How to counter Joe the Plumber

Obama needs to lock up the endorsement of this guy:

It even lends itself perfectly to a new campaign song. To wit:

Can we fix it?

Don’t bother paying me for these brilliant ideas, Obama campaign. I do it all fo’ love.

UPDATE: On second thought, Bob the Builder might not be the best working-class representative for the Obama campaign. Other than the fact that he’s made of clay, he’s also something of a commie. From his Wikipedia page:

The show emphasizes conflict resolution, co-operation, socialization and various learning skills.

This runs a wee bit counter to the Right’s cultural values of war, cretinism and a passion for screwing over working-class people.

Also, there are real flesh-made plumbers that dig Obama more than British cartoon characters do.


Comments: 59


Who he really needs to hook up is this guy.


Nah, he’s blue-collar heartland, he’s in the tank for McCain.


I don’t know. That singer sounds British. London has a lot of Indan food. India is kinda close to Pakistan.

Bob the Builder is a terrorist.


Nah, he’s blue-collar heartland, he’s in the tank for McCain.

Actually, he’s an elitist British builder, so I dunno how much that will help B. Hussein.


I think Joe the Plumber should have kept his pie hole shut.

Rugged in Montana

I don’t know. That singer sounds British. London has a lot of Indan food. India is kinda close to Pakistan.

Don’t you mean “Pockystan”, you Islamosexual sympathizer?


I think Joe the Plumber should have kept his pie hole shut.

Yeah, see, I don’t want to see people combing through this guy’s personal life. Too many memories of what happened to the Frost family.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Joe the Unlicensed Scab Plumber Taking Good Jobs Away From Legal Working Men And Has Avoided Paying What Fucking Taxes He Already Owes So Should Shut His Face About Some Hypothetical Tax Increase…

Hm, doesn’t have the same zing.


Right, the linking didn’t work so much apparently.
Mike the Mover, Seattle’s favorite perennial candidate.


Joe the “pumber?”

An official at Local 50 of the plumber’s union, based in Toledo, said Mr. Wurzelbacher does not hold a license. He also has never served an apprenticeship and does not belong to the union.


Barack Obama told the press “No Comment” about any past affiliation with Handy Manny.


don’t want to see people combing through this guy’s personal life

Too late, Aravosis and Amato are all over it. I agree about his personal life, but if he’s become a political business object, then I think his business experience is open to scrutiny.


LOL @ the BBC 10 O’Clock News

There are allegations tonight that Joe the Plumber may not in fact be a plumber and is behind on his taxes.

Ahh, such a great election.


This is distinctly different to the Frost case. Mostly, because this man is an adult. Big difference between doing a background check on an adult, and stalking a 12yrold.

So.. Even if Joe isn’t licensed, and probably not qualified.. Is he actually currently employed as a plumber? After all, that is the first specific claim he made, that he is working as a plumber.


Except that the Frosts were on the side of the angels, trying to help sick kids, whereas Joe voluntarily trolled an Obama rally to ask a bad faith question and then gave interviews repeating rightwing talking points. Joe’s whole performance reeks of campaign stunt.

But, agreed, let’s not go all Malkin on the guy. I would rather argue his tax math than look at his countertops.


OTOH, Bob the Builder is probably not real busy right now…


Oops. Forgot to include Brad’s context-providing quote (22:57).


Also, I made this point elsewhere…

In my state, at least, in order to own and run a regulated business like plumbing, the owner has to be licensed. If he’s not licensed, he can’t buy the business.

Unless he goes into it with partners, in which case if he doesn’t have an accountant who can sidestep the 250K threshold, he has no business (heh) running the business….


Sometimes those 15 minutes of fame turn into a lifetime of ignominy.


There is no need for any detailed investigation into Joe’s earnings. After all, he didn’t claim to currently be making 250k, just that he was hoping to in the near future. Even if that hope is sheer delusion, he is entitled to it.

The questions are:

1: Is he really a plumber?
2: Did anyone put him up to this?
3: How does he expect to run a small business if he can’t even estimate his tax bill?


I am waxing philosophical these days. It’s getting quite shiny.


Actually, “conflict resolution, co-operation, socialization” pretty much sums up my ideal candidate. Someone who can end the war, create strong diplomatic ties around the globe, and a greater role for government in financial regulation and the health care industry.

Fuck Bob as a campaign ploy, I want him running the whole show.

Bob the Builder for President! I can promise you that after four years of Bob, we could turn to W and say, “Yes George, our children IS learning!”


There was an article on Truthout about the plumber dude. He does work for a plumbing company but isn’t required to have a license because he’s not independent. He claims to be put off by both candidates and says he’d rather they focused on the issues than discuss him. I’d link it but I’m in a tearing hurry.


