New AlterNet piece in need of some luv
I got a new column up at AlterNet that was originally titled “Ratfucking the McCain Campaign in Four Easy Steps,” but was sanitized a bit for mass consumption. I still think it has some excellent ideas, though. Excerpt:
How the Democrats Might Screw the McCain Campaign in Four Easy Steps
Now that we’ve lured our rats back to our apartment, it’s time to get busy. Once our targets are reminded that they positively loathe McCain’s stances on social issues and illegal immigration, we can start flat-out lying about him and his record. This can be done by either exaggerating things McCain has said or done in the past or by just making shit up. If you choose the latter tactic, I recommend composing anonymous smear chain e-mails that recount several “facts” that people might not know about McCain.
For instance, did you know that after his keynote speech at La Raza, McCain bowed before a gold statue of the ancient Aztec god Huitzilopochtli and vowed to lead the reconquista to snatch the Southwestern United States away from the American ice devils? Or that the lime green screens that McCain speaks in front of are actually loaded with subliminal messages intended to brainwash Americans into working as slave laborers on Al Gore’s arugula farm? And just for the heck of it, did you hear that McCain has an unseemly and un-American attraction to lobsters? It’s not that McCain is an out-and-out crustaceaphile, mind you, but the persistent rumors about his occasional dabbling in lobster love have dogged him (or should that be, “clawed” him?) since the start of his political career. Clearly, the McCain campaign should release all of its candidate’s credit card statements from his trips to Legal Sea Foods over the years, just to reassure voters that he didn’t bring any uncooked lobsters home with him in a doggy bag.
Read teh whole thing. And even if you don’t want to read it, just click it to get me some pageview lovin’. ‘Elp a brother out 🙂
The fact is, you liberals are desperete. You know that McCain is going to win no matter how much the media is biased toward Obama.
Seriously? Keithy can accuse Lowry of masturbating to Palin’s debate performance on the air, but alternet can’t use “ratfucking” in a title?
Well, as far as Lowry goes, George Carlin said it best: “ya don’t have to be Fellini to figure that out”.
And while it may not be title-material, Brad does get to say it about, oh, seven hundred times in the article. Which is a good thing.
Good read, Brad.
Gay? I wish. If I were gay there’d be no problem.
Lawsy me, another web gaffe for McCain. A recent web ad based on the debate:
That’s how the ad ends, for maximum impact.
But maybe it doesn’t matter. Can Republicans spell?
Loved the article, great joke construction. And yes, ol’ Bob is a Rat Too Far.
To say I’m not impressed by Dumbya is an understatement, but that article made me appreciate that appealing to all three crazy wings in the modern Republican party is no mean feat.
Of course, he was a blank slate. And still is. Unfortunately, what’s written there now is just some squiggles, obscene graffiti, and lots of puzzled question marks.
By all means, we’re going to need to entertain ourselves for the next few weeks, but McCain’s done.
Sarah ‘power of nightmare’ Palin’s winking, out-Cheneying, Ma-Kettle-on-acid debate performance saw to that.
But just how done is McCain, and the rethuglican party, for that matter?
Four lost Senate seats? How about six? Do I hear seven?
I want to see them crushed so badly that we can go back to having sane conversations about our future.
Instead of having to defend corporatists like Diane banker butt-licker Margaret Thatcher Feinstein, the dragon lady with no heart, just because she’s still better than the bloodthirsty racists actually running our country.
Ooops, forgot the youtube!
Loved it! If you want to see some more ‘rumor commentary’, I found this great piece on WorldNetCrazy: Israel Destroys Damascus Then Russia Invades. Are they normally this batshit nutty over there?
I don’t know about Dornan being a rat too far… There’s always the pleasure you get from getting Dornan to do your dirty work for you, then either (A) stashing a large quantity of coke in his trunk and calling the cops on him or (B) telling his pals that the only reason he wants war on Islam is so he can have himself installed as the New Master of the Global Muslin Caliphate…
I don’t know that we don’t need to go to such lengths, though it would be fun. I just ran across (at TPM) something I had missed two years ago, John McCain being a major asswipe. Oh, right. Low information voters and all that. Nevermind.
