Cindy Doubles Up On Her Klonopin


Comments: 180


Why does she look so scared? And where’s her shirt?


Is she a tranny?


Anna-Nicole Smith kissing her ancient husband.We need posters and t-shirts.


I guess McCain is hoping that all the “low information” voters who would never vote for a black man are progressive enough to vote for a woman VP when the candidate is a 72-year-old with a history of health problems. Because he certainly can’t be expecting to attract all the dead-ender Hillary supporters who tend to be both pro-choice and not-so-much into beauty contestants.


Unfortunately, I think it’s a pretty gutsy pick with a helluva lot of media payoff, no matter how much real questions there might be.


Agreed, El Cid. McCain’s going for the PUMA vote. He knew he had to go for broke, and he did.

And oh hell yeah, I’d do her in a heartbeat. VPILF indeed.


This is great. It will take McCains age problem and magnify it. People are going to be more concerned about him kicking the bucket if his no2 is a 44 year old beauty queen from Alaska with no foreign policy experience.


Because he certainly can’t be expecting to attract all the dead-ender Hillary supporters who tend to be both pro-choice and not-so-much into beauty contestants.

Au contraire, Pierre. There’s always the nuttier-than-a-fruitcake contingent.


At least she’ll have Jack Donaghy advising her.


Unfortunately, I think it’s a pretty gutsy pick with a helluva lot of media payoff, no matter how much real questions there might be.

This. It will ensure that Obama’s speech (which was pretty lackluster – you’d think the only problem with the country right now was a less than zippy economy) falls right off the front page.


[changed the picture — still looking for a certain one that’s out there in the tubes somewhere…]


Hey, the picture changed! That previous picture was hot… this one scares me. WTF!


He picked the woman who runs the Auntie Anne’s in the mall by me?


Cindy’s not worried as Palin’s not an heiress.

Also, when did experience cease to be important?


Can we get Sexy Librarian Palin back up, please?


Also, when did experience cease to be important?

When the Ancient Mariner realized that meme was going nowhere.


I don’t know about you guys but I’m still seeing the soft-porn Miss Alaska head shot. WTF?


Phyllis Schlafly must be spinning in her living grave.


Pander much, McCain? Sheesh.

Biden vs. Palin is going to be ugly.

antediluvian gob of putty watcher

Does the phrase “old enough to be her father” not ring any bells with anyone? creepin’ creepazoids!



Toni Basil? WEIRD.


If I was Cindy McCain, I’d be looking over my shoulder. You know that old codger John picked up Palin’s resume and thought to himself, “I’d hit that!”


“Gutsy” is now how I’d describe it. “Cynical” and “desperate” seem more accurate.

As for dropping Obama’s speech, announcing any of his top choices (except maybe Pawlenty) would have done that. But a lot less of the coverage would show journalists laughing.


Oh Johnny, you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind
Hey Johnny! Hey Johnny!


I don’t think McCain picked her for the “PUMA” vote, as much as the fact that she’s a doctrinaire hard right winger & evangelist with — like McCain — a reputation for being a clean government reformer.

In addition, her husband is a native American from Alaska, an oil fields worker, and was a snowmobile racer — all of which are desired tropes by the right: drilling in Alaska, and snowmobiling, which is huge with the right simply because it suggests motorized locomotion over national parkland which makes liberals mad. These are some things that count as ‘diversity’ among Republicans.

McCain is trying to solidify his base and bring in evangelicals, as well as getting ready to benefit from tons of fascinated media exposure.


So, let me get this straight: Sarah Palin is a pretty woman with a certain amount of sex appeal, and that makes her worthy of contempt?

Because, much as I try, there’s really no other way I can interpret this post.


Hey, isn’t this the chick who played opposite John Ritter and Suzanne Somers in “Three’s Company?”


djheru said,

August 29, 2008 at 17:11

This is great. It will take McCains age problem and magnify it. People are going to be more concerned about him kicking the bucket if his no2 is a 44 year old beauty queen from Alaska with no foreign policy experience.

true, it will also demoralize the anti-obama racists. because face it, racists tend to be sexists too. there were a lot of people voting for mccain just because they wanted two white guys in the white house, like usual, and now they’re just gonna sit home on november 4 polishing their glocks. i for one am delighted with this choice.

Amy Alkon's Attention Meter

Outraged that you aren’t featuring me on your front page this morning.


“So, let me get this straight: Sarah Palin is a pretty woman with a certain amount of sex appeal, and that makes her worthy of contempt?”

Only because a Republican.

