Are You There, Failure? It’s Me, Megan

What should Bush do now?

One thing that I haven’t seen: work more closely with Obama’s transitional economics team than an outgoing president usually does.

Everything I’ve seen about Bush and the transition indicates that he has been entirely classy. But right now, classy is not enough. The more publicly he is seen to coordinate with the Obama team, the more reassuring it will be to markets.

As usual, ‘markets’ is a word that McArdle uses to denote a big economic thingy of no fixed qualities, much as ‘cyberspace’ used to mean an interactive post-media nexus of transformative hyperrealities whose multi-dimensionalized datasphere you flew through as a bodiless post-human, via sitting in a farted-out desk chair typing on Usenet.

Let’s look again at what she just tried to say.

The more publicly [George W. Bush] is seen to coordinate with the Obama team, the more reassuring it will be to markets.

In the time it took you to remember Bush’s approval and disapproval ratings, and to form the thought that ‘markets’ are widely supposed to be smarter than the bottom 25% of Americans, such as for instance Jersey guidos with hair mousse and four-finger rings, blank-eyed women wandering angrily through dollar stores, people who cut you off in traffic and shout incomprehensible expletives that sound like “Gawaaa!”, people who equal ass, bonk-headed yar-yar dingbrains, those who sit on their porches with earthenware jugs and mail-order guitars, singing “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” as the 20th Century struggles to free itself from the possum trap it walked into as it tried to cross their property, and people who listen to Coheed and Cambria — in that mere span of time, Glenn Reynolds woke up, walked the dog, had breakfast, turned on the computer, had another cup of coffee, sat down, checked his RSS feeds, went “Say, that’s a good point,” and quoted McArdle’s post nearly in full.


Comments: 249


“One thing that I haven’t seen: work more closely with Obama’s transitional economics team than an outgoing president usually does.”

A favor, please:

Would someone here please diagram that first sentence? I’m dying to know which subjects go with which verbs. Hell, I’d just like to have someone point out the subject and verb.


Wait wait wait. Can anyone parse this “sentence”?

One thing that I haven’t seen: work more closely with Obama’s transitional economics team than an outgoing president usually does.

I’ve been trying for a couple minutes now, but I can’t even figure out what she meant to say.


Everything I’ve seen about Bush and the transition indicates that he has been entirely classy. But right now, classy is not enough. The more publicly he is seen to coordinate with the Obama team, the more reassuring it will be to markets.

Um, actually, Bush’s team has been a lot more than classy, but McArdle wouldn’t know that trying to peer out of her own ass.

By all accounts, Bush’s team has acknowledged the difficult situation Obama will face and has been ubercooperative. I suspect there’s an element of “well, we really fucked this guy over and if we don’t want to go down in history being ridiculed worse than we already are, we might as well cowboy up and do what we can.”


Or, Megan, you could simply read a magazine

By all indications, this is shaping up to be one of the most amicable transfers of power between the parties in recent years — thanks in no small part to the extraordinary efforts of the current occupant of the Oval Office. Planning for the handoff was under way well before the Obamas paid a visit to the Bushes at the White House on Nov. 10 for a tour of the place that they, their daughters and the new President’s mother-in-law will soon be calling home. Since September, Podesta has been quietly working with current White House chief of staff Josh Bolten and Bolten’s deputy, Blake Gottesman, to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible. Bolten and Gottesman have been offering advice on which posts need to be filled quickest and making their personnel available to Obama advisers. More than 100 interim security clearances have already been granted to Obama aides. “If a crisis hits on Jan. 21, they’re the ones who are going to have to deal with it,” Bolten said in an interview with C-SPAN. “We need to make sure that they’re as well prepared as possible.”

Finally, just as the adults are about to take over, the adults are finally taking over from Clinton…


Dear Megan, ever the shill, and meanwhile patting herself on the back for her brilliant history of supporting Bush, Paulson, Bernanke, Wall Street, and Megan McArdle’s Career.

Megan still refuses to acknowledge Bush’s plan of Republican dominance by getting traditionally Democratic voters into investing and housing, thereby making Republicans of them forever. Or allowing creative financial vehicles that had no oversite. Or neglecting national security and then choosing to fight two wars, badly. As long as she still has credit cards and expensive toys, it’s all good.


By all accounts, Bush’s team has acknowledged the difficult situation Obama will face and has been ubercooperative.

You mean like Hank Paulson making sure he spends all the money before he leaves?

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, less than a week after indicating he would let the Obama administration decide how to use the second half of the $700 billion financial fund, is considering asking for the money.


Work closer with Bush?

You mean Mr. Reverse Midas, who turns everything he touches into shit?


Subject: I
Verb: have (not) seen
Direct Object: thing

The clause is a lost cause.



Via, and Hard News, we find to our great satisfaction, no matter how obvious it was from the beginning, that “African Press International” was a Nigerian scam that took about $150K from right wing and Hilltard nutbags.

Søren Ragsdale says,

In the months before the 2008 election, rumors were circulated by everyone from right-wing bloggers to Fox News and members of the McCain campaign about a secret tape containing alarming statements by Barack or Michelle Obama. David LaFontaine at HardNewsInc summarizes the events as the “secret tape” turns into a classic Spanish Prisoner / Nigerian 419 scam with a $150,000 price tag. “The Mountain Sage” deserves most of the credit for putting all the pieces together.


those who sit on their porches with earthenware jugs and mail-order guitars

If it’s one of these, I’ll take it.


By all accounts, Bush’s team has acknowledged the difficult situation Obama will face and has been ubercooperative.

Aside from the little matter of Hank Paulson giving his palls all the money before he leaves: “Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, less than a week after indicating he would let the Obama administration decide how to use the second half of the $700 billion financial fund, is considering asking for the money.”


“African Press International” was a Nigerian scam that took about $150K from right wing and Hilltard nutbags.

Only $150,000?

Korir must be disappointed.


Glenn Reynolds woke up, walked the dog, had breakfast, turned on the computer, had another cup of coffee, sat down, checked his RSS feeds, went “Say, that’s a good point,”



API’s got a new website. Ha, too quick for you citizen journalist/amateur investigators/nosy kids!


as the 20th Century struggles to free itself from the possum trap it walked into as it tried to cross their property

My favorite line.


Today in history, an example which other right-wing fascistic knobs would do well to follow:

1970 – Japanese author Yukio Mishima committed the ritual suicide seppuku at the Japan Self-Defense Forces headquarters in Tokyo after an unsuccessful attempt to inspire the soldiers to stage a coup d’etat to restore the powers of the Japanese Emperor prior to the 1947 constitution.


This is just weird.

I mean, when Nixon resigned the popular, reasonable thing to do was to hate him and use every opportunity to excoriate him and his actions. What was not popular or common was to keep trying to find ways in which he did something good, something redeemable, something honorable. Indeed, it simply wasn’t done. To do so would be to look like an idiot, a nincompoop wholly out of touch with the current national state of affairs.

But here we have an outgoing president if anything even LESS popular than Nixon. An entire administration commonly referred to calmly and without argument as incompetent, venal, criminal, and self serving. And yet there continue to be a surprising number of people, not just brain-dead wingnut sprayers of spittle and vitriol, but journalists and pundits across the political spectrum who keep trying to find little things about the end of the bush presidency they can applaud.

Sure, for many, it is surprise, and the soft bigotry of abysmal expectations. That these purely ideologically driven thugs might actually find the motivation to do something for the nation, or for anyone other than their own arrogant, narrow interests is newsworthy in a “man bites dog” sense.

But even a generation from now, at a time when the worst fools and criminals can expect to enjoy a certain rehabilitation, with so much left still to come out and the damage not even begun to be understood, it is exceedingly unlikely that the bush/cheney years will be addressed by anyone of genuine stature as anything but the nadir of american democratic governance.

So c’mon, all you writers and pundits out there. Leave the fluffing to the 28%ers. You’ll feel better about yourselves in the long run. Promise…



OK, mikey, to be fair, Nixon DID knock over a bank…


OK, mikey, to be fair, Nixon DID knock over a bank…

Yea. He’s a piker compared to how Bush knocked over a few dozen in one fell swoop.

Smiling Mortician

Gavin’s use of imagery makes me smile.

So, too, does the thought of Ann Coulter’s jaw being wired shut.

Of course it’s true. I read it in the Post.



Coheed isn’t THAT bad. Is it?



