Walter Who?
Before getting into the meat of this post about the batshittery from Stanley Kurtz on the Obama-Ayers connection, I can’t resist commenting that Kurtz sounds exactly like Big Gay Al, which may explain much more than we want to know about Kurtz’s unflagging crusade against teh gays:
Now that we have that out of way, let’s talk about Big Gay Stanley’s batshittery on the Obama-Ayers connection. As you probably know, Stanley’s been running around, telling anyone who would listen, that Obama and Ayers were best buds, that Obama’s political philosophy is therefore absolutely identical to Ayers’s philosophy, and that if we elect Obama, the first thing he’ll do in office is try to blow up the Pentagon.
The basis for this nonsense is the Obama was on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and Bill Ayers was involved in a group that organized the Chicago Challenge and that provided advice and recommendations to the Challenge. So, since being on the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge makes you a terrorist, let’s see who some of the other terrorists on that Board were. Here’s a list of the Board members from the group’s 1998 IRS Form 990.
First we have Edward Bottum, who was head of a Chase Franklin, a venture capital firm, as well as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Underwriters Laboratories. And, probably to throw the FBI off the track of his terrorist leanings, he made all of his political contributions to Republicans.
Then there is John W. McCarter, Jr., who is President of a noted terrorist front organization, The Field Museum of Chicago.
And don’t forget the philanthropist Nancy Searle, who also has cleverly concealed her terrorist leanings by contributing to Republicans.
Best of all, another Board member is Scott C. Smith, President and Publisher of the Chicago Tribune, which still openly advocates blowing up public monuments and gives recipes for Molotov cocktails in its “Food and Drink” section. Scott gives money to Republican candidates hoping to embarrass them by his connections with Bill Ayers.
Finally, Kurtz and all the other wingnuts screaming about this seem to have forgotten who Walter Annenberg, the guy who started this whole thing, was. To call him a fervent Republican and best buddies with Tricky Dick Nixon and St. Ronnie Reagan is an understatement. Actually, the most damning thing about Obama’s connection to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge is, well, Annenberg himself, but we aren’t going to hear that from Big Gay Stanley and friends.
Gosh, I hope The Troof shows up and helps enlighten us about Ayers, too.
I’m a terrorist, thanks for asking!
This post is super! Thanks for asking!
This is so several minutes ago. Didn’t you know that the latest Republican talking point is that Obama’s speech tonight will take place in front of un-American “ethnic” Greek pillars, just like the ones all over un-American Washington?
So Stanley Kurts is a big advocate for gay animal rights. I did not know that. Well, good for him.
OT, but screamingly funny:
Buh, buh, gay Greek columns! Bill Ayers! Reverend Wright! Mayor Nagin & the Buses! The Surge ™! Um, Drill for Cheaper Gas! Stop Russia! Al Gore is Fat!
Welcome to this presentation of the One Man SATSP:
Really, is this all they’ve got?
Thanks for watching. Tune in soon for our next episode.
Gah! WordPress loves me, but I still can’t frelling spell or type to save my life!
Kurtz? Kurtz and Big Gay Al?
The horror, the horror!
And to those who wanted to say, “Mistah Kurtz, he dead,” bwahahahaha!
Ooo, I like the multimedia approach.
Now that’s quality writing.
“Didn’t you know that the latest Republican talking point is that Obama’s speech tonight will take place in front of un-American “ethnic” Greek pillars, just like the ones all over un-American Washington?”
Dukakis all over again . . .
I used to live in a building that Fidel Castro briefly resided in.
Follow me into the hills!
un-American “ethnic” Greek pillars, just like the ones all over un-American Washington?
Oh noes, San Francisco values!
so in attempting to come up with a witty comment, I went to the Big Gay Al wikipedia page, which included this as the final sentence.
“As Big Gay Al is used as a gay stereotype, it’s only meant as a joke, and is mostly used to stand up for gay rights.”
I can’t come up with anything funnier than that.
The Conqueror WordPress hath defeated me.
