Circling The Wagons

“I have THIS many houses!”

John P.O.W. McCain’s failure to remember the number of houses he owns has caused an emergency alert to go out to the wingnutosphere. As a result, some of our favorite bloggers have pulled themselves away from Faux News and their microwaved Hot Pockets long enough to rush to their keyboards to defend the mental acuity and the total non-eliteness of McCain. The results have been, well, hilarious.

From Michelle Malkin, we have the “Cone of Stupidity” defense:

We’re trapped in the Obama campaign’s Cone of Stupidity and we can’t get out. The latest Obama ad razzes McCain for not remembering how many houses he has. (But at least he knows how many states there are.)

I guess what Michelle means here is that McCain simply mispoke and, just as Obama said “57” when he meant to say “47,” McCain said “I don’t know” when he meant to say “seven” or “a whole buttload.”

From John “Butt Missile” Hinderaker, we have the Tie defense:

[I]f a reporter asked me how many ties I own, there’s no way I could answer. Just like McCain, I’d tell him he has to ask my wife.

This analogy might make some sense if houses cost $50 each and you could hang 50 of them in your closet.

From Jonah “The Doughy Pantload” Goldldberg, we have the Kerry defense:

If owning so many houses (or being married to an heiress) is a problem, I do hope someone asks Barack why he was so enthusiastic about John Kerry in 2004.

A terrific argument, of course, if Kerry were currently running for President.

Kim “Waterboarding Is Fun!” Priestap brings us the Kenyan slum defense:

[Obama is] insinuating that owning a number of houses – in realty [sic], the McCains own a variety of investment properties, which accounts for John McCain’s not being able to give precise number – is somehow a character flaw. I couldn’t disagree more. I would argue this is a character flaw: allowing your brother to whither away in a hut in Nairobi, Kenya, while you’re living the good life in America.

In other words, who cares if McCain has more houses than he can remember, Obama doesn’t have enough!

Susan “Wake Up America” Duclos weighs in with the “We Have More Glass Houses” defense:

One would think the Democrats would have learned by now that when one lives in a glass house, those stones they throw can demolish their own house when they boomerang back at them, faster than those stones will demolish ANY of McCain’s multiple houses.

Sometimes a mixed metaphor is a wingnut’s best friend.


Comments: 405


The McCain Defense – “These aren’t MY houses; they belong to that trollop-cunt, my wife. I’m a POW.”


Which wife-divorcing, beer-distributor heiress marrying, son of an Admiral who was son of an Admiral, Washington D.C. insider flung the ‘elitist’ charge first?

People who live in grass houses should NOT stow thrones.

No, indeedy.

Enjoy the boomerang, I think this one has legs.

(I like to mix my metaphors as much as the next person!)


Saw a brief mention on PBS Newshour. Even Gwen Ifill twittered. If Obama’s people don’t pound this into all our skulls they deserve to lose. Small things become large ideas and flop sweat shows.


Ahh, Pantload.

If owning so many houses (or being married to an heiress) is a problem, I do hope someone asks Barack why he was so enthusiastic about John Kerry in 2004.

Well, shit for brains, if owing so many houses (or being married to an heiress) is not a problem, why’d you make such a big fucking deal about it in 2004?

Epic fail.


Epic fail…like my HTML skillz there.


That was almost painful. Like watching a cow with BSE. You can tell the cow wants to walk, the cow knows it wants to walk, but at the same time the cow is vaguely aware that something is very wrong.

For extra Funneh you should run a little compare and contrast of their quotes re: McCain during the primaries.


Wait, McCain was a POW? Wow, why doesn’t he mention that?

“A terrific argument, of course, if Kerry were currently running for President.”

And if Barack was calling him an elitist.

“when one lives in a glass house, those stones they throw can demolish their own house when they boomerang back at them,”

I’m NOT sure she quite got that colloquial right. Also, stones != boomerangs.
Just sayin’.

Cletus von Clausewitz

Oh yeah? Well, I couldn’t tell you how many comic books I have, and a lot of them are investments too. I have the first issue of “Three Car Garage Townhouse” and a complete set of “Million Dollar Luxury Condo”


We’ll have those McCAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIINNNNN primary quotes for you just as soon as we cross that horses other shoe-dropping creek paddling hoisted by the fans other…

Now I’m confused.

It’s very important that we listen to the serious thoughts of a girl-college attending momma’s boy, who couldn’t write himself out of a piss-soaked bag, after having soaked it in his own piss. And then declaring how being covered in piss merely adds weight to his argument. That added weight ain’t facts or gravitas, it’s piss.


Hmmm… it appears that fierce wingnut attack dogs become hilariously demented the very instant the Dems dare to make fun of their candidate and his gaffes.

…I wonder if it would work again tomorrow?

Cletus von Clausewitz

Arizona is a community property state, and no pre-nup in the world is in effect after 28 years of marriage. So McSame can’t use the “that’s the wife’s business, not mine” excuse. He could try “Mother Teresa made me buy another luxury condo”. I can hardly wait for the discussion about his getting a marriage license before his divorce was final.


I threw a boomerang once.

I was stoned.

My house was glass.

My stones, stoney.

I threw a boomerang once. It hit a stone, near a hedge.

Boom, boom, boom, let’s go back to my room.

You rang?

Then I was paddling.

No creek.

Just stones that rang when you hit them.

You can back the lead horse in a race.

Don’t drink the water.


They really don’t know what to do with this one, do they?


Perfectly Functioning Wingnut Robot 6.66



McCain knows how to be royalty folks! That’s what makes him such a regular Joe!


microwaved Hot Pockets

Mmmmm….ham and cheese Hot Pockets……mmmmmmm.


Traitors worthy of Cocytus. They’re lucky they’re not being eternally chewed by Satan.


Max Power
He’s the man whose name
You’d love to touch

But you mustn’t toooooouuuuch

His name sounds good in your ear
But when you hear it, you mustn’t fear
‘Cause his name can be said by anyone


er,… John, such a regular John!

Five of Diamonds

They’re afraid Obama will take away their wingnut welfare. They’ll have to get jobs. I hear the Army needs soldiers.


And the InstaToilet swirls and swirls. Heh indoodily ding dong diddily!

Five of Diamonds

“We’re trapped in the Obama campaign’s Cone of Stupidity and we can’t get out. The latest Obama ad razzes McCain for not remembering how many houses he has.”

She has resorted to calling names. It’s the argument’s equilivent to “you’re a fathead.”


Just heard the flagship New York news station refer to the “Russian invasion of Georgia.”

Head. Desk. SLAM. SLAM. SLAM.



It doesn’t affect my decision on who I want as President. It may have affected it before 9-11, but not now. Now, I want someone who understand the fanatical Islamic threat. I want someone who GETS that.

Guiliani McCain does. Obama doesn’t.

That’s it.

Rightwingsparkle | Homepage | 08.21.08 – 5:20 pm | #

You just can’t make this shit up

Well, OK. So I embellished.

Andrew A. Gill, SLS

McCains own a variety of investment properties

So we should vote for McCain because he’s dumb enough to hold on to his houses during *a housing collapse*?

Also, where is Clif buying ties that cost $50? If I buy an expensive one, it’s usually less than $30.


Oh, and I forgot to mention…

The vile folks from Sadly No are coming over. I can’t trust that they will act civil.


The fact is, POW. So shut the hell up.

The Vile Folks From Sadly No


We want to find brains…BBBRRAAAAIINSSS…

Can’t find…brains there…



Shalom, gentlemen.


Saul said,

August 22, 2008 at 6:51

Shalom, gentlemen.





The agreement today between the US and Poland regarding the installation of 10 anti-missile batteries on the Russian border is a triumph for the US and Europe in the War On Terror.

House Buying Trollop

I can explain John’s confusion over our mansions.

You see, whenever we take the jet to one of the houses, he gets very scared (because of being shot down in a jet) (he was a P.O.W.). I have to give him some of my Happy Pills, and he falls asleep. He never knows which mansion we are going to!

By the way, did I mention he is a P.O.W?



I am no motherfcuker, nor could I ever find peace with your feeble rantings.


ANY of McCain’s multiple houses!


“The agreement today between the US and Poland regarding the installation of 10 anti-missile batteries on the Russian border is a triumph for the US and Europe in the War On Terror.”

The only thing it is a triumph for is the Military Industrial Complex.


The only thing it is a triumph for is the Military Industrial Complex.

What do you think keeps us safe? Happy thoughts and good intentions?

To fail to prepare is to prepare for failure.


Which is exactly why I’ve been pushing to have the Bible Belt forcibly evacuated and the entire area turned into the Strategic Honey Mustard Reserve. My friends, we could store enough honey mustard there for the rest of your lives, your children’s lives, and your children’s children’s children’s lives. The terrorists can have out chicken fingers when they pry them from out cold dead hands.


I really don’t get this whole “poor Kenyan half-brother” thing. Apparently Barack Obama, Sr. was a big ol’ douchebag who fathered numerous children with multiple women and didn’t much care about supporting any of them. So suddenly our own Barry Hussein X is responsible for the care and feeding of every single one, even if he barely knows them?

Oh, yeah, I forgot, we’re talking Wingnut Logic. And shut up! POW!


Err, that last was meant to be P.O.W., not a Batman-style punch.

Frustrated John McCain Spokesperson

How many times do I have to explain this?!! John McCain is using these extra houses to store all the barrells of oil and $200 tax refund checks he’s going to generously hand out to the American people once he’s elected President of the United States.

I mean, what’s Barack Obama storing away for the American people? Arugula grown in the basement of some secret mosque?


Some Guy–

I earlier advocated a solution that could dovetail nicely with yours.

On this blog.

We evacuate the Bible Belt and the rest of the nation’s holy-rolling, snake-handling, magic-underwearing crackpot crackers into the Deep South, give the sane residents of the Deep South 90 days to evacuate, then saw the whole thing off and kick it into the Atlantic like Bugs Bunny did that one time.

As for the Strategic Honey Mustard Reserve–some of us are BBQ fans.

We can meet somewhere in the middle.


To fail to prepare is to prepare for failure.

But if I’m preparing for failure, then aren’t I in fact committing the act of preparing, and therefore not failing to prepare, even if what I’m doing is preparing to… Oh, the hell with it.


Err, that last was meant to be P.O.W., not a Batman-style punch.

They will be indistinguishable by November, I’m sure.

Malfunctioning McCain Excuse

Hi, I was a POW. Hanoi Hilton. I draw the line in the sand. Eh wait a second. It’s a cross. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton. POW! Hanoi Hilton.


I see no reason why we can’t take certain areas of California and the North West and turn it into the Strategic BBQ Reserve.

I notice a distinct lack of support from Saul for procuring 50 new ironclads for the Navy, and not a SINGLE mention of 5,000 new breach-loading 8-pounder cannons w/ magazine carriages. Why do you want us to not be prepared, Saul? Why do you hate America?


“What do you think keeps us safe? Happy thoughts and good intentions?”

No, effective defense is what is needed. This is just a step to reinstate the juicy (for weapons millionaires) Cold War.

You’re going to defend against “Iranian missiles” with bases in Poland???

Why not use Italy for bases? We already have bases there. It is CLOSER to Iran.

You need to question your idol’s motives a little more. Try not to be so willing to smile as they rob you (you DO pay taxes, don’t you?)

Laser McSpacefrisbee

Laugh all you want, but when al-Qaeda starts launching intercontinental ballistic missiles, um, with GPS transponders on them, on a clear day, and there’s only one missile and they tell us its flight path in advance, well, there’s a pretty decent chance that it’s we who will be laughing. At them. Because we might shoot it down.

So laugh now, liberal commie pinko Jacobins.


I’m thinking McCain should go with some kind of “Three Little Pigs” defense about these houses. I haven’t quite worked out what that defense would actually be, but it gives him all sorts of opportunities for some really scary “big bad wolf” metaphors.

Or he could come up with some kind of “Monopoly” defense. Again, not really sure what it should be… maybe something like “Sure, I have a bunch of houses… And I’m going to CASH IN these houses and build a big HOTEL! A big hotel called… AMERICA! And it will be a hotel big enough so all the American people can have the security economic freedom to advance to Boardwalk, but still pass “GO” and collect $200 [in free tax refund checks]! Don’t take a CHANCE on voting for Obama! (Oh, and also everyone American citizen will have FREE PARKING!)”

Something like that.

I mean just put a top hat on McCain and have him grow a big white mustache and he’s the spittin’ image of Monopoly’s Uncle Pennybags– take a look at ’em both and you’ll see what I mean.

The more I think about it, forget the “Three Little Pigs” thing, that was just stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid! What the hell is wrong with me? McCain has to go with the “Monopoly” defense. There’s just no question.

McCain's Humble Jet

I’m waiting for somebody to ask John how many jets he owns. Then he can proudly say:

“One, exactly One! And no arugula served aboard, either!”

And I’m that ONE! Boy, do I feel special.

Wait a minute. The guy in the hanger just mentioned he has a few Cessnas, too. Oh, the pain of not being the only plane!

Did I mention that John was a P.O.W?


my favorite is the glass house. watch out for boomeranging stones!

sadly, you always make me happy, no?


People who live in glass houses should not throw parties.
Trust me on this.


Also, people with trebuchets should not throw houses. The judge was quite insistent on this point.


Of course McCain is not one of us.

Getting your money by marrying a trollop c*** (as McCain calls her) is just tacky, tacky, tacky.

I’ve heard he is a P.O.W, whatever that is. Another tacky thing!

And he actually owns condos for Pete’s Sake! No self-respecting elite owns anything that he can’t land his jet on.

One final thing: A private jet is a good first step to join us, but just having one is considered nouveau riche by us.

Tacky tacky tacky.

Dept of Fractured Metaphors

How about: Freepers who live in grass trousers shouldn’t blow bones?

Oh, I’m trying to be too alliterative. I’ll fix it…

Freepers who live in airport restroom stalls shouldn’t blow bones.