Candy, I think it’s true that employees of a plumbing shop don’t need to be licensed, but the owners and supervisors do need to be.

So he could certainly be employed by a licensed plumber, he just can’t be independent or run a shop.


i am waxing philosophical these days. It’s getting quite shiny.

I’ve never heard one called that before.


I think it’s true that employees of a plumbing shop don’t need to be licensed, but the owners and supervisors do need to be.

Not exactly. Apparently he can work in the townships but not the municipalities. Does he play by that rule? I seriously doubt it, he doesn’t even feel that he needs to pay taxes, so it’s dubious that he cares about being “legal”. The local union could investigate where he’s worked (and probably will, given what a dick he’s being).

If this is correct, his employer isn’t properly licensed either, and he does residential work.

It also gives the name of the company.


You’re probably right, Orange.

However, limiting your work to the townships, you’re probably not going to even gross 250K.


to be a perfect whore about it, I’m licensed (not as a plummer) and my business is, and we do biz in suburbs, exurbs, and municipalities, and I don’t net 250K.

Help a liberal brother out!!


Voting records show that Samuel Joseph Worzelbacher, with an incorrect spelling, voted Republican in the March primaries earlier this year.



Advertise Bob The Builder on Telemundo.

In Spanish, he’s Bob La Constructor.


to be a perfect whore about it, I’m licensed (not as a plummer) and my business is, and we do biz in suburbs, exurbs, and municipalities, and I don’t net 250K.

You’re not working class unless you make at least $250K a year. Therefore, you must be a welfare mooch.



Registered republican.
Voted in the primaries
Advocates “flat tax” nonsense
Is scared shitless of “socialism”

This is NOT an undecided voter. This is a wingnut, stirring shit up.


You’re not working class unless you make at least $250K a year. Therefore, you must be a welfare mooch.

dang, busted.


Libertarian press release I got today:

ATLANTA, GA – “‘Joe the Plumber’ doesn’t need Senators Barack Obama or John McCain'” says Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for president. “He needs ‘Bob the Builder.'”

“While Senators Obama and McCain seek only to put government patches on today’s problems, ‘Joe the Plumber’ needs a leader who will rebuild our government into one that serves the interests of the people; not the interests of Washington,” says Barr. “Senator McCain wants to make ‘Joe the Plumber’ responsible for his neighbor’s mortgage, and Senator Obama wants to tax ‘Joe the Plumber’ for being successful. Both Senators Obama and McCain want to spend ‘Joe the Plumber’s’ tax dollars on wasteful projects, such as the $850 billion dollar bailout of Wall Street.”

…and on and on.

Comrade Rutherford

I have watched many Bob The Builder shows and I have NEVER once seen him submit an invoice! He must be Commie, his primary client is the State (well, town)…

Comrade Rutherford

On Joe the ‘Plumber’:

He has no plumber’s license.

He has no intention if purchasing the plumbing contractor’s business, he has no finances to do so, either.

He owes back taxes.

He is related to the Keating family (of McCain’s Keating 5 fame).

So all told, he’s a GOP operative sent to Obama’s campaign to create controversy over nothing.


Joe the Plumber has gone John Galt!


Bob the Builder a “bit of a commie”? Huh? This video is undeniably an advertisement for working hard (“till the sun goes down”) and “fix it” for the profit of the capitalist employing you, while deluding yourself it’s actually fun. Suspiciously, Bob’s union is never mentioned, probably because he doesn’t belong to one. Instead he is indulging in clubbing in an obvious promotion of consumption fetishism.


Reading the comments on the CNN story, and others on mainstream sites just goes to show how fucking little most Americans know about their own tax system.
A good 30% of commentators don’t understand that profits are taxed, NOT turnover. However, this does not seem to stop them from having loud and angry opinions.


i am waxing philosophical these days. It’s getting quite shiny.

I’ve never heard one called that before.

I call mine Plato because he just loves late night intercourse with Bacon.


I call mine Plato because he just loves late night intercourse with Bacon.

Ok, cut it out…that doesn’t make any sense. Plato would have something to do with furries, double wetsuits and dildoes, methinks.


I am waxing philosophical these days. It’s getting quite shiny.

I’ve never heard one called that before.

I call mine Plato because he just loves late night intercourse with Bacon.


And some deny the existence of the patriarchy.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Here’s a better counter to Joe Wurzelbacher:
Under Obama’s plan, Joe would be getting a tax cut even if he made six times as much as he did in 2006:

Court records from a divorce show Mr. Wurzelbacher made $40,000 in 2006.

Also from that Toledo Blade article:

He is also not registered to operate as a plumber in Ohio, which means he’s not a plumber.

Mr. Wurzelbacher said he was hired by Mr. Newell six years ago and that the possibility of him eventually buying the company was discussed during his job interview.

