Shorter Amy Alkon

About People With Heads Filled With Lettuce

ABOVE: Arnold Alkon, performing as “Amy,” delivers a stirring
lip-synched performance of the Weather Girls’ hit, “It’s
Raining Men”

  • Liberals think they’re sooooo smart when they say that I’m prejudiced, but they’re prejudiced too. They’re prejudiced against racism. So there.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 187


Dammit. You’re going to make me traipse over there to see that yes, that’s exactly what she wrote.


Ummm…it’s even worse than your shorter. She’s actually implying that those who have spoken out against racism are the only ones who are still actually practicing it.

This is your brain on trannie hormones.

Gary Ruppert Number Two

The fact is, oh no. It has been refueled.


Cue the need to explain the concept of the shorter… followed by I am aware of all internet traditions…


Her quote is from Theodore Dalrymple, AKA Anthony Daniels. He is a British psychiatrist who writes things U.S. wingnuts eagerly gobble up because they think they prove them right. He is not the British actor who played C3PO. Check his Wikipedia entry for more choice quotes. Perhaps these were written by Gary Ruppert.


Dalyrymple — the source quoted by Alkon One — appears to be making the stunning, unprecedented, totally unheralded by anyone prior to Intro to Philosophy General Education Requirement 101 that much of what people think is not, as some imaginary Greek philosopher cartoon appearing in a 1950s Disney instructional film might suggest, a deduction from first principle, but some sort of abbreviated thing they learn to live with.

Thus most of you who think you’re against prejudice are really just copying something either you heard or once thought but unlike real thinkers like Alkon One, you do not begin every morning wondering what each and every word you use might mean in a different universe.

As we all know, the truest form of creativity in thought comes from conservatives, who always eschew repeating drivel they’ve heard before. Hence Alkon One may safely substitute a quote from Dalrymple instead of arguing from first principles.


That is one mother fucker of a jaw line, that is.

LIEbruls are also intolerant of the Christian right wanting to bash gay heads in with bricks. So riddle me this: who’s the REAL intolerant ones, HMMMMM?!

Gary Ruppert Number Two

The fact is, I got in a couple of comments over there. Amy will rue the day she ever claimed to know someone who knows someone who knows me.


The fact is, inquiring minds what to know what KIND of lettuce.

Was it…

Sink lettuce?


Dalrymple is yet another noxious windbag I was unaware of. According to his Wikipedia entry “He contends that the middle class abandonment of traditional cultural and behavioural aspirations has, by example, fostered routine incivility and ignorance among members of the working class.” Sheeeit.

Dalrymple: “It is from social prejudice that one learns social virtue.” I was going to make a snarky comment about the KKK, but why bother – I just can’t improve on such flawless bullshititude.


Shorter Amy Alkon:
I have the reasoning skills of an eighth grader. So there!

Gary Ruppert Number Two

And they were deleted. I merely said that, like being prejudiced against women who have children out of wedlock, people with HIV should be the victim of prejudice as well, so as to send a message to others thinking about choosing HIV. It’s advancing “practical” social “policy”, as Amy’s highlighted text elevates.

The fact is, I don’t know what’s so offensive about that idea given what Amy posted.


D. Aristophanes said,

August 17, 2008 at 15:13

Oh, man. It’s a smorgasbord of silly over at Amy’s place. I forgot all about the shit moat around the McCain sign.

“McCain 08: Surrounded by Shit”

This cries out for a photoshop.


OK. Amy Alkon is so stupid it makes my head hurt. I surrender, just no more Alkon!


Three word Alkon:

“Not-A is A”


The fact is, inquiring minds what to know what KIND of lettuce.

Why lettuce at all? Why not cabbage? Why not mashed breadfruit or scalloped potatoes? Why not toenail clippings? Why not the chunks of shit scattered around the McCain sign?

It’s all too confusing.

Gary Ruppert Number Two

The fact is, Dammit Dr. Zen. Now she’ll delete your comment and mine.


Oh boy, that Dalrymple is really something:

Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity.

I was a kid in 1989 (which is when the communist regime collapsed in Czechoslovakia), but I remember very well how in the years before that my dad would read the newspaper and ridicule the bullshit he saw there or how my mother would laugh as she came back from one of those political training seminars where they tried – in vain – to fill her head with all kinds of horseshit about how great we were really doing and how really fucked you imperialist pigs are. I remember the samizdats, the jokes, the church meetings – in short, I remember how noone save for the dumbest fucks bought into the communist propaganda and how noone was really silent. I’d bet Dalrymple pulled a Goldberg and what he calls ‘my study’ is in fact ‘I read a book and two papers’. No fucking clue.
And speaking of those dumb fucks who bought into the commie propaganda, guess what they are doing now? That’s right, they’re working for neocon thinktanks. Go figure.


Gary Ruppert’s friend™³²®© said,

August 17, 2008 at 16:02

The fact is, inquiring minds what to know what KIND of lettuce.

100% free-range organic DFH elitist arugula.


Why lettuce at all?
Because liberals are vegetarians and lettuce is the only vegetable Amy could think of?


How can we have a national conversation about race without the catalyst of racism to prod us into discussing race?

See? Racism helps move the nation forward.

Gary Ruppert Number Two

The fact is, Amy has deleted my new comments that merely warned other readers that she would delete their comments if they weren’t sufficiently worshipful of her opinion.

Yep, she’s a conservative blogger alright.


I’d bet Dalrymple pulled a Goldberg and what he calls ‘my study’ is in fact ‘I read a book and two papers’.

He claims to be a widely traveled man-of-the-world. Not that it matters – even if he visited a communist country back in the old days, he couldn’t have seen much with his head up his ass.


bulbul said,

August 17, 2008 at 16:30

And speaking of those dumb fucks who bought into the commie propaganda, guess what they are doing now? That’s right, they’re working for neocon thinktanks. Go figure.

Doesn’t surprise me. The founders of the neocon movement started out as Trotskyist communists. They took the idea of spreading (ie: forcing) “democracy” throughout to world to proliferate their political ideology.