It’s quite clear the only thing that can save McCain now is the Chewbacca Defense 😉


You can always tell the pundits who don’t use Macs. They ignore completely the built-in global spell check because it must be from California, where BARRY is worshipped.


In terms of who’s an elitist, I think people have made a judgment that John McCain is not an arugula-eating, pointy headed professor-type based on his life…

A bunch of leading Republicans must have been tortured with garden rocket (aka the ancient Roman staple often called “arugula”), such is their hate for the $3 vegetable.



Russia is the central front in the War On Terror.

Any further attack on the US by “irregular forces” will be by Russian proxies.

A new Cold War is just the beginning.

This war needs to turn hot immediately so we can forcibly reduce Russia to the sniveling pile of excrement she was 10 years ago.


Buhbuhbuhbuh my God, they’re flailing all over the place. It’s like watching John Candy mud wrestle a manatee.


Is Saul John Candy or the manatee?


Agreed, Saul.

I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops.

Uh, depending on the breaks.


John Cole speculates that the reason behind the McCain freak out is that he had planned to pick Mittens as his VP. Oh boy. Another out-of-touch white guy from a stinking rich family. With his own multiple mansions. The timing could not be more horrible for that choice. They might have to reconsider, throwing the campaign into disarray. Hence the freak out.


Ok, who’s behind the malfunctioning robot over at our sad little friend, risgtwingsparkle, own up, its not big, or clever!


One would think the Democrats would have learned by now that when one lives in a glass house, those stones they throw can demolish their own house when they boomerang back at them, faster than those stones will demolish ANY of McCain’s multiple houses.

That is the single stupidest sentence I have ever read in my entire life. Ever. Swear to god.


“I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops.”

Death in the service of the greater good is the highest reward that awaits the true knight in this battle for the soul of the earth.

We will prevail through the sacrifices of our noble servicemen and servicewomen and our trusted allies.

Whatever it takes.

Terrified Asexual Forcemeat

The fact is, “arugula” is the sound made by the horn on John McCain’s first car, a black Model T Ford with rumble seats.


In the MSNBC article about all of this, they quote a DNC “insider” as saying that “if they want to go Rezko, we’ll go Keating 5!”

Yes! Keating 5 (as long as they can explain what that means)! Yes! YES!!


This war needs to turn hot immediately so we can forcibly reduce Russia to the sniveling pile of excrement she was 10 years ago.

We alot closer to economic destruction then Russia is at the moment.

Warhorse of Tarragon

Death in the service of the greater good is the highest reward that awaits the true knight in this battle for the soul of the earth.

Erm, what’s the second-highest reward? Because I might be willing to settle for that, just wondering.


My local supermarket here in Australia sells arugula. It’s right next to the other leafy salad vegetables, and I’ve never seen anyone bat an eyelid or comment in hushed tones over its presence. Is arugula really such an amazing thing in America?

Oh, and pointy-headed professors developed the pins that hold my right leg together. Damned pointy-headed assholes…


Ask yourselves this:

If it is not for us to save the world from this historic menace, then it is for whom?

We must engage them and annihilate them.

Good will prevail, evil will be destroyed and the narrative will continue

You here will not be a part of the telling.

Time grows late. Until tomorrow.

Shalom, gentlemen.

Guy who knows some Physics

To be fair, the missile defense emplacements in Poland can’t possibly provide us any protection from Russian missiles, as any thing fired at us from Russia would just go over the Arctic anyway and not come anywhere close to Poland, so Russia is grandstanding about that.

Unfortunately for those in favor of missile defense, they’re completely useless in every possible way. Missiles with systems from the last decade can easily fool the state of the art in missile defense, and any rogue agent who can’t acquire new missiles can just load warheads into shipping containers an send them to our unsecured ports.


When the Keating Five broke up, everyone thought McCain had the best shot at a solo career — and they were right. The press loved him. But they didn’t count on the fact that nearly 20 years after the height of the band’s success — some estimate upwards of $200 billion in taxpayer bailouts and over 700 banks failed — John McCain would pretend that the group never even existed, almost as if he had been some solo maverick his whole career.


‘We will prevail through the sacrifices of our noble servicemen and servicewomen and our trusted allies.”

as long as it ain’t me, im with you Saul, you sound like a winner.

Marquis de Chocula

The Keating Five’s career, marked by such hit singles as “ABC”, “The Love You Save”, “I Want Your Money” and “Never Can Say No (To Campaign Contributions)” and ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH

Marquis de Chocula

Saul, what happened? You never sounded like a third-rate Gandalf (or a second-rate Allanon) before.


Maybe a Keating 5 greatest-hits album is called for here. Get people in that retro mood.


They’re actually called The Keatings now, because the name “Keating Five” is owned by Lincoln Savings and Loan.


“if they want to go Rezko, we’ll go Keating 5!”

They should go Diamond.


Re. Saul:

Saul is working in his store when he hears a booming voice from above: “Saul, sell your business.” He ignores it. It goes on for days. “Saul, sell your business for $3 million.” After weeks of this, he relents, sells his store. The voice says ‘Saul, go to Las Vegas.” He asks why. “Saul, take the $3 million to Las Vegas.” He obeys, goes to a casino. Voice says, “Saul , go to the blackjack table and put it down all on one hand.” He hesitates but knows he must. He’s dealt an 18. The dealer has a six showing. “Saul, take a card.” What? The dealer has — “Take a card!” He tells the dealer to hit him. Saul gets an ace. Nineteen. He breathes easy. “Saul, take another card.” What? “TAKE ANOTHER CARD!” He asks for another card. It’s another ace. He has twenty. “Saul, take another card,” the voice commands. I have twenty! Saul shouts. “TAKE ANOTHER CARD!!” booms the voice. Hit me,Saul says. He gets another ace. Twenty one. The booming voice goes: “un-fucking-believable!”

(Stolen from )

A Different Jake H.

I think that was D.N. Nation, who was the only one to say “Hi Saul,” and not something, you know, clever.


Problem (I think) is: as few people there are who know what (or who) the Keating Five are, fewer know Diamond. Doesn’t mean they couldn’t be educated. But the Maverick is just so clean!


“I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops.”

Death in the service of the greater good is the highest reward that awaits the true knight in this battle for the soul of the earth.

We will prevail through the sacrifices of our noble servicemen and servicewomen and our trusted allies.

Whaddaya mean “WE”? Are YOU out there on the ramparts (hmmmm, juicy ramparts) guarding the gates of freedom? You’re sounding like a 5th rate “sensitive poet” who are themselves only 3rd rate.

a concerned citizen

I’ve spent years valiantly fake-trolling here and abroad and have never come up with anything approaching the singular achievements of Ms. Duclos in the field of Wingnology.

It’s one thing to say something fatuous and ignorant, but yet another to actually lower the IQ of those who read you, permanently, by at least 20%. Truly a high water mark of the field. I don’t know what else to do but doff my cap.

Our new-jack fake trolls (lookin’ at you, Eric Pappardelle, &c.) would be advised to take notes. This is, to paraphrase Mr. Montell Jordan, how one does it.

Completely offtopic but I don’t know where else to put it, weren’t we going to have a Sadly, Seattle! meetup (t4toby? Candy? I know there are several others.) Let’s get on that. First round is on me.


Wow. The BBC just had a great interview on the Carnegie endowment’s study on the global super-class. After so many decades being purposefully ignored by “third way” idiocies and when trite ultra-wrong fops like David Brooks or Thomas “Six Months” Friedman are seen as ‘sociologists’, are studies of actual power structures based in the realities of the long-term & systematic political / legal influence of the ultra-rich finally back?


Going to SF this weekend, but a chance to drink and snark? sounds good.


I don’t even think Kerry has four houses.


That is the single stupidest sentence I have ever read in my entire life. Ever. Swear to god.
I am taking that as a challenge.


The fact is, Saul reads like bad Klingon poetry. Stop plagiarizing trekkies, Saul.


Also, Saul, Poland doesn’t share a border with Russia.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Saul sounds an awful too infatuated with the Crusades for any real Jew.


Obama should have been hammering on the Keating 5 since day one. It should have been the cornerstone of a progressive campaign. It isn’t just dirty attack politics involving some minor transgression. It comes directly from the Republican belief system and it’s a chance to shift the damn Overton Window thingie back towards the left.

It’s all about deregulation. Just keep hitting the Republican drive to deregulate everything except who we are allowed to fuck. Reagan deregulates the banks and we get the S&L crisis. There’s your Keating 5. And how many of the Bush clan can be tied to that as well?

They deregulate the energy sector and we get the Enron scandal. And how many of Bush’s good friends can be tied to that?

They deregulate the lending industry and we get the mortgage meltdown. And how many people working on McCain’s campaign can be tied directly to that?

Then you can throw in all the damn lobbyists that Bush has given jobs over-seeing the industries that were just writing their paycheques the day before.

The public might not remember or know what the Keating 5 is all about but they know they are in the middle of a giant fucking housing crisis and they don’t really understand who to blame. It’s the Obama campaign’s job to make those links and connect it all to the emptiness of the Republican belief system.


The Keating Five’s career, marked by such hit singles as “ABC”, “The Love You Save”, “I Want Your Money” and “Never Can Say No (To Campaign Contributions)” and ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH

Don’t forget “Baby I got your money (but you can’t have it back because I … um … lost it)”

I thought a Bush (Neil?) was involved in the S&L scandal as well.


Crissa said

>Also, Saul, Poland doesn’t share a border with Russia.

Saul’s an ass, but you’re the one who is wrong on this particular fact. Poland and Russia do share a border. Kaliningrad.


A Different Jake H. said,

August 22, 2008 at 9:21

I think that was D.N. Nation, who was the only one to say “Hi Saul,” and not something, you know, clever.

I’ll buy Matt McMahon. Even Erik Pontoppidan, sometimes. But no way D.N. is Saul, too! How would he find the time? And what about the kerning?


If there’s any redeeming virtue in McCain, it’s that he does seem to *get* it when it comes to Mohammedan terrorism.

And when the Blackamoors take Baghdad, and the Saracens overrun the Hindoostani in the east, only the Jesusians will stand in the way of this demon Mahomet.



Erik Pontoppidan

Kerning? Is that like arugula? I don’t appreciate being thrown under the bus by an lib Obot for the sake of elitist vegetables.


In a sane world, it wouldn’t matter how many houses McCain owns, it would matter that he’s got serious mental problems that he soothes by wanting to kill other countries.

Of course, we don’t live in a sane world, so I hope this stupid attempt at obfuscation will take the whole “Obama is an elitist” thing out of circulation for good.

I mean, McCain didn’t even pyramid this fortune out of bribery, sweetheart deals, and deregulation, like the big boys. He just divorced his first wife to marry it.

Very Republican, but admirable?


So many questions left unanswered…

Is it wrong to eat arugula if one’s head is not pointy but rather pleasing rounded? Or, like mine, somewhat cuboid?

Is it possible to teach at the university level if one has a fear of green-leaf vegetables?

Will an entire nation to fall again for political arguments consisting of pandering to anti-intellectualism so intense that it qualifies as anti-thought?

Is 8:22 AM too early for a drink?


“pleasingly,” too.


He’s rich. His wife is rich. They gots property by the boatload. Most Americans have come to expect that from their politicians. That’s why most Americans are yawning at this bugaboo.

But when it comes to asshole friends, now there’s a topic we can sink our teeth into.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I totally agree with WereBear, the fact that John McCain is flithy stinking rich is a negligible consideration compared to his deep seated desire to cleanse the world of “foreigners”.

However, I just want to point out that JiSM3 does not come from a line of peasants. Four star admiral is the highest rank one can normally achieve in the USN, and both his dad and his dad’s dad helf that position. Junior was CINCPAC. He comes from that rarified strata of the elitest of the elite – the American aristocracy. By comaprison, the Hensley’s are just nouveau-riche.

Additionally, even without Cindy’s beer money, Johnny would still be wealthy. Between his disability, social security and his Senate income he’s pulling in a quarter million a year – then add royalties from his books and we’re at almost $400,000. Sure this is all chump change compared with the beer fortune – which allows him to do stuff like donate the quarter million dollar advance for Faith of my Fathers to charity – but the guy’d probably be able to afford the Ferragamo’s even without Cindy’s help.

Note also that his capital gains declaration is zero. All that investment stuff is in his wife’s name – or rather the Hensley Family Trust. If Johnny-boy didn’t have the Hensley fortune to rely on, he’d definitely have a lot more investment income.

So yeah, Cindy elevates John into the stratospheric heights of the ridiculously rich – but he married up from high enough that he couldn’t see the ground from where he was anyways – what given his failing old man eyesight.


When one lives in a glass house, those stones they throw can demolish their own house when they boomerang back at them

The stupidest sentence ever written? Top ten, certainly.

“That throwing-stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us!” – Australian guy on The Simpsons


Is 8:22 AM too early for a drink?

Not on a Friday. Cheers!


Isn’t being the scion of American aristocracy one of the reasons JiSM3 got special treatment from the NVA?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Not on a Friday. Cheers!

You buncha lushes – at least wait ’til the sun’s past the yardarm. Unless of course you’re still drinking from last night – then it’s all good.


Yeah bitches, hit on Rezko…that ad just writes itself…”Obama is guilty of buying a piece of property from Rezko at full market price…cost to taxpayers: zero. McCain intervened with federal regulators on behalf of Charles Keating’s failed savings and loan…cost to taxpayers…$2 billion. Who’s the crook, the guy that reached into your pocket for $2 billion, or the guy who didn’t reach into your pocket at all? John McCain, playing the same old Washington games.”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Isn’t being the scion of American aristocracy one of the reasons JiSM3 got special treatment from the NVA?

Imagine you’re a NVA POW camp commander. You find out that one of your “guests” is the son of CINCPAC. Would you give him special treatment?

