O Debbie… This is Not Good…
Debbie, this is just not healthy…
Power to the people . . . a revolution is brewing!
Debbie Daniel
April 28, 2005“We the people, in order to form a more perfect union” . . . are getting restless and feel we are fighting an “insurgency” here in our own United States.
Oh boy… this is not good…
The “power to the people” crowd, of this great country, are about to mount a full fledged war here at home if Congress doesn’t get its act together.
No, this is most definitely not good…
Oh, there won’t be bloodshed likened to Valley Forge or Gettysburg, but there’s a battle brewing nonetheless.
“Something like the Boston Masacre should do the trick.”
We just might need to start over . . . perhaps another REVOLUTION. I feel one coming on. Where’s George W . . . Washington that is?
He’s dead, Debbie. And if you want him as a soldier in your Unholy Christian Army, you’ll need to read aloud from the Necronomicon to bring him back to life.
If some folks don’t think the Founding Fathers had it right, we might need to go to battle just to affirm their message . . . and it’s a message worth fighting for. It’s called the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers, and though many of you can’t stand to hear the name of God, we’ll throw in the Ten Commandments, just to keep it “fair and balanced.”
You may ask yourself, “If America was founded as a ‘Christian Nation,’ why isn’t Jesus Christ mentioned in the Declaration of Independence? Why is there no mention of God in the Constitution (except in the context of saying ‘The Year of Our Lord,’ which is the same saying ‘1776 A.D.’)? Why don’t the Bill of Rights include provisions banning adultery, bearing false witness against your neighbor, or coveting your neighbor’s ox?” In fact, you may ask, “Doesn’t the First Amendment specifically bar Congress from establishing a religion?”
Now, if you’ve asked yourself these questions, you’re already light years ahead of Debbie intellectually. And if you haven’t… well, you’re still light years ahead of Debbie intellectually.
Those accused of being “extreme radical right-winged idiots” don’t question for a minute what the Founding Fathers had in mind ? and they certainly don’t question God ? but some of our left-minded patriots have become so mangled and mired ? in their own mindless misguidedness ? that they can’t find their way.
I love it when Debbie – confused as ever about sentence structure – accuses others – especially us left-minded patriots- of being misguided – to such an extent that – we can’t find our own way.
Some say, “Surely we never meant, ‘One Nation Under God,'” well, yes we did. But left-thinkers want to teach our children: “One Nation Under Your Own Personal Belief System.”
Well, “One Nation Under God” wasn’t put into the pledge by the Founding Fathers- it was added by Eisenhower in 1953. In fact, the Pledge itself wasn’t even written until 1892. So really, wingnuts should love the idea of taking “under God” out of the pledge, since it’ll make America more like it was before the ’60s.
Others say, “Surely we never meant, ‘Freedom of Speech,'” well, yes we did.
Man, what nutcase said that the Founding Fathers didn’t “really mean” we should have freedom of speech? Oh yeah! It was Debbie Daniel:
Our freedom of speech may very well become our bondage. In our desire to exercise our right to say what we wish, we expose our weakness to the enemy. If we keep telling the enemy how much we hate each other, the enemy may be emboldened to tear down more than a few buildings in lower Manhattan.
Our freedom of speech may very well become the defeat of our soldiers. It’s a weapon we’ve used against our own men and women who are executing a war against an enemy that hates us. We will assure defeat with words that undermine their will to win.
Debbie, I don’t know what medication you’re on, but you clearly need a stronger dose.
Much stronger.
We’ve shown our colors before ? did you see RED all over those election maps last November? You might want to look again. That color of red represents millions of people who expect some work to be done. Don’t snub your noses . . .those are “fighting looks” you’re giving us. We’re angry and you’re making us madder by the minute. Now get in there and get to work.
Debbie, if your party controls both Houses of Congress and the White House, and has appointed seven of the nine Supreme Court justices, and you still can’t get what you want, it’s probably not the Democrats’ fault.
We’re sick and tired of our elected officials “dancing” around the issues in an effort to make sure they position themselves with finesse and loving appreciation so that you’ll remember them with support and loyalty at the ballot box. Well phooey, if something isn’t done soon, the people will speak, and you may not like what you’re going to hear.
Or as Rage Against the Machine might say, “Phooey, I won’t do whatcha tell me! Phooey, I won’t do whatcha tell me! Phooey, I won’t do whatcha tell me! MOTHERPHOOOOOO-ERRRRRRRR!!!”
