Biting the Hand

ABOVE: Mary Catherine Ham (right) tries to figure out how
Rick Moran (left) will get out of his chair

Rick “Rapacious Yellow Men” Moran runs a wingnut blog called Right Wing Nut House and he’s wondering why the GOP isn’t showing him any love in Minneapolis:

Here on what is passing for “Bloggers Row,” there is plenty of grumbling about the accommodations supplied by our hosts. Some descriptives [sic] are not printable. Most reflect a huge disappointment with the way the GOP has shunted most of the bloggers off to the side, far from the action … .

But that’s not the, er, meat of Moran’s complaint:

The labyrinth one has to navigate to find the darn place would tax the abilities of a carrier pigeon. I honestly felt like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs when I went out for a quick smoke. Not that it would do any good. The food on our level is so bad that I have no doubt some ravenously hungry media type would have preferred the breadcrumbs to the greasy, tasteless crud they were serving at the kiosks. If I wanted the same stuff they serve at a hockey game, I would go to the Libertarian convention down the way.

Boy, they really know how to hit a guy where it hurts.

Worse, they’ve dethroned Queen Pammycakes:

Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs found herself having to sit on the floor to blog.

This is, of course, a huge problem for Pamela, since it’s quite hard to pull stuff out of your ass while sitting on it.

Of course, while stumbling from one kiosk to another looking for the poule faisane en cocotte farcie à la poitrine fumée et aux truffes that he had been promised before he got on the Greyhound bus from Chicago to Minneapolis, Rick had an epiphany.

Bloggers could do just as well “covering” the convention by sitting in their hotel room. Or better yet, they could have saved a lot of money and stayed home and done as good a job.

And that is, of course, the first thing that Moran has said in his entire blogging career that is actually true, although not for the reasons he supposes.


Comments: 186


I honestly felt like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs when I went out for a quick smoke. Not that it would do any good.

“I would have eaten it like Hansel & Gretel…”


Bloggers could do just as well “covering” the convention by sitting in their hotel room. Or better yet, they could have saved a lot of money and stayed home and done as good a job.

Also sea monkeys: they do not look like little monkeys and I want my money back.


Shorter Rick Moran: Why can’t the RNC just email me my blog posts? Actually they should also post them on my blog for me … what’s the matter with these people?


I think the operative phrases there are “could do just as well” and “done as good a job.”

Yes, Rick. The quality of your work is not enhanced by actually covering the subject you’re writing about.


From Rick’s “About” page:

RIGHTWING NUTHOUSE is administered by Rick Moran, a 52 year old libertine from Algonquin, IL.

I guess we should assume the word “libertine” applies to his profligate passes through the Country Kitchen buffet line and not that he’s throwing wild sex orgies with all the beautiful people at his quaint ranch home in Algonquin, IL.


I honestly don’t know if the conditions were better at the DNC – there, from all I read, the bloggers were writing about the convention or at least doing a bunch of excited name-dropping instead of complaining about the surroundings.

I wonder when the rightie bloggers are going to figure out that the Repubs really aren’t about the grassroots. The only value that bloggers have to them is the appearance of variety and popularity.

And if Palin really was picked on the strength of those reichtard-fanboys’ blog research, I wouldn’t be surprised if they party didn’t trust blogs for quite awhile after this.


Wait, wait, wait. You mean the GOP operatives haven’t been writing those posts for him?

And, maybe it’s my lookism showing through, but he doesn’t appear to have missed many buffets. I would think that a bucket of chicken fingers, some cheese fried poppers and a pizza-in-a-cup would be fine for him.

What’a you know? A gourmand.

Rick "Get a Brain" Moran

Have you seen my laptop? I just had it before I sat down. Why are you laughing?


Alternate Even Shorter Rick Moran: I could have made crap up from mommy’s basement!


The labyrinth one has to navigate to find the darn place would tax the abilities of a carrier pigeon.

Really? From how it looks on TV, the GOP convention floor would seem to be fairly straight-forward.


Not to mention that everytime you step outside for a smoke you have to inhale stray teargas fumes. What a boring place. What inconsiderate hosts.


May I point out that anyone why types …”ravenously hungry media type…” is a lousy writer?


Instead of stripes, his shirt has latitude lines. (Ba-dum bum).


I know what he’s thinking – “Hey, Mary Catherine’s chewing the inside of her lip. Maybe I can have some of that…”


Shorter righties:

Where are the CHEETOZ? I can’t work without CHEETOHZ!11!11!



If I were rick moran, I’d sue the living shit out you for a libel.

idiot commie liberal piece of shit.


Fifty bucks says he’s got at least one wetsuit down in his mommy-basement seekrit hideout.

And a sign that says “NO GIRLZ ALLOWD.”


So quoting a guy in context is now “libel”?

Much like “Democracy” mea,s the right to be tortured on and spied on by the United States government?


This is how we treat the elite? This is the level of respect we give to those who serve?? Do the convention organizers not realize who this man is???

He’s from Algonquin, damn it! He is a Knight of the Old Country Buffet and deserves our respect!!

(I used to live out there. I wonder how many times I ran into that piece of flotsam on legs and didn’t realize it.)


Hey diddle diddle, would it kill you to order a salad ya fat fuck?