Umm, I mean – of course not. John McCain served his country honorable as a P.O.W. Did I mention that he was a P.O.W.? P.O.W. – The surge is working!!! 9/11 9/11 9/11!!! P.O.W.! Those houses are the trollops! Surge! 9/11! P.O.W.!


And since I brought up the “arugula eating pointy headed professor” (EPIC FAIL) thing on an earlier thread, I have to ask: what the fuck is the GOP’s problem with vegetables? You know, Bush Sr. had a vendetta against brocolli, now with the arugula. If it was brussels sprouts, I would understand, but salad greens?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Obama’s multi-million dollar Chicago mansion? 1.65 million dollars. Definitely qualifies as a mansion – the place is huge and very expensive.

Cindy paid three times that much for their double condo.

In fact, the story goes like this – the McCains buy a beachfront condo for 50% more than the Obamas spent on their mansion. Turns out that the kids are crowding the place, so Cindy decides to buy another one. Kinda like – oh this 2.7 million dollar 3500 square foot condo is just too cramped, but it is so very nice. What to do… if only I had another couple or three million dollars just lying around, then I could go and get myself another massive luxury condo. Oh wait – I just happen to have three million dollars left over in the “rainy day fund”…


I remember when I could ride the trolley to all my houses for just a nickel. ‘Course, back then nickels had pictures of bees on ’em. “Gimme five bees for a quarter,” you’d say. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time…


D.N. Nation said,

August 22, 2008 at 5:49

Well, shit for brains, if owing so many houses (or being married to an heiress) is not a problem, why’d you make such a big fucking deal about it in 2004?

Psssch, 2004? Don’t you know 2005 changed everything? Then 2006 changed everything. Then 2007, then 2008. Then yesterday.

History is bunk, and words like “history” don’t even mean anything anyway.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to stomp on the face of Orwell’s corpse some more. Having it exhumed wasn’t cheap, y’know.


Malfunctioning Chris Crocker Robert says

Leave McCain alone! He was a POW! Leave McCain alone! He was a POW! Leave…

well, you can infer the rest.

Malfunctioning Chris Crocker Robert says

crap. i meant robot.


LOL. “Domo arigerto, Mister Roberto.”


wait ’til the sun’s past the yardarm

I’ve never heard it called that before.


Dragon-King Wangchuck said,

August 22, 2008 at 15:11

Obama’s multi-million dollar Chicago mansion? 1.65 million dollars. Definitely qualifies as a mansion – the place is huge and very expensive.

Yes, but does his mansion have a shit moat in the style of the Chicago River circa 1900?


I think you guys have really got a trifecta here:

1) McCain was a lousy airman: he got shot down and even made statements as a captive under torture.
2) McCain was part of the Keating Five: I’m sure that’s something bad.
3) McCain couldn’t remember the number of houses they’ve bought: wow let’s get excited about that.

Run with that, liberals. See if the American people respond. I’m just not concerned, but we’ll watch the polls, won’t we, liberals?

By the way, are you guys really turning your convention over to the Clintons? Really?


kiki said,

August 22, 2008 at 15:23

LOL. “Domo arigerto, Mister Roberto.”

Muchas gracias, Señor Roberto.


Also, my uncle


My local supermarket here in Australia sells arugula. It’s right next to the other leafy salad vegetables, and I’ve never seen anyone bat an eyelid or comment in hushed tones over its presence. Is arugula really such an amazing thing in America?

No, it’s not, at least in my corner of Wisconsin. They sell it at the local supermarket next to Romaine, iceberg, butter lettuce…and frisee. Honestly, frisee sounds waaaay more elitist than arugula, in my opinion.


what the fuck is the GOP’s problem with vegetables? You know, Bush Sr. had a vendetta against brocolli, now with the arugula. If it was brussels sprouts, I would understand, but salad greens?

The Bushes have chosen to represent themselves as Texans and Texas is, of course, one of the states with a law criminalizing libel of beef. Therefore, ipso fatso, cogito-ergo-zero-sum, as beef is good then vegetables must be bad. The rest of the GOP? No idea.


Never mind. FWP.


2) McCain was part of the Keating Five: I’m sure that’s something bad.

It’s only bad if you aren’t a punk and don’t really cotton to the idea of picking up the $2 billion bailout tab for McCain’s political sugar daddy.

Like I said, if you aren’t a punk. And we all know how you enjoy being punked.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Maybe I should have done this:

Sun’s past the yardarm you booze reeking scabrous dogs.

Although, the term is meant for sailing in the North Atlantic, which could be argued to be in the GMT-3 zone. And it typically means about 11:30 AM which would translate to 9:30 AM EDT, so I’m clear to open the bourbon up now.


Posting on WordPress using an unfamiliar fingerpad (my mouse broke yesterday) is like walking a tightrope in a huge iron hat, over a pond full of electrified pirhanas, while drunk.

Nuff Ced McGreavey

Well, since we are talking about connections to felons. Besides John McCain’s felon buddies Charles Keating and Abramoff, the entire Cindy McCain fortune is based on a criminal enterprise.

The father of Cindy McCain, James Hensley, was convicted by a federal jury in U.S. District Court of Arizona in March 1948 on seven counts of filing false liquor records. Hensley also was charged with conspiracy to hide from federal authorities the names of persons involved in a liquor industry racket with two companies he managed, United Sales Company in Phoenix and United Distributors in Tucson.

The umbrella company, United Liquor, at that time held a monopoly in Arizona, organized and managed by Kemper Marley, who was accused of mob ties by a reporter who was murdered in 1977.

Let’s see an ad on that!


Using a live ocelot instead of a balancing pole.


Oh that yardarm. I thought we were bragging.


And since I brought up the “arugula eating pointy headed professor” (EPIC FAIL) thing on an earlier thread, I have to ask: what the fuck is the GOP’s problem with vegetables?

It isn’t vegetables per se, it’s the eating of vegetables. If you were a Republican you’d shudder at the thought of someone tucking into a big plate of vegetables. You know. Mistaken identity and all that.


the entire Cindy McCain fortune is based on a criminal enterprise

Please please please let there be some fur traders be in her heritage…..

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I fear I might be giving a bad impression of myself – what with all the bourbon. Let me state right now that…I also won’t turn down a drop or fifty of single-malt, frozen vodka, unfrozen vodka, seven-year rum, brandy, cognac, most liqueurs, backyard moonshine, that rare old mountain dew or rye. Gin I drink out of a tea-cup in honour of the Queen-Mum.



I think we ort to organize a local action at our supermarkets to get ’em to stop carrying all these damn fancy greens and whatnot that ain’t got no right to be in a grocery story no damn way.


[I]f a reporter asked me how many ties I own, there’s no way I could answer. Just like McCain, I’d tell him he has to ask my wife.

And like a tie, too many houses is a good way to hang yourself!


The agreement today between the US and Poland regarding the installation of 10 anti-missile batteries on the Russian border is a triumph for the US and Europe in the War On Terror.

…because nothing will stop Arabic fundamentalist terrorists like missiles pointing the other way.


McCain was a lousy airman: he got shot down and even made statements as a captive under torture.

McCain wasn’t tortured, Troofie. George Bush says so!

Your boy’s a traitorous scumbag!


bargal20 said,

August 22, 2008 at 8:56

My local supermarket here in Australia sells arugula. It’s right next to the other leafy salad vegetables, and I’ve never seen anyone bat an eyelid or comment in hushed tones over its presence. Is arugula really such an amazing thing in America?

No, but the wingnuts pretend it is. Let me put it this way: the salad you buy at McFrikkin’Donald’s has arugula in it. I guess this means we need to now call it “ChezDonald’s”.


walking a tightrope in a huge iron hat, over a pond full of electrified pirhanas, while drunk.

Y’know, I know a few Republicans who think that’s a “date”…

Dragon-King Wangchuck

As the son of a son of a sailor
I went out on the sea for adventure
Expanding the view of the captain and crew
Like a man just released from indenture

P.O.W.! Surge!! P.O.W.!!! Cindy’s houses!!!! P.O.W.!!! 9/11!! Maverick! P.O.W.!!!


Yay! The Truth is back! Glad you got your ass all bandaged up after that kicking, dorkus.

1) McCain was a lousy airman: he got shot down and even made statements as a captive under torture.

FWIW, I’m not really comfortable with mocking McCain’s military service, BUT: He brings it upon himself by responding to every unrelated charge with P.O.W.! P.O.W.!, and you morons opened him up for this yourselves by mocking Kerry’s Purple Hearts in ’04. Know how I’m always saying you’ve painted yourselves into a corner with the whole elitism argument? You’ve done the same with military service. If bravery can be shat upon, then it can be shat upon for both sides. Sorry!

2) McCain was part of the Keating Five: I’m sure that’s something bad.

Says the clown who thinks vague Michelle Obama smears will gain any traction. And by the way, it was something bad. Don’t delight in your own ignorance.

3) McCain couldn’t remember the number of houses they’ve bought: wow let’s get excited about that.

Like I said, you’ve painted yourselves into a corner. After months of Arugula! Orange Juice! Bowling! Cheesesteaks! lunacy, your boy didn’t know how many homes he’s bought. Tit for tat. Don’t like it? You shouldn’t have run with the smears in the first place.

You sound so desperate, Truthy.


No, but the wingnuts pretend it is. Let me put it this way: the salad you buy at McFrikkin’Donald’s has arugula in it.

Arugula is sold at Kroger. For pretty cheap. It’s tasty.

How the crap it has come to signify elitism is beyond me. Then again, the shouting heads have made orange juice seem high-falootin’, so whatever.


The wingnuts hope the very timbre of the word “arugula” will bring to mind all of those fussy, effete, faggity-fag-fag-fags who sip lattes and herbal tea.


“Politico asked McCain “how many houses do you and Mrs. McCain have,” and the political news website published his answer (“I think — I’ll have my staff get to you”) at about 6:30 a.m. ET. By midday the Obama campaign had made a TV ad, slated events in 16 states, circulated audio of the response and posted a YouTube video of Obama calling the remark proof of McCain’s “gap of understanding” between his world and the real world.”

Notice the lede isn’t about McCain’s millions but Obama’s calculations and machinations…


Next thing you know, they’ll be calling Thunderbird and Night Train as elitist, and the media will still lap that shit up.


I want to see an anti-McCain political ad that starts out with a sepia-toned scene of a young Johnny playing a game of Monopoly with his elite Admiral father and elite Admiral grandfather. It’s 1937 and they’re in a house that looks like the climactic scene from “There Will Be Blood”. There’s a jaunty Scott Joplin tune playing on the Victrola in the background.

Little Johnny can’t keep track of how many houses he owns on the Monopoly board, and loses the game and throws a temper tantrum and calls his grandpa a fucking cunt because grandpa won’t give him a bank bailout.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Normally I’m with you guys 100%, but arugula is indefensible. Next thing you know, we’ll be talking about dandelion greens, mizuna and frisee with walnut chunks and a truffle oil – white balsamic dressing. Face it, bitter greens are as elitist as calling it ohn-deev or discussing swapping kale into your laver bread recipe.


1) McCain was a lousy airman: he got shot down and even made statements as a captive under torture.
2) McCain was part of the Keating Five: I’m sure that’s something bad.
3) McCain couldn’t remember the number of houses they’ve bought: wow let’s get excited about that.

1) Obama something something SCARY BLACK PASTOR Wright something something
2) Obama yadda blah bloo DIRTY FUCKING HIPPIE Ayers blah blah blah
3) Obama yak yak blorp CHICAGO POLITICAL MACHINE Rezko clang clang clang

Dragon-King Wangchuck


It is pretty shocking that they got Rezko into that story – he’s kinda peripheral at best. But you gotta admit, the final paragraph of that linked article is not bad:

McCain, who has portrayed Obama as an elitist, is the son and grandson of admirals. The Associated Press estimates his wife, a beer heiress, is worth $100 million. Obama was raised by a single mother who relied at times on food stamps, and went to top schools on scholarships and loans. His income has increased from book sales since he spoke at the 2004 Democratic convention.


That was the lede…


The umbrella company, United Liquor, at that time held a monopoly in Arizona, organized and managed by Kemper Marley, who was accused of mob ties by a reporter who was murdered in 1977.

If there is, in fact, a Heaven and a Hell, all we know for sure is that Hell will be a viciously overcrowded version of Phoenix – Hunter S. Thompson

I seem to recall Thompson writing about this crime in Generation of Sswine but a brief search didn’t turn up what I was looking for and my copy of the book wound up boxed in the back of my closet when A. got on one of his organizing trips. I did find the above quote and a link to a post about the issue.

McCain’s Ties to Organized Crime

Dragon-King Wangchuck

My favorite part of the Malkin post is this:

Wealthy elitist Senator mauls wealthy elitist Senator. Snooze.

Because you see – the whole elitist accusation has no legs – as if anyone cares who’s elitist. Certainly not MM.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

That was the lede…

Sure, and we really shouldn’t be grading media coverage on some sort of bell curve. But that last paragraph is harsher treatment then the media has ever given Maverick McP.O.W. – and you gotta start somewhere.


The wingnuts hope the very timbre of the word “arugula”

Arugula, chickory, Oooh, I want to take you to
Latuca sativa, come on pretty mama,
Looseleaf, Romaine, baby why don’t we go down to Butterhead
We’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it Bibb…

OK, that’s not working out the way I hoped it might…


be calling Thunderbird and Night Train as elitist

You mean those fortified wines, which are just like Graham’s 20 Year Finest Cask Natural Tawny Port?


I’m preserving the link to this post for posterity, liberals, and posting a link to this on November 5.

Welcome to a post from August, readers from my future! Remember when you thought you could beat McCain by beating him up on the number of houses he had, and how he couldn’t recall it? Seems kinda pointless in retrospect, I know, now that McCain has been elected. I just wanted to remind you how ridiculous and pathetic you were that summer.