The Minutemen have the right idea. In the absence of “government,” the citizens are forced to pick up the slack. Power to the People!! And they’re doing it with cell phones ? not guns. Where’s my Nokia?
When we have grandmothers sitting in rocking chairs, guarding our borders so Mexicans don’t break the law, something is wrong.
Indeed. And I don’t think it’s the Mexicans.
Sexual predators are released from prison stalking young girls and making their move: to abduct, molest, rape, and kill, but we shackle Martha Stewart with an ankle chain for fear she might get away.
I think we’re getting to the Kaye Groganesque “this-is-too-stupid-to-make-fun-of” part of the article. So I’m gonna skip to the end:
It’s time to decide on which side you stand ? no more fence sitting. There’s too much at stake for any of us to put up with this any longer. We’re weary of calling our Senators and Representatives, writing letters, signing petitions, making protests, marching for our cause . . . and nothing gets done.
Where do Americans go to get their country back? I miss it.
Incidentally, I hope Karl Rove is proud of himself for encouraging people like Debbie to believe that George W. Bush was appointed by God to run America. Now that they’ve realized they aren’t going to get everything they want, they’re worked into a frenzy and are talking about “revolution.”
Phooey, I won’t do whatcha tell me!
That’s gold.
Well, she works for Alan Keyes and he was once one of the top ten nominees for president, a very important job, and Mr. Keyes also got the second most votes of all the people running for Senate in Illinois last year, also a very important job, so I think we should take a breath and also hold are horses [left marxist feminists will hold their breath and take our horses because they hate America and everyone hates a horse thief which is why I hate liberals so much] what was I talking about? Oh Yeah! Alan Keyes is smart because he ran for president and everything and he hired Debbie Daniel so who are we to judge.
That may just be the craziest column I’ve ever had the misfortune to read. Debbie’s nuts, isn’t she?
She works for Alan Keyes? ‘Nuff said.
Jeff, “nuts” is an understatement. There’s not a word in the English language to describe her level of crazy.
Jeff, “nuts” is an understatement. There’s not a word in the English language to describe her level of crazy.
Yeah, you have to do a pull a Finngan’s Wake-like effort and mix English with Turkish and five dead African languages to get a word that aptly describes Debbie’s mental condition.
No, wait guys, wait! She makes perfect sense! I understand what she’s trying to say don’t you?….
Aren’t we all on mescaline too?
Wow. She actually thinks the Right has the short end of the stick and she’s tired of it. That’s proof she works for Alan Keyes. She’ll be throwing a child out of her family any moment now.
She just confirms the blindness of the right.
When you don’t like the facts, just ignore them and march on
Our freedom of speech may very well become the defeat of our soldiers
Is this in reference to President Bush saying, “Bring it on”?
and if you’ve been wondering why there’s a nationwide quotation mark shortage, I think we found out who’s using more than her share.
“The infighting on Capitol Hill is causing much heated debate and “the people” are about to revolt. Don’t ever underestimate the “the people.”
We’ve shown our colors before ? did you see RED all over those election maps last November?”
So, by “the people” you mean the 21% of America that voted for George Bush? What are the other 79%? “The other people”?
And if “the people” showed so much power last election, then why are you still bitching about the infighting among the people that you red staters… oh, nevermind… here Debbie, have a pinwheel and go play in the backyard for a while.
By the way, wasn’t one of those sexual predators she’s fretting about hanging out in front of the Florida hospice denouncing the plug-pulling of Terri Shiavo? Of course, to nitwits like Debbie, that doesn’t count because the man had found Jesus, and all.
“There’s too much at stake for any of us to put up with this any longer”
And I’d really like to know just what “this” is she is so pissed off about. Tell us, Debbie, please tell what “this” is.
Or as Rage Against the Machine might say, “Phooey, I won’t do whatcha tell me! Phooey, I won’t do whatcha tell me! Phooey, I won’t do whatcha tell me! MOTHERPHOOOOOO-ERRRRRRRR!!!”
That must be from the Wal-Mart version.
Do these guys share crazy pills? Is there a big bottle of pills marked “Insanity” that they pass around, along with a bottle of absinthe, before writing their columns.
And if so, would they stop taking the stupid pills? Those are for Republicans.
When we have grandmothers sitting in rocking chairs, guarding our borders so Mexicans don’t break the law, something is wrong.
