From 48 To 52 (With Rolling Updates)
we would love to see a group project where mccain supporters reached out to the obama folk (and others) in a gesture of reconciliation…
simple messages.
perhaps it is naive. the differences are real, i know. but we have to repair the damage done from this election cycle somehow…
the fringes (all of them) have been allowed to dominate our conversations for too long. to create a cycle of hate, ill-will and revenge.
it’s a tough and delicate challenge – if you want to try it – send a pic of you with a sign, or a vid, or anything to
maybe it works, maybe not – i know it won’t speak to many : but i think we give it a whirl and decide for ourselves, yes?
From Mr. Leonard Pierce:
From Robert Green:
Also from Mr. Leonard Pierce:
From Fish:
From Mikey:
From Henry Lewis:
From Alec:
I. HATE. YOU! [Gouges out eyes with a spork]
That’s just fucking awful.
Great, Now I have Hysterical Blindness
I hate you too.
Aw, crap.
You peoples is cramping mah style with these new threads.
Another part of my brain is damaged for life.
Curse you!
Squash Patch
(brain shatters)
What the hell is the dude in that last pic thinking?!
Extra bonus points for Rand reference.
Well, HUH-LOW there, lil’ lady! I’ve got Civil Defense Saltines and pemmican in my bunker…….care to see my etchings of assault rifle blueprints?
So dear 48, ya’ll won’t mind if we find out exactly #43 did in all OUR names?
Only Gavin would put that last picture up. He’s just gross like that.
Don’t encourage them! Adam Yoshida will think that it’s for reals and proffer an abomination that would make Cthulhu sick to his stomach, or stomachs, or whatever he’s got.
That had me bawling like a baby almost instantaneously.
Ze Frank is a genius — I’ve been a fan of his since “How To Dance Properly” or whatever it was. Check out his whole site if you haven’t already.
Seriously, this post is exactly the kind of thing I was looking forward to from teh Sadlies once Hussein X won.
…”Hussein X won”. I just love typing that.
By which I meant the first link. Not the … um. Fella with the squash patch.
Some things can never, ever be unseen. Thx.
There were a couple 48 letters there, some quite nice, but not all. I swear there was another pre-accusing Obama voters of hypocrisy for when we inevitably crack down on dissent, but it seems to be gone? It struck me as pretty nasty but appears to be gone.
Speaking of which, does Francis Fukuyama excite you? It’s okay – he excites him too.
Seriously, half of his pictures are like terrifying high-end neocon classified ads.
Oh for fuck’s sake, that last picture was so bad I now have to star in some overblown movie with Julianne Moore and Mark Ruffalo.
There was, with a horribly-mangled picture of Reagan standing in front of a flag on the side. The lesson here is that, dipshit wingnuts aside, the Republicans have little to no investment in their candidate’s nasty campaign and are more than happy to see the Presidency filled by a decent, honest man who inspires so many of us.
It’s especially big of them in light of the Schmidt strategy in the last few weeks being to incite a race war. They’re a lot better than their party.
I can tell that second fellow is just about to run with scissors.
I will now admit that I think Megan McArdle is kinda cute.
And that the entire wingnutosphere is wacky.
I feel better. Thanks.
I will now admit that I think Megan McArdle is kinda cute.
I think so too, and I’m grateful to her for reinforcing the lesson that cute doesn’t mean anything.
I will now admit that I think Megan McArdle is kinda cute.
Yeah, everyone starts out oohing and ahhing and ends up running and screaming.*
(*That second Jurrasic Park movie, I believe)
Nick said,
“Some things can never, ever be unseen. Thx.”
Na uh. Try bourbon.
Who’s the babe with the gun?
Is she single?
Got a sister?
why is that man wearing a skirt?
K-Lo’s lost some weight!
My heart is full.
I know where you live. You should NOT have done this to me. Also, there goes my entire supply of oxycontin. The pain! Oh! The pain!
i wouldn’t fuck that with gavin’s dick.
CWD said,
November 7, 2008 at 22:52
Who’s the babe with the gun?
Is she single?
Got a sister?
I think she ate her sister.
Maybe she’s Fat Bastard’s daughter…”Get in me belly!”
I can’t determine the gender of the Squash Protector.
It is throwing my whole worldview into a tizzy.
On a completely unrelated note…I had forgotten that Rugged was an actual troll. I got so used to the parody that I thought they were one and the same.
These are the people in my neighborhood
In my neighborhood
In my neigh-bor-hood, oh
These are the people in my neighborhood
The people that I meet each day.
Seriously. These folks look like people I see around here every fucking day, but usually Squash Blossom is wearing a spaghetti-strap tank top.
JOHN GALT is the biggest “Mary Sue” character ever invented.
In the spirit of putting the partisan politics of division behind us, I will do my best to show calm, poise and competence. I will be the model of civility. Here, let me try:
I stuck a Digg link on the end of the post to see what might happen. Does it work ok?
I don’t no, Sadly, No! I’m beginning to wonder if we were, indeed meant for each other. Are you gonna spend all your time looking for wing-nut idiots to lampoon and rhetorically harpoon? Is it a form of slumming? Nostalgia de la boue? It’s almost sick. I better stop now, I don’t want to hurt you. Oh, who am I kidding? As if I could!
Where the hell did you find these pictures?
