The Stupid Marches On

Shorter Michelle Malkin: “Somebody is selling t-shirts I don’t like, and it’s causing the death of the American family.”


“The Family Evolutions T-shirt Company has blood on its looms!”

UPDATE: One of Michelle’s fans adds to the stupid:

The family unit is under attack by many different groups in this country. None more shameful and harmful to our children that Family Evolutions, a group started by two lesbians that specializes in selling products to homosexual parents.

The bastards! How dare they exercise their right to free enterprise!

This mentality is so demented I just feel so sorry for the children under these people’s control. The little boy in the picture is going to have serious problems growing up in his environment.

Well, I agree that buying a “My Donor’s Name is Daddy” shirt for your kid is a bad idea. Of course, I don’t think buying your 3-year-old a “Yankees Suck, Jeter Swallows” shirt is appropriate either, but I’m not about to condemn all Red Sox fans for it.

Where is the male influence going to come from?

Yeah, where will they be without upstanding Christian men like Neal Horsley?

No one can honestly make the argument that the strongest influence on a child is their same sex parent. So, what’s this boy to do since he has two mommy’s? I’m sure when he’s old enough his parents will introduce him to a nice homosexual boy to spend time with.

Because we all know that gay people either:

a.) Are made gay by their gay parents who are also gay.


b.) Are spawned in underground secularist catacombs, just like the orcs in The Lord of the Rings.

They are only interested in pushing their viewpoint onto the rest of the world and have their lifestyle accepted as normal. If it was so normal in the first place, they wouldn’t have to try to validate it all the time.

I’ll have to call my lesbian cousin and let her know that she and her partner don’t actually love the two children they’ve been raising for the last ten years, since they’re just using them to push their hedonist lesbian agenda of gay lesbian gayness. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to hear it.

Look, I’m not big on the “Donor Daddy” shirts either, but Christ, they’re only being sold in three places– Austin, Texas; Roanoke, Virginia; and Northampton, Massachusetts. Anyone who’s spent time in either Austin or Northampton (I’ve never been to Roanoke) can’t find this surprising.

But I am impressed that people like Michelle think that because someone, somewhere is selling this shirt, it’s indicative of a widespread “anti-straight conspiracy” that will culminate in Ben Shapiro retiring from Townhall to start his career as a drag queen.


Comments: 28


Obviously Malkin is an idiot, but the Chicago Tribune article she linked to is actually thoughtful and has a valid point. The shirt really is kind of creepy.


For those wondering, Family Evolutions sells tshirts, bibs, etc, for gay parents. Most of it looks about as “offensive” as a Hallmark card (suns, flowers, etc). But they also have “My Daddy’s name is donor” stuff, which would raise some eyebrows.


It’s certainly not a t-shirt I’d like.

I’d say the same about the t-shirt Malkin advertises on her site – the one that spells ACLU with a hammer and sickle replacing the “C”, and the logo “Enemy of the State” underneath.

BTW, has Malkin always splashed blood so, uh, liberally (not literally) in her prose? Everything lately is blood on this, blood on that.


I dunno, I think the merchandsise on the web ads on Malkin’s site are pretty offensive…ACLU-Enemy of the People, etc. So what if “donor” is daddy’s name…what happened to CULTURE OF LIFE, CULTURE OF LIFE, CULTURE OF LIFE, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH (sorry, got carried away there for a sec).

I’m sick and tired of the pick and choose mentality of these people. Apparently, it’s OK for them to be totally hypocritical and offensive, but heaven help you if you do or say something that affects their delicate sensibilities. Poor babies.


The shirt kind of falls into “well, that was a stupid thing to say” catagory, but doesn’t track as a threat to society- which yet again confirms that Malkin is a nutjob.
Sweetie- we don’t need anymore proof. The “Internment + USA = Good” thing was all we needed.


It is surprising that they’re in Roanoke a little bit. I guess there are enough colleges in the area that you’re going to have some of the “counter-culture” kids around, though.

Of course, I would suspect more of the Neal Horsey attitude around Roanoke.