Also, another big thing neocons praise is “supply side” or so-called “trickle down” economics, where you give all the money to large private entities (corporations, etc.) and trust that they will somehow use it wisely and/or redistribute it fairly amongst the lower classes. If you replace “large private entities” with “public government”, it’s the same exact thing as Marxist philosophy.


That Alkon character is incredibly brilliant since her “study” of communist societies generated the astounding insight that propaganda under totalitarian regimes was not primarily aimed at gentle persuasion or democratic argument but control. This is a rare insight and a sign of pure genius, because no one ever thought of this before.


people with HIV should be the victim of prejudice as well, so as to send a message to others thinking about choosing HIV…I don’t know what’s so offensive about that idea given what Amy posted.

I remember a video where some guy tried to get Michelle Malkin to sign a photo of an internment camp, and she was outraged. But she wrote a book called “In Defense of Internment”, so what’s the problem? It’s not even as if Malkin’s idea was expressed in euphemism–it was plain fucking English. In Defense of Internment.

The only possible conclusion is that they’re embarrassed by the things they write. It’s normally intended for a very closed audience, but when the outside world starts peeking, they turn into little boys with their Playboys, hurriedly stuffing them under the mattress.


Also, another big thing neocons praise is “supply side” or so-called “trickle down” economics, where you give all the money to large private entities (corporations, etc.) and trust that they will somehow use it wisely and/or redistribute it fairly amongst the lower classes.

Well, they do. If you define the ‘lower classes’ as think tanks that employ the neoconmen.


If she had her hair pulled back any tighter, she wouldn’t be able to close her eyes.


gbear said,

August 17, 2008 at 16:52

If she had her hair pulled back any tighter, she wouldn’t be able to close her eyes.

She’s working her Jean Schmidt.


She’s actually implying that those who have spoken out against racism are the only ones who are still actually practicing it

This is one of the Right-wing memes that has me the most confused: “Liberals are the real racists!” First of all, I’ve never understood the “reasoning” behind it, because no Righty has ever tried; the idea just gets repeated, never explored. Second, how the hell has it gained so much traction?

Precisely how is it that liberals are the real racists? Can anyone explain to me what that means in the minds of the yahoos at Confederate Yankee or Flopping Aces?


Would you please stop posting pictures of that repulsive looking woman?


gbear said,

August 17, 2008 at 16:52

If she had her hair pulled back any tighter, she wouldn’t be able to close her eyes.

There’s a reason why they call that hairstyle “pikey botox” or “Croydon facelift” in the UK.


Is Alkon the new McArdle, or is this just a fad?

Gary Ruppert Number Two

Would you please stop posting pictures of that repulsive looking woman?

The fact is, I think I’ve figured out who this woman is. She’s ‘Lilith’ from Frasier.

Gary Ruppert Number Two

Is Alkon the new McArdle, or is this just a fad?

I hope Gavin gets back to doing McArdle impersonations. Cuz that shit is just worth paying for.


I found this, then thought of that, and commented accordingly.


The founders of the neocon movement started out as Trotskyist communists.

Many of them started out as lefties, but few were Trotskyites. Irving Kristol and – I think – Gertrude Himmelfarb (the parents of William Kristol) were Trotskyites when they were in college.

But there does seem to be a kind of old-fashioned doctrinaire leftist style to neoconservatism that blends the worst of the old left with the worst of the right. One guy (former neo-con Michael Lind) described neoconservatism as “Marxism with entrepreneurs substituted for proletarians as the heroic subjects of history.”


Shorter alkon, “Damn you for damning me and my bigotry”

Honestly, there’s just nowhere to go with this person.


Weylan Flowers called (from beyond the grave) and he wants his puppet Madam back. He said he found out you guys knew something about her current whereabouts through his detective work, through someone who doesn’t want their name or identity known.

It’s a small world, asshats!

Amy Alkon's Enormous Ego

Listen up you tiny little fascist thugs ! My blog is only large enough to accomodate my brilliant opinions , and the awed adulation of my various sycophants and sock puppets. Any further comments that don’t directly puff up my overblown self immage will be dealt with by my legion of IP search and destroy flying monkeys.


Just so that any of you who are thinking of participating in the “fun” over there knows what to expect – here’s a sample of old Amy’s reasoned, civilized discussion:


Can you provide even one example of a reasonably well known person espousing the view that you are suggesting here? That is, that there is never anything wrong with a woman having a child out of wedlock? Of course a single teenaged girl having a child without financial and emotional support or readiness is far from ideal. A financially secure single woman who decides to have a child via artificial insemination is a far different matter. So is, as you point out, a same sex couple that are committed to each other but are prevented by law from marrying. Lets not forget that many single parent families are created by death, divorce, abuse, abandonment, and lack of education about or access to birth control.

The problem with “prejudice” is that it seeks to impose judgement without full knowledge of the facts — it tends to label and denounce and degrade an individual by making assumptions without having to really think or understand. That is what makes it dangerous and often hateful. Your recent post about the killing of a single mother with several children by different fathers was full of assumptions and stereotypes. You didn’t know that woman, you didn’t know the circumstances of her life. But you chose to make her less than human, to suggest that her life was expendable because she fit your prejudiced view based on some of the information about her children.

Posted by: Sarah Schaefer at August 17, 2008 8:10 AM

Amy’s thoughtful response:

Sarah, sorry, were you not able to sound out the words above?

At the very least, children need two-parent, intact families to have the best shot in the world.

And yes, I think a 26-year-old woman who has six children with five different drug dealers in eight years and then takes up with another is a terrible mother, and raising children at substantial risk for doing exactly as she did — if they live that long.

Do you have children and a drug dealer who’s around them all the time? If you do have children, and you don’t have a drug dealer or other person engaged in often-violent crime in their lives…why not? (Since you seem to think it’s such a savory way for children to be raised, from your criticism of me of me above.)

If anyone fails to think, kitten, it’s you.

Posted by: Amy Alkon at August 17, 2008 8:24 AM


1. she doesn’t like kittens
2. she’s completely tone-deaf to humor in any form

bonne chance!


she doesn’t like kittens

Bitch Bastard!


