Number Sixty-Two

Shorter Ed Driscoll:

Above: Run, Mr. Sulzberger, run

Won’t Get Fooled Again

  • Thirty years ago, Time Magazine published a cover feature on The Who while dishonestly refusing to mention that eleven people would be trampled at a Who concert soon after the issue went on sale. How then can the New York Times editors use the painting and/or town of Guernica as a metaphor for a trampling at a Wal-Mart, unless they literally cannot distinguish between the Spanish Civil War and a retail trampling? Number 27, Number 27.* Update: Welcome again, Instapundit readers! Number 27!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

* “One wonders what value the [New York Times] has as an information source to be trusted by their readers.” Cf. Number 859.

Update for the purpose of clarity: Due to the logistics of printing and distributing millions of copies of Time Magazine each week, an issue will be dated a week in advance of its publishing date. For instance, the current issue is that of December 8th, 2008.

Further critical update: Um, the Dec. 17, 1979 issue of Time actually includes a lot of material about the Riverfront Coliseum incident. Thanks to J—, the Goddamn Batman, and actor 212, and abject apologies from me for not reading the whole article as I should’ve. Nonetheless, um, does Driscoll’s argument make any more sense now than it did?


Comments: 156


I didn’t know that Gob Bluth had gotten into politics.


Say what you will about Cincinnati, but I’ll be damned if I’ll sit by and watch the good, sober name of the Who dragged through the mud as being anything less than virginal, pure, and er – sober.

Whatever. I must admit I kissed a few and once did sit on Ivor the Engine Driver’s lap and later with him, had a nap. So sue me.


Back in December of 1979, 11 people died when attempting to rush into Cincinnati’s Riverfront Stadium to see the rock group The Who.

It was the Riverfront Coliseum (it now has a different name—some corporate sponsor, I think), which, if I’m not mistaken, The Who did not own and operate at the time.


So, um, Time was guilty of not seeing the future, no matter how immediate, and Driscoll has a problem with that and then can somehow wrap (or rather, warp) his pea-brain around the Times/Guernica connection?


Serves me right for not clicking the link. Driscoll notes the cover came out after the concert, unlike Gavin’s synopsis states.

But still, to equate a trampling at a rock concert with Guernica, which was about innocents being stampeded during a bombing…


If the cover date was the week after the concert, it’s unlikely that copies of the issue instantaneously winked into existence at newsstands and mailboxes across America with such an inexplicable omission.

More likely is that when the event happened, the feature had been written, the issue was put to bed, and the printing presses were rolling.


“One wonders what what value …” ? What what value? What what?


Wow, they’re already on solid footing for “War on Christmas” stories. I can’t wait!


I’m sure the wingnuts

A) have no conception of what Guernica is actually about, and

B) would patiently explain to us that since The Other Side in the SCW was TEH KOMMIES AND ANRACHISTS that it really didn’t matter what happened as long as the forces of statism and central planning were defeated.

That said, I think it’s an appropriate link; Wal-Mart’s pretty damn fascist in the first place…


The tragedy happened December 3, 1979. The cover story is from the December 17, 1979 issue. Here’s what is says about Cincinnati:

Last week, playing a concert date in Cincinnati during the first week of an 18-day blitz of the East and Midwest, The Who found itself performing after a crowd stampede that killed eleven people. The tragedy took place outside Riverfront Coliseum as thousands of kids holding unreserved seats charged across a concrete plaza toward two unlocked entrances. The group had not yet come onstage. “If it had happened inside,” said Townshend, “I would never have played again.” The musicians could not be blamed and, indeed, did not learn what had happened until after the concert. They were shattered, and, for a time, considered that in some way they might be responsible.

I assume this got stuck in at the last minute. But obviously this isn’t good enough for Driscoll, who apparently demands some retroactive rewrite of the story so that it would focus on an event that happened just days before the issue went to press.


Deja fucking vu. What was the last time…oh – Parade rag in the Sunday paper and somebody died or something….

Those dickwads could find outrage in a Dilly Bar.

The Goddamn Batman Must Point Something Out


The Who concert incident happened on December 3rd; the Time cover article was published on December 17. Newsweeklies don’t have that big of a lead on the cover date.


According the Batman’s timeline, Gavin, that’s two weeks.

A two week out newsweekly, even in 1979, would be useless. Granted, it was a feature and granted those were put to bed a bit early. Moreover, they could have covered it in a different article, and we haven’t even looked there.

Still, it was shameful if they did not mention the trampling. A Dec. 17 issue would have gone on sale the earliest Dec. 10, a full week after the concert and plenty of time to re-edit.

The Goddamn Batman Needs To Hit That "Submit Comments" Button Faster

Great minds, etc. Anyway… Yeah, sticking up for the Ozark Hillbillionaires, not too cool. The conditions that lead to the trampling at the concert are pretty much the ones that lead to the trampling at the Wal-Mart: stick a big crowd in front of some flimsy doors and tell them that there’s a limited quantity of highly desirable stuff on the other side that the first few people through the door will get… Meet the new greedmongers, same as the old greedmongers.


