We’re Sadly, No! and we approve this memo
Wunderdog offers an idea whose time has come:
It has come to the attention of management that this winter season has produced a notable number of forecasts for freezing rain and drizzle. Not a Midwestern day seems to go by when freezing rain and drizzle are not called for. Because of this, we would like to keep with the forward looking nature of our profession and institute an efficient change in the name of the atmospherical phenomenon formerly known as freezing rain and drizzle.
Hence forth, freezing rain and drizzle will be referred to as frizzle. It becomes obvious when listening to weather reports that the cumbersome phrase ‘freezing rain and drizzle’ is a hazardous stumbling block for many normally well-spoken weathermen, and so management has unanimously decided that it be amended to frizzle.
We can’t help but wonder how Ms. Frizzle feels about the whole thing though.
Now THAT’S the schizzle!