Perhaps we should start a cheering section here for Sarah (and the Kenosha Kid, as long as he lasts).


She looks like Bill Maher reprising Cate Blanchett’s Queen Elizabeth.

Doctor Missus Marita

Is Sarah a SadlyNaut? I’ll cheer for her regardless, but as she’s clearly a few leagues above Ms. Alkon, I don’t expect she’ll be allowed to post too many more times.


The thing I like best about the shit moat is that the owner needed to collect the dogshit, carry it over to the sign, and arrange it in some form, spreading it evenly, perhaps forming it? While the sign-stealers merely had to walk over, presumably wearing shoes.

and she says it wound up with smelly car mats. Well, I don’t know about Amy, but when I walk in shit, I wipe it off

meanwhile, the owner went to bed that night, bitterly hmpf-ing to himself, hands smelling like dogshit….

Cletus von Clausewitz

It would be funny if the reason that her “Beverly Hills friend” got their 2004 Bush yard sign stolen is because it lowered property values or looked too middle class and had nothing to do with politics. Now this year, a yard sign and a stew of huge dog crap in the center of the front yard. Do Beverly Hills Neighborhood Associations have their own pitchforks and torches, or do they lease them?


Is Sarah a SadlyNaut?

I don’t think so. The surprise she expresses in her comment at 8:41 AM does not show the familiarity with wingnut argument technique that someone who spends time here or at other wingnut-watcher blogs would have. Unless she’s sandbagging.

She will be banned if she persists in her attempt to engage in honest debate.


The fact is, Amy believes in free speech, and you do not. There is no reasonsed discourse here, nothing opf substance being debated. Amy dispenses well-reasoned balanced fact and analysis, and your posting over there onlt lowers the level of discourse, which is why all liberal posts are removed.


…when I walk in shit, I wipe it off.



Hello, did someone here with at least a 150 IQ want to talk about astrophysics? Or games? Or glass dildos?


Oopsie, I got my info mixed up. See you on Facebook, if you rate!


Oopsie, I got my info mixed up. See you on Facebook, if you rate!

WTF is this, middle school? Who gives a fuck?


Precisely how is it that liberals are the real racists? Can anyone explain to me what that means in the minds of the yahoos at Confederate Yankee or Flopping Aces?

Remember at the most basic level, bigots are perpetual “victims”. Of everything.
How does this happen? They never learn so they keep failing in exactly the same way and see that as proof of a plot against them. Pointing out the only consistent element in ALL of their failures is them, is tantamount to being a jack-booted thug stomping on throats. Bigots always consider themselves the victim.

Tim (The Other One)

must not click link…must not click link….shit !


protected static: See here.


Great. Word Press just purgatoried a comment that linked to Sadly, No!, of all places.


Jacqueline Mackey Paisley Passey (or some inferior impersonator) wrote:

See you on Facebook, if you rate!

Oh no! It’s true – she’s closed down her blog. What are mentally subdeveloped creepy strangers like myself going to do now?


Word Press previews your comment and makes value judgements, J—.


I found this…

Holy Christ on a cracker, what the fuck is she wearing?!


Our Dead Selves said,

August 17, 2008 at 18:29

Holy Christ on a cracker, what the fuck is she wearing?!

A ski jacket and a 39 gallon trash bag.


Y’know, with a nice pair of sunglasses and a pithy remark, she’d… No, I shouldn’t say that.

Doctor Missus Marita

A ski jacket and a 39 gallon trash bag.

I was poised to speculate that some species of giant endangered bird had been decimated to construct her skirt, but I like your idea better.


“At the very least, children need two-parent, intact families to have the best shot in the world.”

Specious, arrogant & malevolent – it’s a Trifecta of Fuckhead!

Children need a society over the limbo-bar of being so corrosively screwed up that ANY non-toxic environment (in OR out of their homes) is a norm, not a weird anomaly. One, two, three or eleven parents are exactly that many people & can only change their local context to a modest degree.

Yea, verily for the sage Dalrymplestiltskin said unto her: “To overturn a prejudice is not to destroy prejudice as such. It is rather to inculcate another prejudice” – & its reek of septic bile made her singed husk of a soul blithe with its meaninglessness. Then did a large fugly cloud fall over her pointed head, & clove unto it like a limpet.

She’s the wrong kind of funny.
Her & Althouse in a cage-match is the obvious solution.


I don’t know if you guys got “the word”, but:

Tiny little fascists who don’t want to discuss and debate ideas, merely to punish me for my speech by mucking up my site will be deleted. Pass the word on to all the intellectually impotent little thugs over at Sadly No!

She would seem to also have some prejudice toward people who are below average in size. Although, she is cool with redundancy


Amy, if you shave your head and paint it Orange you’ll drastically reduce wear and tear on your skull.

Just some friendly advice….

Amy Alkon's Enormous Ego

And stop leaving all those turds at my site . Brian keeps mistaking them for candy bars.


If she had her hair pulled back any tighter, she wouldn’t be able to close her eyes.

I was thinking that, myself. Reminds me a bit of Cindy McCain, of whom the wonderful Tim Gunn had THIS to say:

“Cindy McCain looks like someone has twisted her ponytail into a knot and tried to give her a face-lift.”


Tiny little fascists who don’t want to discuss and debate ideas, merely to punish me for my speech by mucking up my site will be deleted. Pass the word on to all the intellectually impotent little thugs over at Sadly No!

Maybe if I got me one of them there bowflex machines I could become a muscular little fascist and a potent little thug.


I found this…

Holy Christ on a cracker,
what the fuck is she wearing?!

Why hasn’t this woman been FUGGED by the ladies of
Go Fug Yourself ?
(I love the guy to her left, who looks like he is thinking exactly the same thing–WTF is she wearing?!)


Doctor Missus Marita said,

August 17, 2008 at 18:37

A ski jacket and a 39 gallon trash bag.

I was poised to speculate that some species of giant endangered bird had been decimated to construct her skirt, but I like your idea better.

