German-Language/Meaning-Of-Names Week Continues With…
Posted on July 25th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Shorter Debbie “Bee Key” Schlussel:1
Above: Foxy Lady!
“Winning” In Iraq?: As U.S. Doubles Visas for Iraqi Refugees, One Arrested in Teen Sex Sting
- While I support the surge, an increase in visas for interpreters, contractors, and military personnel who can’t remain in Iraq because they helped America means that the surge is not working, because why are we letting more of these criminal America-hating Iraqi Muslim scum into our country!? [head explodes]
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
1 Lit. from the Hebrew and the German
We have to kill them there so they can’t emigrate here.
now that is funny. that they are remaking scanners so that the greatest gif of all time will be ruined…that isn’t funny.
I don’t think her head has exploded so much as it has inflated.
You know, if you ran a damp cloth over her face, only her nose would remain.
I can’t repeat the talking point until I understand it …
Mmm …
Er …
We turned Iraq into a democratic paradise so why can’t the Iraqis who helped U.S. forces just stay home and enjoy said paradise?
Liberal? Hmf?
You know, not to defend the guy (okay to defend him a little) I went back and read the original Detroit Free Press report. He (and four other guys) were just arrested for showing their junk on a webcam to someone they believed was a teenager.
I hate to say it, but should the Detroit cops really spend that much time just to arrest guys who show their junk on the internet (not that I’d want to read the transcripts of the chats, but entrapment? Just gotta ask).
Its one thing if they were arranging time/places to meet with underage minors but, seriously, for showing their junk on a webcam? Isn’t there worse stuff happening in Detroit. How many hours were devoted to this “sting?” Seriously…how many cops were engaged in CHAT ROOMS just WAITING for some dude who got interested in showing you his junk?
Seriously…how many cops were engaged in CHAT ROOMS just WAITING for some dude who got interested in showing you his junk?
It doesn’t take long.
That jacket just screams “I’m going to the Ted Nugent concert and blowing every roadie I can”.
I wonder what other things she blames Muslims for. Probably her failed drivers test, or loosing that ballet competition when she was 6, or her favorite shoes being eaten by a dog.
Unleash the ballet competition!
Since it worked for the schools why don’t we make these Iraqis new and fresh again by painting them?
I like her choice of Lip Smackers.
So they were too shy for Catch a Predator?
Looks like she’s sucking her cheeks in to reduce their natural puffiness, and/or get a tough look on.
Or practicing.
I wear makeup. I love makeup, actually. It’s like a toy for grownups. But you have to know how to do it, or you look like a clown. Debbie, you’re doing it wrong. Oh so wrong.
If there is such a thing as a soul, I’m sure Deb’s looks like one of the little shriveled up raisins you occasionally get along with the big juicy ones when you reach in the bag for a handful. Like biting a piece of twig.
I picked a Crazed Nutjob® blog post at random ( ) and hit the JACKPOT*!
Shorter Micheal Bates: It’s all Clinton’s fault, and $17 million is a HUGE amount of money for the gov’t to waste since we can assign that to Democrats.
* A jackpot is when you find a Crazed Nutjob® blog post still blaming Clinton.
I didn’t know that the U. S. doubled the Visa quota for Iraqi refugees. Does that mean there are now eight?
Hope everybody caught this little gem:
No doubt Mr Wadie was one of these folks
Did catch that , Scruggs . In fact that’s my nominee for next New Wingnut of the week . So Wingy, it deserves posting twice .
Now, about those future-criminal-detecting-machine-thingies that Dept. of Homeland Insecurity should be using……..
Uh, does she think that looks good? Really?
Read the bs from robscottw. What in hell does he think the major basis was for our forefathers to come here? Doesn’t some old piece of paper (mostly ignored by the reich wing) have some vague notions about something called “religious freedom?” Maybe he thinks that means that everyone is supposed to be free to worship and believe exactly as he does or face the consequences- Inquisition or Cristal Nacht anyone!
Looks like Black Canary has really let herself go.
“Did catch that , Scruggs . In fact that’s my nominee for next New Wingnut of the week . So Wingy, it deserves posting twice .”
Oh, I definitely concur. Or is that a little bit TO nutty? I mean, it would be kind of like kicking an (ugly, stupid, evil) puppy.
“Schlussel” bedeutet “key” auf English gesagt, Ich glaube.
Whiny Gramm American said,
July 25, 2008 at 22:33
I picked a Crazed Nutjob® blog post at random ( ) and hit the JACKPOT*!
Shorter Micheal Bates: It’s all Clinton’s fault, and $17 million is a HUGE amount of money for the gov’t to waste since we can assign that to Democrats.
* A jackpot is when you find a Crazed Nutjob® blog post still blaming Clinton.
Nah, that hardly even registers in the top 10. There are wingnuts out there blaming Adlai and Harry, let alone Willy.
Atlas Scruggs said,
July 25, 2008 at 22:54
Hope everybody caught this little gem:
It’s been making the rounds on the Internet for a while, so the fucking treasonist isn’t even original – just vile.
I like how they at least have the intellectual honesty to lift their procedures directly from On The Jews And Their Lies. Either someone with a wry sense of humor got ahold of an early version of that piece of shit or the originators are actually so anti-Semitic that the angriest they could get at a group was to think of them as Jewoids.
Still, others are like Waleed Wadie, age 29, now of Sterling Heights, Michigan–a Detroit suburb. The recent Iraqi refugee was arrested, yesterday, on charges of exposing himself online to an undercover officer he thought was an underaged teen girl. He used web cameras to show his genitalia during internet chats.
I do not know whether Mr. Wadie is Christian or Muslim, though it does not matter.
We can be pretty sure he’s a Republican, tho.