Sadly, No!: A Serio-Comedic Journal of Opinion Published in Electronic Form
Posted on June 30th, 2005 by Gavin M.
…We’d better get on board here. Because even Atrios has retooled.
Actually, SadNo HQ is in Germany, so we can do whatever we want as long as it doesn’t involve goose-stepping around with a finger on one’s upper lip like it was a funny little moustache, and all that sort of thing.
You know, imitating Charlie Chaplin. (cough) But really, it’s the principle of the matter.
I think Sadly, No! should become “A computer internets web-based forum that stalks Sondra K’s blog.”
Sondra K’s magazine
So, it’s like you and Brad are the American correspondents work for a French-Canadian-German Web Publication, right?
Gawd, does this mean I have to be a magazine too?
Republic of Dogs: An Online Journal of Me Totally Talking Out of My Ass
Indeed. Headquartered in Europe, Sadly, No! also maintains offices in Boston and the New York area, and publishes reports and commentary from dozens of correspondents worldwide.
Ah, but you see, you can’t have offices in Boston and the New York area, because then they would be subject to US law. And besides, you don’t want to offend the country that you’re working in – y’know, like Microsoft being an American company but they won’t let their programs in China accept words like “freedom”.
Oh, and about that thing I said about having offices here that have to follow US law? I should let you know that I have no idea if that’s actually true or not, but I sounded pretty smart for a second, huh?
BTW- 2 things off topic.
1) It looks like Norbizness has chosen sides:
2) Kurt Schilling got rocked by the Charlotte Knights last night. I got to heckle him for a while. Jeez, I don’t know how he ever played in the majors.
Kurt Schilling got rocked by the Charlotte Knights last night. I got to heckle him for a while. Jeez, I don’t know how he ever played in the majors.
Sadly, No!
Oh, and about that thing I said about having offices here that have to follow US law? I should let you know that I have no idea if that’s actually true or not, but I sounded pretty smart for a second, huh?
As I said above, “Sadly, Of Course Not, Loser!” đŸ˜‰
Norbiz totally mentioned the stolen fat-guy-in-a-diaper pic.
Ooh, when will that go away? How many kittens do we have to send over there?
Gavin- Now is the time to attack, while The Editors are away and his ill-prepared apprentices are in charge.
OK, here’s our title:
“Sadly, No!: The On-Line Magazine of Master Wingnut Baiters.”
Norbiz is great as usual, but that other guy totally isn’t hitting it.
He’s, like, trying to be funny. And that’s fatal, man.
We should hit him with the kittens. Except I’d feel guilty.
Wait a gosh darned minute, then how come you’re not called “Leider, Nein” or summat? I am beflummoxed.
The Day the Bloggers Died
As of yesterday, blogs are dead. Say hello to the Online Magazine Community. Others joining so far: Americablog Crooks & Liars Sadly, No! Swing State Project Law Dork Dispassionate Liberalism Chaos Digest The Political Forecast…
Parce que la langue officielle de Sadly est le Fran?ais — ou, le Quebecois.
Il est tr?s embrouillant. Peu de gens le comprennent compl?tement.
Seb is a Quebecois and a native Francophone living in Germany, who posts here in English.
The Day the Bloggers Died
As of yesterday, blogs are dead. Say hello to the Online Magazine Community. Others joining so far: Americablog Crooks & Liars Sadly, No! Swing State Project Law Dork Dispassionate Liberalism Chaos Digest The Political Forecast TalkLeft is joining …
“Tristement, Non” peut-?tre? ?a marche.
“Schilling allowed one earned run on five hits. He struck out three and walked only one.”
As i said before, that was against the Charlotte Knights. In relative terms, he got rocked. Seriously, giving up 5 hits in 5 innings to the worst AAA team in baseball? That dude sux.
And yes, I was the only one booing him.
“We should hit him with the kittens. Except I’d feel guilty.”
Gavin, to quote John Candy, “There’s a time to think and a time to act. And this, gentlemen, is no time to think.”
Norb mentioned the fat guy in diapers, but he also posted a cute kitten pic. That should be seen as a hostile act.
As i said before, that was against the Charlotte Knights. In relative terms, he got rocked. Seriously, giving up 5 hits in 5 innings to the worst AAA team in baseball? That dude sux.
It is a rehab start, after all…
Since Sadly, No! is published in Germany–in theory–does that mean there’ll be one of those really cool German titles that are 56 letters long at the end? Like:
Sadly, No! GeschellshaftaufdemFrankreichgesprechengeborenmeister
Is that Frank Reich in there? The engineer of the greatest comeback in NFL playoff history?
I can’t hear you, Yosef! I’ve fallen down the Gemeinschaft!
Help, help!