The Unknown Souljah
Maybe you’ve noticed the narrative that’s being pounded into our heads by the *gasp* MSM: Americans don’t know Barack Obama. And at this DNC it is crucial for the Dems to get the American people to know Obama, who is a a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside a shit moat.
I was reading the umpteenth op-ed iteration of this purposefully ambiguous line in the morning paper when it struck me:
Obama’s been a national figure since his 2004 DNC keynote. He’s a best-selling author and a prominent senator. He was showcased in the longest, most covered nomination process in recent memory. Apparently, he’s even bigger than Bono and Britney Spears.
Except when he isn’t, which is when gasbags are following the meme herd.
I’d argue that other than sitting presidents running for re-election, vice presidents following on from sitting presidents, and Hillary Clinton, who’s a special case, he’s the most known presidential candidate we’ve ever seen. Compare him to Clinton at the 1992 DNC, Dole at the 1996 RNC, Kerry at the 2004 DNC or even the fairly well-known McCain at the upcoming Minneapolis RNC.
Did we know more or less about those guys then, than we know about Obama now? The answer to that rhetorical question is another question. Wait, no it’s not. The answer is that I know way too fucking much about Obama already. I know stupid shit about Obama, like his propensity to leave the butter out and how he blows at bowling but can knock down threes under pressure.
I know that his wife’s name is Michelle and I knew that before her big speech. I knew about her professional career and law degree and two daughters. I know McCain’s wife’s name, but I forget if it’s spelled Cindy or Cindi, with a little heart or without. I know that Cindi/Cindy is a beer heiress … and I don’t even know what beer. And I really, really like beer. I like it even more than law degrees and cute daughters, so it’s odd that I don’t know this thing.
I know stuff about Obama’s pastor and his mom and his dad. I don’t know shit about McCain’s dad, other than that he fought in the War of 1812. I do know that McCain’s mom thinks he’s a total fucking cunt.
I know that Obama doesn’t like Cheez Whiz (like 7/4ths of every last fucking everybody over the age of 12 on the planet) and is aware there is a thing called arugula (like every last Heartlander with the Food Channel on their basic cable plan and a fascination with eating, which is to say, every last one of them). I don’t know if McCain is still gnawing on a piece of hard tack from his days in the Pony Express.
Maybe I know all this stuff about Obama because I’m an Obama supporter and a moonbat and all that good stuff. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just totally teh ghey for him.
But I wonder what the media crowd mean by ‘get to know him’. (And I include not just the Fox douchebags and assholes like David Brooks, but people like Olbermann and Dionne, who I’ve heard parrot this ‘Americans don’t know Barack Obama’ line of horseshit.) I wonder what ‘getting to know Barack Obama’ would entail, beyond the 24/7 presentation of the guy and his ideas for the past year.
Maybe he’s supposed to couch surf at every single American’s apartment before the convention ends. Maybe he should have totally been our BFF since kindergarten or something. Or maybe he should just turn into an old white guy.
Because I just can’t help but suspect that this endless repetition of the ‘get to know him’ line is an oblique and possibly even unconscious reference to race. That in the media’s view, ‘getting to know’ a black guy with a somewhat exotic upbringing requires a whole hell of a lot more ‘getting to knowing’ than doing the same with a typical white pol. One look at Whitey McWhite (R-Whiteness) and you ‘know’ all there is to know, whereas Obama’s own pubic hair is still reserving judgement on the guy (told you I was gay for him).
Call me crazy. But I know I’m right.
Look, parading the fact that you actually follow these things is counterproductive. After all, most people just don’t realize in the Heartland that the Democrats have nominated a black communist Muslim terrorist sympathizer named Shabazz.
I think Obama should sponsor a Cheez Whiz orgy at Mile High Stadium and show up with a head of iceberg lettuce as his date. Then Americans would really get to know him.
It’s not real beer – it’s Budweiser.
..inside a shit moat.
crap, it’s just too late to be all throwing stuff like that at me. Caught me totally off guard and now I’m trying to clean the chardonnay from my nasal passages.
