Shorter Bill “MiniTrue” Kristol
Posted on October 20th, 2008 by Brad
- Ignorance is strength.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
What irritates me the most about Kristol is his smug cynicism. The SOB doesn’t give a damn what “the common people” really think or if anyone in Washington is representing them. He just wants people in political power who want to start more wars. That’s it. And with McCain and Sarah “Moosolini” Palin at the helm, he’ll get just that.
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer!
Is it just me, or does the guy resemble a Spitting Image puppet?
“Indeed, as Sept. 11 did not result in a much-feared (by intellectuals) wave of popular Islamophobia or xenophobia, so the market crash has resulted in remarkably little popular hysteria or scapegoating.”
Yeah, it’s not like anyone says “Hussein” in relation to Obama, instead it’s because everyone calls Palin “S. Louise Palin” and McCain “J. Sidney McCain”. No Islamophobia there. Nosiree!
And the market crash? Yeah, not much hysteria. Just a drive to get the Republicans as far away from controlling interest in our government as is possible.
He’s paddling as fast as he can. His reputation just kinda took a hit
With European finance ministers now stating out loud that the global financial crisis was precipitated by Wall Street and the Bush Admin deliberately fucking with the global economy, I’m sure the rest of the world would be happy, at this point, to provide a McCain-Palin administration with a target-rich environment.
Did Kristol being “entertained by the Governor” involve leather, restraints and ball-gags? If so, he’s apparently now trying to remember the safe word.
Are we really seeing “a new vulgarization in American politics”? As opposed to the good old non-vulgar days?
This also works wonderfully as an argument on behalf of the American pornography industry.
#Brandi said,
October 20, 2008 at 14:25
Is it just me, or does the guy resemble a Spitting Image puppet?</i
The character I’ve long thought he most closely resembled, both in physiognomy and in tone, is Daffy Duck…
Good thing Kristol mouth is so wide, it’s easier for him to talk out of both sides at once. For example, he praises the 79% of Americans who think the economic crisis was caused by “people taking on too much debt,” then notes that financial derivatives created by Wall Street actually caused the crisis. Truly, in Kristolland, it’s good to be ignorant.
Normally, one would just think Kristol is a disingenuous and unctuous creep.
But this guy is so delusional and insane that he seems to really believe the horseshit he peddles. He isn’t aware of all the contradictions and hypocrisy he spews out simply because he’s blithely—in an insane way—unaware of it all.
And that huge mouth of his—there’s got to be a nice, big sammich to stuff in it.
See, they say when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. But in Kristol’s case, it’s just him. Electing Obama = Not good sense. And why? Because, um, derp de deedily ding dong diddily dumb.
Many of them, unlike Bloody Bill, are actually right sometimes. See:
Yeah, and then what happened, exactly? I seem to remember someone still winning that contest.
Emphasis mine. Look in a mirror, Kristol.
If his jaw was 11.5 degrees higher, and his hair a little farther gone, he himself would look a bit more like this guy than he might care to admit (oh fuck, he’d be proud of it).
Bill Kristol is in a damn-near-permanent state of being incorrect about everything, everywhere. 99% of the things Bill Kristol says are wrong, usually laughably so.
The self-refracting idiocies abound in this column:
If you accept the premise that the American people as a whole ARE ignorant idiots, too easily distracted by Cristal’s (sic) corporatist cronies and media darling elitists, then this statement reinforces that belief!
This is going to be the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and I’d wager ultimately it may end up worse. We’ve stemmed the first wave of bank failures, but there’s only so much money (thank you Iraq invasion!) to go around.
So yes, in this instance, a prudent rational and informed nation WOULD be deeply concerned about the future, but for morons like Cristal and his ilk who have muddied the national dialogue with the ghosts of the Weather Underground and blow jobs in the Oval Office.
We’ve been lulled to sheep!
4 mentions of ‘elite’ in one short op-ed, especially about the ‘media elites’ – from the man whose father ran a magazine, and sent his child to a prep school, who then went to work in the grey area between politics and publishing. He turns up on TV all the time, when he has better to do than waffle.Despite his obvious bad judgement, the New York Times gave him a job. There is no-one in the world who better fits the definition of ‘media elite’ than Bill Kristol.
This word “vulgar” — it does not mean what Mr. Kristol has stretched it all out of shape trying to make it be what he wants to think it means.
William Kristol is a very good troll.
Turning to the sports news:
He also predicted that “if the Red Sox win tonight, McCain wins the presidency.”
So maybe the blind pig found an acorn? By chance, while looking for truffles?
If the entire writing staff of The Onion worked for a month they couldn’t produce such an efficiently packed bundle of ridiculousness. It must morbidly embarrass the rest of the staff at the NYT to have such a fucking idiot as a colleague.
