Barry Hussein X’s Infomercial
I dunno how everyone else might’ve experienced it, but as a cautious and critical viewer who was hoping it would look like win, I thought it looked like win.
Update: Did I say ‘win’? I meant ’round up conservatives and put them in death camps’:*
Obama’s ‘Civilian National Security Force’
Politics | Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 5:48:57 pm PDTAmong the many promises and pledges in Barack Obama’s multi-million dollar infomercial, one statement really stood out: he announced that he will “rebuild the military.”
But somehow, at the same time, he’s planning a “civilian national security force” that is as powerful and well-funded as the US military: Obama outlines plan for national service.
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set,” he said Wednesday. “We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.”
The Department of Defense’s current base budget is close to $500 billion. So if he meant that promise, he plans on a total defense budget of about a trillion dollars.
What exactly is Obama planning to do with a “civilian force” with such an astronomical level of funding?
* Craftily, Little Green Footballs blocks referrals from this site. Copy and paste:
Who does a guy gotta shoot in the face around here to get a YouTube link?
Full o’ win. I left a dinner out with friends early so I could see it. Definitely win.
This is what it feels like to be part of history, my friends!
I missed it . . . did he reveal his secret plan to enslave all the white people, take their money and hand it to the NEEEEgroes, convert everyone to Islam and put the rest of us to work in his Qu’ran factory? Did he finally reveal that HE is Korir from the African Press International? Did he play the tape?!?!
Agreed, while it wasn’t made of win (at least 45% win for Matrix-like technological sophistication in handling of the transition from video to live coverage, which would probably have made Steve Schmidt’s head explode) it was clearly made by and for the win, by Americans, in America. You saw them! Americans! Who are old! And need medicine! Like John McCain! Who broke his hip trying to make an ad this good!
One thing that makes incredible sense about Obama’s campaign, as we saw in the video, is that he acknowledges how very many people, especially as they get older, have disabilities. Most (all) his ads are captioned for the deaf and hard of hearing, and the first two “regular-ass people” in his ad were dealing with injury-and-aging related impediments to working. It’s a brilliant emphasis because 1) you have to stop bitching about people not working hard enough when events in the course of life make them unable to work as hard and 2) disabilities are great equalizers– disadvantages are spread pretty far and wide across the population once you get into the territory of physical and mental health over the course of someone’s entire life.
I, for one, welcome our new peanut-butter and jelly-sharing secret communist overlords.
I missed it (I had band practice … well, me and three other guys got together in a garage and played something that kinda sorta sounded like Teh Bluez). The Mrs, however, apparently teared up at parts of it. Maybe because one story was from here in K.C.
And while I’ll catch here online in a bit, I will truly judge it by how much the wingnuts lose their shit.
That will say a lot about the win factor.
Full of win. The bit about his kids made me tear up a little.
This election will be a 281-257 McCain win witha stunning McCain upset in Pennsylvania.
Working voters have had enough of Obama and his nonsense. They’re too busy working in this bad economy (an economy ruined by Obama and his friends) to answer many polls. But they’re sick of Obama trying to buy this election.
If Obama steals this one, then kiss your freedom goodbye. McCain and Palin is the only sane choice.
I, for one, welcome our new peanut-butter and jelly-sharing secret communist overlords.
I’ll second that.
I had two thoughts.
1) Dude’s the real deal.
2) This election is a referendum on America itself. An Obama win is the first step on a path to redemption for the country and I’m all in. A McCain win . . . . Well, I don’t really have the resources to leave the country and I’m not even sure where I’d go. Maybe I’ll just skip that step and leave the planet, y’know?
I’m a bit of a cynic, since I make my living producing video, but it was well made and well thought out. Still a piece of propaganda, of course, but exceptionally well done.
I don’t know if it will produce any results in the polls, but I’m confident it won’t produce any drop in the polls.
InsaneInTheCheneyBrain said,
October 30, 2008 at 4:35
The Obama campaign’s official account already has it up.
Who does a guy gotta shoot in the face around here to get a YouTube link?