Righty then, let’s get to work on the made-up shit.
John McCain loves lobsters? Hell, even Troy McClure ‘sleeps with the fishes’ if ya know what I mean…
Yes, I too am hoping for an big sweep.
Since the entire story of the 20th Century is: Republicans screw it up, Democrats clean it up.
I’m hoping this time their screwups are so monumental they will linger in memory so much they get a multigenerational FAIL, as they did they last time they triggered an economic meltdown.
Dugg, Brad, and thanks for the effort you put in. I know Alternet’s readership is not immense, but it’s nice to see you getting some attention elsewhere.
I, too, hope for a real turnaround this time. It’s time for 16 years of Dem rule, followed by a single Republican term which reminds people of why we don’t vote Republicans into office, and then another 40 of the Dems in charge.
. . . . having sane conversations about our future.
Before Bush, Paulson, McCodger et al said, “The fundamentals of our economy are str . . . HOLY SHIT! Where’d that cliff come from and how did we get here so fast??!!” – before that, the FY2009 deficit was casually projected to be about $435 billion. Estimates are now in the range of $1trillon – $2 trillion. That’s just for next year.
Even though the Republican boo-birds may get banished to the bleachers, their soon-to-be constant screeching of “Where’s our fucking ponies, Obama??!! You promised us all ponies!!” is still likely to be loud enough to make any conversation difficult, much less sane conversation.
I’m just hoping that an Obama Admin with a Dem-controlled Congress can make sufficient and obvious headway that the 2010 mid-terms won’t be a repeat of 1994 (in which event we’re all pretty much fucked for a long time to come).
When the American economy crashes and burns sometime in the next couple weeks, the event will trigger a sea change. I wouldn’t rule out the villagers storming Wall Street with torches and pitchforks but the odds of that are somewhat under 50/50.
In any event, Obama’s coattails are going to be long. Very long. Alas, it will take another electoral round or two to get rid of the bluedogs.
The bigger question is how the McCain camp will try to ratfuck Obama. They will probably stick with the Muslim/scarey negro memes and Rev. Wright etc. What’s going on with Obama’s brother and other family in Africa? They tried that one earlier and it didn’t stick, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they send over a Fox camera crew and do a whole faux-sympathy thing about the brother Obama ignores and puts at risk.
I just hope Bailout 2.0 involves handing $3 trillion to Bill Gates in exchange for a hand-written note on a napkin that he will ‘come up with something awesome which will totally turn everything around” and that it ends up being something more than the Segway or the touch-table.
Sarah Palin = Joan of AK
Preggers Against Palin campaign
That might be called — oh god I can’t do this, but yes I can —
a PAP smear.
golf, ahem, CLAP, MzNicky!
Four lost Senate seats? How about six? Do I hear seven?
Nate Silver has it at a likely six-seat pickup (VA, NM, CO, NH, AK, OR) with one tossup (NC) and a couple of possibles (MN, KY). With long enough coat-tails, this could get really interesting.
I just ran across (at TPM) something I had missed two years ago, John McCain being a major asswipe.
Have you seen Tim Dickinson’s piece at Rolling Stone? Yikes.
Preggers? Oh, Myyyyyyyyy . . . . (fap, fap, fap) . . . .
A landslide Obama victory with long enough coattails to win six more Senate seats for the Dems? Huh.
How long before the wingers start whinging about being a “downtrodden minority”?
Oh, wait.
Ratfucking, huh? My buds and I are trying to figure out how the glorious border state might be turned around so that Obama could get our 11 electoral votes. Not a biggie, I know, but still. We ARE the home of Al Gore, and the “Couldn’t Even Carry His Own State” dig from 2000 still smarts for a whole helluva a lot of us.
I’m afraid that too many around these parts think Obama=Louis Farrakhan. Seriously. But the bailout vote could be a big juicy fuckworthy rat. Phone-banking and bumper stickers and getting voters registered is all well and good, but we need a big honkin’ “Animal House”-style chaos parade or something to shake the conservatoids up. What to do, what to do?
