Shorter Victorites Davisopolos Hansenidis of Logorrhea

Better the subjunctive mood

  • The real problem with that colored general’s endorsement of Obama is that, like the rest of his people, he just can’t speak proper English.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 217


The racism will get more overt as the next couple of weeks wind down. The coded racism will be replaced by base appeals to the white man. It’s gonna get plain ugly.



They. Got. NOTHIN’.



One can only meet such a standard once in office. I think he meant to say instead that Obama has now met the standard of being a successful presidential candidate, even being an exceptional presidential candidate—and that may mean, if elected, that he could be a successful, even exceptional president.

My response to this zit-picking is as follows:

K-Lo. Is. Your. Editor.


The racism will get more overt as the next couple of weeks wind down.

Yeah. I’m expecting them to be sounding like Steve the drunk on Deadwood pretty soon. I mean, the higher level Repubs – the Palin rallies already have some of that going in the peanut gallery.


D.N. Nation wins.

I’m 99.9% sure, though, that if I read the actual post, I’d find at least one blatant spelling or grammatical error also. But! It is to early for too much doggone Fail.

I beseech the keepers of this blog to post a clip of Chris Rock’s bit on Colin Powell.


Keep up the good fight, Professor Hanson. Letting such sloppy speech pass would set a horrible predicate.


Fucking ivory-tower liberal-elitist grammar Nazis.

Tonguejack McShitbox

Damn, this is going to be a busy coupla weeks.


Letting such sloppy speech pass would set a horrible predicate.

Ahem, I believe the correct McCainism is to lay a predicate.

I bet you knew that and just didn’t want to use think about the word “lay” in connection with McCain.


I fully support the rebuilding of the Republican Party as a force which focuses mainly on grammatical matters.


We need to start a betting pool on which wingnut cracks first and just calls Obama or Powell a nigger.

I’d venture a few quid on Malkin. I can just imagine her “I’m not white so I’m allowed to say it” excuse.


$20 on Palin, five minutes after she loses the election.


He [VDH] has met the standard of being a successful wingnut, being an exceptional wingnut.”


I think I meant to say instead that VDH has now met the standard of being a successful wingnut candidate, even being an exceptional wingnut candidate—and that may mean, if chosen, that he could be a successful, even exceptional wingnut.

Sorry for the earlier grammatical ambiguity


I’m gonna go for the long odds on this one and bet on Peggy Noonan, if only because of her known propensity for saying inconvenient things while she thinks her microphone is off.


“They. Got. NOTHIN’.”

You could make a pretty strong argument that racism is a lot in this country, still.

They are playing to their strengths. Such as they are. White man’s sense of entitlement and persecution are a pretty safe bet in this country.


Shorter VDH:

Grammar troll is grammaring.


We need to start a betting pool on which wingnut cracks first and just calls Obama or Powell a nigger.

“House” or “field”?


Mysticdog: My maniacal laughter was over the fact that the right has got nothing left to argue or defend in this campaign. They’re done. All they can come up with now is nitpickery over someone else’s choice of words. I’m well aware of this country’s racism.


This semantical parsing is making my brain sore but I’ll give it a try.

By voting for someone, one is implying that the chosen candidate has met the standard, in the view of the voter, of the job they are seeking. So I think Powell’s statement is fine.

Hanson’s correction, on the other hand, is vague. What defines a successful candidate? The fact of filling out nomination papers? Raising lots of money? Giving a good speech? Winning the actual election?

Curious little post: says good things about Powell, nothing bad about Obama, no dogwhistling, no squawks about socialism or coronation, just some misapplied pedantry.


just some misapplied pedantry

That and MzNicky’s “They. Got. Nothin.” pretty much sums this up.


We need to start a betting pool on which wingnut cracks first and just calls Obama or Powell a nigger.

Too easy, actually.

I’m going all-in on Michael Savage, with the stipulation that “sand nigger” counts.


So far in one forum I’ve seen someone describe the endorsement as disingenuous. And just to add a little extra he also says that Powell’s touching comments on the Muslim soldier who died in Iraq meant little because there ‘aren’t that many Muslim Americans serving overseas other than for a few translators’.

Just to show that he wasn’t done, he then adds that he checked out DailyKos and saw that they had threads on the soldier. To this he says something along the lines of that being the first time he ever saw someone there honoring a fallen soldier and that he’s not surprised it was because he’s a Muslim.

So, what crazy stuff have you guys seen with regards to this?


Put me down for $10 on The First Dude if we’re talking people known for more than drooling on their keyboards. K-Load if we’re not.


But I am confused by what he said today, especially this line

Oh really? So what else confused you, Victor? The whole thing? You don’t seem to mention anything else.

Oh, it was just that line? So what’s the ‘especially’ for?

Tsk, tsk. You have utterly discredited yourself with this one minor grammatical error, and should retire in shame to a small cave by the sea (or preferably at the bottom it).


* or even ‘at the bottom of it’. It seems I must join you in exile.


Better the subjunctive mood

Hm, maybe he meant “the submissive mood”?

a concerned citizen

VDH’s “Songs in a Subjunctive Mood” is my favorite album to put on when me and my special lady get down. That, or “Booty Bass Jams vol. 7”.


Palin prefers a different usage than the n-word:

“So Sambo beat the bitch!”

“According to Lucille, the waitress serving her table at the time and who asked that her last name not be used.” Not on tape, so not definitive, but not implausible …


As a supposed classics’ scholar why isn’t Victor Hanson Davis demanding the decimation of the losers in the coming election to encourage them to even greater efforts in four years time. It worked for the Roman legions, so I guess it might work for the neo-cons.


For the Corner, this is mighty thin gruel – so much so that I’m prone to wonder if their collective piss-&-vinegar tank isn’t running on fumes now.
The distinctly unpleasant sensation of being chained down while anticipating being run over by a steamroller can do that.