It’s awesome that Bill Kristol opposes the notion of a tiny group of elites telling the public what they should do, and what’s good for them.
After all, no more populist figure could ever be found than those like Kristol would set up a coterie of right wing deformed Trotskyite counter-revolutionaries to push through a 10-year old plan to use a tissue of lies and a recent public tragedy to invade & occupy Iraq, because only a true man of the people would so systematically dedicate himself to years and years of insider agitation to push such a wonderfully disastrous war on a reluctant public.
Too many people in this country think that war is really, really cool.
Now, now. Bill Kristol just came up from the barn, washed his hands with Lava soap to get the axle grease off’n ’em, and changed out of his bib-alls into his Sunday go-to-meetin’ suit to go on the TeeVee and tell us all about those bad “media elite” folks.
On Fox News Sunday conservative columnist Bill Kristol said that Obama is the Tampa Rays, while John McCain is the Red Sox.
And if McCain had picked Crist instead of Palin, he could’ve taken full political advantage of the Rays’ success by attending the games with his running mate. But he didn’t.
Bill Kristol said that Obama is the Tampa Rays, while John McCain is the Red Sox.
Well, that’s pretty doubtful.
But our clubhouse is chock full of large, smooth, easily-gripped hickory sticks. All the better to beat the stupid fuck Kristol senseless, once we’re done with Pat Buchanan.
As long as we’re wanking about etymology, the word “politics” comes from “polis”, meaning city. So, I guess rural people shouldn’t be voting or something. QEfuckingD, bitches!
“Indeed, as Sept. 11 did not result in a much-feared (by intellectuals) wave of popular Islamophobia or xenophobia . . . .”
Unfortunately there was a wave of that bad stuff within the administration. It resulted in the invasion of Iraq in search of non-existent weapons of mass destruction. It also resulted in inflammatory rhetoric that encouraged North Korea and Iran to step up their efforts to develop nuclear capabilities.
Yeah, I feared it, and my fears were realized .
1) Is Kristol saying that he has the hots for Palin’s vulgus? Gross.
2) That’s why you call yourselves “Republicans”, asswipe.
Is he in the same column calling himself a populist, a man of the vulgus (gross), who is looking for reasons to blame the people for their preferences? Sweet Jews for Jesus, this is the greatest bullshit I’ve seen from the Crown Prince of Disingenuousness.
Are we really seeing “a new vulgarization in American politics”? As opposed to the good old non-vulgar days?
This also works wonderfully as an argument on behalf of the American pornography industry.
Yea, I miss the wholesome, non-vulgar porn stars like Seka and Christy Canyon….
Wow, you guys have already pretty much beat the stupid out of this column in just a few well-aimed posts.
So let me just express my delight at seeing the right-wing idiotocracy turn on each other in an attempt to lay blame at each others’ feet for the upcoming EPIC FAIL in November.
Oooh, yesss, precious!
That picture looks like it was taken at the exact moment Bill realised that he doesn’t like the smell of his own farts quite as much as he thought he did.
Is he in the same column calling himself a populist, a man of the vulgus (gross), who is looking for reasons to blame the people for their preferences?
If “Mental Gymnastics” was an Olympic event, the fReichtard team would would bring home the gold every fucking time. That is, if the performances themselves didn’t open some kind of wormhole and suck them all into an alternate universe. Sorta like what the Large
HardonUnregulated Derivatives Market Collider did to the world economy.“. . . . ignorant crowd . . . . populism and anti-intellectualism rampant . . . ”
I see what you did there, Bill. Populism equals anti-intellectualism. Sadly, no. It was anti-intellectualism that allowed anti-populism to fuck us all for decades.
Kristol = Sideshow Bob
Politics = yard full of rakes
Stupid little man-bitch just owned up to his team being a pack of aristo-wannabe elitist knobs, thus, his thesis is pure fail.
I’m sure the Muslims who were living in utter mortal terror while having their mosques attacked – or the people who got the shit beaten out of them for the crime of LOOKING like they MIGHT be Ay-rabs – are very relieved to hear that. As is the American Muslim community which is now surely basking blissfully in the waves of abundant tolerance for which America is renowned, a mere 7 years later.
This guy makes Der Pantload look like Stephen Hawking in the brains department.
Bill Kristol doesn’t give a damn about the truth. He’ll say two completely mutually exclusive things with a straight face, saying the second without ever acknowledging that at one point he may have said the first. It’s irritating because some of us operate under the assumption that what you say’s supposed to make sense, and he DOESN’T AT ALL. The guy isn’t just a wingnut. He’s an amoral asshole who deserves to never again get paid for writing something. In other words, he’s a pundit.
