She’s her mate (and she will stand by her)

National Review’s Michelle Easton reports from an alternate universe:

Palin is the most exciting new woman leader in America, and one big reason is that her own accomplishments and personality are what got her the nomination.

Right, if one can count “not being Joe Lieberman” as an accomplishment.

As with John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, she makes Americans want to know more about her.

As with William Hung and Tom Green, she makes Americans want to know more about her.

Little wonder that America celebrates her success, and that Saturday Night Live had the biggest audience in its history when Palin appeared on the show.

Who knew SNL has only been on the air for 14 years?

Under enormous and unprecedented pressure, Palin gave the best vice presidential debate performance in a generation.

As we pointed out yesterday, those who watched the debate think Biden won, which presumably makes his performance the bestest in a generation.

…Palin is a spectacular political personality who is energetic and enthusiastic, a focused and commonsense conservative.

Nothing says common sense conservative like windfall profits tax justified on the basis of the state’s need for a “fair” share of profits; supporting the bridge to nowhere, and opposing abortion even in cases of rape.

Elizabeth Moyer, a recent graduate of the University of San Francisco, told me: “She doesn’t need men. I mean that not in the resentment way of modern feminism. She has wonderful men in her life that she loves and works with, but she has no codependency on men.”

Unravel that, dear readers.

Ashley Crouch, a senior at the University of Dallas, told me about a meeting of her campus conservative women’s group, … Ashley said many of them thought, “Liberals don’t agree with what Palin stands for both in her personal life and her philosophy. Even though liberals say women should strive for professional success, what many of them really think is that women should focus on family or on professional success, not both.”

So… even though liberals say women should strive for personal success, what they mean is that women should strive for professional success. And conservatives think that women should do both, but not one or the other. That’s what liberals think.

Palin’s cheerfully stated core beliefs and beautiful smile are infectious, and Americans just want to hear more.

Let us hear your smile, Sarah.

He’s [McCain] proposing a $5,000 tax credit for families so that they can get out there and they can purchase their own health care coverage. That’s a smart thing to do. That’s budget neutral. That doesn’t cost the government anything[.]

Right, budget neutral. We hear a lot of refundable tax credits are like that.

Is she a once-in-a-century phenomenon, someone who will continue to captivate the American people and whose greatest achievements are yet to come?

Uh, no. But you can tell by the way she uses her walk, she’s a woman’s man, no time to talk.


Comments: 31


Gawd knows, by FAR one of the best things I’ve EVER done is not be Joe Lieberman, so yeah, I get that…



Bah. Palin’s old hat. I want Obama to hurry up and finish winning so The Corner can get to do what they do best: poorly veiled lynching fantasies.


Right, if one can count “not being Joe Lieberman” as an accomplishment.

Damn, mikey beat me to it.


Sarah Palin is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.


October 23, 2008 4:00 AM

I see Michelle’s been tossing and turning…


Who knew SNL has only been on the air for 14 years?

Nothing existed before the Gingrich Revolution. Except Ronald Reagan. The rest of it is an illusion planted in our minds by Satan to make us stray from the path.


Unravel that, dear readers.

She’s a modern, independent woman. Um, but not in that scary feminazi way. She’s a modern independent woman who loves being surrounded by men. But she doesn’t NEED them. She just. Um. Feminism?


I see Michelle’s been tossing and turning…

Just a-thinkin’ of Palin.


I for one love Sarah Palin. She’s destroyed McCain’s candidacy, and one can’t ask for more than that.


I for one love Sarah Palin. She’s destroyed McCain’s candidacy, and one can’t ask for more than that.

I too will raise a glass to her for that. Though she isn’t solely responsible for the clusterbuggery that campaign has become, she does seem to be the centerpiece.

Quaker in a Basement

if one can count “not being Joe Lieberman” as an accomplishment.

The proudest day of my life was the day I did not become Joe Lieberman.


But Davis, she did it because she thinks it gives her a shot in 2012, so you can just resume your nightmares…



Davis said,

October 24, 2008 at 0:38

I for one love Sarah Palin. She’s destroyed McCain’s candidacy, and one can’t ask for more than that.

And I thank John McCain, for finishing the only job el shrub began that was worth doing: destroying the rethuglican party.

Charlie Cook: House Dems On Track For Gains In The Mid-Twenties
The Cook Political Report released its latest set of ratings, notably moving three open GOP-held seats in Minnesota, New Jersey and New Mexico from “Toss Up” to “Lean Democratic.” Cook’s analysis also points to another big years for the Democrats: “All the signs of another big ‘wave’ election are apparent, and our current outlook is a gain of 23 to 28 seats for House Democrats.”


James K. Polk, Esq.

Man, if you go over to RedState and read the foamers talking about humping Palin’s leg…

They don’t get that she’s the anchor…

They just want MOAR!


But Davis, she did it because she thinks it gives her a shot in 2012, so you can just resume your nightmares…

2012 is going to be interesting. Come November 2008, the Republicans are going to be asking themselves two questions:

1) Did we lose because the Republican Party strayed from its platform of smaller government?

