Im N UR Big Tent Bloggin wif UR D00dz

ZOMG teh Great Orange Satan himself is, like, standing right across the table from me, talking with Jane and Pach. Hillary’s yakkin’ on the big screen. Ok, I shouldn’t say that — she’s very magnanimous and gracious. Oh, classy. God, I swear I can feel Kos’s Orangeness from here; I’m getting an Orangetan. I think I hate America and want an abortion. There’s free beer around here somewhere……

Holy shit there’s Atrios! I’m going to introduce myself as Adam Yoshida. BRB.

Update: Dude is so smooth. He’s all like, ‘Hi, Adam, how are you?’ Then I go, “Blargh! Put teh Muslims in human-sized microwaves!!!” And then I got a beer.

Update Crowd is beginning to thin. Jane and Pach have left. Spencer’s out partying. Most people have a beer in their hand; I, like a moron, got an IPA on accident. Ptooie! Big cheer here for Maxine Waters, and rightly so. OH, WANT: Athenae from First Draft has a ‘DFH’ sticker on her laptop. She’s so awesome. Okay, dude at the end of the table, from Flprogressive, made them. Now Jon Tester just showed up and got immediately surrounded or perhaps mobbed is a better way of putting it. His flattop is impressive in person.

Update For Jay in comments : Even more pathetic than milquetoast leftwing bloggers, you’re trolling that leftwing blogger, Jay. Fuck off.

Speaking of asshole Jays, a few people at the neighboring table led a raucous chant of “Jello Jay Sucks,” to great applause and approval. Ok, Jay Rockefeller, right. Terrible speaker.


Comments: 54


introduce yourself as Adam Yoshida?

HAH! I love it!

Hey, see if you can slip the word “guillotine” in the conversation a few times in subtle ways. It makes Atrios go postal.


And what’s the problem with going postal, now?1!?


PUMA count! We want a PUMA count!


F**k the count (and you too, WordPress) – there’s a bounty of $250 for every PUMA you can personally eject from the convention. Bring the PUMA convention passes to collect your bounty.


What does it matter what kind of sneakers people wear?


Ok, I’m gonna stop at the store and pick up a BIG box of popcorn.

‘Cause this is gonna be eleven kinds of good…



Mr. Wonderful said,

August 28, 2008 at 1:05

What does it matter what kind of sneakers people wear?

Look at this azzhole.

Tara the anti-social social worker

Careful with all that orange. You don’t want to be mistaker for Charlie Crist.


whatever. i’ll be impressed when i read an angry amy alkon screed about how some guy is convincing people he is “her” post-post-op at the bloggers’ tent at the DNC and how she is going to sue for libel in the UK because small claims court is how she roles, bitches.


Dude, you’re the one who’s totally smooth, for managing to grow or find a fake Adam Yoshida unibrow on such short notice. That’s in Bugs Bunny territory. The disguise would have never worked without it.


There are only 2 possible outcomes.

By friday either HTML will be a cult leader or he will be asking how one gets all that tar and those nasty feathers off…



Take no prisoners, Josh!


What’s the gag? Duncan Black and Kos are pretty average sorts. Who gives a rat’s a** if you can totally fool them by using the name of a Z-list conservatard?

Please enlighten me on the mega-funniez of the metaness here.


Did you guys hear that Obama is having himself declared a god in the new greek temple that he is dedicating to his Olympian ego? It must be a greek temple, because it has COLUMNS!!!

What other building could <a could possibly have columns?

It is an assault to democracy!!


Lighten up, Jay!

Isn’t this supposed to be a comedy site, brother?

He did it for the lulz, and I, for one, am lulzing.


For comedy to be funny, there should be some frisson between the provocateur and the mark fadge. I’m not seeing it when the lefty blogger is getting in the grill of a milquetoast center-lefty blogger at the Democratic convention. Most of the bloggers I’ve met are as exciting as milk.


The flprogressive DFH sticker from FLProgressive. Had to pimp it out for my friend Sinfonian.

He was a jeopardy champion you know. Lost in the tournament of champions on an italian cinema question. How pathetic is that? Go buy a sticker, it might make him feel better.


Oh good grief…

Get a life, son, they’re only people.


On second thought, Josh, go ahead and stare glassy-eyed into the faces of your gods. Just don’t forget to do penance.



Woulda been more funnier if you had introduced yourself as Zombie Turkmenbashi.


