To Boldly Go Where No Stupid Has Gone Before

Just this morning used-car salesman Bob Owens, aka the “Confederate Yankee,” had a fleeting moment of clarity and admitted that he wasn’t “qualified to comment meaningfully on the [bailout] in any way, shape, or form.” Of course, if Owens restricted his commentary to things he knew something about, his blog would be confined to a discussion of the relative merits of the 1995 Chevrolet Monte Carlo versus the 1995 Dodge Neon. (“I wooden sayuh that one of them tiny Neons makes a whole lotta seyense foh fokes who is wearin’ lotsa fried chicken an’ eye-us cream ovuh the tops uh thay-ere britches, if you know what I mean.”)
So, of course, sooner than he could say “gimme somuh yoh muhnay foh a new chah-kole greeyul,” Owens was up to his old tricks and blogging about shit he knows absolutely nothing about — in this case, whether or not Sarah Palin’s town of Wasilla charged for rape kits. And, of course, you know, Bob’s answer: she “nevah, evah, evah” charged for a kit and any claim that she did is yet another liberal lie:
[C]urrent [Wasilla] Police Chief Long’s statement of, “A review of files and case reports within the Wasilla Police Department has found no record of sexual assault victims being billed for forensic exams” would seem to stand on it’s own, would it not? … The entire “scandal” seems to have been manufactured around September 9, when stories began to run through the progressive blogosphere, seemingly out of nowhere.
Well, one might also want to speak to the person who was, you know, police chief during the time in question, before jumping to any conclusions, something which Owens admits for a moment and then just as quickly dismisses:
I’m attempting to clarify if that means that no rape victims were ever billed for rapes in Wasilla from 1996 to mid-1999 … despite the fact then Police Chief Charlie Fannon reserved the right to do so, but Fannon has declined multiple media requests for comment, and I doubt he’ll start with me.
Gee, I wonder how we could find out what Police Chief Fannon had to say about whether the city charged for rape kits or not?
And what do you have for us, Great Gazoogle? An article from 2000 in the Wasilla newspaper, you say? Why, how interesting is that?
While the Alaska State Troopers and most municipal police agencies have covered the cost of exams, which cost between $300 to $1,200 apiece, the Wasilla police department does charge the victims of sexual assault for the tests.
Wasilla Police Chief Charlie Fannon does not agree with the new legislation, saying the law will require the city and communities to come up with more funds to cover the costs of the forensic exams.
In the past weve charged the cost of exams to the victims insurance company when possible. I just dont want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer, Fannon said.
According to Fannon, the new law will cost the Wasilla Police Department approximately $5,000 to $14,000 a year to collect evidence for sexual assault cases.
Up next, Owens examines Alaska state government employment records and determines that Sarah Palin didn’t fire Public Safety Chief Walt Monegan but instead showered him with bonuses and gave his daughter a Shetland pony.
UPDATE: Hmmm. I see that while I was writing this post, commenter Skylark was on Owens’s case about this in the comments to Jillian’s great post. Great minds, you know, and all that.
Another conundrum: Pammycakes cites an urtext of CY’s second post on this subject which now seems to have changed and not contain the language she cites. In the Pammycakes version, CY basically calls Fannon a liar and then apparently revises his post to eliminate that charge. What’s up with that, I wonder?
Bob Owens is well aware of the patriotic successes of surge engines.
Bob Owens will put down the surgency, as soon as he has received enough donations.
Bob “The Truth/TIDOS Wankoff” Owens is a fucking disgrace to carbon-based lifeforms. What a dumbshit.
If you google that, you’ll discover that it was a sparkle unity pony. However, ‘unity’ in AK means ‘my way or the highway’. We’ll all get along just fine here…
Would this be the infamous Wookie defence? Because I’m having a tough time figuring out what this has to do with Bob Owens making a bumbling fool of himself, as usual.
Why don’t you just pick on some developmentally disabled folks, or maybe a homeless person? Seriously, what is Confederate Yankee’s readership? You, me, and a handful of retarded people?
Does Skylark get a h/t?
And now it’s time to return fire….
