Don’t flatter yourself, cowgirl!
George Bush’s election seems to have gone straight to Kerry Marsala’s head:
I always look forward to reading’s blasting, dogmatic hatred for conservative writers, such as myself. [Emphasis added, delusions of grandeur in the original.]
Guess it was with Kerry in mind that Salon once published this:
A lifelong journal keeper, I ooze confidence on paper. I write concise verse concerning dreams to save the world and woo girls with kisses, pruned roses, and a nice chicken marsala.
Kerry love, the only place anyone pays any attention to you is on third-rate, profanity-filled, terrorist-loving blogs.
These robotic, socialistic snoots love to post their hate filled site with derogatory remarks, foul language and hate mongering for those who don?t agree with them.
Once, just once, we wish someone would explain irony to a wingnut. Can’t someone else do it?
What I really enjoy reading though are their letters of hatred for me and for others who think like I do. Never are there emails over substantive debate, but only over the so called “lack” of our abilities to live up to their level of knowledge on grammar and punctuation.
When you have to equate proper command of the English language with liberal elitism, you’ve really given up on being able to call yourself a writer. No child left behind? That train has already left the station.
What we lack in style we – like our, President George W. Bush – make up for in our honesty, our unwavering stance in our beliefs and our deep abiding love for our freedoms.
Like the freedom to tell gays they can’t marry, or to tell a woman she can’t have an abortion, or the freedom to chair a house committee even if you’ve been indicted, or the freedom to seek multiple partners for unprotected sex, as well as the freedom to get more back from the federal government than one pays in taxes. Isn’t America great?
The intelligentsia crowd can continue to spit venom of disgust over our inability to be as some of the demagogue entertainers and over our lack of over-rated and over-valued education degrees
We guess that Kerry, like Judson Cox, shan’t be graduating from college any time soon.
Socialism, communism, anarchy and monarchy are not what this country was designed to run on.
This country runs on one thing: twinkies. And Krispy Kreme donuts. This country runs on two things: twinkies, Krispy Kreme donuts, and an almost fanatical devotion to George Bush. Amongst the things this country runs on are such diverse elements as…
America, she isn’t perfect – she’s run by imperfect beings – human beings.
But I don’t want any of that. I’d rather–I’d rather… just… sing!
And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space
Because there’s bugger all down here on Earth
This guy obviously comes from the Steve C. school of argument, where substantive debate is just fucking stating shit. Which makes it true. Yay!
I come here for two things: the terrorist/socialist loving, and the Monty Python referrences. When you hit the two-fer in one post, that’s a good entry. And that’s really all the commenting I’ve got in me.
Socialism, communism, anarchy and monarchy are not what this country was designed to run on.
Well, Kerry’s right. This country was designed to run on petroleum and petroleum-based byproducts. At least until the Earth is sucked dry (Bush willin’).
One wonders: Why did Kerry omit fascism and theocracy? An honest oversight, I’m sure.
Hey, I think it’s important that conservative writers such as our, young friend Kerry are willing to stand up and take any abuse that may come her way as soon as anyone has heard of, her.
Over at Salon, that is. Because you know how terribly hard it is to be a conservative againster over there.
Poor, poor Kerry — she presumably thinks World O’Crap is “,” and so believes that she is a household name among elitists. Sadly, No! However, I have to believe that the “The intelligentsia crowd can continue to spit venom of disgust” remark was addressed to Sadly,No!
You’re making me hungry with all this talk of chicken Marsala and Krispy Kreme donuts.
“The intelligentsia crowd can continue to spit venom of disgust over our inability to be as some of the demagogue entertainers and over our lack of over-rated and over-valued education degrees”
I can’t even figure out what she means here!
The tax thing is fishy…some of those states have large Native American populations, etc. I have to wonder if correlation proves causality in this case. Let’s not use the sloppy reasoning they use.
The thing is though, that upper middle class families get a lot in tax breaks, educational benefits, side benefits from public investment in parks, science, etc., but somehow many of them resent this class of people who get virtually nothing. I wish people knew how society/government worked. The fact that someone can go to a state university and major in a science and come out rabidly conservative–denying to others what you have so benefitted from–that disgusts me. I could take anyone successful, virtually, and show them they would not be what they are today without public spending.
Oh, wait. I changed the subject. I find myself doing that a lot lately! I, too have become rather hungry.
P.S. That song might not work…I’m not sure if fundamentalists believe in the expanding universe. I think they believe the sky is a piece of black velvet with sparkles on it…or maybe that the earth is the center of the universe? Or perhaps that was the middle ages.
She is a household name? WHAT?!
eh well, not in my household.
