The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
Miss Mrs. Anne Elk Applebaum, March 8th, 2011:
Why the Arab anxiety about American and Western help? Why the reluctance among our allies? The answer can be summed up in a single word: Iraq. Far from setting “an example for the entire region,” as Krauthammer put it, Iraq serves as a dire warning: Beware, for this could be the fate of your country.
Anne Applebaum, August 30, 2010:
I supported the invasion of Iraq, I think the surge was a success and I believe that an Iraqi democracy could be a revolutionary force for good in the Middle East. Yet even if violence abates, even if all American troops go home, we have still paid a very high price for our victory — much higher than we usually admit.
Anne Applebaum, July 17, 2007:
More troops? I hardly need to elaborate on what’s wrong with that plan, since so many in Congress do so every day. But for the record, I’ll repeat the obvious: More troops means more American casualties, maybe many more casualties. Worse, the very presence of American soldiers creates strife in some parts of Iraq — angering Iraqis, motivating al-Qaeda, sparking violence. Besides, we’ve tried the surge, and the surge hasn’t brought the results we wanted.
To recap for those scoring at home: Iraq is pretty much a mess (“this could happen to your country”), a mess that resulted from the US “victory” there. The surge, a success, was a really bad idea (obviously). The invasion of Iraq, a good idea supported by Anne, started this chain of events.
It follows then, logically, “All wood burns,” states Sir Bedevere. “Therefore,” he concludes, “all that burns is wood.” This is, of course, pure bullshit. that:
Good idea –> Invasion –> Victory –> Mess –> Victory
Foolish consistency, hobgoblins, etc…
It must be nice to have no long-term memory.
Shorter Anne: “Since approximately 10:00 AM on January 20, 2009, for some strange reason I just don’t support the war the way I used to.”
Anne Applebaum–> writes drivel –> receives Stanley Kaplan Test Prep/War Criminal Post paycheck –> repeat
as Krauthammer put it
Yup, that’s what we need to convince us.
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”
OFFS. My Emerson quote got caught in the filter.
Why the Arab anxiety about American and Western help? Why the reluctance among our allies? The answer can be summed up in a single word:
IraqDEATH.Fixed that for her!
A man of tomatoes is privileged only as far as he has tomatoes.
–> Profit!
Bad idea –> Fox Noise –> Good idea –> More Fox Noise –> Victory –> Mess –> Fox Noise turned up to 11 –> Victory –> ??? –> Profit
Right so I suppose Applebaum has to be consistent about everything? This is worse than Genghis Khan with puppets!!!
Sorry to be a concern troll, but I think Applebaum was consistent in her main point: that whatever “success” we achieved in Iraq, it wasn’t really worth it.
Maybe I’m inclined to cut her some slack because I liked “Gulag” so much. She’s not some doofus like Jonah Goldberg; she has some actual chops as a journalist. (I also liked how she dissed Krauthammer.)
Li’l Annie isn’t all that familiar with the concept of archives, is she?
Or search engines. Or caching.
I suspect there are signs throughout her house:
“1) Inhale
2) Exhale
3)Repeat (in that order)”
You and your “gotcha journalism.”
I don’t agree, Bitter Scribe.
Remember, Richard Cohen used to be a liberal, but years of working for Fred Hiatt rotted his brain, his moral sense, and his ability to write. Same thing with Anne Applebaum.
From Mark Ames:
There was a time when she was almost sharp, approaching one of those intelligent conservatives of the sort that went extinct in the 80s. But that was before she got signed to the Washington Post’s editorial page. Apparently a prerequisite to working there is allowing editor Fred Hiatt grab you by the jaw, pry open your mouth, and blow a cloud of brain-eating spores up your sinuses. Because Anne Applebaum’s brain is enveloped in a burqa of dingbat mold, and there ain’t a Lysol in the world that can cure it.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Gulag, who shook her moral fist indignantly at oppression (so long as the oppression was in Russia) and intolerance (in Russia) is now reduced to churning out hack apologias on behalf of poor misunderstood Switzerland, who for no good reason at all got unfairly singled out just because they went ‘n’ banned minarets. According to Applebaum, the only thing the Swiss are guilty of is fearing too much–which is the equivalent of loving too much if you’re a fear-addicted neocon like Applebaum.
Sorry to be a concern troll, but I think Applebaum was consistent in her main point: that whatever “success” we achieved in Iraq, it wasn’t really worth it.
Mebbe (I am not convinced but wev).
I still maintain that anyone paying attention to the lead up to the second Iraq war (noting the decisions to limit the first one) would have to assume that this would be a major clusterfuck with little or no value to American (or world) interests.
