You may remember him from such instructional videos as…

Thanks to Scott for sending us this Florida voting machine video.

One of the questions included in the video reminded us of our favorite suggested question for the 1995 Quebec referendum on sovereignty, made by Pierre Drouilly:

“Are you not in disagreement with not denying to Quebec the right not to remain a non-sovereign state economically linked to the rest of Canada?” Yes or No.*

* N’?tes-vous pas en d?saccord de ne pas nier au Qu?bec le droit de ne pas demeurer un ?tat non-souverain associ? ?conomiquement avec le reste du Canada?


Comments: 3


uh…’malheureusement, non?’


Ah, FLorida always makes me nostalgic for the time I was denied the right to vote in the 1995 Referendum…


Is it not true that the sky is blue?


Gonna beat a perjury rap with that someday.


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