From Paleo Pat’s blog:

Want to see a good reason NOT to have a Black Democrat in the White House? Look no further than the city of Detroit. Yeah, I know. Raaaaaacist! 🙄

Good stuff.


I’d sue the living shit out you for a libel.

How far the mighty have fallen from the days when any criticism of the right was labeled as treason. And you knooooowwww what the penalty for treeeeeason is!!!!!1


Wnat to see a good reason not have white man in the White Hosue? look no further than teh White house


Paleo Pete, thanks for leaving us a link to your “center-right” blog. I think smell a NWOTW award this Sunday. Stay tuned.


Sit on the floor?! Why?! There were empty seats all over the place.


Mom’s basement is real proving ground of the citizen journalist.


Why is Moran hiding a VW Beetle under his shirt?

For good measure, picture him and K-Lopez bumping sweaty, salty, crumb-laden teats with each other…..heh.


So quoting a guy in context is now “libel”?

No no! It’s a libel!


More! More! From Petey:

Well, seeing the left is going crazy over rumors about Sarah Palin.

I figured I would start a counter rumor, or just simply ask a simple question.

How do we know that Obama’s “so-called” daughters are even his? Would Barry even agree to an DNA test? It is to wonder.

I mean, the African-American culture is not exactly known for it’s martial faithfulness. If Larry Sinclair is to be believed, Barry got around, maybe Michelle did too.

It is a fair question, but if one asks it, ol’ Bambi Aka the Obamassiah will say, “My family is off limits”. and his bots will attack your site. But yet, the Liberals can make up lies about Sarah Palin.

Such an oddball World we live in.

I also like how he keeps saying stuff like oh, don’t tell Sharpton!, like the black leadership community deeply cares what he thinks.


Paleo Pat!! What a find!

thank you for taking the time to visit.

I think he’s angling for the NWNOTW, too.


From Paleo Pat’s “About Me” Page:

Short Facts about me:

Sex: Yes! (Male)

Martial Status: Single and looking for Miss Right.

Age: 36 (Older than dirt)

Translation: Has never gotten laid (without paying for it). I’m picturing Pat as Kent Dorfman with a goatee and sporting the finest menswear Dockers has to offer.


Mr. Mr. Moron was so distressed about Polythene Pam having to sit on the floor, why didn’t he haul his fat ass up outa that chair and offer it to her?

Mr. Chivalry, he dead.


If I wanted the same stuff they serve at a hockey game, I would go to the Libertarian convention down the way.

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Danger, Elitist! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!


“IF Mr. Moron” yadda yadda



I get the feeling Paleo Pat doesn’t like this blog.


the African-American culture is not exactly known for it’s martial faithfulness

Now that’s some fine writing!


Hey! You weren’t invited to come into my cardboard box fort. Only cool people can.


Please have your representatives contact our office regarding the writ of habeus corpulent we are filing.


the African-American culture is not exactly known for it’s martial faithfulness

Indeed, they will switch dojos at the drop of a hat.


Where’s the incentive for the GOP to cater to the people who are already stuck firmly in their ass?


No no! It’s a libel!

That hits the nail on the head. It’s a particular kind of libel so monstrously depraved that only homomuslamocommies can achieve it. WHILE DRINKING LATTES.


GOP Vetting Emporium

The Reality-Based Dave

“The labyrinth one has to navigate to find the darn place would tax the abilities of a carrier pigeon.”

I have been inside that staduim many times. It’s a FUCKING OVAL! It takes talent to get lost walking in a godamn circle!
Both of his brain cells are smokin’.

Shorter Paleo Pete

Obama is a scary Negro.

Seriously, he is a SCARY NEGRO!


Both of his brain cells are smokin’.

It’s true – here I was thinking a carrier pigeon would just fly over the labyrinth.


I didn’t know you could get that large on a diet of Cheetos and Jolt.


Jesus, I think I just had a conversation about this with my friend Rustin. The defining quality of the modern rank-and-file right is that they’re all lazy, entitled fucks. “I don’ wanna work fer nuthin! I’m a big deal! Everyone owes it to me!” (You know, just like so-called Nice Guys™ and date-rapists.)

If 36 is “older than dirt,” you need to find yourself some new friends. Maybe ones who aren’t, you know, nostalgic for high school because back in high school, everyone was working shitty dead-end part-time jobs and living with their parents, and it just didn’t seem so bad.


Sex: Yes! (Male)

That means Paleo Pete only wants sex with males. Haw Haw! He’s a HOMO!


When our newest visitor sez (on his blog, which I ain’t gonna look at right now) But yet, the Liberals can make up lies about Sarah Palin… I suppose he’s referring to the McP.O.W. camp’s assertions that the only announced daughter Britney’s unmarried pregnancy because those mean lefty bloggers, who spent Saturday night speculating about who Trig’s momma really was, forced their hands.

To coin a phrase, Sadly, No!

The ultra-conservative governor’s announcement about her daughter’s pregnancy came hours after The ENQUIRER informed her representatives and family members of Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol’s child, that we were aware of the pregnancy and were going to break the news.

In a preemptive strike Palin released the news, creating political shockwaves.

I got there via The Great Orange Satan (scroll).