Nah. You’re probably thinking of Brian Eno during his Roxy Music days. 😉


Did anyone see the picture of the Goddess’s dog and how much she looks like her pampered pooch? Scroll down from her pic to see it…


Her dog makes me want to barf almost as much as she does.



Madame, yes.

Not Lilith. That’s the excellent Bebe Neuwerth (who does a great Ann Coulter imitation, BTW).


Sarah Schaefer banned for using the wrong dictionary (see Alkon at 9:05 AM). Next!


I did something pithy & vicious, just for her.
Just to be a mean old grouchy-poo, @9:58 I smeared this spoor on her bloglike-thing:


“I’ve used the term litter to describe various types of women, of various colors and socioeconomic backgrounds”

As terminology goes, that would fit in quite splendidly in any editorial in the pages of either ‘Der Sturmer’ & ‘Vollkischer Beobachter’ about 75 years ago.

Thinking: it’s not just for breakfast anymore!


Much as in my response to that Morgan lady some moons back, this batty creature will think that’s worthy of “dialoging” or even her prescription-OD-paradigm’s version of countersnark. Ick. The idea of me trying to pry sentience out of her is about half as appealing as finding a mysterious puddle on the seat next to me on the bus – when it ain’t raining.

Dismaying blockheads, it’s not just a hobby – it’s a circus too!
(but not a floor-wax, yet)


It’s a good thing she’s got a Korean assistant – otherwise she’d be out of ammo but good.


Some months ago, the L.A. Times printed an opinion piece – in the Sunday opinion section – from Dalrymple where he concern-trolled the disturbing trend of people looking to celebrities to get their opinions. Dalrymple seems to be under the impression that famous people never got involved in the issues until, oh, say September 2001, and he also seems to think that many people sit around with blank minds, unconcerned about the issues until they hear what, oh, say Sean Penn has to say.

He also seems to be defining “celebrity” as “famous person with views deemed extreme leftist by Bill O’Reilly.”

The piece had three examples: Rosie O’Donnell, Bono and Jon Stewart. He badly mangled the findings of the Pew study that showed Stewart’s popularity among the young because the actual findings of the Pew study wouldn’t have fit his agenda.

I think if he’s going to include Jon Stewart, I think we can include O’Reilly, Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, and wonder aloud why he feels he can ignore the right-wing component of his thesis. But, no, conservatives think for themselves, and apparently they all come up with the same talking points simultaneously because … it’s so obvious. Or something.

What a tool.


Yesterday I said that just because a person makes a racist comment does not neccessarily mean that person is a racist, and I do believe this. We all screw up, and let’s be honest, lots of middle-class and higher white people are children when it comes to this issue because, quite frankly, any contact with not-white people is usually fairly distant. Most of us can overcome this, too, especially when we become close to someone and then hurt them by saying something we never even dreamed was hurtful. It happens and when it happens, any person honest with him or herself, any person interested in bettering him or herself, any person that truly loves life and this world will use that opportunity to understand just why those words and thoughts are considered hurtful. I believe that to my soul.

However, if you’re called on a racism comment and your response is to accuse the person that called you on it a racist because of the act of calling, well…you might not be a racist but you are a pitifully stupid, completely self-absorbed asshole. It’s no wonder she calls herself a “goddess”.


[courtesy of “brian”] … plus the chinese dissidents, don’t forget them. Dodging the bans on Amy’s blog will apparently have severe repercussions in China.



“UPDATE: Because we have a problem with tiny-dicked thugs coming in here to disrupt the discussion, please refresh your browsers when you see disruptive comments. I’m deleting them, and this is being dealt with.”

Yes please refresh your browser if you come across disruptive comments like I don’t know, tiny-dicked thugs, for example. If Amy did not exist, we certainly would not want to invent her.


I almost hope Atrios picks up on this tomorrow, tho Amy doesn’t really deserve the extra traffic he’d give.


disruptive comments.

I posted again on the initial thread and it was gone in moments, thus allowing some dork’s “Still waiting Bubba” to stand. Agony!


Amy, if you keep it up any longer, your comment section will resemble this


Since Amy isn’t open to the free exchange of ideas, maybe we should start emailing her.
It’s on her contact page, I’m not sharing any private info.
I also wonder whether that’s her AIM name….


Amy’s comment section is fast approaching this.

“Lamb Chop’s Play Along – Lonely Lamb Chop” on YouTube

Now there was a sockpuppet you can believe in.

WordPress won’t let me link 🙂


Would you please stop posting pictures of that repulsive looking woman?

My favorite pic of Amy is the one several threads back where her teeth match her hair. Blood-drinker?

As a ginger-haired American, I would like to apologize for the actions of Alkon, and hope that you not judge all gingers by her horrid example. Thank you.


banned (again) – apparently we don’t show sufficient concern for the Chinese dissidents.


No fears, Candy. I judge gingers based on the evil Romanian/Israeli/Canadian one whut broke my heart ’round about a decade ago.
Firecrotch burns.

Plus Amy’s not nearly that red naturally, I’d wager.


It must be a very warm and cozy feeling to know that no matter what kind of ignorant and fearful squeal you post, your blog host will very quickly destroy any evidence detailing how stupid and terrified you really are.

In an very real sense they are their biggest victimizers…


Someone should post a link to Sadly,No! and an open challenge to brian et al to come over here and debate. Something along the order of:

Come compete!
We won’t delete!
Nor will we post your email address.
We’ll give you all the reasoned discourse you can stand.

(link to Sadly,No!)

Amy Alkon's Enormous Ego

” banned (again) – apparently we don’t show sufficient concern for the Chinese dissidents.”

Wrong again you tiny fascist thug. You once again failed to genuflect in the presence of my towering intellect and overinflated sense of self importance.


When did I become “ginger”? I’ve been red-headed all my life, did y’all change the nomenclature and not tell me? Or is “ginger” just for them with light red hair? “Ginger” is a British thing, right? Did it start about the same time as Americans started calling folks “wankers”?


UPDATE: Because we have a problem with tiny-dicked thugs coming in here to disrupt the discussion…

So she has no problem with thugs with great big schlongs?