It’s like Kennedy and Nixon on TV times 8 trillion. Obama’s grasp of mass-multi-faceted-media is just light years beyond the old man. I’d feel sorry for McCain, but he richly deserves this. Fuck him.
Still waiting to see it here on the West Coast. Another 1 minutes or so, according to the cable gods…
Tear-up part for The Spouse: Barry X talking about his mother dying from cancer and having to at the same time decipher bureaucratic health-insurance bullshit paperwork designed to exclude coverage of her expenses. He had the same experience with his mother. That’s the Obama strength: He’s got experience in the things that resonate with human beings. Unlike Robo-Gramps and his Zillionaire Alien Wife-Form.
“They’re too busy working in this bad economy (an economy ruined by Obama and his friends) to answer many polls.”
It’s so true. While it might look like the GOP had control of all three branches of government for six years, followed by control of 2/3rds of government for 1.5 years, Bush is really just a shadow puppet formed by Bill Ayers and B. Hussein Obama. The mummenshantz is incredible. These men are really at the top of their art.
“If Obama steals this one, then kiss your freedom goodbye.”
Yep, yep, yep. Before you know it, there will be all of these “papers, please” moments at the airport, with random people being unable to fly. Then folks won’t get longstanding rights like habeus corpus. The NSA will start listening to all of your phone calls WITHOUT A WARRANT! It’ll be hell.
At this moment, I’d just like to invite Gary Ruppert to go fuck himself and move to the country of his choice. Send a postcard, asshole!
Obama was clearly wealthy at the time of his mother’s death, so why didn’t he help her out.I know that Obama has neglected his half-brother from Kenya.
It made Capt. Sen. McRoboporn look like a pimp
At this moment I’d like to invite “Gary Ruppert” to tonguejack my shitbox.
Oh, and I forgot Obama’s radical social tax agenda. He wants to return us to the tax rates we had in the 90’s. Remember how terrible things were with the economy, circa 1992 — 2000?
OK, thanks for that link. I need to catch up big-time. Pretty much in general, but specifically with the whatever-mercial. LOVE the new ad though with McCain’s quotes about the economy and not knowing enough about it….but the running mate he’ll pick will help out–cut to Palindrone winking. YES!
we’re waiting, Gary.
I’d like to invite Gary Ruppert to facejack my shitmoat.
also, isn’t it fun having a candidate who can go on the TeeVee without making you cower in a dark room and chant “please don’t blow it, please don’t blow it.”
Hey, when the bar is set at GeeDub Bush, even McCain’s folksy ways seem to ooze decorum. But yeah, Obama can speak well. And I think the organization in his campaign speaks to his leadership. On the flip side, I think the “organization” in McCain’s campaign speaks to his leadership too.
facejack my shitmoat.
Busker, this is my new favorite phrase. Will Gary be up for the challenge? ROFLMAO
Dear Joetheplumber,
Bite me.
Barack, I have really bad ADD, I can’t sit through this much! Fix that! I can’t sit through Gary comments either. Egads.
OT: I have about 25 first cousins in Philly, and I’m sure that approximately half of them are rioting right now. The rest of them have kids and/or the wrong set of chromosomes. sweet.
I was a little worried that the Rays wouldn’t be able to pull out a win in the three inning nightmare on Phanatic Street. But I gotta say.
The sense that maybe there is something there, something better than just the stupid and the winking nod to stupid that we’ve had before, I dunno, I want some of that.
Forget what the wingnuts are saying, they’ve lost contact with reality long ago.
And yeah, I told the Obama campaign after the FISA vote that they could expect nothing more from me than my vote, no money, no effort, no time.
But I keep wondering. Once in a generation. That’s when a leader shows up. Kennedy. Bobby. Reagan? Maybe. It’s time.
We’re due.
I do know one thing. Another four years of right wing madness and horror would destroy us. But we’re on a tight timeline. Destruction lurks around every corner, and the clock is ticking.
If any of your cousins were at the game tonight, buskertype, and booed Selig, then I thank them.