All Hail, Dark Lord Kos!


I’ll have you know thoroughly vetted the candidate’s ass and breasticles before I made my decision.


the African-American culture is not exactly known for it’s martial faithfulness

Now that’s some fine writing!

Wingjobs aren’t known for their grammarly accurateness.


IIRC, didn’t the story about Heroic Sarah speaking in Texas and flying back to Alaska while leaking amniotic fluid so that her baby would be born an Alaskan – come from the Palin spokespeople themselves?

Why on earth would someone put out a story like that and think no one would examine it?


Paleo Pete, thanks for leaving us a link to your “center-right” blog. I think smell a NWOTW award this Sunday. Stay tuned.

Why do you think it came over here?

Guys who are too cheap to buy wetsuits can always get their kicks via some e-humiliation.


What a whiner.
Thanks for the picture. I need continuous incentive to keep exercising.


The African-American culture is not exactly known for it’s marital faithfulness, it was seen groping the Italian-American culture at the new years eve party, and is rumoured to have had an affair with the French-Canadian culture.


I’d sue the living shit out you for a libel.

Just one?

African-American Culture

Where all da white wimmin?


Bloggers could do just as well “covering” the convention by sitting in their hotel room. Or better yet, they could have saved a lot of money and stayed home and done as good a job.

Dean Wormer: “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”


The labyrinth one has to navigate to find the darn place would tax the abilities of a carrier pigeon. I honestly felt like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs when I went out for a quick smoke. Not that it would do any good. The food on our level is so bad that I have no doubt some ravenously hungry media type would have preferred the breadcrumbs to the greasy, tasteless crud they were serving at the kiosks.

That’s funny, because normally carrier pigeons do really well in labyrinths- they’re practically their native habitat (you’ve heard the expression “took to it like a carrier pigeon to a labyrinth”?). So it must be really bad.

But I kind of admire this Al Jaffee ‘hate book’ worldview of his- it’s not enough to say the food was unsatisfying, it has to be bland, tasteless crud served by good-for-nothing morons.


“The African-American culture is not exactly known, for it’s martial faithfulness that has kept the community firmly ensconced within its own military boundaries all these years.”

(suggested punctuation and attempted sensemaking of what was given.)


Paleo Pat would give Archie Bunker a run for his money on piss-poor grammar, laughable malapropisms, and knee-jerk logic.

Some of Pat’s priceless gems:

…This, my friends, is everything Conservative female. This woman is who Ann Coulter should be. But, quite frankly, could not hold a candle to.

…Something tells me that John McCain is going to have some serious issues comes this election. One this going to be one of them.

…In fact, there were two “ministers” that were busted here as of recent. It all gives fuel to the fire, that liberals use against the Conservative crowd.

…My biggest issue is, how the McCain camp and supporters keep say that Palin has more experience than Obama. That whole argument is Non-Sequitur.

Patty, babe, before you start suing Sadly, No! for libel, may I suggest you cut and past your blog text into Microsoft Word and grammar check it before you post it? And may I further suggest you purchase a copy of Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style at your local book store?

The only grand liberal plot to which you should take heed is the one to help you improve your writing skills. We really cannot ridicule you with much glee if you continue to express yourself like the semi-literate dolt you appear to be. It’s just no fun picking on booger-eating morons, Pat, even the right-wing ones.

Come back when you have an A game.


I’d sue the living shit out you for a libel.

Just one?

No, it sounds like he wants a “libel” really bad. Maybe he thinks it’s a kind of Mexican beer or something?


It’s just no fun picking on booger-eating morons, Pat, even the right-wing ones.

I disagree, but I will admit the fun doesn’t last long.


Cut Rick some slack. He’s probably chafing like a mother after hoofing around the Xcel center all day looking for a chalupa.


Age: 36 (Older than dirt)

Really, I’m ancient! Way too old to fight the Islahomofascists otherwise I’d give them a what for and a then how. Instead I must be content to serve my country as a Keybored Kommandodo. What’s that? They’ve raised the age limit?



“…it’s quite hard to pull stuff out of your ass while sitting on it.”
Bravo! You just made my day.


I’d sue the living shit out you for a libel.

Say! I’d walk a mile for a Libel.

(and you thought 36 was old? Sheesh!)


mat above is right. Paleo’s writing could, by itself, explain:

“Martial Status: Single and looking for Miss Right.”

and suggests that the search will be long indeed.


Paleo Pat said,

September 3, 2008 at 17:19

If I were rick moran, I’d sue the living shit out you for a libel.

idiot commie liberal piece of shit.

Oh, man, this person appears to be real! I took it as a given that was a troll. Another leading light for Morons For McCain.

What’s the all lower-case bit about? Keyboard broken?


I’m picturing Pat as Kent Dorfman with a goatee and sporting the finest menswear Dockers has to offer.

Too stylish.

Wardrobe by Fingerhut Catalog.


If I were rick moran, I’d sue the living shit out you for a libel.

He’d have to get the money from his mom


What’s the all lower-case bit about?

communism is working. soon all letters will be equal.


This, my friends, is everything Conservative female.

And he talks Swankese. Most impressive.


the only announced daughter Britney’s unmarried pregnancy because those mean lefty bloggers, who spent Saturday night speculating about who Trig’s momma really was, forced their hands.