FMM hasn’t gone dark, just for the record. I’m a little sick, very busy, n traveling. I’ll be back.


such as for instance Jersey guidos with hair mousse and four-finger rings

You forgot to mention their catastrophic use of spray bronzer (which I use discreetly to give myself the RUGGED look of a dental floss farmer). Oh, and smearing their bodies with Preparation H.


The notion that Bush’s involvement could raise confidence in anyone or anything at this point is enough to produce hysterical laughter. Far more likely to send people running in terror.


I’m not sure all this cooperation is due to any policy, more the independent actions of thousands of GOP staffers who are hoping there is some way they can keep their jobs in January.

Bush and Dick are probably too busy with the paper shredders right now to really care what their minions are up to.

Of course, look at Dubya’s economic policy for the last year. “keep it lurching along until it isn’t my problem anymore”. If the economy collapses between now and January, I think that would actually work in Obama’s favour. It would give him a mandate to take much more drastic action. I imagine the current administration wants to avoid that.

Plus, this is the start of Operation Whitewash. Now that the Bush presidency is over (or at least feels that way) it is time for the republican party to do the usual trick of telling people things were much better back when Dubya was in charge. All the bad shit is going to get chucked down the memory hole, and within a decade they will have built up a false nostalgia about the Bush era, at least amongst the idiots that voted for Bush the first time round. Then they can recycle all the old Bush policies once the stink of failure is covered up somewhat, nominate another braindead dipshit, and repeat the process all over again.


“I mean, when Nixon resigned the popular, reasonable thing to do was to hate him and use every opportunity to excoriate him and his actions. What was not popular or common was to keep trying to find ways in which he did something good, something redeemable, something honorable. Indeed, it simply wasn’t done. To do so would be to look like an idiot, a nincompoop wholly out of touch with the current national state of affairs.”

Actually, quite a lot of people did precisely that (believe me, I’m related to some of them). They just didn’t have an internet to (a) find one another one and (b) keep reassuring each other that it was everyone else in the world that was wrong.

Also, I’m not completely sure about this, but I don’t believe that it had been proven by the 1970s that the loud, incessant, angry repetition of groundless beliefs and wishful thinking would eventually solidify them into fact.


First of all, that API blog is worse than the previous. Second of all, this is a fine piece of descriptive writing.:

Jersey guidos with hair mousse and four-finger rings, blank-eyed women wandering angrily through dollar stores, people who cut you off in traffic and shout incomprehensible expletives that sound like “Gawaaa!”, people who equal ass, bonk-headed yar-yar dingbrains, those who sit on their porches with earthenware jugs and mail-order guitars, singing “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” as the 20th Century struggles to free itself from the possum trap it walked into as it tried to cross their property, and people who listen to Coheed and Cambria

the guy in the Cubs hat who was shy

Re: Bush-fluffing versus Nixon-flushing – perhaps we have some cases here of enabler guilt. Those former members of Bush’s Cult of Personality may be looking for a bit of redemption for themselves, especially if their archives are on line.

In any case, they may be shocked, shocked to learn that there has been gambling going on in this casino – makes the winnings (and wingnut welfare possibilities) easier to pocket.


that was me at 22:13


Megan’s too busy trying to rehabilitate her own reputation to care about Bush’s.

Charles Giacometti

If we were to somehow calculate the lowest IQ among all 84 million bloggers out there, I have no doubt McArdle would come in dead last.

That’s a given.

What is truly startling about her is how she compounds her stupidity with laziness and pettiness. That is some trifecta.


Don’t forget her vanity and arrogance. Is there a pentafecta?


If we were to somehow calculate the lowest IQ among all 84 million bloggers out there, I have no doubt McArdle would come in dead last.

That’s a given.

You are forgetting about Jonah Goldberg.


You are forgetting about Jonah Goldberg.

I think Jonah has to be given a point or two for always being willing to equivocate enough that he never advances the arguments he would have you think he’s making.


If we were to somehow calculate the lowest IQ among all 84 million bloggers out there, I have no doubt McArdle would come in dead last.
That’s a given.

I do not think McAddledBrain is really so much stupid as willfully ignorant and inextricably wedded to a set of ideas which valorize her privileged position and life. As Upton Sinclair once observed, it is almost impossible to get someone to understand something when their paycheck depends on their not understanding it.


Jonah wins hands down as the dullest tool in the wingnut box, though the Morans and Pammiecakes give him a run for his money.


Are you guys somehow forgetting the Swankster?


Are you guys somehow forgetting the Swankster?

Ok, another worthy contender.


You are forgetting about Jonah Goldberg.

And K-Lo.

Whatever, no matter how helpful the Bush WH has been, Obama better make sure he checks the computer keyboards before they leave.

I have a feeling they’ll steal all the Os.


We have to separate them into amateur and professional contenders. Other bloggers might be more stupid than Megan, but they aren’t called a “brilliant economics blogger” by David Brooks.


“One thing that I haven’t seen: work more closely with Obama’s transitional economics team than an outgoing president usually does.”

It’s playing with implicature, but mishandling the clues.

The proper way to imply meaning in that construction would be first to a present participle of “work” by attaching the suffix “ing.”

The colon after “seen” is almost anaphoristic, in that it implicates the pronoun (them), but more grammatically correct, (their) before the incomplete sememe “work(ing).”


–the other grammar


Also, I’m not completely sure about this, but I don’t believe that it had been proven by the 1970s that the loud, incessant, angry repetition of groundless beliefs and wishful thinking would eventually solidify them into fact.

That took Iran/Contra and Ken Starr.


OK, Susan, nobody should ever use the word “brilliant” (or competent, insightful, or rational) in reference to McAddledBrain. I suppose we should perhaps create classes here, though both Jonah and K-Lo are professionals, by which I mean somebody actually pays them to pull shit out of their asses and post it on the web.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> By all accounts, Bush’s team has acknowledged the difficult situation Obama will face and has been ubercooperative. I suspect there’s an element of “well, we really fucked this guy over and if we don’t want to go down in history being ridiculed worse than we already are, we might as well cowboy up and do what we can.”

I doubt it is because of the “we’re cooperative” factor. Everyone knows republicans just want to steal as much money as they can from taxpayers.

It is more of a “we’ll help you if you don’t prosecute us for all the war crimes and genocide we’ve committed”


It’s at moments like this that my British side points at my American side and asks “What the fuck are you like?” In Britain, the government changes hands the day after the election and nobody bats an eyelid. In the US, it is now apparently considered “extraordinary” that an outgoing president should cooperate with his successor during a three month interregnum in the midst of the worst financial and likely economic crisis since the Great Depression. Is that not the bare minimum that people are entitled to expect from their leaders in a functioning democracy? Christ, we need electoral reform so bad it’s unreal.


Oh, that Meghan.
Just picture her furrowed brow!
Shut the fuck up, girl.


“Korir must be disappointed.”

I am Korir. I am pleased with my take. If anyone is interested, I still have audio tape of Michelle saying “white devil.”

That is all.


I want the works
I want the whole works
Presents and prizes and sweets and surprises
Of all shapes and sizes
And now
Don’t care how
I want it now
Don’t care how
I want it now


Just wanted to acknowledge the inclusion of the increasingly popular buzzword: “yar-yar.” It has been showing up in these here parts a lot lately (sometimes with “ding-har yar-yar,” other times, such as this, all by its lonesome), and I, for one, am gladdened by its appearance and by the way that it works more closely with the other inventive pejoratives and adjectival descriptors.

My cat & I find this all very reassuring, and will be voting accordingly. Also, accordioningly, as we are fans of polka music. Which only serves to prove my point.

[Strunk & White’s comes to life on shelf, flies across room, severs fingers on keyboard]


Quite simply the best post title I have ever seen. 100% win.

Can’t wait to read the actual post itself.



Dumbest wingnut of all time has been scientifically proven at Instaputz to be Dan Riehl.


Riehl is by far the stupidest.


Ah Beruca Salt, how I lust for you.


Dumbest wingnut of all time has been scientifically proven at Instaputz to be Dan Riehl.

I would be voting for Crazy Pammy, but there probably would have to be a distinction between “dumb” and “bugfuck insane”. Does arguing that Osama HOOOOOESSSIIIIIIN is Malcom X’s love child qualify for “dumb”, “bugfuck”, “insanely bugfuck dumb”, or something else?



That’s just it. It takes no talent to be insane like Pammy, but it takes a special…um…breeding, to be abjectly consciously uninterested in any learning.


“You mean Mr. Reverse Midas, who turns everything he touches into shit?”