Someone should get their snailmail address & send them a jumbo box of soothers laced with Demerol – it’s the only merciful thing to do at this point.


VDH’s “Songs in a Subjunctive Mood” is my favorite album to put on when me and my special lady get down. That, or “Booty Bass Jams vol. 7?.

I like to set the tone by reading Vogon poetry.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

jim has a great point. How are the wingnuts supposed to get fired up about bad grammar. VD Hanson shoulda worked a little more allusions to “presumptuous, arrogance (read uppity negro-osity)”.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> I’m going all-in on Michael Savage, with the stipulation that “sand nigger” counts.

I second that. In a world of unhinged whackjob wingnuts, his hinges long ago lost their kingpins.

Although K-Lo might go on a post-defeat rant using N as the central rhetorical device.


$20 on Palin, five minutes after she loses the election.

I’d take that bet. I think even Palin realizes it would completely fuck her brilliant future as a sideline/locker room reporter on NBC’s Sunday Night Football broadcasts. Srsly, the SNL appearance was her tryout.


Powell meant, “Bush sucks as President.” He was just trying to be nice. Hanson’s too dense to know that.


You know the wingers have hit the wall when the critique of Powell’s endorsement is that Powell has no basis for believing that Obama will be a good president for the sole fact that Obama hasn’t yet been president. Last time I checked none of our president’s hadn’t been president before they were actually elected.

Powell’s point is painfully clear: based upon the manner in which Obama has handled himself while running for president, Obama possesses the temperment and chops necessary to make measured and responsible decisions, i.e. qualities most of us understand to be important when deciding on the fucking president.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


As much as I agree with you, and as much as VD Hanson needs to get smacked around as much as possible, the laws of pedantry force me to remind you of LBJ.


Interesting Completely irrelevant side note:

During the period beginning a year after Barack Obama left Hawaii for Indonesia and ending a year before Barack returned to Hawaii, the guy doing the play-by-play for the Hawaii Islanders Pacific Coast League baseball team was Al Michaels, now of NBC’s Sunday Night Football (Sarah Palin’s soon-to-be employer). So, as far as Sarah may be concerned, Michaels is “clean”.

John Madden, on the other hand, is still a sloppy eater. Seriously, John, you should always eat over the sink, y’know?


All the Obamacrats and Obamacans are going to look really stupid when the crimes of the Obama fundraising syndicate are exposed. Obama has raised millions in illegal contributions from fake people and foreign citizens. They have refused to tell who is donating less than $200. Numerous people have found that their credit card information was stolen and that they were put down as donating $2300 to the Obama campaign.

The Obama administration is going to be over once the massive fraud they have pulled in fundraising and voting is exposed.

On the side of voting, the Obama campaign is trying to get illegal votes to count. They have worked with ACORN, a group founded by Obama, to put more Democrats on the rolls multiple times.

It’s the Chicago Way, but it’s not the American Way.

The fact is that Barack Obama is a fraud. Colin Powell is an idiot, at best, for endorsing Obama. Powell gave money to McCain, yet he put his skin color above his country and is voting for an unqualified candidate.


Do VDH’s readers even know what ‘subjunctive’ means? I imagine that for most it’s just this strange word they gloss over as they read.


This could provide some head explosion:

The Saudi Interior Ministry and the US Military have a reputation for being tough with al-Qaeda.

They’ve been more inclined to kill and not coddle suspected jihadis.

However, this programme shows that is changing.


The US in Iraq also offers detainees therapy and job training in a camp in the middle of a warzone.


I am as bad at English as Colon Powell.


Last time I checked none of our president’s hadn’t been president before they were actually elected.

Except President Hillary.



Obama has raised millions in illegal contributions from fake people and foreign citizens.

“Fake people” meaning…cyborgs?


By “fake people,” Gary means, non-white people, who by definition, are also not proper American people.


So has this grammatical kerfuffle cost Obama Hanson’s vote? That would be subjunctively sad.


Now that is a good fake Gary Ruppert. It has met the standard of being a successful fake Gary, even being an exceptional fake Gary, and that may mean that he could be a real Gary Ruppert.


“It’s totally about Race” – Limbaugh

Duh, with racists, it always is.


If you look at the numbers, Joe the Plumber is having an obvious effect on undecided voters, who will swing states I like to call the Frozen North, full of voters I like to call Real American Voters, to the McCain/Palin ticket, because Obama is like a cross between Dewey and Marx and McCain is like a Churchill-Lincoln symbiosis. My numbers all back this up.


MzNicky, as much as I appreciate the sentiment, among their most powerful weapons is fear. That’s all, just fear. Seriously, the fearmongers are stoking the unruhmacher with all they got. And it might be working, evidenced by the tightening in the polls.

Their other most powerful weapon, pooflinging, is also effective.

Who has the pithing concession at the Republican offices? It must be lucrative.

PS – in Russia, predicate lays you.


Real Americans, fake Americans, pro-America Americans, not so pro-America Americans….

This election is just too fucking bizarre. It’s great!! The most fun I’ve had since 1999 – when I was explaining to people how it’d be in 2008 if bush was elected.

War, massive debt, recession, corruption, incompetence – damn, I love being right.


Powell […] is voting for an unqualified candidate.

But he just said he’s voting for Obama, NOT Palin. You so funny.


So, Gary Ruppert, you’ve given up on a McCain win and are now saying Obama will win because of voter fraud? Pathetic.

Be sure to lay in an adequate supply of popcorn for the next two weeks, folks.


Be sure to lay in an adequate supply of popcorn for the next two weeks, folks.

Absolutely. And after that?

Guy Debord thou shouldst be living at this hour.


After that…it’s time for Thanksgiving.


Great news, Gary! Someone’s finally been arrested for voter registration fraud!


The fact is, ACORN has assisted me in registering a couple dozen more times, so I’m off to for Obama.

Again and again.



Interesting post, but why did you put a picture of Les Nessman at the head?


