From the secret Sadly, No! Archives
Back in the day — way, way back in the day, all the way to that time when Pete M. and The Dark Window were around, Pete and I had come up with the idea of creating a faux wingnut who would get a column published by The Rant, aka The New Media Journal. Did that work out for us? Hell yeah, old school wingnuttery, Stanton Carlisle-style. We remain fond of that column — it had such great lines as:
The simple fact (and one that is more plainly evident than an ACLU lawyer at a NAMBLA convention) is that France and Germany have no more loyalty to our United States than Al Gore does to sanity. Both countries can be counted on for only one thing: planning against American interests with the same energy and enthusiasm as Michael Moore set free at the opening of a new Krispy Kreme donuts!
Good times, good times. While Stanton died an early death, he had written a second column which never made it onto the internets — and in the spirit of not letting our work go to waste, we offer this “classic” from 2004. The sad part is, it reads like a real The Rant/Renew America column. (Which is why most smart people assume that Carey Roberts’ columns are actually written by Pandagon’s Amanda Marcotte.) This one’s for you, Pete.
Goodbye to Old Europe and Hello to New Islam
“The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.”
So wrote the very prescient British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey on the eve of World War I. I would like to call your attention today to an even greater threat (and one just as overlooked) today. I speak of the rising tide of Islamofascism in Europe.
It should come as no surprise that the European liberals love the Islamists almost as much as they hate the Jews. Given that Europe is moving faster than Bill Clinton on his way to meet new interns, it likely won’t be long until we have Saudi Francorabia and Germanistan. Thanks to the precedent set by appeasement-minded Spain, no European can now consider himself safe. And yet, if there is another major terrorist attack here, you know who the Euros will run to for help: Their old Uncle Sam. We see the same pattern again and again. The Europeans make a mess of global situations and then shriek for the United States to save them.
What’s amazing is how, after all this, the Europeans still blame the Americans for making the world unsafe. The one man who is willing to take the fight to the terrorists is seen as a marauding cowboy (as if that were a bad thing!). Europeans obviously think that the best way to remain safe is to pretend that if you’re quiet, terrorists won’t notice you’re there. They will go so far as to pretend that what happened in Madrid was just a bad day that doesn’t require much. Notice how after a bomb exploded at a train station in Cologne, Germany, the Polizei spent all of their energy arguing that this just couldn’t be a terrorist attack. (1) “Inconceivable” they repeated over and over again. Well that word may not mean what they think it means.
And while Europeans pretend that they want to help stem the developments of terrorists, they also complain incessantly about the US’ progress in the war on terror. The simple truth of the matter is that Iraq has become a centralized terrorist killing zone. In a stroke of pure genius, President Bush has managed to draw freedom-hating thugs from around the region into Iraq where they can be wiped out with impunity. If he were to try to do this elsewhere, can you imagine the howls of protest that would arise from the Left? Nobody can dispute this fact. It’s as self-evident as the terrorist training camp at Salman Pak.
What’s terrifying, though, is that as surely as Mohammed Atta went to Prague, al-Qaeda has set its sites upon Europe. And they won’t be content until it has become an Islamic colony, until the very last vestiges of Western culture are driven from its shores. Militant Islam in Europe has been acting like a decay agent on its morality tooth for so long now that few even notice how bankrupt they have become.
Amazingly, many Europeans secretly seem to love the idea of an Arab takeover of the Continent. The same people who condemn even the most benign attempts by Israeli settlers to defend their families and land from Muslim madmen dance in the streets whenever they hear about a Palestinian attack.
Once again, a specter is rising over Europe. A long crescent-shaped shadow now stretches from the Atlantic to the Urals with a dark star planted firmly over what was once the City of Lights. That’s right. Ground zero for the new Islamic invasion is centered upon Paris itself. Even Ariel Sharon is now urging all Jews to leave it. (2) Only the pure light of reason will be able to pierce the rising darkness.