Actually, Gavin, the article DOES mention the trampling, assuming it’s the same article:

Last week, playing a concert date in Cincinnati during the first week of an 18-day blitz of the East and Midwest, The Who found itself performing after a crowd stampede that killed eleven people. The tragedy took place outside Riverfront Coliseum as thousands of kids holding unreserved seats charged across a concrete plaza toward two unlocked entrances. The group had not yet come onstage. “If it had happened inside,” said Townshend, “I would never have played again.” The musicians could not be blamed and, indeed, did not learn what had happened until after the concert. They were shattered, and, for a time, considered that in some way they might be responsible.


Damn, J beat me to it. Sorry for the dupe.


Uh, wow. I’m wrong in about four directions at once.

Lemme try to fix…


Because I’m just not that into the whole trampling movement, although I am a fan of Charlotte Rampling’s body of work (*ahem*), much prefering Rampling over trampling, I would like to just point out that The goddam batman cracks me up…



Sixteen comments in and no snark referencing the WKRP episode about the concert? For shame, Sadlynauts, for shame.


The Cincinnati concert was on December 3.

The Time article on The Who is dated December 17.

But more to the point – what does this have to do with the NYT article? Driscoll writes that the NYT article does not say whether the crowd or Wal-Mart management is to blame. And from this refusal to assign blame, Driscoll deduces that the NYT must blame Wal-Mart management. And that reading this article in conjunction with one printed in a different publication 29 years ago shows that the media is unforgiving toward a corporation responsible for running a site where people are trampled but is in the tank for an iconic rock band that sits backstage while people are trampled trying to get into a venue the band does not run.



Sorry, I’m late to the game. I bow to my masters.


Updated with apologies.

And, um, I don’t want to be like “this only strengthens my point,” but honestly, does Driscoll’s argument really make more sense now than it did?


Still, it is nice to be back in a world where wingnuts blame all of the world’s ills on rock music instead of increadulously claiming that rock music is conservative.


WKRP in Cincinnati had a poignant episode about that Who concert, maybe Blue Hat Ed could go after Jennifer and Bailey and see what happens to him…


And, um, I don’t want to be like “this only strengthens my point,” but honestly, does Driscoll’s argument really make more sense now than it did?

To him, sure.

Tim (The Other One)

I think we all deserve a new post to cleanse the palate. Everyone will feel better, dammit.


And dammit, Keith Moon was continually polluting the domestic water supply by drivng all those limousines into swimming pools! Did the liberals at Time magazine ever mention that? No! And why? Because they were in the tank for Obama, that’s why!


Nonetheless, um, does Driscoll’s argument make any more sense now than it did?

No, it doesn’t, which is what I was trying to convey in my comment after the blockquote (at 20:36). He sets a ridiculous, impractical standard for Time and shows ignorance of publishing. It’s Lord Spatula territory.


I think we all deserve a new post to cleanse the palate. Everyone will feel better, dammit.

Oh, but what if nobody else said anything stupid on the Internet today?


As I recall Arthur “Big Guy” Carlson had a splendid time at the Who show. Perhaps he is to blame. Have inquiries been made? I doubt it. Why? Because he was part of the MSM.


Oh, but what if nobody else said anything stupid on the Internet today?>



Now, about Guernica. For me the painting focuses on the themes of death, pain, and suffering. One cannot necessarily draw from the painting itself the conclusion that it is about the Spanish War or inspired by what happened to that Basque town. But I think those central, broad themes come across clearly when viewing the painting.


It’s Lord Spatula territory.

You know, I had a vague memory of there having been something flagrantly wrong and sloppy in that post – i.e., that it was a net disaster — but now I can’t tell what it might’ve been.


Look, his point is perfectly clear. Thirty years ago, the person who writes Time magazine refused to blame The Who for trampling a bunch of their fans to death. This week, the same person, now going under the transparent alias of “Peter Goodman” (suuuure you’re a good man with a peter, you homo commie bastard) called Wal-Mart and its patriotic American shoppers Nazis because he made reference to the Spanish Civil War, also known as Guernica. This blatant double standard proves how hypocritical and sucky journalists are, and also that Wal-Mart rocks like The Who because neither of them take proper security precautions for crowd control. Could it be any more obvious? Does he need to draw you a picture? If so, please give him advance notice, because they only let him sign out one crayon at a time, so it’ll take a while.


Gavin, re: update.

In a word? No. It makes even less sense!


Apropos Guernica, the painting, who could forget this little number?