NC, the damage from Ayers and Wright is done. It is a big reason why Obama’s polling numbers have had the ceiling that they have. Now voters are seeing Obama talk, away from his script, and they are starting to realize that the man is an empty suit. Thus his numbers decline…

Now what I’d really like to have happen is two things. One, get Michelle Obama out there talking! That’s something that can really move the needle downwards again for Obama. Michelle can’t hide her disdain for white people, it is painfully obvious and a discussion of her resume to date will be very damaging Obama.

Two, have liberals concentrate their fire on McCain’s military record and wealth. You already know what the result of that will be, but watching you go through that pointless exercise will be a lot of fun.

Hell, let’s add a third: turn the convention over to the Clintons. But you are already doing that, aren’t you, liberals?


Go ahead and laugh all you want, but one would think you Sadlynaughts would have realized at some point that when one laughs, the person at whom one is laughing may well boomerang that laughter back at one, all the way to the bank, last.

Nuff Ced McGreavey


Here’s more on the Cindy McCain fortune:


It’s amazing that I think repeating the same three things over and over and over and over makes me fucking Daniel Webster. I’m pathetic.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

These wingnuts are making a lot of sense.

After all he who laughs last is worth two in the bush. People who live in glass houses are also safe from the big bad wolf and stones should only be cast by he who is without a broken mold. Neither a borrower nor a lender got away from the Savings and Loan scandal smelling like rose colored glasses.


So if “Elitism” is such a pointless exercise The Titmouse, why has it been the central focus of Johnny’s campaign advertising?

Are saying McCain wasn’t trying to point out how rich Obama is but served a deferent purpose?


You know sometimes being a speed reader can really fuck up your grammar and syntax.


Um, Obama’s brother owns an electronics shop and flies to Washington every year to do consulting work. So withering away? Not so much.

People can actually enjoy living in their home country, wingnuts.


The latest Obama ad razzes McCain for not remembering how many houses he has. (But at least he knows how many states there are.)

Big surprise, Malkkkin is WRONG. Since her imprecise language could be interpreted to include NON-U.S. “states,” McCain actually DOESN’T remember how many “states” there are. He still thinks the Czech Republic and Slovakia are ONE state, as well as Yugoslavia…


How many Shit-Moats(TM) does McCain have?


[…] close to being a saint. This and other hilarious responses from around the wingnuosphere have been compiled for your amusement by folks at Sadly […]


So if “Elitism” is such a pointless exercise The Titmouse, why has it been the central focus of Johnny’s campaign advertising?

Ding ding ding! No one would have given much of a shit about McCain’s houses had he and his nitwit handlers made such a stink about elitism/celebrity/whatever. Framing a debate that you yourself would lose = Epic fail.


Don’t count McCain out quite yet. He is still in the position to throw a lot of stones. If he smashes too many of his glass houses, he can simply ask his wife to buy him some more.


sagra said,

August 22, 2008 at 17:08

People can actually enjoy living in their home country, wingnuts.

Not so much Obama himself, who recently went to that very exotic and foreign place of Hawaii. I bet he joined the savage Hawaiian natives by sticking a bone in his nose and eating a stew made from a helpless British explorer stuffed in a cast iron cauldron of boiling water.


They’re afraid Obama will take away their wingnut welfare. They’ll have to get jobs. I hear the Army needs soldiers.

I hear that McCain is paying people $50 an hour to pick lettuce.

Malfunctioning The Truth Robot

You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me! You oozing arugula-munchers! You evil LIE-bruls! Watch the polls! The polls! The polls! The polls! Did I mention that McP.O.W. was a POW? You guys will be regretting your statements in November! I am right! My mommy tells me to keep repeating stuff to make poopyhead LIE-bruls obey me!


They’re afraid Obama will take away their wingnut welfare.


It is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!


“…eating a stew made from a helpless British explorer stuffed in a cast iron cauldron of boiling water.”

You’d think British explorers would stop bringing giant cast iron cauldrons along during their trips into primitive jungles.


“Michelle can’t hide her disdain for white people,”

Yeah, but Cindy can’t hide her tremendous addiction to white pills, so there you go.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

This reminds me of back during the Great Primary Wars of Ought Eight how Hillary Clinton was trying to portray Barack Obama as the Washington insider – and she was the fresh breath candidate of change. Good times.

The big joke about Malkin’s “Snooze.” comment is that she is still painting Obama as an elitist. The top of that post is the Snob-ama parody poster. And it’s not like she’s arguing that JiSM3 isn’t elitist. Basically the entire post is an open statement of IOKIYAAR.

The ridiculousness of it is even confusing her commenters who can’t decide between “GO TEAM RICH AND POWERFUL!!!” and “DHIMMICRATS GOTS MORE CASH BUCKS THAN ANYBODY!”. The cognitive dissonance caused by realizing that the populist maverick who understands your pain is really richer than Paris Hilton is FUCKING HILARIOUS.



One home, one wife.

Miltary Industrial Complex

Unfortunately for those in favor of missile defense, they’re completely useless in every possible way.

Uh. Hello! They’re very useful to my bottom line!

Wingnut Welfare Office

We have been seeing a big upswing in business.

Most of our applicants are college graduates from low and mid-level colleges who get completely worthless BA degrees in PolySci or English. Pretty much every single one of them notes that their undergraduate llife resembled nothing other than The Man Of La Mancha. Their descriptions frequently, to the exclusion of all other adjectives, “evil liberals” that seemed to lurk everywhere on campus, including for most of them, under their beds and coffee tables.

These people are completely, 100%, certified by KPMG, absolutely unemployable in any traditional sense of the word. They cannot produce anything like physical objects or repair anything beyond (some of them) tightening a loose screw. Their intellectual products pretty much all end up going back to a Quixotesic mode of “I’m such a victim! It is me against the world!”.

These kind of “thoughts” are nice for 8 to 10 year olds just discovering their own personalities, but kinda worthless for anybody past puberty.

I post this because our Office just has no idea what to do with all these losers. Can anyone here help us?


McCain Housing Corporation

“I hear that McCain is paying people $50 an hour to pick lettuce.”

And free housing. I’ve heard that he – oops, she – has a lot of houses.


McCain “doesn’t disagree” with necessity of bringing back the draft.


Yeah, well, Michelle Obama Michelle Obama Michelle Obama derp de durr de diddily doodily sploot.


I took a poll of my right hand and it voted to elect Michelle Obama as “Love Picture Of The Day”.


Um, Obama’s brother owns an electronics shop and flies to Washington every year to do consulting work. So withering away? Not so much.

Now look Sagra, every good fReichtard knows that people in Africa are poor and live in dirt huts. Don’t you come here throwing your facts at houses made of boomerangs!


McCain took a poll in his Sedona compound ashram and now knows who makes the cut.


So withering away? Not so much.

sagra: You’ve inadvertently used the correct verb, unlike the original “writer,” who bemoaned the “whithering” away of Obama’s unfortunate half-brother, who apparently can’t decide where to live, or go to for dinner.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Dear Wingnut Welfare Office,

The answer to your problems is quite simple.

Yours Truly,
Dragon-King Wangchuck

Wingnut Welfare Office

> The answer to your problems is quite simple.

Oh, believe me, we’ve tried that avenue. You wouldn’t believe what we heard when we suggested that.

“The army is for fags!”
“I’m really scared!”
“The army is for negroes!”
“There are evil liberals in the army!”
“The army is for losers!” (did I mention that the wingnuts have an incredible lack of self-awareness?)


I know you liberals love polls so much – I just thought I’d share this one with you.

“There is no doubt the campaign to discredit Obama is paying off for McCain right now,” pollster John Zogby said. “This is a significant ebb for Obama.”

McCain now has a 9-point edge, 49 percent to 40 percent, over Obama on the critical question of who would be the best manager of the economy — an issue nearly half of voters said was their top concern in the November 4 presidential election.

See the whole story at

Let’s see if your “McCain is rich and can’t count his houses” attack gets the voters on Obama’s side. I’m thinking it won’t, liberals, and you know it won’t either. The issues that have damaged Obama amongst the voters are well known – I’m happy to rehash them if you like, but the reason you are so angry is that you already know them.

I know you are worried, liberals. I read other liberal blogs and I see you are concerned. Unfunny juvenile attacks are really more your speed – I suggest you return to them, as the facts aren’t in your corner.

Christmas is coming early this year!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Dear Wingnut Welfare Office,

I am saddened to hear of the troubles you face in convincing these young patriots of the most honorable uses of their skills.

In my continuing endeavor to assist, I present this modest proposal.

Felicitously Yours,
Dragon-King Wangchuck


Don’t forget “Iraq is a Democrat war (seeing as how they agreed to it), so I’m a Conscientious Objector!”


Dkos noted that in this video:

teh T3rr0r Sc4rf Of Malkin (T.T.S.O.M) makes an appearance.

Normally I would be aghast, but as I always say, IOKIYAR.


comsympinko said,

August 22, 2008 at 7:34

…give the sane residents of the Deep South 90 days to evacuate, then saw the whole thing off and kick it into the Atlantic like Bugs Bunny did that one time.

“South America, take it away!”


Death in the service of the greater good is the highest reward that awaits the true knight in this battle for the soul of the earth.
Erm, what’s the second-highest reward? Because I might be willing to settle for that, just wondering.

Cake, of course.


Where’s D. Aristophanes with a fake VP news release? Ron Paul for VP!!


Oh, twoofie. Zogby? Really?



Thanks for the link, Nuff Ced McGreavey . I’ll give it a good reading so I have even more Fun Facts to pelt wingnuts with over the next 10 weeks or so.


The Truth Falsey is still waving around a poll from Wednesday, before house-gate hit. Poor l’il fella.


Truth: I’m not sure why you’re absolutely fascinated with the idea that “Michelle Malkin = Foxxxy Brown, Hater of Whitey”. So far, your ironclad evidence for this comes from

1) two fragments of her graduate school thesis, taken out of context
2) her saying she’s really proud of America for the first time, because apparently America is code for “white people” and she said it on Opposite Day so it really means she really hates white people, so booyah double-no-takebacks

Are the best skeletons in his closet really that he used to have a crazy preacher, his wife is easily misquoted, a dude from Weather Underground is on his Neighborhood Watch, and one time he bought some property from a guy who also did some other stuff?

Remember George H.W. Bush’s “milk moment”.


I don’t understand — I keep repeating BILL AYERS BILL AYERS BILL AYERS and yet no one seems to care! How many times must I keep saying this before you people will agree that IT MATTERS!!! BILL AYERS BILL AYERS BILL AYERS BILL AYERS BILL AYERS!!!!


Whoops. By Michelle Malkin, I mean Michelle Obama.

Too many Michelles.


I’ve taken to just scrolling past comments by the Trooth, Erik Pantsonfire and Saul. I’ve found that I can get the gist of the stoopid from the responses and not reading the originals doesn’t detract at all from my enjoyment of the witty rejoinders of the Sadlies.

An exception to this is that I always read anyone billing himself (or herself, as the case may well be) as GaryRuppert because one never knows whether it’s a funny parody or not.


I don’t know what drugs Teh Truth is on, but if he’s going to use them in class, he needs to bring enough to share with the rest of us.

Erik Pontoppidan

Figures that a lib would want to censor me and my clearheaded progastinations about the nation’s bright conservative future.

I will not be slienced!!


N.C. :
Perhaps you haven’t noticed — he’s BLAAAACCCCKK!!!!


Those Minnesota-eans have a nice summary of John and Cindy’s collection of nice little homes.




Candy: Indeedily doodle-dee doody!

I still need the pie recipe from days of olde.


Ich werde nicht zum Schweigen gebracht.


I’m just not concerned, but we’ll watch the polls, won’t we, liberals?

Wait, I thought the only poll that counted was the ballot box. Did 2006 changed everything? It’s all so confusing!

Derik Bontoppidan

Ha, libs!! I have figured out how to defeat your fascist “greecemonkey!!” No longer will you be able to pledge your fealty to Soros without the voic eof truth to call you out for your blindness!!


Whoops. By Michelle Malkin, I mean Michelle Obama.

Man, that’s almost as bad as an Obama/Osama mix up.


I have figured out how to defeat your fascist “greecemonkey!!

The pie script will actually work on portions of screen names.


I will not be slienced!!

Just ignored.

Wingnut Welfare Office

> I will not be slienced!!

See what I mean about the Don Quixote complex these losers have?

Wingnut Welfare Office

> In my continuing endeavor to assist, I present this modest proposal.

I don’t think that would work. Too much fat and gristle. The resulting Soylent would be rejected – even by $50/hr lettuce pickers.


[…] ain’t, but still as Sadly, No! points out, they still are trying mightily to come up with any explanation other than senility or plain idontgiveafuckaboutyoulittlepeople-ness why John McCain doesn’t […]

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Dear Wingnut Welfare Office,

The paranoid delusions of trollensus wignuttia are well documented, but the case of the sliencing of E.P. is a different case. E.P. is having difficulties do to an imbalance of his “progastinations” levels. Horror-moaning replacement therapy has already been prescribed, but I fear that E.P. is not receiving his much needed pills. Apparently he’s supposed to be getting them through AVMT, but they never make it past head office.

Extemporaneously Yours,
Dragon-King Wangchuck


Even when my M.O. is pointed out 100% accurately by posters on S,N, I am too clueless to realize I’ve been completely pwned and keep repeating the same debunked crud.

Wingnut Welfare Office

> but I fear that E.P. is not receiving his much needed pills.

Oy! Don’t talk to me about wingnuts and pills. Every single one of our clients fails the drug test we give them. We have to give them leaflets on how to cheat the test – they’re too stupid to understand how to use Google to find the same info before we spoon-feed them with it.



THAT’S where that smell is coming from….

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Dear Wingnut Welfare Office,

I humbly regret that I could not be of more assistance regarding your difficulties with your massively increased workload. I fear for your mental well-being as I expect that the numbers applying to your office will be greatly swelled in the coming year.