Me said,
August 28, 2008 at 23:59
This is so several minutes ago. Didn’t you know that the latest Republican talking point is that Obama’s speech tonight will take place in front of un-American “ethnic” Greek pillars, just like the ones all over un-American Washington?
Pretty funny front page post by Hunter over at the Great Orange Satan about this:
Never! Not so long as Amy Alkon yet lives!!!!
Huh. Apparently references to funny posts at the Great Orange S*t*n aren’t acceptable here. Anyway, one of the comments has a very cool photoshop of Obama in toga. I mean, seriously, he looks good.
Oops! Almost forgot! FYWP.
I think we can call him “Big-K” Kurtz from now on.
Damn. The clips won’t play for me.
OT, Brawndo™ The Thirst Mutilator.
It’s good for plants!
Check out the video commercials. “It’s like a monster truck you pour into your mouth!”
And the Chicago Tribune was once owned by anarcho-syndicalist and LSD advocate Robert McCormick, who mated with Eleanor Roosevelt to father Pol Pot and Che Guevara. Pol Pot is Bill Ayers’ maternal homosexual grandfather.
Well, he’s no Andy Martin.
What’s FYWP?
Felch Yaks Without Pity
fuck you word press
aw, damn RB, I ruined the joke.
The fact is, the judges at that last Whore-Off were biased.
improper punctuation ftw.
aw, damn RB, I ruined the joke.
He totally would have bought the yak thing.
Foul Yugoslavian Woolen Panties
For Your Writing Pleasure.
Anyway, one of the comments has a very cool photoshop of Obama in toga.
You know what those columns need? More graffiti! In
SpanishMoorish!For fine photoshops, see Enraged Bull Limpet’s contribution down on the Gunner Hoft thread</A.
He totally would have bought the yak thing.
Quite possibly. This is Sadly, No after all.
I actually looked it up in an acronym dictionary, and it gave “First Year Writing Program”, which would be more than appropriate for many of the “writers” quoted here.
The fact is, I apparently think that “Obama has ties to people who have ties to people who have ties to people who have ties to some guy 90% of Americans have never heard of” is a solid campaign slogan.
I often think of Sadly No as a First Year Writing Program.
Someone should check to see if Malkin is getting food and water. She’s been frothing obsessively for days now over the Obama/Ayers conspiracy and Obama’s pushback against the McCain Ayer-guilt-by-vague-association attack ad. She is pacing her space repeatedly muttering the names of her right-wing fellow travelers who are joining her in victimhood at the hands of Obama’s goons.
She is pacing her space repeatedly muttering the names of her right-wing fellow travelers…
Heh heh heh. If Obama wins, I can’t wait to see how that crowd pisses their pants about how horrible the Bush spying powers and the Unitary Executive Theory are.
Fantastic. A banner saying “while the frog on the cross is being shown do not enter the building” is funny enough. But when you also have pictures of the thing you are warning people not to look at, that’s to funny forever, like the goatse disclaimer.
Not to blogwhore (well, OK, to blogwhore), but the Obama campaign response to this Kurtz crap has been not just awesome, but Teh Awesomes.
Getting thousands of people to swamp the phone lines of a wingnut talk radio show peddling this crap — honestly, I’m probably more impressed by that than I will be by the speech tonight. Seriously.
She is pacing her space repeatedly muttering the names of her right-wing fellow travelers…
The fact is, I have watched that movie.
A banner saying “while the frog on the cross is being shown do not enter the building”
The fact is, I am going to put up a sign like that at my office, RIGHT NOW.
Hilarious. I’m a huge Big Gay Al fan, and I had to believe you were kidding.
Then I listened. Keyboard danger due to spew.
Me thinks ol’ Stan should just start smoking some pole and get it over with.
You guys are brilliant, and without you I would be far more pissed off than I already am. I thank you again for reading and documenting the retardery so I don’t have to.
Man, these people are stupid.
Update: Some fucktard on CNN is worried about “black conservatives,” and how they’ll feel about this event. Not only that, Wolfie is going with it. John King adds to the madness.