He said it’s his understanding he can work under Mr. Newell’s license as long as the licensed contractor works on the same site.

Mr. Wurzelbacher said he is working on taking the Ohio plumbing contractors’ license test.

Mr. Wurzelbacher’s notoriety has raised the ire of Tom Joseph, business manager for Local 50 of the United Association of Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Service Mechanics, who claimed that Mr. Wurzelbacher didn’t undergo any apprenticeship training.

So not even a Plumber in Training, he’s a Plumber’s Assisstant.


I love his take on how higher taxes for people with higher incomes, which the rest of the world calls “progressive taxation”, is “socialism”. Especially considering how much he actually makes. It’s actually sort of sad that this guy has decided to side with the wealthy because he “wants” to be wealthy. It really doesn’t work like that, no matter what it might say in “The Secret”.


McCain was genuinely amused at the idea that someone making 250K is considered “rich”. “Guess what, Joe, you’re rich!” To him anything under 5 million is pathetic.


How is this focus on “Joe” anything but research for ad hominem? How is “but Graeme is (innocent/right/God’s tea party guest)” anything but second degree IOKIYADemocrat?

Joe is a silly man who saw a presidential candidate walking by and decided to ask him a silly question/make a silly argument. In no way, shape, or form is his plumbers license relevant to the (silly) political point he thought he was making (that progressive taxation is a Bad Thing). That he lied about himself to appear to have a dog in that fight is sad and foolish, but there is a great deal of that going around.

Frankly, the extraordinary thing is that in the midst of the Second Great Depression, John McCain picks someone (he believes to be) in the top 5% of U.S. earners for his average American. People are losing their homes and retirements, most families are a single serious illness away from bankruptcy- and John McCain wants to talk about how awful it would be for a very wealthy person to pay slightly higher taxes.

But instead of talking about that, we’re playing “Ohio Department of Taxation”.

Seriously- What the fuck?


I am waxing philosophical these days. It’s getting quite shiny.

I use Johnson’s Wax or, if it’s a party, Johnson & Johnson.

Perhaps for Fairy Goopert we could suggest a self-polishing wax.


You’re all worthless and weak.


Maybe we can get plumbers/ghost hunters Jason and Grant (from Ghost Hunters) to locate the ghost of Ronald Reagan to help out the McCain campaign.


I would target Sam the butcher to lock in the all-important Brady demographic.


Joe the Plumber?

Gee, I was wondering where Jeff Gannon/Jim Guckert was nowadays.

Well, they’re both bald, both spouting the same Republican inanities…and with just a little plastic surgery, very little, one could almost mistake Joe the Plumber for being a replica of Jeff Gannon/Jim Guckert.


My mother is the fourth-youngest in a family of five, and her younger brother had a pretty rough life but kept a great sense of humor about things.

He’s a plumber – worked his ass off for a decade to get where he was, and the increasing power of right-to-work fuckwads was killing him. He made decent money and (in spite of the fairly vicious hours) actually had a decent amount of spare time. He taught my mom half of what she knows about cooking and my dad more than half of what he knows about non-electric fixtures.

He was making enough to support a family in the 90s, and under Bush it all fell down. He got involved with a casino manager’s wife a few years back and skipped town, and I haven’t seen him since.

If I focus a little too much on Mr. Wurzelbacher’s asinine cosplay, it’s because people like him cost me one of my fucking heroes.


When I hear ‘Joe the Plumber’, I actually hear Vanessa Paradis singing ‘Joe Le Taxi’. Will no-one rid me of this bloody earworm?

About that Bob The Builder/Obama joke – the BBC’s Now Show did that already.

I thought I should point it out as a public service: we don’t want another Biden/Kinnock speech situation on our hands, do we? Besides, someone’s got to pedant wave the flag now and then and radio comedy’s about all we British have to be proud of at the moment.


Over at the Sundries Shack they’ve figured out how Joe The Plumber getting 3 days of attention from the right-wing blogs, 2 dozen mentions in the debate and losing his job for telling the TV he was a plumber is Obama’s fault…

Let me give you analogy that I hope you can get your head around. Imagine a football game where the running back fumbles the ball and someone from the opposing team picks it up and runs it back for a touchdown. Whose fault is it? Is it the defensive player’s fault for playing good defense? It is the fault of the man who tackled the running back for doing what he’s supposed to do? No, of course not. It’s the fault of the running back for fumbling the football. You won’t find a single person even remotely familiar witht he game who would say otherwise.

Barack Obama fumbled the football. You’re blaming everyone else but him for it. Get real.

Don’t you arseholes get it ???
If Obama didn’t give them a talking point 4 days ago they never would have pushed this guy into the spotlight and ruined his life. When will Obama take responsibility for this and resign ?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Hell, he’s not even named Joe!
Stupid GOPers, the only good fake plumber is Karl Hungus


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