The Waiting Is, Like, So Totally The Hardest Part

…No, actually, it’s like you’re sitting at the bus stop and you notice a big mound of dog poop on the sidewalk, and then you see Ace all like “O! Solo Mio!” — stage-walking down the street with his arms in declamatory parentheses.

And then you notice the sign, “Caution: Wet Cement,” right by a cage where a bunch of monkeys are eating bananas and throwing the peels out on the sidewalk.

And then you notice, right near the two guys absent-mindedly carrying a piece of plate glass across the street, and almost underneath the other two guys hauling on a fraying rope tied to a dangling grand piano, that an out-of-control tin lizzie full of pies and seltzer is heading right toward a crate labeled “Danger: TNT” — while a bunch of cops with tall helmets and curlicued mustaches run loose-leggedly in circles, blowing their whistles and chasing a group of suspender-wearing ragamuffin kids with slingshots in their rear pockets and a piebald dog with a black ring around one of its eyes.


Comments: 70


The last paragraph’s “I have no idea what I’m talking about” trope passes for a disclaimer, after the damage has been done.

Acey withdrew a story on ACORN yesterday, Be a damned shame if he somehow fucked up two stories on consecutive days, wouldn’t it?

*putting away Johnny Appleseed gear*


Nuclear sand? Dirty bombs? Pirates?

Hello, flag pole! I’ve missed you, old friend.


I am sure this has something to do with the inverse relationship between pirates and global warming. It is true that pirates have been detonating dirty bombs for centuries now. Less pirates = less dirty bombs = more people = global warming.

But what I don’t get is that we know that global warming is not caused by people? But then again, who could have predicted airplanes being used to attack us on 911!

Point for Ace.


I don’t want to conceive of it as possible. Which means I probably should be slow to dismiss it.

Hey Ace, my floor is dirty. Can I put a hose in your ear and vacuum it up?


Okay, now you totally have to re-do Ace’s pirate-logo thingy.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

How long before Ace stumbles across Obatma?


Which means I probably should be slow to dismiss it.

No worries, Ace, you are slow. Which is why you won’t dismiss it.


Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
October 15, 2008 at 19:09
How long before Ace stumbles across Obatma?

We’re probably going to have to email him the link.


There is no mention of any actual explosives being found on board.

Do you have any idea how much TNT it would take to blow up a fully loaded ship of that size?

Because I don’t, but I’m sure it falls into the ‘shit ton’ category.

If they found a boat loaded with radioactive material and, say, 100,000 pounds of explosives (is that even enough?), you think someone other than some random dude would be talking about it.


“And his friends, knowing a bit about cell structure and not the biological sort, know better than to speak up.” Ace

So Ace, Obama’s college buddies cannot be found and no one knows nuthin’ about them which disturbs you but you’re sure that said unknown people no one knows nuthin’ about were involved in terror cells.

Jesus Christ on a bike, already. If Obama ran over my mom with his car, I’d still vote for just to make these dildos cry.


LMAO! You guys are finally speaking my native language.


Jesus Christ on a bike, already. If Obama ran over my mom with his car, I’d still vote for just to make these dildos cry.

And you wouldn’t be alone


From the comments:

Whether it’s radioactive sand or some sort of biological agent, it’s obviously bad enough to make pirate’s beards fall off. It’s on a ship flying the flag of freedom’s enemy. This is scary stuff.

All of this is going on while our eye is way off the ball.

They are all in a contest to see who can poop their pants the most. Oh, and Obama is still scary.


Whether it’s radioactive sand or some sort of biological agent, it’s obviously bad enough to make pirate’s beards fall off.

Wait! …Obama doesn’t have a beard either!


Wait! …Obama doesn’t have a beard either!

That proves it.

Obama is a pirate nuke-sand terrorist.


Fafblog’s take seems sadly, piercingly appropriate

The previous fact was made up. But doesn’t the fact that it was so easily made up prove that a kernel of truth must exist within the lie, and doesn’t the existence of that kernel of truth prove that the lie is, in fact, true? Think about it! But not very hard!

Ace is Giblets.



Don’t you mean Sand-Nuke Pirate Terrorist?


The pirate nuke-sand terrorists are mere pikers.


Pirate Experienced Nuke Inspired Special terrorist.


Gavin –

I understand what you were going for, but you also described day-to-day life at my house. Except you left out the part with the cat pawing at the goldfish in a bowl precariously balanced on a stack of books right above the electric space heater on the shag carpet.


I meant Sand, of course.

You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.


Flying Spaghetti Monster

Say! This alleged pirate incident didn’t happen to occur this past September 19th, did it?


Do you have any idea how much TNT it would take to blow up a fully loaded ship of that size?

Because I don’t, but I’m sure it falls into the ’shit ton’ category.

Yes, but you see, Ace works in RainMan numbers.