I was gonna post as Elton John and parody the “tiny dancer” song with “tiny fascist” but having gotten only two lines into it I felt bad about messing with Elton and abandoned the idea.

Brian's Tiny Dick

“So she has no problem with thugs with great big schlongs?”

No, there’s only room for one tiny dicked thug in these parts, and I was here first.
Thugs with big schlongs would make me cry at my own “shortcomings”.


I was gonna post as Elton John and parody the “tiny dancer” song with “tiny fascist” but having gotten only two lines into it I felt bad about messing with Elton and abandoned the idea.

Hold me closer, Tony Danza!


Hold me closer, Tony Danza!

Okay, that’s poisoned the song, which is fine by me.

Amy’s been banning proxies too.


Oh, man!!! It’s like a horrible traffic accident that you can’t help but watch, but are powerless to stop. Amy’s latest dropping:

Exactly right, David. It’s about what’s best for the child.

Women who can’t find a partner (like the selfish “single mother by choice” woman my sister knows, who my sister describes as “single mother by choice because she’s too disagreeable to find a partner”) should get a cat.

Posted by: Amy Alkon at August 17, 2008 11:33 AM


Here’s a gem that I can’t let fall through the cracks:

Because you’re dim, you aren’t able to put together that you don’t “dehumanize” a dead woman.
Posted by: Amy Alkon at August 17, 2008 8:53 AM

So all that dehumanizing language about Tarika Wilson wasn’t really dehumanizing, because Wilson is dead…and no longer a…uh…human.


Also, she was dehumanizing the living children of Tarika Wilson as well by referring to them as a ‘litter’.


Sure, all of us (ALL of us) make assumptions about people with little information. Myself, I’m not 100% comfortable assuming that a never-married woman with a lot of kids is a horrible parent – but I’m 99% comfortable with it, you bet.
You want to know how much time I’d need to make a decision about whether someone was a good parent? Give me a one-second look at one of their kids.
Posted by: Tamsen at August 17, 2008 11:38 AM

Amy responds

Yeah, I “jump to conclusions” that a woman who is an unwed mother to six daddlyless children fathered by five different drug dealers and then takes up with another is a bad mother. The facts stated just above MAKE HER A BAD MOTHER — one who shows little or no concern for the welfare of her children.
This woman didn’t die when a meteorite struck her house. She died because the police came in there because she lived with a drug dealer. Should she have been shot? No. Do I think it’s wrong for the SWAT squad to break in in a house with kids? Yes. But, did she die due to her association with a drug dealer? Yes.
And again, in what universe is a woman who has a drug dealer in a house of six children, let alone six daddlyless children, a good mother?

I ain’t a big fan of Jebus, but that whole “judge not, lest you be judged yourself” line just keeps going through my head for some weird, unknowable reason. Must just be a coincidence.


tbogg’s in on it – let’s watch closely to see if/when he gets banned!


“Nah. You’re probably thinking of Brian Eno during his Roxy Music days. ;)”

That pic of Eno just made my Sunday afternoon.

Through hard experience I have gained the willpower to NOT CLICK ON THE LINKS, and thus the Alkon person has not been given the power to ruin it in her turn.


…instantly, apparently. That should add to the fun.


She died because the police came in there because she lived with a drug dealer.

Yeah Amy, having to raise 6 children certainly can force a human being into some dangerous choices.


I ain’t a big fan of Jebus, but that whole “judge not, lest you be judged yourself” line just keeps going through my head for some weird, unknowable reason.

The Objectivists have it as “judge and prepare to be judged” but those idiots didn’t have fancy banning software.



Banned in sixty seconds.

Sad because I wanted to hear her explain her expertise with children since it appears that she has not participated in the making of one with either her penis and/or vagina.

Looks like Amy has nothing much going on today other than doing some laundry, deleting comments, and carefully shaving around her adams apple.


Wow. I think this comment is actually the best yet.

Amazingly, I don’t care who publishes a book — whether it’s a right-wing foundation or whether it’s self-published. I actually just read the book and see if the ideas in it seem to make sense. In this case, they did.
It must be much easier, not having to think, and just feeling smugly satisfied that something is utter shit without ever turning a page.
FYI, I read the same journals Ph.D.’s in psychology, anthropology and evolutionary psychology do, and I’m respected by researchers in the field for being somebody who does her homework. I write a love advice column, but it’s important to me, when applicable, that it’s backed up by good data. And my coach in what’s good data is one of the best, if not THE best person in that field in the country or perhaps the globe.
I care if HE thinks my thinking is shoddy. Somebody like you, who assumes that Dalrymple could have nothing of value to say, because he’s not approved by the hilariously named “progressives,” I don’t care if you respect me. I just hope you’ll go back into your hole and stop dragging down the discussion here with me explaining what should be elementary stuff to anyone who thinks for themself.
Posted by: Amy Alkon at August 17, 2008 12:04 PM

I know how to rearrange the atomic structure of matter, which is important in my activities as YOUR LORD MOTHERFUCKING GOD.


I’m trying to imagine Alkon’s monthly charitable talks to the benighted inner city youth:

“Well, have you tried not being poor?”

“I know you’re not that well-off, mostly, so here’s some good avice: Paris in the summer may be hot, but it’s no hotter than here, and prices are much, much lower.”

“I’m great for talking to you, you know.”


“If you’re an unwed mother with six children by five different fathers, you should probably get romantically involved with a dentist, or at the very least a dental hygienist. That way you won’t be bringing the police down on you.”


Yesterday I said that just because a person makes a racist comment does not neccessarily mean that person is a racist, and I do believe this. We all screw up, and let’s be honest, lots of middle-class and higher white people are children when it comes to this issue because, quite frankly, any contact with not-white people is usually fairly distant.

Exactly what I tried to tell Ms. Amy. She could have avoided all this fol-de-rol without compromising her position by simply saying, “I made a rude choice of words and some people may have thought it was a racist thing to say. For that I apologize, for it was not my intent. But my point still stands.”

Done and done. But noooo…

For that I got banned.

She’s an egotistical bitch who thinks she shits gold. She brags about her “community service”, which amounts to going into “urban schools” and pontificating about her opinions to captive audiences of kids for the sheer self-aggrandizement it beings her.

