Oh Noes!
Amy Alkon says she has outed some guy who posted a mean comment on her blog.
Somehow this has something to do with us. We gave this person his ‘marching orders’ or something.
My own view is that mockery is lots of lulz, etc. but stupid mockery like asking someone, ‘Are you a tranny?’ is, well, stupid. And offensive. And anti-lulz. I would personally but strongly advise not doing that kind of shit.
Gavin adds: I’m reading Alkon’s narrative, where she tracks the poor guy down, calls him at work, and bullies him on the phone, and I have truthfully never seen a more sobering example of batshit-crazy, out-of-all-proportion, obsessive-compulsive meanness.
I think if we take her side, even notionally, we lose a bit of our humanity. She was getting back at us through the guy she tracked down — and it would seem that she did it because the rush of campaign-waging that she so enjoys, the center-of-attention thrill of righteously waving her arms and yelling at someone, had started to fade, since we were no longer despicably assaulting her free speech by making fun of her on the Internet. That is, she needed to start it up again somehow. And voila, as so often happens, someone posted a brief, snarky comment on a blog post, giving her an excuse to go screamingly bonkers.
…Against the world, as it were, as represented by some particular person she can take on and ‘win’ against, through sheer force of attention span.
We told Alkon awhile ago that if she went this route, public opinion would be with the poor slob she ‘outed,’ and not with the public figure who went after him. This is the kind of thing that people notice, far outside the little world of political blogs.
Tintin adds: Welcome to the upside-down world of Amy Alkon. Posting a snarky comment on her site is an attempt to punish her for her free speech but, of course, tracking down the guy who made the comment and trying to get him fired isn’t an attempt to punish him for his free speech. And he’s punishing her by forcing her to take time away from writing her book to track him down at work, call his superiors and scream at him like a deranged homeless person, which, of course, takes only a fraction of the time it does to push the “delete comment” button.
I don’t know why people think that they are secret on the internets, especially if they take no steps to guard their anonymity, and usually not even then.
You must be some sort of tranny.
I’m guessing a Muncie M-22 rockcrusher 4-speed.
That’s a really weird thing to do…
What is even weirder is that she thinks that she is the one being censored, yet she is willing to track down people and contact them at their place of employment. I gathered from the Bank of America reference that she’s willing to try and get these people fired.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Obama campaign is calling for the ARREST and CRIMINAL PROSECUTION of those behind the Ayers ad.
Liberal fascism, indeed.
Will Brad Reed & Co. address this? SADLY, NO!
Well, since prosecutors failed to ever get Bill Ayers with any charges, maybe it’s right and just for Obama to go after Bill Ayers’ biggest publicists in decades — Republican and right wing hacks, who have given Bill Ayers his biggest free PR boost since the original failed bombing attempts.
I also wonder how helpful it is to an advice columnist’s career to develop a reputation for outing people who contact her.
Not to get into technicalities, but the above, “You must be…a tranny” is bad, but I think asking “are you a tranny?” in some cicumstances is completely fair. One has to have a clear answer to the issue that before you pay ’em. Every john knows that. Like, sometimes in the back of the LA X-Press, it isn’t really clear when the she-male section ends and the part with ladies with real lady parts begins.
Classy. Fortunately no one’s going to be stalking him since her readership is basically down to a couple of non-racist misogynists, a couple of non-misgynistic racists, a few racist misogynists and a legion of sock puppets.
Shorter El Cid:
“Arresting political opponents is fine and dandy as long as those being arrested are wingnuts.”
ZOMG! goober just outed Brad!!!!1!!!
What is it about wingnuts that makes ’em love a good outing?
PROTIP: When trolling the internets you can make up an email address and put it in the little box that says email on the comment form.
He typed in his email address and now she’s crowing that she was able to find him using his email address. Wow.
I was at a loss as to what she expects from the guy with this “explanation” she’s demanding.
Then it hit me – what she wants is:
“I confess! I received my marching orders from the vast left-wing conspiracy of Sadly No! They made me do it! If I don’t obey their commands, they’ll… they’ll… call me names on the Internet!!!”
I can’t believe that Alkon dude was repeatedly calling a government employee at work . . . on my dime!
Wow. What a bitch. That’s why I don’t post on the enemy’s blog.
Are we really “shorter”ing each other now?
Shorter goober:
I just did a shorter.
On a side note, I’m for the arrest of people who break the law. Call me old-fashioned.
So, um, is she a tranny?
I never cared before, but now I really wanna know.
Gavin, D.,
What should we do to stop this crackpot loony,
AlbertAmy Alkon?We await our marching orders!
Somehow goober-nuts thinks that calling a gossip columnist hack a tranny in a private e-mail and committing actionable libel in the mass media against a candidate running for US President are morally and functionally equivalent.
I expect to see telephoto images of Brad’s countertops on Ms. Alkon’s website any day now.
But please, Amy, spare us the video of you in a cheerleader outfit.
The “lady” doth protest too much, methinks.
I can’t believe that Alkon dude was repeatedly calling a government employee at work . . . on my dime!
Interesting point: does she know she was interrupting the work of a government employee and obstructing him the performance of his duties and that’s a felony?
Particularly a NOAA employee, particularly ahead of a hurricane, particularly on this, the anniversary of Katrina’s onslaught on New Orleans?
We await our marching orders!
After all these thousands of comments, I haven’t seen one person suggest that we actually try to ‘silence her’, by, say, writing to all the alt-weeklies that syndicate her column and exposing her as the tiny little turd fascist she is.
Perhaps the question, “Are you a tranny?” was the proverbial straw, but it is notable that, of all the straws flung across the moat, that was the one that broke her.
Remember kids, we’re the fascists intent on suppressing free speech.
Medic! MEDIC!!! If only Amy’s ego weren’t as big as her ‘metaphorical balls’, she could ignore comments she found distasteful and get on with her life. Alack and alas…
If this question has already been answered, maybe someone can point me to the relevant post, but: What exactly qualifies Amy Alkon to be an ‘advice goddess’? Is there some kind of training program? Does she have a certificate hanging on her wall? Is her life experience so deep and rich that her qualifications are obvious to everyone but me?
From where I’m sitting, she seems to be just another asshole with an opinion and a Tony Robbins complex. Then again, I live in the Heartland, so what do I know?
Inquiring minds want to know what the moat is filled with.
i hope the people who post there get the message, loud and clear, that you’d better not disagree with her, about anything. cause that spiteful little beast is more than happy to fling herself, like a rabid spider monkey, all over your life.
she’s pathetic .
It’s dollars to do-nuts that if Dailey had said, right off the bat, “Yeah, I’m the
one who posted that. I meant it to be insulting because I think you’re a vicious idiot,” she would have NOT been satisfied and kept hounding and demanding and telling him what she “wants” just like now, with just as much amped-up righteous indignation and poutrage.
As with many such types, the moral “motive” is a pretense. They love indignation because it feels like self-esteem.
It goes without saying that she’s probably spent exactly zero minutes pursuing the murderous, damaging things other, more powerful people have done “on her dime.”
And this woman is “an advice columnist”?