That would be King Merdas, a corruption of the original French, Merdeasse.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Some people read stupid welfare wingnut blatherings, AKA “internet bandwidth static”, and castigate those who author such trash.

However, I am delighted in their vapid and fecund output, as I like to see plenty of snark chum in the roiling waters of the Toobz.

The quest for Absolute Zero is well underway here at S,N! With all the angry wingnut/nutjob/whackjob bloggers helping us, I think we will certainly find a site where all atomic motion has ceased.

Nobel Prize committee, are you listening???


Pammiecakes and MalKKin are primarily just batshit crazy, rather than stupid. Coulter, Limpballs, Beck, and Savage are hateful instigators and shysters in it to milk the rubes of their money as much as anything. For raw stupid, I generally look to the Corner, which seems to have the deepest lineup on the web. Of course you also have combo players like TIDOS Wankee and Swankee whose unique combinations of dumber than a stump and batshit crazy make it hard to separate and evaluate the components.


But right now, classy is not enough.

How is it that when McArdle tries to be serious, she sounds like Ron Burgundy?


True, Dick, the Corner has more than its fair share of idiots. To be sure, one could almost call it the naked singularity of teh stoopid.

Townhall gives it a run, tho.


Closing paragraph ain’t too bad either.


checked his RSS feeds, went “Say, that’s a good point,”

Not “Heh. Indeed.”?


want the works
I want the whole works
Presents and prizes and sweets and surprises
Of all shapes and sizes
And now
Don’t care how
I want it now
Don’t care how
I want it now

I had a firecracker of a red-headed girlfriend in college that would kill that song on stage.


DrDick said it right before me. Megan’s just ordinary stupid. She knows that if she continues to grease the wheels of power she’ll keep collecting her check. That’s about it.


What? No love for RenewAmerica’s host of dumb RW bloggers?


“African Press International” was a Nigerian scam that took about $150K from right wing and Hilltard nutbags.

That is a Schadenfreude coffee cake, served warm from the oven, accompanied by a fine big cup of great coffee with real cream in it.


Now, if only the economy was doing better, API would have raked in more dough. Dang this pit of financial horror and melted assets! Who could possibly be responsible for this?


Ginger Yellow: To be fair, it would be hard for us to do like the Brits unless we also had (a) a shadow cabinet, so we would know who’d be working in the government right after the election, and (b) an election system that made any sense at all, so we wouldn’t have the prospect of a month of recounts.


Being a C&C fan, I sheepishly admit that I laughed my ass off at this. Having been to a couple of their shows, a lot of their following could be attributed to “all of the above”.

This is a gem, Gavin.


Someone seems to be fishing for a restraining order. Is that like a badge of honour for trolls?


kiki – it gives him delusions of adequacy.


The trouble with America, as I see it, is that we’re too forgiving of Republicans and too quick to endlessly condemn Democrats for far lesser crimes. Hopefully, Bush will prove to be a useful idiot and to serve as an object lesson as to what happens when you let Republicans run the roost.

But, frankly, I doubt it. This, too, shall pass.


Shootin’ blanks again, eh, Pravda?

I hear there are herbal preparations that can help out with your lil’ “problem”.

Smiling Mortician

Megan’s too busy trying to rehabilitate her own reputation

She’s doing it wrong.


Gavin et al.: Does persistent harassment of another commenter over at least a month qualify one for banning? I seem to remember trolls being banned for repeatedly attacking mikey, for instance. And this iteration of Truth just can’t shut the fuck up about DrDick.


published in the National Post, Canada’s premier wingnutnewspaper:

What Bush can teach Obama
Jonathan Cohn, The New Republic

You hear lots of talk about which former president Barack Obama should use as a model. Bill Clinton comes up regularly. Franklin Roosevelt, too. But what about the guy in the White House now?

I know, President Bush’s approval ratings are hovering around 30%. This election was in many ways a referendum on his tenure and the verdict could not have been more unambiguous. The voters didn’t like it. Saturday Night Live got an entire skit (and a pretty funny one) out of John McCain trying to escape the stigma of his failure.

But was Bush really a “failure”? That depends on how you define it.

Consider what Bush has accomplished. He has overhauled the tax code, tilting it towards the wealthy and significantly reducing federal revenues. He signed a landmark education reform that changed the curriculum in virtually every public school. He gutted the regulatory state and hollowed out the bureaucracy. He added a drug benefit to Medicare, thereby enacting the largest single entitlement expansion since the 1960s. He tipped the Supreme Court’s ideological balance with two strongly conservative appointees.

And that’s just what he did on domestic policy. Bush also sponsored a massive program to help treat AIDS in underdeveloped countries. He rewrote long-standing doctrine on foreign policy and human rights. And, oh yeah, he engineered — and then prosecuted — a war that overthrew a dictator, destabilized a region and committed the United States to an occupation whose end is still unknown.

That’s quite a tally — arguably, one that no president since Lyndon Johnson can match. (Before that, you’d have to go back to FDR.) And with the exception of the Medicare drug program, every single one of those accomplishments represents a realization of goals that he, his fellow travellers in the conservative movement, or both had sought for years or even decades.

America today looks radically different than it did in January, 2001. And it looks that way because Bush made it so.

Now, for the most part, the country doesn’t seem to think Bush’s changes have left us better off. And I’d agree, with a few key exceptions. (High on the list would be that AIDS program, for which I believe Bush deserves more credit than he’s received.) But he still achieved quite a lot. And, simply in terms of leadership style, President-elect Obama could do worse than to take a page or two from Bush’s playbook.

One of Bush’s most remarkable qualities — and one, I admit, that I frequently admired — was his stubborn focus on goals and willingness to push political boundaries aggressively. It took a president of uncommon gumption and boldness to push such a radical agenda; America, after all, is not a radical country by nature. But Bush understood political opportunity when it presented itself and he seized it. And while I’d hate to see Obama systematically ignoring policy experts and manipulating intelligence — or deliberately stoking partisan division for the sake of winning elections — I wouldn’t mind if, like Bush, Obama showed the same sort of singular focus.

Like Bush, Obama is pursuing an ambitious agenda: Reorganizing the country’s economy and infrastructure to fight climate change and achieve energy independence; overhauling its massive health care system; undoing all of the tax changes Bush signed into law and, in the process, addressing the country’s long-term fiscal crisis; beginning unprecedented levels of investment in young children’s education and well-being; repairing America’s image in the world and, in the process, finishing the fight against Islamic extremism.

Already, the opinion class is tut-tutting. It’s too expensive, they say, and too radical. But it’s not all that different from what Bush tried. The difference is that Obama would be pushing in the opposite ideological

He understood political opportunity when it presented itself and he seized it

direction and, if the polls are to be believed, in a direction that the country happens to favour.

Not only does that mean Obama should, if anything, have an easier time achieving it. It also means that, if he accomplishes those goals, he can leave with his party’s majority intact — and his approval ratings higher than 30%.

Fortunately, Obama seems to get this. He hasn’t given up the talk of “changing Washington” and bipartisanship; I imagine he believes it, too. But he’s also made it clear he’s not about to back away from goals just because they’ll encounter initial resistance.

When asked repeatedly in the final weeks which of his legislative goals he planned to discard, because of the financial crisis, he refused to play along, insisting his agenda remained the same. Incoming Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said something similar on ABC’s This Week. After making the case for energy independence and health care reform, even in the midst of an economic calamity, Emanuel said, “This opportunity, this crisis, provides — as the president-elect has said repatedly — the opportunity to do things Americans have pushed off for years.” President Bush couldn’t have said it better.



BTW, check out “Mountain ‘Sage'” for more on the API scam. She certain is able to recognize that scam, but can’t seem to recognize how foolish she looked continuing to harp on the entire birth-certificate “issue.” I especially liked the “Obama isn’t a citizen because his Mom was too young” bit. Prime wingnuttiness!


What Bush can teach Obama

And Mussolini made the trains run on time!


I think Jonah has to be given a point or two for always being willing to equivocate enough that he never advances the arguments he would have you think he’s making.

Pantload in a nutshell.


I finally understand this crisis, if only because I know the feeling of getting screwed over.


but then of course this is vacation work for our hard wording academics.

I generally hate DEMONcraps but DrDick’s hard wording is so…


Djur –
I appreciate your concern, but Troofie is just a minor annoyance on a par with a pesky fly or mosquito buzzing around your head that you can’t quite slap. On the other hand, he does rather remind me of an ant approaching an elephant with rape in mind.


I generally hate DEMONcraps but DrDick’s hard wording is so…

You just love me because I am a fellow Montanan.