Brad: The PAP Smear could have as its tag “If we can’t trust her with a pregnancy, how can we trust her with a country?”
Excellent piece, per usual.
I linked it at Bark Obama! so you should get, oh, another five or six hits.
Is this about Mcain anymore, or Palin?
Turning the Glibertarian lot against Palin should be easy! after all, she is pro-censorship. That crowd don’t really like Mcain much anyway, they just hate Obama because they think he is a socialist. Just shill for Bob Barr a bit, and there you go, one less Mcain vote.
The fundie nutjobs.. So easy. Just remind them about Mcains marital history. Repeatedly. Divorcing your disabled wife so you can marry the rich young tart you have been banging on the side for months? Doesn’t go over well with anyone, but will make the fundies more pissed off than most.
Now, I don’t know much about American fundie denominations.. But aren’t the pentecostals nutjobs even by southern baptist standards? All that speaking in tounges shit? There has to be some religious division that can be quietly exploited here. Fundies are a very internally divided lot.
And of course.. Mcain is an unbaptised baptist! Hammer that one into the GROUND. You cant be a proper member of the baptist church without full immersion baptism. Just tell the fundies “he isn’t really a baptist, he is just pandering!”
Have you seen Tim Dickinson’s piece at Rolling Stone? Yikes.
Triple dog yikes! I knew before that he was a POS but damn! Now I think excess human baggage is a better descriptor.
“It’s not that McCain is an out-and-out crustaceaphile, mind you, but the persistent rumors about his occasional dabbling in lobster love have dogged him (or should that be, “clawed” him?)”
In any case, it’s what makes him so crabby.
Rat fucking is all well and good but basic teenage interracial fucking is better.
I wonder why our Sarah is trying to hide the real baby daddy.
About Palin invoking the name of Clinton in her stump speech? She gave that tactic up pretty fast. It went over tepidly when she used it at her announcement speech, but when she tried it again in from of one of those “hyper-partisan” crowds a few days later, it elicted boos as soon a the name “Clinton” left her lips. I don’t think she ever used it again.
Sometimes you fuck the rats, sometimes the rats fuck you.
John McCain being a major asswipe
What a puerile response, and what a fool McCain is for committing it to paper.
Now, off to read the Rolling Stone article.
A thing of surpassing beauty.
Too bad a lot of people who should really know this information will immediately dismiss it as hit piece because of the venue.
But really, in this campaign McCain is showing how he leads: erratically, thoughtlessly, and ready to pander to any lizard brained antic he can come up with.
Fuck me. First the Newsday Saturday Stumper xword puzzle won’t come up. Then the cable goes on the fritz and I’ll probably miss at least some of the Penn State game. I’d just say screw it and start drinking but I’m out of gin and the liquor store doesn’t open for another hour!
I get how Jism III must feel: Life isn’t fair.
Aw, PeeJ, what a bummer. Is the weather nice where you are? A walk can be a real mind changer.
I do it even in the winter, but then its wonderfullness falls more into the “I hit my toe with a hammer because it’s so nice when I stop.”
Sock–the last 4 things listed in the Assemblies of God “16 Fundamental Truths” list all deal with the “rapture”/2nd Coming. FOUR. If that still means little to you, check out the dispensationalist movement. Egads.
Are you kidding? It’s Portland. So it’s raining. It’ll be raining everyday until May. Besides that, I’m still not able to walk very well. I’m out of the wheelchair, with what they call a “fracture walker” which is a big boot thing but I have to use a crutch – can’t do full weight yet.
Aha! Cable’s back! C yall later….
Required Bob Dornan MST3k reference:
OH! You’ll feel relief
Filling your briefs
Crap in your pants
As we fly over France
Flying high in the blue
Free to do number two
Lex.. Look at number 12! faith healing! A cardinal doctrine of the church!
Well.. THAT must be what Palins healthcare plan is! Prayer!
There’s a good rat to fuck there. Mcain’s healthplan reads like lord of the flies.. Palins plan is just to pray about it!
