Kerry, how did we ever forget about you?
Nigel from amBLOnGus emails to ask what on earth is wrong with us, given that we’ve ignored not one but two recent columns by the infamous Kerry Marsala. Wonder no more Nigel — we are now on the case. (We know that waiting is a bad idea as doing so means that the treacherous S.Z. from World O’Crap might steal our Kerry.)
What’s Kerry up to you wonder?
Pretty boys who are in touch with their feminine side, receive manicures, use tanning products and pay 150.00 for a new coifed haircut really is what I’ve decided I want to run the leading world power.
As long as the constitution is amended, Kerry wants to say hello to President Schwarzenegger! Go Arnold!
Who needs experience in the servicing of our country, Edwards is so rich he makes Mr. Trump look like a pauper.
Uh, right:
10. Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) $15 million
Things aren’t as good as they used to be for The Donald. It’s in her other column, however, that Kerry truly shines:
Globally the political policy has been sanction application.
Those who do not learn from Kerry are doomed to be hired by Clog.
No doubt there have been times when sanctions have worked, but more often than not when a group of insane bloodthirsty ideologist connect they become a mass of death and destruction- sanctions are nothing more than a hug and a mild form of a reprimand.
Did any of you think you might have what it takes to be the internet’s hottest young conservative writer on the web? Kerry will see your mangled syntax and raise you one incoherent analogy.
In many ways the WMD’s have disguised themselves as other destructive tools other than what we believed to be there.
Did they look like this perhaps?
The ability of the terrorist to create hysteria, lies, deception and fear has really become their WMD[.]
Hello, my name is Saddam Hussein. Surrender now or I shall unleash my hysteria related program activity on you! (Or is Kerry calling President Bush, Sweet Condi and Uncle Dick terrorists? It’s hard to tell really.)
prior to 9/11 Iraq had become the place the terrorist worldwide converged
Kerry — reality called. She wants to know why you won’t return her calls. Danke!
This roaches nest of terrorist has grown to astronomical proportions. If we don’t annihilate these WMD’s where they breed hatred they will be flying more airplanes into our buildings.
If the comments were working, we’d ask someone what that means. As it is, we’ll just have to deal with our ignorance.
Global terrorism is a global phenomenon.
Tribal sovereignty means you’re sovereign! (*)
the Twin Towers will look like a small staged play compared to what their true intentions are to our ideologies and their determine myopic desire to terminate us from the earth.
If only they had medication to deal like the feelings Kerry is experiencing. Unfortunately, the answer is… sadly, no!
(The comments are closed on this post until we can get them working again — our apologies.) Comments should be ok now, thanks to Scott.
Kerry has definitely succeeded this time in annoying libruls with her fucked up grammar.
“This roaches nest of terrorist has grown to astronomical proportions. If we don’t annihilate these WMD’s where they breed hatred they will be flying more airplanes into our buildings.”
Since your comments are now working, I can tell you that this means Kerry has finally had that aneurysm and finished this post in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.
By the by, Kerry–if there are more terrorists now than 9/11, what does that mean about GW’s plan to rid the world of them?
Let me get this straight…
Kerry Marsala actually gets these painful examples of english abuse past editors?
Fuck me until I’m blue!
Does Kerry think that “terrorist” is like “fish,” in that the same form works for both singular and plural uses?
New coifed [sic] haircut: $150.
Edwards’ net worth: More than the Donald’s.
“This roaches [sic] nest of terrorist [sic]”: priceless.
The “roaches nest of terrorist” sounds like a dish served at the Thai restaurant around the corner from me: “Bird Nets on Fried” (“Bird’s Nest on Fire”)
Good to see you back taunting the wingnuts, Seb.
I wish Kerry Marsala was mad enough at John Kerry to change her first name. It would make it easier to parse sentences like “Or is Kerry calling President Bush, Sweet Condi and Uncle Dick terrorists?”
Seb, I hope the job you’re interviewing for is making fun of Kerry Marsala, because you rock at it! (I’m sure you have many other fine qualities which any employer would love to utilize, but I would hope that mocking Kerry is included somewhere on the list of duties at the mysterious location.)
That said, I will indeed steal Kerry if you aren’t more careful with her. Now, to go see if Amber is still alive.
Marsala puts herself about — her finely wrought columns appear at half a dozen websites that somehow show up on Google News. Canada Free Press is the latest I’ve found, which seems to be The Rant with uglier formatting, a couple of token Canadians and Jim Bradford, a contender for the world’s worst cartoonist. Thought I might find some new wingnuts there for my own knockabout purposes, but they seem to be the same old bunch that turn up everywhere. Could it be that there’s really only a finite number of wingnuts, that there aren’t bottomless resources of gibbering ninnies waiting out there to be discovered and cultivated like there once seemed to be?
This roaches nest of terrorist has grown to astronomical proportions. If we don’t annihilate these WMD’s where they breed hatred they will be flying more airplanes into our buildings.
Why does Kerry hate her Leader? He JUST TOLD US they had rounded up 75% of Al Qaeda — we’re winning. (Note that this statistic went up FIVE PERCENT in a single day last week — DAYUM, they’re GOOD!)
I feel much safer with Kerry keeping an eye on these things.
This roaches nest of terrorist has grown to astronomical proportions.
We must eradicate the Giant Space Roaches! Or the Giant Space Roach. I can’t really tell.
How do you think President Kerry will feel about this asswipe using his name?