What Djur said at 2:34. “The Truth”‘s obsession with DrDick is approaching the “alert the authorities” stage. Not to mention that its persistent presence here in the first place is indicative of some sort of sociopathic personality disorder.


If Bush really gave a toss about anyone but himself, he’d abdicate and take his administration with him.

Just the other day there was someone on the teevee telling some letter writer they shouldn’t dip into their emergency savings just to give the kids a Christmas.

This is a future generation who will remember 2008 as “the year without a Christmas.”


indicative of some sort of sociopathic personality disorder

Or is it looooove?


I seem to remember trolls being banned for repeatedly attacking mikey, for instance.

I like to think that the “mikey smells” guy just realized it would improve his longevity to annoy someone who isn’t the Vietnam vet/biker/ex-con, but that’s probably just me.

Also, I’m a bit suspicious of Bush’s supposed awesomeness with respect to AIDS in Africa. A lot of the money pledged (and not fully delivered) comes from withdrawing support for existing international programs, plus the programs are coupled to religious fundamentalism and big pharm.


Or is it looooove?

He just can’t accept the fact that I just am not all that into him. 😎


It came without options
It came without stocks
It came without paper or credit default swaps
And he puzzled three hours, `till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before!
Of course christmas isn’t something you can just have for free
Christmas depends on a strong economy…

–Apologies to my old Doc


You just love me because I am a fellow Montanan.

If yer ever in my beautiful Butte, stop by at the Blood Clot for a drink and we’ll talk about manly things (and I’m not referring to penises, in case you’re some kinda Islamosexual or somethin!).

Hey, do the pelicans out your way seem more frenzied than usual today?


If yer ever in my beautiful Butte

Wotta man.


There are pelicans in Montana?


Homer Simpson == me.

Why am I so totally not surprised?


Um, Rugged?

Exactly what is it that makes you refer to your butte as “Beautiful”?

‘Cause I’m thinking lumpy, hairy, pimply and stinky is no way to go thru life…



Homer Simpson == me.


You misspelled either “D’oh” or “(annoyed grunt)”.


‘Cause I’m thinking lumpy, hairy, pimply and stinky is no way to go thru life…
You, sir, are no warthog.


You know I only read “Are you there, God. It’s me, Margaret.” because there was a bunch of drama when I was in an Assemblies of God grade school and someone found it in the library and pitched a fit. I was expecting something racy and got tutored in menstruation.


Also, I’m a bit suspicious of Bush’s supposed awesomeness with respect to AIDS in Africa. A lot of the money pledged (and not fully delivered) comes from withdrawing support for existing international programs, plus the programs are coupled to religious fundamentalism and big pharm.

Sure, but I think it’s at least worth noting that Bush is well-liked in Africa at least partially because he took it seriously in a way that was uncommon with prior Presidents. He could only do so much because of the kind of dipshit wingnut he is, but he did legitimately decent work in Africa. My guess is that he only found out too late that they have oil there too.


You know I only read “Are you there, God. It’s me, Margaret.” because there was a bunch of drama when I was in an Assemblies of God grade school and someone found it in the library and pitched a fit. I was expecting something racy and got tutored in menstruation.

As Jamiroquai comes of age, it frets over its new breasts and wonders why every other band seems to have already gotten its period. / “Not since Judy Blume has Ray Smuckles succeeded in accurately describing that awkward phase in a band’s life when it becomes a woman.”


Rugged –

No pelicans around here to speak of. I think the pit and all the drunks laying about waiting to be rolled that attracts them to Butte.


Liberals, DrDick is such a fun fish to have flopping on the line. He alternates between brush offs, ignorance, and teeth-clenched responses. He is the typical dull witted arrogant leftist professor, and is so tempting to reel in again and again.

Funny, I’ve never noticed any such thing, and I couldn’t tell you what he did for a living. This may be because I don’t generally make a habit of finding enemies or man-crushes online, but by all means keep on harassing him for being personally responsible for how horrible darkies are and the continued existence of the lieberal arts academy.


If he answers my fill in the blank, I’ll leave him alone.

And why wouldn’t he? After all, this is certainly a reasonable enough challenge to make, ignore, and behave as if went unanswered half a dozen times. And who among us hasn’t whiled away our precious leisure time jumping through hoops for a bug-eyed Klansman wannabe?


No Troofie, you want to play silly gotcha games with sophomoric syllogisms signifying nothing. You have been answered repeatedly, but keep ignoring the answers because we refuse to play your stupid game. I actually asked you to name two Islamic clerics of comparable stature to the Pope and Pat Robertson. You may have a couple in there who approach the stature of Robertson, but I do not see any Grand Ayatollahs, the only people in Islam even remotely comparable to the Pope and even then with much smaller followings.


I would just like to take a moment to remind all Republicans, conservatives, and assorted right wing libertarians that this year their a**es were thoroughly kicked across this country by a black man with a Muslim name.

That is all.


All I want him to do is …

yeah, right!


No pelicans around here to speak of. I think the pit and all the drunks laying about waiting to be rolled that attracts them to Butte.

By G*d man, you’re a genius!! Drunks as pelican bait!!! Whoa, we are gunna have us some REAL fun tonight!!!


that it wraps up our discussion…

bullshit (transparent bullshit, no less)


Troofie – while some clerics have advocated for terrorism, at least as many have advocated against it, but they do not get any press. For the record, Islam, unlike Christianity, specifically prohibits harming noncombatants.


Pravda continues to ignore the fact that if his assertion of the total animosity of Islam for the West is true (it’s not, but let’s play along) the only way to win the “war on terror” would be genocide of the Muslim world.

Presumably he supports that and is trying to cover it up by the usual wingnut projection. Face it, Pravda – if you could slam the door on ’em and pour the Zyklon B in through the roof vents you’d do it in a heartbeat.


Troofie –

Why in the name of all that is unholy do you think I would ever do anything that might remotely be convenient for you?


he does rather remind me of an ant approaching an elephant with rape in mind.



Another thread into the shitter. The troll wins.



OK, mikey, to be fair, Nixon DID knock over a bank…

“By God! Then we’d have him!”


I’m bored so I’ll play with the silly ass loser who doesn’t matter.

Truth, What would you think of someone of who sat around the internet harping at people to find high ranking Jewish clergy who didn’t think the Rabin assassination was irreligious? Like maybe they are a nutty crank? Someone who needs to find a better use of their time? Someone who needs to tend to the nuttiness in their own society before they wade off into someone else’s bullshit?


..see the previous thread

what’s wrong, finger’s sore?


(or possibly fingers)


Oh, Mo-

FINALLY one of you badgers picked it out.

Although the line about Chimpy knocking over a bunch of banks was pretty good, pretty good…


There’s new crap up at Fire Megan McArdle (no thanks to diff brad).

Just the other day there was someone on the teevee telling some letter writer they shouldn’t dip into their emergency savings just to give the kids a Christmas.

This is a future generation who will remember 2008 as “the year without a Christmas.”

Oddly enough, Megan saw that too.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

…‘cyberspace’ used to mean an interactive post-media nexus of transformative hyperrealities whose multi-dimensionalized datasphere you flew through as a bodiless post-human, via sitting in a farted-out desk chair typing on Usenet.

This is the best description of the early-1990s popular computer scene I’ve ever seen or will ever see. I was in computer science grad school in those days and got so sick of hearing cybercheese, even from well-meaning people.


Also, I’m not completely sure about this, but I don’t believe that it had been proven by the 1970s that the loud, incessant, angry repetition of groundless beliefs and wishful thinking would eventually solidify them into fact.

Odd. I thought it had been well established since the time of the Pharaohs. All the useless street-preachers for the last several thousand years have made their livelihoods exactly so. That just that sort of grifter was installed at the head of our government, by just that sort of means, will never cease to appall me.


Has anyone else heard that Ann Coulter broke her jaw last month and had to get it wired shut this week?

Now if we can just get her to break her arachnid hands, too life would be perfect.


I was expecting something racy and got tutored in menstruation.

Your raciness letdown aside, tutoring in menstruation is a very helpful thing.


Sorry if that sounded peevish.

What I meant to say was Gavin’s really been knocking touchdowns outta the park and into the back of the net lately.

He should take a victory lap.

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

Dear Sadly, No!,

You’re going to have to kick your snark up a notch–you’re being beaten out by the Wall Street Journal:

On Nov. 3, Souter denied the injunction. The next day, the election was held as scheduled. You might have read about it, it was in all the papers.