Obama doesn’t like Cheez Whiz
Oh-oh… as I recall, the decisive gaffe that cost Kerry the 2004 election was when he didn’t order Cheez-whiz on his Philly cheesesteak, proving he was an out-of-touch elitist.
…or was it when he did order the Cheez-whiz, proving he was a desperate phoney? It’s hard to keep all these media narratives straight.
And who doesn’t think Mr. ? Homes doesn’t already have ? secret locations. I know that!
The other current media narrative on the unknown-celebrity Obama is that even though Obama hasn’t been nominated yet, we’re all suffering from “Obama-fatigue”. Can the nation take another day of Obama?
“Clinton-fatigue” didn’t become a narrative until his 6th year or so in office. And funnily enough, “Bush-fatigue” doesn’t seem to have gained in popular media usage at all.
Actually, you’re so right that I was practically headbanging and playing air guitar while reading this thing.
He wrote two f’n autobiographical books!!!! What’s not to know about him? He’s been on my teevee nonstop 24/7 for at least eight months! What big secret does he have yet to impart? Your suspicion is the only thing that makes sense.
Good Gawd, they made us look up Ronald Reagan and Katie Couric’s entrails. Please let’s not make it come to that.
I dunno about racism; I think they’re just stupid. Or maybe the thread goes in a different way. I can’t help but think that this is related to the “Obama is inexperienced” narrative. The cable news, uh, feces-brains, love easy to understand storylines. I think they went from “We don’t know what Obama will be like as a leader” to a more generalized “we don’t know what Obama is like”. Perhaps it’s another way to say, “Could Obama be a secret muslim? How can we know for sure?”
But really, why waste brainpower coming up with complicated psychological reasons for the press to be obnoxious and stupid?
Just ignore them and maybe they’ll go away, like Pink Lady & Jeff or that Geico Caveman TV show. That’s why we have C-Span, after all.
Hey: WordPress thinks I’m a spambot. Beautiful.
Well, I think the ‘we don’t know Obama’ is a nice way of pretending how little they let us know about McCain is a non-issue. You know: focus on Schroedinger’s Islam, flailing around for closet skeletons against a self-evidently whitebread man running against a human icon of nepotist depravity more skeleton than closet.
The MSM means they don’t “know” Obama in the biblical sense, like they do McCain, for whom they drop their collective drawers and pantaloons and bend over the big four-poster blinking their come-hither eyelashes every time Saint BBQ creaks into the room.
You really should get to know more about Obama: He’s the Anti-Christ!
You might be right about the racist undercurrent – but they might mean that while we know all about Obama’s butter fetish etc, we don’t know anything about his projected policies, because they haven’t been spoonfed to us in tiny tiny doses with lashings of treacle on itty silver spoons with our initials on them.
How can I get to know Obama, when all I can think about is how much Chris frakking Matthews looks like a Tweety Bird!
He was looking even more tweetylicious last night than ever. And by tweetylicious, I of course mean horrifying.
die wordpress, die
The national budget is so complicated, you have to be a genius to understand it. You also have to be important, famous and successful. You say you’re none of these? Well, then, I have one piece of advice for you – Get to know me! Get to know my likes, my dislikes. What makes me tick? What makes me me? What’s my favorite color? Do I always come to life in the Spring? Get to know me!
Now, here’s a letter from a man who lives in Manhatten: “Dear Barack, before I got to know you, I was nothing, nowhere, nobody. I didn’t have a cent to my name. In fact, I didn’t have a name – I couldn’t afford one. And then I got to know you, and today they call me Donald Trump!” Get to know me!
What do I do in my spare time? Have I always had this much hair? Where is my secret freckle? Get to know me!
Now, here’s a letter from a woman who lives in Europe: “Dear Barack, before I got to know you, I was nothing, nowhere, nobody. I had bad teeth and couldn’t afford braces. And then one day, I got to know you. Well, I never got those braces, but today they call me Queen Elizabeth!” Get to know me!