There’s your winning ad!
CLOSEUP of Piggy’s broken glasses. VO: “Where is John McCain when you need healthcare?”
Then some bonfires and pig heads, with a bongo soundtrack.
It practically writes itself.
Will McCain’s “League Of Democracies” include Spain?
boy, would I like to see Obama ask this question at the next debate. when Biden brought up Spain at the veep debate, Palin’s eyes bugged out. then the subject dropped. This is something that could make McSame boil over.
“It’s not that McCain is an out-and-out crustaceaphile, mind you, but the persistent rumors about his occasional dabbling in lobster love have dogged him (or should that be, “clawed” him?)”
That’s nuthin’. I heard that after he has “relations” with the lobsters, he makes them take a really, really hot bath, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
I know they’ve already totally lost the animal lovers vote, as well they should, but a little more oil on the fire can’t hurt.
I know they’ve already totally lost the animal lovers vote, as well they should, but a little more oil on the fire can’t hurt.
Oil…mmmmmm……stir-fried lobster…..
Everything I read, hear, or see of McCain indicates he should not be allowed anywhere near the preznitcy.
He recently had a meeting with the editiorial board of the Des Moines register – who had, incidentally, endorsed him on the Republican side during the caucuses, endorsing Hillary on the Dem side – and went into it with a big old chip on his shoulder.
Too thin-skinned for presidency?
Now, if he can’t deal with this sort of thing from an editorial board which while liberal by certain lights certainly wasn’t out to play gotcha, how the hell will he handle Vlad? He just seems like a little fat kettle getting ready to start whistling and shooting steam from his ears and nostrils, like Yosemite Sam in an old WB cartoon.
you’re not helping there, g. 😉
One classic lobster presentation is a simple daub of mayonnaise. I bet he doesn’t use real mayonnaise, if you get my drift.
Oh, they might not be that hard to convince.
Now if we can do something about their spelling. I mean, that?
PeeJ just helped me stick to my diet. ewwwwwwwwwwww
I joined the Christian Science Church because it offered the only health care plan I could afford.
From the article:
Actually I do believe they are, not because of Grampa McSame per se, but because he’s the Republican. These people worship the “R”. For every example you give, Brad, about what people were saying when the Repub primary was still shaking out, in real time I kept thinking to myself: “Yeah, right, as if.”
These people know how to fall in line. Palin just gave them the excuse they needed to appease their conscience when they push the lever.
Conceivably, some would have decided to sit this one out, but I suspect not most would have regardless, and they certainly would still be flapping their gums about Obama the “empty suit,” “tax raiser,” “baby killer,” etc.
Obama campaign rolling out a big outreach about health care. Prominently featured: McCain’s health care plan, aka, Once We Got All Yer Money, Why Don’t Ya Die, Awready?
“Required Bob Dornan MST3k reference:”
Oooh ! Another refueling scene !!
“Get the (drawn) butter.”
Sock–oh yeah, just the old faith healing. Speak in tongues a few times and you’re good….LOL. Look at 10 & 11 too. Missionary operations going on worldwide, and if you go to the link for the AofG main site you’ll see that they are on the conversion war-path through “Latin America”. You know, those “non-Christian Catholics” like me….HAHA! I think we have every right to know all of Palin’s views on these subjects. Especially after the Rev. Wright wingnut bonanza earlier this year.
Lex- Well, as a liberal atheist, the whole damned list looks like ridiculous cultism to me. It is just a matter of telling which bits are going to be so weird they alienate middle america.
The conservative leaning catholics could be up for grabs if Palin’s church is anti-catholic! After all, isn’t Biden a catholic? Abortion will be a deal breaker for some, but even some of that type could be persuaded to stay at home if convinced Mcain supports abortion rights (which he used to. sort of. Enough to make an argument anyway.)
I think the best one would be simply to ask “Governor Palin, do you believe the rapture will happen in your lifetime?”
50/50 chance she gives a clear “yes” to that one. Any sane person would be horrified by the prospect of a president who may be actively working towards Armageddon.
