


Bordo: “camouflage pom-poms” Good one. Really Good One. Really, really, really Good One.

Bordo is good, too, tho “Morgo” always makes me smile.


Does anyone else find it odd that someone named Shapiro is advocating genocide?

That’s horrifyingly offensive and I don’t know how you could say it. Sure, he’s an awful guy, but it’s hardly fair to throw that kind of shit on him – he’s just spectacularly misguided. Indeed, one might even view him as a tragic figure, a man enlightened too early.

We’re talking about Hitler hating the wrong kind of Semite, right? Just so we’re sure.


I like to refer to Shapiro as “Private Benjamin” to mock his lack of service in fighting the endless wars he keeps cheerleading for.


Drill here and make Saudi Arabia irrelevant Benny Boy? Excuse me, but I’ve got an MS in this particular area, and there isn’t enough here, Alaska included, for this to be even a remote possibility. Actually, I take that back; as soon as the Saudi reserves are very nearly entirely depleated, then we might have more oil than they do but by then we’ll either live in a post-apocalytic hellscape (thanks for doing your part to push that along, Ben!), have experienced mass mammalian extinction (us included), or will finally have used this goo floating about in our skulls to convert to a non-hydrocarbon dependent economy.

One thing I have never understood about geologists in the energy area is why so many are rethugs, and yet they clearly know all this drill here, drill now crap is BS, as is the hype about the Bakken Shale (penny stock ads galore) and all the other extremely hard to get or expensive to process sources of hydrocarbons. Must be why I left the tribe, joined reality-world, and changed careers.

Ben’s lack of logic makes me wonder why so many spend so much to go to his alma mater; clearly if he can get a degree there with his apparent “skills”, it don’t mean squat.


From D. Johnston above quoting Shapiro: Today’s labor unions aren’t pushing for a voice. They’re pushing for better benefits; they’re pushing for higher wages; they’re pushing for more retirement pay.

Sounds awful, doesn’t it? Imagine people standing up for their rights and a better economic situation. How gauche! This is the part of union-hating I especially don’t get — why are any of the things that Shapiro lists here things that are bad? And what’s even more amazing is that assuredly there are people out there — people who are making shit wages in shitty jobs — going “YEAH! That Jew boy’s right! Fuckin’ unions….”


I like to refer to Shapiro as “Private Benjamin” to mock his lack of service in fighting the endless wars he keeps cheerleading for.

I feel Seaman Recruit would be more accurate, although I cannot tell you why.

PS: In Hitler’s defense, he only wanted to kill a couple of dozen million people. I believe Shapiro would regard that kind of defeatist squeamishness as Jewish self-hate.


Today’s labor unions aren’t pushing for a voice. They’re pushing for better benefits; they’re pushing for higher wages; they’re pushing for more retirement pay.

Sounds awful, doesn’t it? Imagine people standing up for their rights and a better economic situation. How gauche!

How notoriously ungrateful these idling serfs are to their benevolent and righteous masters. Why, next they’ll fcandalife us alle wythe ye demandes after more than ye libertye of eighte heures – better to laye about from their impofsibly generous liege! What!? Bye Goddef woundef! Warfarre of clafse! Prithee, fummon ye goodmannes-knightes & bachelours!
This is the part of union-hating I especially don’t get — why are any of the things that Shapiro lists here things that are bad?


No more happy ignorance, half measures, or appeasement-minded platitudes.

Invading someone’s country, a half-measure? Bombing people is a half-measure now? What’s a FULL measure then? Raping their corpses? Salting the earth, maybe? Oh, & “bring ’em on” sure sounded like an “appeasement-minded platitude” … as did McCain’s statement about 100 – or if necessary, ten thousand – years of occupying Iraq until total tranquility & prosperity prevailed.

But Shapiro needn’t worry about the “happy ignorance” part, anyway – that’s some of the angriest ignorance I’ve seen in a long time … it sounds like someone needs an enema, & a better-paying gig.

The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.

It’s probably cursing you for sending its previous owners to die for the sake of a total fucking lie, while you sit Stateside on your safe smug ass & keep defending that lie for blood-money, kiddo. Got a bit of blockage going on there? Ever tried using Q-Tips?

Canadian conservatives get a thumbs up to stall into the new year. You’ve heard of a “do-nothing Congress” – well this session of Canadian parliament has been called without having a single vote.

I think I’ll just leave this here.

(Warning: link rates at least a -50 on the Political Correctness scale … NSFW lyrics)


Today’s labor unions aren’t pushing for a voice. They’re pushing for better benefits; they’re pushing for higher wages; they’re pushing for more retirement pay.