Duros Hussein 62

This could be a turning point in history. The first time in American politics where the President was banging the Vice-President. (Well, not counting Chester Allan Arthur, of course.) “Cuz you just know that’s why he picked her.

Didn’t I see her in an AXE ad?


mad, maybe you should go back in time about a month and watch a ton of McCain attack ads about “celebrity” and “inexperience”.


Dude, that looks like a senior photo from high school.


So I followed MzNicky’s link over to the TN Guerrilla Woman’s site and now wish I had an eyewash station next to my dest.

the stupid, it burns, you know.

thanks for nothing, Nicky!


Hoo, boy. This via Our Dark Lord, Kos:

The volatile issue of teaching creation science in public schools popped up in the Alaska governor’s race this week when Republican Sarah Palin said she thinks creationism should be taught alongside evolution in the state’s public classrooms. Palin was answering a question from the moderator near the conclusion of Wednesday night’s televised debate on KAKM Channel 7 when she said, “Teach both. You know, don’t be afraid of information.

We can also expect lots of repub election trinkets featuring Down Syndrome babies.


Because, much as I try, there’s really no other way I can interpret this post.

Try harder.


Mad the Swine: The post was, I believe, intended to be read in John McCain’s voince. That is certainly the way that I read it.


If the PUMAs represent a genuine large block of voters that weren’t going to vote for Obama, but might vote for McCain, then yes, this is trouble. Although one might wonder how such a group could rationale that any woman VP pick other than Hillary represented a slap in the face from Obama, but a one term governor with allegations of corruption doesn’t for McCain. I’m no expert on PUMAs, but if they were really as numerous and powerful as they claim, they would resort to sharper weapons than ranting on TV.

I guess we’re going to see whether or not there exists a large, silent, disaffected voting block that McCain can tap with this.


Mad: All we care about is lookism. Any other interpretation would be irresponsible.


Inexperienced my ass, she was Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (pop. 5470) until 2003 bitchiz! Don’t tell me she’s not ready for the world stage!


At least it’s not Huckabee.


dbati: I know. I’m sorry. Think about our dear Mr. Wangchuck, though, who somehow managed to hang in there for about a day and a half hoping for rational discourse.


First thing I thought when I heard this was, hey, great, the governor of one of the most politically corrupt states around. Ted Stevens’ stomping grounds, home of the Bridge to Nowhere. Yeah, let’s tie the GOP even closer to Alaska.

Second thing I thought was, hey, great, a complete political newbie from a low-population state with little experience with hardball national politics. She’s not gonna be a gaffe machine — she’s gonna be the whole gaffe factory. Let’s ask her about the war. Let’s ask her about McPOW’s use of the c-word.


I’m looking forward to her convention speech where she talks about how her uterus belongs to the state and is only for making babies.


Hey, I love that site, MzNicky. It opened my eyes, y’know?


People are going to be more concerned about him kicking the bucket if his no2 is a 44 year old beauty queen from Alaska with no foreign policy experience.

Doubt it. The media has already decided that St BBQ will live forever, plus he will pass his POWhood on to her.

I can’t wait for Fox to decide she is the first female VP candidate ever.


Rightwingsnarkle: Once again, I apologize. A bunch of us TGW refugees email each other constantly and wish we could retroactively go through the InternetsTubes and erase any evidence of our ever having been associated with that toilet. Moi in particular as I used to post there, back in the day before they all went batshitfucking crazy.


The rumor that Palin went to Dayton today was reported on Fox News, who said they got the info. from, who happened to be correct about the Biden prediction. Turns out C& is your typical PUMA site. ABC News got word later that Palin is still up in AK.

Given the source of this rumor, I’m apt to believe ABC news over Fox & friends.


Oh, sure, MzNicky, you say that until Barack Hussein Obama institutes Shania Law!!!1!


Oh yeah, ABC’s source was a spokesperson for Palin… another reason to believe them over the PUMA pity party.


Well, Goddamn, I’m slow today. NFM.


Heeeeh, I had no idea who I was looking at until I read the comments, and I freaking live here… Er, in AK, that is. Anyhow.

This was kept amazingly quiet here — I remember hearing one blurb about the possibility of Palin being McCain’s VP pick a couple of months ago, then bupkis. The biggest thing involving the Governer lately has been a controversial firing of some guy involved with law enforcement.

On the one hand, this might be good for teaching people that Alaska is not either A) an island off the coast of Mexico; B) full of random animals and nothing and/or C) actually part of the freakin’ North American Continent. I’m not gonna hold my breath, though.