I’m surprised Driscoll didn’t take a swipe at Billy Joel while he was at it:

They burned the churches down in Harlem
Like in that Spanish civil war
The flames were everywhere
But no one really cared
It always burned up there before


I just want to make sure that rap hop music (and therefore all black people) are still bad because NWA sang “Fuck the Police.”


That’s “Fuck THA Police”.


Hey, maybe they were talking about the band instead of law enforcement. Ever think that? Huh? Huh?

And I bet you’ve never thought about how any day now science will discover all kinds of animals who talked, thus proving the truth of not only pagan legends but the Bible. Somehow.


and and and what if all this Monopoly money was REAL???!?!


And The Who also killed these 11 people with Kenney Jones as the drummer! Think of how many more lives would have been lost if Keith were still with the band! This shows how deeply disturbed liberals are!


Jeebus Christmas, did I read this knob correctly? The Who, in 1979, in the beginning of The Unfortunate Kenney Jones Period, were “at the top of their powers”? Holy Triple-Jumping Christ, is that wrong. They wer at the top of their powers from 1969 until the Quadrophenia tour, when Moon’s slide became precipitous and they had to play along with those stupid backing tracks.
This man knows nothing.


“one wonders what what value the newspaper has as an information source to be trusted by their readers. ”

But come on–isn’t this the money quote, and my favorite, and everything? One writer makes what this nitwit calls an unfortunate choice of metaphor, and now “one wonders” how any of the entire publication can be trusted at all?

That’s some fine wingnut outrage-cultivatin’ right there. One wonders if he applies such strict standards to the ill-chosen metaphors (let alone the “facts”) on the other sites he reads. Oh yeah don’t one ever.


I can’t stop reading this article. It is fascinating on so many levels. Why, for example, does Driscoll state that the article can be found via Newsmax, when he has already linked to NYT site for the article?

I strongly recommend visiting the Newsmax link (, if only for the first comment, helpfully posted by someone signing off “Alan Keys / Sarah Palin 2012.”


Whoever this Driscoll guy is, he has a serious problem with analogies.

Blaming The Who for the Cincinnati tragedy makes exactly as much sense as blaming Nintendo for making Wii (or whoever makes whatever it was that those maniacs were trying to grab). Wal-Mart’s role in Friday’s death corresponds, not to The Who, but to the Riverfront Stadium management.

Turbine Yukon Palin

How…strange. I was just reading some biography on The Who yesterday, looking for more info on Quadrophenia.

Didn’t the Tommy movie come out in ’75? And didn’t that have a fan-trampling scene? The world was warned, dude, 4 years early.

Lolz to Sulz.


“Alan Keys / Sarah Palin 2012″

Plz I can haz this? kthx


“Why, for example, does Driscoll state that the article can be found via Newsmax, when he has already linked to NYT site for the article?”

This means that it can be dutifully linked by wingers everywhere because Newsmax clearly reviewed the material to make sure that yadda yadda banana monkey purple tennis ball. See?


Hey, maybe they were talking about the band instead of law enforcement.

Couldn’t have.

Sting could take NWA out with one toss of his spiky hair and the brothers knew it.


This is why Cube left the group – fear of Sting. Look it up!


And didn’t that have a fan-trampling scene?

Would this be “Sally Simpson”? Security throws her off stage, and her face gets cut.


“Alan Keys / Sarah Palin 2012?

I’m thinking a better, more unorthodox combo would be Alan Keyes/ Sarah Palin-Gary Bauer in a co-Vice Presidency. Bauer is a real firecracker, having gotten chronic tetanus from a rusty badger. At any rate, that lineup would save the USA of America from the scourge of secular judges, who need to be kilt real good.


You know, I’ll bet dollars to donuts that if all those Wal-Marteers had been properly exercising their 2nd Amendment rights, everything would have turned out just a little differently.



secular judges, who need to be kilt real good.
Allow me to recommend the Cameron of Erracht tartan.


who could forget this little number?

Powell’s walk of shame in front of the concealed Guernica the first thing that comes to mind whenever I hear or see the painting mentioned anymore.

The Bushie bozos can’t stand anti-war expression. Or Justice’s tits.


You know, I’ll bet dollars to donuts that if all those Wal-Marteers had been properly exercising their 2nd Amendment rights, everything would have turned out just a little differently.

When the Va Tech shootings occured, some wingnut…maybe it was Reynolds…wrote a column practically screaming for universal gun ownership.

Come to think of it, it may have been Hewitt. Putz isn’t this verbal.

Anyway, I was surprised given that these idjits had three days to ruminate about it, no one suggested it in the WalMart case.


Actually, I think the Times headline is pretty fucking stupid. That doesn’t exactly mean that Driscoll isn’t a moron. It just proves the bit about stopped clocks.

After reading it a couple of times, I’m still not quite sure what he’s trying to do with that bit of HTMLorrhea. I suppose for a winger, any excuse to bash the Liberal Media is a good enough reason to waste more pixels.