So while typically rude Frenchmen continue wolfing down their crêpes république and pretend to be sophisticated, the Islamofascists quietly continue to expand their numbers and influence. We’ll always have Paris you say? Well, since Paris now seems to have as much chance of surviving as Dan Rather at a patriotic convention, nothing could be less certain.
Did this idiot just watch too much Dennis Miller? Or possibly is Dennis Miller? No one else has such a talent for unfunny sub-references.
Very realistic. However I quibble:
“Well that word may not mean what they think it means.”
A true wingnut author would have found a way to misuse the reference somehow. As it is, it both makes sense and fits. For shame!
You cant parody an ideology based on ignorance and over-reaction. Going to extremes and finding new, deeper barrel bottoms to scrape is what these people DO.
Any attempt at satire simply becomes a more coherent and well written example of the thing you are trying to satirise.
Europeans are a bunch of pussy fags who are too afraid and too consumed by their hatred for America to help us in the war against islamo-fascism. The birth rates in Europe are plummeting to the point were several Euro trash “countries” such as Italy have a higher annual death rate than birth rate! The reason for this is because Europeans have abandoned God who in centuries past made Europe the most powerful and prosperous land on Earth because they obeyed Him. Now the Europeans are so consumed with themselves and there own sinful pleasures that they have forgetten God and His Command to “multiply and increase in number”. While Europeans are so lazy, selfish and un-patriotic about there own lands due to misguided liberal guilt over their Glorious Past, they are letting in muslim immigrants who are out reproducing White Europeans and turning Europe into a land of muslim savages and barbarians. Europe is finished they are a bunch of self hating bed wetting ungrateful narcassistic godless heathens who could care less about there own history and culture and don’t care about God or the survival of their own nations.
BB’s version was better wingnut parody I think, as it was boderline incoherent.
Case in point.
That last comment is like a Turing test, only for freakazoid nutbaggery instead of AI.
The Europeans are a bunch of bed-wetters and cowards as evidenced by the Spanish who voted in a socialist government after the march 2004 train bombings. Once the Spanish found out it was al-queada who was responsible for the attack they blamed their own government instead of the terrorists. What a bunch of un-patriotic faggots! The new faggot socialist pussy government then surrendered to al-queada and withdrew Spain’s 1300 troops from Iraq.
Al Queada said “jump”.
Spain replied “how high”.
It’s a dead give-away to make a reference to Princess Bride. No wingnut can possibly have the necessary traits required to appreciate that movie fully.
BB, of course has never met a European. Or been to Europe. Nor has he met a Muslim.
Also note the liberal use of proper punctuation and the dearth-dearth, I say!-of run-on sentences.
the dearth-dearth, I say!
Dearth squared?
Booger, I’m now convinced that you are a parody troll. Why else would you so obviously parrot a post about parody, in said post’s comments?
BB is a disappointing troll. So terribly predictable. Come on troll, surprise us! Give us poorly aimed vitriol! give us incoherent conspiracy theories! Give us impassioned and illiterate rants against obscure and innocuous targets! Give us fire! give us piss and spittle!
This is merely evidence that right wing Americans are nothing more than limp-wristed velveeta-eating surrender monkeys. We liberals brought the snark, and all those pathetic rand-sucking retards can respond with is a little low quality grumbling.
America is circling the BIDET because of this poor quality trolling!
So this was written in 2004?
I understand that Paris is still standing and functioning.
Who is Al Queada?
I think you misspelled it. There’s an ‘s.’
It’s Al Quesada, the 1950s comedy writer. And I have no idea why he would say “jump” to Spain, but I’m sure it was very funny on the Eddie Kovacs show.
The quality of the wingnut troll might be in better shape if the cowardly liberal fascists hadn’t forced American women to be unattracted to the totally heterosexual, heroic, and entirely *serious* wingnut intellectuals, such as Prof. Loadpants. This trickery has caused our good white women to stop breeding strong American males. Such breeding is necessary to stop the brood of Islamonazis, and other dark folks who are literally fucking like rabbits, and are merely waiting for the signal to steal the televisions of Heartland Americans.