…gotta be Hannidate, amirite?
Oh, the pictures. It’s a (cough cough) certain online stash of very large size.
There’s a difference between some dumbshit that votes for McCain and the denizens of the wingnutosphere.
They can get fucked.
And provide me daily entertainment.
It’s a (cough cough) certain online stash of very large size.
Oh, the Internet.
I’ve heard about that thing. Stay away from it – it’s nothing but trouble.
you know, last time i started fucking around with photos and words, my wife ended up on the fox news ticker and we had lots of death threats and poorly spelled “get an abortion and die” e-mails from wingers. so i’m going to go ahead and…avoid…temptation…can’t…fine, i sending something now.
I think we all know what should be next:
From Sadly to Confederate Yankee:
You’re mentally challenged and feckless, but we’re still sorry about your grill.
” ” To Jonah:
Your book had, like, a totally sweet font, and sometimes reviewers are a little too cruel.
” ” To Ace:
I know we made too much of your masthead, but Gavin’s gonna finally fix it for you.
Alec, that was it, and somebody linked it at the comments at alicublog: behold the magnanimity
Somebody, sheesh, it was Mr. Leonard Pierce, Esq.
MzNicky, that tube top thing?
Worse than the picture. ooooog.
The Sadly, No Thread-Checkin’ Procedure as of now:
Scroll.. scroll slowly.. scroll.. SCROLLSCROLLSCROLLSCROLL… whew. Read, refresh, hit “back”… SCROLLSCROLLSCROLLSCROLL
Oh, we’re back to lookism. Okay, I think I remember how to do that…
Um, no – looks like I don’t. Honestly? I’d rather do the “big boned” topless nutbag in picture three than Megan McArdle. Both are clearly deranged and broken in ways that even sweet sweet loving from hte mighty Dragon-King can fix, but sqush-patch-nut looks like she’d be about a million times more fun in the sack.
Dear The 48,
I would gleefully wish to engage in meaningful dialogue that leads to a comprehensive peace in our time, but alas I have to go to my Nubian Army Reserve Meeting on Techniques For The Care And Feeding Of Whiteys That We Will Be Instructed To Eventually Round Up.
Today is lesson 4, Cage Management.
Oh, the Internet.
I’ve heard about that thing. Stay away from it – it’s nothing but trouble.
I thought the internet was for porn. I don’t know what these are, but they certainly aren’t porn. Thus, etc, ergo, they did not come from the internet but from some other dark hellhole. Please, send them back.
That last photo blinded me. I am so suing sadlyno.
I sorta think of Limpdick et cie as predatory lenders and most of the McCain voters, at least around where I live, as their victims.
Most of them are actually pretty okay neighbors that have been misled into being deathly afraid of what “Obama’s gonna do!!!” So, in a sense, I want Limpdick and Coultergeist and the rest to ramp up the shrieking and raise the Obama terror alert to Nuclear Red so that when Obama and the Dem Congress actually start fixing things and doing other practical stuff instead of going Black Panther Commie, these assclowns will lose all their credibility forever.
Of course, once the vast majority of people stop taking them seriously, wtf will I do with my free time?
What’s the 48 to 52 thing, again?
BTW – that third picture? The cat hocked up a hairball the size of a grapefruit and the dogs ran down the driveway howling.
Gotta go chase ’em down now. Thanks!
What’s the 48 to 52 thing, again?
Waist size.
D-K W, I love you.
But The Squash-Patch woman still should not wear a tank-top. Or tube top. If only her loved ones would tell her so.
Again, don’t mess with the fatties. We’re the majority, and it’s only getting worse for you thinbacks.
Someone should send the last picture from page one of the zefrank link to McArdle.
sagra: My guess is that the nos. refer to the popular-vote percentages — i.e., McCain supporters are the 48-ers, whereas we Obama WINNERS!! are the 52-ers.
Turns out it’s been verified that police provocateurs played a major role at the DNC events.
But she isn’t wearing any top whatsoever!
I blame the companies that think it’s appropriate to make short shorts in 4 and 5 XL.
Dude, that last pic. That’s just so wrong.
Mr. Wangchuck: That was re: my comment at 23:13 regarding the people in my neighborhood.
For those of you complaining that you’ve been blinded: Digg the post, and you can spread the pain to unsuspecting others.
C’mon. You know you want to.
I appreciate the sentiment of 52 to 48. Or 25 or 6 to 4 … whichever. But, as a miserable SOB, I am genetically prevented from joining in the reconciliation.
The nice thing is, after reading that clip provided by DKW , I realize that I don’t have to feel bad about it.
Also: The Spouse, who’s a big guy, has long lamented that clothing in most stores doesn’t come in “manly man sizes,” as he describes sizes 2XL and 3XL.
But The Squash-Patch woman still should not wear a tank-top. Or tube top. If only her loved ones would tell her so.
That’s a she????
Where the fuck do you get these sad, demented fucking personals pictures?
Oh, uh, sorry I asked.
What’s the 48 to 52 thing, again?
Something to do with how Obama got 52.7% of the popular vote and McCain 46.2%, plus a bit of padding to make the Republicans’ fee-fees less hurt.
Where the fuck do you get these sad, demented fucking personals pictures?
Oh, uh, sorry I asked.
Cliff Yablonski Hates You.