On the other… It’s just one more reason to bang my head against the wall. We’re not all transplanted idiots up here! (…And no, we’re not all home-grown idiots, either.)


Sure will make watching the VP debate fun. Will there be a swimsuit competition to go with the talent part?

“And-a now, here’s Republican hopeful Sarah Palin to play-a for you, her ocarina”

Duros Hussein 62

Does the phrase “old enough to be herGreat grandfather” not ring any bells with anyone? creepin’ creepazoids!


Hey, on the bright side, she’s got 5 kids, so at least she knows how to change a diaper.


I have always believed that the PUMAs aren’t actually Dems and never were Dems. They never would have voted for any Dem under any circumstances. They did, however, successfully convince the talking haircuts on the teevee to take them seriously as a legitimate rift in the party. So, Palin might apply to those people, but those people aren’t Dems anyway.

The problem I see coming from a mile away is criticism of her being equated with sexism. Joe Biden should crush her in the debate, but we all know the MSM will be carry a line about how he was mean to the nice pretty lady. We all know how the media will treat any criticism of her.


birdseatbugs: Yeah, but Alaska’s all full of snow and igloos and you have moose and grizzly bears roaming wild in your dirt-packed streets, right?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I was hoping you wouldn’t mention me, I was hoping that my mea culpa issued in a dead thread would remain EPU, so I could claim moral superiority for admitting my mistake, without anyone having read it.

Oh well.

Here’s me looking like a complete fucking tool:


I’ll take the PILF, thank you.

The TN Guerilla post was a hoot. Yeah. Hillary is exactly like a pro-life fundy. I was never crazy about Clinton as a pick, but shit, I’d never insult her that way.

And I don’t think Karma has quite the meaning that writer has in mind.


There’s only one reason and one reason alone why he picked Palin: spite. Because really he has nothing else to work with.

I think Brad was right: spite the vote.


I love the smell of despairation in the morning. It smells like…victory.

Simply a demented choice, that may have more to do with reelecting felon Ted Stephens than McCain.


Arky: It’s killing me that I can’t comment there anymore. Even with an anonymous proxy server dealio — I can access the site, that’s not the problem; I still get the “banned by the Webmaster” message in the comment box. I’m internetually dumb.


Some of y’all are missing the point so hard you can’t be anything BUT conservatives.

This post is an attack on McCain, who got his current wife under– refresh my memory– what circumstances, precisely?

Thanks for the concern trolling! Make sure the door thumps you mightily in the ass on your way out.


Well McJowels did succeed in knocking Obama’s acceptance speech out of the news which is too bad.

However, Asshat Ponnuru brings the stupid as only he can.

“OMG he didn’t say he was raised in Indonesia and Hawaii!! He didn’t reveal that he was butt buddies with Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright! He’s a deceptive, bad politician!!one!1leventy!


I’m not going to front on this…Palin is an…interesting pick. It’s not a winning ticket by any stretch, but it is symbolic enough to be extremely noteworthy. I’ve felt a vibe throughout this campaign that females were going to get the respect they’ve always deserved. From Clinton’s intimidating the GOP, to McCain siting his mom as a source of strength, to Coulter calling Edwards a fag, I knew something was brewing here in America.

Today, I take off my the hat I wear to discombobulate GOP bitches and congratulate the GOP on its ticket. It is McCain’s birthday today. Today, I have nothing negative to say about this pick or McCain. I’ll speak on the GOP trolls abroad pretending to be enthused about the announcement later…


She’s got a Shania-Twain-in-fifteen-years thing going on, which I appreciate. Also: every time I read or hear her last name, I am going to think of “The Lumberjack Song.” That’s a plus.

Still, McCain picking her is a bit like The Atlantic hiring McArdle. Palin and McArdle are where they are today because white male Republican douchebags wanted to add a “feminine touch” to their caves.


Does this mean that if the Rs win, America will adopt Alaska’s attitude towards the kind bud? ‘Cause nothin would help me enjoy my Islamohomo forced gay abortion than a big pull of practically legal less than 4 OUNCES of Alaskan Ohio gold!


The lesson of TWG, No Quarter and other astro turfed sites is that ratfucking works.


Shorter Sadly,No! commenters:

“Aaaarrrrgh!! Why did McCain have to pick someone so HOT?
Well, she’s not qualified to be VP because she’s INEXPERIENCED!! Governor of Alaska? Gimme a break.

….what’s that?

Obama’s inexperienced, too?


He’s a man, and that cancels out his “inexperience”. Palin needs to stay home burping babies and baking cookies like a good little girl. QED.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

FYWP! Time-sensitive post in moderation queue!