Sounds awful, doesn’t it? Imagine people standing up for their rights and a better economic situation. How gauche!

Godde fave ourre Chriftian Lande! these flothinge Serfs are to their rightfulle Lordef mofte infolent & cruell. Moft lykelye fhalle They nexte they’ll fcandalife Us alle wythe ye Demandes afterr mourre thanne ye Dayes’ Libertye of eighte Heures – better to laye aboute & playe at Cardef – from their impofsibly generous liege! Howe nowe!? Bye Goddef woundef! Warfarre of clafse! Prithee, fummon ye goodmannes-knightes & bachelours!

This is the part of union-hating I especially don’t get — why are any of the things that Shapiro lists here things that are bad?

Uh, it limits liberty and freedom and (mumble mumble) insufficient information (mutter) statism (mumble mumble) gateway Bolshevism (heh-heh) politically correct HEY LOOK EVERYONE LOOK OVER THERE IT’S A HOMO NUP AND IT’S COMING THIS WAY


Jim rulez for posting anything by Dayglo Abortions



I don’t care where it comes as long as it cleans up after itself.


“God gave us seven natural wonders in the world to enjoy for free. So what happens? Try going to Natural Bridge in Virginia, as an example, and you will see. You will have to purchase tickets before you can see the bridge.”

Kaye- Natural Bridge is and always has been privately owned. You are paying admission because of capitalism, not taxation, to see one of the “free” natural wonders that God gave us.


“Today’s labor unions aren’t pushing for a voice. They’re pushing for better benefits; they’re pushing for higher wages; they’re pushing for more retirement pay.”

Unlike the corporation that employ them, who are pushing for lower profits and higher taxes in order to benefit society?


Judging by his name, this kid is Jewish, or at least that’s his background. I’m curious about something: Is he ever bothered by the fact that most of his close political allies think he’s going to suffer eternal torment, right alongside the Muslims he excoriates, if he doesn’t convert?

Or maybe he did convert. I suppose I could Google him and find out, but I’m not that curious.


Coulter’s jaw exploded due to the vile filth that poured from her mouth.

That’s a damned DEMONcrap lie!! Miss Ann simply unhinged her jaw in order to swallow Johnah and got a little overconfident….she got past the shoulders just fine but when she got to his waistline? SNAP! Big problem!!


…God created cows for us to have milk for free.

But if men can get the milk for free, why would they buy the cow a ring? Kaye, don’t *toy* with my understanding of the world!


RUGGED: That’s the best and most likely explanation I’ve heard yet!!


Bagelsan said,

December 4, 2008 at 21:49



Rugged, she should have known better, but when you only eat once a year and spend the rest of the time digesting, it’s easy to forget some things.

With Jonah she would have had to take a few years off to digest.


That’s a damned DEMONcrap lie!! Miss Ann simply unhinged her jaw in order to swallow Johnah and got a little overconfident….she got past the shoulders just fine but when she got to his waistline? SNAP! Big problem!!

This is horribly unfair. At least in theory, snakes have some vague equivalent of empathy.


The real question that has to be asked is: what the figgety fuck does “having a voice” MEAN for Young Master Benjamin, if it doesn’t have anything to do with letting workers agitate for better conditions? “They should be allowed to shout, but we shouldn’t have to listen to them?” Is that it? What the hell. I am awed by this man’s stupidity/assholery.


“You mean since Goldberg’s book “Liberal Fascism and the Fascists Who Believe I’m A Writer” came out?”



I think that Shapiro overslept at afternoon nap time. When he woke up his cheetos were stale and he missed the wrassling on teevee. Anybody would be Mr. Grumpy then.


what the figgety fuck does “having a voice” MEAN for Young Master Benjamin, if it doesn’t have anything to do with letting workers agitate for better conditions?
They are allowed to sing.
Now, come on, boys! Where’s your spirit? I don’t hear no singin’! — When you were slaves, you sang like birds.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

With a mask muslim as president, mandatory Sharia for all (or death) is coming to your neighborhood, if it isn’t here already

They can have my pork chop when they pry it out of my greasy, dead hands!



Is that the smoldering come hither look, or the “look out motherfucker, I’m a badass” look?


When you were slaves, you sang like birds.

I get no kick from champagne…


Anybody would be Mr. Grumpy then.

As others have noted, Mr. Grumpy’s mood seems to have followed his getting hitched.

My bet is that the the problem was on his wedding night, inexperience conservitard virgin that he was:

Ben: “Okay, honey, here goes..”
“Oh…mmm.. did you just..”
Ben: “finish? No!”
“..start? Really? Oh well *deep sigh*”

and it all went downhill from there.