Bauer is a real badger, having gotten chronic tetanus from a rusty firecracker.

Somehow, it’s funnier that way.


I suppose for a winger, any excuse to bash the Liberal Media is a good enough reason to waste more pixels.

We aren’t an infinite resource, you know.


Anyway, I was surprised given that these idjits had three days to ruminate about it, no one suggested it in the WalMart case.

They didn’t have time. The Showdown at the Toys’R’Us the same day undercut any such argument.

Though come to think of it, when has weapons-grade hypocrisy ever stopped a winger?


I remember reading that Time article when it first got to these sainted shores, (probably 1982, a joke about our distance there) It got me interested in the ‘oo and I have stayed hooked ever since. Now this foolish man wants to try to link a 30 year ago article about a tragedy with reporting of a barely similar tragedy as though the intervening 30 years with it’s sustained litany of disaster and bloodshed had never happened, as though the people at Time who wrote the original are now at the the NYT and have willfully applied a double standard.
Sweet Jesus of the smoked eels, these people are monumentally stupid and spiteful. America has to move past these morons and consign them to the composting toilet of history or your public discourse will be permanently stuck on stupid.


or your public discourse will be permanently stuck on stupid.

Too late.


Anyway, I was surprised given that these idjits had three days to ruminate about it, no one suggested it in the WalMart case.

I think closer inspection of the crowd in these pictures might shed some light on their wariness.

Teh Dustbin of History

the composting toilet of history
I approve of this metaphor.


Alan Keyes/ Sarah Palin-Gary Bauer in a co-Vice Presidency

How about Bauer/Keyes/Palin in a steel cage death match?

With rabid ferrets.

Turbine Yukon Palin

Would this be “Sally Simpson”? Security throws her off stage, and her face gets cut.

Dat’s der bunny. Don’t know why I recalled it as a trample. I must have trampling on the brain.

And the spine, and my liver, and my duodenum . . .

This handbasket is surprisingly cozy, but it’s getting warm. Is there a beverage service?


Sting could take NWA out with one toss of his spiky hair and the brothers knew it.

Yeah, and he had that poison dagger the Baron slipped to him!



Now you made me google ‘Sting + Dune’.
Oh god my eyes


Now you made me google ‘Sting + Dune’.
Oh god my eyes

That’s what happens when you mess with Things Man Was Not Meant To Know.


It just proves the bit about stopped clocks.
If a minority of clocks happen to be in a non-ticking state at the moment, it is because the mechanisms of the market have determined that this is the most efficient arrangement. Any suggestion that people should be paid to wind the clocks would simply tilt the playing field, and this would make it more difficult for people in the southern stand to throw bottles at the goalie.


Sting was a Spice Girl?


Sting was a Spice Girl?

Pompous Spice.


Now you made me google ‘Sting + Dune’.

That movie was six ways to awful.

I wrote a review when it came out. Simply, I titled the piece “DULL by Frank Herbert”.


Evidently, New York Times economics reporter Peter Goodman (or perhaps his editor, depending upon who wrote the headline) fancies himself as the next Picasso. So who are the Nazis in his mind? The management at Wal-Mart who, somewhat like Cincinnati’s Riverfront Stadium 30 years ago failed to have adequate security and preparations for the onslaught of a crowd, or the shoppers who crushed the unfortunate sales clerk? The article, found via Newsbusters doesn’t say.

I think you can have people screaming and dying in agony from having bombs dropped on them without necessarily having any Nazis involved. Remember that old “Shock and Awe” thing with the MOAB?


Don’t be knocking Dune the Film. “Tell me of your homeland, [fill in name here].” Works for me every time.


I didn’t know that Gob Bluth had gotten into politics.

It’s GOVERNANCE, Michael.

Politics is something a republican does for money. or cocaine.

Bill Buckley's thoroughly rotted corpse, a.k.a. National Review

I think closer inspection of the crowd in these pictures might shed some light

I see what you mean. Tho’ it was early morning, they appear markedly dusky.


I hear about people being trampled or squished by crowds and I always think of that night at Riverfront. Put a large group of excited (intoxicated) people on one side of a door and what they’re after on the other and it’s pretty easy to recreate that awful situation. I remember being able to see the doors but for some reason they wouldn’t open, and the pressure from the 100s of people behind us who were being pushed forward by the people behind them. I remember people panicking and screaming, unable to move and unable to defend against the unrelenting pressure. Pressure that was making it hard to take a breath. I remember working my arms over my date’s shoulders as I stood behind her and locking my arms straight to transfer the force from behind me onto the poor folks in front of me. I don’t know how long that went on but eventually the doors opened and the crowd shot through the opening. I remember seeing people injured by the crush or the passage through the door. We had no idea how bad things had gotten until after the show.

The Who rocked and my ears rang all the next day.