Drunk, stupid, and attempting to “return fire” — by shifting the argument to a different topic whenever you find yourself losing it on facts — is no way to go through life.
[Clif adds: I hadn’t seen Skylark’s comment, either here or at CY, when I was doing this post, but I’ve added a deserved h/t for her bravery in wading through Owens’s shit moat of a comments section.]
Clif has given Bob a nice make over with that sharp money suit.
Consider the alternative.
Shorter Bob Owen:
If I don’t know something about a subject I don’t like, the facts are whatever I want them to be. I win, I win!
Democrat Vote Fraud: the latest Republican Projection Scam.
He’s Robin to Jonah Goldberg’s Batman!
“Um, now, I’m not sayin’…. but, uh, correct someone else if I’m wrong…”
It’s gotta be either the Jonah Goldberg/Bob Owen or Steve Proffitt/Bob Owen ticket in 2012 for the MOST AMAZINGEST ELECTION EVER!
New votahs registrun as dimmacrayats??
Well, suh, it’s simpleh unfayah!
Yeah, that Bob is one classy guy. I do his homework for him, and he immediately bans me and then posts my homework like it’s his idea.
And by the way, he STILL doesn’t get it:
That wasn’t the point. They noted that in most cases the local police agency picked up the bill, regardless of who sent it, but not always. They wanted to make sure that victims were never billed, even indirectly through their insurance company.
Wasilla police dept did not pick up the bill. It was still sent to the victim and/or the victim’s insurance company.
Bob is for sale on buymyshitpile.
Oh wait, wrong link I think those are his brothers.
Here he is
Get him while your nickel is still worth five cents.
PS, for your edification, the minutes from the 3/23/200 committee hearing on the bill are here:
HB 270
You know, I e-mailed almost every person who posted to me on that thread, including “daleyrocks,” explaining that I’d been banned but would be happy to discuss by e-mail.
The response? Zero.
Oh, except I see ol’ daleyrocks is right there in the next thread (at 11:46 PM) referring to me by his juvenile nickname and pretending like I’m just going to “move on to the next astroturfed Palin smear.” No mention of the fact I can’t comment at all because I’m you know, banned.
whatever, skylark. what a loser. you get “Banned” (prove it, i want cites, and they have to be from frontpagemag to count) and you whine and cry. boo hoo. here’s a suggestion–stop using “facts” to argue with “total fucking morons” and the “shit moats” that surround them. nobody’s fault but yours.
you can’t argue with success. AFAIK bob owens has this and you have nothing but a pile of coals.
I know. It’s like a sickness.
yeah, you don’t want to argue with a mind that’s selling for five cents on the open market. Note: no one’s buying.
In the past weve charged the cost of exams to the victims insurance company when possible. I just dont want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer, Fannon said.
And now we also know why Wasilla is the meth capital of Alaska. Don’t “burden the taxpayer”, just sit back and wait for that shit to pick itself up and cart itself off to jail. And charge it for room and board while you’re at it.
Slightly used Glen Reynolds Sexbot.
Can there be any doubt that the Bush Republican herd now represents, categorically and incontrivertibly, the Stupidest Group of People on the Fucking Planet? Is there some institute that keeps track of this sort of thing?
As someone who works in Raleigh and will joyfully punch Bob Owens in the fucking mouth if ever encountered, I must nonetheless implore you to stop with the high-larious imitations of Southern dialect when writing about CF. It’s caricature, it’s lazy, and it’s inaccurate. Otherwise, keep on truckin’, good people.
Christ allmighty. Is there any chance he’s Dubya Bush’s bastard son?
Or maybe he is the fruit of this guy’s loins:
I’m sure murder investigations are much cheaper.
Wow. Someone once told me the male female ratio in AK is way off (ten guys to every woman?). Now it is less of a mystery.
“no rape victims were ever billed for rapes in Wasilla from 1996 to mid-1999 … despite the fact then Police Chief Charlie Fannon reserved the right to do so”
Wait, what? Do the police in Wasilla have a sign that says “We reserve the right to bill for rapes” over the front desk?