The probability that the court will actually grant certiorari is, in theory, greater than zero, but it is such a small number as to be incomprehensible to anyone within the ordinary range of intelligence.

An additional rumor, not repeated by’s Serchuk, is that the “response” that Obama is “required” to file next week consists of proof that he is a natural-born citizen. Those who make this claim seem to believe that cert. is two, two, two writs in one.


yerassitparks: Yes, we all have heard about the Coulter jaw-wiring, like two threads ago. Go blogwhore somewhere else. Oh wait, you blogwhore everywhere already. In which case, just fuck off, pig.

dim-witted badger

There are pelicans in Montana?

fucking pelicans


hi mikey. I’m feeling particularly old and out of it tonight.

My daughter suffered a miscarriage last weekend. I don’t give a flyin’ fuck about being a grandmother, but she wants a baby and so that’s what I want for her.


Pretty in Mink: Conservative Leading Ladies

The airbrush in charge worked a shitload of overtime.

Surprised Palin isn’t in the lineup, but then fresh slaughter draped on milky shoulders might be overkill.

TBogg has at ’em.


MzNicky <- hug


he does rather remind me of an ant approaching an elephant with rape in mind.

The old joke that ends, “You don’t really come here for the hunting, do you?” came to mind as soon as I saw Pravda’s name in the thread.

Another thread into the shitter. The troll wins.

Au contraire, they’ll get this thread when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

Although, a new House is on in half an hour, so…


MzNicky – My condolences to you and your daughter. I know how hard those kinds of things can be. My niece had a miscarriage many years ago and she was really devastated. My youngest grandson was born two months premature and was touch and go for a couple of years. Really hard on everyone. Poor kid seemed to spend half his life then in the ER. Today he is 11 and doing fine, so I suppose it was all worthwhile.


Your raciness letdown aside, tutoring in menstruation is a very helpful thing.

Probably, but I’ve got a fourteen year old son who is probably past needing that book but if I had saw him reading it any point and time where it was applicable I’d have wondered what I’d have thought about it.


Sorry if that sounded peevish.

henry lewis: No, I agree. I don’t understand why commenters as informed and sophisticated as those who are drawn to this site succumb to Troll Response Syndrome.™ It’s troubling, and counterproductive.


A regular on the Fox News Channel’s O’Reilly Factor, Mary Katharine Ham is the online editor of The Washington Examiner. Formerly the managing editor of, O’Reilly is wearing a green three-quarter length sheared mink coat with laser grooving from Miller’s Furs.

Congratulations, Bill O’Reilly, you cradle-robbing perv you.

Also, “laser grooving” sounds like something you would do at a planetarium while stoned.


I feel like there’s something worthwhile in that I’ve learned some things from the discussion.


Also, “laser grooving” sounds like something you would do at a planetarium while stoned.

Returned for regrooving.



Ed Marshall: I’m having difficulty deciphering your comment at 5:35, but my complete sympathy and compassion for anyone dealing with a 14-year-old son. Been there done that fuck it. All I can tell you is, keep your better traits about you and send them by osmosis. They absorb it, all evidence to the contrary, and you will both survive. My best to you.


DrDick: Thanks. We’re not devastated, just disappointed. At least we know everything’s in working order. I never knew how frequently miscarriages occur until this happened. Life goes on.


Seriously, go look at those pictures linked in Lesley’s post. They’ve got a mannequin that looks exactly like Ann Coulter!


…why commenters as informed and sophisticated as those who are drawn to this site succumb to Troll Response Syndrome

(Why) is the Pope Catholic?


Troll Response Syndrome.™

One of the things that originally drew me to the GOS a few years back was their tradition of dealing with trolls by posting recipes. I loved that it basically said, “Sure, we see you, but you aren’t really worth engaging with. Go make some pie.” Alas, I haven’t seen that there for some time now. Oh well. Not all good things last forever.

A simple “fuck you” really is more than enough.


I re-read that, and don’t know what I was talking about either. What I was trying to convey was that if I was watching my son read “Are you there God” back when he was 11 I’d feel really, really, weird, I’d want to ask why he was reading a book about prepubescent females. I suppose it could be a really smart exercise in intelligence gathering, but I don’t think eleven year old boys are that smart.


The airbrush in charge worked a shitload of overtime.

That is some serious shoopin’. I know, having seen my share of pixels, blahblahblah.

Also, just to bring the discourse down a notch, I had a spit-take at

Conway is wearing a navy sheared beaver

I suppose we all support our troops in our own ways.


henry lewis: No, I agree.

Thanks MzNicky.

My condolences, btw. That’s really tough. Hope there will be better days ahead.

I feel like there’s something worthwhile in that I’ve learned some things from the discussion.

Totally agree, DrB. I think we just hit a patch of turbulence – some kind of foul-smelling updraft.


A simple “fuck you” really is more than enough.

..and yet, and yet…some seem to feel that a “fuck you” is too much. Ah, trolly, trolly – how do we deal with your ignorance and neediness?


are you really surprised by anything now? even (m)ann coulter have he(r) jaw shut isn’t surprising. it is a metaphor for the whole right side of the aisle.


Conway is wearing a navy sheared beaver
I spat-took.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Oh yeah – on the original topic,

What should Bush do now?

Mextremist answered this long ago. “Tonguejack my shitbox” is still the best choice.


it is a metaphor for the whole right side of the aisle.
Before we get back into this business of “reaching across the aisle”, I would like to report that this turns out to be not such a good idea at the kind of cinemas I usually attend.


Before we get back into this business of “reaching across the aisle”

You kind of shuffle your shoe over.


perhaps your reaching is targetted inaccurately


navy sheared beaver

Anchors aweigh!

Do note Mary Katharine Ham, it’s pig in lipstick time.

Greatest use of spackle or Photoshop. Not best, just most.


I spat-took.

And earned a guffaw.

Really, why is abc still fawning over these she-monsters?


Greatest use of spackle or Photoshop. Not best, just most.
That early-30s hand-tinted retro style can be done more effectively.


Susan Phalen

Susan Phalen is senior adviser for Iraq Communications at the U.S. Department of State. She has been deployed to Iraq nine times and once to Afghanistan, and is currently writing a book of her experiences. Phalen is wearing a three-quarter length coat made of human skin buttoned with the knucklebones of charred schoolchildren.


Yeah, I liked how the State Dep’t. employee had been “deployed” to Iraq & Afghanistan.

But where’s that dame w/ the red leather jacket & Hungarian Lobbyist award? (Forget her name.) She’d be hot.


Ooh, I like games:

It is OK for banana people to assault monkey people if the first group insults the second.
It is not OK for goat-blowing people to assault twee people if the first group insults the second.

It is OK for crabby people to openly call for the extermination of trolly people, and for applause to follow this remark.
It is not OK for flaccid people to openly call for the extermination of erect people, and for applause to follow this remark.

That was kinda fun but let’s try for a little more variety next time, K?


That early-30s hand-tinted retro style can be done more effectively

Did Klokverk ever cover “Tomorrow Belongs To Me”?


Well my incredibly funny and witty post will show up eventually, I’m sure. Meanwhile, FYWP, sideways with Troofie.


The thing to always remember about Mr. Load is that he isn’t stupid, he’s just full of shit. It’s an important distinction.

K-Lo, OTOH, is stupid.


“It is OK for X people to assault Y people if the first group insults the second.”

So did anybody else notice the logical FAIL in the above sentence?


MzNicky, I know it’s small comfort, but it happens so much more often than is mentioned in polite conversation. Two of the four friends of mine who have had their first babies in the last few years had miscarriages first. Nature is nasty sometimes. She’ll pull through in no small part because she has such a witty mom. ; )


Holy fuck, what is the purpose of that photo series? Why on Earth is abc news doing that?!

Ann Coulter is the author of six books with artificially inflated sales numbers, a deeply evil syndicated banshee and a frequent TV asshole. She is the 2004 recipient of the Luce Policy Institute’s Man of the Year Award and the 2001 recipient of the Institute’s Conservative Arch-Douchery Award. Coulter is wearing the skin of a Tibetan virgin, cured with the sorrowful tears of Reason.

This really calls for some serious Photoshopping …


What Loneoak said, MzNicky. My sister went through that a couple of times before her first child was born, and it was kind of hard on her.

My older daughter is trying to give us a grandchild, seems to think we need one, and has had no luck in the past 18 months; we are more concerned about her worrying about it than whether she has a baby.


“It is OK for X people to assault Y people if the first group insults the second.”

So did anybody else notice the logical FAIL in the above sentence?