I have but one last suggestion regarding how to respond to these losers.

Aliphatically Yours,
Dragon-King Wangchuck

Erik Pontoppidan

My little boy is bigger than the little boy that The Truth has.

We were sword fighting the other night after a meetup at


“The pie script will actually work on portions of screen names.”

Mmmm….pie script….


I’ve got a link to two scripts in the right-hand column of my blog. Use them wisely.


I’m reading Wealth and Democracy by that class traitor, Kevin Phillips (yeah, better late than never). In it Phillips notes that Man of La Mancha was written in response to the decline of Spanish civilization due to excessive war expenditures and the ruling class sucking the peasants dry to fund them. The wingnuts so identify with Don Quixote, and they seem blistfully unaware that the conditions that spawned that book are exactly what their fucked up policies and greed have doomed the US to. Wingnut slogan: “History! We don’t read it, we just like to create it; or rewrite it if we don’t like it; or whine about it when we need to cover our tracks.”

Sorry if that’s a bit too erudite; I never get to bring up really fun stuff like books that chronical the pattern of Gilded-Age wealth always leading to economic and political downfall of the country involved.


sagra: You’ve inadvertently used the correct verb, unlike the original “writer,” who bemoaned the “whithering” away of Obama’s unfortunate half-brother, who apparently can’t decide where to live, or go to for dinner.

Oh dear. Mockertunity knocks but once, and I missed it.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Even if you aren’t hungry for pie, a visit to RB’s is worth it for the spoon bending.

Eric Muffintoppian

re: “Obama: One home, one wife.”

You know who also had a slogan revolving around repeated use of the word “One”? That’s right, Hitler. He should just change his name to “Black Hitler Obama”. Wouldn’t even need to get new monogrammed towels.


Hi class!

Today we have a story problem. I know that you hate these, but you will need to be able to do these to function in the Modern World. Here it is:

What will it cost to have lettuce pickers mow the grass on 12 homes, worth between 1 and 4 million apiece? Assume the lettuce pickers get $50 per hour in pay. Also assume that the number of houses stays static, but only if the lettuce pickers can finish their work quickly – another house might be bought at any time.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Incidentally, I’m at about 50% link moderation queue of hell – as in half the time it goes in right away and half the time it languishes in link-limbo until the conversation has moved well past what it was I was linking.




This site has a heavy infestation of GOPests. Someone needs to Raid out this joint.

I’m seeing that the McCain-defending infiltrators are buzzing here in this thread, as well.

Well, after completely obliterating the gibberish of at least two (whose s/n I do see) in another thread here yesterday, I’ll just see what these idiots and their dork comrades are posting this time. I’ve not read through the entire thread yet, but I don’t believe I necessarily have to. Since this blogpost covers McCain not knowing how many homes his wife owns (or was he just unsure of how many his advisors would allow him to claim?), I’m sure the GOP dingbats here attempted to carp about Michelle Obama and Teresa Hienz Kerry being harpies, and a few Rezko jabs, to boot. Also, there were scattered references to polls that mean absolutely nothing to anyone other than pundidiots on TV searching for something to justify their existence, pollsters attempting to legitimize their stupid profession, desperate-for-something-to-rally-over GOP clods who find themselves bewildered as to how they could now be defending a man their ninny idols on the radio and FOX spent years lambasting.

Yesterday, one idiot, Dah TROOF, attempted to learn me a spell about the science of poll-taking in a pathetic attempt to coax me into buying into his askew GOP logic. He failed. He mentioned crap about “stats,” and other such bullshit he foolishly believes convinces non-wonkish folks like myself take polling as any thing other than a catalyst for idiotic speculation and bandwagon jumping. The people of this nation are fools if they really buy into all that polling nonsense. It’s similar to the American Idol scam, where the conclusion to the contest is thought out ahead of time, and the phone calls are merely a way of gauging which of the warbling idiots the audience doesn’t like. Taking the audience reluctance to one or another into account, they then are able to present a proper foil for the idol the producers of the show intended to win all along. Ratings, rating, ratings! The entire show is designed to make every dope that was on-stage throughout one season as an “American Idol” a big enough household name to make some extra, extra quick cash pimping the pigeons beyond the telecast.

A majority of the country is already gearing up to celebrate Obama’s victory, but the media is attempting to play us all like we’re the American Idol audience, working to keep us in suspense in order to pass this election off as a drama. McCain & Co., including some of the GOP/con-servative fruitcakes within this thread, are going through the motions, taunting, goading, pricking, and prodding. Their bitchy cries for attention are designed to help us remember that they still exist. Otherwise, their voices would get lost amidst the jubilation of the Bush Administration’s twilight (which even they are looking forward to). Their routines are wearing thin, and the only reason they continue to do all that I’ve mentioned is because they have invested themselves so heavily into being hypocrite douchebags for the GOP/con-servative movement, they’ve settled for submiting to the fact that everyone else is very well aware of what they are, and why they do what they do.

These ninnies are not here to defend McCain or the GOP, nor are they here to bash Obama or to offend liberals. In the end, they’re simply waking up to the reality that they will forever be GOP-parroting imbeciles with nothing better to do. Their benefactors had eight-damned-years to strengthen the nation, and instead they went on a legacy-building mission that will end in a majority of their asses being kicked the hell out of government. NBC will have to find timeslots for at least 100 more Law & Order shows for all the GOP screw-ups that are going to need J-O-B-S during Obama’s term/s.

So, do not take the words of these GOP fools infiltrating this site seriously. Strengthen you constitution and poke fun at these GOP asses that show up to play like cyber-bullies. Let them swim in the sea of their con-servative delusions, while trying not to get swallowed by the shark of their Republipunk psychosis.

To all the perpetrators of the great GOP fraud: the jig is up, bitches.

That is all, critical thinkers.

Rip-rappin' Perfesizzle Glen Reynolds

Heh heh.

The Tufted Titmouse

nuh uh!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Salutations Math Class,

The question you have posed is very tricky. It appears that the answer should be easy to work out as most of John McCain’s homes are luxury beachfront condos and thus have little or no lawn for the kids to get offa. Unfortunately, the small rustic cabin in Sedona that he uses to host barbecues sits on fifteen to twenty acres of land. Additionally, it would be very difficult for the lettuce pickers to reach the cabin as it is located in Arizona and we all know how difficult it is to get around in Arizona.

Asymptotically Yours,
Dragon-King Wangchuck


Math Department–

Are we assuming a frictionless environment?

The arithmetic for those vector-type problems can get sticky regarding friction.

Get it?


What, physics jokes not highbrow enough here?


“How about Obama’s long lost half-brother living in Nirobi Kenya living on $12 a day? Why doesn’t the multi-millionare all compassionate Obama take him in or at least provide him with money and a place to live so he doesn’t have to live in a shack?” from a jackoff two threads down.

I have seen this similar slur three times today in the comment sections of three different blogs. Always not sourced. It appears that the “J. Sidney III Elite Internet Commando Team” has received their talking point of the day.


My dear Mr. Wangchuck.

Very good answer.

Methinks your mention of the word “asymptotically” implies you have passed basic arithmetic class and are ready for Math 102. Thus, here is your next question:

Assume that a tensor exists in a Hilbert space describing the relationship between money and republicans. Find the differential of the function describing this tensor with respect to stupidity.

Hint: It is a functional with a limit of infinity-plus.


Man of La Mancha was written in response to the decline of Spanish civilization due to excessive war expenditures and the ruling class sucking the peasants dry to fund them.

Maybe the decline of U.S. hegemony will coincidence with a 21st-century Golden Age of arts and literature. One can only hope.

Sorry if that’s a bit too erudite[.]

Hey, no apologies. Let that pedant flag fly high.


I pity the rich man with too many houses
He’ll have too many termites and too many mouses
Too many servants all drinking his gin
Too many garages: which one’s the car in?


Mr. comsympinko:

For the question I posed, assume that all friction is overcome by greasing palms. For large amounts of friction, consider the palm grease to be of the Abramoff type, and the mating parts to have Cunningham surfaces.


My friends, I have come here today to say one thing.

The real reason for my house confusion is that during the many, many years that I was a P.O.W the Viet Cong tormented me endlessly with questions about houses. One day it would be Major Nhu demanding why I had so many apartments, the next day Colonel Ki would rap my knuckles and scream at me for information about the location of my summer house.

Oh, the horror. The horror.

By the way, did I mention that I was a P.O.W?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Ave Ordo Arithmetica,

I am delighted that my previous answer meets with your satisfaction, however I am confused by what you seem to see as a small step in complexity above basic arithmetic.

Regarding the problem, it is obviously a trick question. It is true that most of the general public views money as a scalar quantity, observations of capital flow clear indicate the vector nature of the resource (towards India and China). However, clearly Republicans are not a vector quantity as it is readily apparent the the GOP is clearly without direction. Thus there is no tensor that can be used in a cross-product space in order to define the relationship.

Effervescently Yours,
Dragon-King Wangchuck

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Regarding Kim Priestap – I couldn’t believe you used “Waterboarding is Fun!” as a link for her, so I clicked. Holy shit-moat! I guess she probably also believes that chemotherapy is fun since it’s usually administered in multiple sessions.


Where are those FUCKING CUFFLINKS?


My dear Mr. Wangchuck:

> However, clearly Republicans are not a vector quantity as it is readily apparent the the GOP is clearly without direction.

I can see the logic of your answer, however, understand that republicans live in a non-orthogonal space where multiple axes are imaginary. The only non-imaginary axes are Greed, Anger, Hatred, and Cowardice.


Old saggy ass guys should realize that when the pump their limp noodles full of Viagra to keep their young slice on the side happy, their weiners will boomerang back at them and end up fucking their own asses once people are bored giving their finances scrutiny and move on to personal morality issues…

And I stand by my mixed metaphor as McCain’s sad dingle has to have a lot more in common with a boomerang than a rock, especially at his time of life.


Mr. comsympinko:

> Are we assuming a frictionless environment?

Only when Abramof f Grease is applied to Cunningha m surfaces.


In a frictionless environment,

everyone is always going.


Regardless of who wins in November, “The Truth” will still remain a silly anonymous douchebag.


My friends:

The blog post on the Intertubes by John Hinderaker was right on the money. There is a connection between my ties and my houses. I normally keep 100 ties in each house that I – oops, Cindy – owns, and I was trying to figure out how many houses I had based on the number of ties I – oops, Cindy – owns.

By the way, did I mention that I was a P.O.W?

Marquis de Chocula

I have to say that Dr Helen’s comments section is actually pretty nice and reasonable, although in saying so I feel a bit like Bill O’Reilly expressing surprise that black people are polite at restaurants (which is to say, an asshole). But be that as it may, Dr Mrs Ole’ Perfesser doesn’t appear to be deleting comments or banning IPs or having a conniption that new people are posting. That Pete/Gonz guy was being kind of a dick, but even so, he wasn’t followed by a bunch of like-minded dicks.

I wonder what sort of factors contribute to the difference between the responses. Obviously none of us started off with “Dr Helen is a tranny”, but I think there’s a lot more to it than that.

In any case, I’m glad I stopped using my real name.


> Regardless of who wins in November, “The Truth” will still remain a silly anonymous douchebag.

Although our class has not covered statistics yet, I took a poll and 100% agreed with your statement.


Normally I’m with you guys 100%, but arugula is indefensible. Next thing you know, we’ll be talking about dandelion greens, mizuna and frisee with walnut chunks and a truffle oil – white balsamic dressing. Face it, bitter greens are as elitist as calling it ohn-deev or discussing swapping kale into your laver bread recipe

Yeah. Have your wedge of iceberg lettuce (with Baco Bits), be happy and STFU!


More news on John “So Common He Eats Dirt And Asks For Seconds” McSame:

“Mark Kleiman says “If you had made last year as much money as John McCain spent on household help alone $273,000 — you’d be richer than 95% of American families.”

As I’ve said before, I’m not sure percentiles are the best way of expressing this kind of information. Rather, I think the main fact is that the median household income in the United States is $48,201 per year, meaning that McCain spent over five times as much on servants as the typical household earns in an entire year.” h/t Atrios

Yep. Common.


Marquis de Chocula said,
August 22, 2008 at 20:07

In any case, I’m glad I stopped using my real name.

That is definitely dangerous on nutcase/wingnut chatboards. You risk being Malkined (AKA, stalked)

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Oh Michael Scherer – you are teh best.

I pointed out earlier that four of six TIME Swampland bloggers posted about McCain’s misplaced houses yesterday. Of the other two, Karen Tumulty didn’t post at all yesterday. That just left the Swampland who is specifically supposed to be covering the McCain campaign – Michael Scherer.

You know he had to post about McCain again, since Johnny is just so dreamy. In the wake of How Many Houses-gate, this is what he posts. Imagine if John McCain was twenty-five years younger!!!

Oh boy. Ironically – the ancient ad that Scherer found of his hero is actually relevant to the conversation. It basically goes like this:

I’m John POW McCain. I was a POW and now I’m running for office. I’m running because I was a POW, and as a POW I realize how POW’s don’t have any freedom. This is important because I was a POW. I’m John McCain, former POW, and I approve this POW.


What kind of rich get a million rich
Buy so many houses you go on and forget


Feh. Is there any way we can eject these dopes from the progressive ranks? Or perhaps sic Truth on them?


Math? On a Friday? What is this, China?

Ann Althouse Has A House Right There In Her Name

I’m surprised that one of these assclowns hasn’t come out and said, “Well, let me break out the Monopoly game and see how many houses I own in there! Hotels too!”, forgetting that the game was invented so that people in the Depression could pretend that they could afford real estate.


Translated t3h TWOOF: passes graveyard, whistles


What is this ‘house’ of which you speak?


I came up with a 30-second ad on the Quarter-Million-Dollar staff thing:

Carnival music, video of kids playing at the fair, parents watching and glowing with parentalness.