… continuing…
and, i’d be pretty wary of asking someone like that for advice about anything. if there’s something in your life troubling you enough that you’re willing to ask a stranger for advice, i’d choose a stranger who doesn’t have a history of gleefully abusing the people who post on her website.
So, is she a tranny, or isn’t she?
So, is she a tranny, or isn’t she? I’d ask Amy, but she’s banned me from her shit-moat of a blog.
And I was banned for calling her thin-skinned.
Exactly, Ripley. How does an “Advice Goddess” not realize that she has just shown by example that when you get really rattled by someone’s (utterly lame) taunt the appropriate response is to go completely off the handle with repeated phone calls at 2 a.m. and when they finally just say ok, ok it was stupid, I’m sorry, you should then follow up with efforts to get them fired. If that doesn’t qualify you to give advice to the love lorn then what would? I’d have been more impressed if she had snuck in his house and boiled his daughter’s pet rabbit, and I’m sure she would have if she could. Nothing says unstable personality like taking an internet insult fight to the destruction of personal life level.
“If only Amy’s ego weren’t as big as her ‘metaphorical balls’…”
That’s the thing. I don’t think her ego is big at all. It’s a small void that needs to be filled with grandiosity and the fake “self-respect” that she tries to convince herself she has via all this operatic posturing.
This frenzy and triumphant gotcha, all this staying-up-until-3 a.m-when-“I have a book to write” tells you she’s fundamentally insecure.
If someone called you what you took to be a pejorative name–in a blog!–would you put in that much time and energy harassing that person?
(puffs meditatively on pipe)
Just finished my ‘adds’ a couple minutes ago. Sorry I edited it while it was posted.
I’ve been trying to get a read on her political persuasions (I’ve got a good idea about the rest of “her”). What does she espouse? She claims to be a Libertarian, but ends up sounding terribly racist (read the Barkley post.).
Can someone explain her? I’m confused (again). I’ve also got a terrible head cold, which is making my reading comprehension skillz farkakt.
And me don’t write too good either.
That, sir, is a keen observation.
Dear Sadly Pathetic, you will mow my lawn and fetch me a beer or I’ll track you down and phone your boss and tell him you tried to punish me for my free speech. I will. Oh don’t think I won’t young man.
Um…a little thin-skinned isn’t she?
She’s a “Libertarian” in that she favors her poor brutalized and ignored, rather than helped. Aside from that, though, she wants the government as big as possible to keep her safe from everything and everyone. In other words, she’s a “Libertarian” because she thinks attaching the word to her persona gives her edginess.
See also: Reynolds, Glenn; McArdle, Megan; and on and on and on.
I hope this scientist’s boss at the NOAA just tells him, hey, stop using our internet system for that. Make sure and do your blog stuff from your own computer. That is all.
Yes, she derives self-esteem from imagining herself a victim of persecution, which makes her feel important and gives her a target for her rage. Giving her a genuine target triggers a frenzy of self-vindication.
Thanks for the primer, it’s what I suspected but I couldn’t wrap my head around the ramblings on her site. Feel like I’ve got cotton stuffed in my head (more so than normal).
She really is hateful, isn’t she?
Since Amy’s monitoring the activity here at least as closely as she’s managing comments at her own site, I think that this is as good a place to ask as any –
Dear Advice Goddess:
What are the first few steps one should take when inquiring about a possible sex change operation?
Thanks in advance,
You know, it’s the insults that hit closest to home that elicit the biggest reaction…and this is a pretty big (OVER)reaction!
Just sayin’.
This is becoming more common – rightwing bloggers using the IP logging to identify and harass commentors. They are playing with fire and one day someone is going to get violent because they were fired over an insult.
Besides “I’m going to tell your employer” is the adult version of “I’m going to tell teacher on you”. Its the last refuge of the complete pussy.
This doesn’t even begin to rise to the level of “thin skinned”; this woman (I’ll go ahead and give her the benefit of the doubt) is seriously suffering from some kind of pathology. Her persecution complex is deeper than any other I’ve encountered, and the situation is quite telling when some of her sycophants tell her that perhaps she’s gone off the deep end (at the same time libeling Sadly, No! in the process by claiming what she’s done is what they expect Sadlynauts to do).
I would love to post a comment on her blog from my place of work just to have her discover it is a military base and see what she does with THAT particular piece of information, but just going to her blog leaves me feeling queasy and besides, what would you say to someone as d*cked-up as that that wouldn’t leave you feeling like you just fed her psychosis?
Let her have her book-writing fantasy and allow herself to be surrounded by thoughtless, witless suck-ups; I have no further interest in the silly twit…
“public opinion would be with the poor slob she ‘outed,’ and not with the public figure who went after him.”
I disagree, dude.
A. The tranny comment is juvenile.
B. If you are going to post this stuff, cover your tracks a little better (i.e. don’t give a real name and email)
C. He lied and tried to cover it up once busted.
This chick is crazy, no doubt, but I have no sympathy for this dude.
“President Bush is scheduled to speak at the Republican National Convention on Monday, but with Tropical Storm Gustav expected to hit Gulf coast, the White House is beginning to hint that President Bush might not speak that day. Fox News’ Bret Baier reports today that there “are conversations underway” at the White House about whether Bush “will in fact speak on Monday.”
I stand with goober and denounce this hurricanean attack on our Preznit’s free speechification rights.
I started to read the Alkon article, but couldn’t get through it. The lack of wit added to all the smug gloating for doing something so hellishly mean just turned my stomach. Perhaps she had been attacked by bullies herself quite a bit in her school days; maybe her over-the-top meltdown is a post-traumatic reaction?
Not that I actually care. Alkon is obviously a vicious twit.
> Yes, she derives self-esteem from imagining herself a victim of persecution, which makes her feel important and gives her a target for her rage. Giving her a genuine target triggers a frenzy of self-vindication.
You’re giving advice to the “Advice Goddess”. Probably the most astute thing she’s ever read (and I assume, ignored).
That makes you either a meta-Goddess, a Field Marshall Of The Armies, or Queen Of The InterTubes.
AIIMEEEE! Have you been stealing Mr.Whisker’s cat food again? Yes I know it says “gourmet” on the label , but it’s cat food , not pate’ . Stop eating it for lunch , and you BETTER replace my box of wine you little brat !
> Besides “I’m going to tell your employer” is the adult version of “I’m going to tell teacher on you”. Its the last refuge of the complete pussy.
I would love to see some whackjob/nutjob/wingnut (FYI: interchangeable terms) try this on a highly-valued employee of a law firm that has spare time to do a pro bono case for said employee.
Because Amy reads posts here to feed her ginormous Ego the Hut, I want her to know that I post at SadlyNo! from work.
Amy, let me know if you want my employer’s phone number.
“I’m going to tell your employer” is so very apropo for the Right. How dare lowly employees express political opinions which differ from those of their corporate masters!
Meanwhile, the gang over at Instaputz are going after a target who truly deserves to be outted to his bosses: Glenn Reynolds.
Poutrage followed by stalking.
Where have I heard of this before?
The other question that needs to be asked: What exactly is she writing about in this alleged book? What possible fresh insight could an “advice columnist” have for America?
I’m sure she’ll turn the world around, though.
