Shriek, Scream, Wail, Ululate

Whilst checking Gateway Pundit for a correction, here’s what we immediately stepped in. You have to remember, by the way, that Gateway Pundit gets about three times the traffic we do. We’re not just picking on some poor ding-honk yar-yar from the Village of Liver and Onions — like when we check in on Confederate Yankee.

Also savor the immediately familiar tone. It’s that Malkinesque tone, the one characteristic of political hysterics (these days, almost exclusively on the right) who are always finding something to be furiously outraged about, as a way of launching constant attacks on perceived, often hallucinatory enemies.1 He begins with enthusiasm:

SICK: The Violent Death of Joe the Plumber (Video)

Here’s the latest from the Hope and Change Crowd—-
Dead “Joe the Plumber” videos reach YouTube.

Now, the Left is fantasizing about “Joe the Plumber’s” violent and gruesome death.
It’s moved from “destroy” the plumber to “kill” the plumber.
Oh… And, they’re giving out Joe the Plumber’s address or his ex-wife’s address now.

Video is titled: The Violent Death of Joe The Plumber

Hat Tip Cindy
The caption with the video reads:

Joe The Plumber meets a grisly end under McCain’s new tax proposals. Vote Obama ’08!

Remember People: Do not ever question The One about his tax plan.
And, what ever you do, don’t ever label him a socialist.

Here is more on the Obama supporter Matthew Glasson from his YouTube page.
Please- If you decide to look up this sick Obama supporter don’t bring yourself down to his level.

Um, yeah. When next you pass near Daniel Webster’s grave and he thunders out, “Neighbor, how stands the Union?” this totally ought to be mentioned right off the top of the freaking lineup, wouldn’t you suppose? “Um, rock-bottomed and copper-sheathed, Dan’l,” you will gulpingly intone, “One and indivisible — except okay, wait, I have a list here, and I just have to mention this clip on YouTube…”

No, because back in the real world, where the only people fantasizing about political murder are cough-cough, ahem-hem, the video is nothing but a short clip from a campy Italian horror movie, E tu vivrai nel terrore – L’aldilà (a.k.a. The Beyond, a.k.a. Seven Doors of Death), in which a plumber who is named Joe. . .well, you can watch it yourself if you’re really interested in the dramatic climax. In brief though, it’s a freaking clip from a freaking movie, posted by some (freaking) guy on the (frickin’) Internet. Moreover, and importantly: As labeled, it shows “Joe” being killed by “McCain’s new tax proposals.”

Welp, for the cheese course, as it were, let’s go to Gateway Pundit’s comments:

christian soldier said…

My comment on establishing the AAJDF-Average American Joe Defense Fund -was meant to be ‘tongue in cheek’ now-it’s time for Joe the Plumber to sue…we can help!Aren’t there laws against death threats? How about the ‘hate speech’ laws being turned around and used against THEM…

Yeah, how about the laws against marrying your sister being turned around and used against the guy who married my sister? Ooh, ooh, how about the laws against urinating in public being turned around and used against people in public bathrooms, huh? Ha ha, It says “public,” but it doesn’t say “except in bathrooms!” No seriously, if stealing is so-called illegal, how come I can’t call the police on the guy who stole my stash?

No wait, okay, I was at Costco and a sign said “all DVDs in this rack $9.95.” Yes or no: The law says I can take the whole rack for $9.95, and if Costco tries to stop me, I can sue them for false advertising.

Whee! Fun and sarcasm. But all of this is, of course, irrelevant now, because our patience for his flagrant, blatant, indeed blagrant journalistic malfeasance and flatancy is at an end, and Gateway Pundit must resign.

1 Cf. Gateway Pundit’s sterling performance during the Graeme Frost witch hunt. As right-wing hysterics hounded an injured 12-year-old, the cry rose up, “Shame on the Democrats for putting a child in harm’s way!”


Comments: 64


Please close the small text tag. The entire site’s gone eye-strain under this….


I like it. I’m cuter this way.


O no, I am hideous once more.


Not to worry. I won’t let him die. I’m going to keep him alive with a brand new recording of this song.

Joe the Plummer (New Frontrunner)
words and music by Dr BLT © 2008

hey, Joe the Plummer
how are you today?
‘bin pallin’ round
With people
Like Barak and John McCain
Everybody’s hero
And their villan too
Hey, Joe the Plumber
You didn’t have a clue…

You’d be runnin’ as a plummer
But you have so much to lose
Joe the Plummer
New frontrunner
Joe the Plummer
Makin’ front page news

Hey, Joe the Plummer
They say you ain’t legit
They say you owe back taxes
Is it just a dirty trick
With such eagerness
They’ll run you
Right out of this town
‘cause you haven’t got a license
And you just don’t give a damn

Have you got all the red states
In the palm of your hand
Hey Joe the Plummer
Well, it’s time to make a stand
Have you picked up a few blue states
Is your heart red, white and blue
Hey, Joe the Plummer
Have I got news for you!