We could all be dead soon.
The Kurtz / Big Gay Al clips are funnier than Gov Richardson who just spoke Spanish and caused Malkin to pass out from the rage related orgasm. (I presume.)
Well, maybe not. But damn close.
Wait! You mean the first link wasn’t Kurts!!! The Horror!! The Horror!!
I have some left over exclamation points for you people if you want to use some. They’re fun. Here, help yourselves [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The First Year of the Age of the Crucified Toad.
Thers, when it comes to blog-whoring, you need not bother with me. I check in every day.
You and Molly I. are among my favorites. And I’ve already read your post about the Ayers flaming on WGN, my hometown TV station. Of record.
I put this out to Susan at Suburban Guerilla: Does anyone out here have some relatively nearby contact information with Maureen Dowd? I’m fixin’ to send her some of Molly’s work, and Somerby’s too.
It would be big fun for me.
Considering the right wing managed to moan like they were besieged, oppressed victims when they had absolute power over all branches of the U.S. government and over most state & local governments, I’m quite sure they’ll be all too ready & enthused to play fake hysterics of repression under a Democratic President, Senate, and House.
close tag
The First Year of the Age of the Crucified Toad.
Feckin’ toads.
While the frog on the cross is being shown do not enter the building.
Remain outside the building until the giant glowing disembodied head of Shia Labeouf informs you, in Attic Greek, that it is safe to return.
If circumstances force building closure, a self-mutilating cartoon pig will be shown, indicating that you can go home (this will count as a half day unless you use personal time).
News flash, James Lileks speaks at the DNC convention in support of Barack Obama. Fortunately for the Obama campaign, nobody is listening.
I [expletive deleted] love Kurtz’s first line (and by love I mean “almost retch at).
It’s just like Troofy – the sincere belief that their fevered delusions are real, and that everyone can see that Snufflagus was really the Zodiac Killer.
The problem of phantom lice will not go away.
The problem of spontaneous human fossilization will not go away.
The problem of ninja monkeys with bees in their mouths so when they make whatever sounds that monkeys make – but in a ninja-y sort of way, bees come out – will not go away.
Bill Ayers!!! Scary distinguished professor!!! Scary anti-poverty activist!!!
How on earth can these stupid [expletive deleted] idiots [expletive deleted] go on and on and on about this nothing. These are the same folks who, when shown photographs of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein, say “so what?”.
They can all [expletive deleted] eat a [expletive deleted] big bag of dicks.
[expletive deleted] those toads. We should be [expletive deleted] crucifying them ecery [expletive deleted] year. [expletive deleted].
every. Toads make me mad.
toads make some happy…
[expletive deleted]. I just clicked on teh anti-ghey linkee.
Shared moral values are why we have to go to war against gay marriage? [expletive deleted] that guy with a gas powered weed-whacker.
What do incest and homosexuality have in common? NOTHING. [expletive deleted].
Watch this – Serial killers are anti-social bastards who should be at least locked up forever if not given capital punishment. Serial Killers. Stanley Kurtz. There we go – all the proof necessary to give this [expletive deleted] dumbfuck life in prison with no hope of parole. TA DA!
[expletive deleted].
(incidentally, toads have NO wangs)
Hey Stanley Kurtz, if adultery is really the threat to marriage – shouldn’t adulterers be forbidden from marrying? They contribut WAY more to adultery and damaging the ethos of marriage than gay couples because they’re ADULTERERS!
TA DA! John McCain has been living in sin for something like two decades – and McCain Blogette is an illegitamate child!
Seriously – [expletive deleted] that guy. [expletive deleted] long and hard with a [expletive deleted] 50 gallon barrel of toxic [expletive deleted] waste.
as such
Hey, man, those side-by-side voices told me everything that I needed to know.
I mean everything.
Eris give me strength. I’ve only gotten half way down the post. There’s like a dozen more underline thingies to go. My spleen is going to [expletive deleted] explode.
Unfortunately, I don’t yet have access to the documents.