VO: These are indeed happy times.

McSame cut-in: Aug 20th “Economy is strong” crapola

VO: You’d better believe it. You know who’s really cashing in?

Cut to photo of Alice from Brady Bunch.

VO: John McCain’s help. John McCain paid his household staff over $273,000 last year.

Cut to photo of Alice and Sam partying in the tropics.

VO: That adds up to John McCain paying his household staff over five times what the average American family earns in a year.

Carnival music turns warped and evil

Cut to photos of foreclosure signs, empty manufacturing plants, etc.

VO: The carnival ride has indeed been good for John McCain and his household staff. How has it been for you?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Yeah. Have your wedge of iceberg lettuce (with Baco Bits), be happy and STFU!

Oh dear, it appears that the DevilDawg has a bit of a penchant for leafy greens. Let me just state that my contempt for iceberg lettuce by far exceeds my disdain for arugula. If you really wanted to kick me in my populist chops you would have offered me white bread and ketchup.

All I’m saying is that people shouldn’t try to con themselves into believing that arugula is a normal vegetable. It’s not – it is a vile thing, filled with minerals, vitamins and dietary fibre. Its crisp texture and its complex and deep flavors are evil incarnate. The pleasing coolness followed by the slightly bitter-slightly sweet taste triggers an umami response in ways that no other leafy green can – all part of the illusion. Arugula kills babies.


More news on John “So Common He Eats Dirt And Asks For Seconds” McSame:

“Mark Kleiman says “If you had made last year as much money as John McCain spent on household help alone $273,000 — you’d be richer than 95% of American families.”

As I’ve said before, I’m not sure percentiles are the best way of expressing this kind of information. Rather, I think the main fact is that the median household income in the United States is $48,201 per year, meaning that McCain spent over five times as much on servants as the typical household earns in an entire year.” h/t Atrios

Yep. Common.

I think McCain refers to the $273,000 cleaning costs as “trickle-down economics”.


Dragon-King, Michael S responded to the out break of jeers and new orifice rippers thus:

All I am saying is that watching a younger McCain seems to bring into striking relief how much of a factor age may become in this election.

No. You weren’t You weren’t saying anything but when called on it, had to make up a half-assed reason for your post.


Dragon-King Wangchuck said,

August 22, 2008 at 20:24

Yeah. Have your wedge of iceberg lettuce (with Baco Bits), be happy and STFU!

Also, no cocktails for you until you finish those Brussels Sprouts, young man.


Another interesting factoid from HuffingtonPost–

McCain net worth: $36 million.

Obama net worth: $799,000.

McCain spent over 33% of Obama’s ENTIRE NET WORTH on domestic help in one year.

Arugula! Presumptuous! Poi! Elitist! Fancy ham!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

It’s Michael Scherer’s commenters that keep me reading his outrageous tripe. Also from the vault, via Elvis Elvisburg – Watch the whole thing.

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko… Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. Gaffe-o-matic! But Obama and Rezko…


> I think McCain refers to the $273,000 cleaning costs as “trickle-down economics”.

Seeing as it is Friday, and Happy Hour is about to start (at least 800 miles into the Atlantic), our next question is relatively easy. Answer it and you can leave class early.

Assume that each servant is paid $50/hr by John – oops, Cindy – McCain. How many hours did the servants work last year?

Also assume that the servants were given NO overtime to go score some pills for Cindy.


You don’t have permission to access /swampland/2008/08/mccain_from_the_vault.html on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.37 Server at Port 80



I took a poll of my right hand and it voted to elect Michelle Obama as “Love Picture Of The Day”.

Oh please. The only deep brown shade Troof gets hard for is the coating on his tongue after he pulls it slowly, oh so slowly, out of McCain’s rectum.


K’ so we know how much McCantcount spends on housekeeping staff. But that money must be split up. 12 people gets you nearly 23K a year per person. (Assuming they’re FTE and not from a service).

What will kill him: If they aren’t all red blooded ‘Muricuns.


Arugula, Frisee, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Beets…

These are things that people have been forced to eat in times of famine or desperation. They are NOT good to eat. They contain 0% yum. They merely provide a certain amount of nutrients in times when better foodstuffs were, for any number of reasons, unavailable.

How they became popular, let alone populist, is nothing short of testament to the human being’s willing self delusion in the name of variety or a certain coolness factor.

Obama can ride the nasty greens bandwagon all the way to the whitehouse if he wants, but the fact is this is not something I want to eat.

For the record, I hate jelly beans too…



For the record, I hate jelly beans too…

Jelly beans are America’s candy. Why must you embolden the terrorists with your anti-patriotic rhetoric?


Arugula, Frisee, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Beets…

These traitorous vegetables simply “forget” to wear their flag pins.


Greetings Math Department,

A similar question was considered by Megan McArdle a few weeks ago in regards to baby-sitting. Based on her reasoning, that benefits and overhead costs an employer a factor of 2,730 time more than wages – it is clear that only one employee worked 2 hours during the entire year. Seeing as how McArdle has an mba, while I do not, I must assume that she is correct in this matter. Thus national child-care is a pipe dream and women should be fired for getting pregnant. P.S. Do not click this link unless you are very proficient at playing very small violins – poor poor McArdle.

Synesthetically Yours
Dragon-King Wangchucknot even an mba


FYWP and all, so I’m just going to say that someone needs to figure out how to link the words ‘John McCain’ and ‘Wolf Nipple Chips’

Do your own damn YouTubing, sez WP.


Circling The Wagons is right – but you’ve left out the converging vector of their mighty blunderbusses in a classic Liberal-type Firing Squad. Their own snivels of angst & outrage are fueling the flames of a story that the news cycle might well have otherwise buried in a day or so (there’s this little thing called THE OLYMPICS still trying to top the ratings, y’know), & 400 different lines of defense begins to look suspiciously like a pack of blindfolded gibbons hucking their turds at each other. A single, unified & reasonable cover-story might have killed this or at least minimized it … oh, but what am I saying? We’re talking Kindom Of Wingnuttia denizens – & in their topsy-turvy universe of magic free-market ponies & Ghey Nazi Moozlim Tear-her-wrists hiding under every bed, “reason” is, of course only one tiny consonant away from TREASON! So, by all means, let the circus play on. Good clean fun can be guaranteed to ensue.

Speaking of clowns:

Welcome to a post from August, readers from my future! Remember when you thought you could beat McCain by beating him up on the number of houses he had, and how he couldn’t recall it?

The fail reeking off of this shite could make even a civil servant blush. The Trout, I really REALLY hope for your own sake that you’re about 11 – because otherwise, letting the rest of the Interwebs actually SEE this malodorous tripe is a dandy functional definition of “ridiculous and pathetic” … & please feel free to come back to The Big Kids’ Table when your balls finally DO drop.

I wonder if Zogby is paying you to pimp their brand-name, you seem so terribly fond of it – can you maybe find MORE than that one poll to back up your schtick? No? Then mayhap it’s “tits or GTFO” time, little bud.

Seems I can find a different poll to prove you’re full of pigshit every time – & unlike you, I don’t even think that much of polls themselves to begin with. This one says Obama has 268/270 right now, versus McCain’s anemic 231, & only 39 “tossups” which means, exactly like Clinton before him, he’s gotta literally bat a thousand (or bowl a 300 game, if you prefer) all the way to E-Day. Surely even a deluded nit like you doesn’t give a fossil like Wet-Start THAT much credit, hmm? Welcome to Real-World-Land. Obama has him by the short hairs NOW … it looks like the closest McCain can get to peaking (which he’s done a few months early) is being an absolute attention whore while his opponent is on vacation – & that’s WITH the media blacking out his bloopers & lobbing nothing but softballs. Blows goats to be you, dude.


Incidentally, the McArdle post after the one I linked previously – goes to a discussion that cheese eating vegan Megan had regarding intellectual honesty. I find myself far too fearful to follow through, as with no sharp implements nearby, suicide would take too long.


someone needs to figure out how to link the words ‘John McCain’ and ‘Wolf Nipple Chips’

“Need” is clearly not the word I thought it was.


Mat intones

Regardless of who wins in November, “The Truth” will still remain a silly anonymous douchebag.

Yes, that’s the spirit, Mat! It seems you have begun to accept the reality of a President McCain. That’s a beautiful thing to see.

NC, yes, it is a big problem for Obama that he took his family to a black supremacist church for decades. It is a big problem for him that he pals around with an unrepetentant terrorist, and that his wife rides the affirmative action gravy train. You don’t have to admit it, liberals (although Mat is coming damn close) but you know it’s true.

Actually, it seems you are starting to admit it anyway. Liberal panic, anyone?

PS Are they really going to let the Clintons speak at the convention? Really? The only thing better than that would be to let Michelle speak. They aren’t doing that, are they?


Thank you, Robin Leach, for pitching batting practice.


Last question today, class:

Assume a person is able to stay AWOL from flying an F-102 fighter-bomber that he was unqualified to train in for 2 years and yet become president (if only figurehead) for 8 years.

Assume a second person crashes 5 of the A-10 fighter-bombers that he flies, but was unqualifed to train in as he nearly flunked out of college. Also assume the second person was a P.O.W for 5 years but only sang to his captors for 1 year and given preferential treatment by them for 3 years.

Question: Is the IQ (Idiocy Quotient) of the 2nd person higher or lower than the first person?


I project a lot.


Larks’ tongues. Wrens’ livers. Chaffinch brains. Jaguars’ earlobes. Wolf nipple chips. Dromedary pretzels. Tuscany fried bats. Otters’ noses. Ocelot spleens. Badgers’ spleens.

When you visit Chateau Cindy, all they serve are imperialist tid-bits

It makes arugula seem downright wholesome.


Are they really going to let the Clintons speak at the convention? Really?

Those two are both popular. As opposed to the current pres and VP who are both speaking at the Republican convention.


I’m my own malfunctioning robot!

Michelle Obama, racist black church, Michelle Obama, racist black church, blah blah derp de derp de deedily ding dong diddily doddily poopy sploot. Can somebody change my dipey now?

The Truth's Mommy

Not now, little Truthy, the garbage man is over to…um….fix something in my bedroom.

The Truth's Daddy

Hi everyone, I’m home early!

Hey, why was the door unlocked?

Hey little Truthy. Where’s mommy? Huh, what’s that sound in the bedroom?


In June I served guests shiso-plum mojitos, consisting of vodka infused with plums (from the tree at our old place) muddled with shiso from the porch garden, carbonated water, and Jebus help me, agave nectar.

You know what, though? They were great. Infused vodka instead of rum, shiso in stead of mint, *and* super-duper-élite sugar. Also I was able to carbonate the water myself, because I own the means of production for that (though technically I lease the CO2 cartridges). So bourgeoisie as well as élitist, yay!

Also I did not know that dandelion greens were élitist. What other greens are too fancy? I worry that my friends from India might be élitist since they eat mustard greens. Are collard greens élitist? My schav-eating ancestors may have been élitists, since they make that stuff with sorrel.

The Truth's Mommy

Oh no! It’s, um, it’s not what you think! He was, um, making sure there wasn’t any trash in the, uh….

Dragon-King Wangchuck


I don’t know why you’re so hung up on the Clintons. Why would having two very prominent, and still very popular figures speaking at a convention be a bad thing? It’s not like they’re getting Mr. 28% Bush or Darth Cheney to give a talk.

The Truth's Daddy


The Garbage man sleeping with Truth's Mommy

Wow, wait ’til you tell him who Truthy’s REAL dad is, heh heh

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Drat it, RB and your needing only half the time I do to come up with a response. Dang nabbit. Willickers.


Hellooo? I still need my dipey change! Michelle Obama bing bong badoozle!


God forbid that a stunning, intelligfent and charismatic woman like Michelle Obama make a public statement! It would just derail the whole campaign. Yes, The Toot, she’s such a liability. We’re so scared of her!


“Intelligent”, unlike my own fingers, that is. Sheesh.


Maybe the decline of U.S. hegemony will coincidence with a 21st-century Golden Age of arts and literature. One can only hope.

Bring it on! I’m setting up the easel.


Drat it, RB and your needing only half the time I do to come up with a response.

I recite the Pledge of Allegiance and become ten times as powerful as a normal typist. Popped another wedding band that time around.


Are those larks’ tongues plain or in aspic?

The Macaca Fairy

I have a package here for a “John McSame.” Can anyone sign for it?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Can anyone sign for it?

I think you’ve taken it to the wrong house, try one of the others.


I call fake Troof.

Not a single mention of that Lion of the Left Kanau Kambon, from whom we lefties receive all our daily marching orders.

You, sir, are a rank amateur.


Oh dear. Mockertunity knocks but once, and I missed it.

Au contraire! With these guys it practically beats the door down.


Jelly beans are America’s candy

Jelly beans are not for eating, but for throwing at Beatles.


Oh, I guess the new attack is that Obama is letting the Clintons take over the convention. Hey, as much as the GOPunks were complaining about unfair treatment toward the Clintons, you’d think they’d actually celebrate their respective moments during the upcoming convention. Instead, they turn it all into what they perceive as an attack, but is only yet another opportunity to observe them paying a morbid amount of attention to the Dems.

Hey, GOPricks, who’se McCain inviting, hmm? Nowhere Man, Joe Liebermann; the former mayor of NY (and current incognito mayor of adulterersville), Rudy Guiliani; and a varied assortment of GOP dorks who would rather not be seen on camera shilling for their party, but are forced to by Bush & Co. threatening to leak tapes of an incriminating nature. I’m also hearing that McCain’s speech will be much shorter than that green debacle of June. Why so short, GOPussies? Is it because the audience may slip into a coma hearing a longer speech, or is it because McCain may keel over giving one? Between struggling to read the words on the page in front of him, remembering to drop that grating “my friends” icebreaker at the end of every declaration, and stressing his cheek muscles with that plastered smile, McCain ain’t got the energy to keep even himself interested.

