“Why Europe Deserves to Die”
That’s the title of James Atticus Bowden’s latest masterwork at Renew America (and since our very own Seb is a Euro-sissy himself, I’m sure he’ll be taking notes on this):
Why Europe deserves to die
The new Pope understands why Europe will dieJames Atticus Bowden
April 24, 2005When Pope Benedict XVI was Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger he told Europe to recover its Christian roots “if it truly wants to survive.” Amen from an arch-Protestant whose ancestors included refugees who fled Catholic persecution for freedom in Virginia.
Hell yeah! Europe should go back to the good old days, when the Catholic Church persecuted James’ ancestors.
The new Pope is a scholar who sees history unfolding into the future.
So the new Pope sees that history inevitably moves toward the future. What an insight!
We agree. Europe will be Islamic and subject to Islamist Totalitarianism by 2100, unless Europeans turn to faith and family. If Europe fails to live for faith and family, succumbing further to Socialist Human Secular Totalitarianism, then European culture deserves to die under Islamic culture.
Ya hear that, Seb? You better saw off one of those two penises you have so you can be uni-shlongular, just like God intended! Otherwise, the Islamofascists’ll go totally jihad on your ass and Uncle Sam ain’t gonna bail you out.
Many Europeans hope that Muslims in Europe will abandon their faith, as so many Europeans left Christianity, to worship themselves in personal hedonism. Some Muslim immigrants become modern, pagan Europeans.
There is a specter rising over Europe: the specter of Islamo-Paganism.
Human Secularism is just a new face and form of empty Pagan religion. Meanwhile, Muslim proselytizers convert more Europeans to Islam. Believing in something always beats believing in nothing. Human Secularist worship of self, indeed, is believing in nothing.
Hm, so let’s see: I could believe in a strict fundamentalist doctrine that bans music and forces women to cover their entire bodies, or I could adhere to the Brad Doctrine that lets me drink, play guitar and have sex in the privacy of my own home. Yeah, I think I’ll choose to be miserable and convert to fundamentalist Islam.
Europeans support socialism to guarantee themselves small incomes, long vacations, and social services from all powerful governments.
Long vacations?! Oh God, not that!
They can’t afford children and don’t want them when parenthood demands personal sacrifices.
Well, since most European countries mandate hefty pay for maternity leave, I’m pretty sure they can afford it.
So, European population will decrease from 728 million (2000) to 630 million (2050). Muslim immigrants (15.2 million) and a million more every year added to Turkey (68 million) are a population exploding to double as soon as 2015. Demographics are destiny. Muslims will vote themselves into power.
Awesome! That’ll put a stop to those hedonistic vacations the Euro-sissies take! Enjoy those holidays on Spanish beaches while you can, Euro-losers!
If Europeans become people of profound Christian faith, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox, they will marry more and have larger, happy families.
And they’ll log in 80 hours a week at the office, have no free time, and spend their excess income on home appliances, just like God intended.
But, faith will do more than foster family size competition with Muslims. Strong faith in greater ideas will challenge and convert lesser claims to Truth. Thus, Europeans must awaken to how vibrant Christian orthodox thinking offers a bright, better future than both Socialist Human Secularist Totalitarianism and Islamist Totalitarianism.
Christian Totalitarianism’s where it’s at, baby!
Socialism and Islamic cultures are based on obedience, peasantry, and the unity of theology and state. Then-Cardinal Ratzinger wrote that Europe is “moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as definitive and has as its highest own value one’s own ego and desires.” Christianity is built on love of God and others before self, intellectual inquiry, selfless good works and thrives when divorced from the state…
So if Christianity works best when it’s “divorced from the state,” shouldn’t the Radical Cleric James Dobson should stop trying to get radical Christian judges appointed to the bench?
When Europeans choose to follow Jesus Christ over Voltaire, Hegel, Marx, Nietzche, Darwin, Freud, Lenin, Hitler, and their statist EU cousins, they can confront the Muslims ? again.
So the founder of the Englightenment, the father of modern psychology, and the father of evolutionary biology are all on par with Hitler and Lenin. You heard it here first.