Hillary voters peeled off vs. women-in-the-kitcheners alienated.

I don’t think much of McCain’s calculus when he’s got to shore up a nutty base to win.


Um, if you think Obama’s experience is only equal to Palin’s, you’re all sorts of wrong.


Additionally, goober, wasn’t it you drones who kept going on and on and on about the experience issue? Must hate this pick, right?


Shorter Sadly,No! commenters:

You make the shorters shorter.


Don’t worry about the PUMA vote. There simply AREN’T ANY. It’s just more Republican bullshit. NOBODY who would have voted for Hillary Clinton could possibly vote for McCain. The man is a scumbag traitor who made enemy propaganda while a POW. Pure shit.


I have always believed that the PUMAs aren’t actually Dems and never were Dems. They never would have voted for any Dem under any circumstances.

Legalize: I can promise you that the TGW host and many of the commenters there were as liberal a Dem as they come before this primary season. In fact, it’s their perception of how HRC was treated by the DNC that has them so twisted around. The rage is off the insanity meter. They make no sense and stand for nothing anymore other than wanting the DNC’s blood. They don’t even really support HRC or they’d be getting on the Obama bandwagon like she told them to. What’s been blisteringly horrid for some of us is to see the obvious rat-fucking that’s taken over while we’ve been banned for suggesting their former feminist ideals seem to have disappeared. (This after the ugliest racism AND SEXISM began to rule the day.)

The problem I see coming from a mile away is criticism of her being equated with sexism. Joe Biden should crush her in the debate, but we all know the MSM will be carry a line about how he was mean to the nice pretty lady. We all know how the media will treat any criticism of her.

Now see, if the MSM haircuts DARE go there after the way they demonized HRC I’ll join PUMA myself. Too bad Hillary was never Miss Arkansas, I suppose?


So is the strategy to nullify Biden’s attack-dog speech skills in the debates by making people think, “that mean old man, why is he picking on that pretty girl?”?


Goober, spot-on analysis of stuff you didn’t read here.

Glorious. Plus, someone tell CNN the Democrats made this history over 20 years ago.


Shorter goober: OMFG, the GOP is fucked.


Shorter you:


Yay! I win internet!


Looks like Legalize beat me to it. But yeah, that’s my concern.


What I know about this individual:

– yep, she’s real cute … but so are baby cobras

– children’s names include Track, Trig, & (I assume) 3 other “T” names … which will do wonders for Gravol futures beetween now & November

– Inuit spouse (which cuts no ice with a savvy Canuckistani like me, who knows damn well from years spent living on a reservation that aboriginals can be every bit as utterly freakin’ nasty rednecks as any honky)

– wants the polar bear taken off the endangered species list because, golly gosh-darn it, the big white rats are foiling Alaska’s big pimpin’ prospects (for becoming another toxic wasteland, much like northern Alberta’s rapidly becoming) from its surplus of the black gooey stuff

– what I just read about her desire to put “creationism” or “intelligent design” or whatever they’re calling it this week into classrooms, i.e., she’s an anti-science, anti-education nitwit for whom seperation of church & state is just a fad

– she’s not exactly going to work wonders for Wet-Start’s known proclivities toward getting a slice on the side … I’m betting he had to agree to let Cindy clamp a tracking-collar on his pervy ass before he was allowed to pick her

– the press will jizz themselves dry over her: cute & perky, from an “exotic” state & with a native hubby to boot … they’re going to be revved-up like a puppy with a brand-new chew-toy, & about half as insightful

– the VP debates will indeed be ugly … & that very ugliness may be their tactical objective: show the big bad mean old Dem picking on poor naive helpless widdle Sarah-poo, thus confirming once & for all that reality is the Reichstag fire of Liberal Fascism … remember, Wet-Start is using the Rovian strategy of turning the foe’s strengths into weaknesses

– Evangelical or no, as of today, a LOT of the Good Old Boys Club now hates He-Who-Yells-At-Clouds about 100,000% more than ever before; to them, ovaries are an inherent disqualifier for positions of executive authority

… & yes, this SCREAMS last-ditch, death-rattle desperation. What John McCrash did NOT need for a co-pilot right now was someone with literally ZERO name recognition & a total lack of experience in either Federal finance or foreign affairs. Could it still work? Technically, sure – but the same might’ve been said of Leonardo Da Vinci’s design for a parachute: fact remains, if he’d tested a prototype himself we’d’ve been cheated of wonders like “The Last Supper” or the “Mona Lisa” – it looks like the poor old bastard really has pole-vaulted the shark this time.


how about this pic


it’s their perception of how HRC was treated by the DNC that has them so twisted around.