I heart Percy Dovetonsils.
Booger, I’m now convinced that you are a parody troll.
BB’s use of the “Al-Queada” (Heartland phonetics, perhaps?) was intended to out pedantic nit-picky liberal fascists. He does not deny this. Indeed, it was central to his point.
It’s Al Quesada
Great with melted Velveeta and salsa.
I’m eating a Happy Meal yet I am filled with rage.
It is a common misunderstanding that old wives tales require , wives , women , or , or womantic wails .
It is a further walk along a short span of planking to make hay while the runts rhyme .
The final indignity has been a long time in coming , but well worth the wait .
It will come not draperied in sorrow but triumphant in cackles of culotte load and toad of newt sans trousseau till noon .
Oh mighty parrot we bow before your plumage and hooked beak
the dearth-dearth, I say!
Dearth squared?
Heh. Indeed.
I like the faux-serious invocation of irrelevant historic facts, especially British ones, to make the author appear “serious” to an American audience. Also, my only quibble with calling Bush a “cowboy” is that it pays him a compliment — a compliment which, like everything else in his life, he never earned. He cannot ride a horse, and his “ranch” is a pig farm he bought as a campaign prop.
The failure of the Bastion/Saul/Garybot to understand adds a nice touch. Wingnuts really are just the lowest form of Pavlovian responders.
The truth is, I knew the above post in the forum was parody, however just because it was parody and said with malice against Conservative thinking doesn’t mean that Europeans aren’t bedwetting self-hating pacsifist sissies. The truth is, Europeans are all those things and are doomed to destruction because of their low birth rate.
Here’s the thing that just flummoxes me.
You pick your own nym on the t00bz.
Why would someone pick “Booger”?
I mean, it’s not like his big sister gave him a mean nickname and he HAD to use it. He coulda picked something like OllieNorthbyNorthwest.
Or KommieKiller. Or something. Y’know?
Tiresome. So terribly tiresome. I am sorry my dear little wingnut, but it takes a lot more than that to insult us sophisticated European types. That sort of thing may pass muster in an Idaho schoolyard, but by godlessness, where are the veiled put-downs? Where is the cutting wit? Where is the metaphorical twitch of the upper lip?
This crass standard of american insult simply will not do. Not at all of the standard of impoliteness available in Paris, or the delightful scatological invective from London.
Indeed, this wingnuttery cannot even match the standards of the New York cab drivers exquisite obscenities.
An extremely poor effort.
I sort of have my own strategy along the same lines. After getting tired of all the wingnuts screaming about how us evil IslamoCommieFascistHomoHippyJesusHatingJews should get the hell out of the US: I decided to provide an opportunity for them to “put their rich Republican money where their loud Republican mouths are” and donate to deporting my happy ass (yes, I’m going anyway) and so I decided to set up a faux wingnut webpage: “Deport A Commie”
Complete with lots of utterly insane wingnuttery and a pretty solid condemnation of myself (the evil commie bastard to be deported), typos (to show how non-elitist the webpage is) and all. Oddly enough, given the opportunity to finally donate to deporting an evil IslamoCommieFascistHomoHippyJesusHatingJew they haven’t been contributing. Go figure.
The truth is, Random Idiot ( it think your name describes you perfectly) you European elitists are always looking down your noses at us Americans, you think you are better than us. Who was it that won both World Wars in the last century. Who was it that saved your European asses from Hitler. Who was it that protected Europe from the Soviet Union during the Cold War. And who is it now that is (undeservedly because of your ungrateful elitist attitudes) protecting Europe from the islamic terrorists. I believe it was the much maligned President Bush who proposed setting up missle defense in Czech Republic to protect Europe from Iranian nukes. But do you turncoats appreciate it? no of course not! So you know what Random Idiot you Euro-trash elitist? If I was President and Europe was attacked by islamic terrorists or the Russians or whoever I would let you ingrates fend for yourselves while I would stick to defending Fortress America. Then we shall see how much better you are than us when you beg us “evil American fascists” to come to your rescue!
