We Join This Investigative Series Already In Progress1

Shorter Confederate Yankee:

When Denied A Chance to Turn Wounded Troops Into A Photo Op, Obama Declined to Meet with Them at All

Above: We are too lazy to Photoshop him in front
of a new Wacky Packages card today.

  • Ho ho. Riddle me this, liberals: When Barack Obama, according to an anti-Obama email allegedly sent by an anonymous soldier that I stand behind even though the Army now biasedly and dubiously claims that it is a so-called “fake,” insulted the troops by canceling a cynical photo-op that attempted to use the troops — who according to another email which is not proven to be fake all hate him and do not want to meet with him — as a campaign prop; then whether or not the Pentagon itself suggested canceling the visit and insulting the troops because Obama was brazenly campaigning on foreign soil with his campaign staff and not his Senate staff, was he also at the same time misappropriating taxpayer funds by bringing his Senate staff on the trip? Because if so, then the blame for the Pentagon’s wholly proper decision must doubly rest on Obama’s arrogant and dishonest attempt fxjgddt auyio5lrig;o111… jljlkj lljkljk32

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.

1 See here and here.
2 Since this is a week for such things, Mr. Yankee’s civilian name, ‘Bob Owens,’ means ‘bright fame of the nobility’ in the original English.


Comments: 38

Grand Moff Texan

McCain ran afoul of the same rule in April, not that the freepers will acknowledge a reality that despises them.

Shorter What Actually Happened

Obama: I want to visit some wounded soldiers.
Pentagon: We’d rather you not, because it’s be all…campaign-y.
Obama: Oh, okay. I won’t, then.
Pentagon: Thanks.
Rabid wingnut bloggers: OMG OBAMA HATES THE TROOPS


His original request was also to go without cameras or press corps, as he did when he visited wounded troops in Kuwait. But of course, that was only for the invisible photo-op.


Another hilarious wingnut ramble shorter was when you made the last line fade away. I didn’t realize it was a jpeg until I got to that point.


Just tell Cornfederat Wanker that the anonymous soldier was Scott Beauchamp and watch his head explode so hard it flips his grill.


Got 30 down at the bottom, 30 mo at the top
All invisible set in little ice cube blocks


Shorter? Shudder!


If only Confederate Yankoff was over there in Iraq hisself, he could’a punched CommieSlamaFascistObama in front of all the troops who Hate Him So. How can we help make that possible?

p.s. my great-great-grandfather survived Andersonville for 13 months, so I really, REALLY don’t like people like the Yanker. Would that his definitions of Traitor be applied to his own present day sedition against The United States.


This must go hand-in-hand with the “Obama didn’t shake my hand” e-mail from a “soldier” that is making the rounds in the wingnutty world of the dim-witted.

Jemand von Niemand



Oh, look. There’s Obama being treated as if he were the president-elect by yet another head of government. Please add this to your freak-out, wingnuts.


Well, we all saw what kind of pigs Goppers are in Victory.

It stands to reason they’ll be even bigger pigs losing.

I guess people who have no shame, no integrity, and shit for brains can’t help themselves.

Northern Observer

I say good man, when will the unfortunate confederate ‘moran’ grow a decent chin and achieve basic manhood. He’s too unsightly for polite company.


This must go hand-in-hand with the “Obama didn’t shake my hand” e-mail from a “soldier” that is making the rounds in the wingnutty world of the dim-witted.

Snopes has already debunked that email and another that read almost identically.

Mike in Teh Heart...er Shoulderland

It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country.

Kinda thought that was the Constitution , or what used to be the Constitution, …..er..,……. maybe not…


“Snopes has already debunked that email and another that read almost identically.”

Yep, I pointed that out to an intellectually challanged basket-case this morning. Sure shut him up in a hurry.


Sure shut him up in a hurry.

Amazing how that happens.


It stands to reason they’ll be even bigger pigs losing.

You were alive during the Clinton years, right? They have no bottom to hit in their piggishness. We haven’t seen anything yet.

bernard quatermass

Apparently, having anything other than an impenetrable skull is downright un-American.


Re: Snopes article

Ouch. After reading that last bit, I’d hate to be CPT Porter.


sagra said,

July 26, 2008 at 0:01

Re: Snopes article

Ouch. After reading that last bit, I’d hate to be CPT Porter.

Ouch indeed.

I am disgusted to be serving alongside a liar like Captain Porter, I hope he gets court martialed for lying.


You were alive during the Clinton years, right? They have no bottom to hit in their piggishness. We haven’t seen anything yet.

Them getting together to create reading clubs for the more salacious bits of testimony was hilarious.


[Added a Snopes link, btw]


owlbear1 said,

July 26, 2008 at 0:22

Them getting together to create reading clubs for the more salacious bits of testimony was hilarious.

Ah yes, I remember the published Starr Report read like a dime store novel.


It’s good to know that we only have enough freedom as the United States Armed Forces see fit to provide us with.


Check out the Snopes master page for Obama.


27 items and only two of them are deemed entirely true — one about him not having his hand over his heart during the National Anthem and another about RFK predicting we’d see a black president in 40 years.

The other 25 are flat lies or half-truths. And yet idiots out there keep falling for this shit.


jljlkj lljkljk32


It’s about time someone said what everyone was afraid to think. Or soemthin g jljlkj lljkljk32


Hey everyone, you know I’m not political, but I thought I just had to share something I saw yesterday. As I was leaving the Piggly Wiggly, I saw Obama exiting with his wife. They were complaining about how disgusting Americans are and saying that they can’t wait to implement Sharia law. Then Obama pushed a grandmother on her face and raped a small boy while his wife wandered off and had sex with a goat.

I just think that everyone should have this information before choosing our next president.


I love this part:

This email was meant only for my family. …. It was never his intention that it go beyond members of his family.

Probably why he signed it with his full name, including middle initial, rank, posting, and that he was “married and father of 6 children.”


That’s how I sign emails to my family. Which is sort of weird because I don’t have six children (that I know of).


Looks like Sarkozy is trying to give BHO a terrorist fist jab! Those French. And of course, someone at Althouse posted a link to the “married and father of 6 children” BS.


The Wankers may have a point. The soldiers don’t look nearly as happy as those packages of cheese behind McGouda did.



Doctorb said,

July 26, 2008 at 2:19

That’s how I sign emails to my family. Which is sort of weird because I don’t have six children (that I know of).

That’s so they don’t confuse you with their OTHER Doctorb husband/brother/son.


Check out the source for the Snopes article. The NY Daily News refuted the story the day before Conf Yankee put up his piece. :-p


Yeesh – he visits the troops = he’s exploiting their pain, whereas, he doesn’t visit them = he doesn’t give a damn … yeah, the wingnut spin on this non-event really nailed me out of left-field, alrighty.

Mere refutation of GOP BS means nothing to Incontinent Yanker – it’s yet more proof of unfair liberal bias, against what he WANTS to be true.


somebody please hit the tip bucket so the man can buy himself a chin!


It would be SO nice to be able to believe what we read these days –
it is disgusting to try to judge a man (rep or dem) on the “crap” being dispursed……….


This brings me to an idea:…


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