“Raymond, how much does an umbrella cost?

About a hunnert dollars.

And a car? How much does a car cost?

About a hunnert dollars.”

So you see, for Ace, it takes about a stick of dynamite to blow up a ship of that size, which surprisingly is about the same yield as a nuclear device.


Say! This alleged pirate incident didn’t happen to occur this past September 19th, did it?

Aaarg! Did’je call me name?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.

Serves you right. Harumph.



The origin of the ‘kick radioactive sand in Israel’s face’ story is TBRNews – A site well known for dodgy conspiracy theories, often anti-semitic (Holocaust denial a speciality). Why they’ve come up with this, who knows.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Sleeper? While it seems hard to believe Iran would risk this before it had nukes, what if the idea was to put a sleeper ship out there, a maritime second-strike, going from port to port, just killing time, in case and until Israel struck Iran?

He forgot to mention “replacing the entire crew every two weeks as all their hair fell out and they started to die of radiation poisoning.” I love these wingnut killer death scenarios. Wait – maybe the cargo container holding the death sand was made of two inch thick lead!


That “Michelle Obama” Phone Call to AIP? Campaign Claims It’s “Made Up”

I pretty much believe them. It always seemed dodgy.

See? I don’t link every goofy report that floats into my transom.
Posted by Ace at 02:21 PM New Comments Thingy

Bacon and Play-Doh!


Paging Craptain Shitmoat! Paging Craptain Shitmoat!

Here’s an idea. Tow it back to Iran under guard of a massive armada of warships. Dock it in Bandar Abbas (where all of Iran’s refining capabilities are). Then inform “I’m a dinner jacket” that he has three days to unload the cargo. Failure to do so wwill result in a massive bombardment of the ship (on a particularly windy day).”



Here’s an idea. Tow it back to Iran under guard of a massive armada of warships…

Sorry. If the plan doesn’t involve macrowaves, it’s just not wingnutty enough.


“See? I don’t link every goofy report that floats into my transom.”

Yeah! He posts every goofy report that somebody else pulls out of their transom.


Weigh the anchor, laddies! We’ve got an armada to gather!


Speaking of “kicking nuclear sand in Israel’s face,” the title of this post is almost a line from a Yehuda Poliker song called “Betokh Hapkak Ha’ensofi,” or “Inside the Endless Traffic Jam.”

I kick Hebrew-language radioactive earworms at the enemies of Israel! And the difficult-to-forget but completely useless knowledge that the Hebrew word for “traffic jam” (pkak) sounds like you’re spitting out something disgusting! So there. Nyah!


The story has a Fred Baron.
Curse you Fred Baron!


Rod Torfleson’s Armada Featuring Herman Menderchuk?


Whether it’s radioactive sand or some sort of biological agent….

Oh come on! It’s Chinese cargo. The grainy stuff is melamine.


All of this is going on while our eye is way off the ball.

Oh no! Not The Ball!


I went to the beach in Iran and all I got was Radioactive Sand in my Buttocks…



Ah, Sadly, No! I came, I read, I laughed out loud. Life without you, Sadly, No! would be bleak, indeed! Thanks to all.


Ace1: It could be a q ship.
Ace2: No, it can’t. If it was a q-ship, it would have a big Q painted on it.
Ace1: But you wouldn’t paint “Q-ship” on a q-ship so it must be a q-ship. There! Ive run rings round me logically.


Wow – from ACORN Commisars rigging the vote, to nuke-sand pirate Ninja Moozlim Cylon Zombie Dalek naval terrorism, to Obama finding time to hobnob with radicals while he’s getting an elite(LOL) Magna Cum Laude law-degree, all in just a couple of days.

Wingnut Hyperwarp-Drive, ENGAGE!

Left him some tender lovin’ snark, including the fact that I’d love love LOVE to see La Acehole get his own show on FOX NEWS – he’d fit in just fine over there … & I mean, it’s not as if they have standards or anything, amirite?


And that was before I read the links.


The first angel farted, and there followed anvils and really big rocks mingled with tar, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of coyotes was squished up, and walked accordion-style thereafter.

And the second angel farted, and a great creaking and popping jalopy was cast into a tree: and the third part of the citizens of Riverdale heard Archie let loose a tremendous “EEP!”



See? I don’t link every goofy report that floats into my transom.

Isn’t it “over the transom”?

Do you have any idea what a transom is, Ace?



We’ve got a problem, ye scurvy dogs. We seemed to have taken one to the transom.



Pedantry alert!

The proper formulation is “through the transom.”

On another note, doncha jus luvvit when Ace channels Philp K. Dick?


If you read the first letters of the sentences of Ace’s bomb-ship posting, acrostic-style, it spells out “NEED MORE TINFOIL FOR HAT.”

How’s that for a coincidence?