Muslims repeatedly invaded Europe with ravaging Armies for a thousand years. Don’t blame the Crusades’ counter-attacks.
I think James should be the poster child for what non-secular education produces.
The first invasion was stopped by Charles Martel (732). Later, a courageous Pope led the coalition which defeated another invasion at the Battle of Lepanto (1571). The Muslims came to conquer, kill, rape and rule until finally defeated at Vienna (1683). Now, after 400 plus years of declining civilization the Muslims bring their population bomb to Europe.
Yeah, let’s scrap the Enlightenment and go back to the time when Europe was EUROPE! We’re talkin’ religious crusades. We’re talkin’ feudalism and aggrarian economies. We’re talkin’ bubonic plagues. Why take a luxurious six-week vacation in Greece when you could be a plague-infested Jihadi for Jesus?
I’ve nothing to add to this, so I’ll just give our old friend Stanon Carlisle the last word:
The best example I can think of to describe modern European treachery is this: Down the street from me there’s a typically liberal Euro-family that owns a goat named Oskar. In my mind, Oskar represents the European neighbor that America should worry about: he consumes simply to fill his own desires. He doesn’t give anything back to those around him but rather exists solely for his own personal interest. He seems friendly from afar but the moment you get close you notice he’d kick you if he had the chance. And he takes no notice of what is important in his neighborhood.
America, meet Oskar. Better known as Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder.
Heh. Indeed.
Wow. Sounds like the goat got both of them in the head a couple of times.
Now I’m going to masturbate to my Karl Marx poster, and make fun of Mormons.
Now I’m going to masturbate to my Karl Marx poster, and make fun of Mormons.
Mind if we join you?
So the only choice for Europeans is to breed themselves back into the majority? Doesn’t he realize that a lot of breeding is done while on vacation?
Now I’m going to masturbate to my Karl Marx poster, and make fun of Mormons.
Mind if we join you?
See, it’s that kind of decadence that’s gonna let the Islamofascists win.
Doesn’t he realize that a lot of breeding is done while on vacation?
Ironically, the Islamo-socialist-pagan-fascists will probably ban birth control once they’re in power, which means a lot more Euro-breeding. You can’t stop the French from srewing, no matter what kinda Sharia you enforce…
drink, play guitar and have sexSimultaneously? Wow! Does the Brad Doctrine mystically increase dexterity and focus? I bet this is one of those things that Hillary Clinton and those damned liberals don’t want me to know!
Simultaneously? Wow! Does the Brad Doctrine mystically increase dexterity and focus? I bet this is one of those things that Hillary Clinton and those damned liberals don’t want me to know!
Hey, what can I say? Matt Furey’s a goddamn miracle worker.
The first invasion was stopped by Charles Martel (732). Later, a courageous Pope led the coalition which defeated another invasion at the Battle of Lepanto (1571). The Muslims came to conquer, kill, rape and rule until finally defeated at Vienna (1683). Now, after 400 plus years of declining civilization the Muslims bring their population bomb to Europe.
Woo Hoo for historical inaccuracy!
That’s right Jimmy- because the Umayyeds and Ottomans were all sub-human barbarians when they did the whole killing and raping thing, whereas the Crusaders were putting the brown people out of their misery when they did the killing and the raping–
drink, play guitar and have sex
ah, college . . .
1. They can’t afford children and don’t want them when parenthood demands personal sacrifices.
France has one of the biggest tax breaks on the planet for people who have more than three kids, so just ’bout every French family I know has at LEAST 3. But pointing out this guy’s sweeping generalities and inaccuracies is kinda like pointing out the fact that Benny Hill is pretty mysogynistic.
2. When Europeans choose to follow Jesus Christ over Voltaire, Hegel, Marx, Nietzche, Darwin, Freud, Lenin, Hitler, and their statist EU cousins, they can confront the Muslims ? again.
Ah, you mean like the Crusades. Those went so well.
Re: following Jesus Christ instead of Voltaire, Freud, Hitler, etc.. is he referring to “turn the other cheek,” “Father forgive them for they know not what they do,” “blessed are the meek, merciful peacemakers” Jesus Christ? Maybe there’s another one I never heard of.