A public service of interest to SN!s from Wonkette, entitled “A Children’s Treasury of Wingnut Responses To Powell Endorsing Obama

Pick your favorite. I kinda like Is it ok still to say “white sheet?” myself … or maybe Planet of the APes mentality..”Monkey supports monkey”.. but there is lots to choose from.


PeeJ: Yes, they still have fear, and shit-slinging, but they’ve always had those. They’ve got nothing of substance left because they’re nothing but obstructionist fucks who are wrong on every single issue and they’ve always been wrong on every single issue since the goddam beginning of time. So sad it’s taken this long for more than a slim majority of voters in this country to realize it.

Obama his own self said things would start to tighten up in the next couple of weeks, and Carville and some other guy were on CNN the other day saying the same thing, that it tends to happen toward the end of close races. On the other hand, Gallup today gives Obama a solid double-digit lead.


via TPM, Obama zings aPALliNg and McThuselah in one swell foop.

Gawd I love that guy.


Obama is like a cross between Dewey and Marx

Groucho or Chico?


The “tightening toward the end of close races thing” . . .

My guess is that this is based on the thought that if you have, say, 1000 “committed ” voters split 53-47 and 200 “uncommitted voters” who make their decisions over the last couple weeks and split 50-50, yeah – simple arithmetic says that the percentage difference will narrow a point or so.

On the flip side, if the percentage does NOT narrow as these previously uncommitted voters make their decisions, it just means that they’re NOT splitting 50-50. And if the percentage gap widens . . . .


here’s some subjunctive mood for the NRO; ‘may you eat shit!’


It’s the Chicago Way,
but it’s not the American Way.

On State Street that great street, I’d just like to say –
They do things that they never do on Broadway!


Actually, what the St. Victor of Logorrhea has in mind is the conditional mood. His example: “he could be a successful, even exceptional president” (italics his).
Also, what chrome agnomen said. Now that’s a fine example of the subjunctive mood. Damn true, too.


I think part of the tightening effect is the large number of voters who utterly refuse to vote for Obama, and are still choosing between voting for Mcain, and staying at home, or a protest vote.

The rethuglican base is pretty disheartened and disorganised. However, as we tick closer to election day, the pressure mounts, and people start to think “this is too important for a protest vote” and decide to hold their nose and pull the GOP lever.

When “your” side nominates someone you hate, you may spend months saying how you won’t be voting for them, but in the end, the other guy scares you so much you go vote anyway.

Obama still has a chance of picking up some of the few uncommitted voters. After all, Mcain is just about out of money, but Obama has plenty of wonga on hand for a TV and print advertising blitz in the last week, which could help turnout with the semi-committed too.


Obama is like a cross between Dewey and Marx

Groucho or Chico?

And why not Huey or Louie?


‘may you eat shit!’
Subjunctive mood assumes a situation that is not currently true.


Thanks for the correction, SamFromUtah. I am but a layman in McCainism.

Tim (The Other One)

Have you noticed that you never see VDH and David Letterman in the same room at the same time ?


Obama is like a cross between Dewey and Marx

Groucho or Chico?

And besides, he’s more like Huey or Looie…


I went away and had fun over the weekend, so I’m still catching up, but I think this is pretty obviously Powell’s ‘standard’:

And I’ve said to Mr. Obama, “You have to pass a test of do you have enough experience, and do you bring the judgment to the table that would give us confidence that you would be a good president.”

And I’ve watched him over the past two years, frankly, and I’ve had this conversation with him. I have especially watched over the last six of seven weeks as both of them have really taken a final exam with respect to this economic crisis that we are in and coming out of the conventions.

Admittedly this was a few paragraphs before he called it a standard. The wingnuts are still trying to wrap their heads around the idea of keeping a coherent argument within a single paragraph.

They have refused to tell who is donating less than $200. Numerous people have found that their credit card information was stolen and that they were put down as donating $2300 to the Obama campaign.


Pardon me, I’ve got to go wash all the stupid sauce off.


Hey! I just looked at my credit card statements and found a whole bunch of $50 and $100 donations to Obama! But I haven’t maxed out – I may be able to cough up a few more $$ before the end.



Russia’s UN Ambassador Receives Fundraising Letter from the McCain-Palin Campaign, Responds

In Russia, campaign funds government.


Russia’s UN Ambassador Receives Fundraising Letter from the McCain-Palin Campaign, Responds

We meant to send that to the Georgian delegation. Oopsies!

Turbine Yukon Palin


He is criticizing Powell’s grammar . . . after 8 years of BUSH?

I think I’ve misunderestimated the human capacity for willful blindness. Again.


Unbefuckinglievable. Call for spiritual warfare to Block African witchcraft curses against McCain and Palin NOW!

She said the witches, warlocks and those involved in satanism and the occult get up daily at 3 a.m. to release curses against McCain and Palin so B. Hussein Obama is elected.

I’m guessing the time difference (GMT +3) is why they have to get up so early.


She said the current president of Kenya is a Christian. However, Obama’s cousin Odinga ran aganist him and said he rigged the election and stirred up the masses to rape woman and boys, kill and burn and torture Christians, etc. until Obama contacted Condeleeza Rice and she granted Obama the right to contact Odinga and other ruling elders and he “convinced” them to stop terrorizing the Christians

I expected this to read like “Condi granted Obama the “tight to contact” his cousin. Traitorus bitch! I am not racist but she only did that because they’re both black!”


The fact is that Obama can’t win legitimately. There are too many doubts as to the legality of his voter registration methods, his fundraising, and the fact that we don’t even know if he is a natural born citizen.

I am disappointed in McCain for not bringing up the fact that Obama was the member of a racist hate cult for 20 years. Obama went to a church that hates white people, hates our values, and hates America. McCain would have knocked Obama out of contention if he brought it up.


I see how you can project an image of style, but of substance? I just don’t get it.



I’ll say this slow.

They think you are stupid and you are proving them right.