Someone dug up a Lucio Fulci clip to make a political point? Best election EVAR!!!

Prediction: Mario Bava’s work makes a cameo appearance by the 2010 midterms.


“now-it’s time for Joe the Plumber to sue”

Over what?

“Aren’t there laws against death threats?”

How the fuck is this a death threat?!

“Now, the Left is fantasizing about “Joe the Plumber’s” violent and gruesome death.”

Does this dip-shit not realize this is a clip from a fairly famous movie made decades ago? Does this nitwit think Obama supporters filmed this scene themselves, just to threaten Plumber Joe (the greatest hero in American history)? Does this stick up his ass victimization cultist not understand “tongue in cheek”? God, Hoft and co. are so stupid and clueless I’m actually depressed now. Thanks a lot Gavin.


I was really hoping this would turn out to be porn.

Not violent porn. Just kinky hetero porn set in a flooded basement. Martha’s surprise appearance looked hopeful.

Maybe I’ll find a porn clip featuring a plumber, and will post it on YouTube. I’ll call it something like ‘Under Obama’s plan, Joe the plumber get laid.’

I don’t think Joe would mind.

But hte wingnuts might get their collective panties in a bunch.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Etymology lesson for the day:

Historically they made pipes out of lead, and that’s where the word “plumber” came from – one who works with lead. But wait Wangchuck, wouldn’t it then be leader? Well, no because back then the word for lead was plumbum. Thus Wurzelbacher is actually Joe the Guy Who Works Plum Bum.

And here I thought I was joking when I said that McCain would answer a debate question by citing Teh Buttocks.


And here I thought I was joking when I said that McCain would answer a debate question by citing Teh Buttocks.

Golfclapworthy chain of associations there, yer Majesty.


If I rewrite “Macbeth” and just rename King Duncan “Joe the Plumber” and Macbeth “Gateway Pundit,” would the wingnuts really think that Gateway Pundit had killed Joe the Plumber? ‘Cause I could do a fast search-and-replace right now…


Well, no one will dispute why the word “nut”is in “wingnut.”

These folks are just plain wacko.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Golfclapworthy chain of associations there, yer Majesty.

That’s nothing- just wait until I find the months old comment where I predicted Krugman’s Nobel. I think it went something like
Paul Earns Nobel In Shrillness.


Oh, and let’s not forget he’s Joe the Unlicensed Plumber (scab!).


I can’t wait for his reaction to the release of Larry Flynt’s Nailin’ Palin.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Also note, if we accept Gateway Pundit’s total lunacy and assume that some guy managed to cobble together a pretty darned sharp horror scene in two days – again it’s assumed that this one guy with a YouTube account is totally teh same as Norbizness hte Left.


Can I blink?


Aww. But Preview said I could.


Someone dug up a Lucio Fulci clip to make a political point? Best election EVAR!!!

Next up, we have Zombie VS Shark to demonstrate McCain/Palin’s environmental policy.


Someone made an obscure pop culture reference on teh YouTube? How will the country survive? My friends?


Someone made a video on YouTube about how McCain/Palin will ultimately thwart all of Joe the Plumber’s dreams.


i’m pretty sure that “Christian soldier” threatened my wife on a right wing website a couple of weeks ago.

good times. the past isn’t prologue, the past isn’t even past. the past ain’t nothin’ but a trick to me.


Sarcasm eludes dipshits.

Is it possible to e-mail smelling-salts?
How about a teddy-bear … or a nice warm blankie?


Slick production, Italian actors, You Tube… The Obama campaign must have laid out a fortune for this!

And here I am, making $7/hr for posting pro-Obama comments, like a chump!


Joe’s first mistake: When the weird lady with the kerosene lamp got all up in his face, he shoulda said, “Dude, I’m makin’ sixty-five an hour for this job, and dealin’ with shit like that just ain’t worth it.” Would’ve saved him an eye, at least.


