Shorter Bob Owens
Posted on October 14th, 2008 by Brad
- The National Enquirer and right-wing blogs are the only news organizations with the guts to tell THE TRUTH about Barack Obama and his gaylord butt buddy poet pal who is gay and into the homo sex.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
I would have guessed Tom Clancy.
Yo yo yo it’s all me confeezy yankeezy, all up in yo greeeeeeeeeeeeeyull if ya feels me Obama be terrorizin and exorcisin freedizzile all up in here
Those people unconcerned over the impact of 5 years of completely publicly known torture by foreigners on John McCain’s mind are highly motivated to worry about a possible incident of sexual molestation Barack Obama may have suffered, based on sheer speculation.
It’s funny how he spins “pedophilia” into “an underage gay affair”, with the presumption that his story is true.
If it had been HIS kid, he’d call it rape, just like he calls FM Davis a rapist.
Why is everyone picking up this story and perpetuating it?
My favorite comment from Beavis’s blog:
“I’ve known poets, authors and the like, and some of them were really weird — my wife and I kept them at arms length.”
Why is everyone picking up this story and perpetuating it?
An excellent question.
I like the contortion required to pick up the enquirer story while not endorsing the Enquirer and their HOT PALIN ADULTERY story. Christ on a cracker. (and no I’m not talking about divine/redneck gay porn, although that might be fun too.)
Does anyone believe for one second that if John McCain or Sarah Palin were mentored by an self-admitted child rapist and general pervert that it wouldn’t be the singular focus of multiple news cycle
Let’s turn that question around for a moment, shall we? Let’s imagine that Obama had a pregnant teenage daughter who was planning to marry her high school dropout boyfriend, and that Barack and Michelle were openly quite proud of this. What, do you think, would be his chances of getting elected then? If your answer was above 0%, you’re wrong.
The Obama storylines about his normal all-American boyhood are finally being exposed for the fairytales they really are. It is now becoming crystal clear, with the latest revelations about their family friends, that his mother and grandparents brought Obama up in an atmosphere which makes the cannibal family in Texas Chainsaw Massacre look positively tame.
No, that is not a man who sees America the way normal Americans see America! The McCain campaign should aggressively expose all of Obama’s unsavory associations and point out how far from normal Obama really is.
nabalzbbfr said,
October 14, 2008 at 17:45 (kill)
That one’s been all over the internet this morning saying nothing.
That one’s been all over the internet this morning saying nothing.
No kiddin’. That’s the third time I’ve seen that exact same gibberish in the last five minutes. Now, that’s a troll workin’ for his Sarah Palin Blow-Up Doll.
which makes the cannibal family in Texas Chainsaw Massacre look positively tame.
At least he’s clever and subtle.
No doubt this nimrod thinks George W. Bush is a “normal” person.
Stooooooooops on a Whammy!
You’d think wingnuts would realize that McCain has tanked even more since his campaign went 100%-issue-free. You’d think.
wait, Obama’s a cannibal?
The Obama storylines about his normal all-American boyhood are finally being exposed for the fairytales they really are. It is now becoming crystal clear, with the latest revelations about their family friends, that his mother and grandparents brought Obama up in an atmosphere which makes the cannibal family in Texas Chainsaw Massacre look positively tame.
You, sir, are talking crazy talk: what could be more American than the Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
[…] a sentiment similarly proffered by another prominent rightwing blogger (to whom you can get via Brad) who wants to know: “When is someone going to question how these associations must have […]
what could be more American than the Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
Alaska Snowmachine Massacre?
Why is everyone picking up this story and perpetuating it?
The wingnuts are doing it to, well, perpetuate it. The DFH’s are doing it to mock how stupid the wingnuts’ attempts to perpetuate it are.
And: “underage gay affair”? I’d laugh my ass off if that weren’t such a thoroughly despicable turn of phrase. These people are truly amoral and loathesome beyond words.
Wait, that nablrzffer thing wasn’t a parody troll? cuz that’s some hilarious stuff!