You’re either the bestest parody ever, or the personification of why abortion needs to remain legal and safe.
I don’t comment here enough to know which …
They’re too busy working in this bad economy (an economy ruined by Obama and his friends) to answer many polls.
Tragically, the hard-working conservative values voters whose honest labour keeps America afloat — the silent majority whom Gary represents — will also turn out on the day to be working too hard to vote.
And if they managed to kick him in the groin, I’ll send them $10.
(Hey, it is Philly. Ya never know.)
As I was watching that infomercial I thought how amazing and rare it was to be treated like an adult for once. For once. My god, are we actually leaving cartoon-land? Even as the cartoon characters are flailing their anvils and homina-hominaing as hard as they can, their big round bombs down each others’ pants and their maniac cackling is finally.. just so much cel paint and ink. two dimensional. It’s not working anymore.
Oh America, you’re growing up so fast. Well, a little bit anyways. Maybe.
I think it was a winner!
Now the home stretch begins. All this anxiety is killing me!
I loved how they even gave Charlie Manuel a half-hearted boo after the game. I’ll check on the groin-kicking, but they were probably too busy pouring beer on each other and rushing out to light fires and roll cars.
Y’know, I’m one cynical sack of shit, but I’m starting to like that guy.
The wingnuts must be shitting themselves about now.
hat’s when a leader shows up. Kennedy. Bobby. Reagan?
All three of whom were shot. That’s my biggest worry for the moment.
I just built a DeLorean that, upon reaching a speed of 88 mph, can travel through time. I have set the aftermarket time circuits I dropped in this bad boy to
SaturdayWednesday, November 5,19552009.I intend to use my brief time in the future to observe the results of the presidential election, then return to the present and report to all my dear friends here at Sadly No! those results. I probably will let Fox News know as well, so they can reveal this information right after they air the API tape.
By the way, do any of you grease monkeys out there know what a jigawatt is and what it does? Do I put it in the flux capacitor? My mechanic said he never heard of it, yet seemed confident I wouldn’t need one. But it’s weird I floor it and all I got to show for it is a couple of speeding tickets doing 90 in a school zone.
Me and my poker buddies thought it was boring as fuck and got back to our game. As long as Barry didn’t drop trou, it was probably fine. In fact, even he did, all things considered.
One thing, though- Wingnuts were all set and ready to wet themselves bitching about Obama pushing back the World Series 30 minutes. And then Game 5 got delayed and the conclusion from the 6th inning on was pushed back to tonight. So even though the Series was delayed a half hour, it still ended early. Talking point pwn3d, wingers.
Oh, and TPM has the whole shebang here.
Speaking of winners, did An American Carol reach $100 million in box office receipts yet?
If not, any day now I assume.
Still waiting on the internets toobz to flush out, so I can see the latest attempt by Obama to steal my votez.
Speaking of winners, did An American Carol reach $100 million in box office receipts yet?
They’re expecting the absentee receipts to push it over the top.
Atlas Shrugs is working just fine. P. Geller and assorted friends live blogged the Obama ad.
The Department of Defense’s current base budget is close to $500 billion. So if he meant that promise, he plans on a total defense budget of about a trillion dollars.
Big whoop – we hand out a trillion like nuthin’ these days.
Plus, a big slice of that $500 billion goes to lining the pockets of Cheney cronies instead of to military power as such. We can probably make the civilian force much cheaper just by not privatizing it.
Oh, and Chuckles Johnson didn’t like it? Then I loved it.
Sorry, make that P. Geller the Investigative Journalist (see the flyer).
I, for one, welcome our new peanut-butter and jelly-sharing secret communist overlords.
this went over very well in our house!!!!
I, also, am one cynical motherfucker, but someone posted this link in an earlier thread, and I can’t get the image out of my mind. Been thinking about it all day.
“Back at the rally, after the march had left MLK Gardens, I’d gone back for the car while Brett took photos, and I spotted a very old black man in a sharp Sunday suit walking slowly at the very back of the huge march. He hadn’t yet arrived at the voting center, and I decided to find him when I got back.