I’m surprised he doesn’t blame us for knockingher up.


Bubba, you’re a fucking comic genius.


actor212 said,
September 3, 2008 at 18:26

Say! I’d walk a mile for a Libel.

Bless you sir, bless you.


I was a bit in awe of the huge blogroll at Fatty’s website. So I checked out two I had never heard of: Moderately Speaking and Political Teen. These were the FIRST two I looked at…

One had tripe from Sept 2006 as its latest post, and the other gave me a blank screen with the words “Apache is functioning normally”

As with the normal Republican standard, epic fail in every case.


Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs found herself having to sit on the floor to blog.

The whimsical nature of Republican Musical Chairs claims yet another victim.

Rick "Get a Job" Moran

The dungeon that the GOP has put bloggers in this time around would be familiar to Torqumada and his buddies who made the Spanish Inquisition such a great party.

I have it much worse than McCain ever did in his precious Hanoi Hilton.

GOP Legal Comittee

LittlePig said,
September 3, 2008 at 18:27

… Morons For McCain

We already have a group called Morons For McPOW. Our lawyers will contact your lawyers if you persist in this intellectual theft.

Remember, Republicans are against frivolous lawsuits except when we are for them.

Principal Blackman

African-American Culture said,

September 3, 2008 at 18:02

Where all da white wimmin?

Damn, that’s funny.


Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs found herself having to sit on the floor to blog.

That shit happens to Pams all the time. Victim of too many appletinis.


Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs found herself having to sit on the floor to blog.

All the better for Rick Moran to look down what I expect is the little there is of her shirt.


Paleo Pat:

Something tells me that John McCain is going to have some serious issues comes this election. One this going to be one of them.

This guy’s great! That last sentence isn’t just everyday bad grammar, it’s genuine mess-with-your-mind bad grammar.


OT, but the lack of self-awareness in this post at Ratfuck Central hurts me to the marrow of my bones.


a 52 year old libertine from Algonquin, IL

Did he mangle the spelling of “libertarian” that much?


Doofus said,

September 3, 2008 at 17:29 (kill)

A couple days ago somebody said something about godless leftists not praying; this atheist promises to pray every day henceforth for you to reap the whirlwind, rectally if possible, for that comment.


communism is working. soon all letters will be equal.

v good. w better.


What’s all this I hear about “a living shit Bibel”? Land o’ goshen, it’s “Living Word Bible” and I think it’s just a disgrace for anyone to say otherwise! Young hooligans these days making blasphemous statements about the Good Book and I don’t know what all! It’s plain as white cotton panties we’re all going straight to H-e-double hockey sticks in a handbasket and I never in my life — what? what’s that? Someone wants to sue the living shit out of Sadly, No!, for a libel? Well! That’s very different, isn’t it? Nevermind.

Proud To Be American

> OT, but the lack of self-awareness in this post at Ratfuck Central hurts me to the marrow of my bones.

Look at the comments there. They are – yep – trying to organize a stalker expedition against a Kos blogger.

We really gotta suspend Godwin’s Law for these evil, evil losers.


a 52 year old libertine from Algonquin, IL

Did he mangle the spelling of “libertarian” that much?

Should have read “a 52 year old libertini-swilling wannabe from Algonquin, IL.”. He’s obviously never tried a Palatini. mmmmm good!

(NW suburbs joke most of you probably won’t get.)


Martial Status: Single and looking for Miss Right.

For now he relies on self-abuse.


DAY 2: Nothing could have prepared me for the odyssey of privation and pain which has been the Republican National Convention. I spend my hours with the other bloggers here in “the hole”. Without even the most basic comforts, I have been forced to fashion a nest from oversized foam rubber novelty fingers. The food situation is even worse. Yesterday Captain Ed challenged me to a bat’leth duel for some leftover nacho cheese I found.

Each day ends with the death march through the concourse labyrinth. It is a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. Many bloggers have never returned from even a simple trip to the men’s room. Lost in this morass of non-euclidean geometry, I find myself driven to the edge of sanity. How could this possibly be any worse? OH MY GOD, JOE LIEBERMAN IS GIVING A SPEECH!!!!


This is why I try to make it home for lunch most days.

Wingnuts do serve a purpose, after all.


…This, my friends, is everything Conservative female. This woman is who Ann Coulter should be. But, quite frankly, could not hold a candle to.

There was that restraining order from the perpetual motion society

Not to mention when hot hands meet cool wax


Sort of like asking Bill and Hillary Clinton to prove that the didn’t murder Vince Foster.

Repulsive and shameful. Register your disgust.

Ahh, the Krazy Kwarter Krew. I’m sure they’ve never said that Barack Hussein Osama bin Biden Boumje-Boumje Abullah McMuslim has to PROOOOOOVE to them that he’s a citizen/Christian/not Satan. Absolutely sure.