Now, here’s a letter from someone who didn’t get to know me: “Dear Blank, I didn’t get to know you, signed Nobody.” Now, I know some of you are probably thinking, “What a jerk!” Congratulations! You’re getting to know me! So, remember, if you want to get to know me, get to know me!
/Lovitz SNL
Remove all URLs, profanity, obscenity, offers of credit, and references to prescription drugs from your comment, name, and URL
What is the world coming to?
I wonder what ‘getting to know Barack Obama’ would entail, beyond the 24/7 presentation of the guy and his ideas for the past year.
Warbling that godawful song with him while twirling round a lamppost?
Or maybe he should just turn into an old white guy.
Yah, ‘cos old white guys are totally predictable. I mean, how many Prez’s have been rich old white guys? You can pretty well predict what they’ll be like. But a young, dynamic, self-made black guy, werrrrrllll, who knows?
One look at Whitey McWhite (R-Whiteness) and you ‘know’ all there is to know, whereas Obama’s own pubic hair is still reserving judgement on the guy
So you know something about Obama, then?
By the way, DA, I love you, will you marry me? This was an extremely, bucketful of expletives, very very, fine post.
WordPress is my beeyatch.
D; have you ever seen “The Truman Show”?
Personally, I think it will absolutely riveting when Obama threatens Michelle with a potato peeler, then runs off into the ocean in that dingy.
I hear and obey.
D. Aristophanes, you is CRAZY.
Also, to be fair – my oubic hair hasn’t made its mind uo about me either.
This “Obama the unknown” meme translates badly to the general public – because if you’re allowed to answer you can always do this:
I messed up my oubes! This tpynigs thnig iz hartd tpo dpo im yhe eralty mronigns.
You’ve got it backwards. Because he’s African-American they already think they know him. He’s an Angry Scary Drug Dealing Black Man Who Wants to Kill Whitey!
Getting to know him means being 110,000,000% certain that he really isn’t an ASDDBMWWKW.
I’m not sure why his upbringing is somewhat exotic. He traveled less than your average military brat when he was a kid.
The Unknown Souljah
Oh, we know about Soulja Boy. He’s endorsed Obama.
Because I just can’t help but suspect that this endless repetition of the ‘get to know him’ line is an oblique and possibly even unconscious reference to race.
Seriously now, yes. There’s an implicit assumption that the Americans in the statement “Americans don’t know Obama” are white people, and the statement carries within two related although perhaps contradictory subtexts: that black people are inscrutable to whites and that they are obliged to prove themselves to whites.
Speaking of exotic upbringings, John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone and shuttled around the Pacific while his dad, not yet an admiral, captained submarines during WWII. He attended twenty schools before going to the Naval Academy. In JiSM3’s own words:
Because POW! Still, it’s not like JiSM3 grew up as the boy next door, unless your dad also happened to be a submarine commander.
You’ve got it backwards. Because he’s African-American they already think they know him. He’s an Angry Scary Drug Dealing Black Man Who Wants to Kill Whitey!
You left out the uppity elitist Harvard Law part. MSM corporate hacks double plus hate someone who is not only a Democrat, but smarter than they are.
Everybody knows that bowling scores decide elections. That is why Richard Nixon is still President, even though he’s dead.
Let’s face it, whose name is on a plaque on the Moon? Jesus? Gandhi? PeeWee Herman? Nuh-uh.
Richard M. Nixon, motherfuckers.
word press will not allow my comment. I’ve tried it six ways for Sunday, and no dice. I’ve removed any trace of profanity.
Remove all URLs, profanity, obscenity, offers of credit, and references to prescription drugs from your comment, name, and URL
I feel like I am under surveillance, WordPress knows so much about my life-style and interests.
I emailed my deathless comment to Gavin as our lord and master WP instructs us to do, and like the good little citizen of the word-oppressive regime that I am. Will I find favor with teh powers that be? Stay tuned!
It’s like Josh Marshall or somebody said — Richard Cohen doesn’t “know” Obama because Obama never invited him over for dinner. And not only that, but Obama’s never gone out chasing whores with Chris Matthews either.