“I wanted to go talk to him, to ask him what this moment meant to him. He was a guy who you take one glance at, and know, that guy’s seen it all. I wanted a quote. I had my journalist hat on. I thought, this will be great.
“So when I got back to the voting location with the car, I went to find him in the line. Eventually I spotted him, and was ready to walk up the few feet between us and introduce myself when I stopped in my tracks.
“A young black boy, no more than eight years old, walked up to this man, who was at least eighty. The boy offered the man a sticker, probably an “I Voted” sticker, but I couldn’t see. The man took the sticker and paused. Silently, he looked down at the boy, who was looking back up at the man. The man put his hand gently on the boy’s head, and I saw his eyes glisten.
“I didn’t ask the man for a quote. I didn’t need to. I walked over by myself, behind the community center, and I sat down on a bench next to the track, and wept.”
did he reveal his secret plan to enslave all the white people, take their money and hand it to the NEEEEgroes,
If by “enslaving” you mean hugging, and “all the white people,” you mean old white ladies, and by “hand it to the negroes,” you mean multicultural crowds that actually look like America and not the hordes of whiny hateful honkies that McFailin attracts, then yes, he did.
Seriously, I think he hugged every old white lady in America in that video, except perhaps Gary Ruppert and McCain’s first wife.
The fighting keyboarders – who’ve championed bloody wars over there somewhere being fought by people who aren’t them – have found a way to resist participating in national service.
Make it seem like a big old death camp and get all hysterical and hope nobody knocks on your door with an application.
You know, I liked the way in the video and in the speech following, Obama was able to counter the McCain smears (Marxism, wealth redistribution, blah blah blah) by simply saying what he’s going to do, underlining that it’s NOT [blah blah blah], and moving on. No negativity, no sparring – not even a mention of McCain.
It’s an uplifting message, its positive, it doesn’t descend into the politics of personal destruction, and it answers any idiot who says, “Well, we don’t really know anything about him.” Of course you do, fool. Just look. Listen!
I see John McCain on TV, and I am struck by his sneering, passive aggressive nastiness. “He said he’d like to [airquote] spread the wealth around [airquote].”
It’s like some nightmare dysfunctional family member, going, “Oh, sure. You SAID you were going to take out the trash, but guess what? I had to do it instead.”
My friends, we don’t need a President who is more passive-aggressively fucked up than my Cousin Myrtle.
jon stewart called McCain’s air quotes “dick fingers”
This election is a referendum on America itself.
I heard someone say that this election is a referendum on *reality*.
I heard someone say that this election is a referendum on *reality*.
I’d heard *sanity*.
Sorry, make that P. Geller the Investigative Journalist (see the flyer).
An awful lot of linguistic errors in that flyer. My favorite is “Send this to all business leaders, politicians, rabbi’s priests, pastors”. She’s supposed to be whipping up fear in Teh Hebrews but implies that rabbis need priests.
Oh Pammycakes, if it weren’t for wingnut welfare you would be starving in the streets.
News from the time travel front!!!
No, my sleak silvery machine hasn’t been able to leap into the future. Yes, I did run over a dog. But this is GOD NEWS! And it is central to my point.
I assure all of you who are understandably skeptical that I will make this jump a year and a week into the future, and I will return with results of next week’s election. I just learned that November 5, 2009 in fact is a Thursday, so clearly we are making progress. I only ask that you all please be patient in the meantime.
Story developing.
I am going to sound like a broken record for the next few days, but everyone, please (please, PLEASE!) make an effort to put in at least a few hours of volunteer time for Barry Hussein X between now and the election. Phone bank, canvass, whatever you can do.
We can’t let up now. This is too important.
Not this black black black helicopter sh*t again about how if Obama mentions non-military ways to make the U.S. secure then it means the SSSSS (Secret Soul Sistah Security Squad) will send all wingnutz to the new work camps in the doo-doo mines.
I don’t see much to be hopeful about, and the system is broken and the process unsustainable.
That said, I’ll take the six dollars and eleven cents worth of hope I have left in my pocket and put it all on Black.