That was an impressive parody comment, goober. (Golf clap)


Hi, I’m the dude at the end of the table. Blog’s called Blast Off!. DFH stickers, which are way cool, are available there.

Rock on and shit.


Josh, be sure to stuff your pockets with cocktail weenies and rolls and stuff, like Strom Thurmond used to do at rubber chicken dinners.


braaaaaaaainnsssss …


For Jay in comments : Even more pathetic than milquetoast leftwing bloggers, you’re trolling that leftwing blogger, Jay. F**k off.

Speak trooth to power dude! What a rube.

Then again, the “milquetoast” was reserved for folks like Duncan Black. Nice enough guy it seems. Whatever.

I never thought you were milquetoast. More of an aggressive dick who’s got a particular hard on for those who mostly or partly agree with you.

But hey, you’re the big time dood. Crusing the Big Tent to knock folks like Kevin Drum down a peg. Yow-za! What’s next, gonna get all up in their shit over their vaguely defined macroeconomic policy?

The Milk Solids Council this ain’t. Epic fail.


What’s next, gonna get all up in their shit over their vaguely defined macroeconomic policy?

Hmm, that might be on the list. Below funding the occupation of iraq, FISA, the patriot act, AUMF, just generally rolling over and agreeing to the most egregious power grab in the history of, oh, HISTORY.

You wanna talk EPIC FAIL? If you are justifying the behavior of these assclowns who CLAIMED to be the opposition, then why don’t you just go ahead and tell me ONE *&&^^%$# (thanks wordpress) time when they did their *&^%^%$ Job.

I’ll wait.



Most of the bloggers I’ve met are as exciting as milk.
The Milk Solids Council this ain’t. Epic fail.

Huh? Shut up.


He’s past the perimeter & among the tribe of bloggers … the tension mounts! Will prolonged proximity to the nimbus of Kos leave him looking like a large hairy carrot? Will the REAL Adam Yoshida arrive & blow his disguise? Will he get some hot blogger action? Will he convert to IPAs?

Stay tuned for the next chilling episode!

For comedy to be funny, there should be some frisson between the provocateur and the mark fadge.

Attempts to produce fixed & definitive parameters for highly subjective experiences (like comedy) are about as hardcore fail as it gets, yo. Good luck squaring THAT circle.

You’d be flabbergasted – &/or sickened – to know what some of us get the giggles over. Likewise, some of what makes you LOL is bound to result in a big fat shrug from the rest of us. Unless you’re acting out some weird meta-masochism fetish, I’d just be packing it in now.


Did you guys hear that Obama is having himself declared a god in the new greek temple that he is dedicating to his Olympian ego? It must be a greek temple, because it has COLUMNS!!! … It is an assault to democracy!!

It’s like Martin Bernal all over again.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

What’s next, gonna get all up in their shit over their vaguely defined macroeconomic policy?

Umm, dood. It’s the DNCC and he’s in the blogger tent. What were you expecting? Some neo-nazi to dive out a six floor hotel window while wearing a full RealTree suit and a big blonde wig?

You didn’t even laugh for Yoshida. Imagine someone standing there doing the Yoshida salute, right in atrios’ face – in the big tent. That’s comedy.


Oh, classy. God, I swear I can feel Kos’s Orangeness from here; I’m getting an Orangetan. I think I hate America and want an abortion.

Bee careful… da orange is contajus


I get a distinct tingle in my left knee that tells me that someone here is woefully unaware of a lot of internet traditions. (Looking at you, Jay.)


Hi, I’m the dude at the end of the table. Blog’s called Blast Off!. DFH stickers, which are way cool, are available there.

Dude, you blog on a Wang computer? That’s AWESOME!


I’m getting an Orangetan

Surely I’m not the only person who mis-read that…

DUKE and GONZO (wearing a single black glove) talk
conspiratorially to a 3RD MAN. A PLACID ORANGUTAN in a bow
tie sits next to him. THE BAR IS REVOLVING FASTER THAN


Jay B is like that dude in the poor man thread that said that humor is objective (he was referring, at the time, to the New Yorker magazine cover). He’s dense.


Dense is FUNNY!


Heh, indeed.


The raven is in the nest. I repeat, the raven is in the nest.


Umm, dood. It’s the DNCC and he’s in the blogger tent.

Right. Which totally explains why he wanted to go in the first place. And thrilled us with: “The Fascists at the DNA Wouldn’t Give Me a Pass (ha-ha)” “I Scored A Phony Pass (But it Didn’t Work)” and “Gavin Finally Got Me In and the Beer Sux”.