This is all best demonstrated by the trouble Howard Fineman and Richard Wolffe had pronouncing his name. As recently as May, Fineman on Olbermann never could decide whether to say Barrack, Baruch, Bar-Rock, Bear-Rack, and an infinite combination of other pinhead ways to be wrong. Wolffe seemed to think it rhymes with Alabama.
Not that I pay any attention to the fsckwits. I usually just fast-forward over their segments and wish Fineman would give Sam Donaldson his hair back.
And Würdpress censors the word fück. Nice.
Technically, Cindy’s not a beer heiress, she’s a beer distributorship heiress. She inherited a giant middleman empire.
But I wonder what the media crowd mean by ‘get to know him’.
“Get to know him” = becoming confident that, if you shake hands with him, it doesn’t rub off.
This spam block stuff really is going nuts. I’m tired of this sh*t. Somebody fix this site, please.
Wonder if WP will let me type ‘Scunthorpe’.
They just had a discussion on “Morning Joe” about why regular white Catholic voters don’t “know” Obama– because they think he got where he is by affirmative action and are resentful of Obama’s success because their own kids have to work hard to go to a state college.
Yes, just a regular disucssion with Joe, Mika, and two other people who just sat there and said NOTHING to push back. Nothing racist about it, they’re just channeling what “ordinary Americans” think. Because these people who make MILLIONS talking to other MILLIONAIRES and bloviating pundits KNOW what “average white people” think. They are SO IN TOUCH with us commoners that they tell what we think.
Unfortunately now I have to buy a new tv since the remote wedged in its screen makes it hard to watch.
Great. Now Joe’s very favorite guest EVAH is on– Mitt Romney.
Man, I really do hope that McCain chooses him as his VP. How many mansions do you think they have between them?
Yeah, somethin’s definitely afoot in the spam department because last time we had these issues the comment box shrunk to about the size of a thumbtack on my screen, and it’s doing that again. If I toggle the JavaScript blocker (off then on again) it seems to fix it.
It’s almost as if WordPress hates us.
Reportedly Obama didn’t even list his race on his Harvard application, so obviously he was favored by affirmative action for his weird name.
Regular White Catholic voters must = Bill “Humpback” Donohue.
The one’s who disagree/have kids in private (Catholic?) colleges are irregular.
Better go with the guy who got by on his family’s name, divorced his first wife to marry a rich woman, supports a war that the Pope says is wrong and who played snuggle bunnies with the guy who called your church whore, right? I mean, he once drew a cross in the dirt.
Kcuf this tihs. Sort your WordPress out.
Dr Zen, WordPress is a licker of dick, a regular cocksucker, a cumguzzling knobgobbler. But ‘shit’ is fine.
Candy, I do hope your e-mail makes a difference despite this:
We keep questioning Obama because we never want the educationally-challenged in America (AKA repigs, nutjobs, & wingnuts) to ever doubt he is a closet commie Muslim.
Spam filter wins. I surrender.
> Technically, Cindy’s not a beer heiress, she’s a beer distributorship heiress. She inherited a giant middleman empire.
In other words, all her money, and by extension McP.O.W.’s* entire political career, didn’t come from something productive or designing things or building things. They were just deliverymen.
If McMansions “wins” (only with the help of Diebold), it will be quite a commentary on the sad state of current American “capitalism”. All we make are little pieces of paper that say IOU on them. Other countries are still stupid enough to exchange Real Goods for these worthless pieces of paper.
* P.O.W means Plenty Of Washrooms
Addendum to previous semi-rant:
We actually make one Real Good, besides all those IOUs.
Bombs, to kill lotsa people.
Don’t worry, it is just another sad commentary on the current state of American decay.
What about being crazy precludes being right?
Whups, Anonymous@14:50 was me. I lost the pre-filled Name box when I deleted my cookies. BTW – Curved background worth doing for the McCain Cribs poster.
Incidentally, WordPress is coprophagic (poopy-munching) sodomite (buttfucker).
Compare him to Clinton at the 1992 DNC, Dole at the 1996 RNC, Kerry at the 2004 DNC or even the fairly well-known McCain at the upcoming Minneapolis RNC.