Oh, I get it now. Stupid firewall.
The crazy ones always are.
you know, I am feeling a little sheepish about my years of bush derangement syndrome. you see, some how I got this crazy idea that bush and his supporters were torturing people and destroying the environment and villifying gays and setting back women’s rights and destroying the economy. Since of course none of that really happened, I can see I was way out of line. I totally apologize.
Do you also not allow MrNicky out while not wearing a shirt, or wearing a mesh muscle shirt? Or does he wear large sizes due to being large for reasons other than fat?
Anyways, let me reiterate here, that third picture? I’m not saying she’s hot, but for someone of that weight to pose in that manner, suggests a comfort level with her own body that is… okay, it’s hot. There I said it – the fat chick is hot. I think she should wear tube tops all she wants. But not with sweat pants – that fucking crosses the line.
It’s a man, Man!
Yup: both are clearly mediocre on the outside, but only one of them is well-established to be vile on the inside.
Not to be a wise-ass, but it might end up being 53 to 47. Just sayn’,_2008
And what’s with the pellet gun. anyway?
Bible Comic Camo is hte BESTEST!!!!
Full of win!
D-K W: The Spouse chooses his attire wisely. He is 6’3 and, ahem, big-boned, and like many of us old Boomer geezers he carries more body weight than he needs to. Should he ever head out the door in a mesh muscle shirt, which he never would, I’d suggest he reconsider.
Bible Comic Camo is hte BESTEST!!!!
He looks like a very goofy old friend of mine, which helps. Plus he’s hilarious.
stogoe said,
I thought the internet was for porn. I don’t know what these are, but they certainly aren’t porn.
Please speak for yourself. Everything is somebody’s porn.
48 to 52? Sadly, no.
McCain got 46.1% of the popular vote, and (depending on the Missouri results), between 30% and 32% of the electorial vote.
Also, I’m making a few. I’ll be just a minute.
There are certainly a large number of McCain voters that I’m more than willing to talk to/work with/whatever. I may not understand their vote, but that alone is hardly a reason to excommunicate them. After decades of bombardment by the right-wing radio and pundit stream of uselessness, one cannot entirely begrudge another’s having swallowed a certain amount of bullshit. With them, “go along, get along” is not out of the question. We can work out differences.
Those are the relatively benign ones, though. To the extremist fuckwits who are the driving force of “Movement Conservatism”, I say “Vigorously fuck yourselves with sharp and rusty farm implements.” Not that those twits are even for a moment thinking about moving their positions closer to the majority and working together as a country anyway. They have proven again and again that they are quite incapable of that. They would much rather kneecap democracy and try to sow enough division so that they can weasel some small splinter of their agenda in. Fuck ’em.
To the aforementioned radio and pundit wad of stale and stinking fuck, and the puppetmasters pulling their strings, I can only say, “Wither and die.”
So, from 52 to (48-25%ish current Bush approval =) 23,
Come on, let’s make the country better.
That Milwaukee one?
Not fair. unfair and untrue.
EVERYONE knows the MFWR only has FIVE members. When Sam is out of rehab, that is.
Awww, Mister Leonard Pierce, why you hating on Trey Anastasio like that in your first pitcher?
See, this is why I don’t like having my picture taken. I’m funny looking and homely – think Shemp Howard with Willie Nelson’s hair – so it’s a matter of time until I scroll down one of these things and, sure enough, it’s me back when I still drank doing something stupid. Also, it’s entirely possible I know that big dude at the computer in that last picture. I’ve know a dozen guys who look like that, all of whom work on computers. It’s kind of unsettling to think about, actually.
My entry is a tribute to Pauline Kael.
I made four: a tribute to traditional marriage, an intimate portrait from memory of the bold young men and women who keep the red flag flying in the national media, the final frontier of the endless struggle for civilization, and the obligatory David Mamet.
I’ll just leave this here.
The original actually was from hannidate. The black text is as found.
Incidentally, the Hebrew phrases bordering M. Mamet are lifted in ignorance of their meaning from the Wikipedia entry on “anus”.
I have completed similar projects in the same way.
Ok, I’m no good at any of this manipulating (or posting) pics with captions or anything like that – my computer is basically a glorified typewriter with web-surfing capabilities.
But someone really, really, needs to do something with this photo.
She must have been the one that beat Sarah Palin.
My entry is a tribute to Pauline Kael.
The story is apocryphal.
I’ll just vanity-publish my entry here, in case Gavin’s swamped.
Oh, the JPII quote is actually,
It turns out to be surprisingly appropriate far too often.
Also, re: McArdle, I was going to say “Hey, lay off the elves. What did elves ever do to you guys?” But then I saw this, and gave up.
Jennifer, meet “Aperture Science”, not even the most sickening person on the Something Awful Forums.
Nimrod – I hate to admit it, but I have found that I am completely inept at navigating Something Awful. Just simply cannot figure out how to get around over there and access most of the content.
Like I said, glorified typewriter….
That would be me with the haybale, Gavin.
As far as the forums are concerned, you are missing NOTHING.
Surely you know someone what voted fer thuh colored.
404 error. I suck.
Anyway, it’s up above.
I am in the surreal position of having nothing personally to do with them but still (largely as a result of my early, awful comics) being oddly popular there, by proxy.