Again, the major beneficiary seems to be Iran.*
* And yes, I am familiar with the arguments that the Bush administration got played by Iranian intelligence services into invading.
“I’m listening hard, but I just can’t hear the “voices around the world” …….”
Anne is like the guy on the subway listening to his MP3, and singing at the top of his lungs, except Anne isn’t singing the song she hears, she listening to this and singing something stupid.
* And yes, I am familiar with the arguments that the Bush administration got played by Iranian intelligence services into invading.
It’s easy to get played if you wish to get played.
What BBBB said.
The Bush Administration came into office lusting for war on Iraq.
But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.
Downing Street memo.
Notice long list of nations that didn’t get played, e.g. France, Germany, Israel,…
Good luck flying those planes from home, someone said somewhere
Hah! We (by which I of course mean THEY) bomb countries on the other side of the world from WHITEMAN AFB in Missouri.
Speaking of fascist octopuses/vampire squid.
I remember thinking, when good liberals everywhere got convinced by Colin Powell’s presentation: If we know where the WMD are, why don’t we just tell the inspectors and let them find it? If Saddam refuses, then all you have to do was bomb those sites, just like in Clinton did in “
Wag the Dog”1998.This seems like a decent argument that could have been made by conservative Dems, though I guess they were too busy taking the issue off the table.
Speaking of fascist octopuses/vampire squid.
Add some tomatoes and you might have something there.
Add some tomatoes and you might have something there.
Wrong thread, baby!
This is worse than Genghis Khan with puppets!!!
Is Spengler still pitching ideas to TV folks because WIN.
I remember thinking, when good liberals everywhere got convinced by Colin Powell’s presentation
Did anyone get convinced by that who wasn’t already?
Hey, I wonder if wingnuts will start eating Vegemite just to spite Obama…
Also, at the risk of sounding like a horndog, Prime Minister Gillard is kinda foxy in a “chunky Jodie Foster” kinda way.
Is Spengler still pitching ideas to TV folks because WIN.
I was gonna suggest the comedy The Dukes of Alhazred, but apparently it’s taken. Damn! Damn! Damn! I had visions of Edward Derby Duke and his cousin Wingate Pickman Duke riding around Alhazred county in their souped-up Ford, the Pharoah Nephren-Ka, thwarting the plots of Boss Yog. Of course, there’s also their sexy ichthyoid cousin, Daisy Flukes, to appeal to the fish fetishists in the audience.
“I remember thinking, when good liberals everywhere got convinced by Colin Powell’s presentation”
Really? Someone was convinced by that dog and pony show? Get outa town.
It’s easy to get played if you wish to get played.
I was being a bit too cute. Yep, the Bushies wanted it so bad. The Iranians just pushed them along. The reverse-Midas touch in action.
“I remember thinking, when good liberals everywhere got convinced by Colin Powell’s presentation”
I didn’t think the presentation was worth shit on its own. What gave some people comfort was that Powell was willing to give it. Facts? Compelling intelligence?
Not so much.
eh-hem- my brace of theories, to which I possess ownership of, that is to say which are mine-are mine……..
when good liberals everywhere got convinced
Once again it appears I’ve been a bad liberal. Bad! Bad liberal!
But… but… that vial of white powder…. those drawings!
I remember the fuckers covered up Guernica so as not to embarass the mendaceous monger of martial mayhem.
Also, at the risk of sounding like a horndog, Prime Minister Gillard is kinda foxy in a “chunky Jodie Foster” kinda way.
Tilda Swinton
I remember how quickly “WMD” became the biggest, scariest, baddest thing evar!
Conservatives were wetting themselves at “M.”
I remember how quickly “WMD” became the biggest, scariest, baddest thing evar!
Don’t forget the “model airplane” delivery systems.
Damn, those were stupid days… evil, stupid days.
Fucking regime, fucking media
This seems like a decent argument that could have been made by conservative Dems, though I guess they were too busy taking
the issue off the tablemoney from defense corporations, natural resource companies, and the Israel lobby.And the song remains the same.
So I guess I’ll change “good liberal” to “KaplanPost/CNN” liberal.
Basically I meant the opposite of what I said. Which only makes it that much more central to my point.
Yellow Cake from neejair.
Don’t forget the “model airplane” delivery systems.
Held together with duct tape.
It was also undermined when El Baradei showed up at the UN a couple days later and said, basically, that the whole yellocake thing was a fraud and transparent to anyone who actually bothered to look.
That was the last straw for me.