LMFAO Thank you, Furious George! Larry Johnson’s logic just lapped itself and tripped on its shoelaces:

Some idiot posts a wild-eyed, ridiculous conspiracy theory on a blog. It’s picked up by other bloggers. Rumor becomes brushfire which starts to burn out of control across the Internets. MSM picks up on rumor. Rumor broadcast and printed. Panels are formed to discuss the “issues” addressed in the rumor. Media critics write about the feeding frenzy. A kind of quasi-remorse ensues. “Responsible” bloggers reevaluate. MSM reports on reevaluation. Everyone agrees the story was covered in a balanced way. MSM congratulates itself for not being irresponsible like those Cheetohs-munching kids in pajamas. No irony detected by anyone in the MSM as they deflect blame for covering a story that would never make it past a responsible, old school city editor. Kudos all around. Meahwhile, a false story has been spread and repeated dozens if not hundreds of times. The circus packs up and moves on, leaving scorched earth behind.

Sweet Jeezus on the half shell, WTF?!? Y’know, Larry, if you smell dog shit everywhere you go, maybe you should check your own shoes.


This guy’s great! That last sentence isn’t just everyday bad grammar, it’s genuine mess-with-your-mind bad grammar.

I say we hook him up with K-Load.


I’m sitting here laughing so maniacally and out-loudly that the tears are streaming and the cats are bolting.


Man, I really hope Obama wins. Just so I can send taunting e-mails to Larry Johnson and the rest of the Republican Ratfuck Machine…


I’m sitting here laughing so maniacally and out-loudly that the tears are streaming and the cats are bolting.

True that; this is the funniest comment thread in ages!



Why’s everybody picking on Larry J?


TPM is still dropping Palin bombs:

Underway now is a presser with female GOP officials talking about the purported “smear campaign” against Palin. “The Republican Party will not stand by while Sarah Palin is subjected to sexist attacks,” says McCain surrogate Carly Fiorina, comparing it to sexist comments endured by Hillary Clinton during the primary.

My advice to John McCain is to appeal to his base by stressing the evils of sexism and pointing out the great gains women have made thanks to trailblazing feminists.


Paleo Pat is real?

Wow, my Trolldar is way off today.


Most reflect a huge disappointment with the way the GOP has shunted most of the bloggers off to the side, far from the action

It’s called being a tool Ricky, you should feel grateful they remembered you would need food at all.


“It’s called being a tool Ricky, you should feel grateful they remembered you would need food at all.”

I don’t know why he is so worried. Isn’t Rudy on tonight also? He’ll be throwing huge, free chunks of delicious red meat from his 9/11 wagon to the hungry masses.


Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs found herself having to sit on the floor to blog.

That shit happens to Pams all the time. Victim of too many appletinis.

“Blog”. The new name for “drunk diarrhea”.



One part vermouth, two parts gin, and five parts raw sewage.

Proud To Be American

If you guys want to see real hilarity, go over to the US magazine comment page.

Here is a sample:

“Listen Liberials. I and my family will take up arms and put bullets in all of your heads before I let you jacklegs take over the country.”

I’m not sure what a liberial or a jackleg is, but it is fun reading! There are plenty of stalking threats, too.


“greasy, tasteless crud”

Apparently he’d prefer arugula? Hmmm …


Proud To Be American said,

September 3, 2008 at 20:14

I’m not sure what a liberial or a jackleg is, but it is fun reading! There are plenty of stalking threats, too.

If it’s not in Wikipedia, it’s in Urban Dictionary:


For good measure, picture him and K-Lopez bumping sweaty, salty, crumb-laden teats with each other…..heh.

Maybe I won’t eat breakfast today after all. Or anything. For a while.


Marital Aids? I thought you said …


I’m not sure what a liberial or a jackleg is…

A Liberial is a resident of Liberia and a jackleg is what you put a jackboot on.


TPM is still dropping Palin bombs

The media are to blame, of course. Today I learned from the GOP and its hacks that the current race is a three-way one (four-way if you count B. Barr). It’s Obama/Biden vs. Maverick/Maverique* vs. Media/—hey, Media’s gotta pick a running mate!

*Let me say that I am so excited that the McCain campaign will roll out Maveriquito tonight, just in from Wakulla, FL Wasilla, AK. Perhaps you’re more familiar with his AIP infiltration code name: Fuckin’ Redneck.


Poor little Ricky.

He still doesn’t get it.

If I may, I would like to spell it out for him and his fellow fucktards: THEY HATE YOUR FUCKING GUTS AND WISH YOU WOULD DIE IN A FIRE.

But, because of all the insane mouthbreathing cracker votes you help bring to the party, they have to tolerate you. As much as they despise you, they need you.

They need you to marshal the troglodytes and whip their asses into line because they can’t actually be seen within light-years of those people. They really can’t even be seen with you.

They need you to consistently spew the putrid sludge they trowel out so that their batshit crazy thinktank ideas gradually become “facts” so those “facts” can become policy.

But mostly, they need you to come up with your own unique forms of degenerate lunacy to constantly throw more intellectual horseshit on an already blazing pyre of ignorance. Your readers like big fires. You know, books, Jews, Muslims…

So that’s why Pammy’s on the floor. Why you’re nowhere near the “action,” stuck in the corner like the raving drunk uncle no one knows what to do with but keeps showing up at family gatherings. And why you’re deep in the bowels of the RNC feeding on the shit of your betters.

Because you’re the intestinal flora of the GOP. The disgusting symbiosis of your shit factories and their blood money keeps the wretched elephant alive.