Did we know more or less about those guys then we know about Obama now?
More. Much more.
This has been another episode of obvious answers to idiotic questions…
Mitt Romney.
Man, I really do hope that McCain chooses him as his VP. How many mansions do you think they have between them?
According to what I heard on NPR this morning, Romney will probably be the pick. Apparently, Romney has joined the “shadow” campaign, whatever nefarious meaning that has in Republican politics.
Oh, great FSM, please let it be so.
All I know is that the ladies at the office have been following the election in an obsessive way that reminds me of how they used to be about Days of Our Lives, and I’m out here in the Uppah Midwest!
More. Much more.
Dole and Kerry, I will grant you.
Not Clinton, though. Like Obama, he was relatively new to the national scene back then. But Clinton didn’t get anywhere near the level of press scrutiny that Obama has, simply because in 1992 the infrastructure just wasn’t there. No MSNBC, no Fox News (I think), and no Internet.
And McCain . . . well, I think with McCain it’s more a matter of thinking we know a lot about him, but as the election cycle creeps onward, I realize just how little I actually *did* know about him, in terms of actual facts. I knew plenty of details about his (almost completely fabricated) public persona, but that’s not actually knowledge, is it?
Romney! Romney! Romney!
Dole and Kerry, I will grant you.
I wouldn’t even go that far. What’s Theresa Heinz Kerry’s alma mater? What does John Kerry drink with breakfast? Where was Bob Dole born? Are any of them muslim?
This campaign has been all about Barack Obama for quite some time now. That was the McCain camp’s goal, make this all about Obama. (link to teh S,N! post comparing press releases from both campaigns) Obama’s been scrutinized more carefully than a pre-Internet teenaged boy’s first porno mag.
Does anyone remember if either Bob Dole or John Kerry ever wore a flag pin on the campaign trail?
A More Perfect Union was the most honest speech given by a politician in many, many campaigns. No, we know more about Barack Obama than just about any candidate before – and this is the important part – because his “exotic” story sells well. Like Hillary said last night, he is the American Dream. Raised by a single mom – to Harvard Law on hard work and scholarships – and now the front-runner for President of the United States of America. I think this campaign is going to continue to be about Barack Obama – and I think Team Obama’s ready for it. Then again I could be completly full of shit. Anyways, this sounded a whole lot better in my head with all the swearing in.
This is yet another MSM theme that makes no sense outside the MSM bubble-dome city on planet MSM.
Let’s go aaaaall the way back to the beginning of the campaign. Obama arrives in Iowa. He sets up his office right at the foot of the state capitol. Now, the Dems who are political cats are already well aware of Obama, from the 2004 convention and from paying attention. The slightly-political cats are probably vaguely aware of who he is, as Illinois is right next door. The rest of the average voters, not so much.
Why is Obama in Iowa a year before the caucuses? Is it to enjoy the sight of the sparkly snow frosting teh Golden Dome of the Capitol bldg? To discover the surprisingly eclectic charm of the newly renovated East Village, as the New York Times travel writer would do some months later?
Why, no. Obama, it turns out, is in Iowa so that voters can get to know him. And by FSM, if there’s any way to avoid getting to know a candidate during caucus season in Iowa, I’m not aware of it. I guess if you only have one working brain cell or are mortally ill, it might be possible. Believe me, even if you are a shut in without a T.V. or a phone living in the hills and hollers of SE Iowa, you are still a potential voter, and at some point during caucus season you will be made aware of the caucus race and its participants.
This goes for the stupid-ass MSM too. They are camped here almost as long as the candidates. Des Moines is a small city in a small state. The MSM and the candidates bump into each other from time to time – like, every living second of the day, as caucus time approaches.
And Iowa picked Obama. People noticed he was black. They noticed he was skinny. I wasn’t paying attention to what the man ate, but there are probably folks in small towns all over the state who could tell you if Obama likes apple fritters, corn dogs, pork chops, or peanut butter malts. And he won the Iowa caucuses. With room to spare. Not just among the black community or the urban community, but in rural areas as well, where the only brown people are the immigrants working the corporate farms.