..oh well – a minor point – carry on…
Push the control button to activate the traffic signals. When the red frog on a cross shows, do not cross. When a steady green frog on a cross shows, check that the traffic has stopped then cross with care.
Hey, what’s with all of this [expletive deleted} bullshit?
What am I reading, fucking Nixon White House tape transcripts?
Fuck that shit. With a stick.
OT, but apparently K-Lo is going to miss her Dick. Comedy happens at the corner, but it’s never when they are trying to be funny.
Fuck, I can swearz now?
FUCKING YES. Holy shit, this fucking not fucking swearing has been fucking killing me. Well not really, that was more the time spent talking to PUMAs.
But not be able to shout PENIS, that fucking sucked ass.
toads? penis? nope.
Well, fuck, I seem to have failed at embedding the link regarding KLo and her Dick (sfw but then you knew that.). You can find it on my blog or just go to the corner. The stupid is flowing fast there so be quick abut it.
K-Lo at the corner freaking out about the DNC:
This Bush-Cheney Attacking
From Al Gore is reckless. During the last eight years, we were attacked, and that came to us in part because of the recklessness of the Clinton-Gore years. We’re at war, and not just in Iraq. It’s a broad war, not of our choosing, and responsible leaders would show a little moderation in attacking the president who rose to the occasion and has had some role in the fact we’ve not been attacked again.
There’s something poisonous in the air here I hope I don’t encounter in St. Paul.
Vee must not criticize Dear Leader! Vee must bow before His Immaculate Codpiece!
Anyways, where was I?
Toads – fuck ’em. Lording it over us with their fucking breathing through their skin. Able to fucking sleep for MONTHS AT A TIME. That is fucking cruel to those of us who occasionally suffer from insomnia.
Ever try to sleep in a campsite next to where horny fucking toads are a courtin’. They fucking croak ALL NIGHT LONG. It fucking sucks. Also discovered during the stay at that campsite – toads eat insects unless those insects are mosquitos.
Seriously – fuck those fuckers.
But Stanley Kurtz is WAY ahead in line.
Geez, Dragon King.
Why don’t you post a couple comments…
Good one. While we’re at it, does anyone besides me think William Kristol looks like Glen Quagmire?
Speaking of terra-rists:
I think everytime Bill O’Reilly wants to travel by plane, he should have to undergo a full body cavity search – for safety’s sake. After all he is a terrorist.
There’s something poisonous in the air here I hope I don’t encounter in St. Paul.
Really? I vaguely recall (courtesy of a Crooked Timber post) that K. Lo was recently lauding the healthy air of Denver, how real-America and non-elite it was, and how it was giving her an appetite.
(I may have added that last part).
Also, I totally want my own desk-top Frog-on-a-Cross, with a remote-control that makes its tongue shoot out and catch flies.
‘Kay mikey, I’ll step back from the ledge.
The fact is, I’M TERRIFIED OF HIPPIES!!! Heh.
K-Lo freaking out at the Corner about the DNC:
Stevie Wonder will never be the same for me.
Did she imagine that Stevie have anything other than complete contempt for her political heroes?
That is all.
How about we get it over with when it comes to K-Lo?
She’s a fat woman who really, really needs to enjoy the pleasures of mutual physical gratification. Just to enter the world the rest of us live in.
She’s your standard Catholic chickenshit. Hiding behind her quasi-virginity to make a moronic case that 80% of America know is insane.
K-Lo hides behind her Mitt-love precisely because she knows it will never be fulfilled; it is “safe” and so unrealistic it gets mostly laughs from the normal among us.
She is the worst of our angels. And she can go fuck herself, which, if she properly fantasizes about Mitt, would be a step up from her current monosexuality, assuming she has the metaphorical balls.
I’m happy she’s the “editor” of a nationally “respected” conservative rag, since all she does is get votes for Barack.
She is a truly horrible human being, and she deserves all the mockery she gets.
I’m from Chicago and just…errr..