They were pushed into that perception by RNC political operatives. Rat-fucking works. We can do the same.


When I think of Sarah Palin, I’m thinking, “Drill Here, Drill Now.”


The Dow is down 162. Clearly Wall Street hates McCain/Palin.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

HAHAHA. Not in moderation queue, I just posted to the wrong thread!

I’m just working my tool-age rate up until I get a spot on NRO’s Corner.

Nuff Ced McGreavey

I think I understand…McCain is going all in on the pity vote.

Q. Sen. McCain, how come you are so out of touch that you don’t know how many houses you own?

A. I was a POW.

Q. Gov. Palin, is it true that you want to overturn Roe v Wade and believe in Creationism?

A. I have a Down’s Syndrome Child,

The entire debate prep for these two will be how many ways can you deflect questions with these two answers.

It’s a no-brainer.



goober said,

…it doesn’t matter. The shite was worthless and weak anyway.


J Neo Marvin said,

August 29, 2008 at 18:18

So is the strategy to nullify Biden’s attack-dog speech skills in the debates by making people think, “that mean old man, why is he picking on that pretty girl?”?

Do you honestly think, after the blatant misogyny of the Democratic primary season, that is the case?


I’d hit it.


…and I wish for world peace.


“Do you honestly think, after the blatant misogyny of the Democratic primary season, that is the case?”

I know you’re not asking me, and I was appalled at the misogyny myself, but this choice is cynical misogyny in its own way, if that makes any sense, and I am not sure it does.


Actor, are you expecting our pundit class to be intellectually consistent?


Canny move, locking up Alaska like that…


Aw, how sweet. It’s her senior portrait.


This is like throwing a Hail Mary in triple coverage in the last minute of the game with Deion Sanders and John Lynch circa 1993 back in bracket coverage.

Either it’s going all the way back or someone’s going off on a stretcher, but ain’t no way in hell that ball’s crossing the goal line in the reciever’s hands.



Point. After all, she’s not Hillary.


Blah, mixed my coverages again. Damn you WordPress!


Funny video over at TPM…


Marco, I understand what you mean, I think: she’s the token chick.


I laughed and laughed.

“Obama’s inexperienced” – dying man picks 44yo 1st term congresswoman

McCain’s appeal to female voters: HEY, you didn’t get ‘your broad’ so come vote for my skirt! They’re all interchangable and all you care about is the gender, amirite?

Yeah, because this is going to go over great with the 28-percenters. Scared of a black man, but progressive enough to love this choice, sure.


You make the shorters shorter.

It was shorter than the sum of all the comments to that point.


You wish.

It’s a no-brainer. Literally.

Shorter Nuff Ced McGreavey:

“Making fun of a Downs Syndrome child is fair game when the child belongs to a wingnut.”

Stay classy, proggies.


I’m a little disappointed Charlie Crist didn’t get the nod. His pictures from back in the day are awesome (pdf; be sure to scroll to the last page).


As I said over on Kos,

I hear the GOP is thinking of issuing a commemorative coin with her on it, for the campaign.

Well, not a coin, exactly — more of a token.

And, as someone else has pointed out, McCain has yet again chosen a younger, better-looking woman to further his career. Some things never change.



Even the em ess em is in on the jokes. Seattle Times:

“John McCain tapped little-known Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate…”

Heh-heh, they said…


Evil Tina Fey mentioned how awesome Hillary’s run was, because we all know if there’s one person the GOP loves above Jesus, it’s Hillary Clinton.

I wonder if C.U.N.T. has issued a statement in support of McCain/Evil Fey 08 yet?


Goober continues to prove “no brainer” should be the GOP’s new campaign cry.


Well, one thing’s clear – they’re not planning to have the Mysterious Vice-Presidential 4th Branch of Government running everything anymore. Cheney himself might still keep pulling all the strings, though.


Love it, love it love it.

Can’t wait till the next McCain campaign “Obama doesn’t have the experience to be President” ad!!

Can we put up her Vogue photo-shoot next time McCain pulls the “Obama’s a celeb stuff? Or has that gone out the window after McCain’s thirteenth appearance on The tonight show?


this choice is cynical misogyny in its own way, if that makes any sense, and I am not sure it does.

Marco: Totally makes sense. That’s exactly what it is. Once upon a time it was known as “tokenism.”


It was shorter than the sum of all the comments to that point.