The point of this rant, which will no doubt be eaten by WordOppress with gusto, is to agree with D.A.: This whole “get to know Obama” thing is perhaps the most ridiculous crap I’ve seen yet. Obama went on from this small state and got to know the voters all over the bleeping country. Apparently the MSM aren’t too quick on the uptake.
The whole meme is definitely one of those catty, high-school memes that the courtier media is so fond of. What they mean is, of course, THEY don’t know Barack that well. He hasn’t invited them to his slumber parties or brought beer to their kegger that one time when Brooks’ parents were out of town. So “America” doesn’t know him…
But I wonder what the media crowd mean by ‘get to know him’.
Maybe they expect him to have a big barbecue for them at one of his estates. With cake and ice cream and a tire swing.
The gasbags also like setting up an ambiguous benchmark that can never be quantified, so they can argue endlessly about whether it’s been met. Thus, ‘did the Dems succeed in getting Americans to ‘know’ Obama with that last speech?’ is a main topic they can blather on about for every studio cutaway from the show floor.
And nobody can ever be right or wrong with his/her answer, so they’re protected from looking stupid. The Kristols of the world get to say Michelle Obama/Warner/Hillary Clinton/whoever just ‘failed’ at their mission to provide insights into the ‘real’ Obama … and no one can say with any authority that, no, you’re totally wrong, because the frame is meaningless.
It’s perfect!
Ignore the swine media. The swine media is not in the business of speaking to rational, considerate Americans; they’re attempting to be an impede critical thinking. It spent years propping up the Clinton machine, only to see it collapse. Now they’re doing all they can to protect the so-called “maverick” from himself.
We can not do this alone, but a proper boycott of the swine media and all of its sponsors is in order. It’s obvious that the beast has become too bloated for its own good. We Americans need to purge our collective intelligence of the swine media influence. And do not get your children hooked on depending on a viewing a TV screen or a computer monitor.
President Obama would be doing an exceptional public service in encouraging ALL individuals to shun the vampire that is the swine media. He’s actually spoken on this fact. The more you read to your children, the less time anyone in the household has to watch the TV in an idle manner. I believe it is our collective idleness that contributes to the swine media attempting to sway this election. They’ve all gotten too big for their britches. Someone needs to stop this and quickly.
We don’t know Obama = black people are scary
Thanks for fishing out my comment, whichever kind Sadly Staffer did so!
*Snort* Shit moat! *Snicker*
(Incidentally, the above link is the first hit for “shit moat.”)
Word Press needs to get to know you. Your comments have failed to make Word Press feel as though you grew up together in the same neighborhood as Word Press. Word Press isn’t sure you share its dream of threads full of comments pure as the thoughts of K-Lo, as well-reasoned as the arguments of Pastor Swank, as original and solidly backed by facts as the essays of “Virgin Ben” and as sincere as the opinions voiced by Rush Limbaugh.
Who will make the speech that will convince Word Press that it can trust you? Let’s talk about it until we settle the question, or until we disintegrate into dust.
You’re not helping by repeating and reinforcing the horsesh*t. I submit that there’s absolutely nothing “exotic” about Barack Obama, not if you’ve been alive in this country at any point in the last 30 or 40 years, and if you’ve managed to get out of your house or hometown to any degree. Product of mixed marriage? Broken home? Parent from another country? Slightly offbeat name?
Dude, that describes approximately half the kids I knew growing up–and that was decades ago.
They’re just saying that Obama should have a clearly American name. You know, like ‘Voinovich’ or ‘Shalikashvili’, or a good waspy first name like ‘Condoleeza’ or have a name like American sweetheart gymnast Nastia Liukin.
Warbling that godawful song with him while twirling round a lamppost?
You are thinking of “Singin’ in the Rain”.
“Getting to Know You” is sung while civilizing the royal spawn of a barbarian kingdom that your government hopes to acquire.
I invited Word Press to my house for dinner, but it never showed!
By which you mean some seventy or eighty percent of Democrats.