And out comes the revisionist history! Only the usual brand of WW2 revisionism though, which is a pity.
You, Mister Booger, and all your “countrymen”, are traitors to the crown, and should be grateful for anything we give you short of hanging.
While Stanton died an early death…
Too many Krispy Kremes (or the rough equivalent), perhaps?
Revisionist History hah? The truth is, if the USA didn’t enter WW2 all of Europe includind Britian would have been conquered by Hitler. Even Russia would have eventually fallen without American support.
Hey Random Idiot how come White Europeans aren’t producing enough children to sustain their populations?
in saying “more evident than an ACLU lawyer at a NAMBLA convention” i think our friend stanton is making the opposite point that he means to make. if they stand out, that is because they are different. evident in this case means “notable” or “obvious” not “usual” or “unsurprising”.
which is “unsurprising” because it is “notable” that you are a total fucking idiot.
Now that Bastion Booger has become a trolling regular here, I congratulate S/N! for being a truly full-service blog.
The truth is, Europeans are not having enough children therefore there Nations will age and perish while America will rule the World for thousands of years to come.
Urm. No. Go do some research on “operation sea lion”. Hilter didn’t have the most remote chance of invading Britain, even if he had succeeded in destroying the Royal Navy and the RAF. The battle of Britain was won due to a simple home advantage, and the help of many polish, czech and french pilots. The Navy survived the Kriegsmarine thanks to their lack of a large surface fleet. By the time the Americans joined the western front, the war was a forgone conclusion. The blitzkrieg had failed, thwarted by russian winter and the English channel.
Maybe take a look at the number of American troops involved in D-day. Commonwealth troops outnumbered them hugely. Perhaps take a look at the casualties too.. The Americans lost hundreds of lives to poor strategy.
The really funny thing? The Soviets didn’t get a lick of help from the allies. They won that fight entirely on their own abilities. The last year of the war was nothing more than a race to see which side would lay claim to the most of Germany.
Nicely done with the ‘Salman Pak’ and ‘Atta in Prague’ references, that of course prove the opposite of what the narrator thinks they do.
Of course, as others have noted, it’s not incoherent or run-on enough to fully pass muster. Even tho the facts are wrong, the arguments can actually be followed and seem to maintain a train of thought throughout the whole article.
As opposed to the each-paragraph-is-an-island compartmentalization required by genuine wingnut articles, to keep the illogical points from bashing directly into each other and causing cognitive dissonance…David Brooks is a high master of this dark art…
He’s a booger bastion!
He’s a horseshit bastion!
He’s two! —-two!—-two!— bastions in one!”
Then why is it that in the North African theater the British got there asses handed to them by Rommel until us “evil Americans” came to your rescue and repeled the Germans from North Africa? The British only won one major victory by themselves against the Germans in the entire war (which was in North Africa I believe where they usually got their asses kicked) and even then it was because they had a 3-1 advanage and the Germans had no artillary. If it wasn’t for America Britian would never had defeated Germany on there own.
Oh, by the way, America sent troops to fight Germany in very early 1942 when the Germans were at the height of their power.
No, there actually was a Bastion Booger. That was one of the names used by a professional wrestler named Mike Shaw. Others were Klondike Mike, Makhan Singh, Solomon Grundy, and Norman the Lunatic. In the character of Booger, Shaw portrayed a disgusting hillbilly stereotype. The Bastion who trolls in these threads has as much right to the name as I would have to call myself Baron von Raschke. Und dot’s all da people need to know!
This is from Wiki.