I haven’t even looked into it, but if you are important in Chicago, you know Bill Ayers. I really doubt that’s their only connection. Bill Ayers father was CEO of Com Ed and just….oh man. It’s stupid and it makes everyone in Illinois a terrorist but that’s what it is.
Ah, c’mon. Live a little!
…perhaps I should have said “Never again”
K-Lo at the corner freaking out about the DNC:
This Bush-Cheney Attacking
From Al Gore is reckless. During the last eight years, we were attacked, and that came to us in part because of the recklessness of the Clinton-Gore years.
1) Bush ignored the warnings he was given, because they weren’t all about invading Iraq. (“You’ve covered you ass, now.”)
2) I recall some reckless attacking of Clinton while he was President. Wag the Dog, anyone?
4000 quatloos for the first person to write a limerick around the word ‘amplexus’!
…to get you started, note the following: “In more advanced anurans like the true frogs (Ranidae), the tree frogs (Hylidae) and the true toads (Bufonidae) the amplexus is axillary (in the armpits)”
While adventuring, an encounter did vex us
Befuddle, confuse, and perplex us
Ahead on the road
Was a mad Giant Toad
Let’s hope that he doesn’t amplexus!
(…as my old granny used to say, “It’s all about the armpits.” But of course, she was crazy as a coot.)
I for one am sick of your constant gay-bashing. I’m sure Amy would agree.
Moe was a good father-
Prosecutors offered to dismiss Walter’s charges if Moe went directly to jail, which he did. Moe served two years and died 39 days after his release.
He gave his life for his son. Maybe you should look at your own father…
And Walter, bless his heart, in the time before freeporn was everywhere, gave teenagers years of mastubatory pleasure (who can forget that 1970 17 cover with the sizzling Shelly Hack or the ’68 TV Guide cover of the vivaciously boneable Ann Margaret fap fap fap)
fap fap
By the way, Obama is whacking McCain with the dining room table and all the chairs.
I haven’t even looked into it, but if you are important in Chicago, you know Bill Ayers.
For most Chicagoans, this is harmless. But if Ayers approaches you and asks how interested you are in comptrolling, move to a new city. Fast.
When toads reproduce here’s the nexus
An event sequence that leads to amplexus
Mr. Toad’s pits hold the goo
Which on the eggs he does glue
This is also done by DeLay down in Texas
I hope it’s not impolite to point this out, but man, Joe Biden just walked out onto the stage with one big-ass hard-on.
That dude is ready.
For most Chicagoans, this is harmless. But if Ayers approaches you and asks how interested you are in comptrolling, move to a new city. Fast.
Beer shot out my nose.
The story there is really how Obama navigated a snake-pit where people literally wind up dead and did it making the power players accomodate him instead of the other way around for the most part. The problem is it doesn’t fit in a sound bite, and it requires explaining a long, sordid, tale of Illinois politics that is going to make Washington sound like Candyland.
Armpit amplexus is destroying the institution of marriage
Know what? I think I’m gonna vote for this young man Obama.
He seems, well, committed…
…it requires explaining a long, sordid, tale of Illinois politics that is going to make Washington sound like Candyland.
I’d be curious to read about that at length at some point – I suspected that was the case, and it’s given me some hope that if Obama could handle that, he can handle anything the Redoublechins could throw at him. I think the Pubbies have gotten a bit complacent, having only Vichy Dems “opposing” them for so long.
WTF – only one faux-The Trout cameo?
Wherefore art thou, o snuggly little twit?
Fast, for cruel daylight through yon Overton window breaks!
Let not the Ayers grow clammy without the foetid caress of thine tentacles.
Thine beloved fetish lays languishing for the unguent of thine ungentle blather!
Wilt thou let these poltroons sully it with the brute bolts of their rude reality?
Get thee to a nunnery, ASAP.
well, it may be sappy, but it’s really very simple. Obama really, really had to pull himself up by himself; Gore and Kerry were both born in privilege. Obama is a lot more like Bill in that regard. The stupid Mccain trickery is nothing compared to what he had to come through.