So you’d better enjoy this scenario while it lasts, Ricky Boy. I’m fairly certain you won’t be asked back in 2012. The elephant will be dead by then.


Martial Status: Single and looking for Miss Right.
For now he relies on self-abuse.

If you don’t do the job yourself, no one’s gonna do it for you.


I read about 10 comments at that US magazie thread and I can state the follwing with reasonable accuracy:

Sarah Palin has really rallied the batshit insane voters.


He’s looking for food and the chick next to him is named “Ham”?



And hooooooo doggies should I check my typing before I hit the “Submit Comment” button.


A liberial is a libertine in fancy dress. A jackleg is what you find on jackalopes.


Also, shouldn’t all future posts regarding Little Ricky Moran be accompanied by a picture of Little Ricky Smith from Better Off Dead?

So many similarities…


I would recommend not going over to The Corner today. (even more strongly than usual).

Apparently not only are teenagers having babies completely normal, moral and acceptable, but they are practically the backbone of our country.


Because you’re the intestinal flora of the GOP.




Here is why the wingnuts love Palin:

They get to play the victim again!

The Rebublicans are the rich, the powerful.. those currently holding political power. They are the ones who MAKE victims of others.

So how the fuck do they get in power? By pretending they are victims. Sucking up to superstitious white trash who blame their woes on a social system which has moved on since 1900.

It is an amazing trick really.. Painting the oppressor as the victim of the people who try to help the real victims. It is such a good trick, that most of the base believe in their own lie.

So Palin cements their victim complex even further, and they get to have a good whine about how liberals are so mean and nasty because they wont roll over like they used to.


“but they are practically the backbone of our country.”

Who else is going to run the GOPs slave-wage, non-tradeable, domestic-services economy of the future? Kids with good home lives?
Kids of Corner readers?


Apparently not only are teenagers having babies completely normal, moral and acceptable, but they are practically the backbone of our country.

It should not come as a surprise those creeps are trying to convince themselves that wanting to bone their kid sister’s best friend is perfectly normal.

And good for America!


I would recommend not going over to The Corner today. (even more strongly than usual).

Apparently not only are teenagers having babies completely normal, moral and acceptable, but they are practically the backbone of our country.

That’s all very enlightened of them.

I wonder: what if it gets revealed that Bristol’s baby daddy wasn’t some strapping whiteboy jock, but was instead a black boy? Would James Dobson & the Christian fundies be high-fivin’ over that revelation?

Proud To Be American

> I would recommend not going over to The Corner today. (even more strongly than usual). Apparently not only are teenagers having babies completely normal, moral and acceptable, but they are practically the backbone of our country.

Here is a good one from that rag of a blog:

Stray [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
I haven’t thought of Hillary Clinton in about a week now.

“The Corner” sounds like the papers produced by a “Journalism For Yearbook” class in Junior High school.


Apparently not only are teenagers having babies completely normal, moral and acceptable, but they are practically the backbone of our country.

Why is this child’s decision to have a baby a private matter, but the decision of another child to terminate a fetus “public policy”?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I second Doofus’ remark. Were I in Moran’s place, I’d be trying to get a taste of that fine, fine Ham.


A liberial is a libertine in fancy dress.

Hey, what do you take us for, a bunch of hillbillies? A liberial is a place where you go to check out books, periodicals and such.

Proud To Be American

I am drawn like a moth to a dangerous flame to that US comment page. Here is one from their other Palin story about Meghan defending Bristol:

“One word to all the abortion right’s people. If it is ‘your body’, why is the DNA different? I’ve never heard one of you address that fact. The fact is, it’s not your body.”

I am not worthy to comment on this. It is the ne plus ultra of stoopidity.

Proud To Be American

Addendum to last post:

I meant to add that …..



Moran’s post may be pure right wing whine, though I suspect there may be some truth to the GOP intentionally slighting the blogging contingent. Unlike the traditional media, bloggers can’t be centrally controlled and thus pose a problem to the GOP. There’s nothing that irritates and frightens authoritarians as things they can’t completely control. Sure they make attempts such as the McCain campaign’s comical commentary scheme (“Hey kids! Be a sock-puppet in your spare time and win valuable prizes!”). Blogging is too close to an actual free press for any GOPer to be comfortable with it.

That being said, the image of forlorn Pammy blogging away amidst old chewing gum and empty Cheetos bags made my day.


There are at LEAST three 52-year-old men trapped in that chair: the one grossly, morbidly obese waddler, and the two men he’s got buried beneath those gobs of fatty denial…


Slightly OT, but apparently Pajamas Media Tee Vee is bringing the world an interview with Fred T. tonight.

Jeri T. will do the interview.

No one will hear a thing Fred says, but I wonder if this is the future of GOP interaction with the media.


Did Moran complain that the prisoners at Gitmo are fed better than the bloggers at the RNC?

If not, he missed a real zinger.


Oh shit! Oh my God! No! Ugh! Ooof! Argh! Ahhhh, McPOW!


Stray [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
I haven’t thought of Hillary Clinton in about a week now.

K-Lo [Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton]
Who the fuck is Kathryn Jean Lopez and why should I care?