“I remember thinking, when good liberals everywhere got convinced by Colin Powell’s presentation”
Really? Someone was convinced by that dog and pony show? Get outa town.
Right? Srsly, 75% of this country lost their goddamn minds.
Incidentally, any time you’re in an argument with a “liberal,” ask them if they supported the Iraq
FYWP and tiny keyboard!
War. It usually shuts them down. It’s like Godwin for Democrats.
Who gives a fuck whether or not US (oh, I’m sorry, “Western”, or “UN”) armed attack actually makes the situation better?
We don’t have time to think all this stuff out! There’s people dying, and you freaks want to sit on your hands and moan ‘But what would a no-fly zone even do when people are getting shot by helicopters, not so much fighter jets?’ or ‘suddenly lots of Libyans will be able to be persuaded that it really was a foreign-backed coup to recolonize them!’
Look, we all ought to understand by now that THE SURGE (HALLOWED BE ITS NAME AND ITS ONLY BEGOTTEN FATHER SON GENERAL DAVID ANTONIUS JULIUS GAIUS PETRAEUS) fixed Iraq and now we know how to intervene in a third world nation the right way.
Once you know that, you just need to work yourself up into demanding that ‘something’ be done because something is better than nothing.
Only a bunch of Stalin-loving freaks who loved Pol Pot and had Saddam’s babies would think about these thinks carefully instead of trusting the miltiary leaders and the TV commentators and the government officials who assure us they know what they’re doing.
Yeah, when General My-Lai Coverup Functionary and Gulf War 1 victor started waving around his little shaker of garlic salt at the UN and this was treated as serious, it was another degree of fucked.
I was really shocked at the notion for one second — fuck the whole Joe Wilson visit as even necessary — that Saddam Hussein’s Iraq which had thousands and thousands of tons of low grade/ ‘yellowcake’ uranium but had never succeeded in processing it as would be necessary for weapons would suddenly need to go to Niger and buy hundreds of tons of shitty yellowcake uranium from a French-owned and run and guarded facility and have to haul the loot over land back to Iraq given the no-fly zone…
The fact that that scenario was taken seriously for even one tiny second was my indication that everyone was totally on board as the establishment always always always always always does when the Administration and hawks start ramping up for a war and saying how it’s necessary and for our safety or to save lives somewhere.
OFFS. My Emerson quote got caught in the filter.
My Mills quote was pelted with over-ripe tomatoes.
The fact that that scenario was taken seriously for even one tiny second was my indication that everyone was totally on board as the establishment always always always always always does when the Administration and hawks start ramping up for a war and saying how it’s necessary and for our safety or to save lives somewhere.
But… but… there was money to be made!!!
Ugh ugh ugh UGH. What a horrifying waste.
What a horrifying waste.
I know. It was a really good Mills quote.
I was convinced by Colin Powell’s presentation at the UN.
I was convinced that he had become another Bush administration lying sack of shit.
Of course, prior t the presentation I was convinced the whole idea was about oil. Powell did convince me it wasn’t not about oil.
I was convinced that he had become another Bush administration lying sack of shit.
Yeah. Buried under my sadness that we were rushing to a pointless war was a smaller sadness at seeing the ethical demise of a man I’d thought was decent.
Yeah, me too.
I think he could’ve been president if it weren’t for that.
I know. It was a really good Mills quote.
I’m not familiar with any of Heather Mills’ aphorisms.
This is almost admirable in its wingnuttiness.
That was so Not Nice. And I laughed so hard.
That was so Not Nice.
Have we met?
In fairness to America, I remember seeing polls that showed a majority against the war if the UN did not sign on. Although they were mostly unsure. The problem was their viewpoint was taken up on the tv by Janene Garafalo. Also Phil Donahue, who was fired.
Public opinion isn’t immutable, it can and usually is changed by elites, and when people see Daschle and Gephardt and Hillary, the leaders of the opposition party in favor of it, they think there must be a consensus. They didn’t even use neorealist Kissinger-type arguments, they just gave in completely. Just like now with Obama talking about the government needing to cut back like a family.
But enough with all this seriousness, shouldn’t we be talking about POOP?
That he agreed to work for Bush/Cheney in the first place told you all you needed to know about Powell. If his having risen to the top of the military didn’t tell you all you needed to know about him first.
That he agreed to work for Bush/Cheney in the first place told you all you needed to know about Powell.
Maybe. Decent people had worked for Repub administrations in the past (as a minority, of course) and the depths of depravity of B/C surprised a lot of people, including me. I disliked them intensely in 2000, but had no idea how much I’d come to hate them.