I agree that the comment was juvenile, and that one should never mess around in right-blogs without wearing protection. But after seeing the way Alkon treated truth and falsehood during the earlier contretemps, making up disposable realities as she went along, I don’t believe a damn thing she says.
If someone wants to leave a comment here saying that I’m a chumpweasel, a chunderwagon, a badly coutured transvestite, a poo-gargling ass-twat monster fuck, or something more creative, how much truth-juggling would I have to do, after all the making-fun-of-people we’ve engaged in, to act all freaking insulted about it? And if I did try such a thing, would a single person believe a heroic narrative I crafted in which I tracked down the malefactor and made him blubber helplessly?
I’m sure the outline of her story is dead true. But I distrust the inevitable twist in her stories where she winds up posing heroically with her boot planted on an evildoer’s head. If, during the episode with the phone call, the comment-leaver had gotten off some good lines, I don’t think we’d hear about any of them.
I don’t have much sympathy for his actions. However, if a person jaywalks and a police officer arrests that person and sticks them in a cell, that reaction is way, way, way disproportionate for the crime.
Juvenile behaviour is alive and well on the internets, and, well, Amy Alkon disagrees with it and is apparently writing a book about it. My sympathy for the individual comes from the fact that rather than just respond appropriately*, she decided to lash out all her frustration at some guy who trolled her site thinking he was anonymous. A guy may lose his job simply for the crime of saying something stupid on the Internet. In Amy Alkon’s world, that is an appropriate response. In my own, it is not. That elicits my sympathy
*An appropriate response would be banning, possibly followed by an email telling him his comments were unwelcome. If she really wanted to be clever, she would have simply emailed him at his work.
His Grace,
Clearly this poor soul became the focus of her rage.
It’s not unlike when my dad would slap me across the face for no good reason, followed by, “Well, that’s for all the times you did something and I didn’t find out about them”.
Goober: why should anyone “address” a comment that is not only stupid, but dull?
Hey Gavin! How did you get all those bad words in past the WordPressCensor? I guess you’ve got the secret decoder ring.
testing testing
motherfucking piece of shit goddamn
Woopsie! Looks like WordPress has been chained and gagged. Yay!!
Please disregard gratuitous random pottymouthedness above.
Unfortunately, technology finally ended my main job not more than a week after the Fundraiser, which left DBD my only income.
Pity party time for poor Chris Muir.
I certain-fuckingly will!
Actually, the anti-profanity problem hasn’t been solved yet. (I’m working on it.)
Actor212, I agree. For the life of me, I don’t understand how she can bill herself as an “advice goddess.” If anything, she seems to be a walking example of how not to handle a situation. And for someone who had the balls to claim to know Gary Ruppert, she is in a poor position to hold a stranger she calls up on the phone at work to standards of honesty. I’m with Gavin, I don’t trust her version of the story at all.
One comment over there:
OT, but my favorite McCain fluff-er managed to snag an interview in the private cabin of Straight Talk Air. Fortunately Jay Carney was chaperone-ing:
It starts well – McCain won’t even answer the softball “how do you define honor”. Then the interview switches to “don’t you love us anymore?” This theme rides through until the end.
Good: a question about the confederate flag.
Bad: asked once and allowed to be dropped.
Good: a question about the tone of the campaign
Bad: the claim that he’s essentially still running an “honorable campaign” left unchallenged
Good: Keating 5 mentioned.
Bad: Waved away by the questioner’s own POW! Followed by POW!
Good: Nope, that’s it – all that’s left is fluffing.
– Tell us how much you are different from Bush.
– Tell us how strong you think America is.
– Tell us about the surge (incidentally McCain [expletive deleted] it up again – the past two years? What surge is he talking about?)
– Tell us about your sons being military men.
It’s shocking. I guess McCain’s reached the point where even friendly interviews [expletive deleted] him off.
She just placed an order for the loveliest Shit Mote Shit Moat…in the Tuscany style of course.
Installation is this weekend, so if you want to harass her without getting all smelly you’d better get cracking.
Amy is going to be very busy cleansing her blog of free speech today. Seems she hasn’t banned everyone who disagrees with or bags on her yet.
Wait, I think she’s standing on my lawn right now with binoculars. No wonder evildoers are slipping through.
Ooh, it’s time for a remix.
Mr. Richard Grabman is going to get is cyber-arse banned from that site tout suite.
I agree with you, Sir. In my half-assed estimation, she’s somewhere between borderline and narcissistic on the personality disorder spectrum. I don’t have the onions to torment her. I’d rather dive-bomb a healthy fool (like McArdle). Besides, I wouldn’t be tormenting Alkon per se so much as hacking at her frightening array of defense mechanisms; the real Alkon is probably unreachable.
Ooh, it’s time for a remix.
About 70 comments, and not one mention of how this is eerily similar to Michelle Malkin.
I’m shocked I tells ya… shocked!
Ugh. Chris Muir gives me the creeps. The heeblie-jeeblies.
Still – what’s the phrase again? – target-rich environment.
“Pity party time for poor Chris Muir.”
The problem is, this gives him even more free time to butcher the human form and try to destroy all that is good and right with the world.
And drink.
This can only end badly.
Jeebus, that’s creepy what she did there.
Not a spammer and not typing all that in again. I like profanity.
Ahem, BB! Ahem!
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
August 28, 2008 at 17:46
Poutrage followed by stalking.
Where have I heard of this before?
Here’s his latest comic. He’s seemed to have switched to a wide single panel format, and I think it’s something to do with liberal fascist Democrats killing innocent people.
Blue Buddha: Hate to say it, but this reminds me of last year’s Jesus General InterTubular kerfuffle, wherein JG misread/misunderstood a Nashville blogger’s intent and she ended up leaving her job a few days later. Dude never could admit he did anything wrong, even though he posted her place of employment on his site and many of his (now-former) readers (including me) encouraged him to apologize and try to clean up the damage he caused. Ugly bit of business.
Dear Advice Goddess:
Some guy I don’t know read my blog and left a dopey, moderately insulting comment on it. Should I delete it and ban him? Or just ignore it?
Needs Advice
Dear Needs Advice:
Neither, you idiot! You should immediately escalate the situation, no matter what time of the day or night it is. See if you can find out the guy’s IP, and if he was posting from work, call him there over and over and again. If he hangs up, keep calling. Do not accept whatever lame explanation he gives you, continue to demand the real explanation for why he posted something snarky on your blog.
Then post his real name and place of work and his boss’s name on your blog. Repeatedly.
Then to top it all off, see if you can get him fired.
Hope this helps.
Advice Goddess
P.S. Don’t forget to play the victim card relentlessly.
Advice Goddess
OK, so she’s not a transsexual. But she sure seems to get off on playing dominance games, doesn’t she?
I’ve been naughty too, Amy!
Up until this point, I was ambivalent about Alkon. Now I’m convinced that she is a immature sociopath.
Publishing all of the guys information for asking “Are you a tranny?”
That’s not tough. That’s being petty, vindictive, and all-around lame.
So in closing I’d like to say,
“F#&k you, you tranny-looking immature vindictive bitch.”
I’m not sure which is more sociopathic.
alkon or Spammer.