50/50 chance she gives a clear “yes” to that one. Any sane person would be horrified by the prospect of a president who may be actively working towards Armageddon.
Everytime Murka elect goopers to the gubmint, they put people who don’t believe in gubmint in charge of same.
Hilarious consequences ensue!
Yeah, it is a bit like asking Ned Ludd to fix your computer…
Thanks to that Rolling Stone article, I will from now on think of the senior senator from Arizona as Milk Crate McCain.
Sock–it’s bad news either way. The secular vs. Palin came up the other day in an interesting interview with the co-founder of Beliefnet on NPR. It was on Fresh Air with Terry Gross on Tuesday.
Oddly there’s a prayer list for “the candidates for Life” at my Church as well as a seminar coming up this month. We want to go, as it’s sure to be an ‘only vote the “pro-life ticket”‘, but we want to stress the fact that these churches (either Aof G or ‘Bible Churches’, as Palin attends now) are quite hostile and bigoted against both Catholics and Orthodox Christianity. I was posing the same question on my blog last night even, whether or not voting in a dispensationalist was an appropriate vote for Catholics (and obviously any secularists, whether your brand or my Catholic Christian-but-still-for-secularism view). I’ve just been researching this quite a bit lately and the entire movement hiding out there in plain sight frightens me, especially with the bestseller brain-washing series, “Left Behind”. Even had I liked Palin before I would certainly protest her now based on her religious background.
Biden is a Catholic, but he’s under fire lately and might be unable to take the Eucharist (!!!) due to his political positions.
Any sane person would be horrified by the prospect of a president who may be actively working towards Armageddon. This came up as well in the NPR interview, and I hope it gets a lot more press; Palin already has stated that we shouldn’t question Israel which seems purely political on the outside but in fact is supported heavily by her churches and their dispensationalist doctrines. No, I don’t want anyone heading this country who would welcome the “end times”. Scary Bible Spice, dammit!
Set up an appointment with Milton.
Well, when it comes to “The candidates for life” I would have to say that title would have to go to the candidates in favour of stopping the current worthless war in Iraq.
Catholics are supposed to be against war, but sadly the catholic churches long history of aiding and abetting warmongerers works against that principle.
Really, there ISN’T an ideologically pure candidate for catholics to support. Someone anti war, anti abortion rights, anti contraception, and against the death penalty too? Who also supports helping the poor?
Given that, the choices are compromise, or stay at home. Biden may not be a “good” catholic, but he and Obama can at least be trusted not to take the government in a direction which is detrimental to ANY religious minority.
You could make a case that since roe vs wade is well established law, the most important issues for catholics should be ending the current illegal war, (which is worse because it is actually illegal, therefore both a religious and secular abomination) and helping out the increasing number of people who are falling into poverty because of the current economic climate. Given that only a willing President can end the war, and Obama can do more for the poor than any number of soup kitchens, the way to vote is obvious.
Abortion has been used as a wedge issue to make the religious types vote against their own best interests, and even against the dictates of their own religions. It shouldn’t work so well this time, because the rethuglicans have shown their true colours, and they really don’t look appealing to the god botherers, except the fundie nutjobs.
OT, but one of K-Lo’s emailers reports that audiences are raving about “An American Carol”
WereBear said:
You forgot all those numbers with lots of zeroes and commas in them.
Some represent corpses; some represent still living but broken bodies; others refer to planeloads of stolen money, pallette after pallette of shrink-wrapped Benjamins.
That really, really big number just recently added to the slate, that represents enough Benjamins — $100 for every living human being on Earth — to buy a re-run of the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan, from scratch, with all the stupidity and corruption repeated all over again.
Meanwhile, the original wars go on uninterrupted.
The “slate” of George W. Bush, whatever else it may be, is not blank.
Just dipped my toes into LGF (ugh!) and found that a ripe and present tool for the present purpose is McCain’s vote for the bailout bill. One of the commenters actually says she’ll “write in Governor Palin for president” because she was the only one of the four who didn’t vote for it.
mp3 experiment in ten minutes
there’s always one guy in a fursuit, ain’t there?