I invited Word Press to my house for dinner, but it never showed!
WordPress stole my shoe!
Every one of these “We don’t know enough about Barack Obama” type arguments is being made by people who never stopped for a second to ask such questions about the current commander-in-chief, who was much less well known in 2000 than Obama is now.
If conservatives ever want to get any respect from honest decent people, they should show a little bit of consistecy now and then.
Just a little. That would be a start. And then add some honesty and integrity. That would help.
Because I just can’t help but suspect that this endless repetition of the ‘get to know him’ line is an oblique and possibly even unconscious reference to race.
Shorter MSM Village Idiots: “Can’t you people see? That man is a ni…. !!!!”
Okay, wait. The media types have been covering Obama 24/7 for a gazillion days now, spending a gazillion gazillion media dollars doing so, but are concerned that Americans “don’t know Obama”? So, they’re admitting that they’re a bunch of incompetent hacks?
Despite all this coverage, the American people know very little about Obama’s policies, his plans for the future, his potential cabinet picks … excuse me, breaking news — this just in: Michelle Obama’s former college classmate claims to remember seeing her wearing a keffiyeh and has a colored pencil drawing, unnamed sources say. These same sources point out that the drawing is quote very realistic and was probably drawn from life, not a photograph. We’ll have more on that later but first we investigate allegations that the Chinese women’s gymnastics team are actually young boys who were intentionally given androgen insensitivity syndrome.
Thank you, pedestrian, for correcting my egregious musical gaffe. Lucky I’m not in the running to be President.
Yes, the luminous Deborah Kerr gadding about with skirts a-swirl, pretending to be the rather less luminous, but very bigoted (apparently) Anna Leonowens.
It’s a headgame. The best & easiest way to turn folks away from something is to class it as “strange” or “other” – this meme is playing off of a basic aspect of our survival instinct.
But it sure does look seriously stupid when it’s applied to someone who’s been all over the bloody news for a year solid. It’s almost easier at this point to answer “what’s left that we DON’T we know about him yet?” Not a whole lot, by now.
But those delivery-systems for hair-gel & rouge masquerading as journalists have to do SOMETHING for the next few months … & the more they can make it look close the better, as far as their sponsors are concerned.
Voila: “Who Is This Obama Guy, Really?”
The Dragon-King nailed it – this is McCain’s only hope: make the entire race all about Obama – & ONLY Obama. McCain’s best bet is to hang low & snipe from the shadows – which is also how he got the GOP nod in the first place. Any critical focus on a candidate as weak as Wet-Start is an express ticket on the fail-train … he’s a notorious hothead who voted against MLK Day & inveigled against lobbyists while he was humping one, possessing all the intellect of a can-opener with the charisma to match. As a candidate, the magnitude of his black-hole-like suck is such that he makes the 2000 edition of BUSH look good. So no way can he be the main focus of the media, or the drama is over, tout de suite.
Unless he does or says something to royally piss off the pundit tribe, or REALLY screws the poodle in a way they can’t edit out, this is all you get from now on. If it burns your biscuits, turn the crap off. Teevee is not your friend.
The Dragon-King nailed it
That’s what your mom said. Anyways, it did sound a lot better in my head with all the swearing in.
We’ve had this debate before – should Team Obama turn it around and say “no you’re the poopyhead” or should it take the lumps and use this as an opprtunity to actually sell the message.
Hope and Change. That’s a pretty clear signal. And I would dearly love for a political campaign to win on the positives. An actual mandate of support and not one of “lesser of two evils”. But I guess I am the naive idealist – because How-Many-Houses-Gate is a pretty clear swing the other way.
Anyways, it don’t matter what I think, the only important thing is keeping John McCain out of the White House.
gasbags are following the meme herd
Aerial view. Camera zooms in on immense herd of migrating wildebeeste. Hushed voice-over from David Attenborough, describing the various predatory and parasitical and commensal species that depend on the yearly migration for their sustenance…¹
— This is what you meant, right?
1. Check with D. Sidhe for details.
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Were did you get your blog design?
Were did you get your blog design?