I blame the management of Riverfront. As I remember it, they had only staffed a few doors with ticket-takers. As the time neared and the crowd grew, suppposedly The Who did a late soundcheck. This caused those in the back of the crowd to think they were missing the beginning of the concert, and they started to push. Those buildings are designed to evacuate large panicked crowds in a hurry, not let them in. People started trying to get in unattended doors, but by the time they figured out that the doors wouldn’t open they were trapped by the crowd that followed behind them.

You know what the thing was? During the concert, someone with floor seats decided to shoot off Roman Candles. Good ones, ones that reached the rafters of the Coliseum. They band stopped playing and Pete Townsend yelled at the idiot who lit them off, threatened to stop the show, talked about how stupid reckless and dangerous that was.

That was my first rock concert.


Can’t match that story–good one.

Still, really if you had to be trampled to death, wouldn’t you prefer to be trampled to death to see The Who, rather than to be a poor sad temp murdered so that the degenerate Walton family could make even more money?


By 1979, it had to be clear that The Who was a relic of a time long past. Especially when Pere Ubu had put out 30 Seconds Over Tokyo in 1975 and in 1977 Cleveland represented with Young, Lound and Snotty.


My son camped out at Circuit City for a Wii when it came out. He didn’t have his license yet, so I went with him and slept in the car while he waited on line. It was very calm. At around 7 a.m. an employee came out and handed out coupons to the first 12 people in line, telling them to bring the coupons back during the store’s regular hours to purchase their systems. Then they hung up a sign saying the Wiis were sold out and everybody went home for a nap until 10am.

Black Friday isn’t calm like that because it’s 100% about the frenzy and the media coverage. The retailers want the frenzy to become contageous so they’ll sell more useless crap over the season.


The Who took The Clash on tour a while after that.


Finally went over to Eddie Driscoll’s to y’know, actually read the post and saw this lovely gem in the update:

[…]Welcome Instapundit and […] and even those die-hard defenders of the establishment at Sadly No. [sic except for the emphasis which was my doing]

“die-hard defenders of the establishment” WT Jeebusy fucking fuck?

Let’s see, who should I smear first with that brush? mikey? On account of, y’know, he’s so pro-establishmentarian. Or maybe RB who perfectly embodies the establishment in an internetly way. Or Arky, actor212, or ANY FUCKING commenter here.

No establishments were harmed in the making of this comment. The opinions expressed here may or may not reflect the dogmatically held delusions of whoever runs this dinosaur of a blog. Pseudonyms have been used to protect the guilty.


I went to see Dune when it first opened in an unheated theater (that’s what it felt like, anyway) about the size of a shoebox in Commack, NY. Tre apropos.

Very pretty film and great sets – now if they only had a script to go with the nice pictures.

There’s a scene that was cut from the theater release and restored for the 4-hour “Director’s Cut” or whatever they called it, a nice little touch of Gurney Halleck playing his baliset. I have no idea why they felt it needed to be cut – it’s all of 30 seconds long and it’s a cool piece of music. I suppose my point is that it kind of reflects the attitude of the filmmakers and what they thought was and wasn’t important.


The Who took The Clash on tour a while after that.

My big brother went to one of the Day on the Green concerts in 1982. He went up to Oakland to see The Who and came home raving about The Clash.

Quaker in a Basement

OK, so Driscoll had a dim glimmer of insight: The Times equating the Wal-Mart stampede with Guernica was stupid.

It went all to hell after that.


Driscoll welcomes Sadlynauts as “die-hard defenders of the establishment.” Apparently, the right is now sees themselves as anti-establishment.


The Who took The Clash on tour a while after that.

Yeah, I was at the Shea Stadium show where the Clash opened for them, not a bad show, overall. It was billed as The Who’s “retirement” or “last” tour and I remember feeling angry and fleeced when they decided “not” a year or two later. What a wonderful scam “here’s your last chance to see this splendid group of your youth” and doing it on a yearly basis.


oops, PeeJ got the jump on me.


An example of anti-establishmentarianism: “Behold my stupid criticism of Time and my over-the-top response to a strained metaphor in a Times headline.”

An example of establishmentarianism: “Your criticism of Time is stupid and your response to the strained metaphor in the Times headline is over the top.”


Ready for my f-cking gigantic close-up now Mr. de Laurentiis!

Even with Kenny Jones The Who would kick anyone else in the cods. But they were not the same band after Moonie died and they should have quit then, definitely should not be going around as The Who now. Much as I love them they should stop. But of course it is presumptuous of a fan to say what is and isn’t right, truly they are the very very only ones who can make that call


Apparently, the right is now sees themselves as anti-establishment.

Well, we have a Democrat coming in for President, so Q.E.D.


But of course it is presumptuous of a fan to say what is and isn’t right, truly they are the very very only ones who can make that call

Errrk……..Hello? Rolling Stones? YOU’RE FUCKING OLD!!!! GIVE IT A REST!!!!