However, this:

There are too many doubts as to the legality of his voter registration methods, his fundraising, and the fact that we don’t even know if he is a natural born citizen.

Is exactly what they are counting on. If they poison the well by questioning the legitimacy of the election, they are halfway there.


Obama went to a church that hates white people, hates our values, and hates America.

He only hates REAL America. Fake America outnumbers Real America and once Fake America wins the election Real America will be forced to work shitty jobs and think stupid things as an unremitting torrent of media lies keep them in thrall to kooks and idiots.


Shorter entire wingnuttosphere…

Them libruls stole our nigger!

‘Cause, y’know, his choice couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the man’s politics. Or anything.



Racist Death Cult? I have their first album.


you know K-Lo had to look up “subjunctive tense” on wikipedia.


I am disappointed in McCain for not bringing up the fact that Obama was the member of a racist hate cult for 20 years. Obama went to a church that hates white people, hates our values, and hates America. McCain would have knocked Obama out of contention if he brought it up.

What’s WRONG, McCain? CHICKEN?

And Gary, I thought I told you NEVER TO COME IN HERE.


K-Lo is more likely to look it up on conservapedia, nicht wahr?

Let’s see what constoopidpedia has to say:

Today Latin is used primarily by scientists of all kinds, from biologists to chemists, use Latin for all the important things –such as categorization of anything they see and catchphrases; Astronomers (Greek, Astron, lit. Star) too, all the planets and stars have Latin (or Greek) names such as “Sol” (solar, the Sun), Mars and “Earth’s” proper scientific name is “Terra”.

If there were some misspellings tossed in, I’d say she could have written that entry.


‘Cause, y’know, his choice couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the man’s politics. Or anything.

Nevertheless Obama can blow donkeys for cozying up to Powell.


Racist Death Cult? I have their first album.

Wait… that their so-called “first album”, or the real first album, the bootleg from ’78? ‘Cause the bootleg rocked pretty hard, before the producers made ’em all slick and such. Anyway, they’ve been increasingly generic and self-indulgent since then, even if they’ve had a bit of a comeback with the usage of “Sieg Heil, Mama” in that new Glade air freshener ad.


real first album, the bootleg from ‘78?
I knew someone would bring that up — but Obama hadn’t joined them at that statge.


The fact is that Obama can’t win legitimately.

Gary overlooks the “getting more votes” factor in his calculations.


As far as the first to out and out call Obama a nigger contest goes, I think it’s pretty obvious.

Dick Cheney, trying to get his breath back on the grassy knoll.

That or McCain in his concession speech.


From the Wonkette link:

As a white blues guitarist here in NY City I too have seen reversed racism.

This may be the greatest pull quote ever.


Here’s a companion piece to your Baron Bodissey post:

I don’t expect there will be any snarky photoshops of Iranians showing up here, will there?


The fact is that Obama can’t win legitimately.

Not if you have anything to say about it, eh trollie? Were you out spreading that Republican love of democracy?


You just know that until like 2006 VDH, had a fucking shrine to Powell– then Woodward’s book comes out and it becomes clear that Powell was in large part against Iraq (though obviously not strong enough) and boom– he knew less about the military and its applications than fucking Rummy– this is just the latest apostasy of VDh’s former object of desire.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Speaking of pedantic nitpicking, isn’t it impossible to have a Marxist running for president? What type of revolution is that? Being a Social Democrat is a valid accusation for Obama, but (at least by Marxist theory) socialist is not.


As a white blues guitarist here in NY City I too have seen reversed racism.

What is this, 1968? Seems like black blues guitarists are the novelty nowadays.


As a white blues guitarist here in NY City I too have seen reversed racism.

This is exactly why there are so few white blues guitarists, the oppression, ya know?


Funny from GOS: Muslims for McCain smack down wingnuts:

Please, please, please, I wanna see the wingnuts react to this.


“Let all the prostitutes in England join the Conservative party” is an example of the subjunctive mood.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

OT/ but the cop who shot Tarika and Sincere Wilson has again been cleared of any wrong-doing. Here is the conclusion of the report:

“Based on Tarika’s failing to comply with verbal commands and her furtive movements, which coincided with gunshots downstairs, Chavalia perceived Tarika as an imminent threat,” Detective Ward wrote.

“Although Tarika was unarmed and not an actual deadly threat, the force Chavalia used was reasonable, given the circumstances.”


Does this mean we’re in for another string of Advice Goddess posts? Oh joy.


Legalize said,

October 20, 2008 at 19:32

By “fake people,” Gary means, non-white people, who by definition, are also not proper American people.

Or indeed, human. I think people like that are still trying to fit the Italians in with the “non-white” group. Being so close to Africa and all. Don’t mention the Turks.


I think people like that are still trying to fit the Italians in with the “non-white” group.

The Irish are so fucking pale it’s like they’re stealth whiteys.


The Irish are so fucking pale it’s like they’re stealth whiteys.

Dude, we’re not pale, we’re translucent.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I think people like that are still trying to fit the Italians in with the “non-white” group. Being so close to Africa and all. Don’t mention the Turks.

Actually, it’s all them Western Europeans. Talk about a bunch of non-whites.

The Grammar Police

Mr. Davis, “subjunctive” is a verb tense, not a mood.

There is no really such thing as a subjunctive mood, any more than there is a present mood, past mood, future mood, imperfect mood or pluperfect mood.

However, since we are considering the correct use of the subjunctive, Mr. Davis might be advised to study the following grammatical constructions:

May Obama lambaste McLiar’s pasty old ass on November fourth!

May there be a filibuster-proof Democratic majority in Congress!

May Bush and Cheney be prosecuted for their many crimes!

May wingnuts be national laughingstocks for an entire generation!


Actually, it’s all them Western Europeans. Talk about a bunch of non-whites.

It always impressed me that there were Nazis who went to the Himalayas looking for their roots. Guys, it wasn’t about science, it was about having someone to kick the shit out of.