2) Did we lose because our nominee wasn’t “Jesus Rode a Dinosaur” batshit insane?

My guess is that they’re going to place more emphasis on #2.

heh… I said “#2”


It will be nice to see the Republicans the ones in a circular firing squad for a change if they loose this thing.


This has to be the greatest act of political sabotage ever committed. What else could it be? The Republican power structure must hate McCain so much. They figure they are going to lose anyway, so why not destroy the man completely. Finish off the job they started in 2000. After what they did to him then, how could he possibly hire those same people to work for him? It’s just one train wreck after another.

$150,000 on clothes? My house cost that much! If they wanted to play up the down-to-earth hockey mom crap to the hilt they should have given her the RNC credit card and sent her to Wal-Mart with camera crew in tow. Or Target or K-Mart or any other store of the regler folks. Can you imagine the publicity they could have generated from that?

I know, I know. Obama is a secret Muslim and will tax our Korans.

And that’s another thing. Let’s say that Obama really is the stealth Muslim. As soon as the inauguration is over he turns to the cameras, lets out a sinister laugh and screams, “You must all convert to Islam or perish, infidels”!

I would say, “Hmm, time to start the impeachment hearings”.

The Malkinites would fall to their knees and start pleading for mercy from Abu Obama.

Have they no idea of how our government works? I guess they’re so used to Bush making up laws they really believe that the Preznit has supreme power. Who’s going to enforce this forced Islam? The Army? Coast Guard? The League of Women Voters? Or are the Republican Guard and Al Quds Brigade waiting in Venezuela to jump to the ready and install Sharia in the USA?

Jeez Louise, these people are dumb.


Palin’s cheerfully stated core beliefs

Well, I’ll give her that. Palin does cheerfully state her core beliefs.

She just doesn’t CLEARLY state them.


Sadly, No!:

Who knew SNL has only been on the air for 14 years?

Best part?

Jeffrey Ressner / Politico:

The last time “SNL” landed overnight numbers as high as this week was in 1994, for a show hosted by the kneecapped figure skater Nancy Kerrigan.

I look forward to the day when Palin provokes the same kind of “Who?” and “Really?” reaction that Kerrigan does today.



As far as I can tell, Palin views government as a system of wealth distribution.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

As we pointed out yesterday, those who watched the debate think Biden won, which presumably makes his performance the bestest in a generation.

Nice snark there, but Joe Biden is almost 66 and Sarah Palin is 44 – they are of different generations. If you consider all the people in Sarah Palin’s generation, say currently between the ages of 34 and 54, you must concede none of them delivered as bestest a VP debate as she did.


look forward to the day when Palin provokes the same kind of “Who?” and “Really?” reaction that Kerrigan does today.

I look forward to the day when Sarah Palin, Tonya Harding, and Paula Jones are featured in a 3-way mud-wrestling extravaganza on cable teevee.


you must concede none of them delivered as bestest a VP debate as she did.

Well played, Dragon-King Wangchuck!


No-one in the GOP could have anticipated that an anvil makes a lousy parachute.

Cletus Forrester de Rothschild

Right, if one can count “not being Joe Lieberman” as an accomplishment.

John McCain didn’t have the chance to be Joe Lieberman either while he was prisoner of war for 5 years in Vietnam!


I for one love Sarah Palin. She’s destroyed McCain’s candidacy, and one can’t ask for more than that.

A lethal ectopic pregnancy might not be too bad, though.


Who knew SNL has only been on the air for 14 years?

Erm, I looked at the article and they don’t say that. They say SNL hasn’t gotten such impressive ratings since the skater who got her knees clobbered, Nancy Kerrigan, appeared on the show.14 years ago. The piece doesn’t even suggest that the show is only 14 years old.


Right, if one can count “not being Joe Lieberman” as an accomplishment.

Every form of life on earth, every worm, every bug, every bird in the air, the moment they are born they all say to themselves, “Thank the gods I wasn’t born Joe Lieberman.”


No-one in the GOP could have anticipated that an anvil makes a lousy parachute.
Jim did not begin to worry until he opened his reserve parachute.


Rich2056Who knew SNL has only been on the air for 14 years?

Erm, I looked at the article and they don’t say that. They say SNL hasn’t gotten such impressive ratings since the skater who got her knees clobbered, Nancy Kerrigan, appeared on the show.14 years ago. The piece doesn’t even suggest that the show is only 14 years old.

There’s a point over there —-> Get it!


Easton quotes several of these gushing young GoshdarnitYouBetcha fans – all of them young women, all of them students/recent grads and all of them as vapidly incoherent as their heroine in that GOP house style. And all of them present and correct on the Claire Booth Luce Policy Institute Student Center webpage. That CBLPI from which Easton is currently “on leave” as some class of a President. Wingnut Universe agrophobia at its most pathetically self-serving.


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