A few years ago there was a study that showed some people are so incompetent that they don’t even realize that they’re incompetent. That’s TIDOS Yankee to a T. Dumb as a box of rocks and thinks he’s somehow clever.
Here is the study btw.
Sadly, no. There’s only our little ragtag fugitive fleet. And just yesterday, searching for a home.
This is from the summary. Is this not a wonderful description of not only TIDOS Yankee, but also Ace, Marie Jon”, Pammy, the buttrocket, and most every other RW blogger??
People tend to hold overly favorable views of their abilities in many social and intellectual domains. The authors suggest that this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it. Across 4 studies, the authors found that participants scoring in the bottom quartile on tests of humor, grammar, and logic grossly overestimated their test performance and ability. Although their test scores put them in the 12th percentile, they estimated themselves to be in the 62nd. Several analyses linked this miscalibration to deficits in metacognitive skill, or the capacity to distinguish accuracy from error.
It’s a high ratio, in any case, which leads to periodic play in “Ladies, go up there and get your man.”
Unfortunately, this led to this other saying about Alaska– the odds are good, but the goods are odd.
David Brooks suddenly sees it as a wonderful thing that we’re FINALLY moving past all these Republicans supply-siders and Southern neo-Confederates (as well as mythical Democratic leftists), and for Brooks it turns out that our ideal future is being led by an establishment just like the one who steered us straight into this ditch.
Because, you know, if there’s a tight establishment, Brooks knows that he can kiss nearly infinite amounts of a** to be admitted to its outer circles, which would make his life easy.
Yeah, just great. Tired of getting screwed by Newt Gingrich / Reagan / Bush Jr. style nation raping faux redneck anti-government freaks?
No problem.
Now get screwed by sober Wall Street titans who directly appropriate a trillion dollars from the working classes to hand to Wall Street.
Just an awesome, awesome f***ing future. And hey, to all my citizens who have just loved voting for them some a’ them tough Republicans, yeah, f***ing enjoy your g** d*** broke-a** future, you redneck a**holes.
the odds are good, but the goods are odd.
Heh! Yeah, that’s what the person who told me about it said.
The mere idea of this makes me sick, almost as sick as the PTA Uber-Mom who has started sporting the Palin-do at the school. Come to think of it, the person I commiserated most with about these pushy over-involved conniving other-moms was Pamela. Now she likes Palin. Huh. Nothing like party loyalty.
Used car salesman? I thought he worked at a gun counter?
Filed (at AS) under ” Leftist MEDIA JIHAD aligned with Terror Force”. ROFLMAO….how does exposing Wasilla’s rape kit policy exactly align one with “Terror Force”? Dare I even ask?
People tend to hold overly favorable views of their abilities in many social and intellectual domains. The authors suggest that this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it. Across 4 studies, the authors found that participants scoring in the bottom quartile on tests of humor, grammar, and logic grossly overestimated their test performance and ability. Although their test scores put them in the 12th percentile, they estimated themselves to be in the 62nd. Several analyses linked this miscalibration to deficits in metacognitive skill, or the capacity to distinguish accuracy from error.
I remember reading about this study when it was first published and thinking, “whoa, a bunch of presumably well-educated researchers felt they needed to do a study to demonstrate that clueless people are clueless because they have no clue?”
The layers of irony – they make the mind wobble.
the PTA Uber-Mom who has started sporting the Palin-do at the school
Oh good lord. Say it ain’t so.
Making rape victims pay for their own forensic kits will help cut down on the number of false rape filings that are so rampant these days that they threaten to undermine the very meaning of law enforcement. Because so many women enjoy undergoing the grueling, humiliating, expensive process of reporting and prosecuting rape that most of them just do it for a lark.
Sadly,MzNicky,it is an epidemic. I myself have seen two,the same asshole PTA moms that laugh at my little car and my clothes(and what pray tell is wrong with jeans,t-shirts and sneakers?). Been dealing with them since the kiddo was in kindergarten. It’s why I refuse to join the PTA. One of them has fake Palin glasses. I laughed,I couldn’t help it.
Used car salesman? I thought he worked at a gun counter?