Sorry to go back upthread for a while, and I know we shouldn’t feed the trolls, but this needs commenting on. From Gary Ruppert at 15:37:

The fact is, the recession cannot be blamed on the wealthy. They are doing their part, creating wealth and opportunity. Since 2/3 of our economic activity is consumer spending, and consumers are not spending, whos fault? Look in a mirror liberals before you castigate those who deserve their rewards. Maybe you should do your part instead of waiting for a handout.

Talk about teh stoopid!

Look, “Gary”, you fucking pinhead, “consumers” are those who — gasp! — consume. Do you think that this does NOT include “the wealthy”? Do you think that when they buy their yachts and high-class hookers and Cristal champagne that they are not “consuming”?

And since “the wealthy” have most of the, uh, wealth in this country (the richest 1% own over 40% of this country’s wealth), then most consumer spending is by “the wealthy”. Presumably this is obvious even to someone as dense as yourself.

So, if it’s consumer spending that’s the culprit in this recession (arguable point, but let’s stipulate to it), then quite obviously it is “the wealthy” who are NOT consuming “enough”. Why aren’t you blaming them?

I know, silly question.


Statistics on the Military Population.

The Population Reference Bureau has a report here, which says you’re wrong, but we already knew that.

I have links and facts, you have wankers that you saw on the teevee.

Honestly I don’t know why I waste my time looking this shit up when it’s just easier to assume you are lying, stupid, or both.


Also, troofie, have you seen what passes for middle class in Afganistan or Iraq ? Tell you what, go over there and live like that for a year and tell me how wealthy and secure you feel. I’ll even let you have an extra goat.



Dave in NYC: My offer to buy your Beatles program still stands.

(I think you were the guy.)


The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out from the ground.
All snark aside, this line of rhetoric comes straight from the classic Blood Libel.

The Jews were suspected, and when they were led to the corpse, blood allegedly began to flow from the wounds[…]
According to the accusation, the Jews had suspended a child (whose body was found in the Lauter river) by the feet, and had opened every artery in its body in order to obtain all the blood. Again, supernatural claims were made: the child’s wounds were said to have bled for five days afterward, despite its treatment.


what the figgety fuck does “having a voice” MEAN for Young Master Benjamin, if it doesn’t have anything to do with letting workers agitate for better conditions?
They are allowed to sing.

They should also be allowed to glue their posters — they should be allowed to think!


So when is Shapiro joining the army to eradicate these Moozlems?? hmm? When? Hmmm?


I can’t possibly be the first person to look at that picture of Ben and immediately see this fine fellow.

I’m probably not, but I’m too lazy to follow everyone else’s links.


I can’t possibly be the first person to look at that picture of Ben and immediately see this fine fellow.

I can’t remember if it was TBogg, or Roy or these guys who made that comparison, but yes, it’s been made.

I’m zoned out on meds right now and too lazy to find the post.


Truth, when you preface your argument with “I clearly recall the OReilly factor episode…” you’ve pre-emptively destroyed your credibility.


I’m still having trouble figuring out how unions pushing for higher wages, better benefits, and more retirement pay is scandalous. That Little Ben could even write this shows a serious disconnect with reality.


Re Shapiro’s grumpiness:

Ben has been striving for years to bury his boyhood, in a sort of misguided belief that he’ll be taken more seriously. While we await the inevitable mustache and beard, as soon as he’s able to grow ’em, we’ll have to endure the affectations he’s come up with, namely:

The Look: I’m reminded of the 1975 Carpenters album “Horizon”, with the formerly happy-faced Karen and Richard all grim-looking on the album cover. Clearly the Photog had told them: “lose the shit-eating grins, please, they make you look like dopey teenagers.”

The Cynicism: Again, Ben is shooting for “wisdom” by affecting a trait traditionally associated with old age, but only achieves “boring old fart who craps on and on” status. In this case I’m reminded of a conversation between Louis Mazzini and Sibella in “Kind Hearts and Coronets” in which Sibella confesses that she finds her fiance Lionel to be “the most boring man in London… England… No, Europe!.”

Louis comments: “I must admit he exhibits the most extraordinary capacity for middle age that I’ve ever encountered in a young man of twenty-four.”


* And of course, most Islamic terrorists are of middle class origin. This doesn’t stop liberals from claiming that poverty is the root cause of Islamic terrorism.

Er, maybe it is because some educated middle class people embrace extremist causes because they are outraged by things like poverty and oppression.

If you give Ben Shapiro pointy ears and a blue Star Trek uniform, I see an eerie resemblance to a young Spock.