And yet longer than almost every individual comment. FAIL.


Hey, I think I just figured out why Palin.

The Inuit have a tradition of sharing their wives with guests.


goober said…

….something, but it was unintelligible.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


You underestimate the autocratic impulse of conservatives in executive positions. From that paragon of liberal bias:

One of her first acts as governor was to fire the Alaska Board of Agriculture. Her ultimate target was the state Creamery Board, which has been marketing the products of Alaska dairy farmers for 71 years and wanted to close down after receiving $600,000 from the state. “You don’t just close your doors and walk away,” Palin told me. She discovered she lacked the power to fire the Creamery Board. Only the board of agriculture had that authority. So Palin replaced the agriculture board, which appointed a new creamery board, which has rescinded the plan to shut down.

The rest of the story about the Matanuska Maid Dairy is Cheney-esque in a Klamath Fish Kill sort of way


Shorter goober:

I’m illiterate!


At least John McCain is consistent. He picked another young woman to advance his political career.


g: Palin did a spread in Vogue? Seriously?

But but but — isn’t that the sort of thing celebs like Paris Hilton do?


I’m waiting for the campaign appearances:

“Mommy, why is that grandfather up there with his granddaughter?”


Palin did a spread in Vogue? Seriously?

Palin’s Vogue Shoot

Not bad, if you ask me. But…er…yeah, what was that about Paris Hilton again?


This is comedy gold. Period.


Wow, gramps decided to pick his grandaughter. Sweet, I guess. But I thought that a politician would have been a better choice…


Crist was in a frat called Delta Lambda!?

Holy cats. Maybe that’s where the rumors came from.

Legalize: I can promise you that the TGW host and many of the commenters there were as liberal a Dem as they come before this primary season.

But are there enough to be worth buying ads, creating talking points and a Veep pick? I don’t think so. I think McPOW has been played like a fiddle.

Here’s the tightrope they’re trying to walk:

They wanted a woman to get the alleged hordes of PUMAs. But they couldn’t pick a woman who was anything like Hillary, hence the pro-life Fundie. Not good for getting the hordes of PUMAs, but it will reassure Das Base. But she’s also not vehemently homophobic. Perhaps better for getting the PUMAs, but sure to piss off Das Base.

I feel sorry for her. McPOW is going to use her as bait and a shield and neither item has an easy time of it.


Crist was a Pike (Pi Kappa Alpha) The FSU chapter is Delta Lambda.


Because if conservative voters love anything, its a ‘change’ candidate.

Also; I heard a repub PR dick spinning her as teh Alaskan Elliot Ness, a figheter of corruption — hello? You’re with the incumbant party, what kind of message does that sell “8 Years of republican corruption have harmed this country: Vote republican”.


He’s trying to attract women’s votes by picking an anti-choice VP? One of his few telling arguments is Obama’s lack of experience and he chooses someone whose longest gig was in local politics in Wasilla, Alaska? He’s in his seventies and he picks someone that’ll make him look even more decrepit?


Unless Palin has some extraordinary campaigning abilities I’m not aware of, this choice is on a Dan Quayle level of stupiditude.

This is comedy gold. Period.

It sure looks that way.


When will they hug? I NEED TO SEE HER HUG A CORPSE.


You’re with the incumbant party, what kind of message does that sell “8 Years of republican corruption have harmed this country: Vote republican”.

“Washington’s broken. John McCain knows it.” He’s the Original Maverick!

Enlightened Liberal

I don’t know about this choice. She wasn’t a POW for 5 1/2 years so how can she possibly be qualified for President if McCain dies?


But are there enough [PUMAs] to be worth buying ads, creating talking points and a Veep pick?

Arky: I don’t think so either. It’s also breathtakingly cynical if McPOW made this choice based on the notion that it’d draw disgruntled HRC supporters to his ticket.

The majority of disappointed Hillary hordes I think will come around to Obama or just sit it out. My guess is there’s only a few bitter squirrelly little pockets of PUMA bile and loathing out there, and fuck ’em.


You underestimate the autocratic impulse of conservatives in executive positions.

My mistake.

But this only reinforces my point – would the establishment and shadow-govt Pubbies allow a mere woman to wield supreme executive power?


My guess is there’s only a few bitter squirrelly little pockets of PUMA bile and loathing out there…

Agreed, and they were all going to vote for McSame anyway. I doubt that the PUMA thing is why they chose Palin, or at least it’s not the whole reason.


PUMA has about as much pull as my 1998 Old Navy drawstring pants.