I could have sworn CY worked as the mop boy cleaing the booths at the local peep show.
One of the Wankee’s commenters explains that he has never committed a rape, so why should he have to pay for the rape kits of others. This is such perfect wingnuttery, that I am not convinced that the commenter is not a parody wise-guy.
That would be the banned Skylark?
Explain how?
I have never stopped at a stop sign, so why should I have to pay for the stop signs of others?
I have never had my life saved by firemen, so why should I pay for the firemen of others?
I have never read a book, so why should I pay for the libraries of others?
OT- G-Funk Will just unloaded on McCain.
The three “I’ve never … so why should I …” posts are funny, but I don’t think they’d make a dent on the average wingnut’s shrivelled psyche; after all, firemen, libraries and stop signs are all things that they would hand over to the free market in a heartbeat, or dismantle altogether.
I’ve never leveraged debt instruments some 30-odd times so that any link to actual worth is lost, so why should I pay for the shitpiles of others?
You know what would be really funny? If US soldiers would be posted in the US for the first time, to control “emergencies.” I betcha the Republicans would feel so safe and warm and gooey inside if they saw a man with a rifle and stun gun at every corner.
That’ll show the people who don’t want to pay for their share of the shitpile.
Many, many mistakes there.
if Owens restricted his commentary to things he knew something about, his blog would be confined to a discussion of the relative merits of the 1995 Chevrolet Monte Carlo versus the 1995 Dodge Neon.
His Doctor of Barbecue was rescinded?
Anonymous at 16:00: Stop making sense.
Sort of sums up the good Governor herownself, now don’t it?
Not her electoral odds though, thank goodness.
It does make one wonder, if they were, and they weren’t satisfied with the product, is there a money back guarantee? And just where and how would they return it?
It has been noted elsewhere, but not nearly broadly enough, that Mrs. Palin’s problem with rape kits stemmed from the fact that they contain emergency contraceptives. Wrap your head around that one.
Do the police in Wasilla have a sign that says “We reserve the right to bill for rapes” over the front desk?
Right next to the “No shirt, No Shoes, No Service” sign.
I don’t read Confederate Yankee, because I tend to shy away from crazy, but don’t be hatin’ on the Monte Carlo. I happen to own a 1996 Monte Carlo Z34, which is pretty much identical to the ’95. I cannot vouch for the Dodge Neon, because it’s my considered opinion that Mopars are for rednecks, but I can say with certainty that the Monte is the second-best car I have ever owned. I bought an HHR in ’06, but I kept the Monte as a second car, primarily because the dealer’s offer in trade was worth less to me than keeping the car. It’s never failed me.
(The best car I ever owned was a ’62 Buick Electra 225. Driving that car was like floating on a cloud, even with bias-ply tires. A great ride back when gas was only 79 cents a gallon – 30 years ago.)
Is anyone else bothered by the fact that, based on the reported per-unit and total costs of the rape kits, there must be 5 to 20 reported rapes in the pop. 5000 (or so) town of Wasilla?
This makes a rate of 1000 to 4000 rapes per 100,000, at least 29 times the national rate, according to this report. Even if my estimates are off by an order or magnitude, that makes the rape rate nearly three times that of the country at large.
I don’t think I’d want to be a woman in Wasilla.
Crime stats for Alaska
Wasilla stats. There were ten rapes in 7 years.
It has been noted elsewhere, but not nearly broadly enough, that Mrs. Palin’s problem with rape kits stemmed from the fact that they contain emergency contraceptives.
If that’s why Palin hates rape kits, Palin’s even more full of crap than previously imagined. Either that, or you’re repeating a debunked canard. Rape kits contain things like specimen bottles, sterile swabs, and sealing stickers for collecting the physical evidence of rape. They don’t contain EC, because the police don’t give out EC, pharmacists do; either ones at drugstores, or ones in hospitals. Rape kits are exactly like other forensic evidence-collection kits, except that they are specifically geared towards collecting forensic evidence where a woman’s body is the crime scene. If it were possible to dust a woman’s bits for fingerprints, they’d probably contain dusting powder too.