Hey, Seb! What’s up with the filter? Who turned on the anti-curseword sh*t?
The fact is, what was the exact comment that made Amy angry? I’d check myself but the work proxy blocks Amy as extremist/hate site content.
“They love indignation because it feels like self-esteem.”
Nail-head, meet hammer. Nicely said. I believe that’s the prime motivator of trolls, as well.
I miss Kaye Grogan.
It’s funny how de-farcking-ranged alkon is over this. There’s no doubt it’s upped her traffic (which probably reason enough for her silly shitefits).
I’ve never read her crap and have no intention in starting to but it is curious how all of this seems to be simply a platform to rant about how evil “progressives” are. It’s sort of like catching a skanky redhead shoplifting in your store and then screaming at every other redhead that comes in your store to shop.
I guess it worked once but it’s probably not a good strategy in the long term.
I wonder if Amy left her own personally identifiable information on the cards she left on the windshields of SUVs in which she accuses the drivers of having deficient genitalia.
Jesus, I feel sorry for anyone who ever makes the mistake of dating this lunatic. Stalker City.
It hurts when Amy takes off her bra and we hit the floor.
Greetings, minions! Now that Comrade Dailey has been neutralized by the Evil Witch Alkon, it is time for phase II of Operation Tranny Shuffle to commence. You all know your assignments: let the games begin!
Oh, and be careful out there. The Evil Witch Alkon’s powers are formidable, but by sticking to the plan, ultimate victory will soon be ours! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Sorry MzNicky, but I’m done over at you know where. They are now speculating on whether John Sidney Trollop McCunt will chose a woman for his running mate. I can’t handle that level of stupid.
What’s this about? I stopped reading that guy’s site quite a while ago because the joke had become rather tiresome.
MzNicky said,
testing testing
motherfucking piece of shit goddamn
I agree wholeheartedly with this comment, MzNicky.
Sorry to hear about what happened over at Jesus’ General. I used to visit and comment there regularly myself, but kinda just stopped going there, sometime before the event you mentioned happened. Too bad somebody’s actual real life got affected.
And Gavin is a chundering weasel of a chumpwagon.
I see that there is one lone fawning review, and no discussion forum yet for Amy’s book:
I also see that the book is selling used starting at $0.17 – Heh!
Seeing as how here site is now blocked here at work (for language most foul), I’m feeling the need to find a new outlet for my opinions.
Seeing as how here site is now blocked here at work (for language most foul), I’m feeling the need to find a new outlet for my opinions.
The fact is, I don’t know if it’s language. SadlyNo isn’t blocked here, but Amy’s is. I think it’s the racist stuff. LGF is blocked here as well.
That’s not just batshit crazy, that’s Malkin-batshit crazy.
I had to join the battle, she is too malkin like. And didnt that hair style go out in the mid 90s.. whats up with the bozo look.
Whats the difference between tom brokaw and amy alkon?
Nothing lately……. they both spew crap.
someone or other:
I believe is was right after Steve Gilliard passed and there was a truly hateful hit piece written about him. A woman named Brittany Gilbert linked to a site, without comment, that had that hit piece on it. JG called her out, she resigned. He later found out that she was a “good guy” and never said “boo” about it.
I stopped reading after that episode, too.
Tom Maguire of Just One Mini being a prime example. I don’t know that he’s ever identified a commenter by name, but he certainly likes to dig up the IP addresses of those who disagree with him, and only those who disagree with him, and dangle that fact over their heads.
Then he lets the sewer trout that inhabit his cesspool do the harrassing.
Someone or other:
Seems like the JG thing was in June of last year. Maybe check out the archives over there. It’s too depressing to rehash completely here, but basically JG took offense at what he perceived to be racism in the headline of a post that a writer (who blogged for a Nashville TV station or something) had meant to be sarcastic, I think it was. JG sent his minions off to her employer to complain, she ended up leaving her job shortly thereafter, mayhem, ugliness, insults and idiocy all around.
Dragon-King Wangchuck: You did very well lasting as long as you did. There’s just no drilling through that level of hate though. It’s ridiculous. Phuck ’em.
Y’all do know that one of the meanings of the word malkin is PUBIC WIG, right?
Sorry it’s taken me so long to get to this, but I hear and obey. (Also, tough to sneak past WP)
Gavin – you are If someone wants to leave a comment here saying that I’m a chumpweasel, a chunderwagon, a badly coutured transvestite, a poo-gargling asstwat monsterfuck, or something more creative.
Mznicky: “…JG misread/misunderstood a Nashville blogger’s intent and she ended up leaving her job a few days later. Dude never could admit he did anything wrong, even though he posted her place of employment on his site…”
Her place of employment was a news station. She ran the blog there, wherein she posted without comment a link called “Teaching Libs a Lesson” which was, if you will recall, an insulting, racist “obituary” of Steve Gilliard.
Patriotboy (aka JG) sent his customary in-character letter to Brittney, et alia. When he discovered that she may have made the link “ironically,” he removed all contact information and asked his regulars not to contact the station where she worked. The blogger eventually resigned from her position, but stated that she was not forced out. She also apologized for not providing proper context to the offending post.
This is several magnitudes of order in difference from trying to get somebody fired because they made a nasty comment on your blog.
Shoot after all those tries, I still muck it up. And WP is acting weird to this might be a tripdouble post. Well here we go AGAIN:
Gavin – you are a chumpweasel, a chunderwagon, a badly coutured transvestite, a poo-gargling asstwat monsterfuck, or something more creative.
Or is it forbidden to do it twice (three times, or whatever it turns out being)?
whoa, man. i saw amy’s freakout there, i think someone is about to throw some rope and a a roll of duct tape in the car and drive halfway across the country in a pair of adult diapers.
JC: I didn’t say the two incidents were identical. I said one reminded me of the other.
“I said one reminded me of the other.”
Yes, well, a puddle of piss may remind you of the ocean but it doesn’t mean they have anything in common.
It was indeed tough, not laughing their faces. This is the end of the post immediately after my last one:
Maybe I had nothing to do with that – I probably didn’t, but I’m going to pretend I did to boost my
indignationself-esteem. Also, I don’t know how many potential PUMAs read through my rantings. Regardless, I think I managed to put a double underline under the “asshole” flag for CarolynKB.in their faces. Laughing in their faces. Holding back from doing so long, makes it hard to tpyr ti oot.
I don’t think MzNicky was comparing the two. I, too, remembered that sordid tale shortly after this latest kerfluffle.
I stopped reading JG shortly after that, the shtick was getting old, and there seemed to be no remorse for her losing her job (no matter what was said, she resigned in part due to that episode).
It was a bit much to come right out and ask if she was a tranny. Why not use a little subtlety?
Ask, “Amy, would you ever in your wildest dreams have imagined yourself being the the Advice Goddess someday? What did you dream about when you were a little boy?”
JC: You seem to have a problem with my having brought up the JG episode. Would you care to elaborate?
Further down in the comments, Amy sez:
Dear god. Carrying it around in her purse, buttonholing “friends,” shoving 500 purse-crumpled pages of printed-out spew in their faces, shrieking, “Look at this! Look at this!!!!
Too funny.