Well, we have a Democrat coming in for President, so Q.E.D.

Yeah, but he’s not THEIR President! (hatip to patriot Oliie North).

History of Rock Music Corrections Page

Contrary to Mssr. Richman’s assertion, a number of individuals have openly derided Mssr. Picasso as an “asshole”.


Yeah, but he’s not THEIR President! (hatip to patriot Oliie North).

Exactly the point – he’s ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE (i.e. teh ENEMY) so they’re anti-establishment by virtue of being anti-Obama.


Contrary to Mssr. Richman’s assertion, a number of individuals have openly derided Mssr. Picasso as an “asshole”.

But did girls actually turn the color of an avocado when the drove down the street in his El Dorado?

Or is that a myth, as well?


Didn’t these people get the memo about The Economy? I wanted to see empty store after empty store, with “big, big savings” as no match for “small, small earnings.”

Plus, why is anyone still getting up at 4 a.m. to go to a brick and mortar store when we have The Internet?


Plus, why is anyone still getting up at 4 a.m. to go to a brick and mortar store when we have The Internet?

The joy of interacting with your cheeful fellow Xmas shoppers, of course.


…those die-hard defenders of the establishment at Sadly No

We are, we are. We can’t help it. We’re all weak and servile.

Ed Driscoll, on the other hand, is clearly a dedicated revolutionary, toughened by years of relentless armed struggle against the oppressors. A quick glance at the photo at the top of this thread is enough to show you why he strikes fear in the heart of the ruling class.


Re: The Who with Jones

I haven’t listened to it in a long time, but I remember liking It’s Hard.


Note also that the Book of Love was written by Alex Comfort.


I saw the VERY LAST show on that tour at Candlestick park in SF.

The clash was on their “Combat Rock” tour.

It was the Who’s very last performance. Um, until the next one.

We were trashed on a carefully calibrated mixture of, well, everything and all of a sudden at the end of the show we found ourselves being rushed by policemen. And firemen.

It seems we were under the fireworks and they were afraid we would catch on fire. A LOT more afraid than we were.

I got separated from the people I came with and a bunch of strangers took me home in a van. I think it was two weeks before I actually got back to my house…



the Book of Love was written by Alex Comfort.
— Science-fiction author and anarchist. “A marriage certificate is a dog license from the government or from God, and I do not recognise either authority.” [or words to that effect].


Evidently, Mr Driscoll fancies himself as the next Pete Townshend, because he used that title.

And he does not know, or pretends not to know, who the article blames (hint: sophisticated marketing forces, a depersonalized way of saying sophisticated marketing executives and also our consumerist society).

I think the piñata analogy is a great one, but a bit too zany for a story that is, after all, about a person being crushed to death.


Note also that the Book of Love was written by Alex Comfort.

I always wondered, wondered, who, who-oo-oo, who wrote that book.


To this day, you cannot get liberals to express any shame for when The Who bombed Guernica and in doing so launched the French-Indian war at Kent State, killing over 95% of all life on Earth in the subsequent Permo-Triassic extinction.

Liberals. Hrmph.


Liberals do not talk about the Permo-Triassic extinction except as a tu quoque for the collision of the Earth with Theia. Their refusal to condemn this recklessness is indicative of their culture of permissivity and their disregard for the thing with the values and stuff is anyone still reading this okay in conclusion all of the blame can be placed squarely on Bill Clinton.


Contrary to Mssr. Richman’s assertion, a number of individuals have openly derided Mssr. Picasso as an “asshole”.

But the pressing question is, is there really an abominable snowman in the market?


That would be Señor Picasso.


The Fool said,

December 3, 2008 at 1:32

Oh come on now, that’s not even trying.


I’m sorry the Permo Triassic extinction event was instigated not by the Who but by The Strawbs and their song “Part of the Union” which drove sentient beings to throw themselves into the nearest peat bog. Note: not the Pete bog.


hey there, stoopid punk bitchez!!!

Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole.

Not like you.

a 13 year old girl

OMG, your cracking me up! Which is better, writing “stooopid” or lololol? LOLOLOLOL 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀


killfile engaged


Note: not the Pete bog.
It may be that you are refering to this gentleman.


But the pressing question is, is there really an abominable snowman in the market?

Down by the peas and…carrots.


Give peas a chance!


That’s all I’m saying, S.C.

By the way, Mr. Peat Bog might be interested in the Concern Troll Olympics, as discrimination against zombies is not discussed everywhere.


Well, Dune may have sucked, but Sting was in another movie that was quite delightfully twisted, called Brimstone and Treacle. Just following the comments here makes me want to see it again.


Yeesh – ‘member Assrocket’s rant the other day about Mumbai and guns?

John “Wrong on Everything” Lott chimed in his two cents as well.