Put bluntly, Skylark….
Shorter guy talking to Skylark: If it’s not illegal for black people to vote, then it certainly should be.
OK, thanks for the stats link. Didn’t even think to look *forehead slap*.
But that just confuses me more. Where does this come from then?
That doesn’t square with less than one rape a year or else my math skillz are ‘way off.
I’d say “cost” isn’t the reason they’re charging victims for rape kits.
I’d wager that the figure is so inflated because the sherrif is skeering the mayor off as well as any concerned citizen off.
“What? Spend $15,000 a year???? Why, that’s a whole new cruiser for Dep. Bob!”
Get Your War On had a great take on all this. (Animated, yet!)
I went to his “update” (an obvious misdirect from the original, since the mighty skylark beat his sad ass down far too thoroughly there) & mocked his idiocy. Go on, CY, ban me, TOO – you know you want to.
From D.N.Nation’s link @ 06:12 –
If you’re in the GOP & George Fucking Will turns on you, it’s time to give up. You’re toast. The man can literally sway the opinion of millions – neocons worship him like a god.
The wave rolls on: Obama just got 8 electoral seats in one day. A whole week like that, & this thing is over. Even Palin getting a bionic neck & offering free blowjobs for votes wouldn’t make up the gap fast enough.
Smile for me babe
What you lookin at
Lemme see yo grill
Let you see my what
Yo yo grill
Yo yo yo grill
Actually, the FBI doesn’t get all the info.
Here’s the stats put out by the City of Wasilla itself. A little more than 7/yr.
City of Wasilla Crime Stats
More here:
NRO’s Latest Rape Kit Howler
Well, my understanding is that the provision of EC is standard procedure during the hospital exam, though it is not part of the “evidence-gathering” procedure the rape kit itself is used for.
The bill requiring locals to pay for the exam and kit made it clear they had to pay for EC as well:
Compare that to the carefully-worded statement by Palin’s rep:
Couldn’t link to Palin rep statement in prior. Here it is:
USA Today
I go back to my original statement, to wit: being a woman (or child, I suppose) in Wasilla is an iffy proposition.
Their rape rate (per city stats linked above), extended to “per hundred thousand”, is obscene. That I’m the first one I know of to bring it up kind of disturbs me. I’m not the most sensitive SNAG on the planet.
I absolutely agree with Palin. I mean, women don’t actually *benefit* in any way from rape kits. After all, in the case of a pregnancy resulting from “rape” (which, I mean, c’mon, she was probably *totally* asking for it) abortion wouldn’t be legal anyways, so why even bother pursuing a rape case? That’s just dragging some poor innocent rapist’s name through the mud… (And didn’t we already agree that being accused of rape is worse than actually being raped? I think we did!)
Frankly, Palin should just demand that any supposed rape victims provide a male family member as a witness. (What do you *mean* she wasn’t accompanied by a male family member whenever leaving the house? The harlot!) And yes, I expect rapists to testify against themselves –to fulfill this male-relative-witness requirement– in cases of incest. I think they would totally step up and do the right thing. (Still no legal abortion, of course; that would be immoral!)
Erm, of course “rape” here should be in quotes, as should every other reference to “rape” and “rapist”, so as to avoid implying in any way that “rape” actually exists or suggesting that it’s not just an evil lying-attention-whore-feminist conspiracy. Because not putting “rape” in scarequotes means the feminists win.
(I suspect those storis about Todd Palin advising his wife are to mollify the fundamentalists who don’t think women should hold power.)
This whole thing is so depressing. She’s bickering over rape kits? Why not hassle the relatives of murder victims for gas money for the hearse? She will force her poor kid to marry and is probably forcing Bristol to carry the baby in public so she can prove her fundie credits to people who might finally be starting to think about perhaps questioning why the pony hasn’t shown up yet.
[…] Easy: He ignored it. In his September 22 post “debunking” the controversy, the blogger made no mention of the damning Frontiersman […]
[…] Easy: He ignored it. In his September 22 post “debunking” the controversy, the blogger made no mention of the damning Frontiersman […]