It is OK for X people to assault Y people if the first group insults the second for any reason whatsoever.



As someone who cringes Man Coulter jokes, I regret having to admit that the ABC photo lineup looks trannier than Tompkins Square Park during Wigstock.


Just the other day there was someone on the teevee telling some letter writer they shouldn’t dip into their emergency savings just to give the kids a Christmas.

This is a future generation who will remember 2008 as “the year without a Christmas.”

Oh, I dunno. Teh wingnuts have given us all the gift of irony this year, since it’s the economic policies of the same folks who have been screeching about the “War on Christmas” for lo these many years who ultimately managed to kill it.


“Everything I’ve seen about Bush and the transition indicates that he has been entirely classy. ”

Really? Cause it seems to me that he has been completely ignored by everyone that matters.

“The more publicly [George W. Bush] is seen to coordinate with the Obama team, the more reassuring it will be to markets.”

*sigh* It hurts me soul. It really does.


yaah.. at the risk of appearing sucky – Christmas can’t be killed by economic policies, or screeching (though that can spoil the mood) – and it has nothing to do with spending or saving – watch the (real) Grinch again.


Mark Noonan in a world of unlimited blink tags:
In a world of unlimited blink tags, there would be a Flash game of Whack-a-Mole involving an image of Lemmy’s face with his facial warts blinking on randomly, inviting you to score points by clicking on them before they disappear again.


Bush, classy?
In the word of Keanu, “whoa.”


yaah.. at the risk of appearing sucky – Christmas can’t be killed by economic policies, or screeching (though that can spoil the mood) – and it has nothing to do with spending or saving – watch the (real) Grinch again.

Well, you’d think that, wouldn’t you? But because you’re shamefully atheist about Aryan Jesus, you’re ruining Christmas by treating the company and happiness of family and friends as anything like equivalent to what God intended – the exchange of sentiments through hundred-dollar commercial proxies.

My daughter suffered a miscarriage last weekend. I don’t give a flyin’ fuck about being a grandmother, but she wants a baby and so that’s what I want for her.

Ah, God. The biggest abortionist of all.

In seriousness, I wouldn’t be the eldest child if my mother’s first (inadvertent) pregnancy hadn’t resulted in a miscarriage, and I can’t imagine how difficult it would have been for the kid – first of all they probably would have named him Dick (my parents were on much better terms with my grandparents in 1982 than 1987), second of all he would have come of age around 2000 – Jesus, I can’t even imagine how bad that would be – and third of all he’d have spent his whole teenage years bouncing from place to place for my dad’s med school in the early 90s.

And it played at least a partial role in my parents actively managing their family size, which did a lot. They couldn’t have known it then, but not having a kid in ’82 probably saved their lives and ours.

It always sucks, but it’s not always for the worst. Make sure she knows – because miscarriage is sometimes the first overt sign of some kind of reproductive problem – that if it comes to it you don’t care whether or not you’re biologically related to your grandkids. Adoption should always be an option – it’s something we’ve had to make plans for ourselves, what with one of the side effects of PCO being a 25%+ rate of ectopic pregnancy.

But most of all, my guess (from what I know about my mom’s incident) is that what she needs to hear is that it’s not her fault – even if externally she knows that we internalize an excessive belief in our own control over the world, and in the popular media having your own life while pregnant is treated as a weird mix of James Dean and Josef Mengele.

Thank you for being there for her, though. My parents were just young, stupid kids, and my mom figured my grandma had been through a lot already (and was at the time a bit of a drunk – a mean one, too) and she couldn’t really share it with anyone but her friends. It would have meant a lot to have the kind of support you’re giving your daughter – you don’t even realize how much until you know how goddamn weird people’s parents can be.


Mark Noonan in a world of unlimited blink tags:





Via, and Hard News, we find to our great satisfaction, no matter how obvious it was from the beginning, that “African Press International” was a Nigerian scam that took about $150K from right wing and Hilltard nutbags.And yet, the beat goes on:

Oh, and a “fancy” “new” “website,” to boot:


I think Jonah has to be given a point or two for always being willing to equivocate enough that he never advances the arguments he would have you think he’s making.

Y’know, everyone I’ve ever known with the Pantload’s level of passive-aggressiveness was physically abused during their childhood. It would almost make me feel a little sorry for the Doughy One, if he wasn’t making such a successful career out of being a rich, smug ignoramous.


This is a future generation who will remember 2008 as “the year without a Christmas.”

That’s funny. I figured they’d all remember it as the “the last Christmas for a decade” or “Christmas? Oh, yeah. We had that before the Depression came and everything turned to shit and those banker guys stole all our money and put the whole country in hock for generations to come”, or something.

These are the good ol’ days, kids.


I feel like there’s something worthwhile in that I’ve learned some things from the discussion.
The important thing is that no-one got hurt, and we all learned a valuable lesson.


“Ginger Yellow: To be fair, it would be hard for us to do like the Brits unless we also had (a) a shadow cabinet, so we would know who’d be working in the government right after the election, and (b) an election system that made any sense at all, so we wouldn’t have the prospect of a month of recounts.”

That’s kind of my point. I realise (or at least my American side does) that we can’t have a British style handover as is. But it just highlights how fucked up our electoral system is. The government is basically paralysed for the next few months (and has been even more dysfunctional than normal under Bush for the last 6 months) because of the election, with the result that we’re sliding into a new depression while the outgoing, unprecedentedly unpopular administration hands trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to Wall Street (and I say that as a financial journalist who supports a bailout in principle). In most democracies elections last a month or so and that’s it.


I’m the youngest of five boys. Before I was born, my mother had a miscarriage. “And it was a girl.” she would casually slip into conversations while I was growing up.

Surprisingly, I have self-esteem issues.


“One of the standard problems with the universe is that it’s large enough that unlikely things happen pretty often,” explained Nigel Sharp, program officer for extra-galactic astronomy and cosmology at the U.S. National Science Foundation

And there you have it.

To Mother Nature, who gives menstruating females a shot every month or so, and men millions at a go, it’s simply sensible to bail out if something goes wrong. And when we consider how many ways something can go wrong, it is sensible.

Being human though, and wanting a baby, you have the potential child losing their first tooth and graduating, all in your mind, and then it’s gone.

It’s natural to mourn, too.

But I’ve heard these stories so often it really seems like it’s really a preparation stage; and the time is not yet right.

I’m glad you are there for her, MzNicky.


The fact is, shut up, that’s why.


When I was a stupid teenager, I got my girlfriend pregnant and she had a miscarriage several months into the pregnancy. We were devastated, even though having that child at that time may well have been bad for all 3 of us. But being 30, single and with no kids now, I still think back from time to time and wonder about how different life would be, and what it would have been like to be a dad.
Much love to you and yours MzNicky.


MzNicky– my condolences as well, that is a rough road indeed. It’ll get better, which sounds trite but is really the best way to say it without taking up a whole page. Just know that many thoughts are with you in this.


I’m sorry for your family’s loss, MzNicky. I hope your daughter gets the child she wants.

Shaun, it’s often very difficult for the surviving children, if parents indulge in the tendency to pin emotional needs on the lost baby. The baby becomes a symbol of perfect love, and the surviving child are forced to live with the comparison.

When I look at McArdle’s vanity and callousness, I have to conclude that she was taught arrogance and resentment by a parent, just like I assume that Lucianne Goldberg was an emotionally abusive parent to Jonah.


And I’m glad you acknowledged that Islamic religious leaders are openly calling for the extermination of Americans.

Fred Phelps is an Imam?

Troofie, you’ve been pwned.

Seriously, dude, pick up your toys, hitch up your Pull Ups, velcro your sneaks and take a hike, son. Your lies have got nothing left behind them, not even the charm of humour.



I’m sad to read about your daughter’s loss. It took my ex and I a few tries to have a baby, and I remember the times it didn’t take as a rough patch.

She has love in her life and that will be enough for her to pick it up and try again. She’ll get there. Sometimes it just takes a while.


Pravda continues to ignore the fact that if his assertion of the total animosity of Islam for the West is true (it’s not, but let’s play along) the only way to win the “war on terror” would be genocide of the Muslim world.

Particular since 85% of Muslims are non-Arabic* and love the US.

Oh. Sorry, Troofie…I guess reality bites, don’t it?

*There are 250 million Arabic Muslims in a world population estimated as hig as 1.8 billion, so Troofie? Suck it!