One of the commenters actually says she’ll “write in Governor Palin for president” because she was the only one of the four who didn’t vote for it.
’cause she’s a gosh-darn maverick!
I’ll fix your computer all right. I’ll fix it reaal good.
posted from my Blackberry™, a miracle made possible by a man I am proud to call one of my contemporaries – John McCain.
Take that, ill-eatists.
Well, you know what they say.
You can’t make a Pad Thai without chopping a little cilantro…
well, that was silly. Fun, but silly.
This one’s for you, ittdgy.
From Chris Cillizza and Shailagh Murray at WaPo:
Wishes CAN come true!
by Margarita Mercure Hibbs
I want to take exception to the notion that Palin seems to be completely indifferent to the accuracy of facts and history. She kept trying to make it unacceptable for Biden to ‘point fingers back to the past’. This is exactly why we have McCain at the top of the Republican ticket. For Pete’s sake, McCain is nothing more than a carefully constructed myth. He is no ‘Maverick’ and in fact, I contend that he is the ultimate hypocrite on issue after issue.
One of the worst things that happened to John McCain’s campaign, aside from picking Palin, is the economy imploding from years of unchecked greed and corruption and Republican control and influence on every level of this economy. For the record, some Democrats lost their way and participated in some of the same sins. Here are some facts to chew on; Phil Gramm, one of John McCain’s economic advisors authored the Gramm/Leach/Bliley Act in 1999 during the last year of Bill Clinton’s administration. John McCain supported this bill.
This bill is the Deregulation Bill that is largely responsible for the downward spiral that our country is in today. Phil Gramm is the man who just two months ago told us that we were suffering from a mental recession and that we were a ‘nation of whiners’. His other advisor is Carly Fiorina, ex CEO of Hewlett Packard, who after tanking the company and reducing share values by 50%, she then pink slipped 21,000 employees and when she was asked to leave, they gave her a 42 Million Dollar severance package.
Remember John McCain is still the man that was directly involved in the disgraceful Savings and Loan Bank debacle called the Keating 5 Scandal. If it had been ‘Joe Six Pack’, he would have gone to jail for years. John McCain got a Congressional Reprimand. So, now that the McCain and Palin are drumming up the alleged Ayres association, we can remind people of the thousands of families who lost their homes during the S&L fiasco and the bombing of a reporter in Arizona that was investigating the scandal and McCain’s role. McCain was allegedly involved as a possible person of interest for that incident. Amazing how the Republicans have no respect for history, huh? I wonder why.
One last note about history and the importance of facts and content; Palin’s quote via Ronald Reagan was not about freedom and democracy, it was a speech delivered sometime around 1960 or 1961 and it was intended to create fear and opposition against Medicare. My God, for an evangelical Christian to be against medical care for senior citizens is simply not biblical. People, please learn the facts and remember that if we fail to remember the lessons of history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. This woman, her running mate and the party that they are part of are truly dishonest and/or ignorant and seemingly proud of those distinctions. Wake up people.
Brad, all you need to use are the facts. History is important. I enjoyed the article and hit the diggit tab.
If you can use your Jedi mind-tricks to make Sarah Palin forget the name of the leader of Coalition forces in Afghanistan, and call him “General Elphinstone” by mistake, I will donate a shiny new coin to the S,N! Laboratories research budget.
Sarah Palin would have you forget history so that the Republicans can repeat it.
You’ve got a nerve to be asking a favor
You’ve got a nerve to be calling my number
I know we’ve been through this before
Can’t you hear me, I’m calling out your name?
Can’t you see me, I’m pounding on your door?
This post needs suitable illustrations.
“full blown islamic war”
The invading army had a mere 14 troops.
The USA has what? A million?
McCain’s digging himself a shit moat.
Well, you know what they say. You can’t make a Pad Thai without chopping a little cilantro…
mikey: I love Pad Thai. I dream of Pad Thai sometimes.