Have we met?
Well, not in person. It’s just that was a particularly good one.
That he agreed to work for Bush/Cheney in the first place told you all you needed to know about Powell. If his having risen to the top of the military didn’t tell you all you needed to know about him first.
Perhaps I was naive, but even though I didn’t think the man was a nice dude, I thought maybe he had a bit of integrity. Obviously not.
This is almost admirable in its wingnuttiness.
The mangoes Pam found are chicken-fried:
I hate the mentality of the KKK and the Arian Nation etc they are both ignorant and so repugnant in their behavior yet I am afraid these are the only white people left that will fight to be white.
You got fight for your right to be WHI-TEY!!!!
Holy crap, that racist, homophobic B.S. has been on the fucker’s blog since 22 Feb.
Somebody’s gonna have to have a talk with his webmaster.
I hate the mentality of the KKK and the Arian Nation
Arianism was declared heresy in 325! THIS IS NOT AN ARIAN NATION!
Ariannaism sold out to AOL this year.
B^4, I actually checked the original, and this is probably my favorite mango that Pam didn’t pick:
“Anyone remember Gomorrah not Gonorrhea but Gomorrah the city?”
I also like how she specifies that “indians” who own stores are from India. So you won’t think she’s so racist that she would refer to Native Americans as “Indians.”
Arianism was declared heresy in 325! THIS IS NOT AN ARIAN NATION!
Get all Carolingian on her ass!
Get all Carolingian on her ass!
Silver bells, silver bells
It’s hatred time in the city.
“Anyone remember Gomorrah not Gonorrhea but Gomorrah the city?”
Fuck, I thought she was talking about Gamera, the fire-breathing flying turtle.
Silver bells, silver bells
It’s hatred time in the city.
Heretics, roasting on an open fire…
I think I’ve asked this before, but what was the house specialty in Gomorrah? I know what it was in Sodom…
I think I’ve asked this before, but what was the house specialty in Gomorrah? I know what it was in Sodom…
Seeing that it was in the Levant, probably tabbouleh.
Sans tomato, of course, that fruit not having been invented at the time.
Holy crap, that racist, homophobic B.S. has been on the fucker’s blog since 22 Feb.
I think he supports what she says, not that it was an oversight.
what was the house specialty in Gomorrah
Box turtles, obviously.
So is this the “granny warrior” Linda Hunnicutt? The old lady who claims she was “radicalized” when government agents tried to take away her pet monkey, which she calls her “companion?” Who apparently has been convicted of bank and charity fraud, like any good, moral white person? Sounds like her. Anyway: dumb as a fucking post and an amoral cunt to boot, i.e. the perfect spokeshonky.
Sounds like her.
Wait, forrealz?
what was the house specialty in Gomorrah
her pet monkey, which she calls her “companion?”
Laura, is that you?
Nevermind, reading thread backwards – not recommended.
Google her and see for yourself, T. If she’s tired of watching her mouth it’s only because watching a constant geyser of feculent bilge must get pretty wearing.
The fact is, if you support Obama and liberals you are cheering for America to be destroyed. The Tea Party is the only hope for reclaiming USA.
Also, we should not give black people any more money to have babies.
a constant geyser of feculent bilge
I’ve been to that party. I did not refill my glass.
Argblargblargblarg –> WOLVERINES.
Google her and see for yourself, T.
I’m a little scared…
Magical Urethras. Good band name.
What the FUCK is wrong with white people???
sperm build-uplack of melanin.Not enough real slaves as demonstration items.
Don’t give Gooper preznitial candidates more bad ideas.
> Fuck, I thought she was talking about Gamera, the fire-breathing flying turtle.
Gamera is friend to all children…
*sings* Gamera is really neat. He is full of turtle meat
Man, I miss MST3K.
The nobly independent minded Officer Colin Powell in helping the public understand yet another issue vital to our national security.
A fucking liar kissup from the word go. It was tough, I’m sure, to have been one of a tiny few black servicemembers being promoted to higher ranks with more executive responsibilities. Apparently it’s worth not giving a shit about a bunch of peasants fucking slaughtered by some of the troops.
Growing a New Urethra
I was led to expect a gardening column.
Thanks, El Cid. It’s news to me, and that’s embarrassing.
You will recall Rumsfeld’s position that the real importance of Powell’s address to the Security Council was the opportunity it gave to launch a pre-emptive strike on Iraq while everyone’s attention was devoted to the last opening for peace.
If they actually wanted to teach something, shouldn’t they make the white rich kids inspected, so they know how degrading that feels? No, because the objective here is to make an excuse to pick on black kids because racism doesn’t exist. According to the comments, this is not the first time they did the project.