Oh, and then there’s his VP pick, which we all know will be Romney. See, that’s an episode of the Odd Couple the country has been waiting for. McCain, short, fidgety and looking like Uncle Fester with toilet paper taped to his head, desperately avoiding being seen together with the tall, ruggedly handsome, yet plastic-as-all-hell Romney will be HE-LAR-EE-US.


Oh…the dorks are going to looooose!


Anyway, have fun yelling epithets and throwing stale popcorn at the screen during the Dem convention, Republibitches.


Hmm, that’s almost Teh Funny Lexaburn. Keep trying.

Disinterested Observer

“Wow, wait ’til you tell him who Truthy’s REAL dad is, heh heh”

Is it the goat in the backyard with the cute haircut?


Oh, boy, my comedy stylings are being assessed by a con-servative dork whose meaning of comedy is considering John Sidney McCain a worthy presidential candidate.

Shut “teh” hell up, dork.


John Cole speculates that the reason behind the McCain freak out is that he had planned to pick Mittens as his VP. Oh boy. Another out-of-touch white guy from a stinking rich family.

If this is apostasy, so be it: I hope McCain does pick Mittens, on the theory that the job should go to the best man available (especially in light of certain actuarial tables). Romney may leave a trail of slime wherever he slithers, but he’s smart and can be pragmatic when necessary. Having him fill the chair for a couple years maybe wouldn’t be a catastrophe.

Plus, he’ll add absolutely nothing to McSame’s campaign.



Re the McSame “Out of Touch” ad — I often wonder if these really work? I see this sort of spot and think, ‘wow, what kind of douchebag agency is this candidate giving his campaign over to?’ But then I’m a cynical old DFH political junkie media “professional.” I guess that even if the ad itself makes you roll your eyes, the message, especially if credible, remains.


I’m too stupid to realize that I’m a punching bag and have been thoroughly pwned.


Mat intones

Regardless of who wins in November, “The Truth” will still remain a silly anonymous douchebag.

Yes, that’s the spirit, Mat! It seems you have begun to accept the reality of a President McCain. That’s a beautiful thing to see…

Well, Obama is going to win and you are still going to be a douchebag. It’s a win-win proposition for Sadly, No! YAY!


Rave, rave about the crying of the Right.



The Truth Search and Replace bot said,
August 22, 2008 at 16:55
NC, the damage from Jack Abramoff and John Hagee is done. It is a big reason why McCains polling numbers have had the ceiling that they have. Now voters are seeing McCain talk, away from his script, and they are starting to realize that the man is an empty suit. Thus his numbers decline…
Now what I’d really like to have happen is two things. One, get Cindy McCain out there talking! That’s something that can really move the needle downwards again for McCain . Cindy can’t hide her disdain for non-rich people, it is painfully obvious and a discussion of her dating history to date will be very damaging to McCain.
Two, have conservatives concentrate their fire on Obama’s policies and health. You already know what the result of that will be, but watching you go through that pointless exercise will be a lot of fun.
Hell, let’s add a third: turn the convention over to the Bushies. But you are already doing that, aren’t you, conservatives?


But, but, but …

Bill Ayres!


John Cole speculates that the reason behind the McCain freak out is that he had planned to pick Mittens as his VP. Oh boy. Another out-of-touch white guy from a stinking rich family. With his own multiple mansions. The timing could not be more horrible for that choice. They might have to reconsider, throwing the campaign into disarray. Hence the freak out.

That’s my read of the situation too. They leaked Lieberman and Ridge as possible finalists to make Mittens seem palatable to the base by comparison. Then McCain starts his Monty Burns routine. Hilarity ensues. The short term affect of the McCain campaign’s damage control/push-back is just attracting more attention to his gaffes. If they want to come up with a plan B for their veep choice they are in a terrible time crunch with the convention so close. It must be fun times in the McCain bunker right now.


NC, yes, it is a big problem for Obama that he took his family to a black supremacist church for decades. It is a big problem for him that he pals around with an unrepetentant terrorist, and that his wife rides the affirmative action gravy train. You don’t have to admit it, liberals (although Mat is coming damn close) but you know it’s true.

And it is a problem that McCain couldn’t bear up under “strong questioning” and turned traitor.



Two, have liberals concentrate their fire on Kerry’s McCain’s military record and wealth.

Turnarounds a bitch, ain’t it, Troofie?

Speaking of bitches, how’s yer mom? I left my socks, can she mail them back?


Is that the same affirmative-action gravy train that got Clarence Thomas appointed to the Supreme Court? Because if it is, I see great things in Michelle Obama’s future.


OT- High-larious bullshit from Star Parker:

Traditional guidelines are to love our neighbor, our brother. Not mankind. The focus is specific and individual, not vague and abstract.

Shorter Star Parker: Jesus says to love the white guy living next to you in your gated community. But poor people? Minorities? The sick? The outcast? Fuck ’em.


Is that the same affirmative-action gravy train that got Clarence Thomas appointed to the Supreme Court?

Mythago, don’t you know anything? Clarence Thomas got where he is despite affirmative action. It was affirmative action that kept him from getting hired by a private law firm, because these upright, non-prejudiced people reached the perfectly reasonable and in no way racist conclusion that AA rendered his degree worthless.

Conversely, when he advanced through the ranks of the government to SCOTUS, AA was not involved. He got those jobs on his own merit, not because he was one of the few presentable black conservatives during 12 years of Republican rule.

I know this is all true because Thomas said so himself.


Traditional guidelines are to love our neighbor, our brother. Not mankind. The focus is specific and individual, not vague and abstract.

Ol’ Star’s just more of a “Am I my brother’s keeper?” rather than “good Samaritan” type of Christian dude. Its all good. There are many mansions in my father’s house. I just can’t remember how many.


I’m curious: you think Cindy McCain refinanced all those mortgages at all those condos with the Keating Savings and Loan banks?


actor, that was below the belt.

More, please.


I’m curious: you think Cindy McCain refinanced all those mortgages at all those condos with the Keating Savings and Loan banks?

Mortgages? Mortgages, like taxes, are for little people.

Dissenting Opinion

actor, that was below the belt. More Less, please.

And please dispense with the wienee-waggling sexism, all a yuz! Yer starting to stink the place up with it.



If this ever gets past Harper’s magazine — McCain’s “charity foundation” is basically a front for his kids’ private school funding — it’ll rip a hole in the universe.


One would think the Democrats would have learned by now that when one lives in a glass house, those stones they throw can demolish their own house when they boomerang back at them, faster than those stones will demolish ANY of McCain’s multiple houses.

This gives me whiplash


Dear Sadly, No!,
I’m not sure what your criteria is for the righties you excoriate on a daily basis, but might I suggest

These people are completely off their rockers, and I would love to see you skewer them.



A duck.




From “Copious Dissent”:

Barack Obama is the most undisciplined person to run for office in the last 50 years. His handlers better get control of him otherwise we will see another 1980 landslide with the Democrats wondering what happened.

No. Absolutely not. There is zero percent chance of this happening.


I see you liberals are getting your marching orders from Kos – don’t worry about the polling, it’s only Zogby!

DN, this could very well be a McCain landslide. Let’s see what kind of bounce Obama gets from the Clinton DNC convention; if it doesn’t pop him up over 50%, you can count on the Bradley effect to bring McCain home.

What? You don’t know why you aren’t seeing McCain signs all over?

Ah, it’s going to be a delightful autumn!

PS We’ll talk about Michelle at the right moment – perhaps after she shrieks at the convention.


I am not a troll ya fucking communists!

That is all…


My local supermarket here in Australia sells arugula. It’s right next to the other leafy salad vegetables, and I’ve never seen anyone bat an eyelid or comment in hushed tones over its presence. Is arugula really such an amazing thing in America?

No, it’s not, at least in my corner of Wisconsin. They sell it at the local supermarket next to Romaine, iceberg, butter lettuce…and frisee. Honestly, frisee sounds waaaay more elitist than arugula, in my opinion.

I have both arugula and frisee in my fridge right this very second. My god, I’m a fucking elitist.

Wonder what’s the McCain fridge(s)?


And I thought I had the whole blockquote thing down. Damn.


You’re amazing, Truth. After being skewered, owned, mocked, assaulted, pwn3d3d, made aware of Internet traditions, kicked in the nuts, set on fire, and laughed at, you’re still saying the Same. Exact. Things. It’s astounding. And sad. Your humility at being compared to fucking Jonah Goldberg speaks volumes- you make your half of American thought look pathetic. You hack yourself out and have nothing more to say. If I were a conservative I’d shudder while reading your shit. You might as well be flinging poop at the walls.

Not that it needs to be noted, but Michelle Obama is an Ivy League-educated lawyer and mother of two very bright young girls. You’re a shill little trollbot who has two busted pea shooters in his arsenal and who thinks that racism and repetition are the height of wit. Michelle Obama would nuke you in an argument and you know it. That is, if she could get over laughing at your hamfisted attempts at discourse. I know I’m hardly able to.

Now get lost.



p.s. Soylent Green is people, yup.


And I mean that. Get lost. At least some of our trolls have come up with surprising arguments from time to time. Iris, for example, made us confront progressive racism.

You, however, have jack shit. You’re a waste of bandwidth. I might as well whip out the Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot again and get off for a million lines of a text; the result would be just the same. Beat it.


SearchReplaceBot on The Truth at 22:48
I see you conservatives are getting your marching orders from Fox – don’t worry about the polling, it’s only Gallup!
Truth, this could very well be an Obama landslide. Let’s see what kind of bounce McCain gets from the Rove RNC convention; if it doesn’t pop him up over 45%, you can’t count on the Bradley effect to bring McCain home.
What? You don’t know why you aren’t seeing Obama signs all over?
Ah, it’s going to be a delightful eight years!
PS We’ll talk about Cindy at the right moment – perhaps after she dumps John after he loses the election.


Wonder what’s the McCain fridge(s)?

I bet that he has one of those huge walk-in refrigerators like in The Shining.


Somebody’s sweating bullets over the upcoming Democratic convention. Must be concerned about the poll bump.

You don’t know why you aren’t seeing McCain signs all over?

Why yes, actually I do know why.


One would think the Democrats would have learned by now that when one lives in a glass house, those stones they throw can demolish their own house when they boomerang back at them, faster than those stones will demolish ANY of McCain’s multiple houses.

This gives me whiplash


(The laws of physics don’t apply if you are a Republican.)




Speaking of arugula: Didn’t Richard Nixon make a stab at the lettuce business? I think it turned out like McCain’s career as a pilot. Still, to be fair, JM actually fought in combat unlike a well-known president you may have heard about.


DN, you can chest thump and throw imbecilic insults all you like – in fact I encourage you to do so. I read through the Kos comments on how poorly Obama is doing and I know you liberals are worried. That makes my day, DN, and I relish how sweet Nov 5 is going to be.

Speaking of relish, I’m leaving the whole conversation about Michelle Obama until later, like a piece of dessert I can’t have until I finish my mixed greens. Michelle was trotted out early in this campaign, and then hurriedly withdrawn in horror by Obama’s people. Why was that, liberals? Oh, the laughering!

By the way, I’ve started saving up moving boxes for all you liberals who will be declaring you’ll leave the country if McCain wins. I remember hearing something similar in 2004; I wonder what happened?


The fact is, The Truth is a patriot and in the heartland we support them, and McCain, not the left biased media and poverty pimps of academe and the ivory tower. We are real people who work hard, and we are taking our country back from you.


“Panic”? If I were panicking, I’d be on Democratic Underground.

From a pragmatic point of view re M. Obama/Ayers/Wright/Rezko, you said yourself that the damage has already been done — which means no further damage is likely. They’re kaputzki, bone-dry, all tapped out, especially since Obama’s campaign is only starting to spin up into action now. It’s kind of presumptuous to think that McCain can coast into the Oval Office by having his surrogates chanting “MICHELLE! AYERS! WRIGHT! REZKO! OOGABOOGABOOGA” as if it’s some sort of Magical Reagan-Summoning Mantra.

At least start digging for some new dirt; the Certificate of Live Birth kooks over at Atlas Shrugged have the right idea, bless their hearts.


You’re amazing, Truth. After being skewered, owned, mocked, assaulted, pwn3d3d, made aware of Internet traditions, kicked in the nuts, set on fire, and laughed at, you’re still saying the Same. Exact. Things. It’s astounding. And sad.

Do you think he’d pass a Turing Test?


Teh Funny:

Presumptive first lady nominee Cindy McCain responded to a reporter’s question today about how many half-sisters she had by saying that she was “unsure” about the exact number but would have “a staff member look into it.”

Ms. McCain’s claims of being an only child were clouded this week by revelations that she has at least two heretofore unmentioned half-sisters, leading to reporters’ queries as to whether more undisclosed half-siblings were waiting in the wings.


The Truths dysfunctional Search and Replace bot at 23:02
You can hip bump and high five all you like – in fact I encourage you to do so. I heard on Limbaugh on how poorly Bill Clinton is doing against George HW Bush, and I know you liberals are worried. That makes my day, and I savory condiment how sugary Nov 5 1992 is going to be.
Speaking of savory condiments, I’m leaving the whole conversation about his wife Hillary until later, like a piece of last course I can’t have until I finish my mixed environmental activists . Hillary was trotted out early in this campaign, and then hurriedly withdrawn in horror by Bills’ people. Why was that, liberals? Oh, the leathering!
By the way, I’ve started saving up moving boxes for all you liberals who will be declaring you’ll leave the country if Reagan wins. I remember hearing something similar in1066; I wonder what happened?


By the way, I’ve started saving up moving boxes for all you liberals who will be declaring you’ll leave the country if McCain wins.

You know, I can actually see this. The “Truth” sitting by his basement computer, bathed in the glow of the 14″ monitor he swiped from the A.V. room, surrounded by hundreds of empty liquor boxes him Mom got him, gleefully rubbing his palms together and giggling uncontrollably.