Not all straight couples’ kids are automatically going to grow up normal, either. I tend to think the chances of growing up successfully in either a straight or gay parent household are probably even.

How about:
My daddy’s name is deadbeat!
My daddy’s name is inmate #49862!
My daddy’s name is Mr. Hopkins, third-period English!
My daddy’s name is Uncle Jim!
My daddy’s name is One Night Stand!
My daddy’s name is Father O’Reilly!
My daddy’s name is Abstinence-Only Education!


Of course, I would suspect more of the Neal Horsey attitude around Roanoke.

“Mr. Ed is My Daddy!”


Ben Shapiro? With those hips? No way.


Hmmm, I don’t see what the problem is with that shirt.


[Conservative Christians] are only interested in pushing their viewpoint onto the rest of the world and have their lifestyle accepted as normal. If it was so normal in the first place, they wouldn’t have to try to validate it all the time.

The family unit is under attack by many different groups in this country. None more shameful and harmful to our children that Family Evolutions, a group started by two lesbians that specializes in selling products to homosexual parents.

Hello, hyperbole police? I’d like to report an incident.


Hmmm, I don’t see what the problem is with that shirt.

Ehhhhhhhn, I don’t think it’s necessary to broadcast your kids’ origins on his/her t-shirt.


No one can honestly make the argument that the strongest influence on a child is their same sex parent. So, what’s this boy to do since he has two mommy’s?

Hey, wait.

I think this nimrod means to say “no one can honestly deny that the strongest influence on a boy is his father and on a girl, her mother.” “Same sex parent” here means “the parent of the same sex,” not “the same-sex partner of the parent.” I think. But in that case, wouldn’t a boy with *two* fathers have an advantage on the ol’ male-o-meter?

(And it’s “mommies,” dagnabit.)


Ben Shapiro, a drag queen. Puh-leez! He’d never be able to handle the eyebrow plucking it would require. He’d start crying two seconds in and say, “I give uh-uh-uppp!!!”


I suppose I wouldn’t put the shirt on a kid, but I tend to oppose making a kid wear any message it doesn’t understand.
On the other hand, I come from a typical dysfunctional nuclear family; do they make the shirts in adult sizes?


Ben Shapiro, a drag queen. Puh-leez! He’d never be able to handle the eyebrow plucking it would require. He’d start crying two seconds in and say, “I give uh-uh-uppp!!!”

Hey, I never said he’d be *good* at it…


Ben Shapiro would make a very ugly version of Audrey Hepburn.

Just like the kid from that Rowsdower ep of MST3K.


Ehhhhhhhn, I don’t think it’s necessary to broadcast your kids’ origins on his/her t-shirt.

(Pssst, Brad: Look at the name of that commenter to whom you’re replying.)


More sex with animals!


(Pssst, Brad: Look at the name of that commenter to whom you’re replying.)

Dammit I’m dumb sometimes 😉


I don’t usually give shout-outs to other posters, but I’m still laughing at “My daddy’s name is Abstinence-Only Education.”


We also all know that mule-fucking people either:

a.) Are made mule-fuckers by their mule-fucking parents who are also mule fuckers.


b.) Decide to try the idea on their own after seeing a public figure talk about how great mule fucking is.


“My Daddy’s Name is Turkey Baster”???


Oh, melior, that was great.


I humbly accept your shout-out, Gordo.


Wow. That is so weird. I was just saying to someone, “They are only interested in pushing their viewpoint onto the rest of the world and have their lifestyle accepted as normal. If it was so normal in the first place, they wouldn’t have to try to validate it all the time.” Of course, I was talking about Christians, but still, it’s eerie.


But if you get your lifestyle validated, you don’t have to pay at the ticket booth on the way out!

Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

Well put, Frogsdong.

I still can’t look at a turkey baster without going into fits of inappropriate laughter. (I use a pastry brush instead.) When I worked in San Francisco, there was a charming story in the Chronicle about a gay woman who conceived a child with a gay man, and they were photographed with the beaming bicycle messenger who’d sped the sperm from Dad’s office to Mom’s. It’s a great country.


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