Spin the fuckin wheel…
P.G. Magnum
Next Case: “the Missing Rabbi’s Priests”
But, as I remember it, privatizing in the first place was done to reduce costs. I mean, that’s what we were told back then by Secretary of Defense C,,,
Five minutes in, & his list of ideas made me whistle – tax incentives to hire American? Cutting tax breaks to outsourcers? A 90-day foreclosure freeze? Small business loans at low rates (which sounds a lot like the microbanking concept which made India’s economy boom, by the way)?
Smart stuff – & it won’t break the national piggybank.
“Spending cuts above the cost of my programs” is damn near rock-solid policy. If he can do it – an awfully big “if” – he can introduce new programs while simultaneously shrinking the national budget. Dude is going to get himself a Nobel Prize in Economics if he isn’t careful there. That shouldn’t even be possible – I mean, WTF, tax-CUT-&-spend policy? He just stole the GOP’s baby, live on TeeVee!
I sense a sudden deep disturbance in The Force … like millions of neocon wankers, massively losing their shit, all at the same time.
I’m really hoping this is just the worst fake-Gary ever. If not, you’re seriously asking why Barack Obama wasn’t able to cure ovarian cancer with the advance he got for his first book. That’s going from beyond stupid well into disgusting.
If anything good can be said to have come from Obama’s painful loss of his mother, it showed him how broken our healthcare system is and has pushed him to make sure people with preexisting conditions can get coverage so that patients can focus on their treatment and recovery and not on their bills. I’m guessing you missed that part of the infomercial tonight.
Not specifically, but you will be reporting to your local Islamic re-education next Wednesday morning.
dan b said,
I missed it . . . did he reveal his secret plan to enslave all the white people, take their money and hand it to the NEEEEgroes, convert everyone to Islam and put the rest of us to work in his Qu’ran factory? Did he finally reveal that HE is Korir from the African Press International? Did he play the tape?!?!
I await Malkin’s stalking and harassment of the families depicted in the commercial.
wait til the wingnuts find out gays will be participating in national service.
Just watching the video now. Wow, impressive.
After eight years real Americans will get a real President.
Yeah, I wonder which of those families Michelle will go after first. Probably not the laid-off autoworkers or the old Wal-Mart guy and his wife with arthritis. But I sure wouldn’t want to be the single parent teacher (no doubt she’s in one of those evil unions!!!!!!) or the family with four kids (they complain about bills while still buying SNACKS for their kids!!!!)
the oil and insurance and blackwater execs are hating Obama tonight.
hee, the fuckers.
I await Malkin’s stalking and harassment of the families depicted in the commercial.
Not sure she’s even up for it anymore. Like most dim beasts, she does have a keen sense of which way the wind is blowing – it’s the only thing that allows her species of toad to survive.
Look for her to try to switch sides, in hopes of currying favor with whatever authority figure will most allow her to re-live her childhood abuse traumas in a way that she finds sexually stimulating. She’ll be polishing apples and licking boots in a way that would shame a submissive slave in Mistress Kendra’s over in 2nd Life.
Of course, if Malkin is too dim even to realize that the band has stopped playing and the crowd is dimly trudging away into the night, muttering softly to each other, their hate-filled protest signs slipping from dispirited fingers, well then … she deserves to get mocked even more relentlessly than she has been these last eight years.
Just pulled this link of off a TNC thread. It’s about a 109-year-old daughter of a slave who got to vote for Barack. We’ve come a long way, peoples. Reading that just washes the wingnut away …
Yeah, it sounds sort of like that there populism stuff that I kind of liked about Edwards.
Who knew? A real, live populist about to win the Presidency. Woo-hoo!
I still reserve full judgment until after he’s been in office for a while, but it looks better all the time. At the very least, wow, what a contrast in message between the campaigns. Ouch. I hope a LOT of people were watching that.
I’ll second that.
hee, hee. the fuckers.
Well, I was hoping to get some details but I suppose I’ll still vote for the man. Maybe I should head over to Ace’s site to see if he picked up on any secret messages that Chuckles or Pammy might have missed.