It boils down to that I will sometimes tell a mean dick joke.
[straightening out the credits…]
Sorry about that, Henry. I wasn’t sure whether you wanted your real name posted, and sent an email to ask. (…Or did I have a spaz and somehow not send it?)
There’s a whole set of these out there somewhere.
Here’s one with no writing.
I can’t find the others.
All these photos remind me of a co-worker on a road crew who once leaned over to me, and in a low voice inquired, “So, Mike, you ever fuck a pumpkin?”
Not gonna make it because I’ve already got four and I can’t figure out a good way to do it, but “Say ‘aloha’ to freedom, libtards.”
Thanks, Gavin.
Haven’t been checking my e-mail.
And it’s not my real name. Just a clever hybrid of my cats’ names.
justme – yeah, I’ve seen 3 of them so far – a few weeks back, teh Editors tricked out a couple of them with kitten helmets. Which was disturbing, but less so that the guy’s actual head.
The glory of “Aperture Science”.
There is only one other picture of him in his kevlar posing pouch (honestly) that I know of and it’s basically the same hideous thing from another angle.
Forgot the link.
a co-worker on a road crew who once leaned over to me, and in a low voice inquired, “So, Mike, you ever fuck a pumpkin?”
Gaaaaaaaah, I hope he wasn’t wearing orange at the time.
“What, sheep aren’t good enough for you?”
Thanks, alec, for the ‘whut’. Much better than ‘who’.
[changed above]
Nimrod Gently said,
November 8, 2008 at 2:22
Okay, are you going to fund the truckload of Boraxo I’ll need to wash that image from my brain?
WOOOOOOLVERINES!!!*cough cough* *hack spit*
Nimrod – Shown here in a reclining pose.
And here, sporting the aforementioned kitten helmets.
LOL @ skinhead Gollum
The last one is not mine; unlike McCain, I can’t just call Blutundtreue88 the Traditional American and expect him to show up at my rallies.
They have the friggin’ nerve to STILL be talking about “Bush Derangement Syndrome”? When they were the ones who started in on Bill Clinton screaming their insane accusations before he was even inaugurated and spent millions of OUR tax dollars “investigating” him (and coming up with NOTHING except poor ol’ Monica L)?
They are literally incapable of recognizing reality. And if they hate “democracy” so much, I suggest a remedy: stop voting, schmucks.
Bush Derangement Syndrome has a silver lining: it, along with the other bits of grand lustrative intellectual violence between 9/11 and Iraq, basically made it so that almost nobody who personally propagandized for Bush will ever be able to escape the taint of that by claiming to be among his critics. Nobody who comfortably fit into the political establishment even started criticizing our Dear Leader until a few years ago.
I’m not as clever as you all, but I had to try one.
RE: Squashpatch girl. I think you found someone for Confederate Yankee.
LOL @ skinhead Gollum
I was thinking Sloth from the Goonies, but poor Sloth doesn’t really deserve that.
I tried one, too: linky
tigrismus: I didn’t know the other images were still around, but I took liberties with one of those before.
That particular one has always struck me as perfectly emblematic of what has gone wrong with the GOP. I mean, seriously.
Who’s the guy with the Brian head on? He’s hawt.
Oh, yeah. Oooh, ahhh, that’s how it always starts. Then later there’s running and screaming.
I will use those words next time I send out party invitations.
It fits, Alec.
another to make baby Odin cry.
I should attend Herr Smuts parties.
I bring excitement, not drama.
I took a stab at one.
One more, just because I ran across the pic.
Even better.
I finally went by and had a look at the “From 52 to 48 with Love” site.
After seeing teh Sadly version, I have to say that the original – bless its good intentions – seems pretty mawkish and embarrassing.
I was young once, really. It’s just that the whole time between then and now has been a nonstop firehose stream of Republican bullshit.
The fact is, you liberals…
Sorry, I just couldn’t resist. But anyway, I feel as though I must congradulate y’all on your victory. You’ve been looking foward to this moment for along time. The only thing I can imagine would make me this happy was if Tom Tancredo or Duncan Hunter were elected President.
But anyway, enough with the pleasentries, I’ll get down to business. Your victory is going to be short lived. Remember what happened in 1994, the Contract with America, and subsequent Republican takeover of both Houses of Congress? Well, the leader of that movement, the highly intelligent and articulate Newt Gingrich, is seriously considering running for the Chairmanship of the Republican National Committee.
A solid conservative like Newt Gingrich, who is highly intelligent and able to articulate conservative principles to average people is just the man who can revitilize the conservative base. He’s tough and not one to reach across the aisle to compromise, which has been President Bush’s downfall. I know, I know, you say he has alot of bagage. Well, to that I say, it doesn’t matter one bit. As Chairman of the Republican National Committee, he’ll be completely out of the public spotlight. But, he’ll be behind the scenes making all of the key decisions and reformng the Republican Party platform, to turn the Republican Party back into the Conservative Organization it was during the Reagan years.
A tough, conservative of principle, like Newt Gingrich, will systematically weed out, all of the Rinos and compromisers from the Republican Party leadership. Here is a man of principle, who will not compromise on the issue of illegal immigration, in order to be more “bipartisan”, which was Bush’s reason for the thankfully failed, comprehensive immigration reform.