United States: 1,465 dead, 5,138 wounded, missing or captured;
United Kingdom: 2,700 dead, wounded or captured;
Canada: 340 dead; 621 wounded or captured;[4]
Nazi Germany: Between 4,000 and 9,000 dead, wounded or captured
I make that to be about 6500 American casualties and about 3700 UK and Canadian casualties. I know, Wiki’s not that reliable, but this is about the ratio I’ve heard before. If these numbers need correcting, somebody with some expertise needs to correct them.
Makhan Singh,
My goodness! A brown-skinned person!
I think he has really given himself away now, by not even knowing the most basic historical facts of ww2 (which as we know, all wingnuts worship as the ultimate expression of american power)
Rommel effectively defeated himself by overextending his supply lines.. His last victory was actually handing the Americans arses to them, in their first (and only significant) battle in north Africa.
Africa was won by a motley collection of Britons, Australians, New Zealanders, and many native Africans.
Being ignorant is one thing, but just making things up for the sake of an argument is another. Big clue that BB isn’t sincere, even if he IS trying to be a prick.
Um, Random, don’t argue with a troll, just make fun of him.
Wrong again Random Idiot, Africa was won by Americans with some assistance from other nations.
Unlike the U.S. interests, which aren’t really interests from our selfish, narrow viewpoints, and instead represent the desires of every sane Western state.
For real, yo. We’re pure and good and saintly like that.
America is the Greatest Nation this World has ever seen. Europe has nothing on USA not by a long shot.
By the way Mikey.. That looks roughly right, but Wiki quotes UK and Canadian numbers as totalling 83 000 or so, and the American forces being 73 000 strong, making the American casualty rate much higher than the British.
The fuck-ups on Omaha beach are pretty well known and documented, we don’t have to go into that.
Strangely, Wikipedia has next to nothing to say about the Australian forces. I was always under the impression they were quite a large minority.
America can’t hold a candle to Rome at the height of her greatness.
The troll is falling to bits. It’s just too damned easy to draw him into making straightforward posts, which are obviously false.
At least the long semi-coherent rants withstand analysis simply by not containing anything which stands up as a logical assertion, or anything that even pretends to be a fact.
Europe is doomed to destruction if they don’t do something about their declining birth rate fast!
Hey Random Idiot how come the British aren’t producing enough children to sustain and increase their population? Come on now 1.85 children per woman thats pathetic.
But the Chinese scarcely average ONE child per woman, and they are kicking your American arses! They practically own the US dollar now, despite their birth rate.
The Chinese would not stand a chance against America in a war. We would blow their navy to smitherines.
War? WAR? The Chinese would have something to say about that I am sure! Probably ..
“Bow before you dare to speak to me you horrible little debtor nation! Now fuck off and leave my middle eastern oil fields alone before we foreclose on the white house, and repossess all those tanks, ships, and planes we paid for.”
Go on.. gimme another logical fallacy, I can match it in turn.
I was wondering to myself what stuck out about the Princess Bride reference. Then it came to me. For the wingnuts, absolutely nothing is funny unless it’s utterly derisive.
D Day ’44 generates a kneejerk in a lot of americans, random. I can’t speak for anybody else, but I’ll tell you why you I think you might want to at least try to be a little more circumspect.
I’ve been under fire. I know the bowel – melting terror, the shrieking commands from your brainstem to RUN! I have seen courage under fire, acts of bravery and selflessness you can’t imagine if you haven’t been there. I have stood, held the line, fought through the night and found myself in one piece in the smoky, bloody misery of the sunrise.
But for those guys, ANY of those guys, to wade into that brutal fire, no cover, nothing to do but trust fate, die or live, or somewhere in between, laying on that beach crying, bleeding, hit with know idea how bad, terrified to move and even more terrified not to.
Man. I dunno if I coulda done it. Tactics be damned, m’man, there was just no damn way to do that any other way, and every goddam one of those guys had more courage in his left thumb than I had in ten months in vietnam.