On behalf of my household, let me say that I am humiliated. I am so ashamed. We will do our utmost to rectify this oversight. We will write her a letter of derogatory hatred, pronto. I sincerely hope that will expand to implosion her delusions of grandeur, particularly since most of us in this household are in fact robotic, socialistic snoots and damn proud of it.
mmmm, krispy kremes….
Look, wake me up when all the fucking wackos have been raptured. Until then I think I’m gonna stay drunk. I really can’t take it anymore.
What happened to the good old days when people knew they were stupid? I have to say that one of the bad side effects of the internets (all of them) is that it gives these maroons a soapbox.
Frankly, I’d be interested to institute anarchic socialism just to see what the hell that would look like.
his country runs on two things: twinkies, Krispy Kreme donuts, and an almost fanatical devotion to George Bush.
Sadly, No!
How, dare you at the Salon, No! online web magazine make, FUN off true patriotical American’s like Kerry, just, because she do knot pay “lip” service too you’re FASCISTHIC rule’s off spellign and grandma. Stop Oppresing her now you dirty robotick SNOOT’S!
Hey, over here…I’m spitting venom of disgust. As opposed to the venom of unbridled enthusiasm that Chicken Marsala spits.
What a knob.
“However, I have to believe that the “The intelligentsia crowd can continue to spit venom of disgust” remark was addressed to Sadly,No!”
Sorry, s.z., but she said “intelligentsia” and there’s no way that could be Seb.
But I do wonder how S,N! figures that they’ve moved up to become a 3rd tier blog.
Kevin- I’d be more interested to see an anarchic Monarchy.
“Kerry love, the only place anyone pays any attention to you is on third-rate, profanity-filled, terrorist-loving blogs.”
Yay for third-rate, profanity-filled, terrorist-loving bloggers!
Then there’s the old anarchic dictatorship: “Be free, or I’ll have you killed!”
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
“Draft Young Republicans!”
(well, it wasn’t really *me* who said it, so I’m cyber-plagiarizing, but I decided to change the rule about that, so it’s OK!)
Nobody expects … the American Imposition (of Imp
Really nice prose from Sadly, No! (which had been mysteriously replaced by a photo-sharing site).
I am so ashamed that I wasted my vote for george war bush. What was I thinking? Why did I let my right wing extremist, neo-conservative, neo-evangelical thinking get in the way of exercising sound personal judgment? Growing up, I was led to believe that the republican party was a grass roots party of the people & for the people. In retrospect, it is clear that the last 3 presidents produced by the republican party were nothing more then the rich man’s rich man hiding under the disguise of the overly misused term, “conservative”. The economic dark ages of reagonomics screwed over the middle and lower classes of this county simply to benefit the rich and wealthy. George warmonger bush has quietly shifted this country back to those economic dark ages. Bush inherited a strong economy and screwed that up real quick. And even though 9 -11 did happen, none of bush?s reckless screwed up decisions are justified by that day in history. It is clear that he never had any real salient foreign & domestic policies when he became president in 2000. Now we have 4 more years of the same internal deterioration and a growing body count overseas. If we ever actually do get out of Iraq, nothing will have changed and nothing will have been gained. The American people have never been given a specific objective in Iraq or a clear definition of exactly what victory in Iraq is from the president. Invading Iraq never had anything to do with, WMD, freeing the Iraqi people or making Americans safer and secure. Statements about WMD, Freeing Iraq or Making America Safer are nothing more then a marketing spin used to hide the ugly truth and make the lies palatable to the American public and justifiable to the red necks who voted for him. Bush likes to make statements such as ?It?s worth the price? but he never says just what exactly ?it? is. If he really believes that, then he should put his money where his mouth is and send his daughters to go fight in Iraq. The republican party claims to be for smaller less wasteful government but the current administration is responsible for the waste of more money, resources and human lives then any past democrat presidency. I have a hard time sleeping at night knowing that the blood of Americans and innocent civilians is on my hands and the hands of those who voted for george warmonger bush. The real legacy of the bush cabinet is going to be one characterized by lots of wrongful deaths, lots of money and resources wasted, unnecessary tax increases for our children and grandchildren and the unnecessary destruction of various social programs that good decent people count on. Thanks to bush and his power hungry cabinet who all want to control congress, the senate & the supreme court, the USA is now a third world country hiding under the disguise of prosperity. Now that the USA owes all these hundreds of millions of dollars to countries like China, Germany, Russia & Japan, I wonder which language I need to learn for the day when these countries come to collect?
America is on the very verge of splitting with western civilization, progress and rational thinking and becoming a wacko neonazi medieval afganistan-like country.
Sarah Palin is running for VP. And she’s got a preety good chance.
There’s nothing left to say.