If she was anonymously ladling soup in a homeless shelter, I’d be impressed with her self-sacrifice.


Shit, my life is complete. I got banned by the advice goddess.


Will WP let me post in this thread, or has it decided to ban me completely for the moment?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Y’know, I would like to point out, speaking as Leon Trotksy, that there is a pretty clear difference between giving money to large private corporations and giving money to public government.

In the former, you can’t really be surprised if they decide to just hoard all the money for themselves and contribute nothing to society, leaving everyone else to fuck swing in the wind.

In the latter, if they decide to do that, they’re at least being fucking obvious about how much of a prick they are, since the entire ideal point of their job is to contribute back to society.

Therefore, I would just like to say it’s patently unfair to propose the old neocons just translated my ideology to capitalism. I mean, they took something that was kind of unrealistic given the perpetual inability for humanity to act humane to one another, and put it towards something that wasn’t just unrealistic, but entirely delusional.


Will WP let me post in this thread, or has it decided to ban me completely for the moment?

…who needs banning and deleting when we have WP?


I hope I’m free again now.


I’m kinda thinking to power-cycle the old modem and/or use a proxy to just keep posting stuff there that starts off like the local commenters and then builds to an over-the-top parody of the whole “how can I be racist if I spend my time FOR FREE telling black people to stop reproducing?” just to see how long it takes for the comments to be deleted.

But then, I could also spend the whole afternoon moving furniture from one room to another, and then back to where it originally was.


“At the very least, children need two-parent, intact families to have the best shot in the world.”

The very LEAST? What would be best, 10-parent families?


Apparently, it’s the father count that’s important.


Frankly, yes. And being able to raise a child without the public dole should be neccessary, not a sufficient, condition for parenthood. Cripes. When did self-sufficiency devolve from social requirement to praise-worthy goal?

My favorite quote from the thread so far.


Ah, I posted before reading the comments — yes, Sarah Schaefer (that’s me!) is a Sadly Naut —- I am as fucking uncivil as the next person, but occasionally like to try a different approach to see how completely intellectually empty and hypocritcal stupid cunts like Amy can be. I’m not sure if I should be proud or ashamed that it took me longer than my San Diego neighbor TBogg to get banned. I also happen to love the kittehs, and have 2 myself, but don’t like “kittens” to be appropriated as a slur in order to invalidate a woman’s argument (especially by another woman).


Oh, and btw, I am aware of all internet traditions.


New names under punchy, impersonal comments are the troll until proven otherwise.

OK, folks, keep your nyms dull and get personal as hell! (That means you, mister S,N! troll)


…nice little paranoid exchange – goes to show what happens when you start banning people

“[I]t isn’t bad to have fun pissing them off.”

But it is bad for them to have fun pissing you off?

Posted by: hR at August 17, 2008 4:41 PM

(hR’s the shut-in troll, too)

Posted by: Crid (cridcridatgmail) at August 17, 2008 4:43 PM

And probably Pankaj.

Posted by: Crid at August 17, 2008 4:44 PM

Crid, what exactly are you accusing me of?

Posted by: hR at August 17, 2008 4:45 PM

Amy Alkon's Penis

Please be advised that I, too, am in San Diego, and aware of all internet traditions.


The question is, who is in Dallas?, we’re on your trail!!! (Oh, will no one rid me of this meddlesome proxy server?!)


Dear Amy Alkon’s Penis:

I’ll be you’re lots more fun than the rest of Amy Alkon. C’mon down to OB tonight — we’ll hit South Beach and the Sunshine Company and get all drunk and discuss the internets.

Amy Alkon's Penis

Would that I could; I’m home with the girlfriend tonight, and bars are slippery places for me on any night. Do have one for me, though!



The very concept of a drunk penis scares me.

That is a very dangerous bit of flesh.

Profligate, stupid, and entirely headstrong.

And drunk. There’s very little hope except you can kill it with a bottle opener.



Wow, what nasty little ugly irrational children you are. Is this what Gen Y has come to? Incapable of raising rational arguments you can only misrepresent what people say and engage in puerile name calling and childish insults. One day you’ll look back on your current behaviour with great shame. Amy Alkon has more wit, intelligence and dignity than every one of your worthless, petty selves.


Hey GMan. Your assumptions betray not just your stupidity, but your prejudices.

As it happens, many of us are just a tad older than Gen Y.

If you had asked, if you had come in with a question rather than another idiotic assumption like your intellectual hero Amy, you might have discovered that. And you might have been able to formulate a screed that at least made a modicum of sense.

As Eric Draven so notably put it:

Try again. Try HARDER….



I just gotta think there’s a young FBI agent out there somewhere, just starting out, who needs a scalp in order to move up a pay grade. After all, we’re talking about identity theft here. Getting this kid would be easier than Bin Laden.

Posted by: Crid (cridcridatgmail) at August 17, 2008 6:32 PM

I’m 56 – work at a large university, not even in your country. I posted several times (under pseudonyms, as Amy’s attitude to confidentiality of commenter information was clear), changing my IP with 2 mouse clicks (no proxy server, no Tor, no identity theft) when my posts failed. I would estimate that I’m one of many who posted independently more or less the same way during the current dust-up.

If you don’t want open comments, close them, or be upfront about banning commenters whose views you dislike. And get a life.


(I apologize for posting here comments that belong on Amy’s site, but I’m sure you’ll understand)

Amy Alkon's Penis

Bear in mind, mikey, that I am but three centimeters long, and Mostly Harmless.

Oh, GMan? Baby Boomer here. Successful, independent, educated, quite comfortable with my behavior… but thanks for the insight.


GMan sez:

Wow, what nasty little ugly irrational children you are. Is this what Gen Y has come to?

I like to think of myself as more Gen X, but sure, yes.

Incapable of raising rational arguments you can only misrepresent what people say

I suppose that “Would that be a police officer who accidentally shoots and kills a black woman, or that woman herself, a mother of six children by five different drug-dealing fathers, who takes up with yet another drug dealer?” is really a rhetorical question, not technically a statement, but it’s pretty clear what she thinks the answer is.

and engage in puerile name calling and childish insults.

like a bunch of turds!