I would support a no-fly zone over Libya if it were enforced by Gamera.
Conservatives were wetting themselves at “M.”
I’ve noticed that. Rewarding, but doesn’t smell very nice.
What I actually would support, provided the provisional government of Tunisia could be bribed to agree, is a sizeable military ground presence on the Libya’s western border (near Zawiyah) well stocked with relief supplies and acting as a well-defended refugee camp.
Especially if it were defended by Gamera.
Conservatives were wetting themselves at “M.”
To be fair, it was Peter Lorre’s best and creepiest work.
To be fair…. anything should be supported that involves Gamera.
This is also why I think Godzilla should be in charge of Foreign Affairs… he seems like he’s seen it all.
A good number of years ago, Brian Lamb interviewed Arnaud de Borchgrave on C-span. During the interview, Borchgrave recounted an event which he said, at the time, actually shocked him: he had been invited to speak to the Heritage Foundation on a subject about which he knew a great deal, the Middle East. During his address, he commented that if the U.S. were to go to war with Iraq, then, before he could continue his thought, the Heritage audience suddenly burst into laughter. After he had finished his presentation, he circulated among the crowd and asked a group there why they had laughed when he mentioned war with Iraq. They explained to him that the decision to invade Iraq had already been made and they were laughing because they thought he was making a joke. Borchgrave said that this occurred a full year before the invasion.
A quick reminder to everyone who thought Powell was not necessarily the most evil bastard in the world:
They may not be openly sneering jerks like Undead Dick Cheney, but they are all exactly the same person.
Speaking of Godzilla, A magnitude 7.2 earthquake has hit northern Japan, shaking buildings in Tokyo.
History shows, ag …
Oy. Should probably be headed for bed, but
I hate the mentality of the KKK and the Arian Nation etc they are both ignorant and so repugnant in their behavior yet I am afraid these are the only white people left that will fight to be white.
I give you the reason Hitler came to power. Not the crazy activists who actually made up the Nazi Party, but the much greater mass of terrified, hysterical sheeple who rallied to him en masse to protect them from mortal threats to their race/culture/nation that existed only in their paranoid, delusional minds. Concern-trolls like the above are what turns the “ignorant but repugnant” people from fringe crackpots into real causes for concern.
That’s it. The old banality of evil, personified.
It’s Altmeade, isn’t it.
Thanks, El Cid. It’s news to me, and that’s embarrassing.
*phew* Now I don’t feel quite so dumb. I think…
So, the same sort of media narrative that surrounds JSiM surrounds Colin Powell, as well, despite what they’ve actually done? Hm. You’d think we fetishize militarism so much that anyone associated with the armed forces in any substantial way is a hero no matter what shit they’ve pulled…naaaaah, couldn’t be.
You’d think we fetishize militarism so much that anyone associated with the armed forces in any substantial way is a hero no matter what shit they’ve pulled…naaaaah, couldn’t be.
Funny, since my latest (aka 2nd) animation attempt is taking way longer than I hoped, I was just going to put something up about Ralph “Blood and Guts” Peters, a FAUX news favorite. (Ralph missed Vietnam because he was at Penn St., then joined up afterwards.)
a constant geyser of feculent bilge
I’ve been to that party. I did not refill my glass.”
Two girls, one bilge.
(Ralph missed Vietnam because he was at Penn St., then joined up afterwards.)
“I really wanted to go to Vietnam. I just couldn’t. Honest! I ran out of gas. I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Somebody stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!”
“Ralph! Did you hear? The war’s over!”
“Wait, really?”
Also too, Ralph’s positions on the Iraq war (“I’m looking for that civil war that the New York Times declared. And I just can’t find it…”) are truly a pleasure to read.
All set to go, but should I call it “Faster, Peterscat! Kill! Kill!” or “Psycho Peters, qu’est que c’est?”
Ralph Peters. What a lovely human being.
I used to collect articles and other stuff from the weeks after 9/11. Grim shit. Ralph was in his element back then and he popped up pretty often. One choice comment from September 12, quoted in the Washington Post:
“It’s time now to start talking about killing people.”
Even in that short little sentence, his excitement is obvious.
Wow – Peters would like the military to actively target journos. And kill captives. I wonder what other America Number1USA hero shit he would like to the military to perform?
Funny you should mention that, Snorghaven. It’s his stock in trade.
Faster, Peterscat! Kill! Kill!
Ralph Peters, from ittdgy’s link:
“… to keep the world… open to our cultural assault… we will do a fair amount of killing.”