(I know, I really need to get rid of them but you never know when you’ll have to run out of the house looking like a fool in some sort of emergency situation that is never going to happen.)

Palin is not Hillary. She’s not Hillary. She’s not Hillary and she never will be. (thanks, Madonna)


Hey guys, I just noticed something weird. Perhaps you internets smart guys can help me out here and let me know if I’m overreacting or what. I googled the term “VPILF” because, you know, haha funny and I wanted to know how many times it had already been used, a la xkcd. And when I do that, the website comes up as the main result. That seemed weird to me that it was already up, so I looked them up in whois to congratulate (or allow you wonderful comedic minds here at S,N! to appropriately mock) the owner.

The domain is registered to, whose express stated purpose is to allow you to use an intermediary to register a domain without having to put your info up in whois. Also, DBP is located in, um, Arizona.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I should probably check the kernings as well. But I figured I would point this out to some of you smart kids here. Also, if we’re going to make with the ratfucking, we might as well start in early, right? The idea that the website with the new meme was registered by McCain or one of his staff to point out how much mccain wants to bang his vp nominee could be…useful, no?


Why does Sarah Palin hate polar bears?


Point of information: Dan Quayle of blessed memory, who was so famously pwned in the veep debate, was elected. By all accounts this Palin person is smarter than Dan. Well, everyone is, but you know what I mean.

The Big O picked a veep he could work with; Big John picked one he could ignore. He’s running solo, and that may be his best bet.

Oscar Rabinowitz

I don’t know, she looked like Peggy Hill when she was delivering the speech. I might have to revise my oipinion. Can we really go from Dick to dat?

Oscar Rabinowitz

And what’s the new slogan this year?

How about, “It’s the minorities, stupid.”


MSNBC online poll:

Sarah Palin is the best choice for the job. 46%
McCain should have picked someone else. 54%

If teh McCainosaurus was hoping this would be some kind of brilliant counterattack, methinks he needs to ramp back on the Ambien.

Uh, yeah, & speaking of clueless:

“It’s a no-brainer. Literally.”

Shorter Nuff Ced McGreavey:

“Making fun of a Downs Syndrome child is fair game when the child belongs to a wingnut.”

Stay classy, proggies.

Nice fail goobster – the man was plainly referring to the famous “low-information demographic” but that curdled worm in your skull just HAD to make it into a ‘tard joke. Is that your own shit on your face or are you just always this ridiculous?

If you want PC &
A: you think this is the place to find it, &
B: you’re rooting for the GOP,
you are one drastically pathetic human being … your laser-like selective poutrage has been duly noted – & you really are living up to the name “goober” with bells on. Did we hurt your tiny little feelings, goob? I think you’ll find what you seek back under your Mommy’s skirts. Run along now, before you find a sharp object & hurt yourself.

PROTIP: no matter what your buddies told you, you CAN indeed acquire STDs from engaging in unnatural relations with livestock – you better get that looked at before it falls off, dude. Just sayin’.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Check out her wiki-page, then scroll down to External Links.


I don’t know about this choice. She wasn’t a POW for 5 1/2 years so how can she possibly be qualified for President if McCain dies?

She’s from Alaska. They’ll say she’s been a Prisoner of Winter.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Nuts – they scrubbed it. Well anyways, was on her wikipedia page. Here’s the wiki history add:

The awesome part is that seems to have been around since June.


Holy shit, I went to the Tennessee Batshit Crazy Women site and i’m positively mystified by the industrial grade stupid going on over there…srsly…it’s like you could condense the whole thread of regulars down there to “Yeah, she may represent the antithesis of what we claim to stand for but she’s a woman and that’s all we actually care about so suck it BWAHAHAHHAHA!” I think i may have actually lost IQ points skimming through the comments, it was so bad. it was an experience as terrifying as trying to read Free Republic while on acid


That makes this ticket the “POW and Army Mom” combo.  They’re totally going for the “you are not allowed to attack these people ever” tactic.

GOP, keepin’ it classy.


Point of information: Dan Quayle of blessed memory, who was so famously pwned in the veep debate, was elected.

Daddy Bush got elected in spite of Quayle, not because of Quayle.


I must be extra dense today. I did that but only see a link to her Alaska government web page, and Almanac profile. I’m not certain how this is relevent. Though the page seems to be updating every 10 seconds, so maybe you got something I missed.

Again, I’m not the crazy conspiracy sort. Though I do think if it has the potential for ratfucking, someone should run with it.