It always impressed me that there were Nazis who went to the Himalayas looking for their roots

Silly Nazis, the tall, blonde proto-Aryans live inside of Mount Shasta!

The Oxford English Dictionary

“subjunctive” is a verb tense, not a mood.

There is no really such thing as a subjunctive mood

I beg to differ.


What I like about battles between grammarians is watching them whack each other with the little purses full of bingo chips.


Those grammarians should all go back to Grammaria.


I’m sure they’d go but there’s always someone at the ticket booth counting out the fare to the last penny.


Of course there’s a subjunctive mood, although even my Harbrace College Handbook (9th ed.) admits it has been pretty much displaced by the indicative. “Distinctive forms for the subjunctive occur only in the present and past tenses of be and in the present tense of other verbs used with 3rd-person singular subjects…. Especially in formal English, however, the subjunctive is still used to express a contrary-to-fact condition.” (My emphasis).

The particular contrary-to-fact condition here is Victor Davis I Came I Saw A Minority I Pissed My Pants Hanson’s possession of a brain.


The fact is, and I say this as something of a pedantic grammarian my own self, who gives a flyin’ fuck? Which is central to my point, which is, these fucking jerkwads got NOTHIN’ left. And once again, HAhahahahahahaha, I say!


Babette Cole has the full story on grammarians and illegal aliens.


If I were a pedantic, humourless plonker, I might care more about the subjunctive.


Far be it from me to be needlessly argumentative, but people still use the subjunctive mood; they need only acknowledge that they do so. Would that it were more commonly understood, but (truth be told) the powers that be just don’t feel that the explicit rules, as it were, of English grammar are particularly important. Be that as it may, I ask that you acknowledge the many uses of the subjunctive in ordinary speech. I do not, however, insist that you use it yourself, lest you sound pompous and faggy.

Actually, you’re totally right. Tevye, a barely-literate dairy farmer in 1904 Tsarist Russia, was able to correctly daydream “If I were a rich man” despite not really speaking English and being fictional, while a century later (well, really 40 years, but whatever), Gwen Stefani sings “If I was a rich girl”.

It’s even worse when you consider her net worth is estimated at 26 million dollars.


the explicit rules, as it were, of English grammar

Mine insisted I have lots of comic books and candy.


There is no really such thing as a subjunctive mood, any more than there is a present mood, past mood, future mood, imperfect mood or pluperfect mood.
It always impressed me that there were Nazis who went to the Himalayas looking for their roots.

My mood is always imperfect and my root is always right where it’s supposed to be.

Johnny Coelacanth

Coincidentally enough, this was already on my clipboard, seeking a home. Nutpicked from Free Republic, sic:

Your correct. Republican in name only. not a conservative. Read the article on the rebirth of the fairness doctrine. We are going to be driven away from the Constitution. I think America has been dumb down. Just look at the television programs. Television is the 1960s was meant to be a training tool. Well it has taught people well. How to be ignorant and uneducated. How many idiots sit in front of the tube instead of reading a book or going to the Library. How many young adults are drop outs? They aren’t even ready for college. Turn off the tube and do some research and quit reliaing on everyone elses opinions

Bonus points for correct apostrophe usage in the penultimate sentence. Other than that, it kind of makes me want to kill myself.


There is nothing wrong with K-Lo that brutal anal and a facial cumshot won’t fix


Tevye didn’t have Gwen’s tats.


Television is the 1960s was meant to be a training tool.

So…it worked?


I think America has been dumb down.

The same have I offen thought into my self.


Coincidentally enough, this was already on my clipboard, seeking a home. Nutpicked from Free Republic, sic:

Just a tip, Johnny.

Check out Google “Notebook”.

A genuine lifesaver…


Smiling Mortician

Check out Google “Notebook”.

I did not know about this. Now I do. It is a good day.


Nothing to say except, my new sockpuppet, let me show you it.


I live in Synthetic America, and I vote.


I did not know about this. Now I do. It is a good day.

Me too. Thanks, mikey! This thing looks boss.


I also speak Johnleehookerian English, which has six moods: indicative, imperative, subjunctive, conditional, interrogative, and lonesome.


Subjunctive, eh? Well, had Victor Davis Hanson been any more full of shit, he would have to have clogged up the Cloaca Maxima.


Obama went to a church that hates white people, hates our values, and hates America.

Funny. Whenever I listen to McCain shills and far-right retards, I also hate white people, their values, and America. Been a tough year.

Johnny Coelacanth

“Obama was the member of a racist hate cult for 20 years”

He was a Southern Baptist?


he would have to have clogged up the Cloaca Maxima.

Sounds bad. Anyone know an unlicensed plumber who’d be willing to work, uhh, you know, under the table?


Look, I admire ideological and hopeful fervor as much as the next socialist, but honestly, would you stand in line to participate in early voting when you could come back, oh, I dunno, next week and find empty booths and still vote EARLY?

I guess this is a good sign on the one hand, that people are so deeply committed, but on the other hand, does it speak well to the intelligence, not to mention the time management skills of our fellow travelers?



From Michael Calderone:

Time columnist Joe Klein, who’s been a forceful critic of the McCain campaign (and already said he’s unwilling to accept a post-election apology), has found himself without a seat on the McCain or Palin the past four months. …other Time magazine staffers, including Washington bureau chief Jay Carney, ” reporter Michael Scherer, and Mark Halperin (The Page), have not had a problem with access.

Hmmm…I wonder why.

Posted by TomT | October 20, 2008 7:45 PM


Ha ha. Fluffers for McCain still get seats on the Streetwalk Express.


If I were a pedantic, humourless plonker, I might care more about the subjunctive.

I care, but I never call.


Until I read about classical Greek warfare, I thought that ‘hoplite’ was a polite way of describing American beer.

Tim (The Other One)

“Those grammarians should all go back to Grammaria.”

Can I say how much this made me laugh ? I don’t know, may I ?