I know this may sound sappy, but yeah, no kidding, he IS made out of different material than Gore/Kerry…
That’s very magnanimous of you to speak of your opponent that way, Mr. President.
By the way, the Dow gained 212 today. Clearly Wall Street loves Obama.
And I figured that had something to do with why Clinton and Obama did so well. One thing they do have in common is the heavy dose of charisma, which can go a long way to getting you to the third base the aristocrats were born on.
Two words: total pwnage.
Go ahead and bitch about columns now, you petty little punks. See how well you can make those little ideas work for you this time around.
Damn, the next two months are gonna rule!!!
Clearly Wall Street loves Obama.
Oh, goodness, no. It’s rising because all the stock-people know the Democrat Party convention is nearly over and the Republican one is coming up next week.
Uhg. Why does everyone want to be a silly Ron Paul hippie?
By the way, the Dow gained 212 today. Clearly Wall Street loves Obama.
Pump and dump, baby. Pump and dump.
I TOLD you it was time to kick an old man in the nuts.
Sen. McCain; you’ve just been kicked in the nuts and not by any surrogates !
That was pretty God damned sweet. I’m just going to bask in some Sly Stone and that Motorhead video now.
Jennifer, did you see BoBo Brooks response?
“most people” with be underwhelmed with the speech.
Stupid putz he is. As you said…most people know pwnage when they hear it.
“most people” with be underwhelmed with the speech.
Well, he’s being scientifical. He polled people at the (nonexistent) Applebee’s salad bar, and they all said they were underwhelmed.
Yeah. I really wanna see grampaw POW tie an onion to his belt and make his own speech…
Only extremists are over- or underwhelmed. Sensible moderates like me are merely whelmed.
OK, I admit of the President john McCain at 5:38pm comment… Leftover from another thread…
Stanley Kurtz says:
All sex must be forbidden! Because if teh sex is OK, than obviously people will want sex with children and animals! Because I infer that from . . . . It’s obvious that . . . . Who can deny the musky, delicious sensual, pheromonally irresistible appeal of the nohuman and non-adult to the totally normal heterosexual like me?
Preventing armput amplexus with minors from becoming thinkable is the purpose of the taboo.
1. Why isn’t Col. Kurtz mentioning the Chicago City Comptroller?
2. I fully approve of blowing up the fucking Pentagon. Note to any spooks reading this: Go fuck yourselves.
If all of you knew how much I love you, you would be like all awww and shit. It’s embarassing. If I could, I would marry all of you! That would be, of course, big of me.
And Texas might take our kids away. But I don’t care. Sadly, No-sters, I want to have your babies, as long as you pick them up on time.
Its really fun living overseas and not having to watch all the hoopla on the television.
Kinda gives you a better perspective.
So there was another speech? Probably all about hope and stuff?
And next week there will be another speech about war and stuff? And maybe a hurricane?
And then finally it will be over?
Mooser, Bummertown said,
August 29, 2008 at 8:09
If all of you knew how much I love you, you would be like all awww and shit. It’s embarassing. If I could, I would marry all of you! That would be, of course, big of me.
Are you a tranny? Not that it really matters, I’ll still let you give me head, just better if we keep it out of the tabloids.
Yep, that sure was one hell of a speech.
The GOP can’t tell whether to S#$t or go blind at this point. Gotta love it.
Ted, I’m underwhelmed by your response. Lucky for you, Obama’s speech got me all gruntled, so I’ll go easy on you.
And Sadly, No! I am not a tranny. I am America’s largest ungulate. If you’re hungry, I’ll pull a rarebit out of my hat.
Mooser, Bummertown said,
August 29, 2008 at 8:48
Ted, I’m underwhelmed by your response. Lucky for you, Obama’s speech got me all gruntled, so I’ll go easy on you.
Ahhh…. Thanks… that was good. Gruntled…
Was it okay for you? Never quite know with this comment sex.
Hey, good to meat you Mooser, anyone whose blog comments are all about SEO Software, credit repair and Genuine College Degrees in 2 Weeks! is okay with me.