One day you’ll look back on your current behaviour with great shame.

I call that day “Monday”. Also sometimes “Sunday”, and very occasionally “Saturday”(!)

Amy Alkon has more wit, intelligence and dignity

in her left (no, we don’t need that)

than every one of your worthless, petty selves.

God bless us, every worthless, petty one.


I gotta get me one of those Korean assistants. I wonder if she has a Colbert-like picture of her smiling wildly with her arm on some pissed-off-looking Korean woman’s shoulder, and pointing at her as if to say “look, I’m friends with an Asian!”


The idea that you’ve reached your dotage and still can’t apply reason or deal with other people having the right to free speech speaks volumes I’m afraid. Too much ganja?


Hmmm… Ann Althouse, annieangel, Amy Alkon…

SN:women with “AA” initials::Superman:people with “LL” initials


Too much ganja?

Kevin, is that you?


Gman, you twisted little sycophant, NO ONE has said Amy can’t scream, “A woman with six children deserves to die!”

Why is it that Amy gets to say whatever she wants but everyone else is oppressing her by telling her what a degenerate she is for doing it?


“Among the many things I do, I get people fired for a living.”

Brian – your friend and Amy’s

Brian McToughguy

You come in here infringing on our rights to speak freely, I will track you down and complain to your boss until you get fired. Because, um, FREE SPEACH!!!1!1 yeah


Now see, owlbeart you poor thing, if you’d finished school you’d know that Amy said nothing of the sort. NOTHING OF THE SORT. (That’s not shouting btw, just in capitals in case your eyesight is as faulty as your powers of reasoning.) Do you understand? Can you comprehend? Has your seething rage at everyone who has achieved so much more than you boiled your angry brain clear out of your skull or can you perhaps go back and read everything Amy said and point out where she said exactly that? EXACTLY THAT? No “paraphrasing” now.


Okay, that’s enough comforting.


Who knew that Stalin made such good use of toddlers/preschoolers in his nefarious schemes? Well done, Josip.

Sadly they aren’t all “little” vandals. Some of them are babyboomers if they’re to be believed. Little wonder the Stalins of history managed to kill so many millions of people with this lot on their side. What a great foot in the door of the West they’ll be for Islamic jihad.

Posted by: GMan at August 17, 2008 8:08 PM


Who Places A Lower Value On Black Lives? Would that be a police officer who accidentally shoots and kills a black woman, or that woman herself, …

Not surprisingly, black leaders are outraged. Also not surprisingly, their outrage is not directed at women in the black community who squeeze out litters of fatherless children,

Gman, you fucking TURD!


Who knew that Stalin made such good use of toddlers in his regime – well done, Josip! (and very astute of you to catch that, GMsn.)

Sadly they aren’t all “little” vandals. Some of them are babyboomers if they’re to be believed. Little wonder the Stalins of history managed to kill so many millions of people with this lot on their side. What a great foot in the door of the West they’ll be for Islamic jihad.

Posted by: GMan at August 17, 2008 8:08 PM


Oh, and to answer “it not an exact quote so it doesn’t count.”

Sophistry at its finest…


Who knew that Stalin made such good use of toddlers in his regime – well done, Josip! (and very astute of you to catch that, GMsn.)

Sadly they aren’t all “little” vandals. Some of them are babyboomers if they’re to be believed. Little wonder the Stalins of history managed to kill so many millions of people with this lot on their side. What a great foot in the door of the West they’ll be for Islamic jihad.

Posted by: GMan at August 17, 2008 8:08 PM

Just Alison, without Qetesh

GMan said,
August 18, 2008 at 4:25

The idea that you’ve reached your dotage and still can’t apply reason or deal with other people having the right to free speech speaks volumes I’m afraid. Too much ganja?

Oh, GMan, let me try to clear it up for you.

1) FYI, Sadly, Nosians range in age from 20s to 60s, or thereabouts. Temper your age-related slurs accordingly.

2) “…can’t apply reason…” as compared with maligning an unknown dead woman? Folks here are pointing and laughing, and occasionally making reasonable comments about the un-wisdom of making judgements of an unfavourable nature when one doesn’t know all the facts.

3) “…still can’t…deal with other people having the right to free speech”. Oh, lordy, GMan, tell me – who is it who’s banning commenters at their site? Sadly, No! has never banned anyone (although, to be fair, they have very occasionally nipped in and edited out personal details, to avoid harassment).

In fact, here’s a fun pop quiz for you – free speech, does it mean:

a) I can say whatever I want, and others can say whatever they want; or
b) I can say what I want and others have to damn well shut up and take it?

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, you people almost make me turn catholic (they get much better swearing).


Who knew that Stalin made such good use of toddlers in his regime – well done, Josip! (and very astute of you to catch that, GMsn.)

Sadly they aren’t all “little” vandals. Some of them are babyboomers if they’re to be believed. Little wonder the Stalins of history managed to kill so many millions of people with this lot on their side. What a great foot in the door of the West they’ll be for Islamic jihad.

Posted by: GMan at August 17, 2008 8:08 PM

Dragon-King Wangchuck

There’s another fucking Alkon thread? I’m going to have to sign up for Alkon-holic Anonymous at this rate. – Oh fuck, there one more! What fresh hell lies beyond that hyperlink – my very soul trembles in anxious terror. Well, I’m still posting this stupid comment – DKW be representin’ – yo.



Dragon-King Wangchuck

FYWP – You’re eating a big bag of dicks too quickly – you’re the one who should slow the fuck down.

Dragon-King Wangchuck



A foot in the door, a knife in the back, a fifth column, and still NONE DARE CALL IT CONSTIPIRACY!!!!!!1!!!!

Oh, and the “heckler’s veto” is actually about The Law stepping in and preventing someone from speaking because the hecklers are going to get violent.


You know, if you’re 52 years old, and you spend your Sunday indoors posting big blocks of nonsense on some chick’s website, and this gives you some measure of joyk, I actually have a good deal of compassion for you because you are a loser in a way that it can’t be possible to recover from.