Turning the DNC into teh funny is hard enough, unless you’re willing to puke on Nancy Pelosi or go wicked gonzo. But going to hack out some bloggers — bloggers, mikey, that who mostly agree with everything you just said you wanted from the Democrats — you’re all right. i don’t get the joke.

What were you expecting? Some neo-nazi to dive out a six floor hotel window while wearing a full RealTree suit and a big blonde wig?

Now, if he did that, it would be funny. This is, as you all tell me — and I’ve seen over the years — a comedy site. If this is indeed the case, Entertain me.

I get a distinct tingle in my left knee that tells me that someone here is woefully unaware of a lot of internet traditions. (Looking at you, Jay.)

You’re right. The Internet Tradition of “I Am Adam Yoshida Atrios” (smirk, larf) totally escapes my elitist grasp of humor, which can be objectively explained in a math proof.

I find fan boys really funny though, so this gives me a good chuckle. I’m sure HTML will come back with another witty rejoinder like “I’m Charles Johnson, jerk” which only us retarded obsessives would even comprehend as a reference.


This is, as you all tell me — and I’ve seen over the years — a comedy site. If this is indeed the case, Entertain me.

why don’t you ask for your money back


I find fan boys really funny though, so this gives me a good chuckle.

If I’m reading that the way you intended for it to be interpreted…the irony is overpowering.


Roger that.


Jay B. said,

August 28, 2008 at 5:58

Umm, dood. It’s the DNCC and he’s in the blogger tent.

Not to piss on anyone’s parade, Jay B.

But what would you prefer be written? (I’ll lay off the Yul Brenner, and the So Shall It Be Done.)


I thought this was pretty funny.

At first, I thought it was a Firedoglake parody. That was even funnier.


Dudes, I think Adam Y., er “Jay”, really had his feelings hurt.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

FYWP – no fetching. You ate my post despite the disemvowelling of the swears! Is there no pleasing this cruel sadistic overlord?


I kind of agree that I don’t really want to be part of a club that would have me. I’m trapped in an in between space of nothingness. Carry on.


Dude, you blog on a Wang computer? That’s AWESOME!

Do I have to go through the entire etymology of “America’s Wang™” for you? Don’t make me turn this blog around.

Also, thanks to trifecta for the shout-out, which made my subsequent comment redundant. Not the first time, won’t be the last. But what do I know? After all, fat, drunk, and blogging is no way to go through life.


Jay wants comedy? OK then…

Hey Jay, what does the B stand for? Buttface?



Some will whine and complain about anything.

Nice job sneaking in…

More meta.

Emperor U.S.A. (the naked truth)

Ohferphucksakes, Jay. I think Jon Schwarz over at A Tiny Revolution just posted something about what a warmongering business-as-usual piece of trash Biden is. Why don’t you harrumph harrumph your way over there and lecture him on how treasonous he is?


so jay walks up to his mom and goes:

hey mom! mom! MOM!
a man on the street told me that if i gagged on his manjewels and licked his choad, he would give me THIS awesome watch right here!


think Jon Schwarz over at A Tiny Revolution just posted something about what a warmongering business-as-usual piece of trash Biden is. Why don’t you harrumph harrumph your way over there and lecture him on how treasonous he is?

Maybe I don’t give a shit if people hate Democratic politicians. They don’t have to vote for them. More or less Democrats suck.

The issue is, and I see that HTML hasn’t yet filed from an anti-war rally (which I’d happily read) or a pro-anarchist march (which I’d happily mock) OR done anything to challenge the power structure of the ACTUAL ELECTED DEMOCRATS. I don’t know if you understand this or care, but there’s a vast difference between attacking Joe Biden and mocking Duncan Black.

But then, who gives a shit, right? So long as HTML is filing this great shit (and Jennifer, please explain the irony of a single woman getting grouped in with “fan boys” like it’s a point of honor or something.)

Here’s a hint fan boys: I don’t give a shit — hell, I welcome — HTML attacking those who have a stake in the policy that has failed us. I DON’T GIVE A SHITE HOW HE FEELS ABOUT MARKOS.

Until you understand that, well, you don’t get sh*t.


[…] bearable. I also finally met Matt Stoller, Joe Trippi, Blogdiva, Josh Nelson, The North Decoders, Josh of Sadly, No! (DFH), Spencer Ackerman and Jane Hashmer of FireDogLake, and a hundred other bloggers. I flew home with […]


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