Lets hook up again soon, okay?
I have a blog? I did not know that! Did it come with the computer, or is it something that came with my DSL? This is mystery to… ooops, there’s the URL. Gosh, that old thing? I had forgotten about it. It was just something I threw on once or twice, and then forget to take to the Goodwill. Maybe somebody could get some use out of it.
But you forgot to tell me it was a “shitty little blog”. Gotta uphold those internet traditions, you know.
And I find your fixation with sex disturbing. weren’t you employed by Sears as an example of sporting manliness, Ted? This doesn’t seem right
Mooser, Bummertown said,
August 29, 2008 at 10:21
I have a blog? I did not know that! Did it come with the computer, or is it something that came with my DSL? This is mystery to… ooops, there’s the URL. Gosh, that old thing? I had forgotten about it. It was just something I threw on once or twice, and then forget to take to the Goodwill. Maybe somebody could get some use out of it.
But you forgot to tell me it was a “shitty little blog”. Gotta uphold those internet traditions, you know.
Sorry, dearheart, sometimes i forget the niceties in the afterglow of comment love. Your blog is shitty.
And I find your fixation with sex disturbing.
Oh please, that’s not what you said when we exchanged IPs.
weren’t you employed by Sears as an example of sporting manliness, Ted? This doesn’t seem right
Don’t be hurtful, lovepunkin.
That’s the Amy I’ve come to know and love! Much better!
Call me, Amy! Call my boss, too! Better still, come by. I’ll send you the entrance code for the shit-filled moat so you can get in. Amy, no! Not in the moat, stupid! For Gawd’s sake, Amy, don’t put it in your mouth, haven’t you heard of cholera or typhoid?
Amy, what am I gonna do with you?
That’s the Amy I’ve come to know and love! Much better!
Call me, Amy! Call my boss, too! Better still, come by. I’ll send you the entrance code for the shit-filled moat so you can get in. Amy, no! Not in the moat, stupid! For Gawd’s sake, Amy, don’t put it in your mouth, haven’t you heard of cholera or typhoid?
Mooser, I too am all a-tingle to find romance down here in the tired end of a comment thread. Meet me here-
-and we will make sweet sweet comment amore in a long forgotten Jonah Goldberg/sammich thread.
I can hardly wait my new-found passion-pudding.
Uh oh. Looks like poor David Brooks’ feelings were hurt by Obama’s speech, because it turns out Obama really is a Democrat, and so Brooks actually tries to write mocking satire. Really. He thinks he’s being funny.
An example of the knee-slapping:
United Airlines like United States! Har har har har har!!!
…and that if we elect Obama, the first thing he’ll do in office is try to blow up the Pentagon.
Clif, Obama could just order the Pentagon to blow itself up.
This picture is central to our point.
Teh Editorz – Pwned!
If you’re hungry, I’ll pull a rarebit out of my hat.
Again? That trick never works!
… why Clinton and Obama did so well. One thing they do have in common is the heavy dose of charisma, which can go a long way to getting you to the third base the aristocrats were born on.
Lovely. Quote of the day.
zOMFG that’s hilarious! As if Minneapolis has ever been threatened by a hurricane in its ~140 years of existence.
Again? That trick never works!
So what? I can’t see any nourishment on the horizon from Ted Williams or Amy Alkin. In fact, he’s (she’s) got me completely famischt, verklempt even.
But when my new Mexi-klezmer CD comes out, I’m gonna be so totally “how do you like me now, nudniks” you won’t be able to stand it. And it’ll come with a free knish taco!
[…] condemned them, and Ayers is a professor now. By Kurtz’ own standards, all the respectable Republicans on the same board also must also be far-left radicals or at least sympathizers. Kurtz’ entire […]
[…] and frothing rant about the evil CRA. Here is a vintage effort by Stanley Kurtz (obligatory link to Sadly, No’s! comparison of Kurtz to Big Gay Al, which makes me laugh every time I listen to it) which combines the CRA, […]