Some enchanted evening
You may see a stranger
You may see a stranger
Across the blogosphere
And somehow you know
You know even then
That he’ll be back trolling
Again and again


Man, I hate misspelling when I snark. HIS Mom… argh…


“It’s very important that we listen to the serious thoughts of a girl-college attending momma’s boy, who couldn’t write himself out of a piss-soaked bag, after having soaked it in his own piss. And then declaring how being covered in piss merely adds weight to his argument. That added weight ain’t facts or gravitas, it’s piss.”

Epic. Gold.


I’m sure this has been mentioned already but Fox News is now saying that Obama is attacking the American Dream.

No one could have anticipated ….


Ms. McCain’s claims of being an only child were clouded this week by revelations that she has at least two heretofore unmentioned half-sisters, leading to reporters’ queries as to whether more undisclosed half-siblings were waiting in the wings.

Imagine if that were Michelle Obama, the racial slurs, the “baby mama” and “welfare queen” attacks … thank God Cindy is white.


Hey – President McCain is a WWII hero, and he and Candy McCain deserve to live in as many houses as possible. You’re just jealous!


Actor says:

I’m curious: you think Cindy McCain refinanced all those mortgages at all those condos with the Keating Savings and Loan banks?

Not really, but:

Keating was far more than a constituent to McCain, however.
On Oct. 8, 1989, The Republic revealed that McCain’s wife and her father had invested $359,100 in a Keating shopping center in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators.
…When the story broke, McCain did nothing to help himself. When reporters first called him, he was furious. Caught out in the open, the former fighter pilot let go with a barrage of cover fire. Sen. Hothead came out in all his glory.
”You’re a liar,”’ McCain snapped Sept. 29 when a Republic reporter asked him about business ties between his wife and Keating.
”That’s the spouse’s involvement, you idiot,” McCain said later in the same conversation. ”You do understand English, don’t you?”
He also belittled the reporters when they asked about his wife’s ties to Keating.
”It’s up to you to find that out, kids.”
And then he played the POW card.
”Even the Vietnamese didn’t question my ethics,” McCain said.

Some great, great stuff. I wonder if his legal adviser Barry Zuckerkorn told him that they can’t charge a husband and wife for the same act.

Ia WordPress f’thagn


Rove on Fox news:

Rove: Remember the indignation that Senator Obama had when he said, ‘They’re attacking my wife. I’m never going to attack Cindy McCain.’ Well, the issue is what does Mrs. McCain own? These homes are not Senator McCain’s. They’re Senator McCain’s and Mrs. McCain’s, bought with Mrs. McCain’s money. So he’s now done what he said was abso… I mean, he was horrified. There’s going to be an article out, an interview with him out here this month, that’s next month, where he just says, ‘Don’t ever attack my wife.’ Well, he’s now attacking John McCain’s wife.

That’s just feeble Mr. Rove. It saves McCain’s opponents the trouble of raising the fact that McCain’s wealth was obtained by marriage, that he is a kept rather than self-made man. Hiding behind his wife emasculates him. Of course this is all total bullshit just as it was when it was used against Kerry. But it works with a large chunk of the voters he is counting on. The last thing McCain needs is more doubt about tough-guy mystique.


Presumptive first lady nominee Cindy McCain responded to a reporter’s question today about how many half-sisters she had by saying that she was “unsure” about the exact number but would have “a staff member look into it.”

Ms. McCain’s claims of being an only child were clouded this week by revelations that she has at least two heretofore unmentioned half-sisters, leading to reporters’ queries as to whether more undisclosed half-siblings were waiting in the wings.
Wonder if the half sister is staying in Kenya with Obama’s half-brother?


Correction: Half-SisterS.


That’s just feeble Mr. Rove.

Also he still did not know how many houses he owns and his staff clarified with “at least four”.


Hmmm…there’s a certain continuity between these two statements:

On Oct. 8, 1989, The Republic revealed that McCain’s wife and her father had invested $359,100 in a Keating shopping center in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators.
…When the story broke, McCain did nothing to help himself. When reporters first called him, he was furious. Caught out in the open, the former fighter pilot let go with a barrage of cover fire. Sen. Hothead came out in all his glory.
”You’re a liar,”’ McCain snapped Sept. 29 when a Republic reporter asked him about business ties between his wife and Keating.
”That’s the spouse’s involvement, you idiot,” McCain said later in the same conversation. ”You do understand English, don’t you?”

Rove: Remember the indignation that Senator Obama had when he said, ‘They’re attacking my wife. I’m never going to attack Cindy McCain.’ Well, the issue is what does Mrs. McCain own? These homes are not Senator McCain’s. They’re Senator McCain’s and Mrs. McCain’s, bought with Mrs. McCain’s money. So he’s now done what he said was abso… I mean, he was horrified. There’s going to be an article out, an interview with him out here this month, that’s next month, where he just says, ‘Don’t ever attack my wife.’ Well, he’s now attacking John McCain’s wife.

Using the “It’s Not Me, It’s My Wife” Defense didn’t work so well the first time, did it?


There’s going to be an article out, an interview with him out here this month, that’s next month, where he just says, ‘Don’t ever attack my wife.’ Well, he’s now attacking John McCain’s wife.

Hey, uh, Karl?

Yeah….riiiiight….I’m gonna need you to get back to me when Obama calls Cindy McCain a “cunt” or a “trollop” like her own husband has, okkkay?

Yeah….if you could do that, that would be greaaat.


We are real people who work hard, and we are taking our country back from you.

I’m curious as to what kind of “work” you do, Ruppert.

Tommy Dylan (Bobby's Little Bro)

Tho’ wise men at their end know the dark one’s right,
Do not go gentle on the one half-white…

Rave, rave at the crying of the right…

Thanks, Obie GYN!

I think I can pull this off…

Urk – seventeen whiskys in a row must be a record….


The fact is, McCain is a straight talking honest man well Obama is creepy and eleitist. Also, Obama’s wifedeserves attacks for hating USA, well Cindy McCain is being attacked because she worked hard and acheived the American drea,. Won’t play in Peoria, Liberals.


I said “Who put all those things in your head?
Things that make me feel that I’m mad
And you’re making me feel like I’ve never been born.”

She said “you don’t understand what I said”
I said “No, no, no, you’re wrong”

I said “Even though you know what you know
I know that I’m ready to leave
‘Cause you’re making me feel like I’ve never been born.”


We are real people who work hard, and we are taking our country back from you.

This land is your land,
This land is my land
This “taking back” shit’s
The stuff of nitwits.

This country’s mine too,
Doesn’t belong to you,
So tell yer mamma
Vote for Obama.


He’s so unhip that
When you say Dylan, he thinks you’re talking about Dylan Thomas
Whoever he was
The man ain’t got no culture
But it’s alright, ma
Everybody must get stoned


This thread is over, but

DN, you can chest thump and throw imbecilic insults all you like – in fact I encourage you to do so. I read through the Kos comments on how poorly Obama is doing and I know you liberals are worried. That makes my day, DN, and I relish how sweet Nov 5 is going to be.

Fuck off, you hacktacular pencil-dicked piece of shit. You bring nothing to the table other than flopsweat. You’re a waste of bandwidth and a waste of my fucking time. You’re pathetic. Eat shit, fuck off, die, and leave an ugly corpse. Beat it, crapface.


And I think I need to say this again: Truth, you suck ass as a troll. Jason Ambrose is funnier than you. Erik Pantsapoopin is funnier than you. Goober is funnier than you. You’re so down on the troll-scale that Coach Urban Meyer relieves himself on you. You’re the worst, hacktacular troll that this board has ever seen. SowellFan could kick your ass, even. Leave in disgrace, leave in self-loathing, but for the sake of your children, just leave, man.



Thanks for the laugh! But where will all this anger go when (as the polls predict) McCain wins in November?

Have a sweet night, ladies.


Malkin’s genetic defects, presumably due to inbreeding, render her incapable of anything but the most asinine fecal matter available on the web-and yet, millions of similarly genetically-challenged mutants think she’s some kind of a Goddess.

And what polls are those that predict Johnny will win? Wingtards must be suffering from dyslexia, en masse.


Malkin’s genetic defects, presumably due to inbreeding

Now if I was Amy Alkon I would POINT POINT POINT.


DA TROOF scurries away and leaves yet another confirmation of his delusions.

Was that supposed to register as a proper taunt?

Yeah, I went to that red-headed dork’s blog, posted a couple of roundhouses to the dorks, and was blocked, as anticipated.

The dimwits cradle themselves in stupidity and cowardice, as all con-servatives do.

What I’m asking is who the hell are they over there trying to convince. They all know that half the shit they’re saying ain’t true, but they’ve convinced themselves that the lies make relevant arguments.

They are truly lost.


The force that through the green fuse drives the flower
Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees
Is my destroyer.
And I am…
I am…


Read the comments on this one, liberals:

Read how every major polling site, including 538 and pollster (to name two that I’ve seen trumpeted here in the past) shows Obama slipping in the polls. Feel free to join in posting in the general gloom and dismay with your fellow liberals – it’s easy and will provide me and other Americans with delightful reading material.

NC asks why Obama is dropping if the damage from Ayers and Wright is done. Good question – I think it has to do with that ridiculous trip to Europe and the dawning realization among voters that Obama is so much hot air, an empty suit that they’ve been projecting upon. I welcome discussion on this point, as well as juvenile invective that shows I’ve hit the mark.


We’re trapped in the Obama campaign’s Cone of Stupidity and we can’t get out.
That happened to me once with a Fractal Helix of Distraction. San Pedro cactus was involved.


Where can I get one of those boomeranging rocks? Somehow I’m still amazed at how much stupid these folks can pack into a sentence. At least Malkin is admitting that she’s trapped in a cone of stupidity, but I don’t think Obama had to provide it for her. Am I the only one picturing Malkin with a dunce cap on?


i guess it would go to McCain, but what do i know? i ain’t gots it like yous got it Rev Truth. thanks for painting a good picture of the kind of republicans backing McCain and thanks for winning some votes for us. Please don’t ever change your name, but instead add on a bigger title to symbolize all your ‘victories’, like “I always know what’s right because i’m better than you”.


Kim Priestap misspells “wither,” too.


Look, TROOF, I dismantled your bullshit about the polls on Thursday. If you do not recall the conundrum I delivered to you, I’ll repost it. Instead of responding directly to it, however, you chose to be distracted by the fact that the majority of posters here recognize what a douche you are, and were lambasting you to ground beef.

You answer this question: why has John McCain stayed in the low 40s since April, when he was announced as the presumptive Republican nominee? Hell, he was in the low forties when the contest was still going on (back when all the dummies were asking for Huckabee to step aside). The pollsters were always bullshitting when it came to McCain and the rest of the GOP bozos. None of them fit the stringent criteria of the GOP sycophants, “religious” flim-flammers, and the confused warhawks. The only reason McCain won the whole damned thing is because the dopes voting remembered that he’d run back in ’04. Oh, there’s also the fact that Guiliani, whom the media was promoting, is a totalitarian troll. Then there’s Romney, whom the White House itself was pushing, being a complete square that would go on and attempt to lift Obama’s change message after criticizing it.

Why can’t McCain climb any higher? Why is he always stuck in that exact same position: low 40s? He never goes up or down; he just stays there. Could it be bullshit that he’s even that high? I think so. I’ve already given you my reasons for ignoring the busybodies making their careers supposedly “polling” people, but I’m sure some here besides your dorky ass actually buy them.

Your attempts at second-guessing us here are cute. I do not frequent Daily Kos, but I’m not sure whether others here do in their own time. Again, try not to think you have the mental or intellectual capacity to anticipate what we’ll react to, ok. You’re much too much of a douche to actually outmaneuver us here, dork.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Kim Priestap misspells “wither,” too.

Wither? You brought her.


I believe I addressed the whither/wither controversy earlier in this thread. I think it was sometime on Thursday.

And with that, the comments in this thread tips over into 400 territory. Someone had to do it.



Math Department said,

August 22, 2008 at 20:58

Last question today, class:

Assume a person is able to stay AWOL from flying an F-102 fighter-bomber that he was unqualified to train in for 2 years and yet become president (if only figurehead) for 8 years.

Assume a second person crashes 5 of the A-10 fighter-bombers that he flies, but was unqualifed to train in as he nearly flunked out of college. Also assume the second person was a P.O.W for 5 years but only sang to his captors for 1 year and given preferential treatment by them for 3 years.

Question: Is the IQ (Idiocy Quotient) of the 2nd person higher or lower than the first person?

Alright, “Math Department”, if that’s your real name. I thought Math was about getting hard, clear facts straight. This is pathetic.

The F-102 was most certainly NOT a “fighter-bomber”. It lacked that capability entirely. It was a “fighter-interceptor”. It is an interesting footnote to history that it was, however, the only interceptor in history to fire an air-to-air missile at a ground target. That does not, unfortunately, make it a fighter-bomber.

And John McCain did not fly A-10s. A-10s are an Air Force CAS aircraft. McCain was in the Navy. They have NEVER flown an A-10 off a carrier, and they never will. It’s not designed to do that, and it is simply impossible to consider.

McCain flew the A-4 Skyhawk, the Kiddiecar “scooter” of tiny, shit-for-payload, nothing for combat radius fighter bomber…

Seems like you should get the parameters of the question right before asking about the “idiot quotient”….



Thanks for post, very funny. If McCain’s wife doesn’t trust McCain with her money (Cindy McCain required prenup of John McCain), why on earth should we trust him with OUR money? (I’ll choose a man whose wife trusts him–maybe Cindy worries that a guy who cheats on his (first) wife is someone who might cheat with his (second) wife’s money.)

Dragon-King Wangchuck



The fact is, I attempted to masturbate to Michelle Obama’s speech, but couldn’t get my little pencil up.


(comments are closed)