Hey, Pedant PeeJ!

Aren’t Bulwark and Transom synonyms?

So wouldn’t the proper pedantry propose that one go ‘over the transom’, unless one wanted to just run smack dab into the side (as I think Ace was suggesting)?


My Favorites comment is: I thought about the lucky pirate angle, and came to the conclusion that God does some pretty cool shit.

Translation: Its ok that it seem so ridiculously far-fetched because that just means it’s probably a miracle and therefore definitely true.

God, I wish I could think like that.


Arrr, Cap’n, ye might be right.

The uasge *I* am familiar with is the architectural transom, specifically a transom window. Which, as we all know, is a prime site through which to throw shit.

I completely spaced on the nautical transom. I withdraw my challenge.


On another note, doncha jus luvvit when Ace channels Philp K. Dick?

Kinda light on the “Philip K” though.

It’s “over the transom”: the transom in question is one of these, not one of these.


I mean “not one of these“.



The uasge *I* am familiar with is the architectural transom…

Me too, and I know I’ve seen the usage “over the transom”, even in teh dictionary.

Then again, that dictionary approves of “hone in”, so who can say.


Aye, Mentis, ye be a scury dog.

There be no French transom on my beloved high seas!

When you catch a wave over the transom, it is not an event ye soon will forget.


None on the Phillip K – Ace is pure dick.

Curse you Fred Baron! <==== Full Of Win


So how would something come over that transom? That’s a solid wall over the transom.

[Im not sure precisely what “horizontal elements” are in the architectural transom class. It could be the wall is a transom for all I know. But I don’t think so]

In any case, now that I’ve read it again, the verb “float” would seem to indicate the nautical type.

mea fucking culpa


I thought ‘over the transom’ was essentially ‘over the editor’s desk’.


Also, by channeling Philip K Dick, I mean Dick the man, not Dick the writer. Paranoid as all hell and batshit crazy to boot. It took Dick many years of serious drug abuse to get that way. Ace seems like a natural.


As I understand it the transom is the tall vertical wall on the back of old sailing ships.

The phrase over the transom refers to works submitted for publication without being solicited. The image evoked is of a writer tossing a manuscript through the open window over the door of the publisher’s office.

There’s that.

This goes way back to the early days of the Copper Kings in Montana, when the paying off of legislators and other public officials was not unknown. To avoid observation, contributions were frequently made by tossing packets of banknotes from the hotel corridor ‘over the transom” into the friendly official’s hotel room. Thus the expression, ‘It came in over the transom.’ Thus ultimately came to mean any windfall or expected bit of luck.a transom is simply a hinged window above a door. ‘Over the transom’ has still another meaning in publishing circles. A manuscript that comes to a publisher’s office unsolicited is said to have come ‘over the transom.’

And that.

So you were right, PeeJ, but I Craptain Shitmoat was trying to torture it into a nautical phrase.



You’ve won the skirmish, but not thee war.


Gary Ruppert's Poor Abused Children

Sorry if anyone already posted this, but the comments on the Ace of Spades link in the third paragraph (about the Iranian boat with the radiated sand), which need to be clicked on a the end of the story, are really amazing. The people who comment on that site are literally tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. I’ve never gone to that site before, and it’s just crazy. I never realized that these third-tier rightwinger sites are populated by such fringe dwelling retards.

Gary Ruppert's Poor Abused Children

Sorry, all. Just read back on these comments and I cannot believe so many of you read the comments on Ace of Spades. Gotta say, the handle Craptain Shitmoat is just too funny.


You know, Ace has raised the bar on insane to a level that I think even Juggs Atlas and “Mad” Malkin are going to struggle to meet. The whole pirate thing was fucking inspired but hey, Obama was an anti-apartheid bomber at Columbia because he was working on SA divestment (so was I! I didn’t even know I was a terrorist) is genius.

He is parody, right? Like Jon Swift?


…and then you see Ace all like “O! Solo Mio!”

I’ve been laughing about this ever since the first post with it.

Is that still used as a comic-book shorthand for people just going about their lives? I remember seeing it in the funnies when I was a kid, and used it in the dorky little comics I drew.


Sand Pirates? This sounds like a job for Kendra, Warrior-Babe of the Outlands.


doncha jus luvvit when Ace channels Philp K. Dick?
The speed of his deterioration reminds me of the devolving technologies in the final chapters of Ubik.
Use only as directed.


Oh, oh, my sides hurt from laughing. Sand pirates, Craptain Shitmoat, Curse you Fred Baron, oh oh damn funny.

And over at the Ace-hole there’s this, glistening like a little wet kernel of corn embedded at the very end of the poop pile that he calls Obama girlfriend scoop : “I don’t have enough to verify this on my own.”

LOLZ! Ace is da place for FAIL, indeed.


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