The EU takes a different ‘bail out’ approach:
European leaders reject joint bailout to quell rocky economies
Lesley: Wow. If they’d let the troopergate thing take its natural course, perhaps nothing would have come of it. By blocking and strong-arming and bullying, the McInsane campaign makes it seem like, gosh, maybe there’s something to hide?
I wonder if any of those members of the Alaska Supreme Court could possibly have any reason to, I dunno, not particularly favor Palin’s side of things (setting aside the legitimate possibility that the justices are unbiased). That’d be a real kick in the ol’ karma, wouldn’t it.
If they’d let the troopergate thing take its natural course, perhaps nothing would have come of it.
An innocent person would welcome and publicize the outcome. She’s guilty guilty guilty.
This certainly puts the kibosh to McCain’s promise of open and honest government.
Make way for the newest celebrity cologne: McCain
The Truth said,
October 5, 2008 at 0:37
D.N., when was the last time this act was funny?
I don’t know about the Alaskans, but hte plaintiffs? Uh, yEah. Not nearly as much as they deserve, though.
Does “The United States of America, and the entire fucking world” trump “The plaintiffs and Alaskans”
I bloody hope so.
Yes, I am fully aware of all George Bush war crimes.
I was alluding to the fact that most of the electorate had never heard of him until he began running for President, and came to know what he was like far, far too late for it to make a difference.
I had a visceral dislike for him the moment I saw his face, something that hadn’t happened to me since Martha Stewart appeared on my television, equally false and unwelcome.
Though far less damaging.
Sarah Palin has had a much shorter arc from first appearance to knowing all too much about her. I can only hope that is a good thing.
Martha Stewart … equally false and unwelcome. Though far less damaging.
That’s open to debate.
If they’d let the troopergate thing take its natural course, perhaps nothing would have come of it. By blocking and strong-arming and bullying, the McInsane campaign makes it seem like, gosh, maybe there’s something to hide?
Kinda like how nobody would have known about Cindy McCain’s felony-enhanced drug habit, eh? I still can’t quite fathom the degree of hubris necessary for McCain to have pushed that dead issue to the point of press coverage. Dumb dumb dumb.
And in other news: Thunder, is DN really the Truth? Why on earth would DN do that? (I’ve had Truthy in the killfile for months, so haven’t read a single one of its posts in forever, but from what I remember it’s all far from entertaining . . . )
Smiling Mortician: My understanding about the Cindy McCain revelation is that no one would have known about it had the McCains not filed a lawsuit claiming extortion against a worker whom Cindy had fired from her charity organization, who subsequently filed a wrongful termination suit.
also, this New Yorker article is very insightful:
A not-very-happy woman in a not-very-happy marriage, it would seem.
I agree – the wingnut kingdom will display an uncanny knack to use the mysteries of fact-checking sites to torpedo fiction-based rodent-orgiasty, & the blame will be directed straight back to the candidate.
Obama’s rat-abstinent strategy is kicking ass – McCain is dropping in the polls & he just announced his intention to focus AWAY from the economy to go after Obama’s character. As the economy worsens, that “Wrath Of Rove, Part 3” angle is going to look more & more like offering free Afros at a Klan rally. The man is digging his own political grave – & there’s more than enough REAL dirt in McCain’s own bio to put him in it.
Happy coffin-nailing.
Tell the Talibangelicals that he’s going to love ’em & leave ’em just like Bush did – it’s likely true & will produce the optimal ratfuck effect: turn Goopers against one another so they do your work for you.
Tell the glibertarians that Palin is itching to take away their most cherished liberties the moment McCain dies or becomes incapacitated. Also very likely true, & also a divide-&-conquer play.
… & the official hunt for OBL ended during the Bush years. The CIA Unit was dissolved & the FBI’s involvement now amounts to a “wanted” poster. Bush doesn’t care about finding him & has said so repeatedly.
No Reagan = no viable Mujahedin = no Al Quaeda.
To reiterate: the GOP was warned by the CIA about a very high probability of domestic blowback (including large-scale terrorism) in the 1980s, & said “screw it, we’re sending them more weapons & money anyway” … & the rest is history.
