Happy birthday to us!

Faced with the difficult choice of celebrating our birthday by either blogging or getting totally shit faced, we’ve opted to do the latter.

See you tomorrow, and stop by James Wolcott’s blog when you have time.


Comments: 24


Happy birthday! Have a delicious German beer for me! In fact, tell me which one you had and I’ll do my best to match the act (not that I expect US importation laws will allow me to be anywhere close to your reality).


Happy Birthday Seb!

Look for a package of the finest Stinky Meats & cheeses coming your way.


Happy Birthday! If you are ever in Seattle I will be happy to contribute to your drinking related program activities.


And yet more birthday congratulations to you!


Many happy returns of the day!

Wish I was drinking some German beer with you. It’s got to be better than grading 35 Chaucer midterms.


Sadly, Older!

It’s our good friend Seb’s birthday today and, in honor of this fact, we’d like to list our all-time favorite Sadly, No! entries:


Happy Birthday, Seb! Another free trip around the sun – whoopee!


Good choice! Enjoy your birthday.


Happy Birthday! I wish I could have a beer to help you celebrate. 9 months + however long I have nurse = no beer for me. 8(


Well, whaddaya know! It’s my birthday, too. Now I know that I share it with a blogging celebrity!


We must send a thank you card to Seb’s parents.

Happy Age Increment Day, Sebs! I would say it in German, but unfortunately, I can’t decide which German phrase from this site (http://www.shabbir.com/romance/bday.html) to use. (Although “Ewllews Gewtew zewm Gewbewrtstewg. Mew!” sounds pretty cool.)

Enjoy your day in any case! Mew!


Have a most excellent birthday. Don’t drink and blog, or you’ll start writing like Kerry Marsala writes when she’s sober.


I swear the three of youse guys have had more birthdays than just three. Something’s not adding up. This reminds me of when I was babysitting and after one kid had a birthday, somehow it was magically every other toddler’s birthday today too…

Oh, and “bonne f?te,” which I think is probably pronounced “bonFIGHT” based on how they pronounce other stuff in Qu?b?cois around here.


Many happy returns! Great day for it. (Happens to be my birthday too).


Happy Birthday, Seb! I hope you don’t get so shit-faced that you’re incapable of enjoying the threesome that Mrs. No! and Amber have planned for you. Oops! Wasn’t supposed to let that slip out . . .


Happy birthday! Remember, Heinken is not a German beer. It’s Dutch.


Sur sa tombe Seb veut qu’on inscrive:
“Ici g?t le roi des buveurs”!


[sigh] Steve C, since you have nothing more to offer than a cut-n-pasted link to an mp3 mantra of Kerry slanders, which you have maniacally and robotically inserted into each of the last few comment threads, I’d say that you’ve pretty well put to rest any question of whether you’re a bona fide troll or not.

Personally speaking, it’s more than just a little creepy, Sonny; it reminds me of those lab rats feverishly slapping that cocaine dispenser lever until they pass out from from exhaustion. Yeesh.


And Happy Birthday, Seb, I’ll raise a glass to ya in the Blue Chip Tavern tonight.


Now that’s my kind of Blogger. Short, objective analysis, able to get to the root of the issue and tough enough to make hard decisions and follow through no matter the consequeses. Happy Birthday.


Happy Birthday, Seb! Mine’s on Wednesday – nothing like a waxing moon to bring out the Bad Boy in all of us, eh?
Have a wonderful day; I’ll raise a toast to you this Friday, when my opp for getting shit-faced rolls around.
Cheers, this year and many more!


Happy birthday!


Dang! Happy B’Day!


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