BTW, Private Benjamin’s California State Bar profile still shows Goodwin Proctor as his place of employment, even though he no longer appears in Goodwin Proctor’s directory.


I don’t know about you all, but I can’t wait until Obama’s inauguration, when we can finally replace the American flag with a new one:

A white flag with a picture of a burning American flag on it.


Because I want this shit cleared up but don’t want to see drdick in a half-assed conservative male version of Single White Female:

That reminds me of NY Representative Charlie Rangel.

Charlie Rangel fought with distinction in Korea, you treasonous fucking slime.

I dearly recall the O’Reilly Factor episode where old Bill actually presented the breakdown of American combat troops by race and economic background.

Your cock-worship betrays you again, Pravda: even among his fellow old-media whores, Sir Two-Peabodies Bill O’Reilly, KBE, is known for swinging for the fence when it comes to making shit up. On prior occasions, he had suggested:
– ‘the Lord helps those who help themselves’ was a quotation of Christ (it flies directly in the face of every book of Scripture, which generally involves nothing as much as proud, self-sufficient men being laid low by God);
– that 58% of single mothers were on welfare (14%);
-that celebrities are at a severe disadvantage in libel/slander cases (they aren’t);
– that the Kinsey studies were basically similar to Mengele’s medical torture in the Holocaust (no fucking comment);
– that Europe generally and Denmark especially has no laws against rape, child molestation, and incest, which are consequently rife there (untrue);
– and a grand Munchhausenian house of lies unequalled by any other public personality, including specific lies about where he was raised, his family’s economic status, his schooling, his partisan affiliation, his journalistic experience and recognition; and his fundamental coherence, independence, and integrity on issues as diverse as the Iraq war (as of 2007, he always knew it was a bad idea), Saddam Hussein (not a credible threat under Clinton, a dire risk under Bush), and pretty much every fucking issue of consequence over the last twenty years.

Bill O’Reilly is a liar and a fraud of the highest caliber. Citing him as a source illustrates you are either such a rube you would willingly offer your mental space to such a crass, self-obsessed charlatan, or that you are so completely amoral you’d cite Jeffrey Dahmer to gain an up against the terrible nig-nogs.

Of course, it’s quite possible – and I’m inclined to believe – that you’re both stupid and evil.

On the specific matter at issue here – in spite of an obscurantist ‘study’ (metaanalysis and the shuffling about of services to arrive at amicable numbers, surveys smushed together from years of divergence, etc) by the Heritage Foundation, the army has only very recently begun disproportionately representing whites at the enlistee level (as of 2002, whites formed 58% (v. about 60% of the population) blacks 25% (12%), and Hispanics 10% (11%).

(I treat the Army here because they publish their numbers fairly heavily, but Air Force numbers are white-heavier and Navy numbers – if memory serves – less so. Also, for every branch of the Service women are, for both enlistees and NCOs, either majority or plurality black. And go ahead and try and peddle that ‘darkies contribute nothing to our doughty forces’ line to the Marines. See how they react.)

While it might no doubt bring joy to your ugly little heart to learn that blacks now represent a lower relative proportion of the service than they have at any point in history, the Army considers it – along with the stunning reversal of twenty solid years of progress towards lowering the 75-80% domination of the officer corps by whites – a major crisis; the Army, while conservative, is extremely meritocratic and considers heavy representation of minorities and the poor a desirable outcome. (Our volunteer army’s ability to offer college and career assistance is especially seductive to people for whom options in higher education are otherwise fairly lacking.)

A decade of concerted efforts to break down social development and educational assisstance programmes are primarily to blame – there are far fewer people coming into recruiting age now than ten years ago who could be helped with higher education by the Army and have any reason to see higher education as a viable path for their futures – and so is the extreme politicization of the Army brass and image over the Bush administration. (By contrast, black recruitment numbers never slumped like this under Reagan, and Caspar Weinberger – regarded as too much of a GOP wonk to be trusted readily with the nonpartisan Defense department – was less shrill than Gates, let alone Rumsfeld.)

I understand you’ve got an abiding hate for them coloreds for keeping you out of Harvard and the Klan, but you’re just embarassing yourself. If you’re going to stumble in reeking of spoilt saltwater taffy and sputtering juicily, don’t make the next thing you do citing a guy well-known for demanding fellatio from his adherents.


They can have my pork chop when they pry it out of my greasy, dead hands!



Enough with the myths.
Not everyone on earth is crying out for freedom. There are plenty of people who are happy in their misery, believing that their suffering is part and parcel of a correct religious system. Those people direct their anger outward, targeting unbelievers.

One might say they cling to their religion.


(comments are closed)