Death to the foes of American Idol!
You will like our Union Carbide factories, or else!
It had as many deaths as in 9/11 but they were Indian so its cool. It was corporate Malfeasance anyways so look over there . . .
Lovely comments, gocart. I wonder how much better off this country would be if we’d kept Rupert Murdoch out of it?
Anywho, see y’alls on the flip side.
Gotta love Julia Gillard, she’s a Bulldog fan. I hear she was showing Obama how to play realfootball in the Oval Office. They were passing the Sherrin back and forth and almost knocked over a bust of Lincoln.
They were passing the Sherrin back and forth
Read “Sherm” there. Hee hee.
No More Mr. Nice Blog on the “MOOOSLIN!!!” cabbie.
And, managed to vote today w/o being reminded.
I remember being called a communist and a traitor and all such garbage as I argued against the idiocy of invading Iraq. I was really, really hoping that Obama would bring Scott Ritter into his administration when he got elected. There was a dude who was right about everything in the lead up to the war and got totally reamed by the media and the Republicans. He continued to be right about everything after the invasion. He really knows and understands the history and the peoples of the Middle East and would be a tremendous asset as a consultant on foreign policy for that area.
Read “Sherm” there. Hee hee.
No, definitely Sherrin
I hear she was showing Obama how to play real football in the Oval Office.
It was at this point that a tragic misunderstanding led to an escalating sequence of events that culminated in the end of civilisation. Hilarity ensued.
Threado, the OVAL office too. Watch the Big Man fly!!!
OK, definitely not a Sherm, then.
I get you. Coincidence? Or …
Pajamas Media being Pajamas Media:
Shorter Patrick Poole: if Muslims weren’t guilty, Congress wouldn’t investigate them! QED.
Shorter Dan Miller: now that Teddy Roosevelt’s been dead for decades, we feel comfortable idolizing him as the good kind of “progressive.”
There was a dude who was right about everything in the lead up to the war and got totally reamed by the media and the Republicans. He continued to be right about everything after the invasion. He really knows and understands the history and the peoples of the Middle East and would be a tremendous asset as a consultant on foreign policy for that area.
Well, we can’t have that, buddy. The dude was clearly “reflexively anti-Bush.”
Hilarity ensued.
No, she lost in the primaries.
Arianism was declared heresy in 325! THIS IS NOT AN ARIAN NATION!
And that’s another thing! Why are they only defending the Arians? Will no one speak up in defense of the Pelagians? Are there no strong men of goodwill willing to sacrifice on behalf of the Cathars?
War: what is it good for? Well, I’ll tell you.
So Iraq serves as a dire warning to Them… can it serve as a dire warning to Us as well? About Freedom Bombs for starters and if we want to get more ambitious, about war generally?
I was really, really hoping that Obama would bring Scott Ritter into his administration when he got elected.
Me too, but now I’m glad he didn’t.
Guess what? The HUAC sixty-year reunion currently investigating “the radicalization of American Muslims” appears to be chaired by an energetic, lifelong supporter of the IRA.
That’s ironic enough in and of itself. Now throw in the IRA’s ties to al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and the Taliban, indignantly affirmed by PJTV last autumn.
I really don’t know where we’d be if the GOP wasn’t so tough on terrorism.
From Ruth Marcus in Kaplan Today:
At the same time, it is a parody of political correctness to argue that a hearing on domestic terrorism cannot focus solely on the Muslim community to be acceptable.
Hey, I cain’t help but bring up food again. I’ve been reading Mark Bittman’s column regularly and its great. I’m not going to provide a link, however, because I’m an asshole.
Mark Bittman is the shiz.
At the same time, it is a parody of political correctness to argue that a hearing on domestic terrorism cannot focus solely on the Muslim community to be acceptable.
Yeah, cause Giffords, the Tides Foundation, the Holocaust Museum, the death threats to the White House that shot up several hundred percent the minute Obama walked in… all Muslims, every one. Right.
Anne Applebaum turned me into a newt!
“From Ruth Marcus in Kaplan Today:”
My feeling that ruth Marcus may be an asshole of goatse-like proportions confirmed.
I am also an asshole, but here’s the Bittman link anyway
At the same time, it is a parody of political correctness to argue that a hearing on domestic terrorism cannot focus solely on the Muslim community to be acceptable.