And so you’ll find most of us who know what we know, even if even WE cannot imagine that june morning in Normandy, tend to be a little sensitive. It’s probably best just to move on – it’s not a logic based reaction…
I know the reaction it gets Mikey.. That’s half the reason I threw it at the troll. Chuck it all at the wall and see what sticks.
That’s how I deal with that type. No point trying to kick em in the balls, they don’t have any. Their hubris is a much better target.
So much of Americas self perception as the “good guys” comes from one war, which ironically created the climate for US interventionism that lead to the war YOU got stuck in.
Most Liberal Americans don’t need that perception anymore, but damn, those wingnuts CLING to it like drowning men.
The Soviets didn’t get a lick of help from the allies. They won that fight entirely on their own abilities.
That’s not right. The Soviets did indeed stop the Germans largely through their own efforts. But they were able to push back the Germans and fight their way to Berlin because of supplies that they received through Lend-Lease, especially the massive numbers of American-built trucks that gave the Red Army much more mobility than it would have had otherwise. It required an international effort to crush Nazi Germany.
Strangely, Wikipedia has next to nothing to say about the Australian forces. I was always under the impression they were quite a large minority.
So far as I know, there weren’t any Australian units in Europe in the last year of the war. A lot of Australians fought in North Africa from late 1940 through 1941, but I believe they were all transferred to the southwest Pacific (fun places like New Guinea) after Pearl Harbor.
Sorry – my pedantry switch clicked on.
As for Bastian Booger (aka Saul, probably aka Kevin), he’s worthless even as a troll and I would recommend ignoring him entirely.
I know the reaction it gets Mikey.. That’s half the reason I threw it at the troll.
Hokay. I didn’t mean to try and tell you to shut up anyway. Your voice is critically important.
You’ll have a hard time finding anyone more “antiwar” than me, but the eleven bravos on the ground don’t deserve our derision. They got sent, and they did what they are supposed to do.
I’m not one of these bullshit “support the troops” idiots, and in fact, I don’t support the mission and “the troops” need to come home. No matter how you feel about soldiering as a job, occupation is brutal and unnecessary, and below what we claim to stand for. But it’s the motherfuckers who give the orders who are committing the crimes, them and the scared kids with fucked up leadership who killed, hurt and terrorized people out of fear and frustration.
No, war isn’t glorious, and it ultimately is a shitty way to make a living, but if you’re infantry or marines, the calculation is different, and you see things a little differently. And, it’s important to mention, it’s YOU that carry the guilt and the horror and the fucking memories and pay the price with broken lives and damaged relationships and all the misery you can never find a box the right size and shape to put it in. Or a shelf high enough to put the box….
All true. All I meant to do was point out that the instances BB was glorifying as great victories.. were not.
There is never EVER anything disrespectful towards troops in admitting what the final result was. Denial of reality by pretending that a Phyrric victory was a rout, or that a loss was a win, is doing troops the worst dis-service imaginable.
If the public, and the commanders of the armed forces will not admit the truth, those poor fuckers in the firing line won’t be given orders based on reality. They may infact, be given orders which are impossible to fulfil, and they will be left with no choice but to do and die.
The most respectful thing the Commander in Chief could do for his troops right now is stand up and say “we lost the Iraq war, its time to retreat”.
For the wingnuts, its all about the VICTORY.. the hubris, and the thrill of winning, and being better than everyone else. Soldiers know what victory looks like though. Victory looks like coming home.
I think it is insulting to soldiers who fought to do anything other than tell the absolute truth about the war they fought, even if it is long in the past. If it was pointless and bloody, we have to ADMIT it. It’s the only way to stop it happening again. (I dont have to tell you though do i, wingnuts talking about Vietnam probably boils your piss like nothing else)
Of all the “Euro trash ‘countries'” he could have chosen, trust the idiot troll to pick Italy, which is staunchly Catholic and more devout than any other nation in Western Europe.