Say, wasn’t Fred Thompson a celebrity at one time? And a re-run celebrity, now?

Good thing he dropped out early or McCain would have moidelized him!


Why in God’s name does there exist video of John McCain greeting the Shotgun Wedding kids?


Why in God’s name does there exist video of John McCain greeting the Shotgun Wedding kids?
Is it a shotgun wedding or an M-16 wedding? The bridesmaids will accessorize accordingly.


Add attempted book-banning to Palin’s right-wing credentials.

Time Magazine today reports that Alaska Governor, and Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, attempted to ban books from her local library as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, and then threatened to fire the librarian who stood up to her for not giving “full support” to the mayor.

More here:,_palin_tried_to_ban_books_from_public_library/
There’s only room in Wasilla for one sexy librarian!

Tim (The Other One)

“For good measure, picture him and K-Lopez bumping sweaty, salty, crumb-laden teats with each other…..heh.”

to Kool and The Gang’s “Celebrate Good Times”

enervating !


OK seriously. Who doesn’t suspect McPOW is trying his best to throw the contest? I mean, he’s a gambler. Maybe he put all his money on Obama.


We’re all Eva Braun now!!

I just saw the video of McMaverick stroking the hell outa that kid’s arm. Seriously, why the hell are the Plains and Levi’s parents putting their kids through this political display? The Obama camp has earnestly proclaimed that these kids are off limits, and I sincerely hope that his camp sticks to that idea.

As far as I can tell, it’s McCain and Palin who are making the kids an issue.

Anyone remember the Frosts?

Coach Urban Meyer

Wuzza-wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? It’s the Cool Coach, blogging large and in charge from manic Minny, where the Power Palin is about to take you downtown with her massive dunks of maverick dominance! Ohh, I’ve heard your story loud and clear, but I’ve got a SPREAD of TRUTH at my disposal at all your tears and smears. Truth be told, you loony libs hate women, you hate the middle class, and you hate Super Sarah and the rockin’ Republicans! So when the leftist media gets a fistful of fightin’ Palin, you better hit the floor, because the McCainiacs will hit you in the face with a SPREAD of TRUTH!

Speaking of hit on, I gotta say, Atlas Pam is one fine blogging babe, better than I can say for all the hairy-pit feminazis that hang out here at Sadly, D’oh! It’s allllll good from the Cool Coach’s position here on the Xcellent Energy floor! About midmorning Monday, I was seated in a small conference room at a hotel in downtown Minneapolis with about 25 others, most of them Georgia delegates, listening to a prominent U.S. senator discuss the upcoming campaign.

An aide walked into the room and quietly relayed the news of the morning: The 17-year-old daughter of Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, is five months’ pregnant. She is not married but, as Governor Palin announced later, is planning to wed the baby’s father.

As soon as the session ended, the conversation among delegates turned to the question: What will the media make of this?

My response: It’s no big deal. Nobody in the room expressed any particular concern.

“Life happens,” said a John McCain aide later. “An American family,” offered another. The daughter, Bristol, and the baby’s father will marry before the child is born.

The crisis in the family is not that teenagers engage in risky behavior that often has consequences. The crisis is that teens and unmarried adults create life without giving the child an opportunity to grow up in a home with a mother and father present.

So far the Palins are two-for-two on doing the right thing by an unborn child.

Ding dong dilly, libs! Take that and put it in your pipe! You just to slammed with the hammer slammer, the Cool Coach’s SPREAD of TRUTH! Urban out!






It’s the Cool Coach

Now in Menthol and Low Tar!


You just to slammed with the hammer slammer, the Cool Coach’s SPREAD of TRUTH!

I did! I just to slammed with that thing he said!


Coach Urban Meyer–

You were that kid who always had to sit in time out with a football helmet on, correct?


You just to slammed with the hammer slammer, the Cool Coach’s SPREAD of TRUTH!



Spread of Truth? Is that what you put on your Toast of Truth? Maybe have it in the morning with a Cup of Truth whilst reading the Daily Truthpaper, then pop off to work in the Ford Truth (SUV of course).

Where do you work? Silly question, the Ministry of Love.


Does the spread of truth have less calories than freedom spread?


Yeah.. Because a marriage certificate makes a family! Doesn’t matter if your drunken teenage father is crapping himself at the thought of responsibility, and your mother never wanted you anyway.. As long as those kids are bullied into getting married, all will be well!

Of course, Palin senior is going to have to hire some nannys to give her disabled baby the 24/7 care he needs.. She can just hire some more to look after her daughters sprog too! That’s good mothering!


mat said,
September 3, 2008 at 20:46

I wonder: what if it gets revealed that Bristol’s baby daddy wasn’t some strapping whiteboy jock, but was instead a black boy? Would James Dobson & the Christian fundies be high-fivin’ over that revelation?

Sure they would. After the lynching, of course – first things first.


Does the spread of truth have less calories than freedom spread?

Silly liberal! Of course it does, but not as few as the Freedom Spread Lite!


Hey, its that hepcat the Cool Coach gettin’ jiggy with painfully out of date street slang! That’s just the bee’s knees! 23 skidoo!


Noonan and Murphy chatting candidly about the cynical Palin nomination into a live mike:


Wuzza-wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? It’s the Cool Coach

What the hell is that?