Indeed !


I thought that ‘hoplite’ was a polite way of describing American beer.

I thought it was that dance I have to do to turn off that damn living room torchiere lamp when I’m hammered.

Ah well…


Tim (The Other One)

it’s also the dance you do when you’ve got one leg out of your jeans and the other one stuck. I usually do my best “hopliteing” near the bed and hammered as well.


I actually get kind of happy when the freepers start oiling themselves for a race war; while they can still garner sympathy doing it against the Scary No-Good Arabs, doing it against black people just does not work any more.

Katrina was a major reason for Republican defection – partially because the federal response was inappropriate and all the high-level Republicans spent the whole time blaming that on Terrible Negroes.

And now one of America’s more august statesmen is coming out against a candidate and people in his own party are calling him names, suggesting it’s only because he’s black, etc.

Outside of a tiny core of the population, there’s no constituency for making the discourse more racist, for making the normal contempt for black people eliminationist. There wasn’t a constituency for shooting people who took food from convenience stores in the middle of a flood for having the wrong color of skin, and there isn’t a constituency for smearing one of the people responsible for Desert Storm I because of the color of his skin.

And Obama’s a virtuoso of responding to this kind of craven, desperate bullshit with quiet dignity. You may have noticed he wasn’t ahead in the primary before Clinton made the defensible but still nasty comparison to Jesse Jackson; you may also have noticed that calling him a terrorist, a negro, and demanding he be lynched has hurt the GOP in the polls.

I danced a little jig when I heard the Powell endorsement – partially from genuine joy he had made the long-overdue point that Arabs and Muslims have fought and died in the service of America for generations, the sort of thing it takes someone in the extremely meritocratic military to point out to the disgustingly corrupt cretins in charge of civilian life – and partially from happiness at the entire right wing lining up to shoot itself in the foot.

Go ahead and call Colin Powell nasty names, you dumb fuckers. We were hoping we could take Georgia too.


That’s because you’re pronouncing it incorrectly. One can blame those phonics dildos for America’s inability to spell as well as our poor reading skills. I do.

Instead of ‘hop’ lite’, try ‘ho plite.’ Which is obviously a stoopid phonicsy misspelling of “ho plight.” Which, as is obvious…


It always impressed me that there were Nazis who went to the Himalayas looking for their roots

Funny, I thought they went there to get the headpiece to the Staff of Ra from Karen Allen.


But Powell did even more than that, Alec.

He made the perfectly sane statement “…but what if he were?”

“Arab”, “Muslim”, these are not smears. They are statements, in the first case of someone’s lineage, and in the second their religion. It does not equate to “enemy”, “evil” or “terrorist” (a word, by the way, that has lost ALL of it’s meaning. Shouldn’t you have to be involved in some specific act of terrorism in order to be labeled a “terrorist”?).

Yeah, I think their religion is as stupid and unsupportable as christians or any other believers in fairies and myths, but they have the same rights, goals, aspirations and dignity as christians and jews, and should be treated the same. As good, if delusional, regular people.

“He’s an Arab”. That’s a neutral position. If that is anything BUT a neutral statement, this American experiment is doomed. Arabs cannot be viewed as good or bad. Muslims cannot be viewed as good or bad. Only individuals can be good or bad, and if anything sums up the American Constitution in a single phrase better than that, I’d like to hear it.

Let’s try to build something, rather than destroying something.

Worst case scenario? We fail, and we end up back in bush/cheney’s america, and we’re pretty much there already…



If being a successful presidential candidate doesn’t have any predictive power for being a successful president, then why even bother with elections?


This one had me giggling silly.

“We simply need to look at the economy, and McCain’s campaign does not take us there,” said Joyce McCain, Lillie’s sister, a retired engineering manager with General Motors who lives in Grand Blanc, Michigan. “He is my cousin, but we are in dire times right now and people are hurting. Sen. Obama is clearly the best choice to be president.’’

Right up there with the fact that Michelle Bachmann’s idiocy has spurred folks to donate $700 thousand to her opponent in a couple of days time.


Rethuglicans are taking their rage out on baby bears now? It’s only a matter of time before they start torturing kittens.


“He’s an Arab”. That’s a neutral position. If that is anything BUT a neutral statement, this American experiment is doomed. Arabs cannot be viewed as good or bad. Muslims cannot be viewed as good or bad. Only individuals can be good or bad, and if anything sums up the American Constitution in a single phrase better than that, I’d like to hear it.

I like John Cole’s take on the same thing. Turns out having a political movement wrap itself up in race-hate so heavily it has nothing else to run on (see also the Democrats 1840-1890) is a bad thing. Who knew?


Rethuglicans are taking their rage out on baby bears now? It’s only a matter of time before they start torturing kittens.

Well, that’s one fewer bear John McCain will have to approve of and complain about spending .0002% the cost of waging the Iraq war for a single day to count in order to support loosening environmental restrictions on high-intensity extractive industry. USA! USA! USA!



Nevertheless Obama can blow donkeys for cozying up to Powell.

I’m no great fan of Powell. From spackling over My Lai to actually being able to walk past a covered-over Guernica to go a-war-mongerin’ at the UN, I think he is a pretty detestable and soulless creature. I like the endorsement only in that it is making lots of wingnuts all spindizzy. It could, possibly, allow a few more borderline folks to think it less of a communist treason to vote for Obama, but I doubt it matters at this point. This is also in keeping with Powell’s cravenness, making his endorsement well after the horse is out of the barn, down the road and halfway to the next county.

So, yeah, fuck Powell with a dozen rusty Garden Weasels. He is enhancing the spectacle, though.

Yeah, I know. Garden Weasels are aluminum, and don’t rust, but it sounds better.


Also, just because history demands it, Victor Davis Hansen is a worthless scholar, a second-rate propagandist, and a first-class traitor.