Bastion Booger said,
January 4, 2008 at 3:06
The Chinese would not stand a chance against America in a war. We would blow their navy to smitherines.
Under Admiral Larry Craig, no doubt.
Bastion Booger said,
January 4, 2008 at 2:42
America is the Greatest Nation this World has ever seen.
I agree.
Maybe you should move here?
Baron von Raschke. said,
January 4, 2008 at 2:21
No, there actually was a Bastion Booger. That was one of the names used by a professional wrestler named Mike Shaw. Others were Klondike Mike, Makhan Singh, Solomon Grundy, and Norman the Lunatic. In the character of Booger, Shaw portrayed a disgusting hillbilly stereotype. The Bastion who trolls in these threads has as much right to the name as I would have to call myself Baron von Raschke. Und dot’s all da people need to know!
Yes, but did he appear in Strawmen of Gor?
Bastion Booger said,
January 3, 2008 at 23:45
Once the Spanish found out it was al-queada who was responsible for the attack they blamed their own government instead of the terrorists. What a bunch of un-patriotic faggots!
Right, and that’s why Osama is still alive and Saddam is dead, shithead: unpatriotic faggots in Washington.
I am also appalled at their low birth weight.
Europe is doomed to destruction if they don’t do something about their declining birth rate fast!
So head on over there and fuck some European women, would you my [white] American brothers? I know it’s tough to think about banging some Scandinavian chick, or one of those stupid French models, or even *shudder* an opinionated Italian girl, but screw your courage to the sticking place (so to speak) and help those poor struggling countries out. It’s obvious that their men aren’t doing their jobs and forcing those women to pop out [white] babies.
Sigh. How the hell are we going to convince Scandinavians to come to the Heartland (again) if we’re hell bent on keeping them in Europe to repopulate? Break’s a girl’s heart, that does. Even a married girl like me. Don’t worry about America; I already did my duty and popped out two [white] babies – and I’m so fucking good that I had two BOYS instead of those completely useless female types.
Where the hell is Pete M. when you need his world-class snark? I do poor service to the topic, try as I might.
Conservative godfather Richard Viguerie, on Pastor Huck.
There you have it. Huckabee is a disaster for the GOP because he’s too liberal and a Christian Socialist and just like George W. Bush, who used to be the 2nd incarnation of Ronald Reagan for these people and shortly after 9/11/2001 was in fact the 2nd incarnation of Moses. But he is not a liberal fascist unless he now is because at one time he was a conservative which means you’re not a fascist but now maybe Bush Jr. and now Huckabee are for Jesus but not the right Jesus and so not conservative and therefore they are liberals and socialists and therefore liberal fascists because they ate the poisoned fruit grown from the French Revolution which was planted by Woodrow Wilson and the American Legion.
I haven’t read all the comments, so I’m not sure if anyone else mentioned it, but doesn’t this sound a lot like Gary/Saul/tr0llz?:
The simple truth of the matter is that Iraq has become a centralized terrorist killing zone.
Just change “simple truth” to “fact”!
Rommel effectively defeated himself by overextending his supply lines.
Here’s another viewpoint — German cryptanalysts were good, and largely responsible for Rommel’s Desert-Fox reputation, but in the end they were not as good as the crew at Bletchley Park.
The Soviets didn’t get a lick of help from the allies.
I knew a couple of Merchant-Marine guys who would disagree:
I know this is troll baiting, but how about BB comes down to Oz for ANZAC Day and see how his views are received by the locals. Do the Kokoda Track, Milne Bay or the Brisbane Riots ring any bells Septic? My grandfather was at Gallipoli, my ex-Father-in-law at Tobruk and Milne Bay, and my current Father-in-law did 2 tours in Vietnam. None of them thought highly of US military prowess.
They may in fact, be given orders which are impossible to fulfill, and they will be left with no choice but to do and die.
Gallipoli springs to mind.
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