I would love to psychoanalyze Amy and try to figure out why she acts the way she does but I never did send in that application to the Psychobabbler’s organization that’s been mentioned here. I think I spilled coffee on the form actually. Since I’m not certified and I don’t want to be subject to sanctions I’ll just present some research and stay away from a diagnosis.
You don’t need to date her or even leave a mean comment on her blog to get her to stalk you. Being an 18 year old with the temerity to write an op-ed piece on higher education funding in the LA Times that Amy didn’t agree with is all it takes. She put up a post filled with seething resentment about just such a kid earlier this week and linked mockingly to that kid’s personal blog. One that is clearly there for the kid and her friends to talk to each other about shoes and stuff. It’s inappropriate and creepy for a 40 something blogger to send her readers over to that kid’s blog. Why would you do something so inappropriate, Amy? And if you choose to respond please be a grownup leave the kid out of it.
That’s the impression I get as well. But it’s hard to tell with her ‘writing.’
…and it occurred to me to see what she thinks of stalkers, and the first thing teh Google returns is:
Funny thing, I’d have more respect for her advice if she was a tranny. Apparently the worst thing that’s ever happened to her is that some anonymous loser grabbed her bottom. I’m not condoning random butt-grabbings, but holy [expletive deleted] shit – this is the same person who thinks she has a better [expletive deleted] perspective on the troubles faced by inner city youth and the black community.
You can bet your [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] that a transexual would be able to see how [expletive deleted] retarded her current claims of victimization are.
Something tells me this isn’t the first guy she’s stalked.
Dear Sir or Madam,
We apologize for the oversight in mailing your invitation to our society. Please fill out the enclosed application and send it to us. We include a coupon for one year’s free dues as an apology.
Anna Pavlova
Something similar happened at Bitch PhD (not by the proprietor herself but by one of her commenters) where a guy tried to mess with Paul Deignan’s (who seems to have disappeared off the internets) doctorate advisors over something or other said in blog comments.* I don’t think it’s necessarily productive to say one side does it more (even if it might be true). It happens on both sides and it’s petty and vindictive whoever is doing it. People say stupid sh*t on the internet all the time. Unfortunately, we internet does not afforded the luxury that we have in real life of pretending it never happened. The internet is the amber of stupidity.
*Though Deignan quickly squandered whatever karma he had by loudly and continuallly threatening to sue Bitch PhD over a laughable claim of defamation.
Lawnguylander – Amy is quickly spiralling into /b/-tard ‘an hero’ territory, if she’s not already there.
i think this alkon guy needs to be spockoed.
Dont shout your opinions into a crowd and then whine when someone shouts something insulting back.
Take your pick:
“The internet does not afford us the luxury that we have in real life”
“We are not afforded the luxury on the internet that we have in real life”
I seem to have tried to have it both ways.
She who must not be named writes:
In between digging this stuff up, I dropped an e-mail to one of the media dudes at the NOAA, Scott Smullen,…
From the lack of followup, I’m guessing Scott Smullen had the good sense to not respond to Amy.
And on the off chance that the target of her Malkinizing reads here, I’d advise him to get screen grabs of her site, keep copies of all the hate mail you are getting, and send it on to the FBI. Making threats over the internet, and threatening a gov’t employee during the performance of his/her duties, are crimes. Should anything happen, you want a record of everything she’s done.
Good luck.
From Amy’s book:
Advice the “Advice Godess” might want to take to heart. Then again, “the doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient” so maybe she should seek outside help for her glaringly obvious social problems.
In real life, I cannot afford the luxury internet.
Ironically, the thing that makes people run from our chair faster than anything else is the suggestion “Now let’s focus on you.”
Which makes you wonder what state of undress this Amy feller was at when she spoke those words….
Paris Hilton surfs the web in style with her ruby encrusted T1 connection to her solid gold laptop cooled by “imported” Mariana Islands labor waving imitation palm fronds made of silk taken form 19th century geisha kimonos….
Her monthly AOLuxury bill, $150,000.00
Robin, don’t forget about Paris Hilton’s *fabulous* Swarovski Crystal encrusted custom Internet Explorer. Most celebrities wouldn’t think of having their computers monitor coated with crystals just to decorate one application, but Paris is so awesome that she just buys another computer if she wants to play Solitaire or whatever.
If you proposed to yourself, what would your answer be?
Amy: (holding a mirror) Oh yes, yes! A thousand times YEESSS!! I though you’d never ask, you fiery-coiffed goddess you! *wet kiss*
having it both ways: a luxury only the internet affords.
Percy ‘Mad Dog’ Plumflute–
Yeah, thanks for that.
Now I’ve got a WAY too detailed visual here…hold on…
(Hits head repeatedly with meat tenderizer)
…still there…
(Bangs head repeatedly against wall)
(Slams head repeatedly in car door)
Amy A is lucky the guy wasn’t packing heat. When you confront people like that things can escalate very quickly, and in the final analysis you couldn’t say she didn’t tempt fate.
Anyone that believes “are you a tranny” is standard humor here either hasn’t been around the site or needs to bone up on their reading skills. The mystery here is, I didn’t get the memo that says everyone that comments here – or ever has done so – is instantly granted full representative status as a spokesperson for “Sadly, No!” – & maybe, just maybe, that’s because it’s TOTAL H0RSESHIT.
I’m putting my bet on paranoid schizo … that constant refrain about “marching orders” sounds like it comes from somebody who’s already getting their own – straight from a powerful transmitter situated on Planet Whackjob.
Nobody makes her post on her blog, or include a comment section for that matter – let alone spew the toxic psychic detritus she takes such great pride in. You don’t get to bawwww about being censored when you’re banning anyone that calls you out on your lame opinions & overall myopic perspective on life – nor does someone doing so constitute an “attack” on your free speech. If you can reasonably refute what’s said, do so – if not, STFU & get a spine. If it burns your t1ts that bad, feel free to delete it – but don’t expect the rest of us to break out the violins over the hurts it puts on your pathetic emo a$$.
3 AM phone-calls to complete strangers to threaten, insult & berate them are the classic hallmark of the batsh1t insane. But the boffo doesn’t stop there! She calls him up AT WORK … a guy who works with satellites at NOAA – while there’s a fvck1ng HURRICANE heading straight for the Gulf Coast … so she can treat him to the sound of her whaaaambulance-ride, & then threaten to share her mental illness with his boss. No doubt she was already writing the blog about it in her poorly-coifed, spirochete-riddled head, even while listening to the poor bugger stammer out his replies.
Even if her behaviour isn’t criminal (& that’s debatable) it sure is plenty pathological. The day she tries it on with someone even more deranged than she is who knows their way around the Interwebs is the day her life turns into a burning sea of sh1t … yeah, keep it up, girl. You’re well on your way to an impromptu tutorial in Reality 101.
Back when Kerry was getting hit as a war criminal, I thought it was crazy not to fight fire with fire.
When Malkin outed that family from Maryland that supported SCHIP, her address and a google map of it should have been posted, immediately.
Similarly, when the people who equated Ward Churchill with all academics outed his (yes, I know) publicly available phone number, theirs should have been posted, too.