Eh, I think Powell is at least tolerable – his line on the war, that Bush would have gone on with it anyway, betrays a lack of political acuity he’s always been known for and which was in evidence with his willingness to tackle the Arab ‘slur’ head-on.

He coulda put Bush’s nuts in a bear trap in 2002 when the public opinion had yet to be fully greased for the war, but he didn’t; he didn’t take it seriously enough to. I don’t think he realized it was inevitable before it had been for some time.

Attributing that to malice is uncharitable. Anyone with half a brain (including 1994 Cheney) knew that a full-scale invasion of Iraq would be a fucking disaster, and he wasn’t one of the neocon zombies. He just didn’t take them seriously enough to fight them before they became invincible.

There’s lots wrong with Powell, but I don’t think his nasty work at the UN is part of it. God knows what Rice would have done in the same situation if she had the political leverage to do so.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Well at least Troofy has dumped the whole Bradley Effect nonsense. Now the polls are wrong because – SHUT UP that’s why!


Jonah got the dumbs so bad today, you know it makes his readers balk
You see he just “had no idea there’s anything racial to the term cakewalk”


Looks Like I’m Votin’ for a Black Man

That needs to have an incontinence warning on it. I about pissed myself laughing.


Oh, Misses Palin!

Vlad and Boris – in Russia, teh funneh kill you!


Celebrities of all stripes are tripping over each other to “endorse” Senator Obama.

Hey troofy, do you remember this celeb?

Wah wahhh.

Johnny Coelacanth

“I will be watching this closely.”

This calls for cloistering yourself away from polite society for at least the next sixty days. Bon chance, bon jour, fuck off.


I got the dumbs today
Yeh I got the dumbs so bad
Got out of bed and my shoes were full of pee
Instructions on the sole and the cat’s just laughin’ at me



You see he just “had no idea there’s anything racial to the term cakewalk”

Jonah is very careful when it comes to ethnic slurs, after all.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Troofy, that’s not anxiety. We respond like this because you just smell really bad.


Just a typo. I think he meant to say, “subjunctive moose.”


Lord got the dumbs oppressin’ me
Didn’t know what they meant when they said “rise” in Mass
Got a two-day head start but still couldn’t find my ass
Couldn’t figure the order to sit or to suck on my thumb
Wish I was a fool ‘cuz God don’t do shit for dumb


Powell has to live with the hole he dug.

As do we all.

Not the point. Powell is more a “canary in a coal mine”. He is tweeting out permission for republicans who are NOT insane to bail on the party – line ticket and vote for the guy that might – I say MIGHT – be able to save this experiment gone awry.

If they quit hiding their intentions, which all along were to vote against a continuation to the destructive madness and horror, and come out and SAY that, as lifelong republicans, Obama better represents their hopes and aspirations, well then let’s embrace victory, and immediately start asking ourselves about the value of President Obama….



But Powell … made the perfectly sane statement “… but what if he were?” “Arab”, “Muslim”, these are not smears. … It does not equate to “enemy”, “evil” or “terrorist”

Bingo mikey, and thank you.

Colin Powell’s endorsement of Obama was well-reasoned and full of good sense, especially that particular observation. Doesn’t really matter that he’s been a dick-head in the past. That he’s a military man and a Republican yet endorsed Obama with a stinging smackdown of his own party is way significant. The race-baiters can all go fuck themselves.

Fanboi du That One

Lay aside your fear and ignorance.
That One shall heal the sick, aid the poor, and quell the fear!

Embrace the Change. Allow Hope to take root.

Suck on that Toothless.


Bingo mikey, and thank you.

Seconded, and I’m really glad someone prominent came out and said that very sane thing Powell said.


Shorter Twoof: Ah, if only Sarah Palin would let me tonguejack her shitbHUGLAGHALGHALGHAL HOMPH BLUHHHHH


Ohh troofie. How many times do we have to tell you? Yellow in front, brown in back. Go home and fix yourself.


Since I don’t have the stamina to check it out right now, could someone tell me how long it took for the whingers to scream “Oh sure, he can suspend his campaign for personal reasons, but not when it’s* for the good of the country.”**

* they don’t get any bonus points for correct apostrophe usage, should they actually get it right.
** they’d probably frame it in the subjunctive

Satan's Dirty Underwear

three point two oh six nanoseconds


Somebody at Atrios already posted a freeper comment:

He’s just going back to Hawaii to cover up the birth certificate.


Americans aren’t going to vote for Obama, he’s just too popular.


Do comma splices count?


Ohh troofie. How many times do we have to tell you? Yellow in front, brown in back. Go home and fix yourself.

On the subject of things without nads, when we fixed our golden retrievers they actually minded being shaved for the operation a lot more than having something suddenly missing. They were surly and self-conscious about their naked asses for some time.

We know this partially because the matron, Buttercup, had to be shaved during her first pregnancy for an ultrasound, and she got so depressed about no longer having fur on her belly. Next to trying to run away from her own puppies when they started kicking, it was the most simultaneously adorable and sad thing about the entire pregnant-dog experience.

I don’t know if this is a general trait of dogs, but I just find the idea of an animal so vain it misses its butt hair more than its gonads hilarious. My mom’d paint their nails from time to time and they’d be visibly proud of themselves all day long.


Aww. Have you ever considered Neuticles?


If being a successful presidential candidate doesn’t have any predictive power for being a successful president, then why even bother with elections?

Was that irony? This is National Review.


My mom is of the crowd that will still refer to any of the few african americans she knows as a ‘wonderful example.’

And it appears she’s finally made the plunge for Obama on the recommendation of an african american.

Makes me smile.


Colin Powell’s endorsement of Obama was well-reasoned and full of good sense

It’s not the endorsement that bugs me, it’s

“He will have a role as one of my advisers,” Obama said this morning on NBC’s “Today” show. “Whether he wants to take a formal role, whether that’s a good fit for him, is something we’d have to discuss.”

It’s probably correct gamesmanship, but yuck.