Ahh, ok. Checked the histories one. And since it’s been around since June, doesn’t that seem to imply someone knew ahead of time the term might be useful soon? Maybe that McCain already knew and was just jerking everyone around? And, whether it does or not, the “where there’s smoke there’s fire” approach can go both ways this year.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Speaking of updating too often – they scrubbed VPILF. Check out here:


They’re totally going for the “you are not allowed to attack these people ever” tactic.

Right, of course. I was wondering what the fuck they were thinking.


I hear she dots her I’s with little hearts and everything.


[…] I realize this is extremely juvenile. I realize this is in extremely poor taste. I realize this will offend […]


Holy crap, look at what she actually named her children:

Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig

Piper. It’s like a friggin’ episode of Charmed.


We’re about 20 posts away from exceeding the total in the last Amy Alkon thread. Evil Fey clearly is and will continue to steal the crazy spotlight from Ames.

She is gonna be pissed.


oops. 30 comments or so. now less. doh, teh math!!!


That makes this ticket the “POW and Army Mom” combo. They’re totally going for the “you are not allowed to attack these people ever” tactic.

Forward, Ret. Maj. Duckworth.


My brother had a fantastic idea for a ratfuck meme, ‘she pegs her husband’. Seems like just the kind of thing that would get under the skin of conservatives already straining to take this news with fake smiles.

Too much, too little?

Pull a Rove and repeat it until she has to deny it, and the MSM has to explain the joys of pegging to low-info voters.


Sarah Palin?! Okay, Michael Palin would have been an interesting choice. But Sarah Palin?!!!

Actually, it’s pretty clear to me now that it’s really still 1999 and I fell down and hit my head. The doctors have me in a drug-induced coma and this is all just a product of my bizarre imagination.

If this is for real, I think I’d rather have the drug-induced coma, thankyouverymuch.


[…] it comes to Palins, I prefer this one, undoubtedly more qualified at smuggling than the other one is at Vice […]


someone has already got the domain.


more on the website:

it’s by the guy who does

get this–he created it back on August 4. whois info bears that out. That guy is psychic!


MzNicky — Riiiight! *Snicker* *Sigh* Actually, we’ve had a pretty bad summer for bears in Anchorage, this year; it’s been pretty cold, too.


Shorter Entire Right-Wing Blogosphere:

fap fap fap fap fap on the other hand is still available.


The Inuit have a tradition of sharing their wives with guests.

Hey, what are we? Chopped liver?


Picking a female running mate for a definite loser ticket is so 1984….


V.P. Pick Sarah Palin is a very good reason for people to take a closer look at McCain. She has everything wonderful within her to make people feel proud about being an American. She has experience. It shows in what she has already accomplished. Sarah is real, down to earth and extremely positive. I like her very much.



Is everyone assuming she’s dumb because she’s pretty? She comes across as quite smart actually, and will probably stand up okay to Biden, who is vastly overrated and a bit smarmy. She’ll be coached to keep her answers short and focused, and he’ll windbag it a bit, because he loves the sound of his own voice, and the media will sell it as a win for her.


Fake Marie Jon neglected the oh-so-important apostrophe.


I’ve seen that stare in every witless convenience clerk and in my sheep. Not appealiing in either, but I can excuse the sheep.


I think I like “CILF” better.


Is everyone assuming she’s dumb because she’s pretty?

Not I. I’m assuming she’s dumb because of stuff like this:

“As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?”


Not bad, if you ask me. But…er…yeah, what was that about Paris Hilton again?

My guess is that this is the actual reasoning behind the Palin pick. McPOW really truly believed that Obama’s popularity was due to his being like Paris Hilton, so he decided to get one of his own.


Blatant sexism and unbridled nasty rears it’s ugly head from the bottom of the Democratic Party. The world is watching as the worst of America tries to trash and tear down someone who exemplifies the best of America. Obama’s election may come to naught because of the stupidity of a minority of his supporters who are quite possibly dead inside and don’t know it.


quite possibly dead inside and don’t know it.

I think we have an explanation for the smell around here now.


unbridled nasty rears

Now that’s what I’m talking about.


it’s ugly head

Oh sister, do I know what you’re talkin’ ’bout.


Very nice site!


The next time I read a website, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as a lot as this one. I mean, I know it was my option to read, but I actually believed youd have one thing intriguing to say. All I hear is often a bunch of whining about a thing which you could fix if you werent too busy looking for attention.


[…] – I hope I don’t need to explain why that’s sexist asshatery. – former beauty queen/McCain’s new girlfriend Ditto. – She has 5 kids! How will she care for them?! Her husband and nanny are there to help […]


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