He’s just so helpful, Johhny Boy is:

Terrorists only stopped using machine guns to attack Israelis once citizens were allowed to carry concealed handguns. In large public gatherings, a significant number of citizens will be able to shoot at terrorists during an attack — and the terrorists don’t know who has them.

With mass shootings becoming more difficult, terrorists were forced to switch to a less effective strategy: bombs. Bombings are more difficult for armed citizens to stop because they can’t respond after the bomb blows up.

Aaaaaand this proves… um, well, I guess it proves more guns means safer streets, until the bad guys start building bombs. Or something.


OK, so Chris Hitchens got the smackdown on MSNBC for his “Hillary Derangement Syndrome”. But Hillary is not a sacred cow that’s above criticism. Neither should Obama be a sacred cow. We all have to come to grips with the fact that we may have elected another president who has to be criticized and taken to task from time to time.


Bombings are more difficult for armed citizens to stop because they can’t respond after the bomb blows up.

If they’re dead, this is true. If they’re not dead, they can set off their own bombs. Why do Israeli authorities refuse to allow Israeli citizens to build and carry their own bombs? Does not the Second Amendment guarantee everyone the rite to defend themselves, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being, in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary?


“It may be that you are refering to this gentleman.”

Pete Marsh (Swampy to his friends) was the manager of the popular neolithic band Nedrog Skulltin and the Blue men who recorded on the Sticks label in the late 20 AD’s. Marsh was the guiding light behind the group, mentoring Skulltin and introducing him to various areas of, then modern, philosophy including “Stabbing”, “Biting” and “Kicking their f-ckin’ lights out”.
However all did not go well with the Blue men as they got successful and began to demand more creative control and washings increased to twice a month. Eventually it was found that Marsh had been embezzling the bands savings and despite protesting that it was “only a dead squirrel and some beans” the band enacted the 3 major philosophies upon him.
It is thought that the annual “Set Tourists on Fire and Chase them into the Fens day” in St.Andrew- on- the- Loog- Oldham may be connected with this incident.


Now I’m having flashbacks to this thread where tigrismus used the words ‘lithophone’ and ‘antiestablishmentarianism’ (though not in the same comment).


How much acid do you have to do before you have flashbacks, Uncle S.C.?


Does not the Second Amendment guarantee everyone the rite to defend themselves

The Second Amendment does not specify the nature of the weapons to be born. I strongly recommend that we arm every American man, woman, and child with rocket launchers. Kindergartners with portable rocket launchers, now that’s awsome!


Which rite does the Second Amendment guarantee? If it’s only extreme unction, that’s of limited assistance.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

…those die-hard defenders of the establishment at Sadly No

It is a sign of the truly forward-thinking wingnut to accuse people of defending an establishment that hasn’t yet been established. And my read of “die-hard” is that teh Sadlies have been at it awhile, no less!


[…]the collision of the Earth with Theia[/i]

Wan’t that Bellus? Seven days to Zyra!


Ooops. The interocitor ate my linky.


Double oops. Poopie. Fuck.


Which rite does the Second Amendment guarantee?

The rites of fall, I do believe. As in “boom, boom, all fall down.”



ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,

December 3, 2008 at 3:06 (kill)

How much acid do you have to do before you have flashbacks, Uncle S.C.?

I’ll take this one.

I’m gonna say 12-15,000 mics cumulative.

Of course I passed that threshold by the bicentennial, so maybe I’m not the most accurate psyche-historian…



How much acid do you have to do before you have flashbacks,

I’ll take this one.

Heh. I’ll take this one. Film at eleven.


FWIW the Who trampling was the incident that led to the founding of the Crowd Management/Peer Security industry for concerts and entertainment events.

You surely can’t equate something that actually caused people to start to theorize about Crowd Management in a professional manner for the first time – with something that happened 30 years after lessons should have been learned.

And FWIW, one of the lessons learned by that incident is that the forces that cause people to be trampled are coming from remote locations (i.e., the back of the crowd) where no one is aware of the damage that’s being done. The people whose feet actually trampled the poor guy at Wal-Mart were as unable to stop as he was unable to get out of the way. They were being propelled by a force they couldn’t prevent.


…when does one receive moderate unction?


With mass shootings becoming more difficult, terrorists were forced to switch to a less effective strategy: bombs. Bombings are more difficult for armed citizens to stop because they can’t respond after the bomb blows up.

Um….wouldn’t that make bombs a MORE effective strategy?


ckc (not kc) said,

December 3, 2008 at 3:51

…when does one receive moderate unction?

All my life.

And get offa my lawn!


…when does one receive moderate unction?

When you say something harsh or *gasp* partisan.


hmph, ask a serious question… well, I looked it up myself:

extreme unction: The form used in the Roman Rite in the preceding period included anointing of seven parts of the body (though that of the loins was generally omitted in English-speaking countries), while saying (in Latin): “Through this holy anointing, may the Lord pardon you whatever sins/faults you have committed by…” The sense in question was then mentioned: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, walking, carnal delectation.