Pfff, that’s not a murder fantasy! THIS is a murder fantasy:


There’s this Eyetalian movie called “The Bicycle Thief” and they are all socialists. Yep the lot. So the Eyetalian movie people it just like Hollywood liberals and are in the tank for Obama. no wonder they made this Anti-Joe-the not- a- unionised-Plumber.
My friends, this pernicious influence must be cauterised. I thought that Italy had already been invaded but it turns out it was another “I” country. Shock and Awe II time!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Speaking of politically driven murder fantasy movies, according to wikipedia (because there’s no way I’m watching this turd) in An American Carol, Michael Moore Malone dies in a nuclear explosion that also takes out his entire hometown.


A real reporter really reporting that he actually heard something just goes to show that poor, dumb Dems are easily duped by a hoax, besides which you can’t judge all Republicans by a few nasty things done by individual Republicans, even if they are immensely popular pundits or local party leaders, but dammit this YouTube is a real threat for which the entire Left is responsible.


Video is titled: The Violent Death of Joe The Plumber

Actually, it’s full title is:

The Persecution and Assassination of Joe the Plumber as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of Monsieur de Sade


Or just Plumber/Sade for short.

When I first saw this post on my Livemarks I thought it said “Shriek, Scream, Wail, Urinate”. Thought I’d share that.


How will they find a trial lawyer to represent them? They’re all Democrats!


Are you positive this isn’t just some Italian pharmaceutical ad about sudden-onset migraine?


As a notarized, licensed Assistant to The Left, I hereby repudiate, renounce, disavow, disown and otherwise reject that one incident of violence goober just mentioned.

There, that should do it.


Are these people really that stupid? I mean, they really believe that this video is some kind of independently-produced liberal death fantasy about “Joe the plumber”?

I’m kind of worried that when Obama wins the election, about a quarter of Americans are just gonna lose their shit completely. I mean, look at Michele Bachman’s batshit-insane rant on Hardball today – they are just beginning to understand that they’re going to be out of power, and it is driving them froot-loopy.


s a notarized, licensed Assistant to The Left, I hereby repudiate, renounce, disavow, disown and otherwise reject that one incident of violence goober just mentioned.

What about when teh Toof comes back and whines again?


tigrismus said,

October 18, 2008 at 1:43

The difference is, that when anyone on the right commits any violent act against anyone on the left, and the rightwing blogs get wind of it, the vast majority will sincerely condemn it.

The opposite happens on the left. When a rightwinger is the target of violence the leftwing blogs (especially the big ones) either applaud it, excuse it or give a collective “Meh”.

Except, obviously, N.C. who repudiates, renounces, disavows, disowns and otherwise rejects that one incident of violence I just mentioned.

*pastes gold star to N.C.’s shirt collar*

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Uh… goober, when has a rightwinger been the target of violence on the leftwing blogs? Show your work!

P.S. Calling someone an asshat is not violent!


Timothy McVeigh, goober.

Eric Rudolph, goober.

Shut up, goober.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Jim David Adkisson, goober


Mat, let’s not forget that not only is he not a plumber, he’s not a Joe either. His name is Samuel.


The difference is, that when anyone on the right commits any violent act against anyone on the left, and the rightwing blogs get wind of it, the vast majority will sincerely condemn it.

Sincere condemnation= exhortations that the individual is really a leftie followed by an assertion that the victim was asking for it.


The difference is, that when anyone on the right commits any violent act against anyone on the left, and the rightwing blogs get wind of it, the vast majority will sincerely condemn it.

LOL. I think not. History is not your friend, my friend.


You had me at “ding-honk yar-yar.”

Also, the post below with the Don Martin panels made me grin fondly; any way we could start the running comparison between the way the McCain campaign is screeching, pointing fingers & coming apart at the seams, and Martin’s greatest creation, Captain Klutz?

Although I gotta say, at least Capt. Klutz could form coherent sentences. Which beats the hell outta Palin.


Uh… goober, when has a rightwinger been the target of violence on the leftwing blogs? Show your work!

That’s not what I said. Read it again, this time more carefully.


Sincere condemnation= exhortations that the individual is really a leftie followed by an assertion that the victim was asking for it.

I said the vast majority would, not every single one. Misha @ the Rottweiler is one who is particularly nasty, but you’ll notice hardly anyone links to him anymore.


Of course they fail to mention:

1. Joe the Plumber sought Obama out
2. “Right Wing Radio” elevated Joe to hero status within hours of his appearance with Obama
3. It was John McCain who put Joe the Plumber on the table during the debate and mentioned him two dozen times

Finally… Which part of this mild scrutiny of Joe the Plumber is ruining his life? Somehow the fact that his $1200 tax lien has become public doesn’t strike me as terribly damaging to him, his family or his business.


Timothy McVeigh, goober.

Eric Rudolph, goober.