Stephen Colbert called, Coach. He wants his act back.


Look, I know Pammy Gellar’s crazier than a shithouse rat, but I so would. Of course, she’d have to slip me a couple of roofies and I’d feel like such a dirty pig the next morning.

Just saying…


eidos: OMG, that is beautiful. Peggy Noonan actually sez “bullshit”! Regarding McPOW and his redneck BBF soulmate VP pick!

Har har har har!! I wonder if Ms. Snooty Patooty’s tongue snapped off shortly afterward? Gosh, I hope so!!


Nooners also sez “It’s over.” That’s it! Pick up the pieces and go home, ‘thugs! The Greatest Speechwriter in the Whole World® just said so!

I cannot love this enough. Haw Haw Haw!!

Man, I’ve got to get away from this computer. I’m turning into an unrecognizable life form.


I’m thinking that CUM has a different idea of what ‘The Spread of Truth’ is.

Let’s just say K-Lo thinks you could live a full life with out it.


Check out the awesomeness of the open-mic at TPM. Click the first YouTube link:


Fans of Gary Ruppert can catch his latest comedy stylings over at the comment section of Bag News Notes.


eidos: OMG, that is beautiful. Peggy Noonan actually sez “bullshit”! Regarding McPOW and his redneck BBF soulmate VP pick!

Anyone remember that scene in the early 60’s “The Time Machine” movie that showed a human corpse decomposing in time lapse? That is what the Palin candidacy now resembles.


Ricky, has Katie Couric stopped by to say hi to all the wingnut bloggers yet?


Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs found herself having to sit on the floor to blog.

Oh dear sweet Jesus, the humanity, the humanity!
It’s like the Holocaust all over again, only worse !!!!11!

Do these people have any setting OTHER than “chronic butthurt” on their internal control-panel? No? Hokay fine.

If I were rick moran, I’d sue the living shit out you for a libel.

idiot commie liberal piece of shit.

Was this supposed to be snark? It’s so badly decayed that it’s totally unrecognizable. The “Paleo” prefix refers to life-forms that are long extinct – please keep using it, it suits you well. I wanted to quote something from your blog, but there’s literally zero actual content there that isn’t either self-serving hot air or imbecilic tripe, so I gave up.

comsympinko Says:
September 3rd, 2008 at 20:29

This person wins 1,000 free Internets. However, lawyers for intestinal flora are already preparing a defamation-of-character suit.

… Palin cements their victim complex even further, and they get to have a good whine about how liberals are so mean and nasty because they wont roll over like they used to.

Tru dat. But there’s also quite a few of them who loathed McNasty to begin with, & are now feasting on a big piping-hot plateful of confirmation-bias stew. Throwing a pity-party for themselves is likely more about their worldview than any real strategy per se. That tactic is a risky one in this context – these are folks who love to rant about unwed pregnant teens destroying Traditional Family Values, so this sword cuts both ways. I think overall it’s a wash – politically robbing Peter to pay Paul, much like the GOP economic doctrine.

Just wait until the “Bristolgate” crap gets old in a week or two, & the talk turns to Palin’s abysmal fiscal practices – or her support of the AIP – or her criminal investigation – or her endorsement of Buchanan – or (your favorite SNAFU here) … the “Poor Us” chorus isn’t gonna fly so good on that busted wing by then.

GOP = Wooly Mammoth
Sarah Palin = La Brea Tar-Pits


Great thread and I’m sitting here laughing like a loon as well but it’s marital and not martial. I don’t think that guy deserves NWOTW either. Have him get back to us after he’s cracked a book or two open. Sorry dude, but I am an elitist and all.


but it’s marital and not martial
well, a shotgun wedding is sorta both…

Forgive me, I’m still giddy over the thought of Pammy blogging down in the mud and the blood and the Cheetos.


Spread of Truth? Is that what you put on your Toast of Truth?

I think the Dumpster is referring to the way Troofie delicately spreads his cheeks while the Dumpster waits patiently, oh so patiently, for the sweet stream of santorum to wet his thirsty lips.


Because you’re the intestinal flora of the GOP. The disgusting symbiosis of your shit factories and their blood money keeps the wretched elephant alive.

woot! comsympinko is on fi-yah!

Charles Giacometti

So besides being brainless and angry, that fat ugly fuck is a smoker?

No wonder they diss evolution. They are walking, talking proof of it.


The fact is, Coach Cut-n-paste was sitting on Jim Wooten’s lap!


Brandi, for that I’m adding you to my atheist whirlwind prayer.


“Life happens,” said a John McCain aide later. “An American family,” offered another.

Bristol’s marrying Lance Loud?


What’s the all lower-case bit about?

communism is working. soon all letters will be equal.

All letters are equal. But Some Are More Equal Than Others.


What’s the all lower-case bit about?

communism is working. soon all letters will be equal.

All letters are equal. But Some Are More Equal Than Others.


Apologies if someone already made this observation – but poor Pammy! Isn’t it hard to pull stuff out of your ass if you are sitting on it?

Dr. Melissa Debbie ShitMoathier

Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs found herself having to sit on the floor to blog.

Awwww, da poor widdle wanna-be pwincess!





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