I think moderate unction must be SPF 40 at the beach. (but not on the loins in English-speaking countries).


When I was just a kid, I wasn’t at all religious, but I’ve never been. Of course, now I’m an atheist, but I didn’t have the courage or commitment to be that then.


Wandering through a bloody perimeter on a smoky morning, GR guys zipping your friends into black bags, trying to bum a cup of coffee and a cigarette, eyes red and scratchy, numb, finally through shaking, you come upon a chaplain giving last rites to a gutted, bled out kid who’s seeing the last of this world that gritty grey morning.

Extreme Unction. I know, mumbo jumbo with a side of gimmicks.

But you stand off to the side, your rifle suddenly heavy in your hand, the coffee now sour in your throat, and watch the light go out in that kids eyes while the chaplain says the ancient prayers.

And you turn away, eyes burning, tears running down your soot – stained cheeks. And as a nineteen year old, you get this huge sense that there’s a LOT you don’t understand about the world, and life and death and choices and those without choices. And you think wow, people are not going home after last night. And some of them aren’t going home ’cause I killed them. And some of them I couldn’t save.

And you go looking for the Doc and a couple darvons and try to forget the way the universe opened up and tried to swallow you. You empty your mags and smoke a joint and go to sleep.

And you never guess what the impact of that sad, dirty little scene will have on the rest of your life.



Wandering through a bloody perimeter on a smoky morning, GR guys zipping your friends into black bags, trying to bum a cup of coffee and a cigarette, eyes red and scratchy, numb, finally through shaking, you come upon a chaplain giving last rites to a gutted, bled out kid who’s seeing the last of this world that gritty grey morning

Mikey, recounting these things is apparantly cathartic to you but nearly every time I run into one of your memories (of the blood kind), I suddenly feel as if I’ve mainlined 15,000 mgs of niacin. I’m not trying to stifle you here but some of us will never resolve the actions of our past the way you seem to have and reading this stuff is like peeling a brain scab with a jagged can lid.

I’m just sayin’…


Thing is, Tom, it ain’t about us.

THEY need to know. They need to know what harmless, astingent words like “airstrike” and “firefight” and “war” mean.

We OWE it to make sure that when some fucker makes some facile statement about “taking out” a dictator or invading some “failed state”, blood is going to be spilled, and the ones that walk away walk away broken.

It’s not good. It’s not a good idea. It’s not something noble, nor is it EVER someting that we should do. It’s fucking WAR. I’m not sure what these motherfuckers don’t understand about that…



Yeah…………………………….I hear that. The trouble is, I don’t want ANYONE to know what I know (I haven’t got enough hate in me for that), I don’t want anyone to have a picture of the sources that will still cause me to puke every once in a while, if I dwell on them, 40 years on now. I can see that you’re filtering out the worst of it, but it still brings back the bad magic, even though I was in a completely different part of the world…. as a different war is ultimately the same war.

I’ve got no business talking about this, forget I mentioned it and do whatever keeps you clear.


Everybody on the line already paid their price.

Their lives will never be the same, and no one they love will ever have a way to reach them again.

All we can hope for is to try to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Shit. Pretty forlorn hope.

Listen to me!! I shout.

And yet, there are more wars, and more reasons to fight.

Which way hope?



All we can hope for is to try to make sure it doesn’t happen again



THEY need to know. They need to know what harmless, astingent words like “airstrike” and “firefight” and “war” mean. …

I thus assume that you are in agreement with Driscoll: comparing the stampede/trampling at Wal-Mart with war atrocities such as Guernica is asinine and trivializes war.

(Granted, Driscoll’s Who intro, probably used solely for the song/post title was at the very least unnecessary (though not as much as the attempted take-down here re publication dates). But surely we can agree with the thrust of his post?)


thunder, I thought you said the Olympics were at Three Bulls.


All we can hope for is to try to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Shit. Pretty forlorn hope.

Not so forlorn – if only one person reads & understands, a young & naive one who was toying with the idea of signing up, to get into “the action” so they could have some cool stories to tell their buddies – reads you, & changes their mind – you may very well have saved that person’s skin, or their sanity.

That would be a very good thing.
Words can be truly magical – especially when they make good things happen.


Thanks Jim.

I wouldn’t mind carrying a little hope in my ruck…



We all have to come to grips with the fact that we may have elected another president who has to be criticized and taken to task from time to time.

And that’s fine, Pork.

Why don’t we wait until he’s actually fucked up, in that case?


I remember 1979. People were trampled at a Who concert, and we were told, over and over, that this proves that their music was destructive and evil and nobody should listen to it.

I remember 1980. People were trampled at an appearance by the Pope, and we were told that sometimes bad things happen, and it’s all part of God’s beautiful, uknowable plan.


This is certainly culture wars lite.


(comments are closed)