You know what? I’m actually OK with King’s hearing. It’s a juicy opportunity for him to let fly with “they” commentary that will guarantee the swelling Hindu and Muslim population of his district will vote his sorry ass out next year and condemn him to a life of eating in shitty Italian restaurants in Rockville Centre*
*where I was forced to sit and listen to him lecture a table of friends and family last year, said dinner saved only by the fact my companion flashed her tits at me before I walked over and got my picture on the front page of the NY Post as a terrorist.
@AnneApplebaum: #winning….NOT!
How has he kept winning all these years?
“Me too, but now I’m glad he didn’t.”
Shoot. That’s really disappointing. Stupid.
Me too, but now I’m glad he didn’t
I remember reading about him being arrested some years ago. At the time there were no details given and I had a strong suspicion that it was a set up. But after reading your link, I’m afraid it does not look good.
Shoot. That’s really disappointing. Stupid.
As Thread Bear said, I think it’s an ongoing problem for him, so I don’t know if it’s so much stupid as creepy.
That’s Powell and Ritter down for the count. Next you’re gonna tell me that there’s a deep dark secret in the past of Charlie Sheen.
Charlie Sheen? That name sounds familiar, but I just can’t place it.
Next you’re gonna tell me that there’s a deep dark secret in the past of Charlie Sheen.
I installed that on my browser at home last night. Seriously, if I never hear about Charlie fucking Sheen EVER FUCKING AGAIN, it will be too soon.
Of course, I’m not getting about 2/3s of the jokes on the internet right now, but that’s really okay with me.
Charlie Sheen? That name sounds familiar, but I just can’t place it.
Brevity is the soul of wit. I should learn that.
Brevity is the soul of
Just testing.
Jesus Christ.
See? You’d be in a better mood if you blocked the real news and read about Charlie Sheen.
I was convinced by Colin Powell’s presentation at the UN.
I was convinced that he had become another Bush administration lying sack of shit.
i remember being very, very sad because of this…
Yeah. Buried under my sadness that we were rushing to a pointless war was a smaller sadness at seeing the ethical demise of a man I’d thought was decent.
…aaaand once again, n_b nailed it before i read it…
…aaaand once again, n_b nailed it before i read it…
There are advantages to having the attention span of a fruit fly. [L&O bong-bong] These are my stories.
More news from Mordor. Senate Majority ummm..
See? You’d be in a better mood if you blocked the real news and read about Charlie Sheen.
Not a whole hell of a lot. He’s a disgusting, misogynist prick and just looking at his face makes me want to hit things.
Of course, he didn’t condemn a family to months of suffering and a baby to a 15-minute life of discomfort (at BEST). So, there’s that.
More news from Mordor. Senate Majority ummm..
Well, being an abusive fuck didn’t stop Charlie Sheen from being successful…
Well, being an abusive fuck didn’t stop Charlie Sheen from being successful…
Sure. CBS is going to have a sitcom about the AZ State Senate called “Thirty Half-Men.”
There are advantages to having the attention span of a fruit fly.
buzzzz, New!
King keeps winning because of incumbency and too many white people in his district:
And too many of those whites are Christians including a high concentration of wingnutty cop and fireman types which, along with high death totals within the district, led to a severe 9/11 hangover. King’s district went for Gore by 8 points but then went for Bush by 5 points in 04 and then for McCain by the same margin in 08. 9/11 caused his district to lose its mind and that’s why King is doing what he’s doing.
And since I’ve now got Groucho’s voice echoing in my skull: Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
too many white people in his district:
Only dark muslim people do acts of domestic terrorism, not white non-muslims.
First learned of this story via Substance’s blog, but I really love Wonkette’s take on it. I can’t believe this walking penis with his big ugly nose is pulling this shit again. Why isn’t anyone allowed to tell the truth about the teatards?
A bill allowing a teatard license plate has passed Mordors Senate.
SB 1610: Would make the Colt Single Action Army Revolver the state firearm.
I hope Fenwick hasn’t vanished over our disagreement about teh NFZ thing. Anyways, in his stead, here’s a snippet from teh Libya reportage.
Az Zawiyah is west of Tripoli and was in rebel hands until this week-end when pro-Gaddafi troops started rolling in with tanks and heavy artillery. It’s been shelled for five days straight – escalating in intensity the entire time. Today, Gaddafi decided that it was finally safe for journalists to visit. Well, actually only kinda sorta. Possibly something to do with regime casualties. Anyways, the road trip is finally back on. For now – since other reports indicate that the shelling is still going on.
According to teh wacky-weedia, Zawiyah was the fourth largest city in Libya with a population in the six figure range. That’s a heckuva lotta earth to scorch.
Unlike the vagina, nature put a tight sphincter at the entrance of the anus. It’s there for a reason. Keep out!