Exactly. They should be guarding the borders so Canadians won’t break the law.
And yeah, I do think that Karl Rove et al are going to start regretting pulling these kinds of people into their party . . . They expect nothing short of a theocracy and Rove and Bush just wanted their votes so they could vote down logging and drilling restrictions.
It’s like they took home a crazy rich girl for her money . . . and now she’s asking for a ring.
I think everything we need to know about Debbie is summed up in the title of one of her other articles:
“If George Bush is a buffoon, I want to be a buffoon, too!”
Well, that’s one Mission Accomplished!
Where do Americans go to get their country back?
Unfortunately Debbie, the country you long for never existed, except as a figment of your imagination.
Unless you mean Iran. Please move there, and let us know how much you enjoy living in a theocracy.
Sexual predators are released from prison stalking young girls and making their move: to abduct, molest, rape, and kill, but we shackle Martha Stewart with an ankle chain for fear she might get away.
Uh. I think Debbie got the radio messages she receives through her dental work mixed up.
I’m disappointed that Debbie didn’t mention abortion and birth control. I didn’t click on her actual column link, though; don’t want to give her hits.
She’s mad as hell at … something, and she’s not going to take it any more!
>Our freedom of speech may very well become the defeat of our soldiers.
Then, please, please, for the love of G-d Almighty, STFU, and step away from the keyboard.
I am now obsessed with trying to figure out how to “snub my nose”. Would I need special equipment for this? Do they sell it at the accessories counter at Dillards? Most importantly of all – is it kosher?
“the enemy may be emboldened to tear down more than a few buildings in lower Manhattan.”
Whew! I guess that the heartland is safe; they (the enemy) will never attack the red states, they got too many grammas watchin’ out fer ’em.
“The Minutemen have the right idea. In the absence of “government,” the citizens are forced to pick up the slack. Power to the People!! And they’re doing it with cell phones ? not guns. Where’s my Nokia?”
When cell phones are outlawed only fanatics will have cell phones! Maybe that’s all them “Mexicans” want; cell phones?
As far as where your Nokia is Debbie, I think you sat on it and that explains why you’re talking out your ass!
You know, she doesn’t really sound all that crazy. Just kinda dumb and lacking in critical thinking skills. She does seem to have an unfortunate sense of righteousness, which is always dangerous, particularly in the hands of the uncritical.
Do not be fooled, citizens! It is a standard scurrilous trick of the liberals to try and call something “crazy” when all it really is is incredibly stupid and self-righteous with a side order of hysterical.
Is it just me or couldn’t Debbie pass for Karen Hughes’ sister?
As I was reading her manifesto, I wondered where this terrorist came from. I had a suspicion, & whaddya know, I was right!
“Debbie Daniel is an advertising account executive in Central Texas. She is a native of Louisiana and graduated from Mississippi College in the field of Psychology and Religious Education.”
Lives in central Texas – check.
Born in Louisiana – check.
College in Mississippi – check.
Studied religious education – check.
51 cards in her deck – check.
Bloodshed at Valley Forge? Does this idiot lecturing us on American history think there was a battle at Valley Forge?
Debbie is fun, but she’s no Kaye Grogan!
Come on guys, don’t snub your nose!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
She definitely needs a *change* of medications, not a stronger dose. I’m thinking she’s using religion as her drug of choice and medication all in one, and that’s a bad, bad combo. She needs some *serious* medication to get her condition under control!
Where’s my Nokia?
Isn’t Nokia from Finland? Traitor!
did you see RED all over those election maps last November? You might want to look again. That color of red represents millions of people who expect some work to be done.
Sadly, No!
It represents the millions of acres of empty and depopulated space in states that voted for Bush, as opposed to the smaller areas of very densely-populated space that voted for Kerry.
Last I heard, rocks and empty space couldn’t vote. Though given this column, I now have my doubts.
Oh, I’m sure it’s a lot less than 51, Dave.
sad, isn’t she? to profess to be a Christian, yet have so much anger. I’m actually related to someone who works with her.
They never took Debbie out of the series officially.
They just didn’t put her in the first movie.
Rebecka is a totally different character.
They are still thinking about putting Debbie back in.
and i have an idea who should play her.
I heard a new actress named Bryanna McLain was interested in playing Debbie. She’s part African American, part Native American and half Irish/British mix, and completely gorgeous.
She looks exactly how i expected Debbie to look like.