The worst president ever

Did anyone see Bush’s “statement” from the White House on the bail-out package just now? The one that lasted, like, 20 seconds and was filled with such wonderful insights as “it’s hard work” and “the reason this rescue package is so big is because it’s a big problem.”

I know I’ve been belaboring this point for the past, oh, eight years, but Bush is a really sucky president.


Comments: 40


The George W. Bush has been the worst POTUS in history Memorial Fund.

Just saying,…


He’s STILL doing the “it’s hard work” line? Still? In 2008, he’s still doing that?


I’d like to take this opportunity to say that, despite the whole country crashing to pieces all around us, I am taking great delight in seeing wonderful ol’ Barney Frank in there in the thick of it, getting his digs in and sticking it to the Refucks.


Dang it. That was moi.


“it’s hard”, “it’s big” and “We will rise to the occasion.”

So I’m taking it that the Viagra ‘scrip came through after all.


DN Nation: Jon Stewart had a great side-by-side comparison of The Chimpinator’s pre-Iraq speech in 2003 and the one he read the other night.


Annie sure has a scary effect on this blog.


Hell, John McCain is giving him a run for his money, and he’s just a candidate. Imagine the heights of Mega Fail President McCain could achieve. Standing on the shoulders of giants, indeed.


Who really IS dumber, Palin or Bush. I honestly can’t figure it out myself. Any thoughts?


Jon Stewart had a great side-by-side comparison of The Chimpinator’s pre-Iraq speech in 2003 and the one he read the other night.

I thought that was brilliant, actually. I laughed and laughed. Stewart’s writers are amazing.


Would you guys quit harping on Bush’s big package already… 🙂


By the way, have you heard the package will pass? Yes indeedy, it’s a sure thing. It will pass. The package. For sure.

I can haz $400,000/yr now?


Palin is less educated, so you could argue she’s dumber. On the other hand, Bush has had lots of advantages, Harvard, etc, yet he’s still dumb as a box of rocks.If Palin had gone to an Ivy League school, would she have ensmartened? That’s really a toughie. It’s like asking who’s more evil, The Penguin, or The Joker?

But, looking at that interview, I’d have to go with Palin in the dumbness sweepstakes.


DN Nation: Jon Stewart had a great side-by-side comparison of The Chimpinator’s pre-Iraq speech in 2003 and the one he read the other night.

I liked the side-by-side one they did a few weeks ago showing McCain’s GOP acceptance speech and Dumbya’s in 2000. Just plain creepy.

A note to wingnuts: TDS saves clips of you. Be careful.


I just can’t believe their ticket anagram is Manic L. Panic.


“Palindrone,” someone said somewhere. Heh indeed.


If ever there was a time for eloquence and inspiration, it’s now.


Chimpy was already the Worstest Prezident Evar. This nukeular meltdown as he slithers out of office only solidifies his title for all time retroactively and into perpetuity.

Not even in all of my wildest dreams nightmares since the coup d’état of 2000 did I ever imagine the little shit could do so much damage.


Who really IS dumber, Palin or Bush. I honestly can’t figure it out myself. Any thoughts?.

McCain. Plus WAY more dangerous.

I know I’ve been belaboring this point for the past, oh, eight years, but Bush is a really sucky president.

Yea. Ya know, I’ve been noticing that too.


How the Dems don’t have this election all sewn up by now is a mystery to me.

McCain = Bush! McCain = Bush! McCain = Bush! McCain = Bush! McCain = Bush! McCain = Bush! Over and over again.

Of course, if McCain doesn’t show up to the debate tonight, he’ll might as well shoot himself in the foot. Fer Chrissake, GW at least showed up to the debates!


McCain has fucked himself on his “let’s call the whole thing off” pseudo-grandstanding. Whether he shows or not tonight, he’s made himself a laughingstock. Now, he’s either not prepared to debate or he’s a no-show.

Also note that the bailout plan fell apart once McMighty Mouse flew in to save the day.


Which Reid so hopefully pointed out on CNN. Very funny (for Harry, at least).




Now now, Brad, the man has only just found his legacy, we have to forgive him if he crows a little about it!