With a tough, articulate, conservative like Newt Gingrich at the helm, expect a Republican landslide in 2010.
Man, it’s like with those waxy cheap-ass “chocolates”: they suck but I just can’t stop myself.
Would this count as an apology from the 48 to the 52?
Newt’s former speechwriter was Jessica Gavora, who married Jonah Goldberg. You could end up with Jonah Goldberg as Secretary of Defense. Do you really want to risk that, Rugged?
Hate didn’t work in ’08.
Hate doesn’t seem to have a large constituency anymore.
Bring hate. Because the 30% that vote hate can’t win elections.
As long as the right can’t find a way to embrace brown people, gay people, women and educated people, as long as they need, at the base, people who are willing to “believe 50 impossible things before breakfast”, as long as they run against science and against education and against diversity, they will fail, every year worse than the year before.
Here’s hoping they never get it…
With a tough, articulate, conservative like Newt Gingrich at the helm, expect a Republican landslide in 2010.
I do expect something like that, it’s just ‘landslide’ is not the term that comes to mind.
Some of these 48s sure are distinctly familiar, ain’t they?
they will fail, every year worse than the year before.
If only we could accurately calculate a timescale for Peak Wingnut.
[grabbing links to post later]
Internet traditions oblige me to point out, at this stage, that some of those images made me throw up a little. Fortunately it was into someone else’s mouth.
Fortunately it was into someone else’s mouth.
Ssssshhh! Don’t admit anything – the cops got nothin’.
You can’t dust for vomit, as a very wise man once said.
Rugged in Montana , 300 Dollars please .
that’s a good ‘un, alec.
I’d have to agree – there’s quite a lot of folks who voted GOP on Tuesday that are far better than their ticket is … people who sincerely WANTED to vote for Obama, but dreaded the peer-group heat or familial static that they knew would be their lot if they “let the others down” … & for some, voting against the ruling party in a time of war is tantamount to sedition in their minds – but even if they voted poorly or misunderstood the real issues, their hearts were & are in the right place.
However, there are also those OTHER folks – the ones that make this site such a goldmine of lulz – to wit:
Well, I’m doing my part to make sure Teh Mighty Acehole doesn’t change his “mind” … such was my wave of relief at his protruding lower lip & rapidly purpling breath-held pouty-face that I couldn’t resist wafting a wee billet-doux his way – I like to think of it as a steel chair in the back of the head, made of pure sweet love:
337 Oh, thank goodness!
The very thought of you actually acting your age, just because the other side spanked you thoroughly by running on all those goofy “issues” – let alone your having the intelligence or maturity to roll up your sleeves & do your part to help your country out, right at the moment in history when it needs you the most – is simply beyond the pale … if this site were to suddenly develop a lucid POV, a sense of fairness, or a soul, its entertainment-value would drop like a stone in a pond.
You’ve been bringing tears of laughter to the faces of those of us with three-digit IQs for so long now already – you OWE it to us to keep up the, er, “standards” that’ve made you what you are: a solid-gold punchline to an ongoing joke.
Bless you – & all the OTHER thoroughly-discredited myopic pouty-baby “poor losers” like you – who will never never NEVER get over being ass-whupped by the black guy with a funny name … I speak for many when I say I’m rubbing my hands with glee in anticipation of the next four years of ignorance, self-righteous folly & reptilian spite that this particular cul-de-sac of Wingnut County has become famous for.
Oops! Did I say “four years?” Silly me! I meant to say “at LEAST eight years” – my bad.
PS – African Press International says now that the devastating Michelle Obama tape will be coming out ANY DAY NOW … & boy oh boy, will all the naive Obamabot LIE-berals be sorry THEN, eh? LOL!
Posted by: jim at November 07, 2008 09:42 PM (9j4NO)
I do it because I care.
About enjoying my smorgasbord of schadenfreude, I mean.
I don’t know. If they actually “got it”, they would be, by necessity, a VERY different party. Maybe even one that could conduct reasonable discourse about the governance of a nation, rather than merely trying to bludgeon anyone they can label as “different” in some sort of never ending power grab. If they were capable of “getting it”, we might actually have worthy adversaries with whom we disagree on issues but could come to compromises with, rather than a bunch of WATBs that think “bipartisanship” = “date rape” with them on top.
If they really “got it”, I think it might be okay. Of course, they’d still never win, because part of “getting it” would be jettisoning the solid one third to one half of their party that votes hate and only hate. Unfortunately, they need those horrible fools, and both party and fools know it.
I don’t think we have to worry about them “getting it” for quite some time.
haha ptch1013 or whomever–that is me in the brian head. i appreciate your kind words and will be leaving my wife for you presently. if you were being sarcastic please please don’t tell me–i really need this validation. i’m…its….i can’t…I FEEL SO FAT OH GOD DON’T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!
As for you, rugged, your analysis is so full of fail (do conservatives raise taxes like reagan did? do they run up massive deficits while overseeing giant failed gov’t programs like reagan did? do they raise spending at a faster rate than their dem predecessor like reagan did? do they break the law and ignore the legislature in order to extend an empire like reagan did?)
you are a clueless fucktard.
Yup. Uncannily familiar.
pls, i can haz more funny? kthxbai.
Robert Green’s is pretty damn funny.