I can see the sun rising on the horizon here from my Ivory Tower!
TEAM B FTW !!1!!!
Whenever I see Bill Kristol on TV, I expect everything to fade to black except his shit eating grin like the cat in Alice in Wonderland.
Can somebody please shove a pie in this guy’s face?
Thank you.
Beedy eyes, sneering lips, large forehead…great photoshop!!
Kristol does look a little like Mussolini, but instead of calling Kristol il Duce, we’ll just call him “ill Douchebag.”
This is what gets me about Kristol: He’s been consistently, epically wrong on every single matter he’s ever said, without fail, for more than a decade. He’s also been wrong on said matters on every TV gabfest, in major newspapers, on college campuses, in giant, well-funded think tanks and most newsweeklies. Laughably wrong. Every. Fucking. Time.
And not once. Not a single, fucking time, has anyone in his whorish cohort ever called him on it. That’s what makes the Villagers such an epic joke.
Billy Kristol is the result of a spontaneous collision between the Pillsbury Dough Boy and the Michelin Man. He has a smirky pasty face and a pudding brain. Yech.
“a mix between Annie Oakley and Joan of Arc.”
‘Cos Palin likes to shoot things, and the end of her public life will be a spectacular flameout!
Michael Gerson called her “a mix between Annie Oakley and Joan of Arc.”Michael Gerson called her “a mix between Annie Oakley and Joan of Arc.”
I’m quick on the trigger
With targets like a —
Gotcha! I’m just gonna keep dancing around like that for the rest of the election. Eat it, anti-Americans.
Joan of Oakley? Annie Arc?
She fights Indians and Arabs in her French-Indian-Crusade. The conclusion of her wild west show is when she burns her own self at the stake?
Kristol is just a vulgar affirmative action turd.
Can you bake a pie?
Anything you can buy
I can buy cheaper.
I can buy anything
Cheaper than you.
Except multi-use sports complexes.
More on baseball and politics from the Buzz (St. Petersburg Times). McCain two days ago:
Obama today:
Hmm baby, it’s gonna be fun, as Roger Craig used to say.
You guys shooped that picture of Comrade Bill, didn’t you? I mean those eyes, those lips, I can almost hear it saying “ribbit ribbit.” And what he’s up to in that amazingly disingenuous editorial, attempting to catch flies, of course.
“ill Douchebag.”
For the three….yes!
That picture looks like it was taken at the exact moment Bill realised that he doesn’t like the smell of his own farts quite as much as he thought he did.
“Urgh… shouldn’t have had the lamb vindaloo…”
Bill Kristol looks like the evil Master Control Program from Tron.
Dang, it redirected. Maybe this one. Or this one.
99% of the things Bill Kristol says are wrong, usually laughably so.
It’s hard to laugh at some of them, especially the ones that lead to infant-vs-cluster-bomb situations.
Jon Stewart once asked, “Oh Bill Kristol, are you ever right?” And their interview was pretty similar in tone. In my memory (and the amount of time I’m willing to spend googling it) he’s the only person with an actual media job to say something like that, certainly on TV.
That’s why when I hear someone quote a statistic about how many people get their news from The Daily Show like it’s the downfall of Western Civilization, I want to discuss it with them.
I mean, I feel it’s okay for me to read Kristol, but that’s because I have a system for that: William Kristol is Bizarro Confucius (namely, keep in mind that Kristol is not merely consistently wrong about everything, but consistently as wrong as it is theoretically possible to be about everything). But otherwise, you know, I think reading Kristol is equivalent to forgetting one worthwhile insight.
Bill Kristol embodies the pastiness of evil.
Bill Kristol = Butt Plug
Is war a sexual fetish of Bill’s? I mean, why would anyone WANT war 24/7?
New Game! Who is palin really a mix of?
I say she’s a mix of Joanie of “Joanie loves Chachi” and Liza Minelli…
I mean, why would anyone WANT war 24/7?
I often wonder. As far as I’m concerned, it’s pathological.
Did something awful happen to Kristol when he was a kid, or what? Much better for him to sort that out than to keep publicly insisting we need to KILL KILL KILL.
Bill looks like he’s about ready to slip out of his granny’s attic in Arkham and join others of his batrachian kind in the darkened sea.
This also explains his bloodthirstiness.
Um, you know that TBogg runs this picture whenever he does a Kristol story:
we cn haz anim8d GIF wth frog-tung?
Personally, I love Bill Kristol. He keeps telling Republicans to do really stoopid things and they keep fucking listen. It’s fucking awesome. I want to meet him and giggle and laugh and say “thank you” a lot. He’s my hero.
Listening. I’m the ultra-Palin. I don’t just drop the ‘G’s, I drop the whole fucking gerund.