Jim David Adkisson, goober

Yes, ITTDGY & BBBB, and all those idiots you mentioned have been condemned by the VAST MAJORITY on the right.

And that was my whole point.

Most rightwingers condemn violent rightwing nutjobs.

Most leftwingers DO NOT condemn violent leftwing nutjobs. This is because most lefties believe that their anger and fury at Bush/Cheney/Rove/et. al. justifies the violence.

*raps Thunder & Baldy on knuckles with ruler*

I denounce that!


Finally… Which part of this mild scrutiny of Joe the Plumber is ruining his life? Somehow the fact that his $1200 tax lien has become public doesn’t strike me as terribly damaging to him, his family or his business.

If some wingnut plastered your home address and personal information all over the internet I imagine that you, a private citizen who’s not running for office, would be beside yourself with ragey rageness.

Now do you understand?


Oh yeah, the attacker was a man and the victim was a woman.

Amanda? Jessica? Ms. Hamsher?



If some wingnut plastered your home address and personal information all over the internet I imagine that you, a private citizen who’s not running for office, would be beside yourself with ragey rageness.

Some wingnut like Michelle Malkin?


Amanda? Jessica? Ms. Hamsher?

Wrong blog, gomer.


Some wingnut like Michelle Malkin?

Oh, you mean email addresses and phone numbers that were already posted to a lefty blog for all to see?

Apples, oranges.

Thanks for playing. Come again.


Most rightwingers condemn violent rightwing nutjobs.

Most leftwingers DO NOT condemn violent leftwing nutjobs. This is because most lefties believe that their anger and fury at Bush/Cheney/Rove/et. al. justifies the violence.

You are more full of shit than a Christmas goose. Most sane people PERIOD condemn violence, but even so there is a history of well-known, supposedly respectable rightwingers in leadership positions not only not condemning it, but expressing explicit desire for it. You can contrast random left-wing bloggers or anonymous commenters with folks like Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, Phil Gramm, Tome Delay, John Cornyn, etc. but in doing so you show clearly you’re a dishonest little puke. Take Malkin’s handful of nobodies and go read everything Niewert’s ever posted.


Most leftwingers DO NOT condemn violent leftwing nutjobs. This is because most lefties believe that their anger and fury at Bush/Cheney/Rove/et. al. justifies the violence.

And your evidence for this is…..? Citation, please.


Remember when the Right Death Mavhine denounced Anne Coulter saying all of her killing stuff. Well, no they didn’t because she was just joking heh heh. Ole Anne joshing around, it’s not like they want to kill maim or destroy, shit happens you know?


[…] Everywhere you turn, it seems doctrinaire right-wingers, in concert with the McCain campaign, are flailing wildly, lashing out with every trick they know, every demonstrative tactic that used to be filed under ’slam dunk&#8217…. […]


And your evidence for this is…..? Citation, please.

The entire internet.

Most sane people PERIOD condemn violence

That’s true, which is why we see so little of it on the left. Alot of lefties are insane with rage by their own admission. And as far as Coulter goes, she has pretty much been disowned and de-linked by most of the right blogosphere.
Everyone experiences an intemperate moment once in a while. Everyone has a bad day now and then.
With the left those intemperate moments happen every moment, and those bad days happen every day.

“You are more full of shit than a Christmas goose…you’re a dishonest little puke…

…tigrismus said, whilst looking in the mirror.”

Grow up, son.


Wait, I forget, which party’s Presidential candidate was singing about bombing another country? I want to say the Democrats but I’m not quite sure.


Indeed, the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” defense is a typical rebuttal by a seasoned, reasonable debater.


And your evidence for this is…..? Citation, please.

The entire internet.

Wow. The ENTIRE internet? Somehow, I musta missed the simmering leftwing rage so evident at Disney’s Club Penguin site.

Sheesh. Even for you, that’s lazy. Come on. Go thru the logs on Kos at least; there are some wackos there that get off the leash and shriek now & again. You know how to use the Great Gazoogle, neh?

Of course, that would mean having a debate on actual facts, rather than random shit that you just pull out of your ass and wave around like Jimmy the Turdboy (creation of John Kricfalusi, all rights reserved). And, of course, that would also open up the door to all the truly awful shit that has appeared in places like LGF, Malkin, Freepers, etc., which would again result in a FAIL for you. And if you wanna get away from random crap on the net, can we perhaps point you in the direction of the yo-yos in Texas selling T-shirts that read “Elect Obama. We need another day off.”


goober: Please tongue-jack my shitbox. Thank you.


(comments are closed)