Socialist Human Secular Totalitarianism
You shot who in the what now?
Doesn’t he look like Dr. Smith from Lost In Space?
Just sayin’.
Doesn’t he look like Dr. Smith from Lost In Space?
Oh, the pain! The pain of it all!
Oh. Not. My. God.
How can anybody be so incredibly stupid, misinformed and full of shit? That Bowden fellow is in his own class. Just… I have no words. He’s something alright…
all large families are happy families. it’s all “7th heaven” and the von traps with Chrsitian baby-factory families. why can’t the europeans see this?
“deserves to die”… now THERE’s some fuckin orthodox christian thinking for you!
“deserves to die”… now THERE’s some fuckin orthodox christian thinking for you!
While I’d love for you to join me in Communist decadence, I’m going to be busy with Senator Santorum, protecting puppies.
Plus I think that goat’s giving me a look. I’d better go over and check.
“He doesn’t give anything back to those around him but rather exists solely for his own personal interest.”
Sounds like every cat I’ve every owned.
Seriously, America, unless you sort out these nutters like Bowden, we’re going to withdraw your membership of civilisation.
When Pope Benedict XVI was Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger he told Europe to recover its Christian roots “if it truly wants to survive.”
See, it’s all in how you read that. I think he’s right and has a perkily pertinent point.
European survival is in fact dependent on how Europe re-covers its Christian roots. Those roots have had at least a millennia of exposure after being excavated by such wonderful institutions like the crusades and the inquisition and all those Colonizing Colored People for Jesus movements and other such Save the Heathen for Christ activities. Shouldn’t they now be re-covered? Haven’t we seen enough already? Yes, lets re-cover it and bury it for the good of mankind.
Enjoyed all your name calling. Thank you. Your words are the overflow of your heart. Shows the quality of your thinking. I could engage in a conversation, but why bother? You’re Canadians. No one cares what you think. Best wishes, seriously, for you to enjoy your little world.
Enjoyed all your name calling. Thank you.
Any time! We here at Sadly, No! aim to please!
Did somebody really write “Europe Deserves to Die” as a serious piece? Are there enough people in the US that are stupid enough to believe this that its worth writing something like this?
Sadly, yes.
If “you’re Canadians…no one cares what you think” demonstrates “quality” conservative thought then I certainly see why you’d be reluctant to engage in dialoge Dr. Smith.
But at least you recongnize your intellectual limitations, and I appreciate that.
I know that it’s not exactly the only(!) logical flaw in the piece, but Believing in something always beats believing in nothing. Well, if that’s a universal law, how is it that Europe got from being a bunch of religious fanatics (say, the 1600s) to being a bunch of hedonistic athiests? Looks to me like ‘believing in nothing’ is doing pretty fucking well.
“You’re Canadians. No one cares what you think.”
Seems to me the same could be said of Mr. James Atticus Bowden. After all, we are talking about Europe here, which when I last checked wasn’t part of the U.S. of A.
Oh, but moonbiter, EVERYONE cares what Americans think!
I see Mr. Bowden is of the “I know you are, but what am I!” school of argument.
Context is everything!
?I could turn you into a bunch of newts, but why bother?
?I could have Superman show up and kick your asses, but why bother?
?I could engage in a conversation, but why bother?
See? With #1 and #2 there, #3 suddenly isn’t the most dickheaded attempt to lash out and then run away that we’ve ever seen.
Context, context! Why does Bush surround himself with guys like this? So he won’t look quite so ignorant by comparison!
There’s nothing like mature and objective criticism. Shame there isn’t much of it here. As a European, and one who doesn’t agree with everything the man’s article says, I can vouch that his main points are undeniable. Demographics are indeed destiny, so there’s no point getting all tetchy and spiteful about it, folks, just because he’s (fasten yer seatbelts!) a christian. He’s also right about muslim aggression. It might not mean much to you across the pond, but Charles Martel stopped Islam in 732 a mere 150 or so miles from England. But for him, we’d all be bowing to Mecca now. However, perhaps I’m getting the wrong end of the stick here….maybe you’d all be happy living under Sharia law. Couldn’t be worse than Georgy “Hitler” Bush, could it?