Lady, (and I use that term advisedly), coming from someone who blames a young black woman for her own (unmerited) death at the hands of the police, your idiot implication that spending time to expose your ignorance to the world is an immature pastime unsuited to those of us of advanced years is comical. (And, while I had nothing to do with the hacking/spamming of your site – ask Gregg – I did get a measure of joy(k) from your discomfiture. And thank you, I’ve recovered nicely).


Look, fuckwads.

Don’t bother me when I’m in the middle of my joyk….



Ah, the classic “liberals are the real bigots for not letting bigots practice their bigotry” argument.

Always works best with the accompanying argument of “STOP TRYING TO CENSOR ME!”, where censorship invariably means anything less that total agreement with the author’s viewpoint, and normally not trying to actually, you know, prevent their writings from being seen.

Have we reached that stage yet? I’m still on my first coffee, and reading too much of Amy early in the day makes my head hurt.


So, somehow you can turn this:

” Who Places A Lower Value On Black Lives? Would that be a police officer who accidentally shoots and kills a black woman, or that woman herself, …

Not surprisingly, black leaders are outraged. Also not surprisingly, their outrage is not directed at women in the black community who squeeze out litters of fatherless children,

into “Amy Alkon said a black mother of six children deserves to die for being black and having children”.

I’m really pained that you put turd in all capitals. Seriously. It hurt.


So, somehow you can turn this:

Are you addressing a specific “you” or what?


“Incapable of raising rational arguments you can only misrepresent what people say and engage in puerile name calling and childish insults. ”

holy crap, you captured amy’s responses to people she disagrees with to at “T”. congratulations.


Actually Gman, I never said a word about the mother’s color…


Also I would love to hear you put it into your own words, Gman.

I am dying to hear your twist on it.

(Fucking WordPress)


Someone needs to tell Amy that making fun of her isn’t censorship.


Okay, there’s a subtle distinction between “deserved” and “should have expected and also had it coming”, but it’s a distinction without a difference.


Okay, there’s a subtle distinction between “deserved” and “should have expected and also had it coming”, but it’s a distinction without a difference.

Well, her literal point was that the young woman valued her own life less than the man who shot her to death did.

Wow, a logical, philosophical, and physical impossibility all rolled into one !


I’d say the point was that she she valued her children’s lives not one iota to be screwing one loser drug dealer after another without contraception, and that she placed herself and her children in the situation where one or more of them was going to come to some considerable harm. But that would probably racist because she’s a black woman and not Britney Spears. Or Islamophobic, because she might have lived next door to someone who wears a hijab. It’s no wonder the awful Ann Coulter makes so much freaking money poking fun at those much maligned “liberals”.



GMan said,

August 18, 2008 at 10:10

I’d say the point was that she she valued her children’s lives not one iota to be screwing one loser drug dealer after another without contraception, and that she placed herself and her children in the situation where one or more of them was going to come to some considerable harm. But that would probably racist because she’s a black woman and not Britney Spears. Or Islamophobic, because she might have lived next door to someone who wears a hijab. It’s no wonder the awful Ann Coulter makes so much freaking money poking fun at those much maligned “liberals”.

You’d probably also say Amy Alkon pees lemonade and poops ice cream, but you would be nothing more than one of her flying monkeys.


I think the racist aspect of it was more like “black leaders don’t say anything about how black women are pumping out litters of black babies to go on welfare, but for some reason they get all upset when one of them gets shot to death in her own home by militarized police — and Bill Cosby says practically the same thing so neener neener”.


So the problem was she was having sex out of wedlock and thats why deserves to die?


Holy fuck is this ‘filter problem’ annoying.


Get yer joyk on.


Actually, I think the racist aspect of it comes down to “If you’re brown and didn’t behave in exactly the way I think you should, up to and including whom you dated and when you used birth control, you shoulda known you had a bullet coming, you slut.” Extra bonus misogyny points there, because I don’t see her blaming Mr. Babydaddy Drug Dealer for putting his kid(s) in danger through his irresponsible dealing of drugs and lack of condom use. Men are just bad, and can’t be held responsible for their behaviour any more than earthquakes, tornadoes, and rapists, right? Then again, anyone with half a brain knew that Alkon is trying to be the hipster version of Wendy Shalit, since she never met an opportunity to slut-shame that she wasn’t on like white on the KKK.


If I was of a mind to steal a McCain sign, I think that using a stick to knock a McCain sign face-down into a pile of dog poo and then stepping on it would be just that much more satisfying. But that’s just me.


Just so I have this straight–it’s PC to call people trannies as an insult, but it’s racist to question the judgement of a woman who has six different children by five different drug dealer boyfriends? If you can’t engage in dialogue without resorting to childish insults that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, I’m of the opinion that your argument is probably not a strong one.


If you can’t engage in dialogue

Who, specifically, is this “you”? Engage that person and see what they say.


Glo said,

August 18, 2008 at 23:46

Just so I have this straight–it’s PC to call people trannies as an insult, but it’s racist to question the judgement of a woman who has six different children by five different drug dealer boyfriends? If you can’t engage in dialogue without resorting to childish insults that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, I’m of the opinion that your argument is probably not a strong one.

One could say a woman who emphasizes her masculine appearance with her hairstyle and makeup choices really deserves to be ridiculed.


Glo: I’ve not said one thing about trannies in connection with Amy Alkon, so fuck you and your blanket “you”. I will say that I think Alkon is one of the butt-ugliest women I’ve ever seen in my life, and a person with no fashion sense as well, neither of which are tranny characteristics particularly. And yes, Amy Alkon is a racist, nasty, dim, evil, half-bright fuckwit, and in comparing her picture to Tarika’s I’ve become convinced she was probably envious of Tarika’s looks as well. I think envy could partially explain the pure spitefulness of Alkon’s attitude.

Shorter Amy Alkon

“Niggers have litters, like dogs.”


She’s now censoring posts at citybeat mag in L.A. She’s one messed up lady.


(comments are closed)