‘Principle’ and ‘Gingrich’ should never be used in the same sentence, unless of course the sentence is, “‘Principle’ and ‘Gingrich’ should never be used in the same sentence.”
Dear Sadly, No!
UR still evil.
Although Brian sort of makes up for Ms. Squarsh Patch. Sort of.
Hey, where’d everybody go?
I was being nostalgic.
Suck me 52
That old fucker woulda died
White House trailer home
Sheez – if you Americans love each other so much why dontcha get married?!
Oh, wait…
Indira – nice work.
But now it is time for me to go to bed and try to stop chortling about the Bible Comics camo guy.
Umm…..I might have to back off of that Republican landslide in 2010 claim I made earlier as I just found out that Michelle Obama is gonna run for president in 2016, which will sorta take the wind out of my party’s sails until 2024. Damn.
So, any of you DEMONcraps having a recreational abortion this weekend?
Failin’ Palin met a frail man going to the fair;
Said Failin’ Palin to the frail man “Will you take me there?”
Said the frail man to Failin’ Palin “Show me first your fanny”
Said Failin’ Palin to the frail man “But I’ll soon be a granny!”
I was thinking of combining mine with a Muslim gay marriage to multiple children while listening to gangsta rap, flashing my nipples and taking away everyone’s guns.
(Did I hit all of them?)
So, any of you DEMONcraps having a recreational abortion this weekend?
Only if I can find a willing donor.
Anyway, it’s not like “50 impossible things before breakfast” is not a bad idea, mikey. Depends on the mind that’s thinking them.
Like, I think of things like space cars that run on hydrogen, world peace, and the world subsisting on free-range meat at a very reasonable price – not the manufactured, caged-in-shit animals. I’m a Wisconsin gal; I grew up in the city, the city being Milwaukee…and we all have a healthy respect for cows, sheep, and pigs. To put them through torture is to diminish us; cows may be stupid, but they still have a sense. Same with pigs and anything else that’s living. You’d find, in my small corner of our state, the third most progressive municipality next to the two in Madison, a place where we don’t really care who the fuck you are, as long you contribute to our well-being. And the wingnuts are laid bare; the “jewish” thing leaks through and through…that to be mindful of the earth, “kosher” in a way, is hostile to the “christian” way of life. I am a Christian, and their words hurt me too…enough to make me atheist. I don’t believe that such a god could exist without hurting those would go against his word, but they do, therefore…I cannot believe in God, proper. It’s a struggle all the time. But you know what? Well raised cows and pigs are damn tasty, and as long as I have a doting parent and a maiden aunt, I will have free range food. For that, I am grateful. And it’s awesomeness in my state, that we have plenty of organic options. Now if I could only move to Chicago without becoming a comptroller…
And for the record, I’m tanked. Like many, many cheep beers tanked.
“I stuck a Digg link on the end of the post to see what might happen. Does it work ok?”
It works.
“From 48 to 52 — Ze Frank has a web project up (from 52 to 48 with love) where Obama supporters can reach out to McCain supporters. This is um… the theoretical reverse of that. “
Meanwhile at Larry Johnson’s shitpile of a website they are still figuring out ways for McCain to win Indiana .
Gateway Pundit has the scoop that Dems are trying to steal the Senate seat fron poor Coleman because Franken is not waiving off automatic recount . After Obama this is the seat that I most want to win .Rub their faces in mud .
Um, it’s 53 to 46, ack-shew-all-ee.
Obama 65,319,143 (53%)
McCain 57,349,323 (46%)
Just trying to keep it real.
Meanwhile at Larry Johnson’s shitpile of a website they are still figuring out ways for McCain to win Indiana .
I’ve wanted since election night to go kick them in the side of the head. I did it the day after the election, I ran over to riverdaughters place and called them a bunch of useless retards. It’s really unsatisfying.
I wanted to hate on them because they imagined a world where they were dealmakers. The whole idea was that they would monkey-wrench the thing for McCain. That Epic Failed. What they were was a bunch of useless nothing. So I wanted to go tell them that. They already knew it anyway. They were sack-cloth and ashes before I’d got there.
I’ve got no idea what to do with the PUMA’s. They are too stupid to be educated, that’s just a fucking fact. Hating on them started to feel like hating on the Short Bus crowd at high school.
And just because the idiot brought up Indiana, I was part of Team Blitz Indiana Obama ’08. I worked Lake County. The entire place was canvased. Every single house. If you were registered to vote we got you. The Obama database was synched with the secretary of state and if you were supposed to vote Obama we checked it off and if you hadn’t on election day someone was at your house. I had a campaign cell phone and if someone hadn’t voted who was registered and we found them we called in a ride that minute. It reached 100% of registered voters in Lake County.
Obama winning there was a tour de force that I really hope isn’t lost.
When some asshat republican starts asking what community organizers do next time, don’t tell them but the answer is “win elections”.
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I don’t think a pack of rabid dogs in a cage would fight more viciously .
To have more fun go to
That site’s a gold mine of funny stupid. Like this:
Bwahahaha. You could probably make shit like this up, but it wouldn’t be as entertaining.
You know your party’s in the trash can when some poor schmuck citizen timidly reminds it to embrace science and gets viciously attacked for surrendering to “God haters.”
Jesus, that site is…well, I’m just surprised nobody over there has suggested a shit moat yet.