I for one wish with all my heart McInsane would pick up on these many totally true and well-founded Obama Unsavory Associates tales and make them the centerpiece of tomorrow night’s debate. Obama, who to his credit chooses not to go that route, could then feel free to bring up ol’ what’s-his-name, Charles Keating.
I just found to my delight that Sturmbannfuhrer Owens has dropped the Mighty Banhammer on me, thus denying me the minor schadenfreude of reminding his knuckle-dragger fanclub of who the real Pedo-Party is in American national politics.
Thanks for conceding defeat, Bubba.
Guess he REALLY doesn’t like folks who guffaw at his hamfisted excuse for a blog, or gutshoot the tripe his fellow zombies spew with nasty icky disgusting liberal-biased reality.
Poor little wingnut emo.
Novelty, perversity, malice, or all of the above – take your pick.
If this is the latest GOP attempt at a ratfuck, it’s got the best backfiring-potential I’ve EVER seen … unless they’ve paid off ALL those numerous Congressional pageboys to STFU, which I sincerely doubt … yet more evidence that the GOP is bound & determined to lose in November – frankly, I’m surprised they haven’t put Bush & Cheney up on the podium next to McCain & Palin (yet).
I read about this on BJ last night and after I ranted and seethed a bit, I thought Erick would either pull his baby raping fantasy or claim he was just joking and everyone would realize he had gone too far and shut up.
Of course, I also hoped they’d run around screaming about consensual sex with ten year olds so they could be buried beneath a well-deserved pile of shit and scorn. Looks like I should be careful what I wish for.
Last month Horowitz hanger-on Rocco DiPippo did the FMD angle.. and FMD’s son showed up in the comments:
The good thing is that I think there is enough of a narrative now of the republicans pulling out bizarre and clearly false accusations on Obama that NOTHINGS going to stick now. Not in any way that matters.
Here’s the latest header at CY:
“Obama Funneled Grant Money to Afrocentric Anti-American Extremists”
Methinks the Afrocentric part is what’s scary to Bob, for realzies. I have yet to read the gibberish.
Bob, you’re not helping.
wait, Obama’s a cannibal?
If this was the 90’s, the next step would be for Obama to claim that he never chewed.
Obama doesn’t see America like you and I do!
Does anyone at all care how hurtful this is to people who were sexually abused as children? Wow. Talk about sinking to new lows. Way to go, wingnuts!
After reading the link, I feel not only dirty, but also afrocentric , anti-american. and extemeist. In a good way, though.
So, um, I lowered myself and read the Enquirer piece, and guess what?
The perv wasn’t into little boys. Just little girls. Of course that’s every bit as bad, but…
Erick and Dan and the rest added the man on boy aspect themselves, based on nothing but… something disturbing in their psyches.
Update: Duncan Black, apparently not the sharpest child-safe pumpkin-carving tool in the liberal drawer, deliberately misrepresents or ignorantly misreads this post
This from a guy who writes “Uncle Frank” in the foregoing.
Also thanks ADB and FYWP.
Does anyone at all care how hurtful this is to people who were sexually abused as children? Wow. Talk about sinking to new lows. Way to go, wingnuts!
DW: Surely you jest. Wingnuts? Care about the hurtful consequences of their odious actions? Not in this lifetime. And in the next they’ll all come back as winged insects of some sort. I think that’s how it works.
Of course they don’t. Anyone who can make up child raping and then spin it into a consensual act doesn’t care about jack. Here it also helps perpetrate two of their favorite theories about gays and lesbians: 1. People are only gay due to some flaw – in this case being raped as children. 2. Gay people, being damaged, are a danger to children.
wait, Obama’s a cannibal?
I think the plan is to start referring to the Donner Party rather than the Democratic Party, in the hope that it will catch on.
[…] a sentiment similarly proffered by another prominent rightwing blogger (to whom you can get via Brad) who wants to know: “When is someone going to question how these associations must have […]
I, too, would love to hear McCain open the debate with “AYERS! REZKO!! WRIGHT!! HIGHER TAXES!! FAILURE IN VIETNAM, er IRAQ!!! CHECK THE KERNING!!” while Obama just gazes at him thoughtfully, nodding his head occasionally.