So… I just don’t see what is holding anyone at this site back (ethically or legally) from posting her IP address or any other info that she tracks down on her crappy blog. I honestly don’t think it’s being “better than them” or “rising above their level of bullshit”; I think it’s a mistake not to use a knife in a knife fight (sorry about all the mixed metaphors).
When Malkin outed that family from Maryland that supported SCHIP, her address and a google map of it should have been posted, immediately.
When she outted those college kids a few months prior to that, Jesus’ General did just that, including directions.
You know I couldn’t quite figure this story out. Why would someone behave like that. So I went over to her site, left her a pointed but polite note on how this was not a good life strategy and then I looked around a bit more…..
It is kind of obvious now. She carries deep emotional scars from childhood regarding her physical appearance. Taunting in grade school. Snears in high school. Perhaps even a parent who disapproved of her form. It is her achilles heel and that annonymous guy just happened to hit on it by accident. And like a sleeper cell agent she went off all nutso; it’s in her blood, she can’t control it. I would stay away from her, too fragile. Sad really, she needs a big hug and some reassurance.
I just don’t see what is holding anyone at this site back (ethically or legally) from posting her IP address or any other info that she tracks down on her crappy blog.
Teh rules (see ‘About’):
Meanwhile, that doesn’t restrict any of us from sending a link to her post to the ombudsmen of any papers that still carry her. Advertisers are notoriously skittish.
Excuse me…
*dons armchair psychologist hat*
I’ve poked around Alkon’s site, comments, etc. and I’ve got to say I’m starting to pity this woman. She’s clearly an awful human being, but why? Why all the anger?
Alkon is, ultimately, a third- or fourth-tier advice writer (in an era where advice writers are musty relics of a pre-Internet era) and blogger of equal reach. She’s got a book which is currently selling for 16 cents and a CV which changes every time she brings it up. It’s obvious that her life is not where she thought it would be at this point. She’s putting on a show for her tiny fanbase.
So why the attacks? Two possible reasons. First, she needs someone to blame for her lot in life. She’s obsessing over SadNo! because it gives her an excuse for her failures – a classic oppression complex. (I can see her now; running up to acquaintances, waving copies of your posts while screaming “Look what THEY did to me this time!”) Second, she’s trying to make herself seem powerful by ripping up people even less powerful than she is (Hence the endless posts on people she tracked down and/or got revenge on).
*takes off hat*
Spoor dropped on the doorstep of the Goddess(?!?), regurgitated here For Great Justice:
Apparently I’m not blocked there, yet – even though I’m plainly a major player in the Diabolical Cabal Of Liberal Fascism that is “S,N!” … eccccchhh.
I had to resign from the Institute of Psychobabblean Studies. All the other members were projecting their personal neuroses and inadequacies onto me. Every one of them! It was unbelievable.
Yeah, Johnny Coelacanth… that’s how I remember it too.
When she outted those college kids a few months prior to that, Jesus’ General did just that, including directions.
Um, I think the directions he gave were to a park in the suburb where she lived. Am I wrong?
Isn’t internet stalking a crime, or at least actionable? Isn’t that what the Alkonoid doing here? Serious question.
aw said,
August 28, 2008 at 23:48
When she outted those college kids a few months prior to that, Jesus’ General did just that, including directions.
Um, I think the directions he gave were to a park in the suburb where she lived. Am I wrong?
He posted a map of her house that did not include information such as the state or city that the map was of, nor did it include her address. He labled a footballl field near her house as malkinwald.
He later conceded that even doing that was taking things too far:
I’ve given a lot of thought over the last few days to the practice of publishing people’s personal information on blogs. It’s a despicable practice, an act designed to scare those targeted into silence. It is never justifiable.
I did something very similar a few months ago. I published a map of the area in which Michelle Malkin’s former residence was situated. Although I did not publisher her address or label the exact location of her house–instead, I added a “Malkinwald Internment Camp” a few blocks away at a football field–I left the red Yahoo pin, unlabeled, at the location of her home.
I justified it to myself, thinking that it was OK because the map was vague–it couldn’t be used by itself to locate Malkin’s residence. Others had listed her complete address, so I felt that I wasn’t adding any critical information, and perhaps by adding the phony Malkinwald graphic, I was actually adding a little confusion to the issue. Still, I left that red pin on the map until I had second thoughts a few days later.
I did it to retaliate for Malkin’s publication of the personal info of two college students who had organized an anti-war demonstration. I was wrong to do that. Her actions spoke for themselves. They exposed her for what she is.
I now wish I had listened to Auguste at Malkin(s) Watch and the others who urged me to delete the post. They were right. I was wrong.
I want to thank reader Elendil for making me think long and hard about this. And I want to apologize to her for reacting defensively at first. She was right to call me on
Patriotboy posted a map of the neigborhood where Malkin lived with a football field in the area labeled a s Malkinwald. He later conceded that even what little he did was taking things to far:
I’ve given a lot of thought over the last few days to the practice of publishing people’s personal information on blogs. It’s a despicable practice, an act designed to scare those targeted into silence. It is never justifiable.
I did something very similar a few months ago. I published a map of the area in which Michelle Malkin’s former residence was situated. Although I did not publisher her address or label the exact location of her house–instead, I added a “Malkinwald Internment Camp” a few blocks away at a football field–I left the red Yahoo pin, unlabeled, at the location of her home.
I justified it to myself, thinking that it was OK because the map was vague–it couldn’t be used by itself to locate Malkin’s residence. Others had listed her complete address, so I felt that I wasn’t adding any critical information, and perhaps by adding the phony Malkinwald graphic, I was actually adding a little confusion to the issue. Still, I left that red pin on the map until I had second thoughts a few days later.
I did it to retaliate for Malkin’s publication of the personal info of two college students who had organized an anti-war demonstration. I was wrong to do that. Her actions spoke for themselves. They exposed her for what she is.
I now wish I had listened to Auguste at Malkin(s) Watch and the others who urged me to delete the post. They were right. I was wrong.
I want to thank reader Elendil for making me think long and hard about this. And I want to apologize to her for reacting defensively at first. She was right to call me on it.
The dude that posted “directions” to her house, was, as far as I can tell, an environmentalist gadfly from Canada.
I guess there’s a spam filter then?
an environmentalist gadfly from Canada
just so you know what to look for…
I bet you a case of free viagra the spam filter is still up.
This shit is…BANANAS!!!
I still can’t get over the fact that this women is deleting comments at her blog, and goes this far to out someone.
It’s…repugnant. Craven and repugnant.
I tell you what we do to people that do shit like that:
First, we call all those they know in order to inform them that they’re cowards. You know, tell them what to notice, like her wolf tickets about ‘free speech’ and whatnot. Then what you do is document her showing up to other places. Now, I know you all here are documenting these exchanges, but where’s the follow-up? Speak to her employers. But, then again, I didn’t know who the fuck she was until I browsed this site.