Ms. Novaychvaychne’s Sloth Burger

6 portions sloth
1 goat cheese (fresh)
5 jiggers wasteful fromage frais, grilled
7 jars warthog bowel, fresh
1 bag baking powder
3 bunches thyme

Sacrifice a nearby buzzard or a creature of similar size. Discard remains with care. Place the sloth into a large jar. Mash the goat cheese (fresh) with the fromage frais over medium heat in a skillet. Stuff the resulting mixture into the sloth. Find some Guavaberry Island Folk Liqueur and drink it. Butter – very thuggishly – the warthog bowel, baking powder, and the thyme. Mush everything together especially. Grill for 109 minutes. Serves 15 feminine friends with broken stomachs.


Did you realize that in an absolute sense, bunnies are similar in size to buzzards?

‘Scuse me. I’m gonna go find some Guavaberry Island Folk Liqueur.

Cheers. Duck!



Colin Powell’s endorsement of Obama was well-reasoned and full of good sense

It’s not the endorsement that bugs me, it’s

“He will have a role as one of my advisers,” Obama said this morning on NBC’s “Today” show. “Whether he wants to take a formal role, whether that’s a good fit for him, is something we’d have to discuss.”

It’s probably correct gamesmanship, but yuck.

The one positive I could see out of it would be using him to dump Petraeus on his nasty, party-whoring ass.

Joe Biden Unloaded A Hot Batch Down The Truth's Mom's Throat

The Queef-

Don’t make me kick your flabby ass again.


I eagerly await a recipe for Flan O’Brien.


Would that Clap Hanson were to fuck himself.


Everybody Clap your Hanson!




And me plum out of fresh warthog bowel.



Ken Adelman, lifelong conservative Republican, close friend of Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz, enthusiastic hawk, has endorsed Obama.

This is getting a little surreal. I’m half-expecting an Obama endorsement from Gary Ruppert.


A cross between Dewey and Marx? Do you mean to tell me Groucho was molesting Donald Duck’s nephew?? Oh, for shame!

But Demorats — whaddaya expect?


After thorough consideration, I throw all my far reaching support to Bar….Oh, fuck it. I can’t. I just can’t.


Walk towards the light, Gary….


fucking pelicans


OT here but our esteemed Gateway pundit is not above pulling numbers out of his ass to make the race seem closer . He posts that in the “Investor’s Business Daily/TIPP polling” ( for October 19 ) Obama leads McCain 46.6 – 42.5 with 11.9 percent undecided . Since numbers add up to 101% I clicked on the link to check and lo and behold , there it was 46.6 – 41.5 in favor of Obama . But to be fair to Gateway Pundit he does not always add , sometimes he substracts too . In the same post he posts that Obama leads 48.8 – 44 in the RCP average . Actually it’s 49.8 – 44 in favor of Obama .


Its okay. I gave GP permission to do that. It’s a hello f a lot easier than listening to him whine all day.

You should hear some of the prayers I’m getting lately.



I’ve asked you how many times to not call me that?


I wasn’t talking about you I was talking about the prayers you self-centered jackass.


Can’t you two EVER get along?


Well , I suppose we should not grudge Gateway “Walter Mitty’ Pundit a little bit of alternative reality . Come to think of it his whole world is an alternate reality . Speaking of that , is there any wingnut site where they don’t lie like a Pitbull with Lipstick .


“Colin Powell’s endorsement of Obama was well-reasoned and full of good sense.”

It’s not the endorsement that bugs me, it’s:

“He will have a role as one of my advisers,” Obama said this morning on NBC’s “Today” show. “Whether he wants to take a formal role, whether that’s a good fit for him, is something we’d have to discuss.”

It’s probably correct gamesmanship, but yuck.

Look at it this way: Every working group needs a Lucky Eddy, the Guy Who Is Always Wrong. Lucky Eddy is confident that the sun sets in the west and rises in the east. Lucky Eddy thinks ‘a.m.’ means ‘afternoon’ and ‘p.m.’ means ‘morning’. Lucky Eddy believes that porcupines are dangerous animals who shoot their quills at you, but skunks are natural cowards who will run away if you stomp up & shout in their little weasel faces.

So, when the group is lost in the woods, they just ask Lucky Eddy which way is home… and then they walk in the opposite direction.

Colin Powell can be Obama’s Lucky Eddy. Whenever President B. Hussein runs into a knotty geopolitical question or ethical problem, he can ask General Powell for advice. And then he can do the exact opposite, confident in the knowledge that Powell will never be correct about an ethical or geopolitical issue…


Note to Troof Fairy: If, after one of your posts, everyone starts calling you a douchebag and telling you to fuck off (you’ll notice it happens every single time you post), it’s not because you’ve “touched a nerve” or because “the liberals can’t handle the SPREAD of TRUTH”. It’s because we genuinely think you’re a douchebag and we actually really, really do want you to fuck off.

Your bizarre, apropos-of-nothing triumphalism is perhaps at the top of your mountain of loathsome traits, just above your inability to realise when you’re not wanted.


Mo’s Bike Shop: My mother and I canNOT even begin to discuss politics without wanting to strangle each other, and it’s been that way since Nixon-McGovern 1972. She actually thinks Hillary Clinton is a murderer (whatever) and thinks all blacks steal, et cetera. And SHE’s voting for Obama. I didn’t even ask why, just smiled and tried not to look too smug about it.


Shorter Novak: Powell was never a real Republican anyways.

The schaden keeps on freuding.


Shorter Novak:

I just love Novak’s casual qualm-free view of war.

Sick fuck.


I thought Novak had retired because of a brain tumor that caused him to flee a hit-and-run accident. And he’s being published in WaPo why?


I thought Novak had retired because of a brain tumor that caused him to flee a hit-and-run accident. And he’s being published in WaPo why?

News hole. Neither Britney nor Lindsay have crashed a car this week.


flee a hit-and-run accident.

Fucker should be writing from a cell.


(comments are closed)