And then, Obama replies:
“Y’know, I haven’t heard such a recitation of gossipy horsedung since junior high school. With the world economy heading toward an historic meltdown, the US fighting two wars and the threat of terrorism as yet unabated, gas, food and healthcare costs spiraling out of the reach of an increasing number of ordinary Americans and the planetary climate balance becoming ever more fragile, THIS is what you have to offer??!!
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you John McCain! The next Class President of the Seventh Grade!”
Redstate & CY seem to be working on the theory that since there is little they can do against the prospect of a dark-skinned president, they will settle for smearing prominent Black intellectuals with accusations of pedophilia. They’ll settle for lynching Frank Marshall Davis now he’s dead, having failed while he was alive.
From the comments at ConfukderateWankee:
Well, if you’re supporting his Wankee-ness and the Rethugs, apparently the training worked.
To elaborate on that last comment — surely CY doesn’t seriously believe that Obama’s electoral chances will be affected by the claim that “This guy Davis, who became a friend of Obama’s family and has been cited by Obama as an inspiration, sounds like a pedophile if we pretend that some of his writings are autobiographical”. It’s the prospect of inflicting some collateral damage that sets off his prurient Butthead-&-Beavis giggling.
When did that happen? McCain has been issue-free since his own party chased him out of the presidential race in South Carolina in 2000. Are you talking about something that happened before that?
They’ll settle for lynching Frank Marshall Davis now he’s dead, having failed while he was alive.
Good ol’ ConYank, keepin’ it classy as always.
After mustering up the “Country First” courage to kick a corpse, who luckily can’t tell everyone how full of shit he is, he’ll happily use its supposed failings to smear Obama – knowing that he’d never degrade himself by answering him.
I don’t think this even has anything to do with November, either. The GOP don’t even seem very interested in trying to win any more. By now they’re already looking ahead to 2010 & 2012, because this one is all over for them except the Waaahmbulance-ride.
Let’s not forget that ANY discussion of Sarah Palin and her very publicly displayed family is an outrageous abuse by the media.
The moral rot of today’s far right is complete.
Good ol’ ConYank, keepin’ it classy as always.
Mr RedState’s and CY’s priorities seem to be as follows, in decreasing order:
(1) Enjoy a hearty snigger at the thought of underage homosexual rape.
(2) Enjoy the taboo-breaking frisson of throwing around accusations of pedophilia (scoring extra frisson points because the target is Black and intellectual)
(3) …
(4) Obama loses election!
What a classy little fuck CY is….
What more do you require, for his to be caught in bed with a live boy or dead girl? Both?
& Smut, you forgot:
(5) Profit
What a classy little fuck CY is…
I’m sure that among his own kind he is a social being… capable of actual affection… nuzzling his young with almost human-like compassion.
But if he and Erick Erickson get off on slash fantasies of a young Barack Obama being subjected to molestation, then I would just rather that (a) they keep it to themselves; and failing that, (b) that they abandon the facade of claiming support for their fantasies from a National Enquirer story that would be irrelevant even if it were fact-based.
All up in yo char-coal greeeeeeeeeeeeeyull.
I think it’s important to say this often and in full — The Enquirer has no evidence that Frank Marshall Davis was a “sex pervert.” They absolutely don’t have evidence that he raped anyone, child or no. The entirety of their claimed “proof” is that Davis admitted to authoring a pulp novel in which these acts are committed, and that the novel in question was promoted and written as a shocking tell-all memoir about some anonymous black rebel.
In case you’re not familiar with the genre, pulp/exploitation novels were almost invariably “based on a true story,” “autobiographical,” etc. This both helped them sell better and supposedly shielded them from some legal attacks. In addition, quite a few authors in that era made a living writing pulp anonymously. It was the equivalent of today’s acres of ghostwritten romance/Tom Clancy novels.
The Enquirer’s claim has no credibility — not because it’s the Enquirer, but simply because their assertion that “Sex Rebel: Black” is documentary evidence is invalid.