After you lambaste her to her employers, THEN you finish the job by targeting her…constituents. Now, I’ve read the comments thread there – a bigger collection of white knight dorks you’ll never find. The kind of buzzards that hang out on Michelle Malkin’s blog. Cracking lame-brained barbs that read like throwaway lines on an 80s sitcom that was cancelled after a single showing. One fucker actually addressed me by telling me how he did not intend to vote for Obama because he’s not for “affirmative action.” Before I could inform the dork that his idol is a beneficiary of “affirmative action,” the bitch cut off my privileges. Now, that’s the kind of bullshit that is practiced by one who’s sick in their disease and suffering from meglomania. If one of her dork fans addresses me directly, especially in the negative, I’m indulged to ‘reply’ back to them. It’s the least I can do as a rational member of society. Well, not at that blog. Then I see the bitch posting on here. Well, I’ll be damned if that ain’t some of the most craven bullshit I’ve ever witnessed online.
Anyway, we knock those white knight motherfuckers out. Wimps are sweet bitches anyway, if they’re like all the others I’ve faced off against, on here and everywhere else online.
Is this a perpetual blog flame war or what? What the fuck is this thing you all have with this chick? She’s clearly of a batty bag lady mentality, so why keep putting her blog on blast?
Sorry, late to this party, but she calls someone at 3am and at work, because he asked if she was a trannie. Man she has problems.
My own experience with this ended up with some serious payback for the ‘stalker’, well sad individual who thought he had called me at 5am. Unfortunately, he didn’t realize I was stealing WiFi signals from the accountants office across the road at the time, and called the mobile of the Director of that company, who threatened him with legal & physical violence. I only found out by accident a few months later when his sidekick complained about some Yank phoning up looking for ‘lobbey’. I skulked away without comment.
Man, she’s got balls-of-steel our Amy.
Only thing that could have made that story better is if she had actually tracked Gary Ruppert down in Europe and beaten him to death with her masculine chin.
I’m hoping she tracks me down so i have a reason to post her SS#, phone # and a photo of her house.
D Johnston said,
August 28, 2008 at 23:09
Excuse me…
*dons armchair psychologist hat*
I’ve poked around Alkon’s site, comments, etc. and I’ve got to say I’m starting to pity this woman. She’s clearly an awful human being, but why? Why all the anger?
Alkon is, ultimately, a third- or fourth-tier advice writer (in an era where advice writers are musty relics of a pre-Internet era) and blogger of equal reach. She’s got a book which is currently selling for 16 cents and a CV which changes every time she brings it up. It’s obvious that her life is not where she thought it would be at this point. She’s putting on a show for her tiny fanbase.
So why the attacks? Two possible reasons. First, she needs someone to blame for her lot in life. She’s obsessing over SadNo! because it gives her an excuse for her failures – a classic oppression complex. (I can see her now; running up to acquaintances, waving copies of your posts while screaming “Look what THEY did to me this time!”) Second, she’s trying to make herself seem powerful by ripping up people even less powerful than she is (Hence the endless posts on people she tracked down and/or got revenge on).
*takes off hat*
Don, have you ever been to LA? You just described every looser with a screenplay watching their dreams die while bussing tables or pole dancing or, possibly in Amy’s case, strolling Santa Monica Blvd.
Oh wait, are you the Don Johnson? Then you know.
Picture this: it’s the nineties, and you’re a thirtysomething woman with attitude, flair, and your advice column is becoming nationally syndicated. People write in and ask you questions and you tell them what to do. If someone writes you a letter saying “I disagree with …” you can ignore it, or write back, or whatever you like, but the thing is that it’s what you choose to include that goes into your column. Then, there is the internet, and more and more people start looking there for news, gossip, entertainment, and yeah, advice. So now you’re losing either relevance or the ability to control the conversation (or really, both).
But you know, blog audiences self-select, generally, and you can usually moderate comments without appearing heavy-handed, provided you don’t announce it. When that system breaks down, though, there’s very little left and you’re just another loudmouthed jerk among a hundred million loudmouthed jerks.
People say stupid sh*t on the internet all the time. Unfortunately, we internet does not afforded the luxury that we have in real life of pretending it never happened. The internet is the amber of stupidity
I’m a big classical music and opera fan, and the other day, I misread something and left a nasty, profanity filled reply on a blog by a man who is, oh, about 8,000,000 times smarter than I am and has forgotten more about classical music and opera than I could learn in 10 liftetimes. I’m still shaken by that, the fact I used the anonymity of the Intertubes to say stuff I wouldn’t even begin to think of saying to this man in person. I’m really starting to re-evaluate the amount of time I spend on blogs, especially political ones, because I’m a misanthrope who thinks life is ultimately futile and blogs are just goosing on those tendencies something fierce. I think I’ll hang around until after the election (I want to have ammo for all the people I meet who spew anti-Dem talking points, like that pathetic “Roman columns at Invesco” nonsense), then it’s time to get to that huge pile of books that are gathering dust in the corner, the even bigger stack of CD’s that I’ve listened to once, if that and finally learn German like I’ve wanted to for years so I don’t have to rely on librettos while listening to opera.
Don, have you ever been to LA? You just described every loser with a screenplay watching their dreams die while bussing tables or pole dancing or, possibly in Amy’s case, strolling Santa Monica Blvd.
I’ve lived in Los Angeles most of my life. I used to rent a room from a guy who was an agent and the amount of really sad, damaged people he had to deal with — even the ones who were successful!– finally drove him out of The Business, he felt like an enabler. It’s so weird to live here sometimes because there’s really two LA’s: there’s the movie/music industry Los Angeles centered on the Wilshire Corridor and the wealthier beach communities and then there’s the rest of it, mostly made up of natives who are just struggling working stiffs like everywhere else, who don’t have a copy of their screenplay or their headshot in their backpack, ready to whip out in case they find out someone’s an agent in the line at the supermarket.
Sometimes those worlds interact, but god am I tired of shitheads from small towns in the Midwest and back East who come out here with vague dreams of Making It (i.e. get on an MTV reality show) but are really here so they can act like total cretins, puke their guts out on the sidewalk after drinking too much at a trendy bar and fuck their brains out without being called on their appalling behavior by their family and friends who they’ve left behind in Podunk.
And for fuck’s sake, all you people from the 5 Boroughs and Philly and Joisey that are out here? Lower the volume on your voice by about 50 db, I’m really not interested in hearing what you did last Friday night when I go out to eat. Shocking, but really, I’m not.
ahch, newbie. This whole blog commenting thing is pathetic compared to the old days of usenet when we actually knew what “nyms” and “trolls” and “flames” were.
Here, I’ll offer some oldtimey internet advice, do what I do, just read stuff and then every once inawhile drink too much and post insanely about whatever enters your mind. Its cathartic. Then change your nym and do it again next month. Hell, go back and argue against yourself in that opera blog, try’n be entertaining, these bloggers live for comments and strife.
Sh*t at this point I can’t even remember who i was originally posting as, Ted Williams? Amy Alkin? DoctorB?
yeah. say it..
See now you’re on a roll, don’t stop, don’t forget to criticize the people with litters.
Oh and don’t get me started on the mexicans on Halloween.
Indeed, everyone hates people from those silly states back east. Say, ever tried to ride that pathetic subway from LAX to, say, Hollywood?
And for fuck’s sake, all you people from the 5 Boroughs and Philly and Joisey that are out here? Lower the volume on your voice by about 50 db, I’m really not interested in hearing what you did last Friday night when I go out to eat. Shocking, but really, I’m not.