Crap. I am gonna be so hungover for that first day of lessons.
Loneoak, thanks for that link. The story brought tears to my eyes.
How tragic that it was George Bush who signed her 100th birthday card.
She deserves a special invitation to the inauguration.
no on prop 8, bitches.
More than any other time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
haha doctorb…
Well, having just watched the 30 minute spot, I’m sold. Again.
This election is the Weather Underground’s 9/11. Like 9/11, it has been years in the planning, bringing a groomed candidate with a thin record and a good front to the contest at the right time in the electoral cycle (8 years of Republican presidency, so people are looking to switch).
If McCain can pull off a win, it will be as if 19 boxcutters had been taken off of 19 passengers before boarding.
Pretty sure booze is kinda a no-no…
Regarding the election, I am currently trying to convince two of my college friends to vote. They’re both huge Obama supporters, and we’re registered in Pennsylvania fer godsake, but they are worrying about missing class. Yeah. No joke. If they do not vote, I will kill them…and then drag their corpses over and use their stiffening fingers to push the buttons… ^^
Gary Ruppert said,
October 30, 2008 at 7:30
Tortured simile fail.
If McCain can pull off a win, it will be as if 19 boxcutters had been taken off of 19 passengers before boarding.
and instead they were given high explosives and 15 months of flight training.
Drunk balls, high balls, tripping balls, hallucinating balls, Asshole Surfer cartoon balls….they’re all inconsequential.
The Phucking Phillies Won The Phucking World Series.
Never fear – mankind can usually be depended on to either find or build an offramp from one path to the other, & yes, that sucker works both ways. Not that I believe we’re going to be going in the right direction once that offramp opens & we get on it, mind you. I suspect we’ll get to have that cake & eat it too … raw.
Wisdom? LOL!
She Walks Every Day
Through the Streets of New Orleans
She’s Innocent and Young
From a Family of Means
How Could I be this Way
When I Pray to God Above
I Must Love What I Destroy
And Destroy the Thing I Love
Oh You’ll Never See my Shade
Or Hear the Sound of my Feet
While there’s a Moon
Over Bourbon Street.
Gary R.,
Would love to get together for another roll in the hay if you can get away from the ol’ ball and chain again. Sorry for the “rough stuff” (wink-wink) last time, but corn-fed lads like you bring out the animal in me. How about Tuesday night, same time, same heartland silo?
Your “Pookie”
Bagelsan said, Regarding the election, I am currently trying to convince two of my college friends to vote. They’re both huge Obama supporters, and we’re registered in Pennsylvania fer godsake, but they are worrying about missing class.
There is no excuse for not voting.
Worrying about missing class?
Aren’t there laws that require giving citizens (workers, students) time off to vote?
I can’t imagine a prof freaking because someone needed time to vote. And duh, VOTE EARLY THEN.
Secondly, what’s a fucking class next to the next four years of your LIFE?
This Prison has now Become your Home
A Sentence You Seem Prepared to Pay
It Took a Day to Build the City
We Walked Through its Streets in the Afternoon
As I Returned Across the Lands I’d Known
I Recognized the Fields Where I’d Once Played
Had to Stop in my Tracks For Fear
Of Walking on the Mines I’d Laid
And if I Built this Fortress
Around your Heart
Encircled you in Trenches
And Barbed Wire
And Let me Build a Bridge
For I can not Fill the Chasm
And Let Me Set the Battlements On Fire.
Hey Gav,
If you want to try something to get past teh lgfilters, might work.
Here’s your link.
It works from preview, so hopefully it will work in the posts.
And from the comments over at lgf…
I’m sorry, but just about the last fucking movie anybody from that sort of crew should be quoting from is Blazing Saddles.
Seriously, wtf?
No, my sleak silvery machine hasn’t been able to leap into the future.
I am not physically capable of hearing the words “silver machine” without singing out “It’s antiseptically clean” in antistrophal chorus, like an agent responding with the counter-phrase. Does this date me?