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

No new post today? Damn. I’m so bored I clicked the “About” button.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

Of course all Muslims hate America. Look at this guy:

He hated America so much that he got himself killed rather than continue defending it. Damn terrorist.


Yes, but Indonesia, Turkey, Iran…they’re still all brown-colored furriners, so Twoofie doesn’t like ’em one bit.


So, after sweeping pwnage in the elections (that Truth said couldn’t possibly happen, we should note), here’s Truth’s strategies for victory in 2010-2012:

1) Obama = Carter. No, no reasons given, just say it a bunch and it’ll work.
2) LOL! There’s a bunch of Clintonistas in the White House again! Let’s remind Americans how much they hated the 90s!
3) Americans should admit how great of a job Bush is doing. If they don’t, then they’re stupid. That means you, 70+% of America.
4) Black kids are the real racists! Jena 6! Jena 6! Also, I just don’t understand why blacks won’t vote for Republicans. They must be racist!
5) Muslims are so hate-filled! Why won’t they admit it?

Anyone with a couple of brain cells to slap together realizes that the long-term problem for the GOP is that its demographic prospects are dwindling and dwindling fast. And this is your plan, Truth? To marginalize and insult and tell a bunch of voters to just screw off?

Well, go ahead, sport. Go do it. Keep saying this stuff. You being laughably wrong is nothing new- remember how the Bradley Effect(TM) was going to bring Obama to ruin? But the more you and your chums like Bob Owens keep peddling this stuff, the emptier and emptier your tent will be.


Let’s remind Americans how much they hated the 90s!

I really hated peace and I really hated my portfolio being twice what it is now.

Damn, I’m so happy now that I have to actually work for a living instead of looking forward to my retirement to my vacation home in Bermuda.


And this is your plan, Truth? To marginalize and insult and tell a bunch of voters to just screw off?

Oh FUCK! Troofie is Karl Rove????


Susan of Texas said,

November 26, 2008 at 16:14

When I look at McArdle’s vanity and callousness, I have to conclude that she was taught arrogance and resentment by a parent, just like I assume that Lucianne Goldberg was an emotionally abusive parent to Jonah.

I tend more toward thinking emotionally distant, rather than abusive, but yeah, both were born into soulless families. (I was going to say “raised by wolves”, but thought better about it after realizing that would be insulting to wolves).

Both would benefit greatly by being airdropped into a remote place far from the amenities of Western technology. Or by being beaten nearly to death.


Hey, thanks all of y’all for the kind words and thoughts. Dammit, now I’m tearing up. It was very early in the pregnancy and they’ve only been trying for a couple of months now, so as I said, more disappointing than devastating.

Y’all are the best.


Let’s remind Americans how much they hated the 90s!

Lord knows I hated the articulate President, the balanced budget, and the relative respect for international norms and law.

Much Clinton did I didn’t like, like the telcom bill, DCMA, welfare “reform” and missle attacks on countries at the slightest excuse. But he was a fucking statesman compared to what we’ve had for eight years.


I tend more toward thinking emotionally distant, rather than abusive, but yeah, both were born into soulless families.

Yea, but from personal experience, you can overcome a soulless family with a little self-inspection and enlightenment. I found mine in religion, but it didn’t turn me into some judgemental proselytizing bastard.

So long as you find something that truly helps you understand your place in the world and doesn’t amount to trying to capture the love you didn’t have as a kid, then you’ll be OK.

Maybe I did it the wrong way. After all, Jonah and Megan are the people we’re talking about and they have fame and a small bit of fortune and renown.

Me, I just have my little corner of the world and every so often, I throw a few Christmas lights on the wall and celebrate.


After all, Jonah and Megan are the people we’re talking about and they have fame and a small bit of fortune and renown.

Of course, one also has to consider the fact that they’re actively ignorant, willfully stupid, evil, and when they die the afterlife is just TOTALLY going to disappoint the hell out of them for the rest of eternity.


Of course, one also has to consider the fact that they’re actively ignorant, willfully stupid, evil, and when they die the afterlife is just TOTALLY going to disappoint the hell out of them for the rest of eternity.

They might think this is a good thing.


@Pere Ubu:

Pravda continues to ignore the fact that if his assertion of the total animosity of Islam for the West is true (it’s not, but let’s play along) the only way to win the “war on terror” would be genocide of the Muslim world.

That is always the point at which Islam-hating wingnut warhawks choke: ask them what the solution is. We’ve tried that with Truthie before, and he won’t go there.

At least they won’t go there in public. I’m sure at their own coffee klatches they’re quite happy to conclude “we just have to kill them all, and the sooner the USA realizes this and starts lobbing the nukes, the better.”

Yeah, that’s the “Final Solution” all right.


@Andrew A. Gill, SLS:

The probability that the court will actually grant certiorari is, in theory, greater than zero, but it is such a small number as to be incomprehensible to anyone within the ordinary range of intelligence.

I’m quite sure that even if the state of Hawaii produced the original hard copy of his BC, the wingnuts would merely proclaim that it is a forgery, part of the plot Obama hatched when he went to Hawaii to smother his mom with a pillow and threaten the Sec of State with bodily harm. IOW, it would change absolutely nothing as far as wingnuts flogging this trope is concerned, except for them firing up their kerners.


Which only goes to show that the election of President Obama is the best possible news for the Republicans.

Also, liberals should stop hitting themselves at once.


Anyone who points out that radical Muslims are, in fact, getting justification from their religious leadership to kill millions of Americans is themselves an unrepentant Nazi racist genocidial maniac.

Not anyone.

Just you.


So do something about it besides talk and bore everyone. Sign up to the military, volunteer to help vets, join a political group,

Or keep on yapping about what everyone else should do, if that’s all you’re capable of. Whatever.


The real answer is of course vigiliance, self-defense, and a determination not to be taken in by wishful thinking.


That’s precisely how Clinton handled the problem.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

Pretend pretend pretendy pretendentend. Pretend! Pretender pretendoo pretendish von pretendenpants. Can’t! Don’t tell me you liberals. Pretendalicious. Assertion! Pretend


pretendish von pretendenpants

That’s sooooooooooo going to be ripped off by Jon Stewart, dude.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

Only fair, since I ripped it off from him (indirectly).


It’s the meme that keeps on giving, Rusty.


Between Godwin’s Law violations and absurd liberal chest thumping this place is getting rather stale. Can I haz Teh Funny please?

You’re tough to compete with.

And again, thanks for ensuring the continuing marginalization of your beloved party. Barack Hussein Obama II appreciates your support.


The real answer is of course vigiliance, self-defense, and a determination not to be taken in by wishful thinking.

IOW, treating international terrorism a criminal enterprise, which means it’s a law enforcement problem, not a military one. You don’t fight a ‘mafia’ with cruise missiles.

So Truthie admits that Bill Clinton and John Kerry were right. Now THAT’S Teh Funny.


There’s a whole “Spanish Inquisition” thing to be done with Troofie’s posts here…

“Our chief weapon is vigilance. Vigilance and self-def– our TWO chief…”


Bill Clinton ignored the problem, liberals.

That’s why he wrapped up 16 plots including the millennium bomber, the plot to kill the Pope and the one to blow up seven hijacked airliners, as well as to fly one into CIA HQ at Langley.

Said plot was passed along to Condi Rice, but you know, there was this chicken at Crawford and Bush got distracted…


Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

You can’t pretend to be both intrigued AND a little concerned. This isn’t a college classroom.

We all know why you do it, but I want you to tell me what you think, via a bizarre exercise in blank-filling-in.

You have three weeks to acquiesce to my brutal demands before I commence mockery.



The result has been no al Qaeda attacks on the US since 2001, something that no one thought would even be possible in the days that followed 9/11.

Ooooh, hey, Troofie?

There were no plots on American soil prior to Feb, 1993! So I’m guessing that we should credit Clinton with stopping all those, too, given your logic!



And curious that Troofie never talks about how Bush failed to stop the Madrid attacks, or the London attacks or the shoe bomber from getting on an airplane or the Bali bombing or….

I mean, really, Troofie, if you’re going to besaint the man, set the bar higher!


Oh, and Troofie?

What about the anthrax attacks?


Bill Clinton ignored the problem, liberals.

Yeah, those missiles he lobbed at the Al Queda training camps in Afghanistan are clear evidence of Clinton ignoring them. Myself, I always fire high powered explosives at people I want to ignore.