“I’m hoping she tracks me down so i have a reason to post her SS#, phone # and a photo of her house.”
Again, in my original post I lamented the fact tat we feel bound by rules (and I understand that this site has commenting rules that I don’t intend to violate) against, in this case, retaliating EXACTLY in the same way as we are attacked. Admittedly, the NOAA guy should not have left his email address/name (or at least made it a little more difficult to find) , but, nevertheless, if the Malkins and Akons (sp?) are going to stalk us, why shouldn’t we at least make available to others the same info they are releasing about their commenters.
I sometimes feel like we’re ready to play cricket when the other team shows up with baseball bats. If we don’t adjust our strategies to meet their strategies, we are eternally victimized by these bags oh sh1t.
I guess the impetus for my feelings here comes from watching (a video on Americablog or crooks and liars–can’t recall which) some “paleoconservative” called Alex Jones who ran after Malkin in Denver calling her treasonous, and it was wonderful to see how shook up it made her. I think if we fight by the rules they establish, we win. Maybe it’s a Sun Tzu thing more than a blog thing…..
Woohoo. I look like a total freaking tool:
I’m not sure how I feel about that – being so embarrassingly wrong, but at the same time knowing that McCain (who turns 72 today) has basically shelved the whole “inexperienced” argument.
Wait until Amy Alkon finds out that you Sadly Pathetics have vandalized the External Links section of Sarah Palin’s wikipedia page:
Cliff, Gavin, and Aristophanes need to go back and learn something about free speech.
We defend free speech because the cure for UGLY speech is more free speech. The UGLY speech here was the transphobic harassment of Alkon. The free speech here was Alkon using reasonable tools to determine the asshole works for the government and calling him up and yes, calling his supervisor to complain about what THE GOVERNMENT is doing with taxpayer dollars.
And for you folks to disclaim this asshole when you were part and parcel of the Alkon as tranny movement, is completely nonsense and makes you out to be fucktards.
Look like the guy was harassing Alkon. It was fucked of him. It’s asinine for you to complain that Alkon got even. And it’s disingenuous of you to claim your columns had nothing to do with it.
You guys are usually NOT douchebags.
And for you folks to disclaim this asshole when you were part and parcel of the Alkon as tranny movement, is completely nonsense and makes you out to be fucktards.
Congratulations on your tardphobic comments. Clif, please track down this person’s employer.
Bullshit. We defend free speech as a matter of principle, period. Not for some pragmatic reason. And that means defending speech that you hate, not just speech you agree with. Everyone defends speech they agree with; that’s called agreeing. If you don’t like what someone says, of course, you should say something about it.
The “taxpayer dollars” thing is also incredible bullshit. Nobody has any reason to expect government workers in an office to be 100% efficient and working the entire time — do workers in the private sector never slack off and not get breaks?
It’s all about responding to things in a reasonable way. Deleting juvenile crap and banning repeat offenders is reasonable enough, banning people simply for disagreeing with you is douchey, and calling someone’s boss is ridiculous (if someone is threatening you, of course, call the cops).
Jerry, if that is your real name, I am very offended by your implication that we Douchebags are somehow responsible for unseemly behavior. My seconds shall be contacting you regarding your upcoming apology (if it is not too presumptuous of me to say so).
Bullshit. We defend free speech as a matter of principle, period. Not for some pragmatic reason. And that means defending speech that you hate, not just speech you agree with. Everyone defends speech they agree with; that’s called agreeing. If you don’t like what someone says, of course, you should say something about it.
I think we agree to both of that. But why IS defending speech you hate the principle? It comes down to the pragmatic. One day your speech will be the speech that is hated.
The “taxpayer dollars” thing is also incredible bullshit. Nobody has any reason to expect government workers in an office to be 100% efficient and working the entire time — do workers in the private sector never slack off and not get breaks?
That’s right and simply complaining that gov’t workers are surfing would be ridiculous, unless you could show they were spending inordinate amounts of time at it.
But most people understand that at most jobs (not just government ones) you don’t surf porn, and you don’t harass people from your work computer.
Some asshole that thinks he is immune to that? He got what he was looking for.
Sorry Bubba, I’m not commenting from my employer’s computer, and today is not a work day for me. So I can tell you that your micropenis failed to make me happy last night and not have to worry about it.
“Interesting point: does she know she was interrupting the work of a government employee and obstructing him the performance of his duties and that’s a felony?
Particularly a NOAA employee, particularly ahead of a hurricane, particularly on this, the anniversary of Katrina’s onslaught on New Orleans?”
Even more interesting points! Don’t you realize how much time that so called govt. employee wasted reading and posting on this and other sites?
The UGLY speech here was the transphobic harassment of Alkon.
That was ugly. I also thought that when Alkon described a woman killed in a no-knock SWAT raid as ‘riding drug dealer dick’, it was ugly too.
Well, I told ya not to mess around with these libtards. Call me, ‘k? You know where.
I work with a ‘nutso-schizo’ chick by the name of Sarah. This chick, from Vancouver, believes she is gorgeous though she is plain-looking, pale and anorexic. She doesn’t eat and has vomited at the sight of people eating food. She only eats cooked pumpkin and green grapes on break. People offer her food, e.g. tacos, enchiladas, pizza, wings, and she refuses all of it. It isn’t because she is health-conscious or vegetarian, different matters. She doesn’t eat.
She is too good to speak to any of her co-workers. They have explained in detail her supposed ‘haughtiness’ and ‘shyness’. She wants to go out with a homeless dude on drugs who works there and stinks. He blew his paycheck on a $170 Canadian pair of jeans but can’t afford rent. Even though he wants to become a plumber and can go to Calgary anytime and work with his uncle, he still hasn’t done so, having decided to tent it out here for the winter. She is jealous of anyone who talks to him and assumes that older women are interested in him, as if he were such a catch at nineteen. Nobody knows his name, talks about him or chases him. With his ripped, stained clothes, dirt and green hair, I can’t imagine anybody wanting him.
This Sarah thinks she is a princess. She quits every good job she is offered and though she is a trained artist with an eye for fashion, she’d rather work at Wal-Mart or Safeway, (no idea why). She can’t take criticism or opinion and reacts negatively if someone talks to her and is strangely paranoid and suspicious. E.g. I ask her a basic question (“Do you need this moved? Do you need help with this? Is there a problem with the schedule?”) and nothing personal and she goes irate. She can barely string two sentences together and talks like a schizo does, in strange broken speech, is nervous and avoids people at all costs. Criticizes socializing and refuses to mingle with the local population because they’re not from her home town. Doesn’t wash her hair except every two weeks and pretends she is black by styling her hair in a black fashion. Wears designer clothes and heavy makeup with sandals to an industrial outlet though she has been told several times to wear proper footwear (sneakers, steel-toed boots, runners, moccasins)…walks home for an hour to the rough downtown core with headphones on in winter and wears only a t-shirt in winter with jeans and no socks (never wears socks, usually forgets to wear a bra to work). Apparently insensitive to cold…makes sarcastic, rude remarks about people and interrupts conversations she is not a part of or eavesdrops for no reason…plain ‘old weird chick.