Paul Begala on CNN yesterday, analyzing Bush’s speech:

I’m going to get in trouble. He’s a high-functioning moron, and that’s what Congress treats him as. Both parties.

I do hate agreeing with the clintonistas, but …

(For video, see all over the place, for instance


Did anyone see chimpie t’other day when he meshes his fingers together and sez “turns out the whole thing is intermeshed” (or something like that)

Turns out? TURNS OUT?!?!?! This dumbfuck has an MBA and he only now finds out the economy is all “intermeshed together”? Unbefuckenlievable.


The fact is, shut up. Without more tax cuts and disincentives to work hard (salary caps), this will get far worse and you liberals will loose your houses and your jobs only for political point scoring.

Also, let’s see how popular Obama is after demanding to debate a man who is not there because he is working hard to save our country well Obama is just in it for himself. He should be above politics like McCain is.


On the other hand, the Palin debacle is giving me a continuous chuckle. Faced with the impossibility selling America a pig in a poke, even if it does have lipstick, they took the Barbie doll out of the box.

It’s faaaabuloussss!


He’s STILL doing the “it’s hard work” line? Still? In 2008, he’s still doing that?

Now, be fair. It’s not at all certain he knows what year it is.


Just so you know, ‘!’ is a unary operator meatning “not”.


It’s astounding watching this guy and realizing that it’s not that he’s being condescending or patronizing when he speaks like a simpleton, it’s that he doesn’t understand and know shit.


Caitlin Sith FTW.

One of you creative types make with the t-shirts please.

As a reminder, there are protests springing up all over the country. If you’re not doing anything this weekend this is your chance to take part in one of the things that made this coutnry great: Assembling in large numbers and shouting.


Sure enough – man couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if you put the instructions on the heel.

Who really IS dumber, Palin or Bush. I honestly can’t figure it out myself. Any thoughts?

I don’t think even a ditz like Sarahcuda could slam a fucking OIL COMPANY or a PRO FOOTBALL TEAM into the poorhouse. Either franchise is basically a license to print oodles o’ filthy lucre at will. The fact that Texas happily made him their Governor after he produced those dire abortions tells me it’s not exactly Mensa Country, itself.


Caitlin Sith FTW


“turns out the whole thing is intermeshed”

Well, on Saturday, he called them “interlinks”.

Given that over 50% of historians surveyed about a year ago already had Chimpy McFlightSuit as the worst president EVER, this ought to bring his standing up (down?) to about 100% if they re-poll.


they took the Barbie doll out of the box.

PeeJ: I hope you’ve been following “Doonesbury” lately. The Sarah Palin talking Barbie® with all her different outfits! Awesome.


I had the pleasure of working all day yesterday in an office that plays the somewhat hipper local adult album rock station; personally I avoid commercial radio due to, well, the commercials. Since Colorado is a battleground state, the ads were thick and furious. Obama’s ads were hitting the McSame = Shrub meme HARD.

Also, their “ferris wheel being built in Iraq with US money that we could use to rebuild the US” ad played a lot as well; you can bet that one resonates with people who are sensing their economic situation worsen by the moment. If there is one thing that is at the very core of the average ‘Murikan, it is their seething resentment that someone else is getting something better on their tax-dime than they are.

The Reality-Based Dave

“It’s astounding watching this guy and realizing that it’s not that he’s being condescending or patronizing when he speaks like a simpleton, it’s that he doesn’t understand and know shit.”

I heard somewhere the perfect explanation:
When Bush tries explaning something to the American people like we are all morons, it’s because that’s how his advisors explained things to him.

Who is dumber, Bush or Palin?
Probably Palin, because Bush realizes most people are smarter than himsself. Palin thinks she is entitled to everything because she is the smartest that worked the hardest & mostest.


The Perznit Dingleberry Memoral Libary Special Collection:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
My Pet Goat
Hop On Pop
The Complete Condensed, Abridged, Illustrated Large Print Works Of Louis L’Amour
Bin Laden Determined To Strike Within US


My Pet Goat is my favorite!


*checks out My Pet Goat*

…Hey! Why are these pages sticky?


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