I miss Bob Calvert.
Does this date me?
Few will date you.
Carbon-dating has worked for me so far. I’m not fussy.
The washing-up after must be a chore.
There was a deposit on the hired tuxedo, but fortunately it brushed off.
He read the entire Harry Potter book series to his daughter. No wonder Scarah Palin wants to ban them.
By “Them” I assume you mean the Obamas.
hum, what do we do with a half trillion dollar military now?
No wonder they’re scared.
“* Craftily, Little Green Footballs blocks referrals from this site. Copy and paste:”
And I want to click on an LGF link why again? Honestly, I think there are times when linking to these scum has more negative implications than positive ones.
And it’s funny to hear wingnuts whining about security forces. I thought they were ones who masturbated to Solider of Fortune and Guns and Ammo (they are)? This might just be the first, “It’s ok if a rethug does it but if someone else does it, IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD, OH NOOOOOOES!!!!!!!!!”
That’s why we’ll all have to get our fill on Nov. 4, yes?
Bush, in pictures
But, mostly, we’ll miss the dancing.
Ahhhh, a link to Atlas Shrugs. Nice. I’m sort of blocked there…..ROFL…
I have no idea why you would want to link to such retarded bullshit, but you might want to try a referrer-removal service like
Damn, do these right wingers suddenly hate cops and love terrorists and criminals? When did they go soft on crime?
If you’re using Firefox you can install De-Refer, if you really want to see LGF that badly. I just have it so Chucky-boy sees all my hits as coming from “Shitgirl loves Pissgirl Dot Com”.
I think he hugged every old white lady in America in that video.
Hey, we old white ladies need hugs too, you know. And not just from the grandchildren. Not that I have any.
[…] If you’re using Firefox you can install De-Refer, if you really want to see LGF that badly. I just have it so Chucky-boy sees all my hits as coming from “Shitgirl loves Pissgirl Dot Com”.Comment on Barry Hussein X’s Infomercial by Nimrod Gently […]
Bagelsan, if it makes you feel any better my friend and former roomate claimed he was undecided on Tuesday night…and hinted he may want to vote for “the underdog”
I nearly smacked him in the face right there, and informed him that only morans were undecided at this point!!
Regarding the election, I am currently trying to convince two of my college friends to vote. They’re both huge Obama supporters, and we’re registered in Pennsylvania fer godsake, but they are worrying about missing class.
Oh Christ on a crutch, like they wouldn’t cut class in four years anyway. If violence doesn’t work, try bribery in the form of a free pizza. It always made kids at my college attend things they didn’t want to.
they are worrying about missing class.
Missing class is no vice. And I say that as an actual college professor.
he may want to vote for “the underdog”
Um, it ain’t the NCAA Tournament.
Hey Nimrod, thanks for that firefox addon, works like a charm. And now he’s getting hits from
fun link though. Almost makes it seem okay now that it’s nearly over.
Below Me,
Make him read this. Hell, read it to him.
Nimrod–nice one there on Chuckles! Yep, those links are a pain, but worth it to see me click in from here or Sphinx’s….or LGFWatch better yet. But your url is way more hilarious!
In Canada, yes – three hours, minimum.
In the USA, none that I know of – although a few smart states may require some time off by law – & yeah, some scummy bosses have been known to assign extra hours &/or threaten folks with termination on E-Day if they miss ANY time for something as trivial as exercising their democratic franchise … usually when they know that the peons are going to vote overwhelmingly the “wrong” way. But I suspect all the early voting has neutralized a lot of that workplace anti-democratic hanky-panky.
All of Obama’s inauguration parties need to serve PBJ’s cut in half.
I predict that the next big schizm in politics will be the Rectanglers versus the Trianglers.
I predict that the next big schizm in politics will be the Rectanglers versus the Trianglers.
Big-Endians vs. Little-Endians.
No no no, crusts vs no crusts.
Back to the original topic, I am amazed that I sat through a 30 minute political infomercial without being bored or cringing. I even timed out from AFKness in WAR because I was so engrossed. This guy’s something special.