Lesley: That can’t be real. Someone from S,N! has to be fucking with them, right?
Please be right, I don’t think I can take “VROOM” as a serious idea from even an imbecile wingnut.
I spoke too soon. Shit moats here we come:
Wtf? That has to be a lefty pulling the comment thread’s leg.
the link didn’t take.
The monster truck one could be a joke, but this one’s quintessential wingnut:
Imagine someone saying Obama believes in babysitting the people and in the next breath proposing that the state “suggest” how people spend their dinner hour.
Good Lord. It’s kind of hard to tell just what is trolling and what is serious over there.
I mean, in the stop allowing religious bigotry in the party thread, we have,
Which is just amazing, and we have,
Which is clearly trolling, but without the “teh gay”, it might pass.
Then we get more real winners,
Just wow.
I’m just getting in to the comments, and Lordy, what a gold mine of crazy, projection and denial. This is getting an honored place in my title bar bookmarks.
S.O.P. for Republicans.
Via thinkprogress,
That sort of logical gyration deserves a place on the Olympics roster.
I guess if nothing you say has any meaning, why not contradict yourself.
That’s the biggest problem for them . They say McCain was not a candidate of the Right , He was a center-right candidate .
OK then why did a center-right candidate lost in a center-right country?
And they have all been saying that Obama was to the left of Mao . They said that he was forced to admit it due to astute questioning by not-Joe the non-plumber . That his platform was a socialist platform .
Now that he has pwned them they discover that he fought on a center-right plarform !
Erm, should not the Secret Service be alerted to these whackos?
It’s well beyond Peak Wingnut. This is confirmation of the Unified Field Theory of Wingnuttia.
And to think, they wasted all that money on the Large Hadron Collider.
“why did a center-right candidate lose” not “why did a center-right candidate lost ” dammit .
And they have all been saying that Obama was to the left of Mao.
When you’re standing on Pluto, all those other tiny dot-planets look way too close to the sun.
Liberals are the true hypocrites.
The fact is, human flatus contains methane, which is a significant contributor to global warming. Homofecal intercourse weakens the anal sphincter, contributing to the release of greenhouse gases.
If liberals really cared about fighting global warming (instead of just bankrupting the coal industry), they would be celebrating Proposition 8 instead of fighting to have it overturned by activist judges.
With a tough, articulate, conservative like Newt Gingrich at the helm, expect a Republican landslide in 2010.
Newt Gingrich? Would that be this Newt Gingrich?
Exxxxcellllent choice, cons! Knock yerselves out. You’ll have to elect him to something first, though. I think that’s how it works.
Best. Post. Ever.
“You’ll have to elect him to something first, though. I think that’s how it works.”
Since so many wingnuts are saying that Obama is not their president they may elect Newtie as President of Wingnutonia .
Palin sez about Africa-is-a-country leaks , “That’s cruel, It’s mean-spirited. It’s immature. It’s unprofessional and those guys are jerks if they came away with it, taking things out of context and then tried to spread something on national news. It’s not fair, and it’s not right.”
Could anybody have described more succinctly her attacks on Obama ?
Oh, my ears and whiskers. That’s a shocker. And a classic illustration of how genetic difficulties manifest themselves in body parts.
One could have a heartwarming take in this attempt at reconciliation, but I suspect it’s a mere Sucking Up to the Winners strategy. When they acknowledge that so much of what makes them possible, from Grandma’s Social Security to Junior getting his letters, from not getting killed on the job to drinking water that doesn’t have uranium in it, was made possible by eeeeevvviiiiiiiiillllllll liiiiiiiiiibs, then we can talk.
Right now, it’s just the HeeHaw-on-acid snapshots seen above.
Az, McCain was going along with all that cr@p even before Palin.
Now, he’s trying to go back to being nice Mavericky Senator, and his staff is trying to blame all their failures (and sliming) on Mooselini.
I’ve got no sympathy for Bible Spice, but to hell with Senator Maverick and co.
After all, McPain was the choice of their primaries… meaning even the R’s base was trying to go more moderate-with-gravitas, but it’s a very shallow bench and half of them have fallen off of it.
In their little gritty hearts I’m sure they still can’t believe it; they ran a skewed Xerox of Bush against a minority elitist with a terr’st name and Kenyan relatives; and still lost.
Mah worldview… it’s shattering like a fresh Cheeto on a granite countertop!
I love it.
Yes , the cr@p originated with McCain camp . Now we know that Palin is incapable of coming with anything on her own . But she was very eager to dish it , even complained that she was not being allowed to talk Wright .
I think there is a spoiled brat petulance about her . In her own words she was miffed with Couric because Couric was asking her questions instead of allowing the interview as a platform to attack Obama , she believes that the press calling her out on her attacks somehow violated her first amendment rights .
Of course damning her damns McCain above all . Nobody pointed a gun at McCain’s head and asked him to select her .
Bill Kristol pointed his love gun.
Well, I for one am gratified that Sarah Palin has learned now what community organizers do that small-town mayors don’t: win fucking elections.
I can’t stand that bitch. She’s not just ignorant – she’s a nasty, toxic, vindictive shrew. She backstabbed McCain just as she had backstabbed every other person who ever gave her a hand up in her political career. I hope the IRS gets hundreds of requests to not only look into her past tax cheating, but also to hit her for taxes on the complete value of her spending sprees.