Oh, & who was Bush business partners with for several years, via the Carlyle Group? Why lookee lookee – none other than the bin Laden family. Many of whose members got free rides home from the US on 9/12, on the taxpayers’ dime – no questions asked. Small world, huh?
D.N., when was the last time this act was funny?
Parody trolls make Emo Cat cry.
I would not be surprised if D.N. is responsible for most if not all of the parody troll bullshit we see around here. He seems unusually obsessed with them.
Speaking of obsessions, Nader Halliburton stock One True Progressive BLARGH!!!
I have limited sympathy for the rich bitches in unhappy marriages. Nobody forced the rolling in dough beauty queen to marry philandering McShitstain. She’s getting some bang for her buck i.e. the prospect of being first lady. If she chooses to put up with this asshole calling her a cunt in public she can certainly afford therapy. Me? I’d divorce him.
If they’d let the troopergate thing take its natural course, perhaps nothing would have come of it.
I’m wondering there’s some hidden scandal in troopergate that they are afraid will get out. Not necessarily something actionable, but something embarrassing.
The trooper himself sounds like a real piece of work. I was surprised that they didn’t allow it to go forward and do their best to paint the guy a monster, gaining sympathy for the reasons they wanted to have him fired.
But as time went by and they haven’t said much about him, it makes me wonder what they have to hide.
They’ve had more vile things to say about Obama than they have about Palin’s brother-in-law.
Get lost, D.N.
Unless you have proof that it’s DN it’s not fair to assume the troll is him.
I was surprised to learn that it is still an unsettled question whether the Supreme Court intended to (or is even able to) limit the use of Bush v. Gore as a precedent in future cases.
He occasionally cops to being the troll.
Yes, and not only that one.
Sock–I’m more in your camp. Stopping the war is the bigger issue for me. The only issue I’m not pro-life on is food and that I eat meat, but that’s just me, and I felt that way long before I became a Christian-then-Catholic (05). I do care about the poor and I care about the war and the environment, but I do see different factions within my own Church even. Personally, I don’t agree with voting for anyone who identifies my Church with any evil characters in Revelation. However, this wearing of blinders to hyper-focus on certain social issues while ignoring the main message is not for me. Then again, I’m a weird Catholic;) I’d rather stay away from anyone who thinks that any of the more Eastern sects aren’t “real Christians”; talk about a “slippery slope”….sheesh.
Really, DN Nation?
OK, ittdgy’s links are a hint. Still, DN’s attempt at troofy was missing that note of sheer hatred that the original had…
Yes. Very rigid, paranoid, exclusive definitions of who is “real” and who is “fake” are generally bad news… in religion, culture, or ideology.
Groups who always focus on how everyone else is untrustworthy are a bit suspect.
Brad, your Alternet piece was most enjoyable.
As for Palin’s behavior when her labor began, it was not only weird and reckless, but also indefensibly dangerous. I’ve talked to countless other mothers as well as four OB/gyns–one of whom I know socially, as our kids go to school together– since that story came to light, and all of them said what my own OB said sixteen years ago when my water broke: Go to the hospital immediately. Right now. Go. And my pregnancy was “unremarkable and full-term”, not premature (like Palin’s) or involving a special needs baby (also like Palin’s). DS kids, especially when born prematurely (which could have happened any moment, since this was her fifth delivery) often have serious issues at birth, i.e. breathing, that really require top-drawer neonatal facilities.
It’s hard not to wonder how or why any mother could put her baby’s life in such obvious jeopardy; it’s especially hard to not ascribe nefarious intentions to Palin’s actions (or rather, inaction). I know I am having a hard time making sense of them.
[…] the truth, the governor was expressing contempt for the electorate. She’s due for a ratfucking; the Sadly, No! crowd is already on it. Line ‘em up, boys I’m […]
Only latte-sipping coastal elites use cilantro. Real Heartland Americans use coriander in their pad thai and pico de gallo.
Come to think of it, McCain looks like a creepy Uncle that begs you to come sit on his lap after a holiday dinner.