Sorry, but this is a falsehood, and suggests you have swallowed (!) conservative disinformation. Davis wrote a semi-autobiographical novel. FYI: A novel is a work of FICTION! In this regard, Davis’s book is like Samuel Clemens “Roughing It,” in that they were both written under pseudonyms that were also fictional characters in their stories:
“Samuel Clemens wrote autobiographical novels under the pseudonym “Mark Twain,” including “Roughing It,” which “follows the travels of young Mark Twain through the Wild West during the years 1861–1867. After a brief stint as a Confederate cavalry militiaman, he joined his brother Orion Clemens, who had been appointed Secretary of the Nevada Territory, on a stagecoach journey west. Twain consulted his brother’s diary to refresh his memory and borrowed heavily from his active imagination for many stories in the novel.” – Wikipedia
In both cases authors used pseudonyms to publish autobiographical novels that were “fictionalized but still based upon actual occurrences.” In both cases these novels presented fictionalized adventures of their pseudonymous characters.
Does anyone claim that the adventures of “Mark Twain” literally occurred in the life of Samuel Clemens, because “Mark Twain” said they happened? If not, then why should anyone claim that the adventures of Bob Greene literally occurred in the life of Frank Marshall Davis, because “Bob Greene” said they happened? Fair weather principles indicate bias.
You will find that contrary to fairy tales drifting around the blogosphere, Davis never “admitted” that any of the events from his novel actually happened in real life. You will find that critics are trying to railroad Davis with trumped-up evidence.
“Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.”
– Abraham Lincoln
Compliments to Djur!
Frank Marshall Davis undeniably wrote a scandalous memoir-novel under the pseudonym Bob Greene, one chapter of which is devoted to fictional character Bob Greene and his wife having sex with a thirteen-year old girl. This fact was accurately reported on August 24, 2008 by Toby Hamden on a British website
From this kernel of truth, however, forensic deconstruction may reveal that Hamden and others skillfully built a slanderous house of cards in framing Davis as a pedophile based solely on his novel. To wit:
1. FALSE ATTRIBUTION: According to Hamden, “Mr. Davis (writing as Greene) explains that although he has “changed names and identities…all incidents I have described have been taken from actual experiences.”
a. Please note that the fictional character Bob Greene, not author Davis, alleges that incidents were taken from actual experiences. Even Hamden’s travesty of journalism only stated that Mr. Davis confirmed that he was the author, not that Davis said the events actually occurred in his own life.
b. Casual readers of Hamden’s story may not have noticed this sleight of hand (fallacy of equivocation) when substituting author Davis for fictional character Bob Greene as the subject of experiences in the book. In this one maneuver, Hamden cleverly shifted the identity of subject “he” from Greene to Davis, thereby indicating that Greene’s fictional story actually happened to Davis in real life. This deception, however, reveals Hamden’s intent to directly smear Davis and thereby indirectly smear Obama through guilt-by-association.
2. ESCALATION #1: On the same day (August 24) Hamden’s report was published, so-called “Accuracy In Media” (AIM) published a new report citing Hamden’s story. (AIM had already published numerous reports defaming Frank Marshall Davis starting in February 2008.) AIM now reported that Edgar Tidwell, an “expert in the life and writing of Davis,” confirmed that Frank Marshall Davis wrote “Sex Rebel: Black” as a semi-autobiographical novel. Despite Tidwell’s expert opinion that the novel was SEMI-autobiographical, AIM escalated accusations against Davis by claiming he was a sex pervert ( based on Hamden’s same-day report. Kincaid falsely attributed the “pervert” claim to Hamden’s report.
3. ESCALATION #2: On 14 October, AIM again escalated the charges by falsely claiming Davis was an “admitted child molester”
4. SUMMARY: Evidence strongly suggests that Hamden and AIM worked together on this story before either post was published on August 24: AIM’s post referenced Hamden’s story although both were published the same day. Further, AIM’s false attribution of the “pervert” claim to Hamden’s story suggests AIM referenced Hamden’s draft rather than a final version.
“Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.”
– Abraham Lincoln