I don’t understand why commenters as informed and sophisticated as those who are drawn to this site succumb to Troll Response Syndrome.™

I do come here for the hunting.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Bill Clinton ignored the problem, liberals. That’s why al Qaeda metastasized during his administration. It was left to Bush to take the hit and deal with the consequences, which he has done quite spectacularly. The result has been no al Qaeda attacks on the US since 2001, something that no one thought would even be possible in the days that followed 9/11.

IOW, because Bill Clinton ignored Al-Queda nothing happened on Clinton’s watch, but because chimpo was so vigilant, 911 happened on his watch

Bizarro World Twoofie. Stop the insanity!


Can I haz Teh Funny please?


And I’m STILL waiting for your proof of Christian inspiration for America. You have nothing beyond stale old “the founders believed in (a) God” tropes.


So Truthie admits that Bill Clinton and John Kerry were right. Now THAT’S Teh Funny.

So nice it had to be said twice.

I’m not entirely sure though how invading Iraq and strengthening Iran’s status in the Middle East falls under the definition of “vigiliance, self-defense, and determination” but I’m sure Gozhpodin P. will be more than happy to enlighten us.


It was left to Bush to take the hit and deal with the consequences, which he has done quite spectacularly.

Let’s check in with THE TRUTH FAIL-O-METER!

So, after sweeping pwnage in the elections (that Truth said couldn’t possibly happen, we should note), here’s Truth’s strategies for victory in 2010-2012:

1) Obama = Carter. No, no reasons given, just say it a bunch and it’ll work.
2) LOL! There’s a bunch of Clintonistas in the White House again! Let’s remind Americans how much they hated the 90s!
3) Americans should admit how great of a job Bush is doing. If they don’t, then they’re stupid. That means you, 70+% of America.
4) Black kids are the real racists! Jena 6! Jena 6! Also, I just don’t understand why blacks won’t vote for Republicans. They must be racist!
5) Muslims are so hate-filled! Why won’t they admit it?

Anyone with a couple of brain cells to slap together realizes that the long-term problem for the GOP is that its demographic prospects are dwindling and dwindling fast. And this is your plan, Truth? To marginalize and insult and tell a bunch of voters to just screw off?

Well, go ahead, sport. Go do it. Keep saying this stuff. You being laughably wrong is nothing new- remember how the Bradley Effect(TM) was going to bring Obama to ruin? But the more you and your chums like Bob Owens keep peddling this stuff, the emptier and emptier your tent will be.

Well done, The Truth! You actually didn’t even need to post that at all! I already did it for you!



I think this trope hits on point #5, so DOUBLE WORD SCORE!

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

I hope that Obama is as effective; I will give him credit if he is.

I guess it’ll all depend on how well he works with President McCain.


The more publicly he is seen to coordinate with the Obama team, the more reassuring it will be to markets.

Huh?! The mere appearance of his droopy failgasmic lame-duck ass on TeeVee to mumble a string of insincere cliches invariably sends Wall Street into an instant nose-dive, so this statement is, uh, unusual to say the least.

Megan’s post is a bit of a letdown – she just barely types long enough to get her Stoopid Thang on – but then you’ve got some twit in the comments that still believes the BS about Clinton taking the W’s off the White House keyboards, so that sort of makes up for it.

Uh oh.
What’s that heinous stench all of a sudden?

The Truth said,

November 26, 2008 at 1:24

Hey, it’s DrDick! You’ve posted 11% of the responses on this thread

Trying waaaaaaaaay too hard … & still full of fail.
But without your pathetic attempt at snark I’d’ve never been treated to “an ant approaching an elephant with rape in mind” – so the cloud has a silver lining … too bad it’s still dark, cold, wet & ugly.

“It is OK for X people to assault Y people if the first group insults the second.”

Oh … & stupid … very, VERY stupid.

Lesley said,

November 26, 2008 at 5:28

Pretty in Mink: Conservative Leading Ladies

Wow – talk about apt metaphors: the best-looking one (by far) is dead.
I bet they burned the code out of three or four Photoshops by the time they got to her, too.


On cold nights, mothers tell their children the tale of the Truth Fairy. If you’re a good liberal, the Truth Fairy breaks into your house, steals all your money, and leaves a fresh, steaming turd under your pillow. Then he wakes you up and demands you thank him.

The stolen money, he blames on a passing negro or Mexican, whichever’s handy. The turd, on the other hand, he proudly proclaims is all his own work. Then he demands you thank him again.

None of the other fictional holiday characters invite him to their parties.

The Goddamn Batman Can Punch People Out Over The Internet, And If The Goddamn Joker Didn't Keep Escaping From Arkham Asylum, That's All He'd Do All Day, Every Day

‘cyberspace’ used to mean an interactive post-media nexus of transformative hyperrealities whose multi-dimensionalized datasphere you flew through as a bodiless post-human, via sitting in a farted-out desk chair typing on Usenet.

Substitute “playing City of Heroes” for “typing on Usenet”, and it’s still basically true.


Oh Troofie!

Looks like Bush is going out with a bang…literally!


“…this place is getting rather stale. Can I haz Teh Funny please?”

Or you could, y’know, leave.


Not to defend the shittastic writing, but I found the sentence to be grammatically correct (at least colloquially) if you read it as an answer to the question in the title. Observe:

“What should Bush do now? One thing that I haven’t seen: work more closely with Obama’s transitional economics team than an outgoing president usually does.”

Subject: Bush
Verb: (should) do
Object: (one) thing (that I haven’t seen)

Although “Bush do thing” is probably more within McAddled’s prosal reach.


It’s so proud when it makes a poop.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

I’m looking forward to this one-termer failing to deliver on anything that he promised, especially and including universal health care and retreat in Iraq.

McCain’s going to be a one-term president?


I hear Obama isn’t going to make it rain lollypops and lemondrops. Oh no, whatever shall we do?? And—there might not be a total end to violence, for all time! And we won’t all get puppies wearing hair bows and little sweaters!




Concern troll is concerned.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

The genocide thread is a perfect example; it began with the usual hate on Americans but quickly advanced to a discussion of the people actually justifiying genocide, the radical Islamic religious leadership.

We liberals really should stop bringing up radical Islam in every single conversation no matter what the topic is. We’re so bad about that. It just goes to prove our hypocrisy. You can’t pretend this isn’t a college classroom. Thanks for proving my point.


Clinton Redux


Dood, we get it. Obama->Clintons->Scary Muslims->Jena 6->Obama…

Talk about stale.

It isn’t a rut anymore when you can’t see over the walls.


Dear Diary, Today I bought a new blouse, picked up the house, and denounced the radical Islamic religious leadership. Thank God I was here, or we all could be Muslims now!


By the way, “Megan” is the Welsh version of “Margaret”, so the title is very fitting.


By the way, “Megan” is the Welsh version of “Margaret”, so the title is very fitting.

Welsh is an amazingly versatile language. I’m given to understand ‘Huge ab Sanddwych’ is Welsh for ‘doughty, indefatigable resolve’.


Speaking of the religion of peace, they seem to have been active today, targeting people with US or British passports.

Pity they missed you.

Funny how Jesus preached peace, yet you assholes keep bombing healers, innit?


Instead, they got Clinton Redux. Ouch.


It’s going to be tough, going back to being rich and at peace with the world and no more terror alerts, but hey! What can I do? I’m an American!


It’s not like the US turned the other cheek after 9/11, you know. And it’s not like Jesus was into moral relativism.


Speaking of the religion of peace, they seem to have been active today, targeting people with US or British passports.

There really isn’t any human tragedy that you don’t see as an opportunity to go “bwaa ha ha! people are getting killed and liberals suck!”

Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?


Clearly, Joe, the answer is no.


Yeah, he’s all class, wishing me dead in Mumbai. I’m way under this creep’s skin.

Truth, your obsession with various commenters here might be described as such.

Didn’t Freud have a word for this?

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

Yeah. Actor212 should stop exploiting tragedies just to take cheap shots at anonymous blog posters. What a dick he is!


Actor212 is a nasty creep and is really revealing his character here.

What? All I meant was that you could speak some Truth to them, and perhaps they’d listen, Troofie?

I would never threaten you or anyone else with bodily harm or death.

In fact, butter doesn’t melt in MY mouth.

Son, you’re very paranoid, but I guess being a hatemonger will do that to you. Always looking over your shoulder, wondering if that guy in the fedora and rain coat is just chilly or is out to get you on orders from someone you’ve pissed off.

Not me. Of course. I would never have any way of knowing where you are from.

Of course not. I don’t have access to the Carnivore database, no sirreee!

Don Hatford Cheese

What should Bush do now? Shut up and fuck off.


(comments are closed)