But more than anything else, I hope the Republicans nominate the stupid bitch in 2012.
Build an exciting, inspiring and charismatic party that captures young hearts and minds and reminds them why it’s “cool” to be Republican…
This isn’t actually a bad idea, if you leave out the fact that Republican attitudes and policies make it impossible. Sarah Palin’s nomination was the first step in how the clueless party elders go about handling an idea like this. The next step, or one or two further along, will end up being something like the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders wearing straw boaters instead of cowboy hats (for that political theme).
Though I still think the purple band-aid one was in bounds, I now feel bad about the last two I did. I think I would prefer actually using folks’ own words to putting words in their mouths, so I did one to replace those, which I withdraw as being unfair.
And another.
Hey, I know the guy in the cowboy hat with the microphone- he’s a country & western bass player who lives in Portland. He smokes a lot of weed, is a pretty liberal Democrat and a really sweet guy- sort of an old southern hippie.
Bill Kristol triple-dog dared him.
(I’m gonna keep posting that until somebody clicks on that link and gives me at least one lol.)
I clicked and loled!!!
Hey forty six,
No, we can’t talk together,
No, we can’t dance together,
Hummina something something something,
When you slide on down.
forked tongue:
Yeah, that’s pretty much a perfect metaphor. In fact you could probably replicate it with the entire CIA and State Department too.
But The Squash-Patch woman still should not wear a tank-top. Or tube top. If only her loved ones would tell her so.
Better that than this.
He smokes a lot of weed, is a pretty liberal Democrat and a really sweet guy- sort of an old southern hippie.
Oooh, ouch. Now I feel bad for laughing so much at that one.
Nate Silver at, and RCP (Republican Clear Politics) has the popular vote pegged at 52.3 to 46.2.
In the real world, using standard mathematical principles, that rounds to 52 to 46.
But in Republican math, it somehow comes out to 52 to 48?
They can’t even stop cheating AFTER the election. Go figure.
They can’t even stop cheating AFTER the election. Go figure.
I figure the 52-48 either represents Obama vs. Not-Obama including independents, or the guy saw the 52 and figured it had to add up to 100. Or he’s just generous.
Xecklothxayyquou Hussein Gilchrist said,
November 8, 2008 at 3:11
I’m not as clever as you all, but I had to try one
Au contraire, that was great.
Here’s mine.
And this one.
At least none of those people are “mutts”! And they will not stand for the White House being mongrelised!
It’s not fair, and it’s not right.”
Funny how she didn’t say it’s not true.
Gary, enough with your greenhouse gases. Let up already.
Gingrich … announced … that he would not only stand down as Speaker, but would leave the House as well. …
…to spend more time with his families.
I never tire of that joke.
two more
I thought I did this already, but either I didn’t submit or it didn’t show, so I’ll try again without linking. Please forgive if it appears twice:
Mine with two links aren’t showing, but it gives me no error? I don’t want to keep submitting them in case they get liberated from a spamly prison later.
Well, as it seems to be deadsville down here, anyway….
From an actual bumper sticker now for sale:
The site seems not to like this one for some reason.
I can’t get the other to post. It’s the same to the end, but after the equals is patriotdepotnz6.jpg
I tell a lie, it begins img239.
Well crap, now they’ve all shown up. Thank goodness every else has a life and isn’t here.
That lady with the gun protecting her vegetable patch is NOT A LADY! WARNING! DO NOT MASTURBATE!
thanks for that ‘Q’, it says it all.
Thank goodness every else has a life and isn’t here.
I saw them, but since the same thing happened to me not long ago, I feel your pain and will not point and laugh.
to have more fun go to
This reminds me of my first real job– a t-shirt screenprinting factory. The company soon moved to a shiny new facility, but for some reason couldn’t get production back up to the levels at the old, run-down place despite having almost twice the machinery.
One day, the management took each crew, one at a time, into a conference room and asked us what we thought the company could do to get the production numbers back up. I started looking through the classifieds the next day; they might as well have set up a neon sign over the entrance saying “WE’RE FUCKED AND WE DON’T HAVE A CLUE WHY”.
(for the record, I thought the old facility had the machines so close together, we could see each other’s production numbers, and that led to a friendly, unofficial rivalry between crews. The new place had the machines so far apart and isolated, that sense of competition evaporated. Plus, the new machines sucked. That didn’t seem to register with the management drones, though. But I’m not sure how that works with the analogy I’m trying to make above.)
“It isn’t fair, it isn’t right”, Mrs Palin screamed, and then the villagers were upon her.
Oh sweet Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ on a Pogo Stick. I really didn’t need to see K-Lo with her toy gun at 7:30 a.m. on a Sunday.
No shit, but where the hell were you at 7:25?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go pour bleach into my inner ear canal …
Damn it, it’s too late. No one will ever see this. But I just found this picture and IT MUST BE USED.
I don’t have any inspirations though. PLEASE! SOMEBODY!
I refuse out of principle to comment on this thread. D’oh!
I actually went to the Ace of Spades HQ site and made a post that called upon reason. What the fuck was I thinking?
do you have a phone number or email for the topless fat chick in the mini skirt with the toy gun? that shit is right up my alley: I would ride her and K-Lo like a moon bounce, but sexxxxxxxxy.