When I was a wee lad I was a champion Bible Quizzer. What is Bible Quizzing, I imagine you asking (since I hear only uncomfortable shuffling). Well, it’s like Jeopardy, only the answers aren’t in the form of a question and the buzzer is built into your chair and must be activated with your ass.
Anyhow, one time the question was, “What were the cities of the plain?” and I jumped up and proudly shouted, “Sodomy and Gonorrhea!” And I’ve been hellbound ever since.
Breaking news: Broderella just died.
I haven’t been this sad since Novakula passed.
Unlike the vagina, nature put a tight sphincter at the entrance of the anus. It’s there for a reason. Keep out!
“‘This is not the Bible,’ he said. ‘This is science.'”
Zawiyah is important because:
1. It was the home of over a hundred thousand people;
2. It’s only about 30 miles from Tripoli making it vital for the regime to put down;
3. Separated as they were from Benghazi, the rebels in Zawiyah are/were effectively a separate group;
4. The shortest route for people fleeing Tripoli is westward, meaning if you could avoid the open clashes – Zawiyah was on the fastest escape route out of Libya;
5. Current reports are that the Zawiyah offensive has occupied 50 tanks and 150 other armoured vehicles. These are regime forces that weren’t making their way into eastern Libya.
Probably a bunch of other reasons too, but as I’ve mentioned before – this is not my area of expertise.
Okay, guys. Totally off-topic and self-centered.
I’ve decided I fucking hate Google Reader. Any suggestions for alternatives?
I like to keep everything super-organized so that I can either read stuff chronologically or by folder (I subscribe to a SHITLOAD of blogs). Oh, and it needs to be streamlined enough that I can use it on my netbook while it’s tethered to my phone without serious lag/crashing the browser.
Google Reader does incorporate my podcasts, which is nice because…well, it’s a long story. It’d be cool if I could import those as well, but if not, I’ll stick to Google Reader for them.
Whew Maximus, that’s some true crazy! I think she has some repressed interest in the anals of history.
Breaking news: Broderella just died.
After a respectful mourning period of 30 seconds we will commence discussions on the next Dean of the Washington Press Corps.
Breaking news: Broderella just died.
For some reason, I never expected him to die ever.
Just saw this on Twitter: “Safe home David Broder, the best political columnist of this or any other generation.”
Lolwut? I know the dude’s dead, but there’s really no reason to lie about him.
My nickname for my super-organiziation is “In the House Somewhere”.
I say we chop him in two and bury half on one side of the cemetery and half on the other.
Dry your tears. ZRBroder will live on in syndication Twilight. He will be as relevant as ever.
Unlike the vagina, nature put a tight sphincter at the entrance of the anus. It’s there for a reason. Keep out!
Or as I like to call it, “nature’s love fist”
My kind of thread. Broderella and tight sphincters. It eerily all makes sense.
Dry your tears. ZRBroder will live on in syndication Twilight. He will be as relevant as ever.
They can just keep reprinting this.
Then why call it an entrance, hmmm?
Then why call it an entrance, hmmm?
It’s entrancing?
Lord. People have been putting their penises in weird things (and weird things in their vaginae) since they’ve had them. What some douchebag views as “natural” is really not relevant.
It may seem perverse to suggest that, at the very moment the undertaker is filling my lifeless body with embalming fluids, I am poised for a comeback. But don’t be astonished if that is the case.
This lady makes me never want to have sex–of any kind–again. Or, I don’t know….maybe just have loads and loads of sex just to spite her. What’s funny is that she is ACTUALLY dressed just like the Church Lady.
Unlike the vagina, nature put a tight sphincter at the entrance of the anus. It’s there for a reason. Keep out!
Someone needs to send her the goatse link!
It’s there for a reason. Keep out!
So she’s into proctoscope by deep throat?! Cool, I wanna watch!
Nobody wants to penetrate your sphincter, lady.
And the hamsters stole preview?
His plan declares an immediate end (with no projected restoration) to the founding principle of our democracy:
so he wants to abort the government?
I hope Fenwick hasn’t vanished over our disagreement about teh NFZ thing
i believe your strongly worded replies may have put him off…you could always ask his mom…oh, wait he didn’t like that either…
nature put a tight sphincter at the entrance of the anus.
Nature provided the sphincter; personality provided the tightness.
gotta pee.
Can I just say what a relief to find somebody who truly knows what they are
talking about on the web. You actually know how to bring a problem to
light and make it important. More and more people should check this out and understand
this side of the story. I can’t believe you’re not more popular given
that you certainly have the gift.